This literature review was conducted to evaluate the current state of evidence supporting communication interventions for individuals with severe disabilities. Authors reviewed 116 articles published between 1987 and 2007 in refereed journals meeting three criteria: (a) described a communication intervention, (b) involved one or more participants with severe disabilities, and (c) addressed one or more areas of communication performance. Many researchers failed to report treatment fidelity or to assess basic aspects of intervention effects including generalization, maintenance, and social validity. The evidence reviewed indicates that 96% of the studies reported positive changes in some aspects of communication. These findings support the provision of communication intervention to persons with severe disabilities. Gaps in the research were reported with recommendations for future research.
Keywords: communication, mental retardation, severe disabilities, intellectual and developmental disabilities, autism, multiple disabilities, literature review, intervention
The ability to communicate effectively with others is essential for good quality of life. Individuals who have severe disabilities include those with severe to profound intellectual disability, autism, deaf-blindness, and multiple-disabilities. For these individuals, the ability to communicate can be substantially compromised. The question of whether and how this ability to communicate can be improved through intervention was the focus of a national consensus conference convened by the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Special Education Programs, (OSEP) and its Technical Assistance Development System (TADS) in 1985 (OSEP/TADS, 1985). In addition to producing a number of consensus statements, these 1985 conferees called for the formation of “an interagency task force” to disseminate guidelines for the “development and enhancement of functional communication abilities” in individuals with severe disabilities.
This recommendation resulted in the establishment of a “National Joint Committee for the Communicative Needs of Persons with Severe Disabilities” (NJC) in 1986. The present review was conducted by current members of the NJC, which included representatives from the American Association of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, American Occupational Therapy Association, American Physical Therapy Association, American Speech-Language and Hearing Association, Council for Exceptional Children/Division for Children with Communication Disabilities and Deafness, TASH (formerly The Association for Persons with Severe Handicaps), and the United States Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication.
Evidence-Based Practice
In the past five years, much has been written about the importance of basing medical, therapeutic, and educational interventions on high quality, empirical evidence. This focus on the need for more evidence-based practice, or EBP, can be found across all of the disciplines represented on the NJC in the form of articles, position statements, and special issues of our journals. While there is no universal agreement on what constitutes EBP, or how to evaluate the relative quality of available evidence, there are some clear areas of agreement. Echoing the terminology introduced by Sackett and colleagues (Sackett, Rosenberg, Gray, Haynes, & Richardson, 1996), the American Speech Language Hearing Association issued a position statement which explained that “the term ‘evidence-based practice’ refers to an approach in which current, high-quality research evidence is integrated with practitioner expertise and client preferences and values into the process of making clinical decisions” (American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, 2005, para. 1). Similar statements and definitions have been issued by the American Psychological Association (APA, 2005), the American Occupational Therapy Association (Guttman, 2009), the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA, n.d.), and the Council for Exceptional Children (Odom, Brantlinger, Gersten, Horner, Thompson, & Harris, 2005).
The multiple professions represented on the NJC also share some common expectations as to what constitutes high-quality research evidence. It is generally accepted that the highest level of evidence quality is produced by a randomized clinical trial (RCT) – a prospective study using randomized assignment of participants with double-blind controls (Committee on Educational Interventions for Children with Autism, 2001; Shavelson & Towne, 2002). However, in research on intervention provided to individuals with severe intellectual and developmental disabilities, often compounded by multiple disabilities, such designs are usually not possible for a number of practical, ethical, and scientific2 reasons. Thus, any attempt to evaluate the quality of evidence supporting different types of intervention for individuals with severe intellectual and developmental disabilities must consider the research characteristics that contribute to the overall believability of the research results, regardless of research design (Odom et al., 2005).
Most basically, results are more believable to the extent that a study design has controlled for threats to both internal validity (i.e., are results actually attributable to the experimental procedures, as described?) and external validity (i.e., are results useful and generalizable to other members of the target population?) (Tuckman, 1999). So, while it may not be realistic to look for RCT designs in intervention studies involving individuals with severe intellectual and developmental disabilities, the design features themselves that contribute to internal and external validity of these studies can be examined. These quality indicators include: (a) accurate and complete description of participant characteristics, especially traits likely to be related to the study’s dependent measures; (b) replicability of study procedures, including precise description of how the procedure was implemented, the intensity (how often? for how long?) and duration of treatment (how many days/weeks/months?), and how reliably these procedures were implemented as described (treatment fidelity); (c) reliability of data reported (i.e., do the data accurately reflect participant characteristics and results of intervention?) including both inter-and intra-rater reliability; and (d) the maintenance and generalization of treatment results to participants’ daily lives, and the perceived value of results (social validity) (Gersten, Fuchs, Compton, Coyne, Greenwood, & Innocenti, 2005; Horner, Carr, Halle, McGee, Odom, & Wolery, 2005).
Purpose of This Review
In 2005, NJC members agreed that it was time to review systematically the past 20 years of communication intervention research involving person with severe intellectual and developmental disabilities, in light of today’s standards of evidence-based practice. We felt that such a review of the evidence would provide useful information for providers who question the potential benefit of communication intervention for persons with severe disabilities, and would also identify directions for future research. Thus, we undertook this methodical review of the literature to address three broad and basic questions:
What are the characteristics of the research evidence that supports the delivery of communication interventions to individuals with severe disabilities?
What is the nature and quality of the evidence?
How can these findings inform specific needs for future research?
This review differs from others recent reviews of communication intervention research in its broad focus on individuals with severe disabilities, in the period of time addressed, and in its reporting of findings that achieved acceptable inter-rater agreement by reviewers.
