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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2012 Feb 1.
Published in final edited form as: Ecol Lett. 2010 Dec 27;14(2):113–124. doi: 10.1111/j.1461-0248.2010.01566.x

Biomass transformation webs provide a unified approach to consumer–resource modelling

Wayne M Getz 1,*
PMCID: PMC3032891  NIHMSID: NIHMS262544  PMID: 21199247


An approach to modelling food web biomass flows among live and dead compartments within and among species is formulated using metaphysiological principles that characterise population growth in terms of basal metabolism, feeding, senescence and exploitation. This leads to a unified approach to modelling interactions among plants, herbivores, carnivores, scavengers, parasites and their resources. Also, dichotomising sessile miners from mobile gatherers of resources, with relevance to feeding and starvation time scales, suggests a new classification scheme involving 10 primary categories of consumer types. These types, in various combinations, rigorously distinguish scavenger from parasite, herbivory from phytophagy and detritivore from decomposer. Application of the approach to particular consumer–resource interactions is demonstrated, culminating in the construction of an anthrax-centred food web model, with parameters applicable to Etosha National Park, Namibia, where deaths of elephants and zebra from the bacterial pathogen, Bacillus anthracis, provide significant subsidies to jackals, vultures and other scavengers.

Keywords: Anthrax, Bacillus anthracis, Etosha National Park, food web models, host–parasite, jackals, metaphysiological models, plant–herbivore, prey–predator, scavengers


Current approaches to modelling food webs (Pimm 1982; Winemiller & Polis 1996) come in many guises including Lotka–Volterra community assemblages (Ackland & Gallagher 2004), modified Lotka–Volterra trophic webs (Arditi & Michalski 1995; Getz et al. 2003), information theoretical aspects of trophic flow (Ulanowicz 2004), trophic flow models (Jordán 2000), trophic mass-balance models (Moloney et al. 2005), energy flow models (Jordán 2000), bioenergetic models (Romanuk et al. 2009), ecological networks (Brose 2010; Jörgensen & Fath 2006), nutrient cycling (Allen & Gillooly 2009) and carbon flows (Sandberg et al. 2000; Finlay et al. 2002). Each approach best addresses a specific class of questions such as stability properties (Neutel et al. 2002), effects of web structure on productivity (Carpenter et al. 1985) or biodiversity (Bascompte 2009), transport properties among spatial elements (Polis et al. 1997; Power & Dietrich 2002) or linkage structure (Williams & Martinez 2000). None of these approaches embeds into food webs, as seemlessly as the biomass transformation web (BTW) approach developed here, all possible consumer types, particularly scavengers and parasites.

Many food web studies include one or more detrital components (Moore et al. 2004; Szwabiński et al. 2010). However, BTW takes this a step further by dividing populations into both live and dead biomass components, as well as classifying consumers of plant, animal or particulate organic material based on whether they mine or gather resources. As a result, BTW leads to a natural 10-way classification of basic consumer categories (Fig. 1). Here, miners are idealised as sessile extractors of pooled resources such as phloem-feeding aphids or blood-sucking ticks, and gatherers are idealised as mobile extractors of resource packets such as grasshoppers eating leaves or cats hunting prey. The relevance of this miner–gatherer dichotomy will become clearer in the general modelling section when we consider how resource deficits over various periods of time affect biomass dynamics and may ultimately lead to starvation of individuals.

Figure 1.

Figure 1

Consumer categories (see Appendix S1 and Table S1 for more details).

The general formulation of BTW, presented in the next section, uses metaphysiological concepts of biomass dynamics (Getz 1991, 1993, 2009) to characterise growth in terms of consumption, conversion (digestion and anabolism) and metabolism, as well as mortality in terms of both extraction (i.e. the population in question is a resource for other populations in the food web) and senescence. In the BTW formulation, senescence is regarded as mortality due to all factors other than extraction, and thus includes deaths due to ageing, non-infectious disease (e.g. cancer, organ failure), starvation and infectious disease when the agent of the disease is itself not explicitly modelled within the food web. At the end of this article, although, a BTW model that explicitly includes the pathogenic bacterium, Bacillus anthracis, as a consumer in its own right, and hence affects its hosts through the processes of extraction rather than senescence, is formulated to study the dynamics of a food web centred around the occurrence of anthrax in large mammalian herbivores (primarily zebra and elephant) in Etosha National Park (ENP), Namibia. One of the interesting questions that will be explored is the effect of carcass subsidies from anthrax deaths on the population dynamics of black-backed jackal (Canis mesomelas) scavengers.

Before we can formulate a model that includes elephants (Loxodonta africana), zebra (Equus quagga), B. anthracis, jackals and various small mammal species that are predated by jackals, we need to develop a general approach to modelling such food webs. As no general paradigm currently exists that includes scavengers (jackals in our case) and parasites (B. anthracis in our case), our first task is to develop such a paradigm, which we call BTW because of its focus on biomass transfers among food web components. The novelty of the approach, however, requires that we both clarify the kinds of consumers occurring in BTWs – that is, the 10 categories referred to earlier – and develop details needed to capture differences among consumer types within the context of our unified approach to modelling all types of consumer–resource interactions. Of course, no general formulation can cover the complexities of all consumer–resource interactions. The range covered by the formulation presented here, however, is much broader than other existing formulations, as illustrated in the final section of this article, where a BTW model is presented of an anthrax-centred food web in ENP.


