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. 2010 Oct 23;66(Pt 11):o2915. doi: 10.1107/S1600536810041383

Ethyl 4-[(3,5-di-tert-butyl-2-hy­droxy­benzyl­idene)­amino]­benzoate

Raied Mustafa Shakir a, Azhar Ariffin a, Seik Weng Ng a,*
PMCID: PMC3009105  PMID: 21589089


The title compound, a Schiff base, C24H31NO3, has a substituted aromatic ring at both ends of the azomethine linkage and these make a dihedral angle of 24.9 (1)°. There is an intra­molecular hydrogen bond between the hy­droxy group (donor) and the N atom of themazomethine linkage.

Related literature

For the use of the methyl ester analog of the title compound as a second-harmonic generation material, see: Sliwa et al. (2008).graphic file with name e-66-o2915-scheme1.jpg


Crystal data

  • C24H31NO3

  • M r = 381.50

  • Monoclinic, Inline graphic

  • a = 18.4789 (18) Å

  • b = 10.7194 (11) Å

  • c = 10.7768 (10) Å

  • β = 97.437 (2)°

  • V = 2116.7 (4) Å3

  • Z = 4

  • Mo Kα radiation

  • μ = 0.08 mm−1

  • T = 100 K

  • 0.30 × 0.05 × 0.05 mm

Data collection

  • Bruker SMART APEX diffractometer

  • 19941 measured reflections

  • 4855 independent reflections

  • 3123 reflections with I > 2σ(I)

  • R int = 0.065


  • R[F 2 > 2σ(F 2)] = 0.053

  • wR(F 2) = 0.142

  • S = 1.01

  • 4855 reflections

  • 257 parameters

  • 1 restraint

  • H atoms treated by a mixture of independent and constrained refinement

  • Δρmax = 0.64 e Å−3

  • Δρmin = −0.26 e Å−3

Data collection: APEX2 (Bruker, 2009); cell refinement: SAINT (Bruker, 2009); data reduction: SAINT; program(s) used to solve structure: SHELXS97 (Sheldrick, 2008); program(s) used to refine structure: SHELXL97 (Sheldrick, 2008); molecular graphics: X-SEED (Barbour, 2001); software used to prepare material for publication: publCIF (Westrip, 2010).

Supplementary Material

Crystal structure: contains datablocks global, I. DOI: 10.1107/S1600536810041383/fl2320sup1.cif

e-66-o2915-sup1.cif (20.9KB, cif)

Structure factors: contains datablocks I. DOI: 10.1107/S1600536810041383/fl2320Isup2.hkl

e-66-o2915-Isup2.hkl (237.8KB, hkl)

Additional supplementary materials: crystallographic information; 3D view; checkCIF report

Table 1. Hydrogen-bond geometry (Å, °).

O1—H1⋯N1 0.87 (1) 1.80 (2) 2.609 (2) 154 (3)


We thank the University of Malaya for supporting this study.

supplementary crystallographic information


The Schiff base, methyl 4-(di-3,5-tert-butyl-2-hydroxybenzylideneamino)benzoate, is a material suitable for second-harmonic generation as it has electron-donating and electron-withdrawing components that are critical for the manifestation of a permanent dipole (Sliwa et al., 2008). Replacing the methyl group with an ethyl moiety leads to (I), an intensely orange-colored compound (Scheme I, Fig. 1) that crystallizes in a centric space group and is, therefore, not suitable as an SHG material. The azomethine bond has an E-configuration; the two aromatic rings are aligned at 24.9 (1) °. The compound is neutral as the hydroxy group bears a hydrogen atom which is a donor in an intra-molecular H bond to the azomethine nitrogen atom (Table 1). There are no important intermolecular contacts; on the other hand, the compound appears to pack in such a way as to accomodate the bulky t-butyl groups as far as possible (Fig. 2).


Ethyl 4-aminobenzoate (0.35 g) dissolved in ethanol (5 ml) was added to 3,5-di-tert-butyl-2-hydroxybenzaldehyde (0.5 g) dissolved in ethanol (20 ml). Several drops of acetic acid were added. The solution was heated for 3 h. The solvent was evaporated and the product recrystallized from ethanol to yield orange prisms in 80% yield that were suitable for data collection.


