Projected increases in aridity throughout the southwestern United States due to anthropogenic climate change will likely cause reductions in perennial vegetation cover, which leaves soil surfaces exposed to erosion. Accelerated rates of dust emission from wind erosion have large implications for ecosystems and human well-being, yet there is poor understanding of the sources and magnitude of dust emission in a hotter and drier climate. Here we use a two-stage approach to compare the susceptibility of grasslands and three different shrublands to wind erosion on the Colorado Plateau and demonstrate how climate can indirectly moderate the magnitude of aeolian sediment flux through different responses of dominant plants in these communities. First, using results from 20 y of vegetation monitoring, we found perennial grass cover in grasslands declined with increasing mean annual temperature in the previous year, whereas shrub cover in shrublands either showed no change or declined as temperature increased, depending on the species. Second, we used these vegetation monitoring results and measurements of soil stability as inputs into a field-validated wind erosion model and found that declines in perennial vegetation cover coupled with disturbance to biological soil crust resulted in an exponential increase in modeled aeolian sediment flux. Thus the effects of increased temperature on perennial plant cover and the correlation of declining plant cover with increased aeolian flux strongly suggest that sustained drought conditions across the southwest will accelerate the likelihood of dust production in the future on disturbed soil surfaces.
Keywords: arid, horizontal flux, land use, national park, threshold shear velocity
Low perennial vegetation cover in arid regions of the southwestern United States leaves the soil surface exposed to wind erosion. Enhanced aridity due to anthropogenic climate change (1) is likely to result in declines of already low vegetation cover in the future, increasing the risk of wind erosion. Dust emission caused by wind erosion has received considerable attention because of its far-reaching effects on ecosystems, including the loss of nutrients and water-holding capacity from source areas (2), changes to climate and global energy balance in areas where dust is entrained in the atmosphere (3), fertilization of terrestrial and marine ecosystems (2, 4), in addition to decreases in snow albedo, causing earlier and faster snowmelt and river runoff in sink areas (5). Dust emission has also attracted interest due to its socioeconomic consequences, including property damage, declines in agricultural productivity, and health and safety hazards (6). Given the potentially large impact of dust emission, it is crucial to make predictions about the amounts and sources of dust emission under future climate change scenarios. Such predictions require an understanding of the temporal dynamics among climate, vegetation, and wind erosion across a spatially heterogeneous landscape.
The Colorado Plateau is an erosional landscape in the southwestern United States that is particularly susceptible to extreme fluctuations in climate because it is at the boundary of subtropical and midlatitude circulation regimes and influenced by El Niño-Southern Oscillation/Pacific Decadal Oscillation cycles (7). Low perennial vegetation cover (< 40%) in grasslands and shrublands provides some protection from erosional forces in lower elevation regions, whereas biological soil crust (BSC; composed of cyanobacteria, mosses, and lichens) contributes to soil stability on unvegetated surfaces by binding soil particles together and creating surface roughness (8). Here we couple 20 y of vegetation monitoring across four well-protected national park areas of the Colorado Plateau (Fig. 1) with a wind erosion model to show how changes in climate can indirectly affect dust emission by influencing plant cover of dominant species and functional types. We compare the susceptibility of different plant communities to wind erosion and compare how perennial vegetation cover relative to BSC influences flux response with increasing soil disturbance.
Fig. 1.
Map of the long-term vegetation plots and Western Regional Climate Center (WRCC)/National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) weather stations in the four national park areas on the Colorado Plateau in southeastern Utah.
Results and Discussion
During the 20-y study period, regional mean annual temperature in the national park areas increased significantly by 0.16 °C per year from 1989 to 1998 and declined by 0.04 °C from 1998 to 2008 (Fig. 2A). There was high interannual variability in precipitation, which ranged from 122 mm in 1989 to 309 mm in 2006 (Fig. 2B). Peak wind speeds in the region over this time period primarily occurred in the spring and reached 15.0–25.0 m s-1 (Fig. 3). These are wind speeds that have generated high rates of sediment transport, as measured by dust traps and saltation sensors (9), as well as satellite imagery, which has detected expansive dust plumes over the western United States (http://sgst.wr.usgs.gov/dust_monitoring/dust-events).
Fig. 2.
