Hypocrea jecorina is an industrially important filamentous fungus due to its effective production of hydrolytic enzymes. It has received increasing interest because of its ability to convert lignocellulosic biomass to monomeric sugars, which can be converted into biofuels or platform chemicals. Genetic engineering of strains is a highly important means of meeting the requirements of tailor-made applications. Therefore, we report the development of a transformation system that allows highly efficient gene targeting by using a tmus53 (human LIG4 homolog) deletion strain. Moreover, it permits the unlimited reuse of the same marker by employing a Cre/loxP-based excision system. Both marker insertion and marker excision can be positively selected for by combining resistance to hygromycin B and loss of sensitivity to fluoroacetamide. Finally, the marker pyr4, also positively selectable for insertion and loss, can be used to remove the cre gene.
Hypocrea jecorina (anamorph Trichoderma reesei [22]) is a saprophyte noted for its ability to abundantly secrete native hydrolytic enzymes. These enzymes are used in various industrial applications, such as pulp and paper production (2, 30, 44) and in the food and feed industries (8, 24, 43) and in the textile industry (19, 23, 32). Due to the rising need for alternative fuels, these enzymes have gained attention because of their ability to turn lignocellulosic biomass into biofuel (13, 15, 35). Polymeric biomass compounds can be degraded into readily fermentable sugar monomers, such as glucose and xylose. Strain improvement is an important focus of ongoing research because it can increase productivity and broaden the application potential. Optimal strain design by genetic engineering requires a potent transformation system that must meet certain requirements: (i) a high rate of homologous integration (gene replacement) events; (ii) a recyclable marker for unrestricted rounds of knockouts; and (iii) a bidirectional positive-selection system.
No transformation system presently exists that fulfills all the above criteria. Nevertheless, in the past, efforts have been made to meet some of these requirements. In Neurospora, mus-51 and mus-52 (homologous to human KU70 and KU80, respectively) have been deleted to block nonhomologous end joining (NHEJ), which led to 100% of transformants exhibiting integration at the homologous site (29). In other filamentous fungi, highly efficient gene targeting has been achieved by following the same strategy (reviewed by Kück and Hoff [21]). More recently, MUS-53 (a homolog of human Lig4) was shown to be required for NHEJ in Neurospora. The authors demonstrated that in contrast to mus-51 and mus-52 mutants, a mus-53 mutant had a gene targeting efficiency of 100%, even when the homologous DNA sequence was very short. Therefore, mus-53 was proposed as a highly efficient alternative to mus-51 and mus-52 (17).
In addition to gene targeting, an efficient marker recycling system is also very important for a powerful transformation system. One proposed strategy is the use of the Cre/loxP recombination system adapted from bacteriophage P1 (1, 40). This strategy involves the excision of DNA fragments flanked by loxP sites catalyzed by the expression of Cre recombinase. Although the use of the Cre/loxP system in a eukaryote (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) was described for the first time in 1987 (37), it was not used as a gene disruption tool in yeast until 1996 (12). Since then, the Cre/loxP system has also been used in filamentous fungi such as Candida albicans, Aspergillus sp., Epichloë festucae, Neotyphodium sp., and Cryptococcus neoformans (5-7, 20, 31).
In this study, we report the deletion of the Hypocrea LIG4 homolog tmus53 to create a NHEJ-deficient Hypocrea strain. Furthermore, we developed a marker recycling system for Hypocrea based on the Cre/loxP system. The genomically integrated Cre recombinase can be induced in a controlled way that allows regulation of the excision of the marker. An additional advantage of the marker system is that it offers the possibility of bidirectional positive selection (resistance to hygromycin B [marker insertion] or loss of sensitivity to fluoroacetamide [marker removal]). Moreover, we constructed expression cassettes using a donor and acceptor vector in conjunction with a Cre recombinase assay, which allows a completely restriction enzyme-free cloning procedure. Altogether, this transformation system offers the possibility of serial targeted gene deletions with absolute marker recycling in Hypocrea as well as in other filamentous fungi. In particular, this system allows the investigation on genome manipulations in a nonmutated wild-type strain.
Strains and cultivation conditions.
Hypocrea jecorina QM6a (ATCC 13631) was used as a parental strain throughout this study and was maintained on malt extract agar. Recombinant strains QM6aΔtmus53 (P+) (P+ indicates phosphinothricin resistance), QM6aΔtmus53 (H+ A+ loxP) [H+ indicates hygromycin B resistance, A+ indicates the ability to use acetamide as a nitrogen source, and loxP indicates the presence of a loxP site(s)], QM6aΔtmus53Δpyr4 (loxP), and QM6aΔtmus53 (loxP) were maintained on malt extract agar, which was supplemented with 5 mM uridine in the case of pyr4 deletion strains. Recombinant strains QM6aΔtmus53Δpyr4 (H+ A+ loxP) and QM6aΔtmus53Δpyr4env1PAS− (H+) (env1PAS− indicates that the Per-Arnt-Sim [PAS] domain was deleted from the env1 gene) were maintained on Mandels-Andreotti (MA) medium (28) containing 1% glucose and 5 mM uridine. An overview of the phenotypes of all strains used in this study and the media used to cultivate and select strains is given in Table 1.
