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. 2011 Apr 20;100(8):1977–1985. doi: 10.1016/j.bpj.2011.02.035

Caenorhabditis elegans Body Mechanics Are Regulated by Body Wall Muscle Tone

Bryan C Petzold , Sung-Jin Park , Pierre Ponce , Clifton Roozeboom , Chloé Powell §, Miriam B Goodman §,∗∗, Beth L Pruitt †,
PMCID: PMC3077690  PMID: 21504734


Body mechanics in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans are central to both mechanosensation and locomotion. Previous work revealed that the mechanics of the outer shell, rather than internal hydrostatic pressure, dominates stiffness. This shell is comprised of the cuticle and the body wall muscles, either of which could contribute to the body mechanics. Here, we tested the hypothesis that the muscles are an important contributor by modulating muscle tone using optogenetic and pharmacological tools, and measuring animal stiffness using piezoresistive microcantilevers. As a proxy for muscle tone, we measured changes in animal length under the same treatments. We found that treatments that induce muscle contraction generally resulted in body shortening and stiffening. Conversely, methods to relax the muscles more modestly increased length and decreased stiffness. The results support the idea that body wall muscle activation contributes significantly to and can modulate C. elegans body mechanics. Modulation of body stiffness would enable nematodes to tune locomotion or swimming gaits and may have implications in touch sensation.


Despite its simplicity, the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans is able to move and probe its surroundings by generating and sensing mechanical loads. Although the neural networks linking mechanosensation to locomotion have been studied in detail (1–4), the mechanics which govern these operations are not well understood. For example, a few studies of mechanosensation in C. elegans have measured nematode touch sensitivity to a variety of loading types and magnitudes (5,6). However, how these loads are filtered through the outer shell (which is primarily comprised of the cuticle, the body wall muscles, and the hypodermis) before reaching touch-sensitive neurons is not known. An improved understanding of the mechanics of the outer shell of the nematode will enable modeling of force propagation from the cuticle to the touch receptor neurons. Additionally, improved models of body mechanics will expand on prior work showing that mechanosensation and mechanical load modulate locomotory gait (7), and will inform a mechanistic understanding of the variations in locomotion exhibited by animals with mutations affecting the cuticle, body wall muscles, hypodermis, or their interconnections (8,9).

Previously, we observed that hyperosmotic shock decreases body length and increases body stiffness (10), despite a presumed decrease in internal pressure. This response is incompatible with the long-held idea that internal hydrostatic pressure controls body stiffness in nematodes. However, these observations are consistent with neurotransmitter release at the neuromuscular junction triggered by hyperosmotic shock (11): this release induces muscle contraction and a concomitant increase in muscle tone makes animals stiffer. Taken together, these results suggest that body wall muscle tone contributes to stiffness changes. Several recent biomechanical studies of nematodes swimming in solutions of varying viscosity have also emphasized the potential importance of body wall muscles. Specifically, the observed increases in the effective moduli of C. elegans in media with increasing fluid viscosity may be due to increasing muscle tone (12), while muscular dystrophy mutant strains with putative muscle degeneration also exhibit a reduction in effective modulus (9). Here, we extend these studies and expand on our preliminary report that pharmacological manipulation of muscle tone affects animal mechanics (13). We directly investigate the contribution of the body wall muscles in modulating C. elegans transverse body stiffness using pharmacological and optogenetic models.

The body wall muscles (BWM) comprise 95 individual muscle cells arranged in four longitudinal bundles in the outer shell of C. elegans (Fig. 1). The BWMs are anchored to the furrowed cuticle by numerous filament-rich attachments called fibrous organelles. These couple muscle contraction to cuticle deformation and enable locomotion (14–18). The rigid coupling between BWMs and the cuticle implies that muscle contraction could dynamically affect the morphology of the cuticle. In their resting state, BWMs likely contribute to the mechanics of the outer shell along with the cuticle and hypodermis. Although prior work highlighted several interesting mechanical features of C. elegans BWMs (19,20) and implicated their importance in the body mechanics of this nematode (9,12), the contribution of BWMs in modulating body stiffness is not known. If the BWM contribution is significant, then muscle contraction should increase muscle tone and measured stiffness, whereas relaxation should have the opposite effect.

Figure 1.