Regional mean annual temperature (°C) from 1988 to 2008 for all WRCC/NOAA weather stations in the national park areas with fitted piecewise regression (P < 0.0001) (A). Annual precipitation (mm) from 1988 to 2008 for all WRCC/NOAA weather stations in the national park areas and 20-y mean annual precipitation (MAP) (B).
Fig. 3.
One-hour peak wind speeds (m s-1) at 3 m height at the Dugout Ranch near the study area from 1998 to 2008. Wind speeds of 15.0–25.0 m s-1 used in this study shown by dashed lines. Two day time period in mid-April 2002 highlighted by gray box and corresponding hourly Sensit counts, which are an index of sediment movement. Data obtained from http://gec.cr.usgs.gov/info/sw/clim-met.
We assessed plant cover in relationship to the past 20 y of climate variability by plant community type across the national park areas, which included perennial grasslands and three distinct shrubland communities characterized by the dominant species. The canopy covers of certain perennial plant species and functional types declined with increasing mean annual temperature in the previous year (12 mo preceding vegetation measurements; pMAT) and were less sensitive to monthly or annual precipitation. Although this result may be influenced by the high spatial variability of precipitation on the Colorado Plateau that can cause discrepancies between precipitation at the long-term weather station and vegetation plot, it provides a critical prediction for plant response to warmer future temperatures in the region. Because perennial plant species on the Colorado Plateau tolerate maximum temperatures higher than those recorded during this study (10, 11), the negative relationships with increasing temperature were likely caused by temperature-induced water stress resulting from high transpiration and evaporation from shallow soil depths. Although pMAT was the climatic factor that explained the most variation in perennial cover, there was a large amount of variance in cover through space and time that could be explained by soil and physical characteristics. We used vegetation monitoring results and soil stability measurements as inputs into a field-validated wind erosion model to compare the potential for wind erosion and dust emission among plant community types at peak wind speeds and determined how past climate variability has indirectly affected the potential for wind erosion and dust emission by its influence on perennial vegetation cover at a regional scale.
Perennial grasses declined by 8.0% canopy cover per 1 °C increase in pMAT, which contributed to a 6.6% decline of all perennial vegetation canopy cover across perennial grasslands (Fig. 4A). Perennial grasses were likely susceptible to temperature because they derive nearly 85% of their moisture from evaporation-prone shallow soil depths on the Colorado Plateau, compared to 54% for shrubs (12). Perennial grasslands had well-developed BSC, which did not significantly change with climatic variation during the study period. Although there is evidence that warmer and drier conditions in the future may lead to regional declines of lichens and mosses, cyanobacteria and other crust organisms are likely to be less sensitive and continue to provide soil surface stability (13). However, land use disturbance that occasionally occurs inside and frequently occurs outside the national park areas can break up BSC and greatly reduce the integrity of the soil surface (14).
Fig. 4.
Dominant plant species and functional type canopy cover (A, C, E, and G) and modeled aeolian sediment flux (B, D, F, and H) at five wind speeds (15.0, 17.5, 20.0, 22.5, and 25.0 m s-1) in relationship to mean annual temperature in the previous year in perennial grasslands (N = 6; A and B), shrublands dominated by Coleogyne ramosissima (N = 6; C and D), Artemisia tridentata and Sarcobatus vermiculatus (N = 4; E and F), and dwarf Atriplex species (N = 4; G and H). Significant (P < 0.05) regressions shown by an asterisk (*) for (A) Perennial grasses: y = -8.04x + 119.1, r2 = 0.28; all perennial vegetation: y = -6.57x + 113.2, r2 = 0.25; aeolian sediment flux: y = 0.02e0.54x, r2 = 0.26 (15.0 m s-1); y = 0.77e0.36x, r2 = 0.22 (17.5 m s-1); y = 3.65e0.31x, r2 = 0.23 (20.0 m s-1); y = 9.96e0.29x, r2 = 0.24 (22.5 m s-1), y = 20.7e0.27x, r2 = 0.25 (25.0 m s-1). (C, Inset) Artemisia tridentata: y = -2.03x + 29.8, r2 = 0.49; Sarcobatus vermiculatus: y = -4.60x + 70.5, r2 = 0.51, all perennial vegetation: y = -7.09x + 108.7, r2 = 0.57; aeolian sediment flux: y = 1.09e0.40x, r2 = 0.24 (22.5 m s-1), y = 2.36e0.38x, r2 = 0.25 (25.0 m s-1). (D) Atriplex spp.: y = -1.17x + 17.8, r2 = 0.24; all perennial vegetation: y = -2.74x + 43.3, r2 = 0.12; aeolian sediment flux: y = 5.35e0.23x, r2 = 0.11 (15.0 m s-1), y = 31.8e0.19x, r2 = 0.12 (17.5 m s-1), y = 88.7e0.17x, r2 = 0.12 (20.0 m s-1), y = 181.3e0.16x, r2 = 0.12 (22.5 m s-1), y = 313.8e0.15x, r2 = 0.12 (25.0 m s-1).
