In an attempt to investigate the X chromosome harboring putative tumor suppressor genes (TSGs) in sporadic breast carcinoma, we performed loss of heterozygosity (LOH) studies on 23 breast carcinomas using 15 polymorphic markers covering the whole X chromosomes. Matched DNA extracted from tumor samples and corresponding normal tissues were analyzed by polymerase chain reactions (PCR) using microsatellite markers. In 10 cases (43.5%), LOH was detected for at least 1 of the 15 polymorphic markers of the X chromosome tested. Four cases carried a LOH at Xp, and three cases LOH on Xp and Xq. Three cases carried a LOH Xq. Percentage of LOH was relatively high in DXS987 (26.7%), DXS999(30.0%), HPRT(21.4%), DXS1062(23.1%) loci. Common regions of deletions were found on Xp22.2-p22.13 (30% of LOH) measuring about 4.5Mb and Xq26.1-q27.1 (23.1% of LOH) measuring 10 Mb. The deleted allele was an active copy of the X chromosome. The results indicate the TSGs on the X chromosome are involved in breast cancer.
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