Pulmonary metastasectomy for colorectal cancer is a commonly performed and well-established practice of ∼50 years standing. However, there have been no controlled studies, randomised or otherwise. We sought to investigate the evidence base that has been used in establishing its status as a standard of care.
Among 51 papers used in a recent systematic review and quantitative synthesis, a citation network analysis was performed. A total of 344 publications (the 51 index papers and a further 293 cited in them) constitute the citation network.
The pattern of citation is that of a citation cascade. Specific analyses show the frequent use of historical or landmark papers, which add authority. Papers expressing an opposing viewpoint are rarely cited.
The citation network for this common and well-established practice provides an example of selective citation. This pattern of citation tends to escalate belief in a clinical practice even when it lacks a high-quality evidence base and may create an impression of more authority than is warranted.
Keywords: colorectal cancer, pulmonary mestastasectomy, citation network analysis, hepatic metastasectomy, history of medicine
There is a professional consensus regarding the effectiveness of pulmonary metastasectomy for colorectal cancer (PMCRC), and along with metastasectomy for other primary sites, this surgery has become a routine (Internullo et al, 2007). In the course of a systematic review of pulmonary metastasectomy for this disease, 51 publications (listed in Appendix A) were identified, which contained data on case selection and outcomes (Fiorentino et al, 2010). These 51 surgical follow-up studies were published from 1971 to 2006; they include a total of 3504 patients who were operated on over a 40-year period starting in the mid 1960s. Five-year survival is reported at a rate of approximately 30–50% and is attributed to the beneficial effects of metastasectomy. The more recent papers in the review cite earlier papers, and in addition, 293 other clinical reports are cited (listed in Appendix B).
Citation network analysis is recommended as a standard tool in evidence-based medicine (EBM) (Haynes et al, 2006). The reason for this is well illustrated by Greenberg (2009) who in the British Medical Journal showed how authors seeking a basis for their own practice may create a citation cascade ‘resulting in unfounded authority of claims’. New Scientist, concerned with bias in the citation of stem cell research, used citation network analysis to show that US scientists rarely cited non-US authors (Aldhous, 2010). In the course of sifting, reading, and extracting data for analysis, we became aware of the absence of controlled trials regarding metastasectomy, as have others (Pfannschmidt et al, 2007, 2010). These published clinical reports lack data on how such patients would have fared had they not undergone pulmonary metastasectomy. In the course of planning a randomised controlled trial to address the matter (Treasure et al, 2009, 2010) and in line with EBM recommendations, we undertook a citation network analysis of papers included in our review.
We examined the reference lists of the 51 papers incorporated into a systematic review and quantitative synthesis (SRQS) (Fiorentino et al, 2010). We first excluded standard references to statistical methods and to books and book chapters. All the remaining citations were individually characterised by two of the authors (TT and FF). We defined 4 categories of particular interest: clinical follow-up studies of PMCRC, reports regarding hepatic metastasectomy, historical references, papers questioning the practice, and 10 other categories, including epidemiology, adjuvant therapies, pathological studies, and surgical techniques.
We then constructed a citation network representing all papers as nodes and citations as links from one node to another (Greenberg, 2009). A custom-designed relational database (MS Access, Microsoft, Redmond, WA, USA) was used to store and query the citation network data. We used Pajek, a freely available special-purpose social network analysis software tool (available from http://pajek.imfm.si/doku.php?id=pajek/), to perform visualisations of the citation networks (de Nooy et al, 2005).
The 51 follow-up reports included in the SRQS were published as follows: 1 in 1971, 4 in the 1980s, 19 in the 1990s, and 27 between 2000 and 2006. These papers each cited between 10 and 36 references to a total of 1132. After planned exclusions, there were 972 citations to 293 other unique publications. The frequency distribution of citations was markedly skewed with 203 of 344 cited only once. The 5 most referenced papers were cited 31, 30, 27, and 2 × 22 times (McCormack and Martini, 1979; Mansel et al, 1986; Goya et al, 1989; McAfee et al, 1992; Okumura et al, 1996).