Well-developed BSC in perennial grasslands was associated with high threshold shear velocity [the minimal shear velocity required to initiate wind erosion; (15)] and prevented aeolian sediment flux during simulated high-speed wind events. Aeolian sediment flux is primarily composed of saltating particles (horizontal flux), which are responsible for most soil deflation and downwind sediment deposition (16). These particles have high kinetic energy and accelerate erosion by bombarding the soil surface, releasing suspension-sized particles (< 50 μm: vertical flux) that are otherwise strongly held to the surface by cohesive forces. This sandblasting causes a linear relationship between horizontal and vertical (dust) aeolian flux (17, 18), allowing us to use horizontal aeolian sediment flux as a proxy for dust emission rate.
When we simulated a high intensity soil disturbance by systematically reducing the threshold shear velocities (TSVs) of BSCs to values equivalent to driving over them twice with a vehicle (14), declines in canopy cover of perennial grasses resulted in an exponential increase in modeled aeolian sediment flux from 4 g m-1 min-1 (at 10.0 °C pMAT) to 26 g m-1 min-1 (at 13.5 °C pMAT) following a 15.0 m s-1 wind event (Fig. 4B). These rates were within the range of values reported for similar wind conditions on a variety of uncrusted soil surfaces (17, 18) and intermediate in magnitude compared to shrubland communities. The flux rates reported from sediment trap samplers at sites with similar soils in perennial grassland and shrubland communities (19, 20) were considerably lower than our estimates. However, the samplers integrate flux over a much longer period of time, during high and low wind speed events, and our intention was to characterize elevated rates of transport during high wind speed events. Increases in aeolian sediment flux with increasing temperature in perennial grasslands would have been higher if not for the expansion of shrub cover by species with rapid vegetative reproduction (e.g., Ephedra spp., Ceratoides lanata). This change in flux has relevance at a broad spatial scale due to the expansion of shrubs into grass-dominated plant communities throughout the Southwest (21, 22). Although shrubs generally have larger unvegetated gap sizes than grasses, their taller stature contributes to aerodynamic roughness and more effectively reduces shear stress on the downwind soil surface (23). Modeled aeolian sediment flux increased quadratically as wind speed increased, such that flux was 310 g m-1 min-1 (at 10.0 °C pMAT) to 780 g m-1 min-1 (at 13.5 °C pMAT) following a 25.0 m s-1 wind event (Fig. 4B).
Previous research has suggested that shrublands are more susceptible to wind erosion and dust emission than grasslands (19, 20, 24, 25). Our results suggest that there can be considerable variation in aeolian sediment flux in shrubland communities depending on the cover and height of the dominant shrub species. Because most shrubland communities also had high BSC, we simulated the same high intensity soil disturbance as perennial grasslands. Shrublands dominated by short-statured (approximately 50 cm average height) Coleogyne ramosissima had modeled aeolian sediment fluxes that were comparable to perennial grasslands (10 g m-1 min-1 with a wind speed of 15.0 m s-1; 570 g m-1 min-1 with a wind speed of 25.0 m s-1 Fig. 4D), whereas shrublands codominated by the tall-growing (approximately 100 cm average height) Artemisia tridentata and Sarcobatus vermiculatus had very low modeled flux (0.2 g m-1 min-1 with a wind speed of 15.0 m s-1; 150 g m-1 min-1 with a wind speed of 25.0 m s-1; Fig. 4F), even when soils were disturbed. These results are consistent with field observations of generally low dust emission from these tall-statured shrub communities with or without soil disturbance (26). Modeled aeolian sediment flux in both Coleogyne and Artemisia/Sarcobatus shrubland types did not change with increases in pMAT because there were no significant changes in perennial canopy cover (Fig. 4 C and E). Therefore, these plant communities may be more resistant to wind erosion and dust emission with warmer and drier conditions in the future. However, most shrublands dominated by Artemisia and Sarcobatus in this study were near intermittently flowing streams where these shrubs were likely buffered from high temperatures because they had increased water availability. Where these communities occurred on a very high (> 10 m) alluvial terrace, lack of access to this supplemental water likely caused declines in canopy cover of both of these shrubs as temperatures increased (Fig. 4E, Inset). This change in vegetation cover increased modeled aeolian sediment flux from 290 g m-1 (at 12.5 °C pMAT) to 740 g m-1 min-1 (at 15 °C pMAT) following a 25.0 m s-1 wind event (Fig. 4F, Inset). Limited access to groundwater or declining water tables may increase shrub mortality in this shrubland community (27) under future climate scenarios, creating conditions suitable for wind erosion and dust emission.
