Higher AIDS Incidence |
Additional funds to states representing the “leading edge” of the epidemic |
Case counting methodology discussed extensively during 1996, 2000, and 2006 reauthorizations |
Annual AIDS incidence, log-transformed |
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (1997-2004) |
Disproportionate Prevalence of Lower SES Populations |
Additional funds to states with larger minority populations and higher poverty rates |
GAO analysis of whether these populations receive services in proportion to their representation; targeting these populations discussed during 2000 and 2006 reauthorizations |
Proportion of states' cumulative AIDS cases (through 2005) that were 1) black and 2) Hispanic; proportion of states' residents living in poverty |
Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation (2005); U.S. Census Bureau (2000) |
Weaker Program Benefits |
Additional funds to states with less generous program benefits through their AIDS Drug Assistance Programs (ADAP) |
National ADAP Monitoring Project annual reports (1997-2006); GAO report on wide interstate disparities in ADAPs (2006) |
ADAP income eligibility ceiling (as percent of federal poverty level); number of drugs to treat and prevent opportunistic infections (OI) on state formulary, divided by total OI drugs available; presence of at least one cost containment measure that restricts program availability |
National ADAP Monitoring Project (1997-2006); Federal Register
Differential Healthcare Costs |
“Degree to which federal funds enable each [locality] to purchase a comparable level of services for its HIV population” |
GAO analysis of “beneficiary equity” prior to 1996 reauthorization |
Medicare Geographic Practice Cost Index (physician work component), aggregated from county to state level |
Green Book (1997-2000); American College of Cardiology (2001-2002); Center for Medicaid and Medicare Services (2003-2006); U.S. Census (1997-2006) |
Compensation for Unequal Tax Base |
“Degree to which [localities] are able to supplement federal funds to finance a comparable level of services with comparable burdens on their taxpayers” |
GAO analysis of “taxpayer equity” prior to 1996 reauthorization |
Medicare Geographic Practice Cost Index; U.S. Treasury measure of Total Taxable Resources (log-transformed) |
U.S. Treasury (1997-2005) |