Table 1.
Regions of Interest selected for analysis and their hypothesized role in swallowing function.
ROI | Hypothesized role | References |
Primary Somatosensory, motor and Motor Supplementary cortices (BA 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6) | Cortical processing of swallowing, including motor regulation and execution and sensorimotor control. | Hamdy, et al. 24,25 Mosier and Bereznaya3 Martin, et al.26 |
Anterior cingulate (BA 24 and 32) | Higher order motor processing: swallowing movement planning and execution. | Hamdy et al. 24,25 |
Cognitive perceptual processes such as attention and response selection. | Martin, et al.26 Martin, et al. 27 | |
Orbitofrontal cortex (BA 10, 11, 12, 44, 45, and 47) | Unclear | Mosier, et al. 14 |
Parieto-occipital cortex (BA 7, 17, 18, 40) | Sensory processing of swallowing. | Hamdy, et al. 24 Kern, et al. 28 |
Task-cue processing not swallowing per se. | Toogood, et al. 29 | |
Movement planning and execution. | Mosier and Bereznaya3 | |
Temporopolar cortex (BA 22 and 38) | Unclear | Mosier, et al. 14 |
Insular cortex | Processing of gustatory input. | Daniels, et al. 30 Daniels and Foundas 31 |
Intraoral sensory modulation. | Mosier, et al. 13,14 | |
Internal capsule | Functional connection of the cortical and brain stem nuclei via the corticobulbar tracts. | Mosier, et al. 13,14 |
Thalamus | Sensory and motor input processing via thalamocortical and thalamostriatal pathways. | Daniels, et al.1 Mosier, et al.14 Mosier, et al.3 |
Basal Ganglia (caudate and/or putamen) | Gating of Sensory Input. | Mosier and Bereznaya3 Daniels, et al.1 Suzuki, et al.32 |
Cerebral Peduncle | Descending pathways from the cortex. | Miller33 |
Brain Stem | Central pattern generator, swallowing regulation. | Jean 34–36 |
Cerebellum | Regulation of adaptive coordination, sequencing, timing, learning and memory of motion. | Zald and Pardo 37 Mosier and Bereznaya3 Suzuki, et al.32 |