Figure 3.
TF cytoplasmic domain deletion impairs spontaneous breast cancer development in the PyMT model. (A) Cohorts of 29 PyMT WT, 29 PyMT TFΔCT, and 17 PyMT TFΔCT/PAR2−/− mice were examined weekly for palpable tumors and tumor incidence was recorded. The mean time for appearance was delayed from 9 weeks for WT to 11 weeks for PyMT TFΔCT, and TFΔCT/PAR2−/− mice (P < .0001 log-rank test). (B) Cumulative tumor burden was determined by weekly measurements of tumor volumes in all mammary glands. PyMT TFΔCT and TFΔCT/PAR2−/− mice had reduced tumor masses relative to WT, mean ± SEM, P < .001 ANOVA Kruskal-Wallis. (C) Tumor progression in 11-13-week-old mice. Detectable tumors were harvested with a similar age distribution in each group. Fixed tumor sections were stained with Masson trichrome and tumor areas were quantified with Image Pro Plus. Tumor areas were smaller in PyMT TFΔCT and TFΔCT/PAR2−/− relative to WT, n ≥ 10, mean ± SD, P < .05 ANOVA. Representative images, scale bar is 100 μm.