Carbon-bound H-atoms were placed in calculated positions (C—H 0.95–0.98 Å) and were included in the refinement in the riding model approximation, with U iso(H) set to 1.2–1.5U eq(C).

The hydroxy H-atom was located in a difference Fourier map, and was refined with the O–H distance restrained to 0.84±0.01 Å; its temperature factor was refined.

In the final difference Fourier map, the largest peak was in the vicinity of an aromatic H-atom.


Fig. 1.

Fig. 1.

Thermal ellipsoid plot (Barbour, 2001) of the C24H31NO3 at the 70% probability level; hydrogen atoms are drawn as spheres of arbitrary radius.

Fig. 2.

Fig. 2.

Van der Waals packing of two adjacent molecules.

Crystal data

C24H31NO3 F(000) = 824
Mr = 381.50 Dx = 1.197 Mg m3
Monoclinic, P21/c Mo Kα radiation, λ = 0.71073 Å
a = 18.4789 (18) Å Cell parameters from 2280 reflections
b = 10.7194 (11) Å θ = 2.2–23.8°
c = 10.7768 (10) Å µ = 0.08 mm1
β = 97.437 (2)° T = 100 K
V = 2116.7 (4) Å3 Prism, orange
Z = 4 0.30 × 0.05 × 0.05 mm

Data collection

Bruker SMART APEX diffractometer 3123 reflections with I > 2σ(I)
Radiation source: fine-focus sealed tube Rint = 0.065
graphite θmax = 27.5°, θmin = 2.2°
ω scans h = −24→23
19941 measured reflections k = −13→13
4855 independent reflections l = −13→14


Refinement on F2 Primary atom site location: structure-invariant direct methods
Least-squares matrix: full Secondary atom site location: difference Fourier map
R[F2 > 2σ(F2)] = 0.053 Hydrogen site location: inferred from neighbouring sites
wR(F2) = 0.142 H atoms treated by a mixture of independent and constrained refinement
S = 1.01 w = 1/[σ2(Fo2) + (0.0558P)2 + 1.1473P] where P = (Fo2 + 2Fc2)/3
4855 reflections (Δ/σ)max = 0.001
257 parameters Δρmax = 0.64 e Å3
1 restraint Δρmin = −0.25 e Å3

Fractional atomic coordinates and isotropic or equivalent isotropic displacement parameters (Å2)