This systematic literature review examined published communication intervention research conducted with individuals with severe intellectual and developmental disabilities during a 20-year period between 1987 and 2007. The initial search for the period of 1987 to 2006 was carried out by the National Center for Evidence-Based Research Practice in Communication Disorders of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. The search for the period of 2006–2007 was conducted by NJC members using the same procedure. We targeted this 20-year period because of the major improvements in special educational laws that have affected individuals with severe disabilities and have served as a stimulus for applied research. Preparation for completing the review with acceptable reliability was a complex and time-consuming process; it was not possible to add research published after 2007. Only articles meeting the following criteria were selected for review: (a) were published in peer-reviewed journals, (b) were written in the English language, (c) had participants with severe disabilities, (d) were intervention studies dealing with language or literacy outcomes, (e) contained original data, and (f) were not case studies.
A four-step search process was applied to identify a pool of research articles meeting these requirements. First, 13 electronic data bases were searched: CINAHL, Combined Health Information Database, ERIC, Education Abstracts, Exceptional Child Education Resources, Health Source: Nursing, Linguistics and Language Behaviour Abstracts, PsycARTICLES, PsycINFO, PubMed, Science Citation Index, ScienceDirect, Social Science Citation Index. Thirty-one search terms were used to select potential studies [e.g., Augmentative or Alternative Communication (AAC), Augmentative Communication, Communication, Emergent Communication]; the full list is available on the NJC website.3 After this initial search, 47 expanded search terms were created and applied (e.g., “Communication” [MeSH Major Topic] AND (augmentative OR alternative OR emergent OR nonsymbolic OR presymbolic OR intentional OR symbol* OR speech generat*). Third, the reference lists of all relevant articles identified were scanned for other possible studies. Finally, all publications authored by NJC members were searched. This search process generated a pool of 269 potentially relevant articles.
Development of the Research Evaluation Instrument
An instrument (NJC Evidence-Based Practices Data Entry Instrument, 2008)3 was developed to evaluate the characteristics of communication intervention research conducted with individuals with severe disabilities. Using initial versions of the instrument during a face-to-face meeting, all ten NJC members read and independently coded a subset of the 269 articles that were chosen to test the emerging inclusion criteria. Members discussed their ratings on the inclusion criteria, resolved their differences, and then revised the wording of items and replaced open-ended items with closed-ended items (i.e., yes/no and multiple choice). Second, we selected 50 articles at random from the pool and assigned 7 to 8 articles to each of two raters; these pairs of raters talked by telephone to compare their independent ratings on the inclusion criteria and the instrument items and to discuss and resolve differences. During regular conference calls improvements were made in the coding form as a result of this work. Third, at a face-to-face meeting, the first six authors read 6 articles randomly selected from the pool of articles and independently rated the articles. The authors compared their ratings, discussed and resolved any differences, and then added information to the coding form that more precisely defined contested items. For example, we added developmental ranges for judging whether participants had severe disabilities and for identifying their pretreatment communication characteristics (e.g., “follows simple verbal or gestural directions” was supplemented with “and/or reported receptive language age of 9 to 18 months). At the end of this meeting the instrument was finalized.
The instrument was converted into an electronic coding form and placed on a web-based survey platform (www.Zoomerang.com); this format allowed easier data entry by reviewers in different locations. The final version of the instrument consisted of a total of 39 questions, 32 of which addressed the content of the studies meeting inclusion criteria (available on the NJC website3). The instrument was divided into four sections: (a) reviewer/article information (2 items), (b) inclusion criteria (5 items), (c) study description and characteristics (29 items), and (d) summary of evidence quality (3 items). The last three instrument items on quality of evidence used a rating system developed by the National Research Council (2001) for evaluating the quality of evidence provided by any one study on the basis of three key indicators: internal validity, external validity, and generalization. Eighteen of the 32 content questions (56.2%) required reviewers to make a single choice. The remaining 14 items (43.8%) required that the reviewer check all of the 4 to 8 options that applied to a given study. For example, under “Diagnoses/disabilities of participants with severe disabilities” (item # 12) the reviewer checked any of the eight options that characterized the study participants who had severe disabilities: developmental delay or intellectual disability, cerebral palsy, autism spectrum disorders, sensory impairments, etc. Thus while the instrument had 32 numbered content items, each study was coded on a total of 104 items including all the multiple option sub-items. For these items where multiple options could be checked, frequency percentages could exceed 100%.
Review Procedure
The pool of 269 potentially relevant articles identified through the search was divided evenly among the first six authors who read, coded, and entered their ratings for every assigned article into the instrument on the web-based survey platform. Each article in this pool was examined using a stepwise process: articles judged to not meet all three inclusion criteria were not evaluated beyond these inclusion items; articles judged to meet all three inclusion criteria were included in the database and evaluated using the entire instrument. To be included in the database, each article had to meet three inclusion criteria and thus be judged as a study that: (a) described an intervention, (b) included one or more participants of any age with severe disabilities, and (c) applied an intervention addressing one or more areas of communication performance. The definition of severe disabilities that was applied in the second criterion had multiple components and included a broad description, along with a specific IQ cutoff, and language age guidelines that were aligned with chronological age (item #5 of the NJC instrument). For the third criterion, “communication performance” was defined as: learning to understand and/or produce communication messages to a communication partner, using any mode including graphic, natural gestures, sign language, speech, picture symbols, etc., and addressing one of the following functions: requesting, commenting, protesting, conveying social niceties, answering questions, repairing after a breakdown” (item #6). Thus, we did not review articles that focused on the component skills of communication such as matching-to-sample or picture identification, unless the study included an aspect of teaching the participant(s) to use the component skills to communicate with another person.
From the pool of 269 potentially relevant articles identified through our search, 116 studies (43%) were judged to meet the three inclusion criteria and to qualify for further review on the 32 content items on the instrument. The findings reported in this review were drawn from this qualified database of 116 studies.