The network of the citations of 51 SRQS papers to 344 references in the network is illustrated in Figure 1 following the method of Greenberg. A cascade such as the one he described can be discerned.
Figure 1.
All papers included in the citation network by decade of publication. The 51 index papers are in grey and are listed in Appendix A. The 293 cited papers are listed in Appendix B.
Of the 51 papers in the systematic review, 32 were classified for citation analysis as exclusively concerning and supporting PMCRC (both citing and cited), 19 were otherwise classified (e.g., mixed series of hepatic and pulmonary metastasectomy), and 21 further PMCRC papers were cited by SRQS papers (Figure 2). The citations among these 72 papers are shown in Figure 3 and in addition, the 4 papers questioning practice. Of these, for example, Aberg et al (1980) and Aberg (1997) argued that apparent longer-than-expected survival is a matter of case selection. Two other authors expressed caution attributing survival to surgery (Casciato et al, 1983; Todd, 1997). These are rarely cited compared with the dense network of citations between the index papers and other supportive PMCRC publications.
Figure 2.
Venn diagram of 51 ‘index papers’ from the systematic review and quantitative synthesis (Fiorentino et al, 2010) and 53 papers categorised in the citation network as reports of clinical series of pulmonary metastasectomy for colorectal cancer (PMCRC) and their overlap. The total is 72 publications.
Figure 3.
This network includes all the 72 papers in Figure 2 showing their numerous citations to each other. On the periphery are the four questioning papers. The numbers refer to papers listed papers in Appendix A and Appendix B.
Our search of the literature for evidence regarding PMCRC was prompted in part by a NICE Cancer Services Manual update stating, ‘Surgery for metastases confined to the liver or lung can be curative…for a minority of patients, it can increase five-year survival rates from close to zero to over 30%’ (National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE), 2004). We speculated as to the evidence for this statement, but the single reference cited contained no information regarding pulmonary metastasectomy (Stangl et al, 1994). This is a clear instance of not only selective but also inappropriate citation.
The manner by which ‘history’ is cited is of interest (Pastorino and Treasure, 2010). In our citation analysis, we categorised four papers as historical. As an example, the report by Blalock (1944) in the 1944 New England Journal of Medicine is cited by 14 of 51 of the index papers and is the thirteenth most frequent of 334 cited papers. Typical citations to it are: ‘The role of pulmonary metastasectomy for colorectal carcinoma was first introduced in 1944.’ (Patel et al, 2003) and ‘Since Blalock reported the first pulmonary resection for colorectal metastases in 1944, lung metastases…have been considered to be cured by resection in selected cases.’(Ike et al, 2002). In summarising a guest lecture to The Massachusetts Medical Society, Blalock wrote ‘It is only eleven years since the first one stage removal of an entire lung...’. He was informing his colleagues that pneumonectomy is achievable; the fact that it was for a metastasis was coincidental. He tells us nothing about control of colorectal cancer or the eventual outcome beyond recovery from the operation. Furthermore, in current practice, pneumonectomy is considered an inappropriate operation for metastasectomy (Migliore et al, 2010).
Blalock's account of a pneumonectomy has no relevance to the current practice of pulmonary metastasectomy, and is not even claimed to be a first; hence, why is this such a popular citation? A possible answer is that among surgeons, his name adds authority: he went on to become extremely famous for the Blalock-Taussig shunt to palliate cyanotic heart disease (Blalock and Taussig, 1945). His paper, which would not have been found by a formal search for metastasectomy but is passed on as folklore, gains a significance that Blalock did not intend.
In marked contrast, Aberg's publications are barely mentioned. His paper in 1980 and editorial in 1997 which challenge the effect of pulmonary metastasectomy are cited by only two of the index papers, and yet, unlike Blalock's paper, Aberg's publications have metastasectomy in their title and could not be missed in a literature search. The failure to cite suggests bias against his paper rather than that it was not retrievable. In addition, US citations may have a higher perceived status (Link, 1998). Blalock was from a prestigious American institution, Johns Hopkins, whereas Aberg worked in a less well-known Swedish hospital.
