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. 2010 Nov 13;2010:722–726.

Discovering Peripheral Arterial Disease Cases from Radiology Notes Using Natural Language Processing

Guergana K Savova 1, Jin Fan 2, Zi Ye 2, Sean P Murphy 1, Jiaping Zheng 1, Christopher G Chute 1, Iftikhar J Kullo 2
PMCID: PMC3041293  PMID: 21347073


As part of the Electronic Medical Records and Genomics Network, we applied, extended and evaluated an open source clinical Natural Language Processing system, Mayo’s Clinical Text Analysis and Knowledge Extraction System, for the discovery of peripheral arterial disease cases from radiology reports. The manually created gold standard consisted of 223 positive, 19 negative, 63 probable and 150 unknown cases. Overall accuracy agreement between the system and the gold standard was 0.93 as compared to a named entity recognition baseline of 0.46. Sensitivity for the positive, probable and unknown cases was 0.93–0.96, and for the negative cases was 0.72. Specificity and negative predictive value for all categories were in the 90’s. The positive predictive value for the positive and unknown categories was in the high 90’s, for the negative category was 0.84, and for the probable category was 0.63. We outline the main sources of errors and suggest improvements.


This project is part of a larger effort that focuses on phenotype extraction from the entire electronic medical record (EMR) to create algorithms to discover cases of peripheral arterial disease (PAD) within the Electronic MEdical Records and GEnomics (eMERGE) Network. The eMERGE consortium was organized and funded by the National Human Genome Research Institute and the National Institute of General Medical Sciences to develop, disseminate and apply approaches for combining DNA biorepositories with the EMR for large-scale, high-throughput genetic research. A fundamental question for the eMERGE effort is “whether EMR systems can serve as resources for complex genomic analysis of disease susceptibility and therapeutic outcomes, across diverse patient populations.” [1] Here, we focus on information extraction from one EMR component, that of free text radiology notes, using natural language processing (NLP).

PAD is a highly prevalent disease affecting about 8 million individuals aged 40 years or older in the US with nearly 20% of the elderly (>70y) patients seen in general medical practice affected by the disease [2]. It is associated with significant mortality and morbidity, underscoring the necessity of a rigorous investigation of factors that influence susceptibility to PAD. For large studies such as genome wide association studies, manual review of medical records can be expensive, time-consuming and effort-intensive. The EMR can be used to overcome these challenges by simplifying phenotype abstraction, and reducing time and overall costs. EMR-based algorithms are a potentially powerful tool for epidemiologic studies including genetic epidemiology of common diseases.

In the last decade, the application of NLP techniques to text within the biomedical domain has received increasing attention largely motivated by the advent of comprehensive EMR systems. Biomedical NLP is now viewed as a computational tool available to the clinical researcher, biomedical investigator and the practitioner at the point of care. A number of clinical NLP systems exists: University of Pittsburgh’s Cancer Text Information Extraction System [3] (caTIES), Columbia University’s Medical Language Extraction and Encoding System (MedLEE) [4], Health Information Text Extraction [5] (HITEx). IBM and the Mayo Clinic jointly founded the Open Health Natural Language Processing Consortium (OHNLP) [6] and released their clinical NLP pipelines, medKAT/P and cTAKES, open source as part of OHNLP.

Various studies demonstrate the utility of NLP for phenotype extraction. Li et al [7] showed, by comparing ICD9-encoded data and the free text discharge summary, that unstructured data processed with NLP methods provides important detailed information that is unavailable in structured data. Zeng et al [8] developed a system to extract principal diagnosis, co-morbidity and smoking status from discharge summaries with accuracies ranging from 0.82 to 0.90. The smoking status information is subsequently used in a larger system to predict chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) in asthma patients [9]. Penz et al [10] used NLP methods to detect adverse events related to central venous catheters with 0.72 and 0.80 sensitivity and specificity, and discovered that structured data (ICD-9 and Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) [11] codes) can only identify less than 11% of the cases. Liao et al [12] demonstrated in a rheumatoid arthritis study that utilizing narrative data in the EMR resulted in a significantly higher positive predictive value (0.94) than using codified data alone (0.88). Fiszman et al [13] compared the performance of an NLP system, designed to detect pneumonia-related concepts and deduce the presence and absence of acute bacterial pneumonia, to that of human experts, and concluded that their system performed similarly to the experts and better than lay persons and keyword searches. The Informatics for Integrating Biology to the Bedside (i2b2) has organized a series of challenges to identify patient smoking status [14], obesity and its co-morbidities [15] [16], medication, and assertion. Xu et al [17] applied NLP techniques to extract medication information from discharge summaries and achieved 0.90 to 0.96 F-measure.

