Hindlimb suspension (HLS) elicits muscle atrophy, oxidative stress, and apoptosis in skeletal muscle. Increases in oxidative stress can have detrimental effects on muscle mass and function, and it can potentially lead to myonuclear apoptosis. Resveratrol is a naturally occurring polyphenol possessing both antioxidant and antiaging properties. To analyze the capacity of resveratrol to attenuate oxidative stress, apoptosis and muscle force loss were measured following 14 days of HLS. Young (6 mo) and old (34 mo) rats were administered either 12.5 mg·kg−1·day−1 of trans-resveratrol, or 0.1% carboxymethylcellulose for 21 days, including 14 days of HLS. HLS induced a significant decrease in plantarflexor isometric force, but resveratrol blunted this loss in old animals. Resveratrol increased gastrocnemius catalase activity, MnSOD activity, and MnSOD protein content following HLS. Resveratrol reduced hydrogen peroxide and lipid peroxidation levels in muscles from old animals after HLS. Caspase 9 abundance was reduced and Bcl-2 was increased, but other apoptotic markers were not affected by resveratrol in the gastrocnemius muscle after HLS. The data indicate that resveratrol has a protective effect against oxidative stress and muscle force loss in old HLS animals; however, resveratrol was unable to attenuate apoptosis following HLS. These results suggest that resveratrol has the potential to be an effective therapeutic agent to treat muscle functional decrements via improving the redox status associated with disuse.
Keywords: oxidative stress, apoptosis, hindlimb suspension, aging
both advanced age and skeletal muscle disuse are associated with atrophy and an increased production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in skeletal muscle (30), leading to an augmented oxidant load. Oxidative stress occurs when an increase in oxidant production exceeds an organisms' capacity to buffer them, via a complex coordination of the endogenous antioxidant defense system. During extended periods of oxidative stress, there is an eventual loss of cellular integrity mitigated by the oxidation of lipids (32), proteins (29), and nucleic acids (21), promoting a cycle of increased oxidant production. This results in elevated levels of oxidative damage, which limits both the cellular repair system and the enzymatic antioxidant defense system (16). The exact mechanisms by which oxidative stress acts as a potentiator of muscle atrophy are largely unknown; however, several links between oxidative stress and atrophy have been postulated (35).
Oxidative stress is upstream of apoptotic signaling in muscle cells in vitro (49), and results in the initiation of the intrinsic mitochondrial apoptotic pathway. Of particular interest in the current study was to determine whether redox-sensitive apoptotic signaling (52) could be suppressed by resveratrol administration during experimentally induced muscle disuse. This is an important area of inquiry, because myonuclei undergo apoptosis during muscle disuse (45, 47), and this is thought to contribute to fiber atrophy, especially in aging muscles (5). Likewise, muscle disuse is associated with increases in oxidative stress (1, 30), presumably mediated through mitochondrial dysfunction via ROS production and the regulation of the apoptotic pathway (2, 20, 47).
Antioxidant supplementation has been shown to be an effective countermeasure to combat oxidative stress in a wide variety of tissue types and conditions (9, 36), and it is speculated that this might be an approach to reduce muscle wasting associated with both disuse (43) and aging (9). Resveratrol (3, 5,4,trihydroxystilbene) is a naturally occurring polyphenol found in more than 70 plant species, including grapes, peanuts, and mulberries (7). Resveratrol has gained popularity over the past decade due to its potent antioxidant and antiaging properties (27, 39). Recent studies have shown resveratrol to have positive effects on the outcomes of pathological conditions such as cancer (8), chronic inflammation (22), and neurodegenerative diseases (40). Specifically, resveratrol has been shown to mediate cardiomyocyte survival following simulated hypoxia/reperfusion by upregulating both the antioxidant thioredoxin and the anti-apoptotic protein Bcl-2 (6, 12), thus underscoring its potential to act as both an antioxidant and antiapoptotic compound. Likewise, in a recent study in PC12 cells exposed to hydroxynonenal, an oxidizing byproduct of lipid peroxidation, pretreatment with resveratrol decreased the amount of the proapoptotic Bax protein, decreased caspase 3 activity, and increased the amount of antiapoptotic Bcl-2 protein conferring complete protection against oxidative stress and apoptotic signaling (44). Additionally, recent data suggest that resveratrol induces the transcription of two key antioxidant enzymes, catalase (11, 24), and MnSOD (38, 39, 42). Furthermore, a recent study in our laboratory found acute dietary supplementation with resveratrol to effectively reduce indices of oxidative stress in repetitively loaded skeletal muscles, presumably through the upregulation of antioxidant enzymes, including MnSOD, an important mitochondrial antioxidant in muscles from both young and old animals (42). The efficacy of acute resveratrol administration has been established for several pathological conditions; however, the use of chronic resveratrol administration as a countermeasure to prevent muscle loss caused by disuse has not been established.
Therefore, the primary aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of a daily moderate dose of resveratrol to ameliorate oxidative stress and subsequent myonuclear apoptosis induced by skeletal muscle disuse in both young and old animals. In the present investigation, it was hypothesized that resveratrol would reduce the indices of hindlimb suspension (HLS)-induced oxidative stress in skeletal muscle and thus lessen the potential for downstream apoptotic signaling and subsequent muscle atrophy stemming from myonuclear loss. Furthermore, it was hypothesized that resveratrol administration would preserve muscle function following HLS by both preserving muscle mass during the HLS protocol and providing a more favorable redox environment.