To quote from a remarkable essay on the whole question of citation (MacRoberts and MacRoberts, 1996), ‘The cumulative effect of citing more and more people who similarly agree with the author is to concretize the universality of the knowledge claim.’ Greenberg describes information cascades: authors write their clinical experience, citing similar practices and thus gain affirmation. However, it is like rolling a snowball: it gets bigger and bigger – but it is just more snow.
The Clinical Operational Research Unit receives funding from the UK Department of Health Policy Research Programme. Any views expressed are those of the authors.
Appendix A
The 51 publications that were entered in the quantitative synthesis are as follows:
Fiorentino F, Hunt I, Teoh K, Treasure T, Utley M (2010) Pulmonary metastasectomy in colorectal cancer: a systematic review and quantitative synthesis. J R Soc Med 103: 60–66.
The citation numbers 1–51 relate to those in Figures 1 and 3
(1) Baron O, Hamy A, Roussel JC, Galetta D, Al HO, Duveau D et al (1999) Surgical treatment of pulmonary metastases of colorectal cancers. 8-year survival and main prognostic factors. Rev Mal Respir 16(5): 809–815.
(2) Brister SJ, deVarennes B, Gordon PH, Sheiner NM, Pym J (1988) Contemporary operative management of pulmonary metastases of colorectal origin. Dis Colon Rectum 31(10): 786–792.
(3) Casali C, Stefani A, Storelli E, Morandi U (2006) Prognostic factors and survival after resection of lung metastases from epithelial tumours. Interact Cardiovasc Thorac Surg 5(3): 317–321.
(4) Cheng LC, Chiu CS, Lee JW (1998) Surgical resection of pulmonary metastases. J Cardiovasc Surg (Torino) 39(4): 503–507.
(5) Fujisawa T, Yamaguchi Y, Saitoh Y, Sekine Y, Iizasa T, Mitsunaga S et al (1996) Factors influencing survival following pulmonary resection for metastatic colorectal carcinoma. Tohoku J Exp Med 180(2): 153–160.
(6) Girard P, Ducreux M, Baldeyrou P, Rougier P, Le Chevalier T, Bougaran J et al (1996) Surgery for lung metastases from colorectal cancer: analysis of prognostic factors. J Clin Oncol 14(7): 2047–2053.
(7) Goya T, Miyazawa N, Kondo H, Tsuchiya R, Naruke T, Suemasu K (1989) Surgical resection of pulmonary metastases from colorectal cancer. 10-year follow-up. Cancer 64(7): 1418–1421.
(8) Higashiyama M, Kodama K, Higaki N, Takami K, Murata K, Kameyama M et al (2003) Surgery for pulmonary metastases from colorectal cancer: the importance of prethoracotomy serum carcinoembryonic antigen as an indicator of prognosis. Jpn J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 51(7): 289–296.
(9) Iizasa T, Suzuki M, Yoshida S, Motohashi S, Yasufuku K, Iyoda A et al (2006) Prediction of prognosis and surgical indications for pulmonary metastasectomy from colorectal cancer. Ann Thorac Surg 82(1): 254–260.
(10) Ike H, Shimada H, Togo S, Yamaguchi S, Ichikawa Y, Tanaka K (2002) Sequential resection of lung metastasis following partial hepatectomy for colorectal cancer. Br J Surg 89(9): 1164–1168.
(11) Inoue M, Ohta M, Iuchi K, Matsumura A, Ideguchi K, Yasumitsu T et al (2004) Benefits of surgery for patients with pulmonary metastases from colorectal carcinoma. Ann Thorac Surg 78(1): 238–244.
(12) Irshad K, Ahmad F, Morin JE, Mulder DS (2001) Pulmonary metastases from colorectal cancer: 25 years of experience. Can J Surg 44(3): 217–221.
