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. 2007 Jul-Sep;11(3):273–302.

Module 1: Camera Navigation (0°)

Proficiency = 43.1963 − 0.0457 Total time *−0.2223 The time the horizontal view is maintained while using the 0° camera + 0.7437 Maintaining the horizontal view while using the 0° camera

Variables Measured and Criterion Percentile Values
Variable 10 25 50 75 90
Total time 85.5 83.25 78.5 61.5 58.5
Total no of camera shots 12.6 12 11 10 10
Time horizontal view maintained 78.9 69.75 63 53.75 51.2
Total path length of camera cm 269 264.5 225.7 212.4 200.0
No correct hits 10 10 10 10 10
Accuracy rate target hits 79.73 83.3 90.9 100 100
Maintain horizontal view of 0° camera 75.36 79.35 83.55 94.23 95.32
Ave speed of camera cm sec 8.88 9.225 10.3 10.5 10.59
Proficiency score 82.92 84.35 86.45 93.38 97.96

Means ± Standard Deviations for Each Variable
Variable −1.5 −1 0 +1 +1.5

Total time 54.35 60.81 73.75 86.69 93.16
Total no of camera shots 9.167 9.861 11.25 12.64 13.33
Time horizontal view maintained 45.02 51.10 63.25 75.40 81.48
Total path length of camera cm 187.4 203.5 235.7 267.9 284.0
No correct hits 10 10 10 10 10
Accuracy rate target hits. 74.58 79.71 90.00 100.2 105.4
Maintain horizontal view of 0° camera 71.00 75.66 84.98 94.29 98.95
Ave speed of camera cm sec 8.68 9.09 9.91 10.73 11.15
Proficiency score 78.70 82.12 88.97 95.81 99.23