All experiments were conducted on young adult (6 mo) and old (34 mo) Fischer Brown Norway × 344 male rats. The animals were obtained from the National Institute of Aging colony house at Harlan (Indianapolis, IN) and kept in pathogen-free conditions at ∼20°C, on a reversed 12:12-h light cycle. All experimental procedures carried approval from the Institutional Animal Use and Care Committee from West Virginia University School of Medicine. The animal care standards followed the recommendations for the care of laboratory animals as advocated by the American Association for Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care (AAALAC) and fully conformed to the American Physiological Society's “Guiding Principles for Research Involving Animals and Human Beings.
Hindlimb suspension.
The hindlimb suspension technique employed in the current study is a modification of the technique originally described by Morey-Holton and Globus (28). This method allows for an even load distribution on the tail, permits the animals with 360° of movement around the cage, and assures that the forelimbs maintain contact with a grid floor, allowing the animals to move and access food and water freely as previously described (47, 48). Briefly, orthopedic tape was applied along the proximal one-third of the tail, then placed through a wire harness that is attached to a swivel placed at the top of a specially designed hindlimb suspension cage. Sterile gauze was then wrapped around the orthopedic tape and was subsequently covered with a thermoplastic material, which formed a hardened cast (Vet-Lite; Veterinary Specialty Products, Boca Raton, FL). The distal tip of the tail was examined daily to verify that the procedure did not occlude blood flow to the tail. The suspension height was adjusted to prevent the animal's hindlimbs from touching any supportive surface, with care taken to maintain a suspension angle that did not exceed 30°. Weight-bearing control animals were allowed to ambulate freely in their cages.
Experimental protocol.
Prior to commencement of the experimental protocol, all animals went through a 7-day acclimation period, which included the daily oral gavage of 1 ml of distilled H2O. Animals were hindlimb suspended for 14 days. Seven days preceding suspension and continuing throughout the suspension protocol, all animals received either 1 ml of 0.1% carboxymethylcellulose dissolved in deionized water, or 1 mg of trans-resveratrol suspended in 1 ml of 0.1% carboxymethylcellulose. Resveratrol was purchased from Orchid Pharmaceuticals (Tamil Nadu, India). The resulting solutions were administered via oral gavage at a dose of 12.5 mg·kg−1·day−1, for a total of 21 days. This dosage was chosen to provide a low-to-moderate daily dose of resveratrol that would have the potential to be therapeutic but would not be high enough to be proapoptotic, as can be seen with higher doses of resveratrol (15). Age-matched, nonsuspended animals served as weight-bearing controls (Fig. 1).
Force analysis.
Pre- and post-HLS force measurements were assessed in anesthetized animals using a custom-built rat dynamometer (10, 41). The rat was placed supine on a heated X-Y positioning table of the rodent dynamometer, and anesthesia was induced with 5% isoflurane. Anesthesia was maintained in the animals over the duration of the experiment with 2% isoflurane. The left foot was secured to the footplate at an ankle angle of 90°, and the knee was braced to ensure that forces were transmitted to the footplate. Vertical forces applied to the aluminum sleeve fitted over the dorsum of the foot were translated to a load cell transducer in the load cell fixture on the footplate. Platinum-stimulating electrodes (Grass Medical Instruments, Quincy, MA) were inserted subcutaneously to span the tibial nerve in the popliteal fossa. The maximal isometric force of the plantar flexor muscle group was evaluated by stimulating the tibial nerve using supramaximal square wave pulses at 100 Hz for a duration of 1,000 ms using a SD9 stimulator (Grass Medical Instruments, Quincy, MA). The voltage used in these experiments was 10% greater than the voltage required to obtain maximal force production. Maximal force was determined off-line via custom Labview-based software (10). The maximal forces for three isometric contractions were averaged for each data point. These in vivo force records were obtained before and after HLS. The percent in force loss with HLS was obtained by comparing the average pre-HLS force record with the post-HLS force record.
Muscle preparation.
Immediately following the last contraction, the gastrocnemius muscle was dissected from both limbs, weighed, and snap frozen. To eliminate the possibility that the isometric muscle function tests could acutely affect measurements of oxidative stress, the gastrocnemius muscle from the limb that was not evaluated for muscle function (the right limb) was used for analysis of oxidative enzyme activities, oxidative stress, and apoptotic indices. The animals were then euthanized by removing the heart.
Protein isolation.
Seventy-five micrograms of gastrocnemius muscle from each animal was homogenized in RIPA buffer (1% Triton X-100, 150 mM NaCl, 5 mM EDTA, 10 mM Tris; pH: 7.4) for assessment of protein expression, caspase activity, and cell death as measures by an ELISA. For all oxidative enzyme activity assays and/or redox status assessments, muscle samples were homogenized in either PBS, or the kit-specific buffer provided by the manufacturer. Muscle samples were homogenized in 500 μl of the appropriate ice-cold lysis buffer using a mechanical homogenizer. Muscle homogenates were centrifuged at 1,000 g for 5 min at 4°C. The resulting supernatant was collected and divided into two portions and frozen at −80°C either with, or without a protease inhibitor cocktail containing (in mM) 104 4-[2-aminoethyl]-benzenesulfonyl fluoride hydrochloride, 0.8 aprotinin, 2 leupeptin, 4 bestatin, 1.5 pepstatin A, and 1.4 E-64 (Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO) added to it. Protein concentrations for each sample were determined in duplicate using the DC protein assay kit (Bio-Rad, Hercules, CA).