Biomass transformation web is based on a set of principles that specify how the abundances of live, xi(t), and dead, yi(t), biomass of the ith (i = 1, …, n) population or functional group, referred to as compartments in a food web, change over time. Biomass can be transferred among compartments as a result of processes of extraction, diversion, conversion, metabolism, live biomass senescence or dead biomass decay back into environmental constituents (nutrients, organic molecules, etc.) (Box 1). The latter for simplicity are represented by the aggregated scalar concentration variable y0 that can be generalised to a multivariable vector, as needed. Additionally, if individuals in the ith group take in less biomass or resources than are required to meet basal metabolic needs, then they accumulate a feeding deficit stress vi(t) over time. This deficit can be accommodated by drawing upon an implicit stored live biomass component (e.g. stored in the form of fats or sugars) allowing accommodation to take place over extended periods of time (McCue 2010). This accommodation occurs through organisms adjusting growth and reproduction schedules until resource intake is restored to needed levels or individuals ultimately die from the starvation when critical (i.e. final starvation) levels vi(t)=vis reached. The appropriate forms of the functions that determine the accumulation and accommodation rates and the way senescence depends on vi(t) are likely to be influenced by the feeding ecology of species i, with gatherers more likely than miners able to tolerate extensive periods of stress from deficit feeding (i.e. starvation).

Box 1 General formulation.

Biomass extraction

Extraction of live and dead biomass from j to live i is at rates fji(x,y,t)xjxi and gji(x,y,t)yjxi, respectively (these functions are 0 if a trophic relationship is absent).

Live biomass diversion

Only a proportion θji(x,y,t) of extracted live biomass j actually flows into i, the remainder flows to dead biomass j.

Live and dead biomass conversion

Biomass flowing from live and dead j into i is converted with efficiencies kjif(x,y,t) and kjig(x,y,t), respectively.

Biomass incorporation

The per capita rate at which biomass is incorporated from all sources into live i is from the above (omitting functional arguments)

ϕi=Σj=1n(kjifθjifjixj+kjiggjiyj). (1)

Biomass metabolisation

The per capita rate at which biomass is metabolised into water and other by-products is α̃(t) = αi(x,y, t) (dependence on x and y is likely to be weak).

Deficit stress accumulation and accommodation

Whenever ϕ̃i(t) − α̃i(t) < 0 for extended periods of time, a deficit stress variable vi(t) monitors this deficit via a deficit stress accumulation-rate function Vi that depends on both current storage deficit stress vi(t) and current net converted biomass rate ϕ̃i(t) − α̃i(t). A discounting function wi(ts) that approaches zero as time s > 0 recedes into the past is used to account for accommodation of this feeding deficit stress through reductions in growth and reproduction rates.

Live biomass senescence

Each unit in the population is subject to a per capita senescence rate mi that includes all sources of mortality other than extraction, where mi has a minimum background rate that increases with increasing vi(t) such that mi(·, vi) → ∞ as vivis, where vis is a death-by-starvation level.

Dead biomass decay

For population i dead biomass decays back into the environment at a per capita rate δi(x, y, t) (any dependence on x and y is likely to be weak).

Accounting for all these processes in a model that averages out spatial structure produces the dynamic model (omitting process functional arguments except in the last equation where they are needed for clarity),

dxidt=ϕixiΣj=1nfijxjximixiαixi(recallmidepends onvi),dyidt=mixi+Σj=1n(1θji)fijxjxiΣj=1ngijxjyiδiyi,vi(t)=twi(ts)Vi(α~i(s)ϕ~i(s),vi(s))ds. (2)

Thelast integral equation can be transformed into a differential equation, as discussed in Appendix S2.

From these considerations, the state of a BTW at time t ≥ 0 is represented by the vectors x(t) = (x1(t),…,xn(t))′, y(t) = (y0(t),y1(t),…,yn(t))′ and v(t) = (v1(t),…,vn(t)) (where ' denotes vector transpose because vectors have column rather than row representations). The equations of BTW are formulated in Box 1 with descriptions of variables, process functions and parameters listed in Table 1. These BTW equations (eqn 2) include the influence of the accumulated deficit stress on live biomass senescence into dead biomass. This senescence happens at an accelerating rate with increasing deficit stress until the rate is infinitely fast when starvation level vis is reached. Throughout the formulation of the BTW equations, we consider various functions with arguments x, y, v and t. For notational convenience, when a function, say ϕi(x(t),y(t),t), is considered purely in terms of time, we use the notation ϕ̃i(t) = ϕi(x(t),y(t), t) to avoid confusion.

Table 1.

A summary of functions and description of parameters appearing in the model

Symbol Description Equations
t Time: the independent variable
State variables
xi Live biomass of population i Equation 2
yi Dead biomass of population i Equation 2
vi (v) Deficit stress in population i Equation 2 (eqn 3)
z, x Live consumer biomass x feeding on resource input z Equations 3 and 4
(t)=F(x(t), y(t), t) Representing F purely as a function of time for all functions below
fij (f) Live i biomass extraction to j Equations 1 and 2 (eqn 4)
gij Dead i biomass extraction to j Equations 1 and 2
θij (θ) Live i to dead j biomass diversion Equations 1 and 2 (eqn 4)
kijf and kijg (κ) Conversion of live and dead i, respectively, to j Equation 1 (eqn 4)
φi (φ) Per unit i biomass incorporation Equations 1 and 11 (eqn 4)
αi (α) Per unit i metabolism Equation 2 (eqn 3)
mi(·) (m) Per unit i senescence (mortality other than extraction) Equations 2 and 10 (eqn 5)
δ i Per unit i dead biomass decay Equation 2
Vi Deficit stress accumulation rate Equation 2
wi Deficit stress accommodation over time Equation 2
μ(x) Density-dependent component of m(x,v) Equation 5
a (a1) Maximum extraction rate in f (in f01) Equation 4 (eqn 9)
a 2 Rate at which diseased carcass produces spores Equation 11
b (b1) Resource density at which extract rate is a/2 in f (in f01) Equation 4 (eqn 9)
c (c1, c12) Weakness = inverse-of-strength of competition in f (in f01) Equation 4 (eqn 9)
γ Abruptness in onset of competition in f Equation 4
vs (v1s) Starvation level for deficit stress variable v (v1) Equation 5 (eqn 7)
μi, μij Parameters in μ and μi, i = 0, 1, 2, j = 1, 2 See text and Equation 10
ai, bi, ci, vis, γi, wf, wg, hindex are specific to anthrax model in
Equation 21

In closing, the general formulation presented in Box 1 does not explicitly account for faecal waste or external inputs (Polis et al. 1997) other than y0. The BTW formulation can easily be extended to include one or more faecal waste components (e.g. in systems where different species of dung beetle exploit the dung of different species, as in Larsen et al. 2006) and other external drivers (e.g. emigration) as needed.


