Rhythms in the α frequency band (8-13 Hz) are a defining feature of the human EEG during relaxed wakefulness and are known to be influenced by the thalamus. In the early stages of sleep and in several neurological and psychiatric conditions α rhythms are replaced by slower activity in the θ (3-7 Hz) band. Of particular interest is how these α and θ rhythms are generated at the cellular level. Recently we identified a subset of thalamocortical (TC) neurons in the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) which exhibit rhythmic high-threshold (>-55 mV) bursting at ~2-13 Hz and which are interconnected by gap junctions (GJs). These cells combine to generate a locally synchronized continuum of α and θ oscillations, thus providing direct evidence that the thalamus can act as an independent pacemaker of α and θ rhythms. Interestingly, GJ coupled pairs of TC neurons can exhibit both in-phase and anti-phase synchrony and will often spontaneously alternate between these two states. This dictates that the local field oscillation amplitude is not simply linked to the extent of cell recruitment into a single synchronized neuronal assembly but also to the degree of destructive interference between dynamic, spatially overlapping, competing anti-phase groups of continuously bursting neurons. Thus, the waxing and waning of thalamic α/θ rhythms should not be assumed to reflect a wholesale increase and reduction, respectively, in underlying neuronal synchrony. We argue that these network dynamics might have important consequences for relating changes in the amplitude of EEG α and θ rhythms to the activity of thalamic networks.
Keywords: EEG, mu rhythm, dendrites, metabotropic glutamate receptor, gap junctions
The dominant occipital α rhythm was the first EEG phenomenon to be discovered by Hans Berger in the early part of the last century (Berger, 1933; Berger, 1936) and is one of the most prominent oscillatory components of the human EEG (Niedermeyer, 1993b). This rhythm occurs at ~10 Hz (range 8-13 Hz), is most pronounced during relaxed wakefulness and is greatly suppressed by eye opening. The transient replacement of the occipital α rhythm with slower activity in the θ band (3-7 Hz) is a definitive marker for the transition to stage 1 sleep in humans (Niedermeyer, 1993a; De Gennaro et al., 2001). However, the persistent substitution of α activity by θ waves during ongoing wakefulness is a pathological finding and indicative of several neurological and psychiatric conditions ranging from Parkinson’s disease and epilepsy to schizophrenia and depression (Niedermeyer, 1997; Llinás et al., 1999). Although less prominent than the dominant occipital rhythm, analogous α frequency oscillations are also evident in other sensory brain areas (Niedermeyer, 1997; Hughes and Crunelli, 2005). The most notable of these is the Rolandic mu (μ) rhythm that can be observed in the sensorimotor cortex (Jasper and Andrews, 1938). This rhythm is also present during periods of relaxed wakefulness but is diminished by tactile stimuli and motor activity (Pfurtscheller and Neuper, 1994; Pfurtscheller et al., 1997).
Although the rhythms in the α band that characterise relaxed wakefulness (i.e. the occipital α and Rolandic μ rhythms) have often been referred to as ‘idling’ or ‘background’ oscillations (Adrian and Matthews, 1934; Pfurtscheller et al., 1997), an increasing amount of experimental data supports the view that dynamic changes in these activities may underlie and signify a variety of important cognitive functions (Başar et al., 1997a; Başar et al., 1997b; Başar et al., 1999; Klimesch, 1999; Pfurtscheller and Neuper, 1994; Pfurtscheller et al., 1997; Schurmann et al., 2000; Schürmann and Başar, 2001; Kalaycioglu and Nalcaci, 2001; Verstraeten and Cluydts, 2002; Doppelmayr et al., 2005). For this reason, the need to understand the cellular basis of these rhythms becomes paramount because without this information it is impossible to relate the macroscopic electrical changes observed in the EEG to the activity of the underlying neuronal circuits. With regard to this, several human studies have indicated that the thalamus plays a strategic role in generating normal EEG α rhythms. The majority of these studies have employed either functional magnetic resonance (fMRI) or positron emission tomography (PET) imaging to show that variations in EEG α activity are correlated with metabolic changes in the thalamus (Reviewed in Hughes et al., 2005; Goncalves et al., 2006) whilst others have utilised theoretical methods to indicate the presence of specific α rhythm generators at the thalamic level (Isaichev et al., 2001). In the case of pathologically-slowed α activity, it has been directly shown using depth recordings that the thalamus exhibits local rhythmic activity which is coherent with that present in the EEG (Sarnthein et al., 2003; Sarnthein et al., 2005).