Catalase activity.
The activity of catalase was determined in gastrocnemius muscle homogenates using a commercially available kit (no. 707002 Cayman Chemical, Ann Arbor, MI), as described previously in our laboratory (42). The samples were read on a microplate reader (DYNEX Technologies, Chantilly VA) at an absorbance of 520 nm. All analyses were measured in duplicate, and the samples were normalized to micrograms of protein per microliter of muscle homogenate.
Manganese superoxide dismutase and copper-zinc superoxide dismutase activity levels.
Superoxide dismutase activity was measured in gastrocnemius muscle homogenate using a colorimetric enzyme activity kit (Cayman Chemical Ann Arbor, MI) following the manufacturer's guidelines. Both total SOD activity and manganese superoxide dismutase (MnSOD) activity were obtained. Copper-zinc superoxide dismutase (CuZnSOD) activity was determined by subtracting MnSOD activity from total SOD activity. The assay was performed with slight modifications to the manufacturer's directions. All analyses were measured in duplicate, and the samples were normalized to micrograms of protein per microliter of muscle homogenate, as described previously by our laboratory (16). Briefly, muscle samples were homogenized in 20 mM HEPES buffer, containing 1mM EGTA, 210 mM mannitol, and 70 mM sucrose, and centrifuged at 1,000 g for 10 min. Fifty microliters of the resulting supernatant was incubated either with, or without, 12 mM potassium cyanide to inhibit CuZnSOD and extracellular SOD activity. The sample absorbance was measured at 450 nm using a 96-well plate reader (DYNEX Technologies).
The protein content of the oxidative enzymes catalase, CuZnSOD, and MnSOD, as well as the apoptotic markers Bax and Bcl-2, were assessed in gastrocnemius muscle homogenates. Either β-tubulin, or GAPDH, was used as loading controls. Although most blots were probed with β-tubulin, GAPDH was used as a loading control for blots in which we probed for Bax, because we had intended on also measuring apoptosis-inducing factor (AIF) on the same blot, because AIF and Bax run at different molecular weights. However, AIF runs at a similar molecular weight as β-tubulin (data not shown) and therefore, we could not use β-tubulin as the loading control for these blots. Thirty to forty micrograms of protein were loaded into each well of a 4–12% gradient polyacrylamide gel (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA) and separated by routine SDS-PAGE for 1.5 h at 20°C, followed by transfer to a nitrocellulose membrane for 70 min at 35 V. All membranes were blocked in 5% nonfat milk (NFM) for 1 h at room temperature. The membranes were then incubated overnight at 4°C in the appropriate primary antibodies. Primary antibodies were diluted in Tris-buffered saline, with 0.1% Tween-20 (TBST) and 10% sodium azide. Membranes were then washed in 0.05% TBST followed by incubation in the appropriate dilutions of secondary antibodies (diluted in 5% NFM in TBST) conjugated to horseradish peroxidase. The signals were developed using a chemiluminescent substrate (Lumigen TMA-6; Lumigen, Southfield, MI) and visualized by exposing the membranes to X-ray films (BioMax MS-1; Eastman Kodak, Rochester, NY). Digital records were captured by a Kodak 290 camera, and protein bands were quantified using one-dimensional analysis software (Eastman Kodak). Bands were quantified as optical density × band area and expressed in arbitrary units relative to the loading control bands.
Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) content.
H2O2 content in gastrocnemius muscle homogenate was measured using a fluorescent assay according to the manufacturer's recommendations (Cell Technology, Mountain View, CA). Briefly, 50 μl of control, unknown muscle samples, or H2O2 standards were mixed with 50 μl of the reaction cocktail provided in the kit and added to each well to initiate the reaction. The plate was then incubated in the dark for 10 min at room temperature. The intensity of the fluorescent signal was detected using an excitation wavelength of 530 nm and an emission wavelength of 590 nm. A linear regression was performed by plotting the resultant fluorescent intensities from the known standards, and subsequently, the unknown samples were fit to the corresponding linear equation. All analyses were measured in duplicate, and the samples were normalized to micrograms of protein per microliter of muscle homogenate as determined by the DC Protein Assay Kit (Bio-Rad).
Lipid peroxidation.
Malondialdehyde (MDA) and 4-hydroxyalkenals (HAE) were assessed with reagents from Oxis International (BIOXYTECH LPO-586). Approximately 100 mg of gastrocnemius muscle was homogenized in 750 μl of ice-cold buffer containing PBS (20 mM, pH 7.4), and 5 μl of 0.5 M butylated hydroxytoluene in acetonitrile per 1 ml of tissue homogenate. Assay reagents were added following the manufacturer's recommendations. Briefly, the muscle homogenate was centrifuged at 3,000 g at 4°C for 10 min, and subsequently, the supernatant was used to assess lipid peroxidation. The sample was incubated in the proper reagents at 45°C for 60 min, and then centrifuged at 15,000 g for 10 min. The absorbance of the resulting supernatant was read at 586 nm. All analyses were measured in duplicate, and the samples were normalized to micrograms of protein per microliter of muscle homogenate, as determined by the DC Protein Assay Kit (Bio-Rad).
Caspase activity.