One of the concepts associated with BTW that requires refinement is how to treat consumers that feed exclusively on live vs. dead material. In particular, terms exist to distinguish between consumers of live and dead flesh but not in the case of plant material. Another concept, which is an area for future research, relates to how we should characterise the effects of deficit stress on senescence in different kinds of consumers, particularly gatherers vs. miners. In particular, we need to develop ways of characterising the deficit stress accumulation-rate functions Vi(α̃i(t) − ϕ̃i(t), vi(t)) and the deficit stress accommodation functions wi(t) that are consumer-type dependent. To facilitate such refinements in modelling the effects of deficit resource intake on different kinds of consumers, the categorisation scheme presented in Fig. 1 (cf. Appendix S1 and Table S1) unambiguously defines consumer categories that distinguish among consumer types. In particular, the scheme proposes that the words decomposer and detritivore should be reserved for organisms that, respectively, mine and gather bits of organic matter independent of source.

Beyond the 10 primary categories illustrated in Fig. 1, we can also classify the consumer world into various compound categories that are useful to consider when developing the specific structure of the general equations presented in eqn 2 (Box 1). Four such categories, three of which already exist, take on the following rigorous definitions: parasites and croppers are miners and gatherers of live biomass, respectively, whereas saprophages and scavengers are miners and gatherers of dead biomass, respectively.

In the development of these categories and when considering the processes that affect growth and senescence in formulating the basic building blocks presented in the next section, we focus on what we call first-order processes and factors and differentiate between direct and indirect effects as defined by:

Order effect of processes and factors

The sensitivity of the output of a model to perturbations of model parameters, either singly or in combination, has various but precise mathematical definitions (Saltelli et al. 2000). Using any appropriate analytical method, if the sensitivity of some output to a process or factor represented through parameter perturbations is an order of magnitude (i.e. 1 unit on a log 10 scale) greater than another, then the effect of the process or factor on the measure can be said to be of order one higher than the other, with the highest being first order. In our formulations, we focus only on first-order processes and factors that dominate demographic times scales, recognising that second- and lower-order processes and factors may have importance on ecological succession and evolutionary time scales.

Direct vs. indirect extraction effects

In the context of BTW only, we define factors (parameters, process descriptions) that have direct extraction effects to be those that alter the values of the biomass extraction rates fij(x, y) and gij(x, y) for any given state (x, y). All other types of factors are said to have indirect extraction effects [i.e. they ultimately affect extraction through their influence on the state (x, y)].


Before developing a model of a particular system and exploring its behaviour, it is useful to consider some specific building block functions for representing the processes of extraction, diversion and mortality transformation.

Isolated population growth

As a first step in developing our understanding of BTW dynamics, we consider the canonical example of a single population described by biomass variables x(t) and y(t) growing in a constant environmental resource matrix at level z(t), which we use instead of y0 to reduce the use of subscripts. Furthermore, as we are now dealing with only one population, we can drop all subscripts under the assumption that the population is isolated from extraction by other populations. Assuming that the metabolic maintenance rate α is constant, and as discussed in Appendix S2 that the deficit stress accumulation function is simply (s) = max{0, (α̃ϕ̃(t))}, it follows from eqn 2 (Box 1) that the equations for the variables x(t) and v(t) satisfy the closed system

dxdt=(ϕ(z,x)m(x,v)α)x,dvdt=max{0,(αϕ~(t))}max{0,(αϕ~(tts))}. (3)

Once x(t) and v(t) have been found, then the dead compartment can be generated from the equation dydt=(m(x,v)+α)xδy.

Equation 3 constitute a two-variable description of inertial population growth that represents a mechanistic alternative to the more axiomatic approach taken by Ginzburg and Colyvan (2004) and the more phenomenological quantity–quality approach taken by Getz & Owen-Smith (in preparation). In particularising these equations, we note from eqn 1 for constant conversion and diversion proportions k and the θ, respectively, that the form of biomass incorporation function φ(z, x) = kφf(z, x)z depends on f (z, x). The form we select is that of a Holling Type II, where the half-maximum-extraction parameter b is modified as discussed in Getz (1993) to incorporate the effects of abrupt intraspecific competition (Getz 1996). Thus, our extraction and biomass incorporation functions, respectively, are




where a > 0 is the maximum extraction rate, b > 0 is a resource level that reduces the intake rate to half its maximum when interspecific competition is absent (formally as x → 0) and c ≥ 0 is a parameter that determines the intensity of interspecific competition for a given abruptness parameter γ ≥ 1. The key difference between eqn 4 and a Holling Type II functional response is the dependence of the denominator on the consumer biomass abundance x. This dependence is required when extractive rates are reduced under conditions of diminishing availability of resources per unit consumer (Getz 1984; Abrams & Ginzburg 2000). In this case, competition is directly experienced through interference (Abrams 1988) rather than emerging indirectly through reductions in future levels of resource.

Moreover, for simplicity, we assume that the per capita senescence function m(x, v) is separable in the variables x and v and can be expressed in the form

m(x,v)=μ(x)vsvsv. (5)

This form implies m(x, v) → ∞ asvvs, with the result that the population plunges to zero when the starvation deficit limit vs is reached.

A general form for μ(x) that allows us to account for density-related effects that either reduce or increase mortality with increasing density is:


where we assume that μi ≥ 0, i = 1, 2 or 3 and μ(x) > 0 for all x > 0.

