Gastric lymphangioma is a rare benign gastric tumor composed of unilocular or multilocular lymphatic spaces. On gastrofiberscopy a submucosal tumor covered with smooth transparent normal mucosa is revealed in the stomach with or without a stalk. Endoscopic ultrasonography has become an indispensable tool for differentiating these gastric tumors. Treatment of lymphangioma depends on its size, location, and presence of complications. Endoscopic resection is safe and easy and plays an important role in confirming the diagnosis and treatment of the tumors especially of small-sized ones. We report a case of gastric lymphangioma in a 68-yr-old woman who presented with nausea and vague epigastric discomfort for two months. She was diagnosed by gastrofiberscopy with endoscopic ultrasonography and treated successfully with endoscopic resection by strip biopsy method.
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