Inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptors (InsP3R) are a family of ubiquitously expressed intracellular Ca2+ channels. Isoform-specific properties of the three family members may play a prominent role in defining the rich diversity of the spatial and temporal characteristics of intracellular Ca2+ signals. Studying the properties of the particular family members is complicated because individual receptor isoforms are typically never expressed in isolation. In this article, we discuss strategies for studying Ca2+ release through individual InsP3R family members with particular reference to methods applicable following expression of recombinant InsP3R and mutant constructs in the DT40-3KO cell line, an unambiguously null InsP3R expression system.
Keywords: Ca2+ release; inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptors; DT40-3KO cells; permeabilized cells; flash photolysis
Inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptors (InsP3R) are a family of intracellular Ca2+ channels (for review see [1–3]. Three genes code for distinct Ca2+ release channels of molecular mass ~300 kDa and are named the InsP3R-1, InsP3R-2 and InsP3R-3 [4–6]. Additional diversity is generated by alternative splicing of the InsP3R-1 and InsP3R-2 genes [7, 8]. InsP3-triggered elevations in cytosolic Ca2+ control a vast and diverse array of physiological processes. InsP3-induced Ca2+ release is also subject to “fine tuning”, often in an isoform specific manner by events including Ca2+ binding, post translational modification and by interaction with protein partners. These regulatory inputs define the spatial and temporal characteristic of the Ca2+ signal. Historically, InsP3R function has been monitored as the composite signal from the complement of receptors expressed in a particular cell type. The Ca2+ release properties have then been studied by stimulating phospholipase C coupled receptors or following direct exposure to InsP3 Typically, Ca2+ release is monitored using fluorescence techniques or alternatively electrophysiologically by means of a Ca2+ activated surrogate reporter. However, the ubiquitous expression of the channel, together with the expression of multiple receptor isoforms in individual cells, represents a significant hurdle to designing experimental paradigms useful in studying individual isoform, or splice variant specific InsP3R function and regulation. Given these issues, some insight into individual InsP3R isoform activity has been inferred by approaches designed to isolate the activity of a particular InsP3R isoform. Notwithstanding these efforts, the unambiguous interpretation of data from individual InsP3R, in particular recombinant channels, requires expression on a truly null background. With the generation by Kurosaki and colleagues of a DT40 cell line, in which the genes for all three InsP3R have been stably ablated (DT40-3KO) [9], a unique genetically tractable system for the study of InsP3R structure and function is now available. This article will first review the general experimental systems/paradigms which have been used to investigate particular InsP3R isoform function. Secondly, we will describe several techniques which are applicable to studying InsP3R isoform specific function by optical techniques with particular reference to the utility of DT40-3KO InsP3R null cell line.
Description of Method
Choice of cell/tissue to study endogenous InsP3R isoform activity
Several studies have documented the relative expression of individual InsP3R types in both native tissue and in immortalized cell lines [10–13]. These data have been exploited to study Ca2+ release from reasonably well defined populations of InsP3R, and in particular from cells expressing at least a predominance of an individual isoform. While no native cell type expresses a single InsP3R in absolute isolation [14, 15], cerebellar purkinje neurons (PN) come close to this situation as they express almost exclusively InsP3R-1 and at very high levels relative to other cells [10, 16]. Optical studies of isolated PN have provided a platform for investigating how the properties of InsP3R-1 impact cerebellar function [14, 15, 17]. The widespread use of PN for optically studying InsP3R-1 specific activity has however, been rather limited, presumably based on the relative difficulty of isolating and culturing these neurons. In a similar fashion, acutely isolated, cultured hepatocytes express ~80 % InsP3R-2 (remainder InsP3R-1), and a number of studies have ascribed the Ca2+ release characteristics in this cell type to the InsP3R-2 isoform [18, 19].