Consumer–resource interactions

Consumer–resource interactions were first considered in the context of prey–predator, plant–herbivore and host–parasite systems (Murdoch et al. 2003; Turchin 2003) and are the core motif of a food web (Bascompte 2009; Bascompte & Melián 2005). We can dynamically isolate this interaction from a surrounding food web by assuming that:

  1. The resource population consumes biomass, nutrients or energy, which is at an abundance or concentration of y0(t) in the environment, through a recipient-controlled process.

  2. The extractive part of consumer mortality (the other part is the senescence process) is determined by an external input to the system (e.g. a constant or donor-controlled harvesting rate).

In our treatment below, we assume y0 to be an underlying constant or specified time-varying environmental input, x1 to be a resource population that lives off of y0 and x2 to be a consumer that most generally consumes x1, y1, y2 and influences all the rates (Fig. 2), but is itself subject only to senescence mortality. The biomass flows and transformations that generally occur can be categorised as follows, with cannibalism now emerging very naturally because of the live–dead biomass dichotomy:

Figure 2.

Figure 2

A biomass flow diagram of a general resource–consumer system modelled by eqn 6 in which the consumer, but not the resource population, may be subject to cannibalism. For simplicity, the diversion functions θ12 and θ22 are not illustrated.

Resource growth transformation

The total biomass (or nutrient if the population is at the lowest trophic level in a food chain) flow rate f01y0x1 is transformed from y0 into x1.

Resource death transformation

The total biomass flow rate m1x1 is transformed from live resource x1 into dead resources y1.

Diversion transformation

A proportion θ12 of the total extracted biomass flow rate f12x1x2 is transformed from live resource x1 into dead resources y1.

Extracted live biomass transformation

A proportion (1–θ12) of the total biomass flow rate f12x1x2 is transformed from live resource x1 into cropper or parasitic consumer biomass x2.

Cannibalistic transformation

Biomass flow fii from live resource or consumer population xi is transformed back into consumer biomass xi.

Extracted dead biomass transformation

Biomass flow g12 from dead resources y1 transformed into consumer biomass x2. (As mentioned above, in a more general treatment, we can separate out coprophagy by adding an explicit faecal waste variable z1 to the resource population.)

Consumer death transformation

Total biomass flow rate m2x2 from live consumers x2 is transformed into dead consumers y2.

Cannibalistic-scavenger transformation

Biomass flow gii from dead resource or consumer population yi is transformed into consumer biomass xi.

In the context of the feeding flows f12 and f22, as formulated in our general model given by eqn 2, we need to account for, using our θi2 functions (i = 1, 2), the dual transformation processes of live-to-live and live-to-dead flows as a result of consumer feeding activities and, of course, we also need to account for conversion inefficiencies through the conversion functions Ki. With the above focal transformation processes, and for simplicity confining cannibalism to the consumer alone, we obtain the following consumer–resource model of a closed system (if subsidies flow into the web from the outside, then these need to be included, e.g. see Polis et al. 1997) as a special case of the general BTW model (Fig. 2) presented in eqn 2 (Box 1):

dxidt=(ϕiαimifi2x2)xi,dyidt=(αi+mi)xi+(1+θi2)fi2xix2(gi2x2+δi)yi,i=1,2,vi(t)=twi(ts)Vi(α~i(s)ϕ~i(s),vi(s))ds, (6)






Various special cases arise by allowing different combinations of the extraction rates f12, g12, f22 and g22 to be non-zero (Table 2) along with zero or non-zero diversion functions θ12 and θ22 (e.g. panels a–d in Fig. 3). Additional cases arise when considering harassment and stress-inducing first-order effects that consumers may have on resource individuals. Three of these are as follows:

Table 2.

A selection of ideal consumer types as denned by the arguments of BTW functions f, g, θ and m, CN CR, DV, HR, PS and SC

Extracted live
resource f21 (•), • =
Diverted live
resource θ21 (•), • =
Extracted dead
resource g21(•), • =
Live f22 (•), • =
Diverted live
cannibalism θ22(•), • =
dead g22(•), • =
Resource mortality
m1(•), • =
mortality m2(•), • =
Selection of functional types
x1, x2 0 0 0 0 0 ϕ 1 ϕ 2 CR only (e.g. many frugivores)
x1, x2 0 0 0 0 0 ϕ1,μ1(x2)dμ1dx2>0 ϕ 2 CR-HR (e.g. leopards*)
x1, x2 0 0 0 0 0 ϕ1,μ1(x2)dμ1dx2>0 ϕ2,m1dm2dm1>0 PS (endo- and ectoparasites)
x1, x2, y1 x1, x2, y1 0 0 0 0 ϕ 1 ϕ 2 CR-DV (e.g. some grasshoppers)
x1, x2, y1 x1, x2, y1 0 0 0 0 ϕ1, μ1(x2) ϕ2dμ1dx2>0 CR-DV-HR (elephants, cheetahs§)
0 0 x2, y1 0 0 0 ϕ 1 ϕ 2 SC Type I (necro-, saprophages and decomposers)
0 0 x2, y1, y2 0 0 x2, y1, y2 ϕ 1 ϕ 2 SC Type II (e.g. some vultures)
x1, x2, y1 x1, x2, y1 x1, x2, y1 0 0 0 ϕ1,μ1(x2)dμ1dx2>0 ϕ 2 HR-CR-SC Type I (e.g. lions**)
x1, x2, y1, y2 x1, x2, y1, y2 x1, x2, y1, y2 0 0 x1, x2, y1, y2 ϕ 1 ϕ 2 CR-SC Type II (possibly wild dog ††)
x1, x2, y1 x1, x2, y1 0 x1, x2, y1 x1, x2, y1 0 ϕ 1 ϕ 2 CR-DV-CN (e.g. some fish‡‡)
x1, x2, y1, y2 x1, x2, y1, y2 x1, x2, y1, y2 x1, x2, y1, y2 x1, x2, y1, y2 x1, x2, y1, y2 ϕ 1 ϕ 2 CR-DV-CN-SC (e.g. some crabs§§)

CN, cannibal; CR, cropper; DV, diverter; HR, harasser; PS, parasite; SC, scavenger.