x y z Uiso*/Ueq
O1 0.78175 (8) 0.89233 (13) 0.62825 (14) 0.0252 (3)
H1 0.7466 (13) 0.885 (3) 0.567 (2) 0.086 (12)*
O2 0.42198 (8) 0.93692 (14) 0.03223 (14) 0.0291 (4)
O3 0.43875 (7) 0.73467 (13) −0.01081 (13) 0.0237 (3)
N1 0.67954 (9) 0.79668 (16) 0.46645 (16) 0.0222 (4)
C1 0.78970 (11) 0.77878 (18) 0.68363 (19) 0.0203 (4)
C2 0.84179 (10) 0.76051 (18) 0.78972 (18) 0.0186 (4)
C3 0.85050 (10) 0.63866 (18) 0.83515 (18) 0.0180 (4)
H3 0.8862 0.6243 0.9054 0.022*
C4 0.80999 (10) 0.53616 (18) 0.78384 (18) 0.0183 (4)
C5 0.75592 (10) 0.56031 (19) 0.68469 (18) 0.0199 (4)
H5 0.7253 0.4941 0.6509 0.024*
C6 0.74560 (10) 0.67938 (19) 0.63368 (18) 0.0201 (4)
C7 0.94204 (12) 0.9088 (2) 0.7566 (2) 0.0290 (5)
H7A 0.9137 0.9359 0.6780 0.044*
H7B 0.9735 0.8388 0.7402 0.044*
H7C 0.9722 0.9782 0.7930 0.044*
C8 0.88965 (11) 0.86740 (19) 0.84883 (19) 0.0219 (4)
C9 0.84263 (13) 0.9784 (2) 0.8811 (2) 0.0295 (5)
H9A 0.8124 1.0072 0.8051 0.044*
H9B 0.8744 1.0464 0.9158 0.044*
H9C 0.8112 0.9521 0.9428 0.044*
C10 0.93590 (13) 0.8274 (2) 0.9709 (2) 0.0304 (5)
H10A 0.9670 0.7569 0.9542 0.046*
H10B 0.9037 0.8024 1.0320 0.046*
H10C 0.9665 0.8974 1.0044 0.046*
C11 0.82432 (11) 0.40232 (18) 0.82969 (18) 0.0197 (4)
C12 0.75683 (11) 0.3511 (2) 0.8825 (2) 0.0254 (5)
H12A 0.7465 0.4030 0.9529 0.038*
H12B 0.7662 0.2652 0.9111 0.038*
H12C 0.7148 0.3526 0.8169 0.038*
C13 0.84080 (12) 0.3212 (2) 0.7192 (2) 0.0259 (5)
H13A 0.8838 0.3540 0.6858 0.039*
H13B 0.7988 0.3225 0.6535 0.039*
H13C 0.8502 0.2352 0.7479 0.039*
C14 0.88904 (11) 0.3930 (2) 0.9334 (2) 0.0247 (5)
H14A 0.9330 0.4251 0.9025 0.037*
H14B 0.8966 0.3056 0.9583 0.037*
H14C 0.8789 0.4423 1.0057 0.037*
C15 0.68922 (11) 0.69415 (19) 0.52586 (19) 0.0219 (4)
H15 0.6589 0.6250 0.4995 0.026*
C16 0.62487 (10) 0.8028 (2) 0.36008 (19) 0.0213 (4)
C17 0.59190 (11) 0.9167 (2) 0.3314 (2) 0.0235 (5)
H17 0.6062 0.9876 0.3815 0.028*
C18 0.53831 (11) 0.9279 (2) 0.23032 (19) 0.0228 (5)
H18 0.5157 1.0064 0.2116 0.027*
C19 0.51707 (10) 0.82475 (19) 0.15535 (19) 0.0202 (4)
C20 0.55214 (11) 0.7112 (2) 0.18075 (19) 0.0214 (4)
H20 0.5391 0.6411 0.1286 0.026*
C21 0.60615 (11) 0.7002 (2) 0.28224 (19) 0.0234 (5)
H21 0.6305 0.6228 0.2990 0.028*
C22 0.45526 (11) 0.84073 (19) 0.05346 (19) 0.0209 (4)
C23 0.37799 (11) 0.7442 (2) −0.1100 (2) 0.0265 (5)
H23A 0.3908 0.8002 −0.1768 0.032*
H23B 0.3347 0.7788 −0.0767 0.032*
C24 0.36159 (12) 0.6163 (2) −0.1613 (2) 0.0281 (5)
H24A 0.3206 0.6204 −0.2286 0.042*
H24B 0.3488 0.5616 −0.0945 0.042*
H24C 0.4046 0.5830 −0.1944 0.042*

Atomic displacement parameters (Å2)

