Bezoars are conglomerates of undigested organic matter, which forms a mass in the gastrointestinal tract. This report describes a patient who developed a gastric bezoar from ingesting a large number of metal objects in order to “treat” his pulmonary tuberculosis.
Bezoars are conglomerates of undigested organic matter, which forms a mass in the gastrointestinal tract. Hindus used bezoars in the 12th century BC for rejuvenating the old, neutralising snake venom, and treating vertigo, epilepsy, melancholia and even plague.1
The most common bezoars consist of plant material–phytobezoars. Gastric bezoars may present with gastrointestinal bleeding (6%) and intestinal obstruction or perforation (10%). Approximately 10% of patients show psychiatric abnormalities such as anxiety disorders, mental retardation, frank psychosis or obsessive compulsive disorder.2 Trichotillomania–compulsive pulling out of hair–is another such disorder with a pevelence of 1–3% worldwide.3 In our case, the patient ingested a variety of dangerous metals and sharp objects for 6 months and remained asymptomatic, although the risk of perforation anywhere within the gastrointestinal tract is about 15–20%.
A 22-year-old male paramedic was brought to the emergency department with a 2 day history of non-radiating, intense colicky epigastric pain, aggravated by ingestion of meals and relieved by vomiting. He had been harbouring these symptoms for the previous 6 months before they suddenly became aggravated. There was no previous episode of haematemesis or melaena. He had contracted pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) in the past but never received regular treatment. On examination, his vital signs were within normal limits. He was pale and dehydrated with mild tenderness in the epigastrium. A mobile mass was palpable in the left hypochondrium.
Blood chemistry showed an elevated white cell count and raised serum urea values with haemoglobin concentration of 7 g/dl. A foreign body mass was detected, in the gastric region, upon abdominal x ray (fig 1).
Figure 1. Radiograph showing metal bezoar.
The patient disclosed that he had been eating bits of metal for several months in order to “treat” his pulmonary TB. He said “I have TB and I have metal in me. My stomach asks me to put metal in it to cure my TB. They make me eat metal, they put metal in me”. According to his mother, he behaviour had been odd since the death of his father, with whom he was very close, a few months previously.
After resuscitation, he was prepared for laparotomy. An upper midline coeliotomy revealed a localised gastric mass. There were no ascites or visceromegaly. A gastrostomy was performed and several instruments, blades, batteries and even gold jewellery were found in the stomach (figs 2 and 3). A posterior wall gastric ulcer was found and biopsied. The gastrostomy was completed and the abdominal wall closed with a drain in situ.
Figure 2. Gastrostomy and retrieval of metal objects.
Figure 3. Metal items retrieved from patient’s stomach.
The patient had a smooth postoperative recovery. The gastric ulcer proved benign on histopathology. He was diagnosed with pulmonary TB and was started with standard four drug anti-tuberculosis treatment. Psychiatric consultation was sought and he was found to have chronic psychosis–persistent delusional disorder. He was treated with risperidone to which he responded very well. Within 4 weeks, his delusions were encapsulated and he gained insight to his illness. His follow up oesophago-gastro-duodonoscopy, 3 months later, was unremarkable. Presently he is on maintenance treatment for TB and psychosis and is showing significant improvement.
The term Bezoar is derived from the Arabic word “badzehr”, meaning antidote. In places where persimmon ingestion is a taboo, phytobezoars have been reported in epidemic numbers. Bezoars are common in individuals aged between 15–20 years, and 90% of patients are females.2
The pathogenesis of bezoar is not clear and hypotheses are speculative. Most reported cases come from Mediterranean countries where partially cooked food, raw fruit and vegetables are commonly ingested. Delay in gastric emptying due to diabetes mellitus, mixed connective tissue disease and prior gastric surgery are contributory.
Clinical manifestations depend on the location of the bezoars. Gastric bezoars cause mostly non-specific symptoms (epigastric pain, dyspepsia, occasional vomiting, and postprandial fullness). The most common clinical manifestations of an intestinal bezoar are complete or partial mechanical intestinal obstruction.4
In children, oesophageal perforations and pulmonary complications are common following accidental ingestion of foreign bodies. In this case, the patient escaped any such catastrophe despite eating sharp blades and instruments. Conventional radiography, generally a first line investigation, proved diagnostic in this patient.
An abdominal ultrasound can confirm an intraluminal mass with a hyperechoic arc-like surface, and computed tomography (CT) scan can demonstrate a large mesh-like intraluminal mass of lower attenuation. Upper gastrointestinal endoscopy not only classifies the type of bezoar, depending upon its composition, but also helps in deciding the mode of treatment.5
Different treatment options have been proposed including dissolution with papain saline, bedside Coca-Cola lavage,4 dormia basket extraction, use of polypectomy snare and Nd: YAG laser application. Surgical treatment is removal of the mass by a single enterotomy, as in this case. Multiple enterotomies are indicated in Rapunzel syndrome.6
Many cases of gastric phytobezoar and trichobezoar are described in the literature, but a metal bezoar is very rare. Rafet,7 from Turkey, reported a case of metal bezoar in a patient with schizophrenia. Likewise, our patient not only had an underlying organic disease (pulmonary TB) but also suffered from persistent delusional disorder, due to excessive financial and social stress after his father’s death.
We conclude that a patient may ingest dangerous metallic objects for months and remain relatively asymptomatic. To achieve complete and relapse-free recovery, such patients need prompt attention, empathy, a detailed diagnostic workup to determine the underlying cause, and a prolonged follow-up.
It is extremely rare for an individual to ingest metal in order to cure his pulmonary tuberculosis.
It is possible for such an individual to avoid seriously injuring his oesophagus and oropharynx during ingestion of sharp objects, and remain relatively asymptomatic.
To achieve complete and relapse-free recovery in such atypical cases, the surgeon and physician must consult their psychiatric colleagues, and a multidisciplinary approach is advantageous.
Competing interests: None.
Patient consent: Patient/guardian consent was obtained for publication
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