Leopards generally are able to feed on their kills in trees to protect against diverting dead biomass to scavengers.

Bearded vulture chicks will sometimes be fed their dead siblings, Margalida et al. 2004.


Scavenging is rare (Creel & Creel 1995) and cannibalism could be related to infanticide and hence more complex (Robbins & McCreery 2001).

Figure 3.

Figure 3

Specific cases of the biomass flow diagram illustrated in Fig. 2 (same legend applies), with flow and influence structures detailed in Table 2, for (a) a cropper, with the link that corresponds to the influence of harassment specifically labelled; (b) a parasite, with the overlapping death compartments indicated; (c) scavengers that feed only on dead resources and (d)scavengers that feed both on dead resources and cannibalistically on their own dead biomass.

Extraction harassment

The per capita rate f01y0 at which the resource population extracts food (or energy) from the environment is a non-increasing function of consumer density x2: that is, df01dx20. A case in point is predator avoidance by elk in Yellowstone has led to elk feeding at higher elevations for longer periods of time in the spring. This has had the ecological knock-on effect of allowing aspen seedlings at lower elevations to survive and stands of aspen trees to recover (Ripple & Beschta 2007).

Exploitation stress effects on growth

The conversion functions k12f and k12g may vary due to the stress that herbivores induce on plants or predators induce on prey. For example, wild dogs reduce the rate at which their prey are able to reproduce (Creel et al. 2009), while some herbivores invoke a defensive response in plants (Karban 2008) that diverts resources that would otherwise have been allocated to growth and reproduction.

Feeding deficit stress effects on senescence

The per capita rate m1 of the resource population is a non-increasing function of x2 because consumers may induce a feeding deficit stress response of some kind on individuals in the resource population that leads to increased mortality rates through senescence. The most ubiquitous examples are parasites that are pathogenic to some degree.

Croppers, diverters and harassers

Croppers, defined above to be primarily gatherers of live animal or plant biomass, may or may not divert a significant flow of resource biomass to the dead resource compartment. Herbivorous grasshoppers, for example, divert up to 40% of what they eat (Gandar 1982), while carnivorous cheetahs divert up to 15% of what they hunt (Marker et al. 2003). They may also harass individuals in the resource population. Yellowstone wolves, for example, fit into the cropper–diverter–harasser category and play a critical role in stabilising populations that scavenge on wolf-produced carrion by producing elk carcasses year round and reducing the strong pulse of elk carcass towards the end of winter (Wilmers et al. 2003; Wilmers & Getz 2005).

By definition since croppers strictly do not scavenge and if they are not cannibals then the only non-zero extraction function in eqn 6 is f12, which consequently in this case does not depend to first order on the dead biomass components y1 and y2 (Table 2). Furthermore, in the simplest case, we assume that at least to first order, the per capita senescence rates mi, i = 1, 2, of individuals in the resource and cropper populations depend only on the deficit stress variables vi. Thus, applying eqn 5 to each population for constant background senescence rates μi > 0, we obtain mi(vi)=μivisvisvi. In this case, the differential equations in resource and cropper abundance x1 and x2, respectively, are independent of variables y1 and y2. Under these assumptions, we can write down the following four-variable inertial model as a special case of eqn 6 for croppers that also may harass the resource:

dx1dt=(ϕ1α1μ1v1sv1sv1f12x2)x1dx2dt=(ϕ2α2μ2v2sv2sv2)x2vi(t)=twi(ts)Vi(α~i(s)ϕ~i(s),vi(s))ds,i=1,2, (7)


ϕ1=k1θ1f01y0andϕ2=k2f12x1. (8)

The effects of harassment of resource individuals can be incorporated by generalising the feeding f01 to be a monotonically decreasing function of x2. In this case, the simple extension of eqn 4 to

f01(y0,x1,x2)=a1b1(1+(x1c1+x2c12)γ)+y0 (9)

sufficesfor some constant c12 > 0.

Parasites and pathogens

All types of organisms in food webs can be parasites and their hosts can be any kind of organism (Marcogliese & Cone 1997; Lafferty et al. 2008). Parasites, as defined in Fig. 1, are miners of live biomass. Thus, on the gather–miner spectrum, the opposite of parasites are croppers, while on the live–dead spectrum, the opposite of parasites are saprophages. Parasites are not obligate killers, although some groups are such as insect parasitoids (Godfray 1994). Macro-endoparasites that consume a significant proportion of their host's biomass, with up to 39% of the soft tissue body mass being accounted for by trematodes in one host snail species (Hechinger et al. 2009), have a direct effect on their hosts through biomass extraction. In addition, such parasites usually have an indirect effect through increasing their host's senescence rate. Microparasites (fungi, protozoans, bacteria and viruses) are much less likely to have direct effects on the biomass of their hosts, but those that are pathogenic may have considerable indirect effects on senescence. Some microparasites have evolved to become symbiotic, example being flagellate protozoan parasites of the termite gut that help termites digest cellulose.

An important issue relating to host–parasite dynamics is the question of average parasite load at the population level vs. actual parasite load in individual hosts. This problem can and has been addressed in several ways, bearing in mind that a curvilinear, but monotonically increasing relationship between host densities and parasite abundance is likely to occur, as has been demonstrated in the context of gastrointestinal strongylid nematodes across 19 mammalian host species (Arneberg et al. 1998). When parasite infections are widespread among all individuals in a host population, then a simple approach to modelling parasite population abundance is to assume that all dynamics can be characterised in terms of an average infection intensity u in the host population. In this case, if the host and parasite populations have live biomass abundances x1 and x2, respectively, then the proportion of host biomass infected is pinf=x2ux1.