Overview of the phenotypes of H. jecorina mutant strains and the media used to cultivate and select strains
Straina | Growth on medium containing the followingb: |
Growth on medium without uridineb | Genotype stable only on glucosec | ||||
Phosphinothricin | Hygromycine B | 5-Fluorotic acid | Fluoroacetamide | Acetamide (minimal medium) | |||
QM6a (ATCC 13631) | X | X | |||||
QM6aΔtmus53 (P+) | X | X | X | ||||
QM6aΔtmus53 (H+ A+ loxP) | X | X | X | ||||
QM6aΔtmus53Δpyr4 (H+ A+ loxP) | X | X | X | X | |||
QM6aΔtmus53Δpyr4 (loxP) | X | X | X | ||||
QM6aΔtmus53Δpyr4env1PAS− (H+) | X | ||||||
QM6aΔtmus53 (loxP) | X | X |
Strains and phenotypes explained in detail in “Strains and cultivation conditions” in Materials and Methods.
X indicates growth.
X indicates that the genotype was stable only on medium containing glucose.
Unless otherwise noted, 50-μl PCR mixtures contained 1.25 U GoTaq Flexi DNA polymerase (Promega, WI), 2 mM MgCl2, 1× Green GoTaq Flexi buffer, 0.2 mM deoxynucleoside triphosphates (dNTPs), 0.1 μM each of forward and reverse primers, 1 μl template DNA (10 ng plasmid DNA, 300 ng genomic DNA), and nuclease-free water. For PCR screening experiments, the PCR volume was scaled down to 15 μl. The standard PCR consisted of an initial denaturation of 2 min at 95°C, followed by 35 cycles, with 1 cycle consisting of 30 s at 95°C, 30 s at 60°C, and 1 min/kb at 73°C. All PCRs were performed in a UNO II (Biometra GmbH, Göttingen, Germany). All primers used in this work are listed in Table S1 in the supplemental material.
Plasmid construction.
To delete the tmus53 gene, a deletion cassette (pRS426-dmus) was constructed in the pRS426 plasmid (3) by Neurospora recombination cloning (4). The deletion cassette contained the phosphinothricin resistance (bar) marker flanked by 1.5-kb fragments up- and downstream of tmus53. The flanking region fragments were amplified by PCR with the 5forwardmus and 5reversemus primers or the 3forwardmus and 3reversemus primers. The bar marker gene was amplified with the barforward and barreverse primers. The template for the flanking region fragments was H. jecorina QM6a genomic DNA and pTJK1 (18) for the bar gene.
The construction of cassettes for the 10 deletions done in the tmus53 deficient strain was performed as follows. The cassette for gene 75418 (ace1) was constructed as described in reference 36. For the other nine genes, construction was done in the pRS426 plasmid (3) and contained the hygromycin B resistance cassette flanked by 1-kb fragments up- and downstream of the target gene. The flanking region fragments were amplified by PCR. Construction of deletion cassettes of gene 72076 and the 83-kb deletion in scaffold 15 (genes 109199 to 79726) is described in reference 42. Primers used for the other seven deletion constructs are listed in Table S1 in the supplemental material.
For the construction of pMS-HALS, pUG6 (12) was digested with BglII and blunt ends were generated with Klenow polymerase. Subsequently, the linearized plasmid was cut with SacI. The pRLMex30 plasmid (25) was digested with XhoI, blunt ended by Klenow polymerase, and then cut with SacI. The 2.6-kb fragment containing the hph gene (encoding hygromycin B phosphotransferase), under the control of the pki promoter and the cbh2 terminator thereby obtained, was cloned between the two loxP sites of the pUG6 backbone, resulting in the pHylox2 plasmid. Using the amdSXbaDAMf and amdSXbaXhor primers (forward and reverse primers indicated by f and r, respectively, at the end of the primer designation), a 2.7-kb fragment containing the amdS gene was amplified from the pamdS plasmid (34). The resulting PCR product was XbaI digested and ligated into the pHylox2 plasmid, which was opened by partial digestion using XbaI. The obtained plasmids were screened for amdS integration upstream of the pki promoter and named pMS-HAL. With primers sacBSalfw and sacBSalrev (forward and reverse primers indicated by fw and rev, respectively, at the end of the primer designation), the sacB gene (encoding the Bacillus subtilis levansucrase) was amplified using the plasmid pDNR-Dual (Clontech, Mountain View, CA) as a template, thereby creating SalI restriction sites flanking the amplicon. The obtained PCR product was inserted into the plasmid pMS-HAL via the SalI restriction site, resulting in the final plasmid, pMS-HALS.