(13) Ishikawa K, Hashiguchi Y, Mochizuki H, Ozeki Y, Ueno H (2003) Extranodal cancer deposit at the primary tumor site and the number of pulmonary lesions are useful prognostic factors after surgery for colorectal lung metastases. Dis Colon Rectum 46(5): 629–636.
(14) Jaklitsch MT, Mery CM, Lukanich JM, Richards WG, Bueno R, Swanson SJ et al (2001) Sequential thoracic metastasectomy prolongs survival by re-establishing local control within the chest. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 121(4): 657–667.
(15) Joseph WL, Morton DL, Adkins PC (1971) Prognostic significance of tumor doubling time in evaluating operability in pulmonary metastatic disease. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 61(1): 23–32.
(16) Kanemitsu Y, Kato T, Hirai T, Yasui K (2004) Preoperative probability model for predicting overall survival after resection of pulmonary metastases from colorectal cancer. Br J Surg 91(1): 112–120.
(17) Kodama K, Doi O, Higashiyama M, Tatsuta M, Iwanaga T (1991) Surgical management of lung metastases. Usefulness of resection with the neodymium:yttrium-aluminum-garnet laser with median sternotomy. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 101(5): 901–908.
(18) Koga R, Yamamoto J, Saiura A, Yamaguchi T, Hata E, Sakamoto M (2006) Surgical resection of pulmonary metastases from colorectal cancer: four favourable prognostic factors. Jpn J Clin Oncol 36(10): 643–648.
(19) Mansel JK, Zinsmeister AR, Pairolero PC, Jett JR (1986) Pulmonary resection of metastatic colorectal adenocarcinoma. A ten-year experience. Chest 89(1): 109–112.
(20) Marincola FM, Mark JB (1990) Selection factors resulting in improved survival after surgical resection of tumors metastatic to the lungs. Arch Surg 125(10): 1387–1392.
(21) McAfee MK, Allen MS, Trastek VF, Ilstrup DM, Deschamps C, Pairolero PC (1992) Colorectal lung metastases: results of surgical excision. Ann Thorac Surg 53(5): 780–785.
(22) McCormack PM, Burt ME, Bains MS, Martini N, Rusch VW, Ginsberg RJ (1992) Lung resection for colorectal metastases. 10-year results. Arch Surg 127(12):1403–1406.
(23) Mineo TC, Ambrogi V, Tonini G, Bollero P, Roselli M, Mineo D et al (2003) Long-term results after resection of simultaneous and sequential lung and liver metastases from colorectal carcinoma. J Am Coll Surg 197(3): 386–391.
(24) Moore KH, McCaughan BC (2001) Surgical resection for pulmonary metastases from colorectal cancer. ANZ J Surg 71(3): 143–146.
(25) Mori M, Tomoda H, Ishida T, Kido A, Shimono R, Matsushima T et al (1991) Surgical resection of pulmonary metastases from colorectal adenocarcinoma. Special reference to repeated pulmonary resections. Arch Surg 126(10): 1297–1301.
(26) Negri F, Musolino A, Cunningham D, Pastorino U, Ladas G, Norman AR (2004) Retrospective study of resection of pulmonary metastases in patients with advanced colorectal cancer: the development of a preoperative chemotherapy strategy. Clin Colorectal Cancer 4(2): 101–106.
(27) Ogata Y, Matono K, Hayashi A, Takamor S, Miwa K, Sasatomi T et al (2005) Repeat pulmonary resection for isolated recurrent lung metastases yields results comparable to those after first pulmonry resection in colorectal cancer. World J Surg 29: 363–368.
(28) Okumura S, Kondo H, Tsuboi M, Nakayama H, Asamura H, Tsuchiya R et al (1996) Pulmonary resection for metastatic colorectal cancer: experiences with 159 patients. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 112(4): 867–874.
(29) Patel NA, Keenan RJ, Medich DS, Woo Y, Celebrezze J, Santucci T et al (2003) The presence of colorectal hepatic metastases does not preclude pulmonary metastasectomy. Am Surg 69(12): 1047–1053.