U11 U22 U33 U12 U13 U23
O1 0.0265 (8) 0.0202 (8) 0.0271 (8) −0.0029 (6) −0.0030 (7) 0.0048 (6)
O2 0.0308 (8) 0.0244 (8) 0.0291 (8) 0.0063 (7) −0.0075 (7) 0.0009 (7)
O3 0.0216 (7) 0.0233 (8) 0.0235 (8) 0.0036 (6) −0.0069 (6) −0.0009 (6)
N1 0.0198 (8) 0.0244 (9) 0.0225 (9) 0.0007 (7) 0.0031 (7) 0.0006 (8)
C1 0.0218 (10) 0.0195 (10) 0.0202 (10) 0.0052 (8) 0.0057 (8) 0.0059 (8)
C2 0.0173 (9) 0.0200 (10) 0.0187 (10) 0.0001 (8) 0.0031 (8) 0.0001 (8)
C3 0.0162 (9) 0.0229 (10) 0.0143 (9) 0.0016 (8) −0.0008 (8) 0.0021 (8)
C4 0.0165 (9) 0.0206 (10) 0.0178 (10) 0.0008 (8) 0.0023 (8) 0.0009 (8)
C5 0.0173 (9) 0.0229 (11) 0.0191 (10) −0.0008 (8) 0.0011 (8) −0.0032 (8)
C6 0.0154 (9) 0.0273 (11) 0.0173 (10) 0.0025 (8) 0.0004 (8) 0.0000 (9)
C7 0.0294 (12) 0.0291 (12) 0.0286 (12) −0.0085 (9) 0.0037 (10) 0.0017 (10)
C8 0.0252 (10) 0.0193 (10) 0.0204 (10) −0.0026 (8) 0.0000 (8) 0.0017 (8)
C9 0.0393 (13) 0.0220 (11) 0.0273 (12) −0.0012 (10) 0.0047 (10) −0.0015 (9)
C10 0.0351 (12) 0.0253 (12) 0.0275 (12) −0.0087 (10) −0.0080 (10) 0.0024 (10)
C11 0.0201 (10) 0.0191 (10) 0.0192 (10) 0.0004 (8) 0.0002 (8) −0.0015 (8)
C12 0.0262 (11) 0.0220 (11) 0.0280 (12) −0.0025 (9) 0.0031 (9) 0.0009 (9)
C13 0.0309 (11) 0.0232 (11) 0.0232 (11) 0.0051 (9) 0.0023 (9) −0.0025 (9)
C14 0.0269 (11) 0.0202 (11) 0.0254 (11) 0.0022 (9) −0.0024 (9) 0.0009 (9)
C15 0.0212 (10) 0.0212 (11) 0.0235 (11) −0.0011 (8) 0.0039 (8) −0.0020 (9)
C16 0.0170 (9) 0.0283 (12) 0.0184 (10) 0.0001 (8) 0.0014 (8) 0.0009 (9)
C17 0.0216 (10) 0.0247 (11) 0.0238 (11) −0.0014 (9) 0.0013 (9) −0.0008 (9)
C18 0.0226 (10) 0.0227 (11) 0.0227 (11) 0.0021 (8) 0.0012 (9) 0.0015 (9)
C19 0.0187 (10) 0.0239 (11) 0.0174 (10) 0.0028 (8) 0.0004 (8) 0.0021 (8)
C20 0.0205 (10) 0.0228 (11) 0.0204 (10) −0.0005 (8) 0.0016 (8) 0.0003 (9)
C21 0.0216 (10) 0.0241 (11) 0.0238 (11) 0.0060 (9) 0.0004 (8) 0.0039 (9)
C22 0.0194 (10) 0.0232 (11) 0.0198 (10) 0.0001 (8) 0.0012 (8) 0.0020 (9)
C23 0.0240 (11) 0.0295 (12) 0.0231 (11) 0.0018 (9) −0.0082 (9) 0.0016 (9)
C24 0.0261 (11) 0.0306 (12) 0.0271 (12) −0.0001 (10) 0.0012 (9) −0.0006 (10)

Geometric parameters (Å, °)