Figure 1

The C. elegans body plan, including the outer shell of body wall muscle (BWM), hypodermis, and cuticle. Adult C. elegans (bottom, left) are ∼1 mm long and approximately cylindrical, tapering down to a small point at the tail. Three-dimensional, exploded view (middle) shows the position of the body wall muscles, hypodermis, and cuticle, the three tissues that comprise the animals' outer shell. For clarity, none of the animal's internal structures is shown. (Inset, top, left) Structure of the BWMs and their attachment to the cuticle via fibrous organelles. The scanning electron micrograph (top, right) shows the complex topology of the cuticle (scale bar is 0.5 μm). Touch receptor neurons are positioned just below the cuticle (one shown for simplicity). Electron micrograph adapted with permission from Cox et al. (16).

In this study, we directly tested the hypothesis that the body wall muscles contribute to C. elegans body mechanics and found that stiffness increased with BWM contraction. We measured the stiffness of individual nematodes using piezoresistive cantilevers, as previously reported (10), while modulating BWM tone. We used transgenic strains expressing the light-sensitive ion transporter Channelrhodopsin-2 (ChR2) or Halorhodopsin (NpHR) specifically in BWMs to enable acute manipulation of BWM tone with light. Both ChR2, a blue light-activated cation channel, and NpHR, a green-yellow light-activated chloride pump, have been used extensively to enable optical control of neurons and muscles in transgenic C. elegans (21–25). Activation of ChR2 with blue light depolarizes and hypercontracts BWMs, whereas activation of NpHR with green-yellow light hyperpolarizes and relaxes BWMs (25,26).

To complement these optogenetic studies, we also evaluated changes in body stiffness with pharmacological manipulations that increase or decrease muscle contraction. We used levamisole, an acetylcholine receptor agonist (27), to increase muscle tone, and muscimol, a GABAA agonist that induces flaccid paralysis (28), to decrease muscle tone.

Materials and Methods


The following C. elegans strains were used: wild-type (N2), TP12 kaIs12[col-19::GFP], GN362 oxIs353[Pmyo-3::ChR2::mCherry + lin-15(+) + Litmus] V; lite-1(ce314) X, ZX396 lin-15(n765ts); zxEx29[Pmyo-3::NpHR::eCFP; lin-15+].

Except for ZX396 (gift from A. Gottschalk) and GN362, all strains were obtained from the Caenorhabditis Genetics Center (University of Minnesota). Unless indicated, animals were synchronized according to Hope (29) and maintained using standard procedures (30) on Escherichia coli-seeded NGM agar plates at 20°C until animals reached the L4/young adult stage.

For simplicity and clarity, transgenic lines are designated as follows (strain name): muscle::ChR2 (GN362), muscle::NpHR (ZX396), cuticle::GFP (TP12).

Adult cuticle::GFP animals were used for interfurrow interval measurements because COL-19 is expressed only in adults. Not all muscle::NpHR animals carry the extrachromosomal array and express NpHR::eCFP, thus individual animals were checked for CFP fluorescence in BWMs to confirm NpHR expression. To activate ChR2 in muscle::ChR2 animals and NpHR in muscle::NpHR animals, plates were supplemented with 500 μM all-trans retinal (Sigma-Aldrich) from a 100-mM stock in 100% EtOH, as in Nagel et al. (22). All animals placed on all-trans retinal plates were cultured in the dark.

Sample and substrate preparation

Body length

Measurements were performed on NGM agar (1.8% wt/vol) pads with 3 mg/mL NaCl, 10 mg/L cholesterol, 1 mM CaCl2, 1 mM MgSO4, and 25 mM KH2PO4 (pH 6.0) for a target osmolarity of 182 mOsm.

Stiffness measurements

Stiffness was measured in two series of experiments, one involving optogenetic and the other involving pharmacological manipulations of body wall muscle tone. Substrates for the first series of experiments were NGM agar (1.8% wt/vol) pads 4.4 ± 0.4 mm (mean ± SD, n = 16) thick, while those for the second series were NGM agarose (8% wt/vol) pads of similar thickness (4.6 ± 0.7 mm, n = 9). In all cases, substrates were wrapped in Parafilm and stored at 4°C until use. Single live worms were transferred to a small (∼1 cm2) section of agar or agarose and nondrug-paralyzed animals were immobilized using WormGlu (GluStitch, Point Roberts, WA) or Nexaband S/C (WPI, Sarasota, FL) cyanoacrylate adhesive applied to the head and tail, as in Park et al. (10). This technique immobilizes animals while leaving a large portion of the midbody free to move.