(30) Pfannschmidt J, Muley T, Hoffmann H, Dienemann H (2003) Prognostic factors and survival after complete resection of pulmonary metastases from colorectal carcinoma: experiences in 167 patients. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 126(3): 732–739.
(31) Reddy RH, Kumar B, Shah R, Mirsadraee S, Papagiannopoulos K, Lodge P et al (2004) Staged pulmonary and hepatic metastasectomy in colorectal cancer—is it worth it? Eur J Cardiothorac Surg 25(2): 151–154.
(32) Rena O, Casadio C, Viano F, Cristofori R, Ruffini E, Filosso PL et al (2002) Pulmonary resection for metastases from colorectal cancer: factors influencing prognosis. Twenty-year experience. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg 21(5): 906–912.
(33) Saclarides TJ, Krueger BL, Szeluga DJ, Warren WH, Faber LP, Economou SG (1993) Thoracotomy for colon and rectal cancer metastases. Dis Colon Rectum 36(5): 425–429.
(34) Saito Y, Omiya H, Kohno K, Kobayashi T, Itoi K, Teramachi M et al (2002) Pulmonary metastasectomy for 165 patients with colorectal carcinoma: a prognostic assessment. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 124(5): 1007–1013.
(35) Sakamoto T, Tsubota N, Iwanaga K, Yuki T, Matsuoka H, Yoshimura M (2001) Pulmonary resection for metastases from colorectal cancer. Chest 119(4): 1069–1072.
(36) Scheele J, Altendorf-Hofmann A, Stangl R, Gall FP (1990) Pulmonary resection for metastatic colon and upper rectum cancer. Is it useful? Dis Colon Rectum 33(9): 745–752.
(37) Shiono S, Ishii G, Nagai K, Yoshida J, Nishimura M, Murata Y et al (2005) Histopathologic prognostic factors in resected colorectal lung metastases. Ann Thorac Surg 79(1): 278–282.
(38) Shirouzu K, Isomoto H, Hayashi A, Nagamatsu Y, Kakegawa T (1995) Surgical treatment for patients with pulmonary metastases after resection of primary colorectal carcinoma. Cancer 76(3): 393–398.
(39) van Halteren HK, van Geel AN, Hart AA, Zoetmulder FA (1995) Pulmonary resection for metastases of colorectal origin. Chest 107(6): 1526–1531.
(40) Vogelsang H, Haas S, Hierholzer C, Berger U, Siewert JR, Prauer H (2004) Factors influencing survival after resection of pulmonary metastases from colorectal cancer. Br J Surg 91(8): 1066–1071.
(41) Wade TP, Virgo KS, Li MJ, Callander PW, Longo WE, Johnson FE (1996) Outcomes after detection of metastatic carcinoma of the colon and rectum in a national hospital system. J Am Coll Surg 182(4): 353–361.
(42) Wang CY, Hsie CC, Hsu HS, Wu YC, Hsu WH, Huang BS et al (2002) Pulmonary resection for metastases from colorectal adenocarcinomas. Zhonghua Yi Xue Za Zhi (Taipei) 65(1): 15–22.
(43) Watanabe M, Deguchi H, Sato M, Ozeki Y, Tanaka S, Izumi Y et al (1998) Midterm results of thoracoscopic surgery for pulmonary metastases especially from colorectal cancers. J Laparoendosc Adv Surg Tech A 8(4): 195–200.
(44) Watanabe I, Arai T, Ono M, Sugito M, Kawashima K, Ito M et al (2003) Prognostic factors in resection of pulmonary metastasis from colorectal cancer. Br J Surg 90(11): 1436–1440.
(45) Welter S, Jacobs J, Krbek T, Poettgen C, Stamatis G (2007) Prognostic impact of lymph node involvement in pulmonary metastases from colorectal cancer. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg 31(2): 167–172.
(46) Wilking N, Petrelli NJ, Herrera L, Regal AM, Mittelman A (1985) Surgical resection of pulmonary metastases from colorectal adenocarcinoma. Dis Colon Rectum 28(8): 562–564.