For construction of the pMS-5loxP3-mus plasmid, a splicing-by-overlapping-extension (SOE) PCR approach was used to connect the 5′-flanking region and the 3′-flanking region of the target gene. Using a primer, a loxP site was inserted between the two flanking regions. In the first PCR, the 5flmusfw and 5flmusrev primers were used for the first fragment, and the 3flmusfw and 3flmusrev primers were used for the second fragment. Genomic DNA from H. jecorina QM6a was used as the template. In the second PCR, both fragments were combined using the 5flmusfw and 3flmusrev primers. The template for the second PCR consisted of 300 ng of fragments 1 and 2 from the first PCR. The resulting PCR product was ligated into the pGEM-T vector (Promega) using the standard protocol, resulting in plasmid pMS-5loxP3-tmus.
Plasmid pMS-loxPΔtmus53 was obtained by Cre-mediated recombination of plasmids pMS-HALS and pMS-5loxP3-tmus. A Cre recombinase assay from the Creator DNA cloning kit (Clontech) was carried out according to the manufacturer's instructions. pMS-HALS was used as the donor vector, and pMS-5loxP3-tmus was used as the acceptor vector. A 0.5-μl aliquot of the Cre recombinase assay was transformed into Escherichia coli supercharge EZ10 electrocompetent cells (Clontech) and selected on plates containing LB medium supplemented with 100 μg/ml hygromycin B, 100 μg/ml ampicillin, and 70 mg/ml sucrose. Of the screened colonies, 98% contained the correct pMS-loxPΔtmus53 plasmid (11.123 kb).
For the construction of plasmid pMS-creΔpyr4, a fragment of the H. jecorina xyn1 promoter was amplified from genomic DNA by PCR with the pxyn1fw and pxyn1rev primers. The fragment was then subcloned into the pGEM-T vector (Promega). Cre recombinase from bacteriophage P1 was amplified with the crefw and crerev primers and cloned into pGEM-T (Promega). Both plasmids were digested with SacI and XhoI, and both fragments were ligated into alkaline phosphatase-treated, SacI-digested pGEM-5Zf(+) (Promega), resulting in plasmid pKBxyn1-cre. With an SOE PCR strategy, the pMS-creΔpyr4 plasmid was constructed using the pKBxyn1-cre plasmid as the template. In the first PCR, the 5′- and 3′-flanking regions of the pyr4 gene were amplified. For the 5′-flanking region, primers 5′FLANKdpyrfw and 5′Flankdpyrrev were used, and primers 3′FLANKdpyrfw and 3′FLANKdpyrrev were used for the respective 3′-flanking region. In both cases, genomic DNA from H. jecorina QM6a was used as the template. The 5′-flanking region is 1.5 kb, and the 3′-flanking region is 1.4 kb. In the second PCR, those flanking regions were attached to the pxyn1::cre construct. Thereafter, pKBxyn1-cre was digested with PstI and MluI, and the resulting 1.6-kb PstI/MluI fragment was purified via gel electrophoresis. In the second PCR, the amplified 5′-flanking region and the PstI/MluI fragment were used as templates, together with the 5′FLANKdpyrfw and pxyn5′Flankdpyrrev primers to generate a 1.977-kb fragment. This product was subcloned into the pGEM-T vector (Promega), resulting in the pWD1 plasmid. A further PCR was used to join the second part of the pxyn1::cre cassette to the pyr4 3′-flanking region, using the 3′-flanking region and the PstI/MluI fragment as templates and primers cre3′FLANKdpyrfw and 3′FLANKdpyrrev in a PCR. This PCR product was digested with EcoRI and MluI and ligated into the pWD1plasmid, which had previously been cut with EcoRI and MluI. The resulting plasmid was named pMS-creΔpyr4.
All primers used for plasmid construction are listed in Table S1 in the supplemental material.
Protoplast transformation of Hypocrea.