Immortalized cell lines with fairly well defined populations of InsP3R have also been widely used to compare and contrast the fundamental regulation of InsP3R isoforms. Cell lines do exist which express an individual InsP3R isoform in relative isolation. For example, SHSY5Y neuroblastoma or A7R5, smooth muscle derived cells, express a majority of InsP3R-1 and have been used to study the regulation of isoform by factors including Ca2+, ATP and phosphorylation [20, 21]. In a similar fashion, the rat pancreatoma cell line AR4-2J and insulinoma line RinM5F have been the cells of choice for monitoring InsP3R-2 and InsP3R-3 activity respectively [21–24] An additional complimentary approach is to attempt to isolate a particular InsP3R following specific reduction in expression of a particular isoform, using antisense or sRNAi technology [25–27]. It should be noted that, the absolute ablation of a particular isoform with these techniques is probably unrealistic and therefore the general caveat applies that a particular receptor is unlikely to be expressed in unambiguous isolation using any of the cell-line based paradigms described above.
While important contributions have been made using the above techniques, the generation by Kurosaki and colleagues of a series of DT40 based cell lines with defined populations of InsP3R provides important tools to explicitly study the activity of a particular InsP3R homotetramer [9, 28]. Based on the high rate of homologous recombination of this cell line, genes can be readily targeted for ablation. Lines have been established which express all permutations of the endogenous chicken InsP3R and importantly an unequivocally InsP3R null cell line, in which all three chicken isoforms have been ablated. The so-called DT40-3KO cell line has provided a unique tool in which InsP3R and mutant constructs can be expressed [9]. Next, several optical paradigms are discussed which are designed to study InsP3R activity in DT40 cells.
Intact cell [Ca2+]i measurements in DT40 cells following agonist exposure
The generation of DT40 cell lines in which the genes for pairs of InsP3R have been ablated allows the study of individual chicken InsP3R isoforms in isolation [9]. Perhaps of more importance, a particularly useful approach is to express individual mammalian InsP3R and mutants by transient or stable transfection into DT40-3KO cells. DT40 cells are relatively resistant to transfection, but acceptable efficiency can be achieved by electroporation and in particular by nucleofection (AMAXA, INC, Gaithersburg, MD). For detailed methods regarding transient and stable expression of constructs in DT40 cells see [29]. In intact cells, Ca2+ release can be monitored by routine digital imaging of Ca2+ sensitive fluorescent dyes such as Fluo-4 and Fura-2 [30–32]. In our case, we use a Till Photonics imaging system (Gräfelfing, Germany) consisting of a Polychrome IV monochromator capable of rapid wavelength switching, coupled through a light guide to an Inverted microscope with high NA objective. The emitted light is captured using a Cooke Sensicam QE camera (Romulus, MI). Wavelength switching and image capture is controlled by the Vision software suite. A variety of methods to increase InsP3 levels have been employed in DT40 cells based on either stimulation of endogenous receptors or heterologous expression of phospholipase C coupled receptors. For example, the characteristics of the global [Ca2+]i signals following activation of the endogenous B cell receptor (BcR) have been described in cells expressing individual InsP3R isoforms or following transfection with mammalian isoforms [29–31, 33]. An example is shown in Figure 1B and 1C where the characteristic of Ca2+ signals following BcR activation are compared in cells expressing wild type S2- InsP3R-1 or charge mutations in protein kinase A (PKA) phosphorylation sites which mimic phosphorylation (“EE”) [30]. In studies utilizing transient transfection, the InsP3R construct of interest is typically co-transfected with a fluorescent protein such as HcRed to facilitate identification of expressing cells. The degree of expression of the fluorescent co-transfected protein can also be used as a somewhat crude indicator of the degree of expression. An example is shown in figure 1A. BcR activation results in tyrosine phosphorylation and stimulation of phospholipase Cγ activity, however, DT40 cells also endogenously express Gq/PLCβ coupled protease activated receptor 2, which can be activated by trypsin [34]. Stimulation of either of these pathways takes advantage of activating endogenous DT40 signaling, but has the major shortcoming that activation of these receptors is practically irreversible.
Figure 1. Activation of Ca2+ release in transiently transfected DT40-3KO cells via the endogenous BcR.
In A, three DT40-3KO cells are shown in bright field (left panel), following excitation at 560 nM (middle panel) revealing expression of HcRed and thus presumably the InsP3R construct of interest and following excitation at 360 nm (right panel) to excite Fura-2. In B. Cartoon above each trace indicates the amino acids within the two canonical PKA phosphorylation motifs in S2- InsP3R. Individual DT40 cells expressing HcRed and S2- WT InsP3R-1 are stimulated with a threshold concentration of IgM to stimulate the BcR. This results a transient increase in [Ca2+]i in each cell. In C, cells expressing a phosphomimetic S2-InsP3R-1 construct (“EE” InsP3R-1) are stimulated with an identical [IgM] which results in repetitive Ca2+ oscillations typical of enhanced sensitivity of the phosphomimetic construct. Adapted from Ref [31], with permission.