(47) Yano T, Hara N, Ichinose Y, Yokoyama H, Miura T, Ohta M (1993) Results of pulmonary resection of metastatic colorectal cancer and its application. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 106(5): 875–879.
(48) Yedibela S, Klein P, Feuchter K, Hoffmann M, Meyer T, Papadopoulos T et al (2006) Surgical management of pulmonary metastases from colorectal cancer in 153 patients. Ann Surg Oncol 13(11): 1538–1544.
(49) Zanella A, Marchet A, Mainente P, Nitti D, Lise M (1997) Resection of pulmonary metastases from colorectal carcinoma. Eur J Surg Oncol 23(5): 424–427.
(50) Zapatero J, Flandes J, Lago J, Devesa M, Glope A, Candelas J (1994) Prognostic factors in pulmonary metastases from colorectal cancer. Respiration 61(5): 280–282.
(51) Zink S, Kayser G, Gabius HJ, Kayser K (2001) Survival, disease-free interval, and associated tumor features in patients with colon/rectal carcinomas and their resected intra-pulmonary metastases. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg 19(6): 908–913.
Appendix B
Citations 52–344, which all appear in the citation network diagrams of Figure 1 and some in Figure 3, are listed herein. These are 293 publications on clinical material cited by the authors of the 51 papers in the systematic review and quantitative synthesis (Fiorentino et al, 2010) in addition to citations made to each other's work.
(52) Aberg T, Malmberg KA, Nilsson B, Nou E (1980) The effect of metastasectomy: fact or fiction? Ann Thorac Surg 30(4): 378–384.
(53) Aberg T (1997) Selection mechanisms as major determinants of survival after pulmonary metastasectomy. Ann Thorac Surg 63(3): 611–612.
(54) Adam R, Avisar E, Ariche A, Giachetti S, Azoulay D, Castaing D et al (2001) Five-year survival following hepatic resection after neoadjuvant therapy for nonresectable colorectal. Ann Surg Oncol 8(4): 347–353.
(55) Alexander J, Haight C (1947) Pulmonary resection for solitary metastatic sarcomas and carcinomas. Surg Gynecol Obstet 85:129–146.
(56) Amato A, Pescatori M, Butti A (1991) Local recurrence following abdominoperineal excision and anterior resection for rectal carcinoma 5. Dis Colon Rectum 34(4): 317–322.
(57) Ambiru S, Miyazaki M, Ito H, Nakagawa K, Shimizu H, Nakajima N (1999) Adjuvant regional chemotherapy after hepatic resection for colorectal metastases. Br J Surg 86(8): 1025–1031.
(58) Ambrogi V, Paci M, Pompeo E, Mineo TC (2000) Transxiphoid video-assisted pulmonary metastasectomy: relevance of helical computed tomography occult lesions. Ann Thorac Surg 70(6): 1847–1852.
(59) American Cancer Society (1994) Cancer Facts and Figures – 1994. Atlanta, GA. Ref Type: Report
(60) American Cancer Society (2004) Cancer Facts and Figures – 2004. Atlanta, ACS. Ref Type: Report
(61) American Joint Committee for Cancer Staging and Edn Results Reporting (1987) Manual for Staging of Cancer 1987. Chicago, NCI. Ref Type: Report
(62) Astler V, Coller F (1954) The prognostic significance of direct extension of carcinoma of the colon and rectum. Ann Surg 139(6): 846–852.
(63) August DA, Ottow RT, Sugarbaker PH (1984) Clinical perspective of human colorectal cancer metastasis. Cancer Metastasis Rev 3(4): 303–324.
(64) Baldeyrou P, Lemoine G, Zucker JM, Schweisguth O (1984) Pulmonary metastases in children: the place of surgery. A study of 134 patients. J Pediatr Surg 19(2): 121–125.
(65) Ballantine TV, Wiseman NE, Filler RM (1975) Assessment of pulmonary wedge resection for the treatment of lung metastases. J Pediatr Surg 10(5): 671–676.