Shrublands dominated by dwarf Atriplex species (A. confertifolia, A. gardnerii, and A. corrugata) had relatively low perennial vegetation canopy cover (< 20%) and height (approximately 30 cm) compared to other plant communities (Fig. 4G). Both Atriplex spp. and all perennial vegetation canopy cover decreased by 1.3% and 2.7%, respectively, per 1 °C increase in pMAT. Atriplex species likely declined because they have an extensive fine shallow root system (28) and occurred on shallow fine-textured clay soils, which are vulnerable to high evaporative losses. Low and decreasing shrub cover resulted in the highest modeled aeolian sediment flux of all plant communities following a high intensity soil disturbance. Modeled aeolian sediment flux increased exponentially with increases in pMAT from 56 g m-1 min-1 (at 10 °C pMAT) to 111 g m-1 min-1 (at 13 °C pMAT) following a 15.0 m s-1 wind event and from 1,400 to 2,160 g m-1 min-1 over the same temperature gradient following a 25.0 m s-1 wind event (Fig. 4H). Unlike other plant communities, BSC development in dwarf Atriplex plots ranged widely, as did the amount of perennial vegetation in the interspace of Atriplex shrubs, resulting in high variability in aeolian sediment flux among plots.
To examine the soil surface protection offered by BSC and its interaction with perennial vegetation cover, we determined how plots with low and high BSC in combination with low and high perennial vegetation cover influenced flux with increasing soil disturbance intensity in the dwarf Atriplex plant community. Plots in this plant community were within the same national park area (Island in the Sky) and experienced a similar gradient in temperature, thereby affecting perennial vegetation cover. Plots dominated by Atriplex spp. that had well-developed BSC (class > 3; Murphy Hogback and Taylor Canyon 1) provided complete protection against wind erosion during a simulated wind event of 17.5 m s-1, even with low perennial vegetation canopy cover following a low intensity [walking over crusts with lug-soled boots; (14)] soil disturbance (Fig. 5A). Biological soil crust on the same plots dampened flux to some degree following a medium intensity (driving once over crusts once with a vehicle) soil disturbance (Fig. 5B). This suggests that keeping soil structure intact, especially where crusts are present, may provide the greatest barrier against wind erosion and dust emission in arid regions (14, 29).
Fig. 5.
Aeolian sediment flux following a 17.5 m s-1 wind event in relation to percent perennial vegetation canopy cover with low (A), medium (B), and high (C) intensity soil disturbances on four plots in dwarf Atriplex shrublands. Plots varied in perennial vegetation cover and average BSC development class (1, low; 6, high).
Additional protection from wind erosion was provided by perennial vegetation, until perennial canopy cover fell below 10%. Plots with cover above this threshold (Murphy Hogback and Amoeba Butte) were relatively well protected from wind erosion, whereas plots that had cover that fell below this threshold (Taylor Canyon 1 and 2), experienced substantial increases in modeled aeolian sediment flux (Fig. 5 A–C). Our results indicate that shrub cover falling below this threshold in dwarf Atriplex plant communities was related to increasing temperature (Fig. 4G). Other studies have also found that flux dramatically increased when vegetation canopy cover fell below 10–15% (30, 31), suggesting a possible wind erosion threshold for arid plant communities. Importantly, our results indicate that this threshold is mediated by plant height, as perennial vegetation canopy cover in tall-statured Artemisia/Sarcobatus-codominated shrublands fell below 10%, but did not produce high flux. Because protection by BSC from wind erosion was eliminated following a high intensity soil disturbance, perennial vegetation cover became the only protection from wind erosion (Fig. 5C). Therefore, maintenance of vegetation cover above a minimum amount for a given plant community is extremely important in areas where there is little or no crust to protect soil surfaces.