The proteolytic activity of caspase 9 and 3 was assessed with a fluorometric activity assay using the commercially available substrates, AC VDVAD-AFC and AC-DEVD-AFC (Alexis Biochemical, San Diego, CA), respectively. Briefly, 50 μl of caspase activity buffer (50 mM PIPES, 0.1 mM EDTA, 10% glycerol, 1 mM DTT) was added to each well of a 96-well fluorescent microplate (Thermo Fisher Scientific). Subsequently, 50 μl of gastrocnemius muscle homogenate and 10 μl of the appropriate caspase substrate (1 mM) were added to each well. Caspase activity was determined by measuring fluorescent intensity using a fluorescent microplate reader at an excitation of 400 nm and an emission of 505 nm. The microplate was incubated at 37°C for 2 h with caspase activity determined by subtracting the OD readings at 2 h from the initial reading, to eliminate any background fluorescence that was not mediated by caspase activity. All analyses were measured in duplicate, and the samples were normalized to micrgrams of protein per microliter of muscle homogenate, as determined by the DC protein assay kit (Bio-Rad).
Cell-death ELISA assay.
A commercially available ELISA kit (cell death detection ELISA; Roche Diagnostics, Indianapolis, IN) was used to quantify DNA fragmentation in gastrocnemius muscle homogenate. Briefly, the wells of a 96-well plate were coated with a primary antihistone mouse monoclonal antibody. Following the addition of 100 μl of muscle homogenate, a secondary anti-DNA mouse monoclonal antibody coupled to peroxidase was added to each well. The substrate, 2,2′-azino-di-(3-ethylbenzthiazoline sulfonate) (ABST) was used to photometrically determine the amount of peroxidase retained in the immunocomplex. The colorimetric change of each well was determined at a wavelength of 405 nm using a Dynex MRX plate reader and computer software (Revelation; Dynatech Laboratories, Foster City, CA). All analyses were measured in duplicate, and the samples were normalized to micrgrams of protein per microliter of muscle homogenate, as determined by the DC protein assay kit (Bio-Rad). The resulting OD was recorded as the apoptotic index (OD405/mg protein). This assay measures DNA fragmentation in myonuclei, satellite cells, and nonmuscle cell nuclei. However, because DNA fragmentation as determined by this ELISA is directly proportional to TUNEL identification of apoptotic muscle nuclei in old rat muscle after hindlimb suspension (33), the data obtained in the ELISA assay are a reasonable indicator of the apoptotic environment in skeletal muscle of the experimental animals.
Statistical analyses were performed using the SPSS 13.0 software package (SPSS, Chicago, IL). A multiple ANOVA was used to examine differences between age, suspension, and supplementation. Tukey's post hoc analyses were performed to protect against type 1 errors. Where appropriate, Student's t-tests were implemented to evaluate paired comparisons. Statistical significance was accepted at P ≤ .05. Data are reported as means ± SE.
Body weight.
Resveratrol was unable to suppress the body weight loss associated with HLS. All animals were weighed prior to the experimental protocol and immediately before euthanasia (Table 1). Older animals were significantly heavier than young animals (460 ± 38 g vs. 548 ± 39 g; P ≤ 0.05). Young vehicle control suspended (YVCS) animals lost ∼15% of their body weight during the 14-day suspension protocol, while old vehicle control suspended (OVCS) animals lost ∼13.5% of their body weight during the 14-day suspension protocol. There was no significant effect of resveratrol administration on the body weight of young vehicle control (YVC), YVCS, old vehicle control (OVC), or old OVCS animals. There was no significant difference in the percentage of total body weight lost during the 21-day experimental protocol when comparing groups of HLS animals (Table 1).
Table 1.
PreHLS BW, g | PostHLS BW, g | %ΔBW | |
YVC | 470 ± 15.1 | 467 ± 23 | >1% |
YVCS | 451 ± 41 | 382 ± 30** | −15% ±4% |
YRC | 464 ± 55 | 465 ± 45 | >1% |
YRS | 455 ± 43 | 383 ± 34** | −16% ±3% |
OVC | 516 ± 38 | 519 ± 33# | >1% |
OVCS | 541 ± 39 | 478 ± 32** | −12% ±4% |
ORC | 567 ± 25 | 566 ± 24# | >1% |
ORS | 565 ± 55 | 471 ± 59** | −15% ±3% |
Animals were weighed before and after hindlimb suspension (HLS). Body weights (BW) are represented in grams (g) and as percent changes (%Δ) in body weights during the 21-day experimental protocol. YVC, young vehicle control; YVCS, young vehicle control suspended; YRC, young resveratrol control; YRS, young resveratrol suspended; OVC, old vehicle control; OVCS, old vehicle control suspended; ORC, old resveratrol control; ORS, old resveratrol suspended.
Significantly difference (P ≤ 0.05) between nonsuspended treatment matched control (suspension effect).
Significantly different than young treatment matched (aging effect).
CuZnSOD enzyme activity and protein content.
Both aging and HLS significantly increased the activity of CuZnSOD in gastrocnemius muscles, but this was not affected by resveratrol. CuZnSOD activity was significantly increased in gastrocnemius muscles from old animals compared with gastrocnemius muscles from young animals (0.083 ± .007 vs. 0.055 ± 0.002 U·ml−1·mg−1; P ≤ 0.05), resveratrol administration did not alter CuZnSOD further with aging (Fig. 2A). HLS increased CuZnSOD activity in gastrocnemius muscles from both young and old animals regardless of resveratrol administration. There was no change in CuZnSOD protein content in the gastrocnemius muscle from any treatment, or age group (Fig. 2B). Resveratrol increased CuZnSOD activity (Fig. 2A) but not CuZnSOD content (Fig. 2B) in control muscles from old animals.