The protoplast transformation of Hypocrea was carried out as previously described [reference 33 for the QM6aΔtmus53 (P+) transformation and reference 10 for all other transformations]. The amount of DNA used was typically between 1 and 5 μg. The selection medium used depended on the transformation system. H. jecorina QM6a was used as the recipient strain for the generation of QM6aΔtmus53 (P+). In the case of QM6aΔtmus53 (P+), the transformation medium described in reference 33 was supplemented with 200 μg/ml phosphinothricin, prepared from Basta herbicide. Phosphinothricin concentrations of up to 800 μg/ml were tested on transformation medium plates. The DNA used for the transformation was the deletion cassette from plasmid pRS426-dmus. Strain QM6aΔtmus53 (P+) served as the recipient strain to obtain strains QM6aΔtmus53 (H+ A+ loxP) and QM6aΔtmus53Δpyr4 (H+ A+ loxP). To generate strain QM6aΔtmus53 (H+ A+ loxP), selection was carried out on selection medium for amdS as previously described (33), which was additionally supplemented with 100 μg/ml hygromycin B. This double selection strategy was followed to strongly reduce nonspecific background growth leading to the formation of distinct colonies. The 8.114-kb NotI fragment from pMS-loxPΔtmus53 was used for the transformation. In the case of strain QM6aΔtmus53Δpyr4 (H+ A+ loxP), the same medium used for strain QM6aΔtmus53 (H+ A+ loxP) was employed, and was additionally supplemented with 5 mM uridine. Again, strain QM6aΔtmus53 (P+) served as the recipient strain. The DNA used for this transformation consisted of an 8.114-kb NotI fragment from pMS-loxPΔtmus53 and a 4.516-kb NotI/MluI fragment from pMS-creΔpyr4. The fragments from pMS-loxPΔtmus53 and pMS-creΔpyr4 were used at a ratio of 1:6. Strain QM6aΔtmus53Δpyr4 (loxP) was used as the recipient strain to generate strain QM6aΔtmus53Δpyr4env1PAS− (H+). This strain was selected on the same medium used for strain QM6aΔtmus53Δpyr4 (H+ A+ loxP). The DNA used was a linear Acc65I/BamHI fragment from vector pDELENV (38) containing the hph gene under the control of the pki promoter.
Excision of the loxP marker cassette.
To excise the loxP cassette containing the amdS and hph genes, strain QM6aΔtmus53Δpyr4 (H+ A+ loxP) was cultivated on an MA plate containing 1% (wt/vol) oat spelt xylan (Sigma Aldrich, St. Louis, MO) as the carbon source and 5 mM uridine. Conidia were harvested after 4 days and plated on an MA agar plate containing 0.5 μl/ml Igepal CA-360 (Sigma Aldrich), 1.5 mg/ml fluoroacetamide, 5 mM uridine, and 1% (wt/vol) d-xylose. The phenotypes of the fungal isolates were checked by plating them on a malt extract agar plate containing 100 μg/ml hygromycin B and 5 mM uridine. No growth indicated a successful excision of the loxP marker cassette. If the fungus still had the ability to grow on hygromycin B-containing medium, the single-spore purification was repeated.
DNA analysis by Southern blotting.
Fungal genomic DNA was isolated as described previously (9). Southern hybridization and detection were carried out with the digoxigenin (DIG) high prime DNA labeling and detection starter kit II using the standard procedure (Roche, Switzerland). To integrate the bar gene at the tmus53 locus, the genomic DNA from strains QM6a and QM6aΔtmus53 (P+) was digested with SalI. The probe for the bar gene was amplified with the phosphofw and phosphorev primers, using pRS426-dmus as the template. To test the homologous integration of cre at the pyr4 locus, genomic DNA from strains QM6a, QM6aΔtmus53 (P+), QM6aΔtmus53 (loxP), QM6aΔtmus53Δpyr4 (H+ A+ loxP), and QM6aΔtmus53Δpyr4 (loxP) was digested with HindIII and NarI. A 1.409-kb NsiI fragment from pKBxyn1-cre was used as a specific probe for cre and the xyn1 promoter. The integration of the loxP-marker cassette into the tmus53 locus was checked with an amdS-specific probe amplified with the amdsfw and amdsrev primers from pMS-HALS. The same blot used for cre (digested with HindIII/NarI) was used for this Southern blot.
Construction of deletion cassettes by an acceptor/donor cloning technique.
For efficient knockout and gene replacement events in Hypocrea, it is necessary to produce cassettes with long (∼500-bp to 1,500-bp) 5′ and 3′ regions flanking the desired integration locus (11). Because of this high minimum length of the flanking regions, it is difficult to find suitable restriction enzymes for the subcloning procedure. In this study, we modified the commercially available Creator DNA cloning system (Clontech) to create an efficient system for the generation of deletion cassettes. As an example, the strategy used to create the deletion cassette for tmus53 is pictured in Fig. 1. In the first step (Fig. 1A), a fragment containing the 5′- and 3′-flanking region was obtained via SOE PCR. With the inner primer pair, a loxP site was introduced between the 5′- and 3′-flanking regions. This amplicon was subcloned into a vector system for PCR products, such as the pGEM-T system. The next step (Fig. 1B) was an in vitro Cre recombinase reaction, in which the acceptor vector recombined at the loxP site with the donor vector. The recombination reaction was transformed into E. coli, and the transformants were selected on hygromycin B and sucrose because the loxP marker cassette contains the hph gene and the donor vector carries the sacB killer gene, which is activated by sucrose. It is noteworthy that the pki::hph construct is fully functional in E. coli. Thus, the hph gene under the control of the pki promoter is expressed, which allows the screening of positive clones by selection on hygromycin B. This enables the use of such vectors as shuttle systems between E. coli and filamentous fungi.