The goal of this paper is to apply, extend and evaluate an open source clinical NLP system for the task of phenotype extraction from radiology notes for a specific clinical research problem, that of identifying PAD cases.


Classification categories and gold standard

The annotation guidelines used to create the gold standard were developed by a cardiovascular specialist (IJK). There are 4 classification categories: positive PAD (POS), negative PAD (NEG), probable PAD (PROB) and unknown (UNK). POS is indicated by the presence of severe stenosis or occlusion in a lower extremity artery (including and distal to the iliac artery; prior revascularization by stenting or balloon angioplasty, or surgical endarterectomy or graft placement in the absence of aneurysmal disease as an indication). PROB is defined as a moderate stenosis in a lower limb artery. NEG is the absence of a moderate or severe stenosis or occlusion in a lower extremity artery or presence of only mild stenosis. UNK reflects the lack of information thus the inability to bin into any of the above categories.

Manual annotations to create the gold standard were performed by a cardiovascular research fellow. A set of 135 radiology notes was used for the guidelines development and training of the fellow and the system. The final gold standard consists of 455 radiology notes each labeled with one of the four categories. The distribution of the final gold standard is N(POS) = 223, N(NEG) = 19, N(PROB) = 63, N(UNK) = 150. This set of 455 notes was the dataset for the final system evaluation.

Natural Language Processing toolset

We used Mayo’s clinical Text Analysis and Knowledge Extraction System (cTAKES) [18]. In summary, cTAKES is envisioned as a comprehensive NLP toolset for processing the clinical narrative and extracting information from it. Current cTAKES annotators constitute a pipeline of NLP components such as sentence boundary detector, tokenizer, part-of-speech tagger and shallow parser. Currently, the highest-level component discovers clinical named entities (NEs) of type diseases/disorders, signs/symptoms, anatomical sites, procedures and drugs. Each discovered NE has attributes for (1) the text span, (2) the terminology/ontology code the NE maps to, (3) the negation attribute to indicate whether the NE is negated, and (4) the status with a value of current, history of, family history of, or possible. cTAKES is being extended with modules for coreference resolution, temporal relations, semantic role labeling and clinical question answering, all of which will be made available open source.

Technical approach

Radiology notes for the following procedures were assessed: lower extremity angiograms (conventional, magnetic resonance, or computed tomography) and lower extremity ultrasound. Radiology notes describing exams of other body parts, e.g. abdomen, chest or pelvis, were filtered out in a pre-processing step. These filtered out documents are classified as UNK. Exams are coded in CPT and these codes are contained in the header of each radiology note; their usage is being referred to in the “ultrasound or vascular interventional radiology report” parts of the pseudo code below. Each radiology note describing a relevant exam after the CPT code filtering was processed through cTAKES and then classified as follows based on the discovered evidence:

//this function returns a document label

if (POS evidence exists)

  return POS;

else if (PROB evidence exists)

  return PROB document label;

else if (NEG evidence exists)

  if (report type == ultrasound

    || report type == vascular interventional


        return UNK;


        return NEG;


  return UNK;

The negative evidence in Ultrasound and Vascular Intervention Radiology tests is not considered strong enough as these two tests are localized. The precedence for multiple evidence within a radiology note was POS, PROB, NEG, UNK.