Inter-rater Agreement
Inter-rater agreement (IRA) was assessed in two ways to calibrate multiple raters with each other and to assure that raters were accurate and procedures of the review were replicable (Bakeman & Gottman, 1997). The first type of IRA addressed agreement in judging an article’s fulfillment of the inclusion criteria. The second type of IRA addressed agreement in rating the remaining 32 items on the instrument.
Inclusion criteria items
To calculate IRA for scoring studies on the three inclusion criteria, a group of 71 (26.4%) articles was selected at random from the pool of 269 potentially relevant articles. Each article was randomly assigned to two reviewers (primary and secondary) for independent rating. The primary reviewer’s ratings on the inclusion criteria items for each article were compared to the secondary reviewer’s ratings on a point-by-point basis and scored for exact agreement or disagreement. An agreement percentage was calculated by dividing the total number of agreements by the number of agreements plus disagreements and multiplying this figure by 100. After comparison, the primary reviewer’s ratings were retained and the secondary reviewer’s ratings were dropped. The inter-rater reliabilities for the inclusion criteria were as follows: (a) article describes an intervention or treatment (95.8%), (b) study includes one or more participants with severe disabilities (84.5%), and (c) treatment addresses one or more areas of communication performance (81.7%).
Differences in scoring for second criterion appear to have been due to researchers omitting or indistinctly reporting disability information such as IQ scores, IQ range labels (e.g., moderate ID, severe ID), or pre-treatment communication assessment results. Differences in scoring for the third criterion seem to have been caused by inadequate information provided on the study’s focus, with the required focus to teach a person to understand and/or produce communication messages to a communication partner using any mode and addressing one or more basic functions. Some of the research with disagreement on this item addressed component skills such as matching symbols or letters to objects. In some cases it was difficult to determine if the intervention included using these component skills to communicate to another person.
Content items
Second, we assessed inter-rater agreement on the 32 items on the instrument and the associated sub-items describing the study. Fourteen items on the instrument had a multiple choice format and required reviewers to check all options that applied; the remaining 18 items had a yes/no format. Thirty-five studies (30.2% of the qualified database) were randomly selected from the 116 studies that met inclusion criteria. These studies were randomly assigned to two reviewers (primary and secondary) for independent rating. As with the inclusion criteria, the primary reviewer’s ratings on the content items for each study were compared to the secondary reviewer’s ratings on a point-by-point basis and scored for exact agreement or disagreement. An agreement percentage was calculated by dividing the total number of agreements by the number of agreements plus disagreements and multiplying this figure by 100. After comparison, the primary reviewer’s ratings were retained and the secondary reviewer’s ratings were dropped.
Moderate to strong IRA was attained on all three inclusion criteria and on 26 of 32 (81.3%) content items or 92 of 104 (88.5%) total content items including instrument sub-items. The 12 out of 104 instrument sub-items that fell below levels of 70% were dropped from further analyses (i.e., items 17.5, 18.2, 18.3, 21.4, 21.7, 30.3, 30.6, 32, 33, 37–39 on the NJC instrument3). The results presented below include only those for items on which our independent raters achieved agreement ≥ 70%.
Characteristics of the Research
Number, gender, and chronological ages of participants
Reviewers identified number, gender, and ages of the participants with severe disabilities in each study. A total of 461 participants with severe intellectual and developmental disabilities were reported in the 116 studies in the database, with a range of 1 to 41 participants and a mean of 4.0 participants. Of these, 287 were male and 174 were female. The average age of these participants was 13.7 years. When a study had one or more participants judged to have severe disabilities and other participants who did not, we included only the information for participants who were judged to have severe disabilities. Table 1 shows the distribution of participants by age group and other participant characteristics. As shown in Table 1, a larger number of the116 studies reported interventions with younger children (80% included participants younger than 12 years) than with adults (only 25% included one or more participants 21 years or older).
Table 1.
Characteristic | Number and Percent of Studies Reporting Participants of Each Type1 | |
N | % | |
Chronological Age Levels | ||
0–5 years, 11 mos. | 51 | 44.0% |
6–11 years, 11 mos. | 42 | 36.2% |
12–17 years, 11 mos. | 33 | 28.4% |
18–20 years, 11 mos. | 23 | 19.8% |
≥ 21 years & older | 29 | 25.0% |
Participant Disabilities | ||
Intellectual Disability | 92 | 79.3% |
Autism | 53 | 45.7% |
Multiple Disabilities | 40 | 34.5% |
Cerebral Palsy | 21 | 18.1% |
Specific Syndrome 2 | 19 | 16.4% |
Sensory Impairment | 16 | 13.8% |
Behavioral Disorder | 9 | 7.8% |
Pre-treatment Communication Levels | ||
Pre-linguistic | 77 | 66.4% |
Emerging | 60 | 51.7% |
Multiple, non-echolalic words | 7 | 6.0% |
Other [echolalia] | 11 | 9.5% |
Pre-treatment Communication Modes | ||
Speech | 57 | 49.1% |
AAC-Unaided | 20 | 17.2% |
AAC-Aided | 10 | 8.6% |
AAC-Aided, w/speech output | 5 | 4.3% |
Gestures/vocalizations | 69 | 59.5% |
Other (incl. challenging behavior) | 25 | 21.6% |
Pre-treatment Receptive Communication Abilities | ||
Not responsive; RLA ≤ 9 mo | 13 | 11.2% |
Simple directions; RLA 9–18 mos | 37 | 31.9% |
Single words; RLA 18–30 mos | 26 | 22.4% |
Grammar/syntax; RLA >30 mos | 6 | 5.2% |
Not reported | 62 | 53.4% |
Out of total of 116 studies included in review; data are only for study participants who could be identified with a severe IDD; numbers total greater than 116 because some studies included participants with differing ages, diagnoses and/or communication abilities.