Expression of exogenous cell surface receptors
To our knowledge there have been no further reports of the presence of any other Gq/11 coupled receptor in DT40 cells which could provide a convenient means of activation. A further approach is to express by transfection a receptor coupled to Gαq. We and others have used a plasmid encoding a muscarinic m3 receptor which is available commercially from Missouri S&T cDNA Resource Center (CDNA.org). Stimulation of Ca2+ release can then be monitored following exposure to a muscarinic agonist. In DT40-3KO cells the magnitude of the initial peak following agonist exposure appears to a useful reflection of Ca2+ release because this parameter is largely unaffected by removal of extracellular Ca2+ or blocking Ca2+ influx with lanthanides or by blocking ryanodine receptors [30]. In addition, the muscarinic m3 appears not to desensitize appreciably allowing multiple exposures to agonist in a single experiment [30, 31]. This allows an indirect measurement of the sensitivity of Ca2+ release and even given the variability of expression, can be used to compare the activity of particular InsP3R constructs. An example is shown in figure 2A, illustrating the increase in apparent sensitivity to muscarinic stimulation of cells expressing a S2- InsP3R-1 phosphomimetic construct compared to wild type. A normalized concentration vs. response relationship for these constructs is shown in Figure 2C. DT40-3KO cells can also be used to create stable cell lines expressing either Gαq coupled plasma membrane receptors or InsP3R constructs. Stable expression allows the investigator to establish DT40 cells with constant receptor levels and thus negate this source of variability associated with transient over expression. It should be noted that in the process of targeting both copies of the three InsP3R genes, the DT40-3KO cells have acquired resistance to most commonly used selection agents [9]. Practically, the only marker available for selection is geneticin, and thus only one additional further gene, either plasma membrane receptor or InsP3R, can be stably expressed.
Figure 2. Activation of Ca2+ release via transiently expressed M3 muscarinic Receptor.
In A, concentration vs Response relationship for an individual DT40-3KO cell expressing S2-InsP3R-1 and the M3 muscarinic receptor. In B, a similar experiment is performed in a cell expressing a construct harboring phosphomimetic charge mutations (“EE” InsP3R-1). C shows pooled data where the magnitude of the initial peak of a particular response is normalized to the maximal peak in an individual cell. Adapted from Ref [31], with permission.
Activation of InsP3R by flash photolysis of caged-InsP3 and derivatives
Perhaps a more direct method for stimulating Ca2+ release is through activation of InsP3R following flash photolysis of chemically caged-InsP3. InsP3 “caged” using a nitrophenyl-ethyl ester moiety is cell impermeant and thus typically introduced into cells by microinjection or via dialysis from a pipette in the whole cell mode of the patch clamp technique. Both these methods are somewhat invasive and at least in the latter case, Ca2+ buffering is imposed by the internal pipette solution which may not reflect native cellular buffering. Recently, Ci-InsP3, (caged-isopropylidene-InsP3) a caged analogue of InsP3 has become available (SiChem, Bremen, Germany) which is rendered cell permeable as a result of effectively masking the three phosphates of InsP3 with ester labile propionyloxymethyl groups (PM) [35]. The molecule can then be loaded into cells by simple passive diffusion avoiding the need to disrupt cellular integrity. An added advantage of these cell permeable probes, is that, in contrast to microinjection, incubation obviously results in all cells being loaded with cage. Photo-destruction of the cage to liberate active InsP3 can be accomplished by irradiating with intense light at UV wavelengths either supplied by a xenon flash lamp over the whole field or by a laser. Typically, Ca2+ release is monitored by digital imaging of cells loaded with a visible wavelength fluorescent probe. A detailed description of such experiments using DT40-3KO cells expressing mammalian InsP3R is described below.