Perhaps the strongest evidence of a key role for thalamic circuits in driving EEG α rhythms comes from the study of equivalent activities in animals. For example, in dogs a counterpart of the human occipital α rhythm is clearly evident in the visual cortex when the eyes are closed and occurs synchronously with oscillatory activity in the visual thalamus (i.e. the lateral geniculate nucleus, LGN) (Lopes da Silva et al., 1973, 1980). Moreover, whilst α rhythm episodes in the visual cortex are always accompanied by coherent thalamic activity, thalamic α rhythms can occur in isolation (Lopes da Silva et al., 1973). In the rat, a clear equivalent of the occipital α rhythm does not exist. However, a variety of rat strains exhibit robust μ-like rhythms in sensorimotor cortical areas with several lines of evidence suggesting that these are actively influenced by the thalamus (Reviewed in Hughes and Crunelli, 2005).
In cats, analogous activities to the occipital α and Rolandic μ rhythms are present in the visual and somatosensory cortices, respectively, during so-called quiet wakefulness (Bouyer et al., 1983; Chatila et al., 1992, 1993; Rougeul-Buser and Buser, 1997). In both cases, these rhythms occur coherently with oscillatory activity in related thalamic territories (Fig. 1A) (Bouyer et al., 1982, 1983; Chatila et al., 1993; Hughes et al. 2004). Indeed, in the case of α rhythms in the cat visual system, thalamic activity occurs in strict simultaneity with cortical rhythms (Chatila et al., 1993). For the cat equivalent of the somatosensory μ rhythm, the support for a thalamic pacemaker is even stronger since, i) thalamic activity commences before and concludes after the start and end of cortical rhythms, and ii) appropriate thalamic lesions eliminate cortical rhythms with no recovery whereas thalamic rhythms persist following destruction of the related cortical area (Bouyer et al., 1983). In similarity with human activities, cortical rhythms in the α band in cats are briefly replaced by θ oscillations during the onset of sleep (Fig. 1B and 1C) (Hughes et al., 2004). These θ rhythms also seem to involve thalamic circuits since they can be readily observed at the thalamic level with both monopolar and bipolar field recordings (P. Buser, personal communication).
Further evidence that α and θ rhythms in cats actively involve the thalamus comes from experiments showing that these activities are associated with coherent firing in subsets of thalamocortical (TC) neurons (Bouyer et al., 1982; Hughes et al., 2004; Hughes et al., 2005). This firing consists of rhythmic action potential bursts that occur in close register with the thalamic and cortical waves (Fig. 2). These bursts cannot, however, be attributed to the classical low-threshold Ca2+-potential-(LTCP) mediated burst which is a prominent electrophysiological characteristic of TC neurons because the α/θ-related bursts exhibit comparatively large interspike intervals (ISIs) (~10 ms) which do not change as the burst progresses whereas LTCP-mediated bursts display much smaller ISIs (~2-5 ms) that gradually increase (see Fig. 3A) (Domich et al., 1986; Hughes et al., 2004).
Synaptic or pharmacological activation of mGluR1a induces a novel form of rhythmic bursting at α and θ frequencies in thalamocortical (TC) neurons in vitro
Given that the firing associated with thalamic α and θ rhythms is not readily explained by LTCP-mediated bursts, which cellular events generate this activity? Recently, using intracellular recordings we showed that stimulation of corticothalamic (CT) fibres in an isolated slice preparation of the cat LGN can induce a novel type of bursting in a subset (~25%) of TC neurons (Fig. 3A) with properties that are fully consistent with those of the bursting observed in vivo during α and θ rhythms (Fig. 2) (Crunelli et al., 2006; Hughes et al., 2002b; Hughes et al., 2004). This activity occurs at relatively depolarized membrane potentials (>-55 mV) and has therefore been termed high-threshold (HT) bursting. CT stimulation brings about HT bursting by activating the metabotropic glutamate receptor (mGluR), mGluR1a, because this effect is prevented by the mGluR1a-specific antagonist, LY367385 (300 μM) (Fig. 3C) and mimicked by exogenous application of either the Group I mGluR selective agonist, DHPG (50-100 μM) (Fig. 3D) or the Group I/II mGluR agonist, trans-ACPD (100 μM) (Fig. 4). This suggests that intact modulatory cortical input is required for thalamic α rhythm generation. Indeed, injection of mGluR1a antagonists in cats markedly reduces α rhythm density in favour of sleep-related EEG events such as spindles and K-complexes (Hughes et al., 2004).
