Figure 1.
Toll-deficient Drosophila flies. Image of a (A) male and a (B) female D. melanogaster. The arrows point to their genitalia. (C) A female virgin D. melanogaster. The arrow points to the embryonic residue that is present in virgin female flies within the first 8–12 h after eclosion. (D and E) The “multiple-hair type” of bristle seen in flies with the TM6B balancer, such as TlI-RXA/TM6B and Tlr632/TM6B flies (E is an image of the bristle in D at a higher magnification). (F and G) The “double-hair type” of bristle seen in flies without the TM6B balancer, such as Tlr632/TlI-RXA flies (G is an image of the bristle in F at a higher magnification).