Note: Specific syndromes reported: Down (17), Retts (5), Kleinfelter’s, microcephaly, Pierre Robin, Fragile X and Angelman
Disability and communication characteristics of research participants
Reviewers identified the primary diagnoses or disabilities of participants in each study, noting any specific genetic disorders or syndromes mentioned. Table 1 summarizes the number of studies including one or more participants within each of the coded disability categories. Nearly 80% of the studies included at least one participant with a diagnosis of intellectual disability; while only 19 studies (16.4%) reported participants with specific genetic disorders or syndromes. Down syndrome (17 studies) and Rett syndrome (5 studies) were the most frequently identified syndromes. Only 9 of the selected studies included one or more participants identified as having a behavioral disorder. Forty (34.5%) of the 116 studies reviewed included participants who had the label of multiple disabilities. In 66.4% of the studies researchers identified two or more disability category as being reflected in their sample of participants, with the highest number being six disabilities.
Pretreatment communication levels of participants
We coded the reported communication levels and modes of participants prior to intervention. For most of the participants in these studies, as shown in Table 1, pretreatment expressive communication was described as being prelinguistic (66.4%; no real words in any mode or reported expressive language age of less than 18 months) or emergent (51.7%; reported expressive language age between 18 and 30 months). Only a small number of participants in the studies communicated at multi-word, non-echolalic level (6.0%). The most common modes of communication reported for participants were gestures (59.5%) and speech (49.1%). For participants who were reported to use some type of AAC prior to intervention, the most common type was unaided AAC – typically manual signs.
In terms of the pre-treatment receptive language or comprehension abilities of participants in these studies, we found that half of the study authors provided no information at all about this aspect of participants’ communication abilities (Table 1). When receptive communication skills were reported, the most common levels described were “follows simple directions; “receptive language age (RLA) of 9 – 18 months” or “understands a few single words; RLA 18–30 mos”.
Dependent variables
Studies measured several aspects of communication performance that were explicitly targeted as outcomes of treatment. Table 2 summarizes the types of communication performance that were measured as outcomes of treatment in these 116 studies. By far the most frequently targeted outcome was improvement in expressive communication (81%), followed by improvement in interaction or conversation. The most frequently targeted expressive communication mode was speech (41.4%), followed closely by “AAC device with no speech output” (36.2%) and then “AAC device with speech output” (25%). More than one mode was assessed in 43.5% of the studies with a range of 1 to 4 modes. Again, we found that most of these studies (82.8%) did not target or measure receptive communication in any mode as a targeted outcome of intervention. Of those studies that did include a receptive communication dependent variable, the most common mode measured was understanding a partner’s spoken speech (9.5%). “Regulate the behavior of others (e.g., requesting, rejecting)” was the most frequent outcome measure of communication function reported in these studies (53.4%). We found that 18.1% of these studies identified more than one communication function as the targeted outcomes of the experimental intervention.
Table 2.
Data Input Instrument Items | Number and Percent of Studies Reviewed 3 | |
N | % | |
Aspects of communication performance measured as outcomes | ||
Expressive communication/expressive language | 94 | 81% |
Comprehension/Receptive language | 8 | 6.9% |
Interaction/conversation | 27 | 23.3% |
Other | 11 | 9.5% |
Expressive mode targets | ||
Speech | 48 | 41.4% |
AAC-Unaided | 25 | 21.6% |
AAC-speech output | 29 | 25% |
AAC-aided, no speech output | 42 | 36.2% |
Non-symbolic (gestures, vocalizations) | NR4 | NR |
NA/Not measured | 8 | 6.9% |
Receptive communication mode targets | ||
Speech | 11 | 9.5% |
AAC-unaided | 3 | 2.6% |
AAC-speech output | 6 | 5.2% |
AAC-aided, no speech output | 6 | 5.2% |
Gestural or contextual | 4 | 3.4% |
NA, not measured | 96 | 82.8% |
Communication function targets | ||
Regulate behavior | 62 | 53.4% |
Engage another | 25 | 21.6% |
Establish joint attention | 19 | 16.4% |
NA/Not measured | 37 | 31.9% |
Interaction/conversation targets | ||
Turn-taking | 13 | 11.2% |
Joint attention | 11 | 9.5% |
Imitation | 8 | 6.9% |
Initiation/Spontaneous | NR | NR |
Repair | 1 | 1% |
Topic maintenance | 2 | 1.7% |
NA/not measured | NR | NR |
Other | 16 | 13.8% |
Out of total of 116 studies included in review; data are only for study participants who could be identified with a severe IDD; numbers total greater than 116 because some studies included participants with differing ages, diagnoses and/or communication abilities.
Data not reported because inter-rater reliability among article reviewers < .70
In addition to measuring communication performance, 10.8% of the research measured challenging behavior during baseline and intervention and reported findings on it in their results.
Independent variables
The following characteristics of the specific intervention(s) applied in the study were coded: a) location(s) where intervention was conducted; b) the instructional methods used (e.g., individual, group, distributed trial, decontextualized); and c) the person(s) who delivered the intervention. Table 3 displays the distribution of these procedural features among the 116 studies. The most commonly used setting for intervention in these studies was the classroom (44%), followed by pull-out environments (e.g., therapy rooms or experimental rooms) (34.5%), home (27.6%), and community (5.2%). In 29.9% of the studies other settings were reported (e.g., playground, empty classroom, conference room, cafeteria, group home) or the setting was not clearly specified. Many studies (32.8%) delivered intervention in more than one setting.
Table 3.