Importantly, HT bursting occurs rhythmically in the approximate range 3-12 Hz with the precise frequency increasing with increasing depolarization (Fig. 3B; see also Hughes et al., 2004). This is consistent with the idea that the appearance of θ waves in vivo occurs as a result of thalamic disfacilitation, be it due to a natural decrease in brainstem influence during a normal reduction in arousal (McCormick, 1992; Niedermeyer, 1993a; De Gennaro et al., 2001) or as a result of a shortfall in certain key neurotransmitters in an ongoing pathological state (Soininen et al., 1992a,b; Llinás et al., 1999).
HT bursting and gap junctions generate synchronized α and θ rhythms in vitro
In vitro extracellular recordings performed in the presence of either DHPG (100 μM) or trans-ACPD (100-150 μM) show that rhythmic HT bursting in TC neurons can be associated with a robust field oscillation at the same frequency (Fig. 4A-C). As expected from intracellular recordings (Fig. 3B), depolarization of the TC neuron population by raising extracellular K+ from 3.25 to 5 mM leads to a notable increase in the frequency of HT bursting and associated field oscillation (Fig. 4B). A similar effect can also be produced by increasing the concentration of exogenous mGluR agonists. For example, the mean frequency of the field oscillation in 100 μM trans-ACPD is ~4 Hz whereas this increases to ~8 Hz when the concentration of trans-ACPD is raised to 150 μM (Hughes et al., 2004). Again, this is fully coherent with the suggestion that a shift from α to θ activity relates to thalamic disfacilitation (see above).
Close inspection of unit recordings obtained during in vitro α and θ rhythms often (~60%) reveals the presence of tightly synchronized (<2 ms) neuronal pairs (Fig. 5A). Whilst this synchrony can obviously explain the associated local field oscillation, it cannot be ascribed to conventional chemical synaptic transmission because, i) it is not blocked by antagonists of fast glutamatergic and GABAergic signaling (Hughes et al., 2004), and ii) for pairs of cells that are closely synchronized we almost never see either of these cells fire alone, i.e. the failure rate is almost zero (Fig. 5A). Correspondingly, α and θ field oscillations are also resistant to blockers of conventional synaptic transmission. However, both the tight neuronal synchrony and α and θ field oscillations are disrupted by drugs which target gap junctions (GJs) such as 18-β-glycyrrhetinic acid (18β-GA) (Fig. 5B) and carbenoxolone (CBX) (Davidson and Baumgarten, 1988) (see Fig. 9B). Thus, HT bursting and GJ coupling combine to produce a continuum of in vitro rhythms across a frequency range which seamlessly encompasses both the α and θ bands.
Evidence that HT bursts are transmitted to neighbouring neurons through GJs
Although the possibility that TC neurons are coupled by GJs has historically not been readily acknowledged, experimental evidence has existed for some time indicating that this is the case. First, ultrastructural studies in rat thalamic relay nuclei have shown that TC neurons make extensive filamentous contacts and exhibit occasional close membrane appositions that resemble GJs (Lieberman and Spacek, 1997). Second, intracellular recordings from cat TC neurons in vivo have demonstrated the presence of small, subthreshold depolarizations or spikelets (Steriade et al., 1991) which possess virtually identical properties to those observed in other brain areas that are known to be caused by the propagation of action potentials through GJs (Logan et al., 1996; Galarreta and Hestrin, 1999; Venance et al., 2000; Gibson et al., 2005). Recently, we showed that spikelets can also be observed in TC neurons in vitro and that they indeed represent GJ-transmitted action potentials from other cells (Fig. 6A) (Hughes et al., 2002a). We later showed that HT bursts can also be transmitted through GJs leading to bursts of spikelets, or burstlets (Fig. 6B1) (Hughes et al., 2004; Long et al., 2004). Interestingly, most HT bursting TC neurons seem to be coupled to other HT bursting cells suggesting that groups of these neurons might form discrete networks (Hughes and Crunelli, 2005).