Interfurrow interval

Interfurrow intervals were measured in animals mounted on thin 2% (wt/vol) agarose pads. Nondrug-paralyzed animals were immobilized using cyanoacrylate adhesive applied only to the tail.

Pharmacological treatment

Muscimol, 2,3-Butanedione monoxime (BDM), and levamisole were used to induce muscle paralysis (Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO). Substrates with muscimol (10 mM for stiffness and length), BDM (75 mM for interfurrow interval measurements), or levamisole (0.5 mM for stiffness and length and 5 mM for interfurrow interval measurements) were prepared by allowing 50 μL of 100 mM stock solution of the drug to soak into the substrate overnight (muscimol for stiffness) or by mixing the drugs into agar or agarose (muscimol for length, all BDM and levamisole substrates). Animals were treated for 15–60 min (15–30 for length, 30–60 for interfurrow interval, 20–40 for muscimol stiffness, and 45–60 for levamisole stiffness) before measurement. Animals on drug-infused agarose were kept in a Parafilm-sealed petri dish with a moist paper towel to prevent dehydration during treatment.

Experimental techniques


Mechanical measurements were performed on model No. MZ125 and No. MZFLIII stereomicroscopes (Leica Microsystems, Wetzlar, Germany) each equipped with a custom-made acrylic enclosure, a PLANAPO 1.0× objective (Leica) and a Scout camera (model No. A1400-30fm; Basler Vision Technologies, Ahrensburg, Germany). We gathered body-length and interfurrow interval measurements on a DMIRB inverted microscope (Leica) and captured images using either a model No. DC350 FX (Leica) or an Orca-R2 camera (Hamamatsu, Hamamatsu City, Japan). We approximate the spatial resolution of our quantitative imaging as the effective distance captured by each pixel of the camera at a given magnification: spatial resolution is ∼1.0 μm for length measurements (10×, Orca-R2) and ∼0.16 μm for interfurrow interval (IFI) measurements (63×, Orca-R2).

ChR2 and NpHR excitation

ChR2 and NpHR excitation was achieved using a 100 W Mercury arc lamp and a standard GFP (GFP2 Filter Set, Leica) or RFP filter set (Filter Set No. 41003; Chroma Technology, Bellows Falls, VT). Illumination intensity at the sample location was ∼0.98 mW/mm2 for ChR2 and 0.28 mW/mm2 for NpHR at 10× magnification (used for all experiments), as measured by a FieldMate laser power meter with a PowerMax PM10 sensor (both by Coherent, Santa Clara, CA).

Body-length measurement

Body-length measurements were conducted by studying individually selected L4 animals. For pharmacological studies, single animals were isolated and their length was measured before and after drug treatment. Images were postprocessed in ImageJ (National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD) to determine animal length from head to tail (defined as the position where the tail tapered to a 10-μm diameter) using a segmented-line spline fit.

ChR2 and NpHR free segment length measurements

To determine the degree of contraction/relaxation of each animal with changes in muscle tone, we compared images of each animal captured before, during, and after excitation. Excitation data were gathered within 200 ± 98 s (mean ± SD, n = 32) of illumination onset, while postexcitation data were collected within 187 ± 69 s (n = 32) of illumination termination. We used the ImageJ software (NIH) to determine two fixed points at the boundary of the free middle segment of the animal and the glue bounding the head and tail. The length of this segment before (Lpre), during (Lexc), and after (Lpost) excitation was determined using a spline fit of a segmented line in ImageJ. The change in segment length between states was determined as

ΔL=(Lstate#2Lstate#1)/Lstate#1. (1)

Piezoresistive cantilever displacement feedback system

With some modifications (Fig. 2), the piezoresistive cantilevers were fabricated and integrated into a metrology system as reported in Park et al. (10). We used single-crystal silicon piezoresistive cantilevers (1000 × 30 × 7 μm; stiffness, kc = 0.4 N/m typical) designed and optimized for C. elegans stiffness measurements (31–33). Piezoresistive microcantilevers convert tip displacements to voltage outputs. We infer force sensitivity from displacement sensitivity and stiffness measured via calibration methods described previously (10,34). These force-sensing microcantilevers were attached to printed circuit boards (PCBs) and small glass beads (10 μm diameter; Duke Scientific, Palo Alto, CA) formed the contact surface between the cantilever and the worm.