Our results suggest that increased temperatures associated with climate change will indirectly lead to increased wind erosion and dust emission on the Colorado Plateau. Long-term monitoring of climate and vegetation in national parks demonstrates declines in the dominant perennial vegetation cover in grasslands and dwarf Atriplex shrublands with increases in temperature, which can lead to exponential increases in wind erosion. Dominant shrubs in Coleogyne and Artemisia/Sarcobatus shrubland communities may be better buffered against changes in perennial vegetation with increasing temperatures and therefore more resistant to dust emission during high wind speeds. The soil surface protection offered by perennial vegetation cover relative to BSC increased with soil disturbance, with important thresholds in flux occurring below 10% perennial vegetation canopy cover and BSC developmental class of 3, which is the class at which lichens and mosses provide additional protection (32). Well-developed BSCs prevented aeolian sediment flux during simulated high-speed wind events, which is consistent with observations in the field (14, 29). However, when such protection was reduced, the relative modeled aeolian sediment flux among Colorado Plateau plant communities on disturbed soils was lowest in Artemisia/Sarcobatus Shrublands < Perennial Grasslands = Coleogyne Shrublands < dwarf Atriplex Shrublands. Simulations of wind erosion were a useful tool to determine how perennial vegetation canopy cover and BSC influenced aeolian sediment flux in response to climate change. Future improvements to wind erosion modeling coupled with experimental and observational data can only serve to build on this important first step to understanding how climate change affects wind erosion in arid regions.
The study area comprises four national park areas in southeastern Utah [Arches—310 km2, and the three districts of Canyonlands National Park—1,366 km2 (the Needles, Island in the Sky, and the Maze)] lying between 37.96°–38.85°N and 109.47°–110.24°W and ranging in elevation from 1,100 to 2,100 m (Fig. 1). These park areas are relatively well protected from human land use disturbance, but were grazed by livestock before the mid-1960s–1970s. Permanent vegetation plots were established across the major plant communities in the four national park areas in 1989 to monitor changes in plant species canopy cover. A minimum of three replicate plots (spaced 1–70 km apart) were used for each major plant community found in the parks. At each plot, 100 (0.5 m × 0.5 m) permanently marked quadrats were evenly spaced 2 m apart along 100-m transects. Canopy cover for each species was annually recorded in the quadrats in April or early May. A visual assessment of soil surface stability in each quadrat was made by determining the developmental stage [(i) least developed—(vi) most developed)] of BSC (32). We obtained total monthly precipitation and mean monthly temperature for each plot from the nearest weather station in the Western Regional Climate Center network (http://www.wrcc.dri.edu) and 1-h peak wind speeds from a CLIM-MET (climate impact meteorological) station at the Dugout Ranch near the long-term vegetation plots (http://gec.cr.usgs.gov/info/sw/clim-met).
We assessed plant relationships to past climate variability by plant community type, which included perennial grasslands and three distinct shrubland communities characterized by the dominant species [(i) Coleogyne ramosissima, (ii) Artemisia tridentata/Sarcobatus vermiculatus, and (iii) Atriplex species—A. confertifolia, A. gardneri, and A. corrugata]. We used only plots that were measured in all or most years of the study in the analysis. Average canopy cover of dominant plant species and functional types (species with the same life form, lifespan, and structure) within a plant community was regressed against total monthly and annual precipitation and mean monthly and annual temperature across all years with lag times up to 2 y (33). We used an arcsine square root transformation on cover when assumptions of normality and homogeneity of variance were not met and present the back-transformed values.