This approach of using an average intensity of parasitism across all hosts is likely to be more applicable to macroparasite infections, such as those by nematodes, cestodes and trematodes, than bacterial or viral infections where individuals are regarded as either infected or not infected. Moreover, in the latter case, dose of infection may be a factor in determining whether an individual host succumbs to an associated disease (Claridge et al 2002). The use of average intensities of infection may also be applicable to microscopic parasites such as coccidia found in the gastrointestinal tracts of almost all vertebrate ruminants or even malarial plasmodia, where abundance in hosts (mosquito vectors in this case – see Dawes et al. 2009) is important in determining the death rate. Additional complexities arise, such as parasites increasing the vulnerability of their hosts to predators (Hudson et al. 1992); but we leave such complexities to future studies.

Parasite death rates themselves occur both independent of host deaths – that is, when the parasites die within the host or during the process of transmission from one host to another – and with the death of host individuals (Fig. 2). In some cases, parasites may cause disease but then jump from one host to another before the death of the host. This is particularly true of ectoparasites, such as ticks, that vector various diseases including Rocky Mountain spotted fever and Lyme disease in humans. In this case, however, three rather than two species are involved.

In our BTW model, the process of transmission itself is not explicitly considered, but assumed to occur at finer temporal and possibly spatial scales than the spatio-temporal scale of the BTW paradigm. To obtain this finer level of resolution requires that we divide the population further into susceptible and infected individuals with transmission assumed to follow either a mass-action principle, a frequency-dependent transmission principle, or, more generally, a saturating rate for which mass-action and frequency-dependent transmission are special cases (McCallum et al. 2001).

With these various points in mind, one approach is to assume the existence of a background host mortality rate that is enhanced by the presence of the parasites x2 to yield the expression:

m1=(μ1+μ12x2)v1sv1sv1, (10)

for constants μ1 > 0 and μ12 ≥ 0. One might also assume that the parasite has a background mortality rate as the parasite is cleared from hosts by mechanisms that relate to the host immune system and parasite senescence. Additionally, in many cases, parasites might die along with hosts at a rate proportional to the parasite-induced host death rate, where this factor of proportionality depends on the ratio x2x1. Under these assumptions, it follows that


where we note that μ21 has a value that takes account of the factor 1/u mentioned above in calculating the proportion pinf discussed above.

Viral and, in most cases, bacterial pathogens need to be treated differently than parasites whose primary effect on the host is the resources extracted from the host population. In the case of microbial pathogens that either kill their hosts or go on to be defeated by the host's immune system, the first-order effect is the increase in the mortality rate of hosts rather than a decrease in the host biomass. In this case, the pathogen's abundance x2 may best be measured as the number of pathogens per unit biomass of host (or per unit volume of the host's blood, phloem tissue or cytoplasm). As discussed in the next section, for microparasites such as B. anthracis, the infectious agent are spores that enter the environment soon after the death of a host. In this case, all other factors equal, the rate of growth of the number of B. anthracis spores in the environment will be proportional to the pathogen-induced mortality μ12x2v1sv1sv1. Thus, it follows that

ϕ2=a2(μ1+μ12x2)v1sv1sv1, (11)

where a2 > 0, the rate at which a diseased carcass contributes spores to the environment, may itself depend on many other factors such as the presence of scavengers to open the carcass. Moreover, the background mortality rate m2 of spores x2 in the environment may decrease with increasing density x2 of spores, if spores at infectious sites are degraded at a greater per-capita rate when present at high than at low densities. In this case, to first order, we might assume m2 = μ2 + μ22x2. If we now ignore the inertial component [by forcing v(t) ≡ 0 for all t], then the host–pathogen equations that arise are:

dx1dt=(k1a1y01b1(1+(x1c1)γ1)+y01α1(μ1+μ12x2))x1,dx2dt=(a2μ12x1α2μ2μ22x2)x2, (12)

which provides a novel alternative formulation to numerous existing approaches (e.g. Murdoch et al. 2003).


In the development of a model that can address questions relating to both endemic and outbreak dynamics of pathogens in food webs, with specific application to an anthrax-centred food web in ENP, Namibia, we draw upon eqn 2, as well as equations developed in Appendix S3 modelling the interaction of a consumer that is both a cropper and scavenger in a food web. Bacillus anthracis, the agent responsible for anthrax, is a Gram-positive bacterium that persists in a sporulated life stage in patches of suitable soil – referred to here as locally infectious zones (LIZs) – where its ability to infect herbivores decays over time (Hugh-Jones & Blackburn 2009). During the ENP wet season, individual zebra, springbok, wildebeest and oryx ingest lethal doses of B. anthracis spores, contract the anthrax disease and die (Lindeque & Turnbull 1994). On the other hand, individual elephants range widely and are more likely to die of anthrax during the dry season. Diseased carcasses year round are open by various carcasivores (several kinds of vultures) and carnivores (hyenas and lions), but especially black-backed jackals (Canis mesomelas) that are both carcasivores and opportunistic croppers of small mammals (rodents, lagomorphs, newborn springbok), birds, reptiles, invertebrates (e.g. dung beetles), and even seeds and fruit (Kaunda & Skinner 2003).

The area of ENP around Okaukuejo is semi-arid, where outbreaks of anthrax predictably occur each year (the mean annual rainfall at Okaukuejo was 384 mm from 1934–2007 – see Turner et al. 2010) and consequently ecologically less complex than anthrax in wetter savanna systems such as Zimbabwe, where outbreaks are less predictable and can be highly disruptive to the ecoystem (Hugh-Jones & Blackburn 2009). As the dominant anthrax-mediated transformation process of live-to-dead animal biomass each year around Okaukuejo occurs in the zebra (Equus quagga) and elephant populations (Loxodonta africana), a combined population of these two species provides the focal live resource (x1) and dead (y1) resource compartments in a model of anthrax in ENP (Fig. 4; Appendix S4), although anthrax does infect many other species in ENP.