MnSOD enzyme activity and protein content.
MnSOD activity was increased by aging and resveratrol in control muscles of old animals. While HLS decreased MnSOD activity, MnSOD activity in resveratrol-treated muscles after HLS was elevated over the control muscles of old rats. Relative to young animals, MnSOD activity was 78% greater (P ≤ 0.05) in vehicle control old animals, and resveratrol administration further increased MnSOD activity in old nonsuspended animals by an additional ∼20% (P ≤ 0.05), (Fig. 2C). HLS had no effect on MnSOD activity in young animals; however, HLS significantly reduced MnSOD activity in old vehicle control animals by ∼23% (20.3 ± 1.7 vs. 14.6 ± 0.98 U·ml−1·mg−1, P ≤ 0.05), resveratrol administration was able to completely abolish the decrease in activity seen with HLS. There was no aging effect on MnSOD protein content in nonsuspended animals; however, similar to activity levels, MnSOD protein content was significantly reduced in old suspended animals (Fig. 2D). Furthermore, resveratrol administration mitigated the effects of HLS on MnSOD protein content.
Catalase activity and protein content.
Resveratrol increased catalase activity in control muscles of old rats. Catalase activity significantly increased with aging in gastrocnemius muscles from both vehicle control animals and animals that were administered resveratrol (P ≤ 0.05) compared with young adult animals (Fig. 2E). Furthermore, gastrocnemius muscles from old non-HLS animals who received resveratrol had higher catalase activity than old non-HLS vehicle controls (6.14 ± 0.61 vs. 8.56 ± 0.81 mU activity/mg protein, P ≤ 0.05). HLS had no significant effect on catalase activity in either age group, and resveratrol administration showed no further increase in catalase activity following HLS. Catalase protein content increased with HLS in both young and old animals (Fig. 2F). Resveratrol further augmented catalase protein abundance in young HLS animals and old nonsuspended animals.
Hydrogen peroxide concentrations.
Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) was assessed in gastrocnemius muscle homogenates as an indicator of oxidant load during aging and HLS. Aging and HLS increased H2O2 levels in gastrocnemius muscles of old rats, but resveratrol suppressed this increase in H2O2 content. H2O2 levels were approximately three-fold higher (P ≤ 0.05) in gastrocnemius muscles from old animals compared with gastrocnemius muscles from young animals (Fig. 3A). There was a significant interaction of age and suspension, (P ≤ 0.05). HLS had no significant effect on H2O2 content in young gastrocnemius muscles, regardless of resveratrol administration. Resveratrol administration significantly (P ≤ 0.05) reduced H2O2 levels in gastrocnemius muscles from old control animals and old HLS animals by 23% and 16%, respectively, compared with gastrocnemius muscles from old vehicle control and old vehicle control HLS animals (P ≤ 0.05). There was still a significant increase in H2O2 content following HLS in gastrocnemius muscles from both vehicle control (2.29 ± 0.06 vs. 2.55 ± 0.05 μmol H2O2/μg protein; P ≤ 0.05) and resveratrol-administered animals (1.77 ± 0.16 vs. 2.14 ± 0.06 μmol H2O2/μg protein; P ≤ 0.05); however, there was no difference in the H2O2 content between gastrocnemius muscles from old vehicle control and old resveratrol-HLS animals (2.29 ± 0.06 vs. 2.14 ± 0.05μmol H2O2/μg protein).
Lipid peroxidation.
MDA and HAE were assessed in whole muscle homogenates as indicators of oxidative damage, specifically as markers of muscle lipid peroxidation. Both aging and HLS increased lipid peroxidation in the gastrocnemius muscle, but this was suppressed by resveratrol. HLS significantly increased lipid peroxidation by ∼55% (P ≤ 0.05) in young animals regardless of resveratrol administration (Fig. 3B). Lipid peroxidation was increased in old animals compared with their young counterparts (0.171 ± .02 vs. 0.079 ± 0.01 μM [MDA/HAE]/mg protein; P ≤ 0.05). There was no further significant increase in MDA and HAE levels in old animals that underwent HLS; however, gastrocnemius muscles from old animals that were administered resveratrol had significantly reduced levels of lipid peroxidation compared with old vehicle control-HLS animals (0.199 ± 0.02 vs. 0.159 ± 0.01 μM [MDA/HAE]/mg protein; P ≤ 0.05), this represented a 20% decrease in MDA and HAE levels in old resveratrol-suspended animals.
Bax and bcl-2 protein contents.