Anti-phase bursting, phase-shifting and the waxing and waning of in vitro α and θ rhythms
Although the majority of extracellularly-recorded TC neurons generate HT bursts consistently close to the negative peak of the field oscillation (as would be expected) (Figs. 4 and 5), a substantial proportion (~15%) of neurons fire in a persistent anti-phase relationship with this peak (Fig. 7). In a further subset (~10%) of neurons a dynamic behaviour exists whereby bursting continuously switches between an in-phase and anti-phase association (Fig. 8). Predictably, following a shift to an anti-phase pattern, the amplitude of the field oscillation is markedly reduced (Fig. 8A2 and 8B). However, in this condition these neurons continue to burst as rhythmically and robustly as before (Fig. 8A1 and 8A3). Taken together, these results indicate that the amplitude of the overall field oscillation reflects the degree of destructive interference between two neuronal populations which fire out-of-phase. The larger, more dominant of these groups obviously bursts in phase with the local field oscillation whereas the minority group fires anti-phasically. Accordingly, the waxing and waning of the field oscillation signifies the spontaneous shifting of continuously bursting neurons between these two populations.
In a small quantity of recordings we have been able to directly observe the shifting of bursting neurons between the two populations described above. For example, Figure 9A shows a double unit recording where one of the neurons (neuron 1, larger amplitude unit) consistently fires in an anti-phase relationship with the field rhythm whereas the other neuron (neuron 2, smaller amplitude unit) randomly switches between an in-phase and anti-phase relationship. Four important points should be noted regarding this recording. First, when neuron 2 switches to an anti-phase relationship with the field oscillation, the amplitude of this oscillation is reduced. However, at the same time this neuron starts to fire synchronously with neuron 1. This means that the reduction in field oscillation amplitude is associated with an increase in neuronal synchrony in at least some of the local neuronal population that it reflects. Of course, this increase in synchrony is still evidently outweighed by the effects of a larger in-phase group of neurons. Nevertheless, it is not difficult to imagine a scenario where there are two neuronal assemblies of comparative size which fire with opposite phase to each other. This might lead to a very small or non-existent field oscillation even though a great deal of underlying neuronal synchrony would be present. Thus, we suggest that caution should be exercised when relating macroscopic reductions in the amplitude of thalamic, and possibly EEG, α and θ rhythms to an ‘across the board’ reduction in neuronal synchrony. We believe this point to be particularly salient given the increasing awareness that changes in EEG α activity may represent a variety of important cognitive functions (Başar et al., 1997a; Başar et al., 1997b; Başar et al., 1999; Klimesch, 1999; Pfurtscheller and Neuper, 1994; Pfurtscheller et al., 1997; Schurmann et al., 2000; Schürmann and Başar, 2001; Kalaycioglu and Nalcaci, 2001; Verstraeten and Cluydts, 2002; Doppelmayr et al., 2005). Second, at no point in this recording is the bursting of either neuron 1 or 2 suppressed. Therefore, the waxing and waning of the field oscillation appears to be solely related to phase shifting and not changes in the activity of individual neurons. Third, when the two neurons in Figure 9A switch from an anti-phase to in-phase relationship with each other a burst doublet is always generated by neuron 1 (i.e. two bursts in quick succession, the second of which becomes re-entrained with the activity of neuron 2) (Fig. 9A3). This suggests that at this point there is a dominance of the intrinsic dynamics of neuron 2 over neuron 1 and also indicates that the two cells are somehow interacting directly with each other. Finally, phase-shifting is disrupted by the putative GJ blocker, CBX, which is further evidence that GJs play a central role in coordinating in vitro α and θ rhythms (Fig. 9B).
GJ coupling explains both the phase-locking and phase shifting phenomena
How do HT bursting and GJ coupling generate anti-phase firing and phase shifting? In order to answer this question it is necessary to examine more closely the way in which HT bursts and burstlets interact. For certain levels of membrane polarization, burstlets reliably entrain HT bursts leading to stable synchrony between the two types of event (Fig. 10A; see also Fig. 6B1) and providing a clear cellular substrate for the neuronal synchrony observed during extracellular recordings (Fig. 5A). However, when the level of depolarization is slightly increased, this situation can change into one where burstlets and HT bursts spontaneously alternate between an in-phase and anti-phase relationship (Fig. 10B), thus mirroring that which sometimes occurs in extracellular double unit recordings (Fig. 9A). Furthermore, in the same way that phase-resetting takes place between extracellularly recorded units during α/θ oscillations (Fig. 9A3), a phase reset from an anti-phase to in-phase relationship between burstlets and HT bursts is often marked by a burst doublet (i.e. two bursts in quick succession, the second of which becomes re-entrained with burstlet activity) (Fig. 10C). Again, this indicates a dominance at this point of the intrinsic dynamics of the neuron from which the burstlets originate.