Data Input Instrument Items | Number and Percent of Studies Reviewed 5 | |
N | % | |
Intervention settings | ||
Classroom | 51 | 44% |
Home | 32 | 27.6% |
Pull-out | 40 | 34.5% |
Community | 6 | 5.2% |
Other | 34 | 29.9% |
Implementation methods | ||
Individual/one-to-one | 102 | 87.9% |
Group | 11 | 9.5% |
Massed trial | NR6 | NR |
Distributed trial | 53 | 45.7% |
Decontextualized | 46 | 39.6% |
Contextualized | NR | NR |
Other | 4 | 3.4% |
Person(s) delivering intervention | ||
Parent | 19 | 16.4% |
Teacher | 41 | 35.3 |
Paraprofessional | 14 | 12.1% |
SLP | 7 | 6% |
Peer | 11 | 9.5% |
Experimenter | 60 | 51.7% |
Other | 23 | 19.8% |
Out of total of 116 studies included in review; data are only for study participants who could be identified with a severe IDD; numbers total greater than 116 because some studies included participants with differing ages, diagnoses and/or communication abilities.
Data not reported because inter-rater reliability among article reviewers < .70
In most of the studies (87.9%), the intervention was delivered to participants on an individual or one-on-one basis, with group interventions occurring in only 9.5% of the research (Table 3). Teaching trials were distributed over an activity or session, rather than massed into a short time segment, in nearly half of these studies (45.7%). In 39.6% of studies researchers delivered the experimental intervention in decontextualized settings that were removed from the natural communication environment with conditions manipulated according to time, setting, or individuals present; we defined decontextualized settings as created treatment conditions that were strikingly different from scheduled routines. In the majority of studies, the intervention was delivered by an experimenter (51.7%), and by others in a decreasing order of frequency: classroom teacher (35.3%), parent (16.4%), paraprofessionals (12.1%), peers (9.5%), or speech-language pathologists (6%). In 19.8% of the studies “other” individuals delivered the intervention (e.g., classroom staff, graduate student, direct services staff, coworker, occupational therapist), but half of the “other” group was not clearly specified. More than one individual delivered intervention to participants in 35.3% of the studies.
Nature of the Evidence
Primary outcomes of the intervention
In 95.7% of the 116 studies reviewed, researchers reported immediate, positive results in the target skill following intervention. This item was judged by examining reported changes against time depending upon the experimental design (e.g., graphs were examined for single subject research). While we did not specify criteria for “immediate positive results” our IRA on this item was 88.89%.
We did not categorize research on the specific intervention methods applied. However, as noted previously, the majority of these interventions focused on either improving expressive language (81%) or interaction skills (23.3%). To achieve this focus, a wide range of interventions were reported (e.g., Picture Exchange Communication System; functional communication training; systematic social interactive training; teaching conversational exchanges with peer partners and communication books; Enhanced Milieu Teaching; using visual supports to teach initiations; application of object and movement cues to teach receptive skills; reinforcement strategies to teach signing; time delay to promote speech; etc.). Because we did not identify or classify intervention methods, it is not possible to describe their frequency of use, to compare their effects, or to analyze which interventions or combinations of interventions were associated with stronger outcomes for participants. What is known from this review is that the majority of these 116 intervention studies (95.7%) were reliably judged as achieving “immediate positive results” or measurable improvement in one or more aspects of communication performance in participants with severe intellectual and developmental disabilities.
Finally, we coded each study for research design and validity (e.g., inter and intra-rater reliability, treatment fidelity, social validity) and on characteristics of intervention effectiveness (e.g., immediate results, long term effects). Regarding experimental design, of the 116 studies reviewed, experimental single subject research designs were used in 67.2% of the studies, while quasi-experimental designs were used in 19%, qualitative designs were used in 9.5%, and experimental group designs were used in only 3.4% of the studies.
We examined whether the 116 studies measured any sort of generalization, including stimulus (i.e., the transfer of target skills to new partners, materials, environments, etc.) or response generalization (i.e., changes in behaviors similar to those targeted). In a little more than half of the studies (51.3%), researchers included some measure of skill generalization (e.g., to new partners, settings, etc.). Consistent with these findings several conditions were reported in this database that may have contributed to the promotion of stimulus generalization: a) more than one individual delivered intervention to participants in 35.3% of the studies; b) the most commonly used setting for intervention in these studies was the classroom (44%) rather than an artificial setting, and c) many studies (32.8%) delivered intervention in more than one setting.
Less information was reported in these studies about skill maintenance or the continued performance of target behavior after intervention was withdrawn. Only 29 of these 116 studies (25.2%) reported measuring maintenance of effects three or more months after all intervention was completed. The vast majority (74.8%) of the communication intervention research we reviewed did not measure the maintenance of the target skills three months or longer following intervention.
Quality of the Evidence
In almost all of the 116 studies (89.5%) inter-rater agreement was measured. However, almost no studies (2.6%) measured intra-rater agreement (i.e., evidence that raters were consistent over time, includes test-retest reliability within a single individual). About one third of the research reviewed (32.2%) assessed fidelity of treatment (i.e., evidence that experimental conditions were implemented as described). Finally, about one sixth of the research (16.8%) assessed some feature of social validity (i.e., any measure of acceptability or benefit of the intervention from the perspective of experts or individuals who interact with the participant).
Some researchers who measured inter-rater agreement also measured various combinations of these research characteristics: treatment fidelity, social validity, generalization, or maintenance. At least two of these four research characteristics were measured in 32.8% of the studies while three of these four characteristics were measured in only 7.8% of the studies. All four characteristics were measured in only 2.6% of the studies. The measurement of generalization and treatment fidelity was the most frequent combination (20.7% of the studies assessed both).
The three purposes of this review were a) to identify the characteristics of the research evidence that supports the delivery of communication interventions to individuals with severe disabilities, b) to describe the nature and quality of that evidence and c) to suggest how these findings inform future research. The evidence reviewed indicates that positive changes in some aspects of communication were reported in nearly all of the studies in the database.