Aging was generally associated with increased proapoptotic protein signaling in the gastrocnemius muscle. The proapoptotic Bax protein levels in gastrocnemius muscles from old animals increased ∼1.8 fold (P ≤ 0.05), regardless of resveratrol administration (Fig. 4A). There was no further effect of HLS, or resveratrol administration, in either age group. Similarly, Bcl-2 protein levels increased 2.6-fold (P ≤ 0.05) in gastrocnemius muscles from old vehicle control animals compared with their young counterparts (Fig. 2B). Resveratrol administration further increased Bcl-2 protein content in gastrocnemius muscles from old resveratrol non-HLS animals by ∼20% (P ≤ 0.05), compared with gastrocnemius muscles from non-HLS vehicle control animals. HLS significantly increased Bcl-2 protein content in gastrocnemius muscles from old vehicle control-HLS animals by ∼18.6% (P ≤ 0.05), compared with gastrocnemius muscles from non-HLS vehicle control rats. There was no effect of HLS on Bcl-2 content in gastrocnemius muscles from old animals. HLS caused significant increases in Bcl-2 protein content in gastrocnemius muscles from both young vehicle control (36%, P ≤ 0.05) and young resveratrol administered (29%, P ≤ 0.05) animals. There was no effect of resveratrol administration in gastrocnemius muscles from young animals.
Caspase 9 and caspase 3 activities.
Caspase 9 and 3 activities were measured via fluorometric assays as an assessment of the contribution of mitochondria-mediated caspase-dependent apoptotic signaling. Resveratrol blunted only the aging and HLS-induced increase in caspase-9 activity in muscles of old rats. Both caspase 9 (Fig. 4C) and caspase 3 (Fig. 4D) activities were increased in gastrocnemius muscles from old animals, compared with their young counterparts. Neither caspase 9 nor caspase 3 were altered by HLS, or resveratrol administration, in the muscles of young animals. There was no effect of resveratrol administration on caspase 9 activity in old-HLS animals; however, resveratrol administration significantly reduced caspase 9 activity in gastrocnemius muscles from old non-HLS animals (P ≤ 0.05), eliminating the aging effect (Fig. 4C). HLS significantly (P ≤ 0.05) increased caspase 3 activity, in gastrocnemius muscles from vehicle control-HLS animals; this increase was significantly (P ≤ 0.05) attenuated by resveratrol administration.
DNA fragmentation.
A cell death ELISA was used as an indicator of DNA fragmentation, and the data are presented as an apoptotic index. The apoptotic index was increased by aging and HLS in rat gastrocnemius muscles, but resveratrol failed to attenuate this increase. Old animals exhibited a 200% increase (P ≤ 0.05) in DNA fragmentation regardless of resveratrol administration (Fig. 4E). Similarly, gastrocnemius muscles from both young and old HLS animals treated with, or without, resveratrol, has significantly increased levels of fragmented DNA, indicating greater levels of apoptosis. HLS increased the apoptotic index by ∼5 fold (P ≤ 0.05) in young animals and ∼3 fold (P ≤ 0.05) in old animals. Resveratrol had no effect on DNA fragmentation in any treatment group (Fig. 4E).
Gastrocnemius muscle wet weight.
Resveratrol attenuated the HLS-induced atrophy of old rats. Gastrocnemius muscles from young animals were significantly heavier than their older counterparts (2.28 ± 0.15 g vs. 1.55 ± 0.06 g; P ≤ 0.05) (Fig. 5A). HLS elicited significant atrophy in the gastrocnemius muscles from young and old rats. Gastrocnemius muscles from young HLS animals weighed on average 28.3% (P ≤ 0.05) less than gastrocnemius muscles from young ambulatory control animals. Similarly, gastrocnemius muscles from old-HLS animals weighed 26.1% (P ≤ 0.05) less than gastrocnemius from old non-HLS animals. Resveratrol administration had no effect on the muscle wet weight of gastrocnemius muscles from young animals following HLS (1.62 ± 0.12 g vs. 1.65 ± 0.11 g) (Fig. 5A). Gastrocnemius muscle wet weight from old vehicle control-HLS animals (1.09 ± .09 g) was 14.2% less (P ≤ 0.05) than muscle wet weight in old resveratrol-treated suspended animals (1.28 ± 0.07g). Although, this difference did not quite reach statistical significance (P = 0.062), it reflects a potential for resveratrol to protect against muscle loss in old animals. There were losses of both body weight and muscle weight with HLS in old animals. To determine whether resveratrol provided a muscle-specific but not a body weight-specific effect, muscle weight was normalized to the animal's body weight. When muscle wet weight was normalized to body weight, resveratrol administration significantly attenuated the relative proportion of gastrocnemius muscle lost during HLS in old animals (vehicle control: 2.21 ± 0.11 mg/g vs. resveratrol suspended: 2.80 ± 0.21 mg/g; P ≤ 0.05) (Fig. 5B). This preservation of relative muscle mass, but not body weight following HLS, was not seen in young animals that were administered resveratrol.
Muscle functional measurements.
The HLS-induced force loss was markedly attenuated by resveratrol in old animals. Three in vivo maximal isometric contractions were averaged to obtain the pre-HLS force record. This was repeated after HLS to obtain the post-HLS force data. The percent decrease of in vivo isometric force was determined by comparing the pre-HLS to post-HLS force records. Maximal isometric measurements were obtained on age-matched ambulatory rats at the two time points that corresponded to the pre-HLS and post-HLS measures in the experimental animals. Maximal plantar flexor force did not change over the duration of the study period for either young adult or old ambulatory rats (data not shown). Young animals lost an average of 33.7% of their maximal isometric force following HLS, and resveratrol administration did not attenuate the force loss in these animals (32.09 ± 9.79% vs. 35.37 ± 7.74%) (Fig. 5C). However, resveratrol administration significantly preserved isometric force output following HLS in old animals, (45.9 ± 6.8% vs. 31.6 ± 7.4%; P ≤ 0.05) (Fig. 5C). To determine whether muscle force was preferentially maintained during weight loss, we normalized isometric force to the animal's body weight (Fig. 5D). When the percent decrease in isometric force following HLS was normalized to body weight, old vehicle control-HLS animals lost a significantly larger (P ≤ 0.05) proportion of isometric force output than did their young counterparts (Fig. 5D). This aging effect was abolished with resveratrol administration.