FIG. 1.
Construction of the vector bearing the loxP sites and the bidirectional marker system. (A) Amplification of the tmus53 5′-flanking region (light gray) and 3′-flanking region (dark gray) introducing a loxP site (black triangle) between the two regions. The first PCR (PCR1) yielded 1.4- and 1.3-kb products of the 5′- and 3′-flanking regions, including a loxP site on their 3′ end or 5′ end, respectively. A second PCR (PCR2) using the outer primers yielded an amplicon consisting of the 5′-flanking region of tmus53, a loxP site, and the 3′-flanking region of tmus53. Primer sequences are given in Table S1 in the supplemental material. Thin black arrows (⇀) indicate primers; thin black arrows with a black box indicate primers introducing a loxP site. sc5 means scaffold 5, and the genomic position is indicated. (B) Subcloning and Cre recombinase reaction. The obtained PCR product was subcloned into pGEM-T to obtain pMS-5loxP3-tmus, which was used as the acceptor vector in the subsequent Cre recombinase reaction. pMS-HALS, bearing two loxP sites flanking the amdS and hph genes as markers for fungal transformation and sacB as a killer gene (black segment), was used as the donor vector. The Cre recombinase reaction yielded pMS-loxPΔtmus53, bearing the tmus53 5′-flanking region, a loxP site, amdS, hph, a loxP site, and the tmus53 3′-flanking region. Short black lines indicate NotI sites; white arrows indicate enzymatic reactions.
With this system, gene replacement cassettes can be obtained without using restriction enzymes. The donor vector pMS-HALS can be generally used for the construction of any other knockout cassette.
Deletion of the tmus53 gene and generating an NHEJ-deficient Hypocrea strain.
A BLAST search of the genome sequence of H. jecorina QM6a, available at the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Joint Genome Institute (http://genome.jgi-psf.org/Trire2/Trire2.home.html), identified a gene (protein identification [ID] 58509) similar to human DNA ligase IV, and this gene was named tmus53. To delete tmus53, a deletion cassette containing the phosphinothricin resistance (bar) marker was used (Fig. 2 A). This marker was used for the first time to screen Hypocrea transformants. The correct transformation of both loci was confirmed by means of Southern blotting (data not shown) and PCR. The positions of the primers for the control PCR are given in Fig. 3 C and D. The corresponding PCR amplicons were sequenced, and the results are given in the supplemental material (see Supplemental Data File S2D in the supplemental material). The QM6aΔtmus53 (P+) strain showed no alteration in growth rate, conidiation, or cellulase activity compared to the parental strain QM6a (data not shown).
FIG. 2.
Schematic drawing of strain construction and marker reuse. (A) Construction of the H. jecorina tmus53 deletion strain. The tmus53 gene was replaced by the bar gene conferring phosphinothricin resistance (P+) to yield strain QM6aΔtmus53. The boxes containing a checkerboard pattern or crosses indicate 5′-flanking region or 3′-flanking region of the tmus53 gene, respectively. sc5 means scaffold 5, and the genomic position is indicated. White arrows indicate a fungal transformation step. (B) Deletion of the pyr4 gene and replacement of phosphinothricin resistance by a bidirectional marker system. In a cotransformation, the bar gene was replaced by the loxP-amdS-hph cassette conferring hygromycin B resistance (H+) and the ability to use acetamide as nitrogen source (A+), and the pyr4 gene was replaced by the cre gene encoding Cre recombinase to yield strain QM6aΔtmus53Δpyr4. The boxes containing a grid pattern or white circles linked together on a black background indicate the 5′-flanking region or the 3′-flanking region of the pyr4 gene, respectively. (C) Marker excision. Growing the QM6aΔtmus53Δpyr4 strains on xylan (1% [wt/vol]) for 3 days promoted excision of the marker genes (amdS and hph) via the flanking loxP sites. (D) Two options for further manipulations. The first option is back transformation of the pyr4 gene replacing the cre gene to obtain a marker-free QM6aΔtmus53 strain. The second option is another round of deletion of any gene (xxx) (in the present study the PAS domain of env1) to obtain QM6aΔtmus53Δpyr4Δxxx, which is hygromycin B resistant (H+) and able to use acetamide as a nitrogen source (A+). The boxes containing a brick pattern or white circles linked on a black background indicate 5′-flanking region or 3′-flanking region of the env1 PAS domain, respectively. The two black arrows to the left indicate the two options.