Characteristics of the Research
This literature review identified 116 research studies published between 1987 and 2007 that described an intervention addressing the communication performance of at least one individual with severe intellectual and developmental disabilities. The typical study applied single subject experimental design (67.2%) with a mean of four school-aged participants (mean age 13.7 years) with intellectual disability (79.3%). The participants’ typical pretreatment expressive level was reported as being prelinguistic (66.4%) or emerging (51.7%), while nonsymbolic gestures and vocalizations were their most frequent communication mode (59.5%). Intervention typically was delivered in the classroom or in pull-out settings. In most studies (87.9%) intervention was delivered on a one-to-one basis, often using distributed trials (47.5%). Participants’ improvement in expressive communication was the most frequently measured outcome (81%), and researchers reported immediate positive results in the target skills following intervention in 95.7% of the studies reviewed.
Speech and various forms of augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) were the most frequently targeted communication modes. Consistent with current recommendations to provide multi-modal communication, 43.5% of the studies targeted and measured more than one mode (Beukelman & Mirenda, 2005). Of these AAC modes, communication using devices with no speech output (e.g., picture communication books, picture symbols as in Picture Exchange Communication System) was targeted and measured most often (32.2%), while communication with speech generating devices (e.g., Wolf communication board, Introtalker) or unaided AAC (e.g., signing) were addressed about the same amount but less often than AAC modes with devices and no speech output. Given the pretreatment characteristics of the participants, it was not surprising that when communication function was measured, more than half of the studies assessed regulating the behavior of others as in requesting. What seemed surprising, however, was that 33% of the studies did not report measuring any communication function.
The first purpose of this literature review was to determine what research evidence there is that supports and describes the delivery of communication interventions to individuals with severe disabilities. In this review, 116 studies were identified that specifically addressed this question using some type of experimental or quasi-experimental design. Almost all of these studies (95.7%) reported that the intervention was followed by positive and immediate results for most or all participants with severe disabilities. These overwhelming positive outcomes are partly due to selection biases in publications, that is, only studies with positive outcomes tend to be submitted and accepted for publication (Torgerson, 2006). However, the published evidence clearly supports the provision of intervention services to improve the communication skills of children and adults with severe disabilities.
The Nature and Quality of the Research
The second purpose of this review was to describe the quality of the evidence base or the believability of the research findings. Specifically we were interested in learning the degree to which these 116 studies incorporated design features that assure the internal validity of findings (i.e., whether the results are attributable to the experimental procedures as described) and the external validity of findings (i.e., whether the results are useful and generalizable to other members of the target population). The review process included consideration of recent guidelines for evaluating research (e.g., Gersten et al., 2005; Horner et al., 2005; Justice & Snell, 2007; Lonigan, Elber, & Johnson, 1998; National Research Council, 2001; Odom et al., 2005). Although these documents were beneficial, there were a number of challenges in applying many of the so-called “gold standards” to the studies we reviewed.
Summative rating of research quality
The first challenge was in trying to give a summative rating for the quality of each research study. Rather than tease apart all of the elements that make up internal and external validity (e.g., Troia, 1999; Tuckman, 1999) and judge each study on all of these elements, we chose instead to include three instrument items (internal validity, external validity, and generalization) from the National Research Council’s often-cited review of the evidence on education of children with autism (NRC, 2001). It is worth noting that we were not able to achieve acceptable reliability on these items. In the original NRC report in 2001, different contributors were assigned to conduct reviews of research in different intervention areas (sensory, motor, social, etc.). In order to produce comparable data from these diverse literatures, these reviewers were all instructed to use the same scale to rate each study in their topic area. During our reliability training, we discussed these items at some length in an attempt to resolve initial disagreements; but we did not modify the actual wording of the items because we wanted to be able to compare our findings to those in the NRC report. When we completed our review and realized that we did not achieve acceptable inter-rater reliability on these three scales, we reviewed the NRC report to learn how they applied these scales, only to find no mention of rating accuracy or reliability.
We had the opportunity to ask one of the original research review authors whether there was any formal reviewer training or instruction to assure consistent application of the scales; she confirmed that there was not (G. T. Baranek, personal communication, January 27, 2010). This is not surprising, in hindsight, since the NRC report was completed almost 10 years ago, when our current sensitivity to the issue of inter-rater reliability (or even intra-rater reliability) in meta-analyses or summative reviews of research literature was not fully developed.
However as reported earlier, we did reliably code each study on some specific elements of internal validity (experimental design, treatment fidelity, operationalized measures, inter-rater agreement) and external validity (participant characteristics and background, disability, and generalization). While inter-rater agreement was reported in 89.5% of the studies and dependent measures were identified and described, one serious limitation of internal validity concerned treatment fidelity; only 32.2% of the research assessed whether experimental conditions were being implemented as described. Of the specific external validity issues that we assessed reliably documentation of generalization was found to be absent in half of the research, while participant characteristics and disability were reported.
Experimental design
A second challenge in applying so-called “gold standards” to the studies we reviewed concerned experimental design. The standards for judging quality group and quasi-experimental research (Gersten et al., 2005) differ from those for judging quality single subject research (Horner et al., 2005; Kennedy, 2005), and all three types of design were found in the database. We reliably identified the type of experimental design used in each study and the reported intervention results; however, based on the fact that all studies were published in peer-reviewed journals, we did not evaluate how well each study met specific design standards. Two-thirds (67.8%) of the studies meeting inclusion criteria used single-subject research designs and involved a small number of participants in a given study. The choice of single subject design suits the low-incidence and heterogeneous nature of the population of individuals with severe disabilities (Horner et al., 2005). By using the unit of the individual for analysis and also for delivery of the intervention, single subject design allows for the identification of causal or functional relationships “without requiring the assumptions needed for parametric analysis (i.e., normal distribution)” (p. 173). Given the abundance of single subject research identified by this review, future reviewers should categorize communication interventions and then conduct meta analyses of the single-subject research so as to identify the credibility of specific intervention procedures.