DT40-3KO cells either stably expressing a particular InsP3R or following transient expression can be simultaneously loaded by incubation with the visible wavelength indicator, such as fluo-4 (4 μM) and the cell permeable form of caged-inositol trisphosphate (ciIP3/PM; 2 μM) for 30 min in HEPES-buffered physiological saline solution (HEPES-PSS) at room temperature. A further period of approximately 30 min is allowed for de-esterification of both dye and cage. The cells are then allowed to adhere to low volume perfusion chamber (Warner Instruments) prior to imaging. Cells are illuminated at 488 ± 5 nm and fluorescence collected through a 525 ± 25 nm band pass filter and captured using the Till Photonics Vision imaging suite. Photolytic release while continuously measuring fluorescence of the Ca2+ indicator dye can be achieved following brief discharge of UV light (360 ± 7.5 nM) from a pulsed Xenon arc lamp (Till Photonics) ported into the microscope through a dual-port epifluorescence condenser and reflected to the image plane via a 400nm dichroic mirror. The intensity of the flash, and thus the degree of photolysis can be controlled by varying the degree of charging of the multiple capacitance banks in the flash lamp controller (between 5–183 joules) and/or the flash duration (0.5–5 msec duration). Typically the fluorescence traces are displayed as % ΔF/F0, where F is the recorded fluorescence and F0 is the mean of the initial 10 sequential frames. A typical example is shown in Figure 3 in which Ci-InsP3 loaded DT40-3KO cells transiently expressing either non-phosphorylatable (Figure 3A) or phosphomimetic S2- InsP3R-1 (Figure 3B) constructs and illustrates the apparent enhanced functional sensitivity of phosphorylated InsP3R-1 to InsP3.
Figure 3. Activation of Ca2+ Release via photolysis of cell permeable caged-InsP3.
In A, Ca2+ release events are shown from a DT40-3KO expressing a non-phosphorylatable S2- InsP3R-1 and loaded with Fluo-4 and Ci-InsP3, a cell permeable caged InsP3 analogue. At short flash durations (constant intensity ~60 J) release events are refractory. Ca2+ release can be evoke with longer flash times. In B, cells expressing a phosphomimetic “EE” construct respond at shorter flash durations than “AA” expressing cells, consistent with this construct exhibiting enhanced sensitivity to InsP3. Adapted from Ref [31], with permission.
Other experimental considerations-flash photolysis
As an alternative to the protocol described above using a Xenon flash lamp, photolysis can be achieved by any light source which can provide sufficiently intense UV light. Examples in the literature include shuttered Xenon/Mercury burners with appropriate filters, UV lasers and multiphoton excitation [32, 36]. The former method of illumination usually requires longer light exposure to achieve sufficient energy for photolysis and is therefore not suited to experiments where fine temporal resolution is required. UV lasers and multi-photon excitation photolysis allow focal, sub-cellular photolysis and the added spatial resolution this brings [32]. A consideration for experiments with cell permeable Ci-IP3 is that cells are loaded with a finite amount of cage which could in experimental paradigms requiring multiple uncaging events become limiting. Further, Ci-IP3 has been reported to be poorly metabolized and this has been reported to influence the kinetics of Ca2+ release and the number of consecutive release events which can be evoked [35].
Studying InsP3R function in permeabilized cells
The experiments described above allow estimations of InsP3R function in a cellular context, but access to the cell interior is required for more direct measurements of InsP3R function especially when manipulation of the intracellular milieu is desired. Once access is gained by permeabilization, Ca2+ in InsP3-releaseable stores can be readily measured with Ca2+ 3 indicator probe trapped in the ER lumen with identical imaging equipment used for intact cell Ca2+ measurements. A major benefit of this approach is that InsP3R function can be measured in native membrane environments under near physiological ionic conditions. In addition, ER Ca2+ measurements can be made from virtually any cell type including acutely isolated cells, primary cultures and immortalized cell lines. Typically, permeabilization of the plasma membrane is accomplished with agents such as digitonin, saponin, β-escin or streptolysin-O [37–40]. Furaptra is routinely used for measurement of ER Ca2+ because the affinity of the dye for Ca2+ (reported range 15–36 μM) is ideally suited to report free Ca2+ in this compartment. Other low affinity Ca2+ indicators dyes, such as Fura-FF are also available and have been successfully used to monitor ER Ca2+ [37].