FIG. 3.
Schematic drawing of the primer positions for analytic PCR of the loci. Small black arrows (⇀) indicate the locations of primers that were used for analyses of transformants and parental strains. The size of the expected amplicon is given between the broken lines in kilobases. The boxes containing a grid pattern or white linked circles on a black background indicate the 5′-flanking region or the 3′-flanking region of the pyr4 gene, respectively, in panels A and B. The boxes containing squares or crosses indicate the 5′-flanking region or the 3′-flanking region of the tmus53 gene, respectively, in panels C to F. The boxes containing a brick pattern or white circles indicate the 5′-flanking region or the 3′-flanking region of the env1 PAS domain, respectively, in panel G. The corresponding sequences are given in the supplemental material (see sections A to G of Supplemental Data File S2).
Determination of homologous integration rates in the NHEJ-deficient Hypocrea strain and functional analysis of deletion mutants.
To study the effect of the tmus53 deletion on the efficiency of homologous recombination in Hypocrea, we used QM6aΔtmus53 (P+) as a host strain to delete several genes. First, we used the existing deletion plasmid pAS38 (36) to delete the ace1 gene. As expected, the QM6aΔtmus53 (P+) strain showed a high homologous integration rate (Table 2). Therefore, we performed an additional nine deletions and determined homologous integration frequencies (Table 2). The deletion cassettes contained the hph gene as a marker, flanked by 1-kb fragments up- and downstream of the target gene. In general, the frequency of homologous integration was high (70 to 90%), and 100% efficiency was obtained in two transformations. However, in two cases, the frequency was below 50%. Considering the large size of the deletion, the low frequency (7.7%) of the 83-kb deletion is not surprising. In all other cases, we did not observe a clear correlation between the frequency of homologous integration and the size of the region to be replaced (Table 2). Similarly, the position in the genome seems to have no effect on homologous integration frequency, because the deletion of two genes in the same scaffold (scaffolds 3 and 19) had very different frequencies (Table 2). Presumably, the function of a gene affects the success of homologous integration on a certain locus.
Examples of deletions done in the QM6aΔtmus53 (P+) strain
Gene IDa | Location of the geneb | Size of deleted DNA region (bp) | No. of strains with homologous integration/no. of transformants screened | Homologous integration rate (%) | Annotationb |
75418 | 3:1207358-1211013 | 2,202 | 12/13 | 92.3 | Ace1 transcription factor involved in cellulase and xylanase regulation |
124295 | 54:28557-29236 | 934 | 8/9 | 88.9 | Putative cell wall protein with CFEM domain |
111110 | 24:360863-361660 | 1,948 | 8/11 | 72.7 | Putative methyltransferase |
56934 | 3:1450196-1450977 | 1,075 | 4/15 | 26.7 | Phosphoribulokinase/uridine kinase, carbohydrate kinase |
66606 | 19:493323-495140 | 1,973 | 7/15 | 46.7 | Fungal specific transcription factor |
103062 | 1:2537242-2538713 | 1,716 | 15/15 | 100 | Putative lipase |
124104 | 34:68807-73697 | 5,134 | 14/14 | 100 | Basic-leucine zipper (bZIP) transcription factor, BTB/POZ |
36543 | 4:1202861-1204900 | 2,227 | 12/13 | 92.3 | STE-like transcription factor |
72076 | 19:575743-578447 | 2,268 | 16/18 | 88.9 | Fungal specific transcription factor |
109199-79726 | 15:247-85537 | 83,218 | 1/13 | 7.7 | 29 genes of various functions (39) |
Gene identification (ID) is according to the protein ID in T. reesei database v2.0.
The locations of the genes and annotation are according to T. reesei database v2.0.
The nine genes in addition to the ace1 gene were chosen based on the results of array comparative genomic hybridization (aCGH) experiments of high-cellulase-producing H. jecorina strains; these experiments aimed to characterize each strain's impact on cellulase production (42). The results of the deletion of gene 72076 and the large deletion in scaffold 15 have been described in reference 42, and neither of these deletions affected cellulase production. Similarly, the seven other gene deletions (genes 124295, 111110, 56934, 66606, 103062, 124104, and 36543) did not increase cellulase production (data not shown).
Introducing a Cre/loxP-mediated marker recycling system into the tmus53 deletion strain.