O1—C1 1.355 (2) C11—C14 1.531 (3)
O1—H1 0.866 (10) C11—C13 1.537 (3)
O2—C22 1.207 (2) C11—C12 1.537 (3)
O3—C22 1.346 (2) C12—H12A 0.9800
O3—C23 1.450 (2) C12—H12B 0.9800
N1—C15 1.273 (3) C12—H12C 0.9800
N1—C16 1.428 (3) C13—H13A 0.9800
C1—C6 1.406 (3) C13—H13B 0.9800
C1—C2 1.410 (3) C13—H13C 0.9800
C2—C3 1.397 (3) C14—H14A 0.9800
C2—C8 1.535 (3) C14—H14B 0.9800
C3—C4 1.402 (3) C14—H14C 0.9800
C3—H3 0.9500 C15—H15 0.9500
C4—C5 1.389 (3) C16—C17 1.381 (3)
C4—C11 1.529 (3) C16—C21 1.399 (3)
C5—C6 1.393 (3) C17—C18 1.379 (3)
C5—H5 0.9500 C17—H17 0.9500
C6—C15 1.465 (3) C18—C19 1.395 (3)
C7—C8 1.540 (3) C18—H18 0.9500
C7—H7A 0.9800 C19—C20 1.389 (3)
C7—H7B 0.9800 C19—C22 1.488 (3)
C7—H7C 0.9800 C20—C21 1.387 (3)
C8—C10 1.534 (3) C20—H20 0.9500
C8—C9 1.539 (3) C21—H21 0.9500
C9—H9A 0.9800 C23—C24 1.494 (3)
C9—H9B 0.9800 C23—H23A 0.9900
C9—H9C 0.9800 C23—H23B 0.9900
C10—H10A 0.9800 C24—H24A 0.9800
C10—H10B 0.9800 C24—H24B 0.9800
C10—H10C 0.9800 C24—H24C 0.9800
C1—O1—H1 106 (2) H12A—C12—H12B 109.5
C22—O3—C23 114.99 (16) C11—C12—H12C 109.5
C15—N1—C16 118.83 (18) H12A—C12—H12C 109.5
O1—C1—C6 119.20 (18) H12B—C12—H12C 109.5
O1—C1—C2 120.37 (18) C11—C13—H13A 109.5
C6—C1—C2 120.43 (18) C11—C13—H13B 109.5
C3—C2—C1 116.73 (18) H13A—C13—H13B 109.5
C3—C2—C8 121.24 (17) C11—C13—H13C 109.5
C1—C2—C8 121.96 (18) H13A—C13—H13C 109.5
C2—C3—C4 124.26 (18) H13B—C13—H13C 109.5
C2—C3—H3 117.9 C11—C14—H14A 109.5
C4—C3—H3 117.9 C11—C14—H14B 109.5
C5—C4—C3 116.83 (18) H14A—C14—H14B 109.5
C5—C4—C11 120.03 (17) C11—C14—H14C 109.5
C3—C4—C11 123.12 (17) H14A—C14—H14C 109.5
C4—C5—C6 121.49 (19) H14B—C14—H14C 109.5
C4—C5—H5 119.3 N1—C15—C6 122.09 (19)
C6—C5—H5 119.3 N1—C15—H15 119.0
C5—C6—C1 120.03 (18) C6—C15—H15 119.0
C5—C6—C15 117.32 (18) C17—C16—C21 119.51 (19)
C1—C6—C15 122.63 (19) C17—C16—N1 117.79 (19)
C8—C7—H7A 109.5 C21—C16—N1 122.64 (19)
C8—C7—H7B 109.5 C18—C17—C16 120.3 (2)
H7A—C7—H7B 109.5 C18—C17—H17 119.8
C8—C7—H7C 109.5 C16—C17—H17 119.8
H7A—C7—H7C 109.5 C17—C18—C19 120.5 (2)
H7B—C7—H7C 109.5 C17—C18—H18 119.7
C10—C8—C2 112.00 (17) C19—C18—H18 119.7
C10—C8—C7 107.87 (18) C20—C19—C18 119.40 (18)
C2—C8—C7 108.92 (17) C20—C19—C22 122.69 (19)
C10—C8—C9 106.89 (17) C18—C19—C22 117.87 (18)
C2—C8—C9 111.03 (17) C21—C20—C19 120.0 (2)
C7—C8—C9 110.07 (18) C21—C20—H20 120.0
C8—C9—H9A 109.5 C19—C20—H20 120.0
C8—C9—H9B 109.5 C20—C21—C16 120.18 (19)
H9A—C9—H9B 109.5 C20—C21—H21 119.9
C8—C9—H9C 109.5 C16—C21—H21 119.9
H9A—C9—H9C 109.5 O2—C22—O3 123.23 (18)
H9B—C9—H9C 109.5 O2—C22—C19 124.17 (19)
C8—C10—H10A 109.5 O3—C22—C19 112.57 (17)