This review identified only four studies (3.5%) meeting the inclusion criteria in which a treatment group was compared with a control or contrast group. While inadequate information was given to calculate an effect size for one of these studies, we calculated the effect size for the remaining three studies (i.e., Girolametto, 1988; Girolametto, Weitzman, & Clements-Baartman, 1998; Yoder & Layton, 1988). Girolametto et al. (1998) used a Mann-Whitney U statistic, in which the difference in median scores can indicate the effect size. The difference in medians in this study was 4.5 words, indicating that parents reported on average 4.5 more words learned by the treatment group than by the control group. Girolametto (1988) studied the effects of training mother-child dyads in the use of a social-conversational approach to a control group. Children of mothers in the experimental group had a higher turn-taking ratio, took more verbal turns, and exhibited a more diverse vocabulary than did the control group children, yielding large effect sizes for the experimental group on all three variables (Cohen’s d of .85, .84, and .84 respectively). Finally, Yoder and Layton (1988) compared child-initiated speech in children with autism under four different treatment conditions—speech alone, sign alone, simultaneous speech and sign, and alternating speech and sign. Less speech was produced in the sign only condition than in any of the other three conditions (large effect, d = .707, when compared to speech alone; medium effect, d = .585, when compared to simultaneous speech and sign; and small effect, d = .33, when compared to alternating speech and sign). In summary, three of the four total group design studies in this data base (treatment group compared with control or comparison intervention) demonstrated moderate to strong effect sizes in their application of a communication intervention to individuals with severe disabilities. While group comparison research was only 3.5% of the database, these positive effects agree with the overall supportive nature of the evidence.
Reliable ratings
A third challenge came from the task of reliably judging research characteristics across a disparate literature base using multiple reviewers. Despite these conditions, we reliably evaluated 26 of 32 (81.3%) content items or 92 of 104 (88.5%) total content items including instrument sub-items. These items addressed many aspects of the state of the current evidence in interventions about communication for individuals with severe disabilities. The 12 out of 104 instrument sub-items that fell below 70% and were dropped from further analyses included identification of several implementation methods (massed trial, contextualized intervention), frequency and duration of training, and the three NRC summary items on research quality. Reliable items far outweighed those not achieving reliability. It is important to note the absence of such reporting in literature reviews in the field of education and psychology, either for inclusion criteria or for characteristics of the reviewed research.
Specific Needs for Future Research
The final purpose of this literature review was to determine how these findings can inform specific needs for future research.
Treatment fidelity
One critical aspect of internal validity is a measure of the fidelity of treatment implementation. Documentation of a study’s fidelity to a treatment protocol provides an essential measure of the consistency with which the independent variable(s) used in the experimental intervention was actually applied (Tuckman, 1999). Because the independent variable is applied over time in single-subject research, repeated measurement of the fidelity of implementation is the accepted approach for documenting adequate consistency of implementation (Gresham, Gansle & Noelle, 1993; Horner et al., 2005). Furthermore, because many communication interventions consist of multiple strategies (e.g., timed prompting, precise error correction, contingent praise, environmental arrangement) delivered with a prescribed frequency, assessing the fidelity of implementation provides a measure of confidence in the independent variable(s) and contributes to the determination of what procedures are accountable for treatment effects.
Only about 30% of the 116 studies we reviewed reported any measure of treatment fidelity; and this finding is similar to those reported in other communication review papers (Gresham et al., 1993; Howlin, Magiati, & Charman, 2009; Hwang & Hughes, 2000; Schlosser & Lee, 2000; Snell, Chen & Hoover, 2006). Documentation of fidelity of implementation is an essential requirement of quality research (e.g., Gersten, 2005; Horner et al., 2005). Including treatment fidelity measures in future studies is of paramount importance.
Generalization and maintenance
In this review, we found that researchers assessed generalization only half of the time, while maintenance of effects and social validity were measured less than one fourth and one sixth of the time respectively. It is of value to practitioners to know whether an intervention can produce communication skills that will transfer beyond instructors, instructional setting, or the specific forms taught and that will endure over time. Interventions that have longer term effects on participants’ communication are potentially more valued by teachers, speech-language pathologists, and parents than are interventions with short-lived effects. Although one third of the studies employed more than one interventionist and more than one instructional setting, we found that the measurement of skill generalization (reported half the time) was still deficient in this database. We also found that when long-term effects (maintenance at least three months following intervention) were measured, they were reported as being successful most of the time; however, long-term effects were reported in only about one fourth of the research reviewed.
An examination of other recent communication reviews finds similar deficiencies. Schlosser and Lee (2000) assessed the specific types of generalization assessments in a group of 50 AAC intervention studies and found that generalization across persons and across settings was reported about one third of the time while generalization across stimuli was reported half as often. Hwang and Hughes (2000) found that 9 (56%) of the 16 prelinguistic intervention studies they reviewed included some measure of generalization, while only 6 (38%) of the 16 studies reported follow-up or maintenance data. Snell et al. (2005) found that 40% of the AAC studies they reviewed assessed generalization, but only 5% assessed and found maintenance of effects.