To use the QM6aΔtmus53 (P+) strain efficiently, for instance for multiple sequential gene deletions, it is necessary to have a sufficient number of available markers. Unfortunately, the markers available for Hypocrea are limited. Furthermore, the interference of markers with cellular processes indicates the need for marker recycling. Therefore, we implemented a marker recycling system based on the Cre/loxP system. In a cotransformation, two loci of strain QM6aΔtmus53 (P+) were changed (Fig. 2B). First, at the tmus53 site, a loxP marker cassette was used to replace the bar gene, which confers phosphinothricin resistance. The cassette consists of two loxP sites flanking the amdS and hph genes, the latter under the control of the Hypocrea pki promoter. Both genes can be used as markers in H. jecorina (25, 33). Second, the pyr4 gene was replaced with a cassette containing Cre recombinase under the control of the xyn1 promoter (Fig. 2B).
The resulting strain, strain QM6aΔtmus53Δpyr4 (H+ A+ loxP), has two functional deletions, tmus53 and pyr4. The pyr4 deletion causes uridine auxotrophy, which itself can be used as a transformation marker (9). Furthermore, this strain is able to express Cre recombinase in a controlled way, because the driving xyn1 promoter can be induced by d-xylose and xylan. On glucose, this promoter is shut off due to a double-lock mechanism (26, 27). The correct transformation of both loci was confirmed by Southern blotting (data not shown) and PCR. The positions of the primers for the control PCR are given in Fig. 3A, B, C, and E. The corresponding PCR amplicons were sequenced, and the results are given in the supplemental material (see Supplemental Data File S2A, S2B, S2C, and S2E in the supplemental material).
Marker recycling by induction of Cre recombinase expression.
The loxP marker cassette containing the amdS and hph marker genes can be looped out of the chromosomal DNA by the action of Cre recombinase. By cultivating strain QM6aΔtmus53Δpyr4 (H+ A+ loxP) on medium containing xylan, the xyn1 promoter is induced, which leads to Cre recombinase expression. The resulting strain contains only one copy of the loxP site at the tmus53 locus and is sensitive to hygromycin B and is acetamidase negative. Thus, a fast-forward, one-step, positive screening for the excision event was performed in a fluoroacetamide background because fluoroacetamide has a slight toxic effect on strains containing the amdS gene and reduces their growth. This situation is depicted in Fig. 2C. The strain obtained after the excision was named QM6aΔtmus53Δpyr4 (loxP). The phenotype can be checked on plates containing hygromycin B. After two subsequent single-spore purification steps, approximately 70% of the transformed strains had successfully excised the loxP marker cassette and did not show growth on hygromycin B-containing plates. For further verification, the excision was examined with PCR for the tmus53 locus (Fig. 3E and F). The sequence results showed one remaining loxP site at the locus (see Supplemental Data File S2E and S2F in the supplemental material). To test whether the excision was due to Cre recombinase activity, a QM6aΔtmus53 (H+ A+ loxP) strain containing no cre gene was used as a control in the excision experiment. In this case, it was not possible to obtain a strain that had lost its hygromycin B resistance. Therefore, we propose that H. jecorina has no native Cre recombinase activity and this activity is solely due to the heterologously expressed Cre recombinase. The QM6aΔtmus53Δpyr4 (loxP) strain can be used as a recipient strain for multiple sequential gene deletions, because it still contains the cre gene and is free of marker genes.
Demonstration of marker reuse by deletion of the PAS domain of env1 from the QM6aΔtmus53Δpyr4 (loxP) genome.
We used strain QM6aΔtmus53Δpyr4 (loxP) as a recipient strain for the deletion of the PAS domain of env1 (38) to demonstrate successful reuse of the hygromycin B marker (following the second option proposed in Fig. 2D). The deletion cassette for the PAS domain contains the hph gene under the control of the pki promoter. The resulting deletion strains were characterized by PCR. The corresponding primer positions are indicated in Fig. 3G, and the sequences can be found in the supplemental material (Supplemental Data File S2G). The transformants showed poor sporulation, as described earlier (38).
Demonstration of genotype recovery by pyr4 retransformation into the genome of the QM6aΔtmus53Δpyr4 (loxP) strain.
The Cre recombinase is a heterologously expressed gene and, as demonstrated above, is functional in H. jecorina. To construct a genetically stable recombinant strain, it was necessary to remove the cre gene from the genome. Therefore, we initially directed the cre gene to the pyr4 locus. In a final retransformation step with the pyr4 gene, it was then possible to replace the cre gene and use the pyr4 gene as a marker. This we demonstrated with the successful retransformation of strain QM6aΔtmus53Δpyr4 (loxP) with pyr4 (following the first option proposed in Fig. 2D). The correct transformation was confirmed by Southern blotting (data not shown) and PCR. The positions of the primers for the control PCR are given in Fig. 3A. The resulting strain [QM6aΔtmus53 (loxP)] has lost its uridine auxotrophy and does not contain the Cre recombinase. Thus, it can be assumed that this strain is genetically stable with respect to its loxP sites.