Figure 2.

Figure 2

Device structure and operation of the displacement-clamp metrology. (A) The piezoresistive cantilever is mounted to a PCB and (B) a 10-μm-diameter bead at the tip provides controlled contact geometry. Scale bar = 30 μm. (C) Wild-type (N2) animal just before indentation. The head and tail are fixed with adhesive, but the central segment is left free to allow animals to relax and contract. Scale bar = 100 μm. (D) Displacement control is achieved using a piezoelectric actuator with a capacitive sensor and an on-board controller to achieve a commanded actuator position, xa,cmd. Force and sample indentation are derived from cantilever deflection, xc, and actual actuator position, xa. (E) Mechanical model. Downward displacement of the actuator results in deflection of both the cantilever and sample. Direct measurement of xa, xc, and initial displacement, xo, allow us to extract sample indentation, xs, and stiffness, ks, via Eq. 2. (F) Representative force-indentation curves for a single wild-type animal, showing step-averaged data (n = 3, circles) and first-order fit (solid lines). Average animal stiffness was ks = 0.56 N/m.

Beads were attached with UV-curing adhesive (Loctite 352; Henkel Technologies, Düsseldorf, Germany). Devices were coated with Parylene N (0.8 μm; Specialty Coating Systems, Indianapolis, IN), a hydrophobic polymer that reduced device-sample attraction forces. Device position was controlled by a piezoelectric actuator with an on-board capacitive sensor (PIHera P-6.22.Z; PI, Karlsruhe, Germany). Cantilever signals were processed with a temperature-compensated, 1/4-active Wheatstone bridge and an INA-103 instrumentation amplifier with 1000× gain. PCBs with attached cantilevers were mounted to the base of the actuator with custom mechanical or magnetic fixtures with a 5° or 10° angle. Signal generation and recording were handled by the software LabVIEW and a BNC-2110 or USB-6259 digital acquisition system (both by National Instruments, Austin, TX).

Stiffness measurement

Nonoptogenetic force-displacement data were obtained by displacing the actuator in 0.2 μm steps at 10 Hz to a corresponding maximum indentation depth ≤5 μm. ChR2 and NpHR measurements were conducted with a higher step frequency (40 Hz) to expedite measurements. This was necessary because animals were measured on low concentration agar or agarose to allow them to freely change morphology during the experiment, but this ease of motion makes it exceedingly difficult to gather measurements quickly during and after excitation with a low step frequency. The sample was rotated in all cases to position the body of the worm approximately perpendicular to the length of the cantilever. We used MATLAB (The MathWorks, Natick, MA) to post-process the data. Sample stiffness (ks) was determined using the measured actuator displacement (xa), initial displacement (xo), and the calibrated cantilever stiffness (kc) as

ks=Fxs=kcxcxaxcxo (2)

by determining the least-squares slope of the force (F) versus sample indentation (xs) curve.

All drug treatment stiffness measurements were conducted by measuring the stiffness of each animal three times. For each drug, a single device was used on both untreated and drug-treated animals. The range of untreated N2 animals' stiffness was 0.40–0.90 N/m (n = 17). The mean stiffness (ks = 0.60 ± 0.03 N/m) was less than our previous measurements (ks = 0.74 ± 0.05 N/m (10)). Although this difference is significant (p = 0.022), it is small and not unreasonable, given that generally softer and redesigned piezoresistive cantilevers were used here. Additionally, we conducted matched-pair ChR2 and NpHR experiments in this work. We measured each animal's stiffness before, during, and after excitation with blue or green-yellow light; n = 3–5 measurements were gathered in each state. Excitation data were collected within 200 ± 98 s (mean ± SD, n = 32) of illumination onset, while postexcitation data were garnered within 187 ± 69 s (n = 32) of illumination termination.

Interfurrow interval measurement

We used cuticle::GFP animals to measure IFI. To immobilize animals while still allowing them to later change length, we first induced flaccid paralysis by treating cuticle::GFP animals on BDM-infused agarose pads. For matched-pair measurements, we allowed animals to recover on standard agar plates with E. coli food after imaging IFI, then treated the same animals on levamisole-infused agarose pads to induce contraction and conducted another measurement. This procedure circumvents the need for adhesive for immobilization and allowed us to measure the change in IFI induced by muscle contraction in single animals. IFI was determined by quantifying the number of furrows in a straight length of the body containing at least 20 cuticular annuli and dividing the total distance by the number of furrows less one. Because IFI can vary with position along the body, we measured COL-19 expression in at least three distinct locations in the middle 50% (by length) of each animal to determine an average IFI under each treatment condition.