Oxidative stress is positively correlated with skeletal muscle atrophy induced by aging (30), denervation (48), disuse (25), and immobilization (48). These atrophic stimuli are associated with concomitant increases in lipid peroxidation (50), glutathione oxidation (50), protein carbonyl formation (47), and myonuclear apoptosis (14). Furthermore, oxidative stress is linked to proteolytic processes that mediate muscle loss through caspase 3 activation (48). Although skeletal muscle disuse induces oxidative stress in both young and old animals (8, 31), skeletal muscle from older animals possesses a higher basal level of oxidative stress placing more strain on the endogenous antioxidant system, and thus leaving skeletal muscle from these animals at greater risk for oxidative damage during periods of disuse, and subsequent diminished recovery following disuse.
The current investigation sought to shed light on the mechanisms underlying muscle atrophy with disuse and to ascertain whether oxidative stress and/or apoptosis were possible contributing factors. Furthermore, the present study sought to elucidate the potential role of resveratrol administration to alleviate oxidative stress and apoptosis, in skeletal muscle from old and young animals. Dietary supplementation with the polyphenol, resveratrol, has the potential to exert beneficial effects not only through its ability to directly scavenge free radicals (38, 39, 42) and upregulate components of the endogenous antioxidant system (37), but also by its capacity to modulate the signal transduction and gene expression of several pathways regulating cellular proliferation (23, 56), mitochondrial biogenesis (53, 56), metabolism (44), and apoptosis (23). The efficacy of acute resveratrol administration has been established for several pathological conditions (38, 39, 42); however, this study provides the first insight into the use of resveratrol supplementation as a countermeasure to combat muscle loss and function caused by disuse.
Hindlimb suspension resulted in a significant loss of gastrocnemius muscle mass, as estimated from muscle wet weight (Fig. 5A). Although there was no significant preservation of gastrocnemius muscle mass resulting from resveratrol administration, there was a significant preservation of the relative ratio of muscle mass preserved normalized to animal body weight in old HLS animals (Fig. 5B). This protective effect may suggest a preferential preservation of skeletal muscle tissue with resveratrol administration in old animals following a prolonged period of disuse, since there was no difference in the total percentage of body mass lost between old resveratrol supplemented and old nonsupplemented animals during the experimental period (Table. 1). Likewise, in old, but not young animals, there was a partial maintenance of maximal isometric force of the plantar flexor muscle group following HLS. The percent decrease in isometric force following HLS in old resveratrol administered animals was similar to the force decrements seen in the plantar flexors of young animals following HLS, thus eliminating the interaction of age and suspension. The findings showing a protective effect of resveratrol on force production in the current study, are consistent with data from Lagouge et al. (26), showing greater muscle strength in mice fed a high-fat diet supplemented with resveratrol.
In general, the in vivo isometric force output that was measured in the current study, is the sum of forces that were generated by all of the individual muscles comprising the plantar flexor group. The plantar flexor muscle group consists of the soleus, plantaris, and gastrocnemius muscles which, contribute ∼6%, 16%, and 78%, respectively, to the mass of the rat plantar flexor muscles (13, 54). As a result, the gastrocnemius muscle provides the greatest contribution to plantar flexion force output, and thus, the partial preservation of relative gastrocnemius muscle wet weight and plantar flexion force production are likely linearly related.
Resveratrol administration mediated endogenous antioxidant enzymes and oxidative stress indices in old animals. Specifically, resveratrol administration significantly increased MnSOD activity and protein content, but not CuZnSOD activity in old HLS animals (Fig. 2). This is analogous with data showing that resveratrol protected against oxidative stress through the specific induction of MnSOD (42). Additionally, in the current study, resveratrol administration increased the content and activity of catalase in old nonsuspended animals, but it did not further increase catalase activity, or expression following HLS. This may be, in part, because catalase activity is already increased with aging and HLS, so it may have reached a maximal point of induction. Perhaps most importantly, resveratrol administration reduced indices of oxidative stress in gastrocnemius muscles of old HLS animals, as estimated by H2O2 levels and the lipid peroxidation byproducts (MDA and HAE). This is congruent with recent data from our laboratory and others that have shown that resveratrol protects against H2O2 mitigated lipid peroxidation in vivo (42, 44) and in vitro (6). The induction of catalase by resveratrol has previously been demonstrated (42) and, along with increases in MnSOD, may represent important mechanisms by which resveratrol acts to reduce H2O2 and H2O2-mediated damage. However, these protective effects of increases in antioxidant enzyme activity and concomitant decreases in markers of oxidant load were not seen in young animals administered resveratrol, suggesting that there is a differential effect of resveratrol in young and old animals. The fact that resveratrol only seems to have an effect in old animals is interesting and is plausibly due to different underlying signaling mechanisms that may occur in old animals during disuse. It is also possible that younger animals are able to handle the stress of hindlimb suspension and the subsequent detrimental effects that are associated with skeletal muscle disuse, and, therefore, the preconditioning effect of resveratrol administration helps to augment the stress response in old, but not young animals where it is not needed. This is congruent with our finding that H2O2 concentrations were not increased in young animals following suspension. Although, lipid peroxidation markers were increased in muscles from young suspended animals, despite no increases in H2O2 concentrations, this might indicate a temporal role of oxidative stress in young animals during muscle disuse.
