Figure 11.
Vestibular axon (green) in relation to TH-IMF dendrites in CVLM (approximately 13.4 mm caudal to Bregma). The axonal process is intertwined with the distal dendritic segments of the TH-IMF CVLM cells, with multiple points of contact occurring along their shared trajectory. A: Maximum intensity projection of a 63x confocal image stack acquired with a 2.4x zoom. Panels B–D: multiple three-dimensional Volocity renderings rotated to show the extent of the axo- dendritic contacts. The image in panel B is rotated 180° around the x-axis; the image in panel C is rotated 90° around the z-axis, then 90–135° around the x-axis; and the image in panel D is rotated 180° around the x-axis, then rotated approximately 60° around the Y-axis.