C8—C10—H10B 109.5 O3—C23—C24 107.99 (17)
H10A—C10—H10B 109.5 O3—C23—H23A 110.1
C8—C10—H10C 109.5 C24—C23—H23A 110.1
H10A—C10—H10C 109.5 O3—C23—H23B 110.1
H10B—C10—H10C 109.5 C24—C23—H23B 110.1
C4—C11—C14 112.55 (16) H23A—C23—H23B 108.4
C4—C11—C13 108.92 (16) C23—C24—H24A 109.5
C14—C11—C13 108.30 (16) C23—C24—H24B 109.5
C4—C11—C12 109.85 (16) H24A—C24—H24B 109.5
C14—C11—C12 107.53 (17) C23—C24—H24C 109.5
C13—C11—C12 109.64 (17) H24A—C24—H24C 109.5
C11—C12—H12A 109.5 H24B—C24—H24C 109.5
C11—C12—H12B 109.5
O1—C1—C2—C3 −175.11 (17) C3—C4—C11—C13 −122.2 (2)
C6—C1—C2—C3 4.6 (3) C5—C4—C11—C12 −64.1 (2)
O1—C1—C2—C8 1.8 (3) C3—C4—C11—C12 117.6 (2)
C6—C1—C2—C8 −178.52 (18) C16—N1—C15—C6 178.21 (17)
C1—C2—C3—C4 −1.5 (3) C5—C6—C15—N1 −174.29 (19)
C8—C2—C3—C4 −178.36 (18) C1—C6—C15—N1 4.0 (3)
C2—C3—C4—C5 −2.7 (3) C15—N1—C16—C17 151.3 (2)
C2—C3—C4—C11 175.58 (19) C15—N1—C16—C21 −31.4 (3)
C3—C4—C5—C6 3.9 (3) C21—C16—C17—C18 3.2 (3)
C11—C4—C5—C6 −174.44 (18) N1—C16—C17—C18 −179.46 (18)
C4—C5—C6—C1 −0.9 (3) C16—C17—C18—C19 −0.4 (3)
C4—C5—C6—C15 177.43 (18) C17—C18—C19—C20 −2.2 (3)
O1—C1—C6—C5 176.18 (18) C17—C18—C19—C22 175.61 (19)
C2—C1—C6—C5 −3.5 (3) C18—C19—C20—C21 2.0 (3)
O1—C1—C6—C15 −2.1 (3) C22—C19—C20—C21 −175.68 (18)
C2—C1—C6—C15 178.18 (18) C19—C20—C21—C16 0.8 (3)
C3—C2—C8—C10 −9.4 (3) C17—C16—C21—C20 −3.4 (3)
C1—C2—C8—C10 173.86 (19) N1—C16—C21—C20 179.43 (18)
C3—C2—C8—C7 109.8 (2) C23—O3—C22—O2 0.8 (3)
C1—C2—C8—C7 −66.9 (2) C23—O3—C22—C19 178.95 (17)
C3—C2—C8—C9 −128.8 (2) C20—C19—C22—O2 177.1 (2)
C1—C2—C8—C9 54.5 (2) C18—C19—C22—O2 −0.6 (3)
C5—C4—C11—C14 176.14 (18) C20—C19—C22—O3 −1.0 (3)
C3—C4—C11—C14 −2.1 (3) C18—C19—C22—O3 −178.74 (18)
C5—C4—C11—C13 56.0 (2) C22—O3—C23—C24 −173.52 (17)

Hydrogen-bond geometry (Å, °)

D—H···A D—H H···A D···A D—H···A
O1—H1···N1 0.87 (1) 1.80 (2) 2.609 (2) 154 (3)


Supplementary data and figures for this paper are available from the IUCr electronic archives (Reference: FL2320).


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Associated Data

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Supplementary Materials

Crystal structure: contains datablocks global, I. DOI: 10.1107/S1600536810041383/fl2320sup1.cif

e-66-o2915-sup1.cif (20.9KB, cif)

Structure factors: contains datablocks I. DOI: 10.1107/S1600536810041383/fl2320Isup2.hkl

e-66-o2915-Isup2.hkl (237.8KB, hkl)

Additional supplementary materials: crystallographic information; 3D view; checkCIF report

Articles from Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online are provided here courtesy of International Union of Crystallography