Oxidative stress is upstream of apoptotic signaling in muscle cells in vitro (49) and results in the initiation of the intrinsic mitochondrial apoptotic pathway. Because of its multinucleated cellular structure, skeletal muscle is an exception to the linear relationship between apoptosis and cell death. Instead, apoptosis in skeletal muscle results in a loss of myonuclei and consequent fiber atrophy (4). Myonuclei undergo apoptosis in many muscle-wasting conditions, including, but not limited to, advanced age (34), disuse (45, 47), and denervation (1, 46). Likewise, these conditions are also associated with increases in oxidative stress (1, 30), presumably mediated through mitochondrial dysfunction, given the importance that the mitochondria play in maintaining cellular integrity via ROS production and the regulation of the apoptotic pathway (3, 19, 47).
Resveratrol administration altered apoptotic signaling (e.g., Bcl-2, caspase 9 activity), but it did not appear to blunt overall myonuclear apoptosis in muscles from old animals. Resveratrol administration increased the protein content of the antiapoptotic protein Bcl-2 in old non-HLS animals, suggesting a preconditioning effect by which resveratrol could potentially improve the apoptotic environment of skeletal muscle undergoing disuse. Our data are in agreement with a study by Brito et al. (6), suggesting that resveratrol was able to protect against oxidant-induced apoptotic signaling through the upregulation of Bcl-2, without any reductions of Bax protein content. Downstream of the mitochondrial mediated apoptotic signaling cascade are the proteolytic caspase enzymes. Resveratrol administration significantly decreased caspase 9 activity in old non-HLS animals and significantly decreased caspase 3 activity in old HLS animals. In parallel with the other findings from the current study, caspase activity was only attenuated in the gastrocnemius muscles from old animals, with no effect being seen in muscles from the young animals.
Interestingly, the alleviation of oxidative stress and damage in old HLS animals that were administered resveratrol did not translate into protection from apoptosis, as estimated from the quantity of DNA fragmentation present following HLS. This suggests that the protective effect of resveratrol may be, in part, due to its anti-inflammatory and/or antiproteolytic capacities rather than antiapoptotic capabilities. This would be in agreement with the fact that resveratrol was able to decrease caspase 3 following HLS in old animals, despite having no efficacy in ameliorating apoptosis following HLS. Caspase 3 is known to be redox sensitive and to play an initiating role in muscle proteolysis via the ubiquitin-proteasome system (23). Although it is not known why a significant increase in Bcl-2 protein content did not confer resistance to apoptosis following HLS, it could be speculated that the relative contribution of apoptosis vs. necrosis and other mechanisms of disuse-mediated atrophy are temporal in nature. Since data in our study were only collected at one time point (14 days), it is possible that early protection against apoptosis was not detected, but it still may have contributed to the preservation of muscle mass and maintenance of isometric force seen in old animals administered resveratrol.
It is also probable (although not evaluated in this study) that the protective effects of resveratrol observed in the current investigation stem from the ability of resveratrol to activate the silent mating type information regulation 2 homolog (Sirt1) a NAD+-dependent histone deacetylase (23). Sirt1 has been shown to play a role in a variety of important physiological functions, including the regulation of oxidative stress congruent with our current observations regarding resveratrol administration, Sirt1 activation is reported to upregulate the transcription of both MnSOD (51) and catalase (17, 18) and reduce reactive oxygen species-induced apoptosis (17). This highlights the potential of Sirt1 to act as a protective mechanism against oxidative stress. The wide range of Sirt1's cell signaling capacity underscores the potential ability of resveratrol to mediate a variety of cell signaling pathways and, therefore, provides many potential therapeutic targets that may be responsible for the attenuation of skeletal muscle atrophy and force preservation observed during disuse in old animals. Gaining clearer insight into the molecular signaling pathways involved in aging and disuse muscle atrophy is paramount in developing nutritional and/or pharmacological interventions to minimize protein loss and attenuate the functional decrements associated with atrophic conditions.
In summary, the results of the current study show that resveratrol treatment reduces the functional decrements and the oxidative stress levels in rat hindlimb muscles in response to disuse. One potential mechanism for improved muscle function in resveratrol-treated animals is via a Sirt1-mediated improvement in the endogenous antioxidant enzyme activity and the redox status of the aging muscle during disuse. However, it is also possible that the protective effects of resveratrol are unrelated to Sirt1 or blunting oxidative stress. For example, administration of resveratrol has been shown to attenuate protein degradation in murine myotubes treated with proteolysis-inducing factor, enhanced the proliferation of muscle precursor cells (37), and blunted muscle weight loss, and protein degradation, in vivo, in a mouse model of cachexia (55). Additional studies are needed to determine whether resveratrol activation of Sirt1 has the potential to be an effective therapeutic intervention, by reducing ROS, or whether resveratrol functions via another mechanism, to lower the extent of loss of muscle mass or function in aged humans, in response to reduced activity or bed rest.
This study was supported by funding from the National Institutes of Health, National Institute on Aging Grant R01AG021530.
No conflicts of interest, financial or otherwise, are declared by the authors.
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