We simulated wind erosion on the same plots that were monitored for 20 y using a shear-stress partitioning model, which provides a way to scale from flux at a single point using characteristics of the soil surface to the landscape scale flux by explicitly considering the spatial distribution of vegetation on the soil surface (34). The wind erosion model accounts for the depression of surface shear velocity in the wake of plants and uses the size distribution of erodible gaps between plants to account for spatial variability of shear stress experienced by the soil. The model is formulated probabilistically, using the probability distribution function of the nearest upwind plant. Total horizontal aeolian sediment flux, QTot (expressed in units of mass per unit distance perpendicular to the wind per unit time) is calculated as the sum of different sources weighted by the fraction of the area that they occupy:
![]() |
[1] |
where is the probability that any point in the landscape is x distance from the nearest upwind plant expressed in units of height (h) of that plant, and
is the horizontal aeolian sediment flux for a point
away from the nearest upwind plant. At small distances from a plant,
is significantly less than flux in the absence of vegetation. We report horizontal aeolian sediment flux because vertical dust flux, FTot, is a proportion of horizontal aeolian sediment flux [FTot/QTot = 1 × 10-3 - 1 × 10-4 m-1 on similar soils; (17)], and horizontal aeolian sediment flux contains larger soil particles necessary to maintain dust emission from the soil surface. Pd(x) of vegetation in arid regions can be represented by the exponential equation (35)
![]() |
[2] |
where is the average gap size between plants.
was determined from an empirical relationship between perennial vegetation canopy cover and average gap size in perennial grasslands (r2 = 0.92, P < 0.0001) and shrublands (r2 = 0.97, P < 0.0001) on plots used for this study and adjacent areas (Fig. S1). Because canopy cover of annual species is highly variable and provides low erosion resistance in a drought year, we included only perennial vegetation in the wind erosion simulations. Plant height (h) was determined by using the average height of each plant functional type weighted by its canopy cover in the plot. Aeolian sediment flux for a point
distance from the nearest upwind plant is calculated using the formulation (36)
![]() |
[3] |
where A is a dimensionless constant, ρ is the density of air, g is the acceleration of gravity, u∗s is the shear velocity, and u∗t is the TSV of the unvegetated soil surface. TSV is the shear velocity at which soil erosion begins (15). Okin explains more details of the model and parameterizes the model using experimental data (34). We derived TSV for each plot from an empirical relationship between the developmental stage of BSC and TSV (r2 = 0.57, P < 0.0001; Fig. S2). Although BSC has a large influence on TSV in our study area, future improvements to estimating soil stability could include soil texture, chemistry, physical crusts, and gravel (17). We simulated decreases in soil stability by systematically lowering TSV according to relationships between TSV and disturbed, as well as undisturbed, BSC derived from wind tunnel experiments in the region (14). Disturbance consisted of three levels of intensity: walking over crusts with lug-soled boots (low intensity) and driving once (medium intensity) or twice (high intensity) over crusts with a vehicle.
To validate the wind erosion model for our study area, we fit TSVs experimentally derived from a wind tunnel on different soil types found in the national parks to the model and compared modeled flux to the rates of sediment yield generated in the wind tunnel. There was good agreement between modeled aeolian sediment flux and experimental aeolian sediment flux from the wind tunnel on different soil types in the study area (Fig. S3), with the slope (0.95) of the relationship not significantly different from 1 (F = 0.06, P = 0.81) and the intercept (1.5) not significantly different from 0 (F = 0.00, P = 0.96). Although a limitation to this validation is the use of point- instead of landcape-scale field estimates, the model has been shown to perform well across at intermediate spatial scales because it integrates the influence of soil stability with the spatial distribution of vegetation over a larger area.
We simulated five wind events of 15.0, 17.5, 20.0, 22.5, and 25.0 m s-1 at 3 m above the surface on each plot in every year vegetation and soil stability were measured. Although sediment transport can occur at much lower wind speeds, our intention was to characterize elevated rates of transport that occur in the study area. Because we expected aeolian sediment flux rates generated from wind erosion simulations to closely track changes in vegetation, flux rates were regressed against the same climatic variables that were significantly correlated to dominant plant species and functional type canopy cover.
Supplementary Material
Thanks to M. E. Miller, T. Belote, and F. Urban for supplemental field data and helpful suggestions, M. McKee and A. Wight for compiling park datasets, as well as J. Li, C. Lawrence, and C. Vojta for reviews of earlier versions of this paper. Any use of trade, product, or firm names in this paper is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the US Government. A grant from the US Geological Survey Global Change Research Program supported this work.
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
This article is a PNAS Direct Submission.
This article contains supporting information online at www.pnas.org/lookup/suppl/doi:10.1073/pnas.1014947108/-/DCSupplemental.
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