The first report of ER Ca2+ measurements using Furaptra was from Hofer and Machen [41] who measured Ca2+ in InsP3-releaseable stores of intestinal epithelial cells. This approach, which has been described in great detail elsewhere [42, 43], measures ER Ca2+ using buffers where SERCA activity is retained. Under these conditions, the balance between InsP3R and SERCA activities determines ER Ca2+ levels. As such, the steady state levels of ER Ca2+ after InsP3 application are used to estimate InsP3R activity. Multiple groups have used this approach in a variety of cell types and recently, a high throughput variation of this method was described by Taylor and colleagues [44].
Hirose and Iino further refined Furaptra measurements of ER Ca2+ by modifying buffers to allow a unidirectional measurement of InsP3R-mediated Ca2+ flux [38]. Specifically, they removed MgCl2 prior to activating InsP3R, which effectively disables SERCA while Ca2+ is being released. Instead of using the Ca2+ level in the stores after InsP3 application, the rate of Ca2+ release is used for comparisons. This minor modification allows effective measures of InsP3R activity under various experimental conditions. InsP3 sensitivity, biphasic Ca2+ regulation and ATP modulation of InsP3R have all been observed using this assay [9, 17, 45]
Iino and colleagues observed isoform specific modulation of InsP3R-1, InsP3R-2 and InsP3R-3 by InsP3, Ca2+ and ATP by utilizing these unidirectional ER Ca2+ measurements with DT40 cells expressing individual isoforms [9]. Mutated receptors and GFP-tagged InsP3R3 have also been introduced into DT40-3KO [29, 34]. Measurements of InsP3R function in cells expressing mutated isoforms has been used to determine the role of putative Ca2+ and ATP binding domains in InsP3R-1 [29]. We have successfully used this approach with cells transiently expressing wild type and mutated InsP3R. Nuclear-targeted hcRed was cotransfected into the cells with InsP3R to help identify transfected cells [29]. A detailed description of permeabilized cell experiments using DT40-3KO cells stably expressing the S2-splice variant of rat InsP3R-1 is described below.
Ca2+ indicator loading and permeabilization
DT40 cells from low to mid density cultures were washed in HEPES-PSS and resuspended in HEPES-PSS supplemented with 1% BSA containing 10 μM of Furaptra-AM. Cells were then loaded at 37°C, 5% CO2 for 30 minutes to facilitate sequestration of the dye in the ER lumen. After loading is complete, cells were allowed to adhere to a coverlslip at the bottom of a small-volume perfusion chamber for 15 minutes. Permeabilization involves perfusing with a buffer solution approximating intracellular conditions (ICM: 125 mM KCl, 10 mM NaCl, 1 mM EGTA, 10 mM HEPES, pH 7.3) and containing 40 μM β-escin. Monitoring of the dye leaving the cytosol is crucial to allow proper timing of the permeabilization process. Care must be taken not to allow β-escin to permeabilize intracellular membranes.
An example of DT40 cell permeabilization is shown in figure 4. Cells loaded with Furaptra prior to β-escin treatment are shown in figure 4A. Cells were excited with 360 nm light (the isosbestic point for Furaptra) in 5 second intervals. Permeabilization was initiated by application of ICM containing 40 μM β-escin and is washed off when the fluorescence falls below 20% of the original fluorescence. This process typically takes one to two minutes as shown in Figure 4C. Cells after permeabilization are shown in Figure 4B. After permeabilization, cells were washed with ICM for 15–20 minutes to allow passive depletion of Ca2+ from ER stores.
Figure 4.
Panel A shows DT40 cells stably expressing rat S2- InsP3R-1 after loading with furaptra. B shows the same cells after treatment with β-escin. Images were acquired following excitation at 360 nm. C, shows the time course of permeabilization. Application of β-escin causes a reduction in fluorescence at 360 nm, indicating dye leaving the cytoplasm during permeabilization. D–F, show the results of ER luminal Ca2+ measurements. In D, application of buffer containing MgCl2, CaCl2 and ATP allows activation of SERCA which results in Ca2+ entering the ER as indicated by a rise in the 340/380 ratio. Washout of MgCl2 causes no change in the fluorescence ratio but application of InsP3 in the continued absence of MgCl2 causes a rapid decline in the ratio indicating Ca2+ exiting the ER lumen. The recording is an average of 30 cells from a single experiment. E, shows the results of representative InsP3-induced Ca2+ release experiments with the indicated [InsP3]. Each trace is the average of 30 cells. F, shows the pooled results from multiple experiments. Ca2+ release rates were calculated by fitting the initial 20 seconds of each trace to a single exponential function.