In this paper, we have presented a Cre/loxP-based donor/acceptor cloning system that is a promising strategy for the creation of deletion cassettes. This system permits the construction of cassettes without the need for restriction digestion.
Furthermore, we describe the deletion of tmus53 from the H. jecorina genome. As previously described for N. crassa, the disruption of the LIG4 homolog tmus53 leads to an NHEJ-deficient strain (17). We demonstrated that an H. jecorina deletion strain has an elevated level of homologous integration events, in some cases up to 100% (Table 2), during the transformation procedure. Recently, the construction of another NHEJ-deficient strain of H. jecorina was reported (11), in which the N. crassa ortholog mus51 was deleted. Although an elevated level of homologous recombination events (63 to 96%) was reported, this system cannot be directly compared to our results, because a Hypocrea jecorina gamma radiation mutant strain (TU-6 [10]) was used as the recipient strain, not the commonly used isolate QM6a. It is important to note that this is not a suitable recipient strain for gene deletion analyses because this strain bears more mutations than uridine auxotrophy. On the other hand, one of the most important markers, hygromycin B resistance, was used for the tku70 deletion and therefore is no longer available. Thus, this strain is not a suitable tool for serial gene deletions and retransformations in a defined genetic background.
Using the tmus53 deletion strain, we developed a marker recycling system for Hypocrea. The overall strategy is summarized in Fig. 4. With strain QM6aΔtmus53Δpyr4 (loxP), it is possible to perform sequential gene replacements without depleting available markers. We integrated the cre gene into the genome of Hypocrea and thereby replaced the pyr4 gene. The cre gene was expressed under the tightly controllable xyn1 promoter. One of several advantages of this system is that no additional transformations are necessary for the excision of the loxP marker cassette. Simple cultivation on xylan induces the excision and leads to the removal of the marker genes. This system saves time when performing multiple sequential gene deletions. Furthermore, the xyn1 promoter provides good control over this system because on glucose, this promoter is shut off via a double-lock mechanism (26, 27). This xyn1-regulated Cre/loxP system works in Hypocrea atroviridis (41) as well and was also successfully transferred into Fusarium, which led to the excision of the loxP maker cassette (K. Brunner and G. Adam, unpublished data). These findings point to the general applicability of this system in filamentous fungi.
FIG. 4.
Flow chart of fungal transformation steps and the corresponding strains obtained from H. jecorina QM6a. The strain genotypes are given in the strain designations in the boxes, and their phenotypes are given in parentheses. H+, hygromycin B resistance; A+, ability to use acetamide as a nitrogen source; loxP, loxP site(s); xxx, any gene to be deleted from the genome.
The cre gene can be easily removed from the genome by retransformation with the pyr4 gene. Hereby, the pyr4 gene itself can be used as a marker, because uridine auxotrophy is generated in a pyr4 deletion strain. The elimination of the Cre recombinase is necessary; otherwise, undesired recombination events could genetically destabilize the fungus. For transformation and excision, we used a two-marker system based on the hph and amdS genes. Hygromycin B is a potent marker for filamentous fungi that is often used in Hypocrea. amdS has the advantage that it can be used as a bidirectional marker (16), which facilitates screening in a loxP excision experiment. Growth on fluoroacetamide is reduced in amdS-positive Hypocrea strains but is not completely eliminated (M. G. Steiger and A. R. Mach-Aigner, unpublished data). However, optimization of the medium might help to increase the effect of fluoroacetamide selection in the transformation procedure. In addition to gene deletions, targeted gene integration can also be performed with this system; it can be achieved by integration of the desired gene between flanking regions and loxP sites in the acceptor vector. The gene will then be stably integrated into the locus but not excised by Cre recombinase. The advantage of this system, compared to a previously reported transformation system based on a pyr4 blaster cassette (14), is its general applicability. Additionally, the excision of the marker cassette can be easily controlled and is very efficient.
In sum, we present a strategy for genetically engineering Hypocrea in a targeted way and for recycling the markers used during the transformation process. This strategy enables the creation of recombinant strains without the possibly disturbing effects of markers on the physiology, secretion, or metabolism of the fungus. Moreover, this system allows profound functional analysis of genes in a defined genetic background, including marker-free deletion and back transformation. Furthermore, it is possible to perform sequential steps leading to biochemical pathway engineering without a shortage of markers.
This study was supported by two grants from the Austrian Science Fund FWF (P21287 and P20192), which is gratefully acknowledged. G.A. received funding from the Austrian Genome Research Program (GEN-AU) and the FWF special research program Fusarium (SFB F3702).
We thank Satu Hilditch for constructing pRS426-dmus and Wolfgang Däuble for constructing pWD1.
Published ahead of print on 12 November 2010.
Supplemental material for this article may be found at http://aem.asm.org/.
The authors have paid a fee to allow immediate free access to this article.
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