(66) Ballantyne GH, Quin J (1993) Surgical treatment of liver metastases in patients with colorectal cancer. Cancer 71(12 Suppl): 4252–4266.
(67) Barney J, Churchill E (1939) Adenocarcinoma of the kidney with metastasis to the lung cured by nephrectomy and lobectomy. J Urol 42: 269–276.
(68) Baron O, Amini M, Duveau D, Despins P, Sagan CA, Michaud JL (1996) Surgical resection of pulmonary metastases from colorectal carcinoma. Five-year survival and main prognostic factors. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg 10(5): 347–351.
(69) Bengmark S, Hafstrom L (1969) The natural history of primary and secondary malignant tumors of the liver. I. The prognosis for patients with hepatic metastases from colonic and rectal carcinoma by laparotomy. Cancer 23(1): 198–202.
(70) Bines S, Kind G, Doolas A (1990) Resecting liver metastases. Probl Gen Surg 7: 428–432.
(71) Bismuth H, Adam R, Levi F, Farabos C, Waechter F, Castaing D et al (1996) Resection of nonresectable liver metastases from colorectal cancer after neoadjuvant chemotherapy. Ann Surg 224(4): 509–520.
(72) Blalock A (1944) Recent advances in surgery. N Engl J Med 231: 261–267.
(73) Bleday R, Steele Jr G (1991) Second-look surgery for recurrent colorectal carcinoma: is it worthwhile? Semin Surg Oncol 7(3): 171–176.
(74) Blumgart L, Fong Y (1995) Results of medical treatment of patients with colorectal carcinoma metastatic to the liver. Curr Probl Surg 32: 345–360.
(75) Boring CC, Squires TS, Tong T (1991) Cancer statistics, 1991. CA Cancer J Clin 41(1): 19–36.
(76) Boyle CA, Decoufle P (1990) National sources of vital status information: extent of coverage and possible selectivity in reporting. Am J Epidemiol 131(1): 160–168.
(77) Branscheid D, Krysa S, Wollkopf G, Bulzebruck H, Probst G, Horn M et al (1992) Does ND-YAG laser extend the indications for resection of pulmonary metastases? Eur J Cardiothorac Surg 6(11): 590–596.
(78) Brown C, Warren S (1938) Visceral metastases from rectal carcinoma. Surg Gynecol Obstet 66: 611–621.
(79) Cahan WG (1973) Excision of melanoma metastases to lung: problems in diagnosis and management. Ann Surg 178(6): 703–709.
(80) Cahan WG, Castro EB, Hajdu SI (1974) Proceedings: the significance of a solitary lung shadow in patients with colon carcinoma. Cancer 33(2): 414–421.
(81) Cahan WG, Castro EB, Hajdu SI (1974) Therapeutic pulmonary resection of colonic carcinoma metastatic to lung. Dis Colon Rectum 17(3): 302–309.
(82) Callery CD, Holmes EC, Vernon S, Huth J, Coulson WF, Skinner DG (1983) Resection of pulmonary metastases from nonseminomatous testicular tumors. Correlation of clinical and histological features with treatment outcome. Cancer 51(6): 1152–1158.
(83) Casciato DA, Nagurka C, Tabbarah HJ (1983) Prolonged survival with unresected pulmonary metastases. Ann Thorac Surg 36(2): 202–208.
(84) Cedermark BJ, Blumenson LE, Pickren JW, Holyoke DE, Elias EG (1977) The significance of metastases to the adrenal glands in adenocarcinoma of the colon and rectum. Surg Gynecol Obstet 144(4): 537–546.
(85) Cerdan F, Diez M, Muguerza J, Torres A, Suarez A, Balibrea J (1992) Tratamiento quirurgico de las metastasis pulmonares del cancer colorectal. Cir Esp 51: 34–38.
(86) Chang AE, Schaner EG, Conkle DM, Flye MW, Doppman JL, Rosenberg SA (1979) Evaluation of computed tomography in the detection of pulmonary metastases: a prospective study. Cancer 43(3): 913–916.