Monitoring intraluminal Ca2+ levels in InsP3-sensitive stores
An example of a typical intraluminal Ca2+ recording is shown in Figure 4D. Loading of the stores is accomplished by application of ICM supplemented with 1.4 mM MgCl2, 3 mM Na2ATP and 650 μM CaCl2. Under these conditions, Mg2ATP and free CaCl2 are calculated to be 1.3 mM and 200 nM respectively. These conditions are optimal for activation of SERCA and the increase in fluorescence ratio indicates Ca2+ entering the lumen of the ER. The rise in intraluminal Ca2+ is typically complete within two to three minutes as evidenced by the stabilization of the fluorescence ratio. Removing MgCl2 from the perfusion buffer for one minute prior to InsP3 application disables SERCA activity and allows unidirectional measurement of InsP3-induced Ca2+ release. Subsequent application of buffer containing InsP3 causes a rapid reduction in the fluorescence ratio.
A major benefit to this protocol is that multiple Ca2+ release events can be monitored from the same cells. Also, recordings from dozens of cells can be made simultaneously and averaged together. Bleaching of the dye however is a major concern if multiple release events are to be monitored from the same cells. In order to overcome this problem we typically use higher binning and lower exposure times (4 × 4 and 20–40 ms respectively) during image acquisition. In addition, acquisition rates are reduced to every 10 seconds during the “loading” phase when kinetic information is not required. This allows for more rapid acquisitions (every 0.5 to 1 second) during the “release” phase of the experiment. An example of multiple recordings from the same group of cells is shown in figure 4C. Even with these considerations, bleaching typically prevents recording of more than three or four release events per experiment.
Information about relative InsP3R activity under various experimental conditions can be gained from these recordings by fitting the decrease in fluorescence ratios to exponential functions. Limiting the fitting to the initial 20 to 30 seconds allows fits to be made with single exponentials. An example of the type of information gained using these conditions is shown in figure 4E. Ca2+ release rates from cells stably expressing InsP3R1 S1- using various [InsP3] were compared yielding an EC50 for InsP3 of 300 nM.
Other experimental considerations-permeabilized cell Ca2+ release assays
Some additional experimental considerations are required for accurate determination of InsP3R function using optical measurements of ER luminal Ca2+. Besides the image acquisition issues outlined above, careful buffer preparation is essential. Buffer pH should be carefully determined since the affinity of EGTA for Ca2+ is highly dependent on pH. Furthermore, free [Ca2+] in buffers should be verified empirically using fluorimetry measurements with Fura-2 or with a Ca2+ electrode. In addition, rapid exchange of buffer solutions is necessary if kinetic information about Ca2+ release is desired. Under our conditions, flow rates are typically greater than 4 ml/minute and buffer volumes in the Warner chamber are less than 500 μl.
Concluding Remarks
In summary, using standard imaging techniques coupled with flash photolysis and the use of permeabilized cells, DT40-3KO cells provide a valuable platform for the investigation by optical techniques of Ca2+ release through defined populations of recombinant InsP3R. These paradigms have great potential to reveal the isoform-specific characteristics of individual InsP3R important for defining the patterns of [Ca2+]i signals which ultimately encode the appropriate activation of physiological end-points.
The work was supported by NIH grants R01-DK54568, R01/R56-DE14756, R01-DE16999 to DIY.
- [Ca2+]i
intracellular calcium concentration InsP3, inositol 1,4,5 trisphosphate
- InsP3R
inositol 1,4,5 trisphosphate receptor
- Ci-IP3/PM
caged isopropylidene inositol1,4,5 trisphosphate pentoxymethylester
- Ci-IP3
caged-isopropylidene inositol1,4,5 trisphosphate, isopropylidene inositol1,4,5 trisphosphate, i-IP3
physiological salt solution
(N-[2-Hydroxyethyl]piperazine-N'-[2-ethanesulfonic acid])
- ER
endoplasmic reticulum
protein kinase A
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