Increasing muscle tone decreases interfurrow interval and body length in parallel

Given that the BWM muscles are linked to the cuticle via numerous fibrous organelles (Fig. 1), muscle contraction should also shorten the cuticle and thus overall body length. This effect underlies locomotion, because alternating contraction of the dorsal and ventral BWMs locally deforms the cuticle to generate traveling waves of dorsal/ventral contractions along the animal length (35). We used this fact to derive an indirect measure of muscle tone from changes in body length. Such a measure would allow for the direct comparison of body stiffness to muscle tone during indentation, as described below. As in our prior work (10), indentation measurements were collected in the middle of the animal's body (between the posterior bulb of the pharynx in the head and the anus in the tail). It is not clear how changes in overall length are related to changes in BWM tone in this portion of the animal, however. For example, because the body is narrower at the head and tail, these regions could collapse more than the midbody with a treatment inducing rigid paralysis. This would yield a large reduction in body length with a less significant contraction along the middle of the animal where we measure body stiffness.

To relate directly any changes in overall body length to changes in BWM contraction along the midbody, we visualized the annular ridges of the cuticle using a protein fusion of COL-19 and GFP (36). To quantify changes in cuticle morphology associated with muscle contraction, we measured the interfurrow interval or IFI (see Materials and Methods) in untreated, wild-type animals and animals treated with drugs that either suppress or induce muscle contraction. To suppress muscle contraction, we used 2′-3′-butanedione monoxime (BDM), a small molecule that inhibits stimulus-contraction coupling in vertebrate muscle (37), and induces flaccid paralysis in C. elegans when applied exogenously at concentrations above 5 mM (M. B. Goodman and M. Chalfie, unpublished). To induce muscle contraction, we used levamisole, an acetylcholine agonist that activates body wall muscles and paralyzes C. elegans (27). We took advantage of the fact that both drugs cause paralysis to accurately measure IFI. For all three groups, the relationship between IFI and body length was linear and followed essentially the same trend (Fig. 3 A).

Figure 3.

Figure 3

Correspondence between changes in local BWM tone and cuticle deformation, and overall body length. (A) Interfurrow interval (IFI) increases with body length. Measurements made in untreated (dashed open circles), BDM relaxed (open circles), or levamisole-contracted (solid circles) cuticle::GFP adults. (R2 = 0.73). (Inset) Fluorescence image of COL-19::GFP. Furrows appear dark, while cuticle ridges are decorated by COL-19::GFP. Scale bar = 10 μm. (B) Change in body length is correlated with change in IFI in individual animals treated with BDM and then subsequently with levamisole to trigger muscle hypercontraction. Line is a linear fit to the data with slope 0.84%/% (R2 = 0.49. Statistical significance, intercept: p = 0.85, slope: p < 0.001, two-sided linear regression t-test), and is not significantly different than 1%/% (p = 0.33, two-sided linear regression t-test). Levamisole (5 mM) and BDM (75 mM) were applied to cuticle::GFP adults as described (Materials and Methods).

Rigid BWM to cuticle linkage implies that IFI must change locally by the amount that the BWMs contract. Thus, we hypothesize that there is a 1:1 correspondence between midbody BWM tone and overall body length. We tested this idea by measuring the average IFI of individual animals first treated with BDM to enable reversible immobilization for imaging and subsequently treated on levamisole to induce hypercontraction. With this approach, we found that IFI decreased in direct proportion to the decrease in body length (Fig. 3 B). Thus, changes in body length are an effective proxy for changes in body wall muscle tone.