The PROB, POS and NEG evidence was extracted as follows. The first step was to discover the relevant NEs. cTAKES components for sentence boundary detection, tokenization, part-of-speech tagging and shallow parsing were applied without any modifications. We used cTAKES NE recognition (NER) module with dictionaries tailored to the specific task of PAD discovery as created by the cardiovascular specialist (IJK) and the CV fellow. Table 1 summarizes these dictionaries. For terms with Unified Medical Language System (UMLS) [19] concept unique identifiers (CUI), the ontology code attribute for that concept is populated with the CUI, otherwise that attribute gets a null value. The list of modifiers associated with POS PAD evidence includes extensive, complete, high-grade, severe, significant, moderate, moderate focal, multi-focus. That for PROB PAD evidence includes diffusely, small amount of, some. A signal for PROB PAD evidence is also associated with a null modifier for stenosis, plaque and atheromatous.

Table 1.

Summary of dictionaries used with cTAKES NER module for PAD case discovery. Numbers in brackets are terms without UMLS CUIs.

Dictionary type Number of dictionary entries Examples
Anatomical sites 71 (29) common femoral artery
posterior tibial artery
femoropopliteal artery
Disorders 60 (51) complete occlusion
Procedures 22 (13) balloon angioplasty
artery bypass

To discover PAD evidence, a relevant disorder and/or procedure must occur with a vascular anatomical site associated with the lower extremities. Thus, an asserted relation between the two NEs needs to be extracted which constitutes the second step in the evidence-level algorithm. For that, we developed a new cTAKES module for two types of relations which correspond to the UMLS relations of location_of and degree_of. An asserted relation is annotated if a procedure or a disorder term occurs with an anatomical site with an optional modifier within a given window size. We defined the window size as the sentence. For example, in the sentence “Aortogram and pelvic angiography was obtained, revealing moderate to high-grade stenosis within the proximal external iliac arteries bilaterally.”, the PAD disorder moderate to high-grade stenosis was related to the anatomical site of iliac arteries. We also used cTAKES negation detection module to discover negated NEs. For example, in the sentence “The internal and external iliac arteries are well seen and the common femoral artery is pristine without focal changes of atherosclerosis.”, the disorder term atherosclerosis was negated thus leading to a negated location_of(atherosclerosis, common femoral artery) relation. The term “patent” was added as a negation word. Some of the dictionary entries are stand-alone terms, i.e. they do not need to participate in an asserted relation to signal PAD, e.g. severe atherosclerotic disease.


Accuracy is used to report the overall agreement between the system output and the gold standard:

accuracy=systemCorrectLabelstotalGoldStdardLabels (1)

We also report results per category in terms of sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value (PPV) and negative predictive value (NPV):

sensitivity=truePositivestruePositives+falesNegatives (2)
specificity=trueNegativesfalesPositives+trueNegatives (3)
PPV=truePositivestruePositives+falesPositives (4)
NPV=trueNegativestrueNegatives+falesNegatives (5)

The baseline method is NER without the relation assertion.

Results and Discussion

The contingency matrix for the four categories is in Table 2. The results for the sensitivity, specificity, PPV and NPV per category are in Table 3. Overall accuracy agreement between the system and the gold standard was 0.930 as compared to the baseline system accuracy of 0.461.

Table 2.

Contingency matrix for system and gold standard agreement. Results in brackets are for the baseline system.

Gold standard POS 221 (50) 1 (49) 0 (84) 1 (40) 223
NEG 16 (13) 1 (6) 2 (0) 19
UNK 1 (0) 2 (2) 147 (147) 0 (1) 150
PROB 15 (0) 3 (9) 5 (25) 40 (29) 63
Total 237 (50) 22 (73) 153 (262) 43 (70) 455

Table 3:

Evaluation results per category. Results in brackets are for the baseline system.

Sensitivity Specificity PPV NPV
POS 0.932 (1.000) 0.990 (0.573) 0.991 (0.224) 0.931 (1.000)
NEG 0.727 (0.178) 0.993 (0.980) 0.842 (0.684) 0.986 (0.829)
UNK 0.960 (0.826) 0.990 (0.990) 0.980 (0.987) 0.980 (0.860)
PROB 0.930 (0.420) 0.944 (0.944) 0.634 (0.558) 0.992 (0.907)

Sensitivity for POS, PROB and UNK ranged 0.93–0.96 and was lower for NEG (0.72). Specificity for all categories is in the 90’s. The PPV for the POS and UNK categories is very strong (high 90’s), however it dropped for NEG (0.84) and was lower for PROB (0.63). The NPV for all categories was strong. The performance of the baseline is explained by the discovery of stand-alone terms as it lacks the relation assertion component.