Figure 4.

Figure 4

A simplified anthrax-centred biomass transformation web in Etosha National Park, Namibia. See Appendix S4 for equations modelling this system.

Bacillus anthracis spores (abundance x2) are distributed within LIZs across a several 1000 km2 grazing plain in ENP. A simple spatially aggregated BTW model of anthrax dynamics can be developed, as detailed in Appendix S4, using eqn 12 to model the B. anthracis spore–host (elephant/zebra) interaction. By simply varying the growth parameter a2 in eqn 12, this model nicely replicates both endemic and epidemic disease dynamics (Fig. 5). Further in the latter case, the outbreaks do not cause the host population to collapse to exceptionally low levels, a situation typical of dynamics predicated by Lotka–Volterra type models. More specifically, in panel (a) (Fig. 5), the population converges to an endemic phase that it similarly converges to in panel (b) when the density-dependent mortality factor μ22 is removed (i.e. set to zero). As the factor a2 controlling the number of spores entering the environment per unit biomass of infected carcass is increased from a2 = 0.5 (panel b) to a2 = 0.8 (panel c), regular outbreaks that appear slightly dampened over time occur every 3 years, although the severity dramatically increases and frequency decreases to once every 7–8 years when the spore production rate increases by 50% to a2 = 1.2. Thus, the relatively simple two-dimensional model represented by eqn 12 is easily able to capture the range of observed endemicity of anthrax in ENP to the subdecadel and decadel outbreaks in places such as Kruger National Park in South Africa and wildland areas in Zimbabwe (Hugh-Jones & Blackburn 2009).

Figure 5.

Figure 5

The zebra/elephant biomass abundance x1(t) (Scale 1 = 18 000 metric tons) and anthrax spore abundance x2(t) (Scale 1 = 200 unspecified units) solutions to eqn 12 are plotted over a 30-year period for the parameter values given in Table S2 (Appendix S5), except as noted: (a) a2 = 0.5 and μ22 = 0.0001, (b) a2 = 0.5 and μ22 = 0, (c) a2 = 0.8 and μ22 = 0, and (d) a2 = 1.2 and μ22 = 0.

An additional compartment in the model is live jackal biomass at abundance x3, as jackals scavenge both diseased carcasses and those arising from lion and hyena kills. Jackals also scavenge other carcass species and crop a variety of small animals that we structurally represent through live (x4) and dead (y4) resource biomass compartments in the model (Fig. 4; Appendix S4). To keep the model simple, lions (Panthera leo) and spotted hyena (Crocuta crocuta) that prey upon the various ungulates are included in the environment as donor-controlled cropper–scavenger extraction processes (Appendix S4).

If we now include inertial variables v1, v3 and v4 (i.e. for all the live biomass compartments except anthrax x2), then the resulting BTW models contains nine dynamic equations, as detailed in Appendix S4. This model, in lumping together trophic functional groups such as ‘elephants and zebra’ and ‘other small mammals’, and in ignoring spatial and seasonal structure, is obviously crude. Constructing a model that splits apart these functional groups, and includes migratory seasonal movements and other spatio-temporal structures, is a task worthy of several PhD studies. Thus, the analysis here is only meant to illustrate how a model based on BTW principles can be assembled rather than reflect the current state of biological knowledge of the system under consideration. To this end, the parameters derived in Appendix S5 are crude ballpark estimates that allow the model to be used as a tool for suggesting research priorities and directions rather than answering well-posed research questions. This is appropriate given that current abundance estimates are rather crude and, in particular, jackal abundances are not known within a factor of two of real levels, while the distribution of anthrax spores across the landscape is unknown.

For the set of parameter values given in Table S2 (Appendix S5), the model presented in Appendix S4 predicts the equilibrium values (which can be interpreted as long-term averages) (1,ŷ1,2,3,ŷ3,4)′ = (7437,70.0,31.2,2351,3.49,57.6) (units are metric tons except for x2, which needs further studies to ground the arbitrary units used here). An important approach to exploring models with uncertain parameter values is to carry out some kind of sensitivity analysis (Saltelli et al 2000) as a way to use the model to inform ecologists what parameters in the model are most critical to characterising variables of interest. For example, we see from panel (a) in Fig. 6 that halving the jackal maximum extraction rate parameter a4 results in the reduction of the predicted equilibrium by 1/3. Also if we ask the question what will happen if jackal were to only scavenge carcasses (i.e. setting wf= 0), then the jackal population falls by three quarters when a4 = 0.16 or collapses completely when a4 = 0.08.

Figure 6.

Figure 6

Jackal biomass abundance x4(t) (Scale 1 = 20 metric tons) solutions to eqn 12 are plotted over a 25-year period for the parameter values given in Table S2 (Appendix S5), except as labelled in (a) for the four illustrated cases. The same applies to (b), except here the deficit stress variable v4 (Scale 1 = 10−1) is also plotted for the labelled case.

The jackal population in panel (a) (Fig. 6) is modelled under endemic anthrax conditions. If the system is perturbed into outbreak mode by setting μ22 = 0, then under conditions where the jackal population only scavenge, during an outbreak the population may nearly double and then rapidly decline at the end of an outbreak (panel b in Fig. 6). The reason why the decline is rapid is apparent from the graph of v4 in panel (b) (Fig. 6): at the end of an outbreak, once the excess carcasses have all been consumed, the elevated jackal population begins to starve, as evidenced by the rapid rise in the value of v4, and the effects of accelerated senescence due to the associated deficit stress now set in.