Light-induced muscle contraction shortens animals and increases body stiffness

To directly test the hypothesis that the body wall muscles of C. elegans contribute to body mechanics, we measured body length and stiffness before, during, and after light-evoked muscle contraction. These experiments used lite-1 transgenic animals that express ChR2 only in BWM (muscle::ChR2, strain GN362). The lite-1 mutation, which dramatically reduces intrinsic responses to ultraviolet and blue light that trigger muscle contraction (38,39), ensures that these experiments isolate the effects of ChR2-dependent increases in BWM contraction. Transgenic animals were cultured either in the absence or presence of all-trans retinal (ATR), which is required for ChR2 activity (23). The average stiffness of control (−ATR) and experimental (+ATR) animals was similar (Fig. 4 A, left), indicating that treatment with ATR per se does not alter body stiffness.

Figure 4.

Figure 4

Acute optogenetic modulation of muscle tone alters animal length and body stiffness. (A) Transgenic muscle::ChR2 and muscle::NpHR animals have similar nominal stiffnesses, which were not altered by addition of all-trans retinal (two-tailed t-test assuming unequal variances with Bonferroni correction for four comparisons). The number of animals tested is indicated above each bar. (B) Micrographs of muscle::ChR2 (left) and muscle::NpHR animals (right). Smooth lines are spline fits to the unrestrained (free) segment before (dashed lines) and during (solid lines) optical excitation; scale bars = 100 μm. (C and D) Effect of light stimulation on free segment length and body stiffness. (Open bars) Change observed in transgenic animals cultivated under control (−ATR) conditions. (Solid bars) Change observed in transgenic animals cultivated under experimental (+ATR) conditions. The number of animals tested under each condition is indicated above each bar, which is mean ± SE. The symbols and ∗∗ denote statistical significance at α = 0.05 and α∗∗ = 0.01, respectively (two-tailed Student's t-test with Bonferroni correction for two comparisons).

In control animals, blue-light stimulation had little, if any effect on either body length or stiffness (Fig. 4, C and D). By contrast, in experimental animals (+ATR), blue light decreased free segment length and increased body stiffness (Fig. 4, C and D, and see Fig. S1 in the Supporting Material). The average change in free segment length was ∼10%, a value which is similar to a prior report in unrestrained animals (22). Thus, gluing the head and tail did not materially interfere with the ability of blue-light stimulation to induce muscle contraction in muscle::ChR2 animals. The effect of light stimulation on body length and stiffness were reversible: after excitation, body-length values were within 4% of prestimulation values, while stiffness was within 6% of prestimulation values (not shown). Thus, consistent with the idea that BWM tone contributes to body stiffness, light-induced muscle contraction both shortened animals and increased their stiffness.

Light-induced muscle relaxation lengthens animals and decreases body stiffness

Given that muscle contraction shortens animals and increases body stiffness, muscle relaxation should have the opposite effect. We tested this directly by analyzing the effects of muscle relaxation on body length and stiffness. To do this, we used transgenic animals expressing halorhodopsin (NpHR) only in the BWMs (muscle::NpHR, strain ZX396). NpHR is a light-activated chloride pump that can hyperpolarize BWMs and induce relaxation (25,26). As with ChR2, NpHR requires ATR for function. The stiffness of control (−ATR) and experimental (+ATR) animals was similar (Fig. 4 A, right). Moreover, the stiffness of muscle::NpHR and muscle::ChR2 animals was similar in both the presence and the absence of ATR. This suggests that neither ATR nor the specific transgenes used in these two strains have a dramatic effect on body stiffness. Green-yellow light had little or no effect on either body length or stiffness in control animals (Fig. 4, C and D).

When applied to experimental (+ATR) animals, this manipulation induced a small, but not statistically significant increase in free segment length (Fig. 4 C). Nonetheless, experimental animals stopped moving during light stimulation, suggesting that muscle contraction was suppressed. Consistent with this idea, NpHR excitation was associated with a significant decrease in body stiffness (Fig. 4 D). Stiffness returned to within 4% of resting values after excitation (not shown). The change in body segment length was more complex: while segment lengths were similar before and during light stimulation, they were 5% shorter after light stimulation than they were before. The explanation for this rebound contraction remains to be determined. These results provide additional support for the idea that BWM tone regulates body stiffness and suggest that resting muscle tone contributes to resting body stiffness.

Body stiffness is positively correlated to muscle tone

Individual animals varied in their response to light-evoked muscle contraction or relaxation, as evidenced by changes in body segment length. We took advantage of this variation to more closely evaluate the relationship between BWM tone and stiffness by plotting the change in segment length against the change in body stiffness for individual transgenic animals (Fig. 5).

Figure 5.