(87) Cheng LC, Sham JS, Chiu CS, Fu KH, Lee JW, Mok CK (1996) Surgical resection of pulmonary metastases from nasopharyngeal carcinoma. Aust N Z J Surg 66(2): 71–73.
(88) Choksi LB, Takita H, Vincent RG (1972) The surgical management of solitary pulmonary metastasis. Surg Gynecol Obstet 134(3): 479–482.
(89) Cliffon E, Dasgupta T, Pool J (1964) Bilateral pulmonary resection for primary or metastatic lung cancer. Cancer 17: 86–94.
(90) Collins V, Loeffler R, Tivey H (1956) Observations on growth rates of human tumors. Am J Roentgenol Radium Ther Nucl Med 76(5): 988–1000.
(91) Collins V (1962) Time of occurrence of pulmonary metastasis from carcinoma of colon and rectum. Cancer 15: 387–395.
(92) Compton CC (1999) Pathology report in colon cancer: what is prognostically important? Dig Dis 17(2): 67–79.
(93) Conti JA, Kemeny NE, Saltz LB, Huang Y, Tong WP, Chou TC et al (1996) Irinotecan is an active agent in untreated patients with metastatic colorectal cancer. J Clin Oncol 14(3): 709–715.
(94) Cunningham JD, Fong Y, Shriver C, Melendez J, Marx WL, Blumgart LH (1994) One hundred consecutive hepatic resections. Blood loss, transfusion, and operative technique. Arch Surg 129(10): 1050–1056.
(95) de Brauw LM, van de Velde CJ, Bouwhuis-Hoogerwerf ML, Zwaveling A (1987) diagnostic evaluation and survival analysis of colorectal cancer patients with liver metastases. J Surg Oncol 34(2): 81–86.
(96) de Gramont A, Figer A, Seymour M, Homerin M, Hmissi A, Cassidy J et al (2000) Leucovorin and fluorouracil with or without oxaliplatin as first-line treatment in advanced colorectal cancer. J Clin Oncol 18(16): 2938–2947.
(97) Dionne L (1965) The pattern of blood-borne metastasis from carcinoma of the rectum. Cancer 18: 775–781.
(98) Divis G (1927) Ein bertrag zur operativen behandlung der lungen-geschwulste. Acta Chir Scand 62: 329–341.
(99) Doci R, Gennari L, Bignami P, Montalto F, Morabito A, Bozzetti F (1991) One hundred patients with hepatic metastases from colorectal cancer treated by resection: analysis of prognostic determinants. Br J Surg 78(7): 797–801.
(100) Dowling RD, Wachs ME, Ferson PF, Landreneau RJ (1992) Thoracoscopic neodymium: yttrium aluminum garnet laser resection of a pulmonary metastasis. Cancer 70(7): 1873–1875.
(101) Dowling RD, Keenan RJ, Ferson PF, Landreneau RJ (1993) Video-assisted thoracoscopic resection of pulmonary metastases. Ann Thorac Surg 56(3): 772–775.
(102) Dowling RD, Landreneau RJ, Miller DL (1998) Video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery for resection of lung metastases. Chest 113(1 Suppl): 2S–5S.
(103) Downey RJ, McCormack P, LoCicero J, III (1996) dissemination of malignant tumors after video-assisted thoracic surgery: a report of twenty-one cases. The Video-Assisted Thoracic Surgery Study Group. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 111(5): 954–960.
(104) Dwight RW, Higgins GA, Keehn RJ (1969) Factors influencing survival after resection in cancer of the colon and rectum. Am J Surg 117(4): 512–522.
(105) Dwight RW, Humphrey EW, Higgins GA, Keehn RJ (1973) FUDR as an adjuvant to surgery in cancer of the large bowel. J Surg Oncol 5(3): 243–249.
(106) Ehrenhaft JL (1951) Pulmonary resections for metastatic lesions. AMA Arch Surg 63(3): 326–336.
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