In theoretical studies, the presence of persistent anti-phase bursting in pairs of GJ-coupled cells has often been attributed to weak coupling (Sherman and Rinzel, 1992; Sherman, 1994; Schweighofer et al., 1999; Bem and Rinzel, 2004). This probably explains the presence of neurons which constantly fire out of phase with the main field oscillation (Figs. 7 and 11). Indeed, application of CBX (which presumably suppresses GJ function via a decrease in coupling strength; Davidson and Baumgarten, 1988) can transform pairs of phase-shifting neurons into pairs which fire in a persistent anti-phase manner (Fig. 9B). However, weak coupling is clearly not responsible for phase-shifting pairs because neurons involved in this activity display burstlets of considerable amplitude (commensurate with strong GJ coupling) (Fig. 10A). Rather, we suggest that phase shifting arises as a result of the competition between the robust but distinct intrinsic dynamics of strongly coupled cells, i.e. due to a dynamic ‘mismatch’ or pronounced heterogeneity between two reciprocally connected neurons (See Figs. 9A, 10B and 10C) (Kawato et al., 1979; Bem and Rinzel, 2004). Additionally, it is likely that a dendritic location of GJs on HT bursting TC neurons, which is often indicated by the patterns of dye-coupling observed between these cells (Fig. 6B2 and 6B3), would also greatly affect the dynamics of coupled neuronal pairs (Komendantov and Canavier, 2002).
Summary and concluding remarks
In this paper we have discussed the cellular mechanisms underlying a continuum of α and θ rhythms in the cat LGN in vitro. Specifically, we have described how these rhythms are dependent on a novel form of rhythmic bursting in a subset of TC neurons (HT bursting) and the interconnection of these neurons by GJs. Based on our experimental data we propose that the GJ coupled sub-network of HT bursting TC neurons is organized according to the following principles (Fig. 11), i) GJ connections are sparse leading to ‘chains’ of small tightly connected groups rather than a large densely interconnected population of cells, ii) the majority of GJ connections are strong and allow the effective transmission of bursting between neurons. However, a small amount of GJ connections are weak leading to anti-phase firing between the cells that they connect. If such a connection joins two small tightly connected groups it can lead to anti-phase firing between these groups, iii) if the intrinsic dynamics of two cells coupled by a strong GJ connection are sufficiently distinct, phase-shifting can occur between these cells. Again, if such a connection joins two small tightly connected groups, it can lead to phase switching between these groups. The proposed cellular architecture underlying thalamic α and θ rhythms is schematically illustrated in Fig. 11.
Since HT bursting is extremely similar to the bursting present in TC neurons during α and θ rhythms in vivo, we suggest that in vitro α and θ rhythms may be directly related to α and θ rhythms in the whole brain. Were this to be the case, of particular interest is the demonstration that the amplitude of in vitro α and θ rhythms is largely determined by the extent of destructive interference between spatially overlapping, competing anti-phase populations (Fig. 11). Since neurons are able to dynamically shift between these competing populations a situation can arise whereby an increase in the number of neurons participating in the smaller of these populations will lead to a reduction in field oscillation amplitude and vice versa (Fig. 11). This means that the characteristic waxing and waning of gross thalamic α and θ rhythms cannot be assumed to reflect a wholesale increase and reduction, respectively, in underlying neuronal synchrony. In the light of this, we suggest that changes in EEG α and θ rhythms that occur in response to various sensory or cognitive tasks (Başar et al., 1997a; Başar et al., 1997b; Başar et al., 1999; Pfurtscheller and Neuper, 1994; Pfurtscheller et al., 1997; Schürmann and Başar, 2001; Kalaycioglu and Nalcaci, 2001; Verstraeten and Cluydts, 2002; Doppelmayr et al., 2005), and which are believed to involve thalamic circuits (Klimesch, 1999; Schürmann et al., 2000), should be cautiously related to changes in underlying network synchrony.
We wish to thank Dr. D.W. Cope for useful discussions on this paper. Our ongoing work on thalamic oscillations is supported by the Wellcome Trust (grants 71436, 78403 and 78311). Additional information regarding this and other published work from the Crunelli lab is available at http://www.thalamus.org.uk.
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