The error analysis of the NEG and PROB results showed several main sources of errors. The first one was in the negation and certainty detection, for example the document containing the sentence

Example 1: The left posterior tibial artery cannot be identified and could be occluded

was classified by the system as NEG, while the gold standard was POS. The system’s label was due to the incorrect negation of occluded. Another example is the document containing the evidence

Example 2: Both popliteal arteries are patent with mild to moderate atheromatous plaque.

which had a gold standard label of PROB. The system incorrectly assigned the NEG category based on the presence of “patent”.

A similar example is

Example 3: The popliteal artery aneurysms bilaterally are patent and contain moderate atheromatous plaque and/or mural thrombus

where the system label was NEG, while the gold standard was PROB.

The second source of errors was in the gold standard. For example, the document containing the sentence

Example 4: Focal mild stenosis of the proximal right external iliac artery

had a gold standard PROB label. However when we asked the cardiovascular fellow annotator what was the motivation for this classification, she said that the combination of “mild” and “iliac artery” is very unlikely to cause flow limitation to the legs and thereby unlikely to cause clinically manifest PAD, which led to a reclassification to a NO. That source of errors emphasizes the degree of cognitive burden the manual abstraction task poses to the expert, thus leading to occasional errors.

The main source of system errors for the PROB category classification was in the discovery of the disease modifiers and correctly asserting the relation between the disease and the severity indicator. The indicators include traditional severity terms like “mild”, “moderate”, “diffuse” and “some” as well as procedures like “graft” and “stent” and additional qualifying terms like “ulcerating plaques”.

Another area for improvement targets our strategies for managing multiple evidences and higher level discourse phenomena such as coreference. An example text is:

Example 5: Scattered plaque in both the left and right common femoral arteries and upper superficial femoral arteries. No evidence of high-grade stenosis in these vessels.

The first sentence provides candidate evidence for a PROB category. The second sentence, however, clearly states a NEG case by mentioning “these vessels” which refers to the arteries described in the previous sentence. That reference link is to be established by a coreference resolution module which our extensions currently lack. Because of this deficiency the note is classified incorrectly as PROB.

The language of the radiology notes posed some challenges. For example, one note consisted of just these two sentences

Example 6: Both popliteal arteries are patent with normal flow. No evidence of aneurysm or Baker’s cyst.

with a gold standard label of NEG. The human annotator actually referred to the CPT code to make the final judgment. This additional knowledge gleaned from the CPT code can be incorporated in the algorithm to provide more context.

Abbreviations are known to present challenges to any NLP system. For example, an abbreviation like “fem-pop” for “femoropopliteal’ is likely to be parsed as three tokens which affects the downstream parsing. Because NER is performed on a noun phrase window, the abbreviation will not be considered a candidate for that window which will lead to a missed NE. Thus, the final system classification will be the incorrect UNK. Possible abbreviations of interest need to be included in the dictionary.

A limitation of the current study is the inclusion of pre-coordinated terms in our dictionaries which do not have mappings to UMLS. A more elegant solution would decompose each term into its basic units. Composite terms could then be assembled based on relations specified in an ontology using a combination of rule-based and machine learning methods.

In this paper, we described our first step towards a long-term goal of relation discovery from the clinical narrative, a topic that we are actively pursuing, e.g. temporal and coreference relations between patient’s events [20]. The cTAKES extensions, dictionaries and list of CPT codes will be released on the eMERGE website and in fall of 2010.


In this paper, we applied, extended and evaluated a comprehensive clinical natural language processing system, cTAKES, to the discovery of peripheral artery disease cases from radiology notes. Our next steps will be (1) improving the PROB and NEG group classification, (2) scaling up to processing 700,000 radiology notes, and (3) merging with information from other EMR components to enable EMR-wide phenotype extraction. We also plan to evaluate the algorithm on data provided by eMERGE consortium sites to test its portability.


This work was funded by grant U01-HG04599 as part of the Mayo eMERGE study (PI Chute).


Articles from AMIA Annual Symposium Proceedings are provided here courtesy of American Medical Informatics Association