Consumer–resource models can be traced back to the work of Lotka and Volterra in the mid 1920s, with much of the current work on this topic (Murdoch et al. 2003; Turchin 2003) rooted in Lotka and Volterra's original two-dimensional formulation. The Lotka–Volterra model with its extensions to include various types of nonlinear predator-response-to-prey-density functions has been applied to quite different kinds of consumer–resource processes, including plant–herbivore, prey–predator and host–parasite interactions; but also with a notable lack of focus on scavenger–carrion interactions (Nuria & Fotuna 2006). The BTW presented here deals with all these various consumer–resource interactions, but its approach to growth as a function of biomass extraction leads more naturally than Lotka–Volterra-like approaches to distinguishing among different kinds of consumer through incorporation of biomass diversion, scavenging, parasitism and consumer-harassment processes. The price we pay for this refinement is that the general consumer–resource formulation is now four to six rather than two dynamically linked equations, although, as we have seen, the dimension can be reduced to two when focusing on special cases. The gain though is considerable in that our view of the kinds of resource–consumer interactions that can occur (Fig. 1; Appendix S1) is now considerably enlarged. Along with this enlargement comes a whole new set of ecological and evolutionary questions that can be addressed in a quantitatively rigorous framework using methodologies, such as evolutionarily stable strategy theory, that have proved their worth when used in conjunction with Lotka–Volterra type formulations of population interactions (Cressman & Garay 2003). Among these questions are how might we expect the dynamics of the feeding deficit stress variables vi to reflect the life history dichotomy of miners vs. gatherers. This is an issue that relates to time constants associated with rates of feeding deficit stress accumulation and accommodation, as well as time-to-death under complete starvation and how life histories evolve to deal with variable interresource encounter periods for gatherers. Moreover, for many species, metabolic rates may adaptively decrease when food intake rates do not meet normal metabolic needs [i.e. periods where vi increases because φiαi, so that dαidv<0 is an adaptive strategy], as is the case of animals that go into hibernation during seasonal resource dearths.

Although the formulation, through the inclusion of the feeding deficit stress variables vi, deals with the problem that population processes need to include inertial effects, including the well-studied maternal effect (Inchausti & Ginzburg 1998), the approach ultimately needs to be generalised to take into account two forms of heterogeneity that apply to all paradigms and not just BTW. The first form is spatial heterogeneity and requires elaboration of how particular population processes vary over space and how animals move to mitigate gradients in these processes that naturally arise, such as moving to places where feeding rates can be higher or where they are less likely to succumb to being extracted by predators. The second form is individual variation due to both genetic and random processes, in which two individuals in the same place are subject to different rates of food acquisitions, different rates of parasitism and different risks of being consumed by other species. This results in a phenomenon known as buffering (Revilla & Wiegand 2008).

One of the strengths of BTW is that it provides a unified framework in which the approach to modelling populations to first order is independent of the trophic level. Another strength of BTW is that it deals with scavengers just as easily as it does with croppers or parasites. Thus, it has application to a much wider array of food web systems than current methods generally have including systems of importance to disease management or conservation biology. A case in point is evaluating how many dead trees are needed to sustain the white-backed woodpecker that relies on insect larvae that use dead trees as a food source during winter (Gjerde et al. 2005).

The BTW presented here is an outgrowth of the metaphysiological approach to modelling trophic interactions (Getz 1991, 1993). This approach, by taking a biomass flow rather than a birth-death-migration viewpoint of growth, formulates growth in terms of extraction and senescent processes, rather than directly in terms of the state variables themselves. This allows the formulation of equations to be unified across trophic levels, as evidenced by the general model (Box 1). In addition, the structure of the equations is rather transparent and, hence, easily implemented for particular systems, as illustrated in our derivation of the nine-variable anthrax BTW model in Appendix S4.

In terms of food web theory itself, by extending populations to account separately for both live and dead biomass, new topological relationships emerge and the strength of these relationships, as mediated by scavengers, parasites, disease and senescence processes, can now be included. This topological refinement will affect such characterising measures as L, the number of feeding relationships in webs, which has been used in a number of food web studies (e.g. Williams & Martinez 2000; Romanuk et al. 2009). As Lazzaro et al. (2009) recently pointed out: ‘The structure and dynamics of prey populations are shaped by the foraging behaviours of their predators. Yet, there is still little documentation on how distinct predator foraging types control biodiversity, food web architecture and ecosystem functioning’. This statement was made in the context of foraging strategies per se (e.g. visual vs. filter feeders) rather than in the context of biomass type (viz. live vs. dead). The statement applies equally well to the BTW formulation, which places live and dead material on an explicit co-footing. Similar considerations arise in the context of adaptive foraging in food webs with flexible topology (Křivan & Schmitz 2003), particularly in the context of adaptive scavenging. The BTW formulation provides a paradigm for exploring these various questions more thoroughly and systematically than before. Furthermore, once we move beyond homogeneous to spatially structured webs, the need for a miner–gatherer dichotomy takes on additional force when the ecological aspects of movement (Nathan et al. 2008) are introduced.

Supplementary Material



I thank Steve Bellan, Paul Cross, Lev Ginzburg, Matt Plucinski, Mary Power, Norman Owen-Smith and Wendy Turner for comments, and especially Peter Baxter for extensive comments and various references. This research was supported by NIH Grant GM083863 and the Stellenbosch Institute for Advanced Study in South Africa.



Additional Supporting Information may be found in the online version of this article:

Appendix S1. Consumer categories.

Appendix S2. Differential equation for deficit stress variable.

Appendix S3. Cropping and scavenging.

Appendix S4. Anthrax in ENP: model.

Appendix S5. Anthrax in ENP: parameters.

As a service to our authors and readers, this journal provides supporting information supplied by the authors. Such materials are peer-reviewed and may be re-organised for online delivery, but are not copy-edited or typeset. Technical support issues arising from supporting information (other than missing files) should be addressed to the authors.


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