Identification of distinct intervention practices
In this review we identified intervention settings, interventionists, and some characteristics of implementation (e.g., one-toone, group). However, we did not attempt to classify interventions by their specific treatment components as some reviewers have done (e.g., Hepting & Goldstein, 1996; Snell et al., 2006). Hepting and Goldstein found that terms used by some researchers to describe “naturalistic language interventions” often were inconsistent. Goldstein (2002) elaborated: “The under-specification of what instructional procedures are active in interventions represents a large obstacle to those interested in conducting treatment comparisons” (p. 391). Not only do treatment components need improved specification, but those using the research findings must not assume that treatment components called by the same name are equal. We agree with Hepting and Goldstein’s (1996) recommendation that communication researchers specify their treatment components in more detail, perhaps using a taxonomy of methods.
Treatment intensity and duration
We tried to identify for each study the intensity or dosage of intervention (i.e., rating options started with “2 or more times daily, 7 days/week” and ended with “less than once a week”) and the duration of intervention (i.e., rating options started with “less than one month” and ended with “more than two years”). Treatment intensity and duration proved very difficult to determine in these 116 studies, in part, because there was no standard way of reporting this information. Regarding duration, intervention data were frequently reported in terms of trials or sessions to criterion or total number of trials, yet the number of trials or sessions completed per day or week was not specified. Thus, an interventionist wishing to replicate reported results would not be able to predict the amount of therapy, timing of intervention (e.g., number of sessions/opportunities per day), or the length of time anticipated to achieve reported outcomes.
A recent review of early intensive behavioral interventions for children with autism (Howlin et al., 2009) revealed similar problems with few researchers reporting the actual hours of intervention or providing clear information on the length of time children were involved in the intervention. Describing the intensity and duration of intervention are crucial in characterizing an intervention and its effects (Goldstein, 2002). School systems and parents are less likely to select methods which, though shown to be effective, require extensive instructional time (Goldstein, 2002; Mirenda, 2001). Over 30 year ago, Connell, Spradlin, and McReynolds (1977) recommended that clinicians refuse to use communication programs unless adequate information was provided to support a program’s usefulness (i.e., specific descriptions of individuals on whom the program was tested, trials to criterion for each program step, percentage of students completing each program step, evidence of generalization). While accurate reporting of treatment intensity is simpler than evaluating the effects of delivering treatment with different intensities or over varying lengths of time, researchers must first report their treatment intensity and duration before treatment efficiency can be evaluated.
Description of research participants
We found it challenging to define the inclusion criterion for studies that “include one or more individuals, of any age, with severe disabilities” (NJC, 2008, p. 1). Definitions of severe disabilities typically do not contain quantifiable characteristics, but cite the extremely heterogeneous nature of the group. Thus, early in instrument development, we began with a broad definition and the principle that we would “err on the side of inclusion.” Our agreement on this inclusion criterion improved when we added a specific IQ cutoff, along with language age guidelines that were aligned with chronological age and were used when IQ scores were not provided in a study.
The predominant pretreatment characteristics reported for the 467 participants with severe disabilities in the database were consistent with performance levels reported by others for individuals with severe disabilities prior to intervention (Beukelman & Mirenda, 2005; Paul & Wilson, 2009). Participants’ expressive communication levels rarely included word combinations and typically were emergent or pre-linguistic; individuals were reported most often as using gestures and nonsymbolic modes, speech, and problem behavior to communicate, while AAC modes were infrequent before intervention. Participant descriptions varied widely with some studies relying on narrative depiction and others reporting primarily standardized assessment information. This lack of complete and comparable participant descriptions has been noted in several reviews of communication interventions for children with autism (Goldstein, 2002; National Research Council, 2001) and in a recent position paper advocating that a developmental framework be used to define spoken language benchmarks for children with autism (Tager-Flusberg et al., 2009). Specifically, we support Goldstein’s recommendation that “the field would benefit from a set of conventions that would help standardize the sharing of descriptive information about participants” (p. 390).
Finally, this review has several limitations. First, as discussed, we were unable to achieve IRA on all items in the instrument, including the three summative ratings of research quality taken from the NRC report (2001). Second, we did not identify the distinct intervention practices used by the researchers in each study. Third, we were unable to include research from the most recent year, 2008.
The most compelling finding of this systematic review was its clear support for the success that individuals with severe disabilities can have in learning a broad range of expressive or interactive communication when they are provided with systematic intervention.
To advance toward evidence-based practices in communication intervention for individuals with severe disabilities, researchers must carry out a higher quality of research than generally has been evident over the past 20 years. This means that researchers first must define their participants in more thorough and standard ways. Furthermore, researchers need to document acceptable fidelity of implementation. Their tests of the intervention should include an assessment of generalization to another setting and measurement of maintenance beyond the experimental intervention. Finally, researchers need to describe their interventions methodically, including setting, interventionist, methods of implementation, treatment intensity and duration, as well as to identify the specific components of the intervention. With these improvements it will be possible to assess the evidence base of practices that yield predictable positive effects on the communication of individuals with severe disabilities.
We would like to thank both Youngzie Lee, University of Virginia, and R. Michael Barker, Georgia State University, for their help with the analyses. We also thank the National Center on Evidence-Based Practice in Communication Disorders of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association for their assistance in conducting the systematic literature search.
Scientific standards for a true RCT require assumptions about equal distribution of traits and representativeness of population samples that are not met in studies of individuals very low incidence disabilities.
The additional search terms, the NJC Evidence-based Practices Data Entry Instrument (2008), and the complete listing of studies meeting inclusion criteria are available on the NJC Web site: www.asha.org/njc/
Contributor Information
Martha E. Snell, University of Virginia
Nancy Brady, University of Kansas.
Lee McLean, University of North Carolina at Chapel-Hill.
Billy T. Ogletree, Western Carolina University
Ellin Siegel, University of Nebraska.
Lorraine Sylvester, University of Oklahoma.
Beth M. Mollica, University of Delaware
Diane Paul, American Speech-Language-Hearing Association.
Mary Ann Romski, Georgia State University.
Rose Sevcik, Georgia State University.
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