Gastric cancer is a very serious disease and is naturally resistant to many anticancer drugs. To reduce the mortality and improve the effectiveness of therapy, many studies have tried to find key biomarkers. Proteomic technologies are providing the tools needed to discover and identify disease-associating biomarkers. The proteomic study of gastric cancer establishes any specific events that lead to cancer, and it provides a direct way to define the true function of genes. Using two dimensional (2-D) electrophoresis of the stomach cancer tissue, we have gained about 1,500 spots in each gel, and 140 protein spots also were identified. Among the identified proteins, there were seven over-expressed proteins in stomach cancer tissue: NSP3, transgelin, prohibitin, heat shock protein (hsp) 27 and variant, protein disulfide isomerase A3, unnamed protein product and glucose regulated protein. There were also seven under-expressed proteins in stomach cancer: Apolipoprotein A-1, p20, nucleoside diphosphate isomerase A, alpha 1 antitrypsin, desmin, serum albumin and serotransferrin.
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