Figure 5

Changes in body stiffness correspond to changes in body length. Each point corresponds to a single transgenic (muscle::ChR2, circles; muscle::NpHR, diamonds) animal either during 90–435 s of optical stimulation (solid symbols) or during a 120–420 s recovery period (open symbols). Length and stiffness changes are relative to prior state. (Solid circles) Change in muscle::ChR2 animal stiffness before and during light exposure. (Line) Linear fit to the data with a slope of −2.2%/% (R2 = 0.62). Statistical significance, intercept: p = 0.26, slope: p < 0.001, two-sided linear regression t-test.

Four treatment groups are plotted together:

  • 1.

    Muscle contraction with ChR2 excitation.

  • 2.

    Muscle relaxation with NpHR excitation.

  • 3.

    Muscle relaxation after ChR2 excitation.

  • 4.

    Muscle contraction after NpHR excitation.

This analysis reveals a negative correlation between the changes in body stiffness and body length such that decreases in body length (increases in muscle tone) are associated with increases in stiffness. The simplest interpretation of these optogenetic manipulations of body wall muscle contraction is that body stiffness is regulated by BWM tone.

Body length and stiffness are correlated in wild-type animals treated with drugs that induce or suppress muscle contraction

To test whether the relationship between body stiffness and apparent muscle tone is also found in intact, wild-type animals, we took a pharmacological approach to modulate muscle tone. Wild-type animals were treated either with an acetylcholine receptor agonist (levamisole) to induce muscle contraction or a GABAA receptor agonist (muscimol) to relax muscles, as described in Materials and Methods. Fig. 6 plots the change in body stiffness against the change in body length for both drug treatments together with the mean changes found in transgenic animals. Wild-type animals have the same relationship between change in body stiffness and body length.

Figure 6.

Figure 6

Drug-induced changes in contraction alter body length and stiffness in wild-type animals. The average change in stiffness is correlated to the average change in body length in drug-treated wild-type (triangle, square) and transgenic animals (circle, muscle::ChR2; diamond, muscle::NpHR). Each point is the mean ± SE (n ≥ 7) of both measurements. The line is a linear fit to the data with a slope of −2.3%/% (R2 = 0.91). Statistical significance, intercept: p = 0.15; slope: p = 0.003, two-sided linear regression t-test. (Inset, top, right) Micrographs of untreated (left), muscimol-treated (center), and levamisole-treated (right) wild-type animals.


In this work, we used two complimentary methods (optogenetics and pharmacology) to demonstrate that body-wall muscle-tone directly modulates body length and transverse stiffness. To our knowledge, this is the first direct measurement of the contribution of the body-wall muscles to body stiffness in nematodes, although indirect studies have suggested that a similar relationship is likely to exist (12,40,41). The relationship between transverse stiffness and muscle contraction is not limited to nematodes, however. A recent AFM indentation study of single fibers from the rat soleus muscle showed that the transverse stiffness of single fibers is 300% higher when the fiber is in rigor as compared to rest (42).

In prior work (10), we proposed a simplified model of C. elegans body mechanics in which the outer shell of the nematode dominates overall body stiffness. This outer shell is an amalgam of three tissues: the cuticle, the body wall muscles, and the hypodermal cells (Fig. 1). To enable comparisons with other biological materials, we previously extracted an effective bulk elastic modulus, Ξ, of 380 MPa (10). This value is not unreasonable given that:

  • 1.

    The cuticle is composed mostly of cuticulin and collagen (43).

  • 2.

    Single collagen fibrils have measured elastic moduli in the 100s of MPa to GPa range (44).

  • 3.

    Many other natural structural materials have similar elastic moduli, e.g., insect cuticle (100s MPa–10s GPa), ligament (10s–100s MPa), and skin (10s MPa) (45).

We note, however, that making such an estimation required assuming that the outer shell has a uniform cylindrical geometry and is composed of a homogeneous, isotropic material. For convenience, we also assumed that the shell thickness was the same as the cuticle thickness. Here, we now show that these assumptions are unlikely to adequately describe the material properties of the complex outer shell because body-wall muscle-tone affects stiffness.

Below, we revise the simplified model and derive a better estimate of Ξ. To do this, we estimate the average cuticle thickness as 0.3 μm (46), the average hypodermis thickness as 0.1 μm (46), and the average BWM thickness as 1 μm (14), yielding a shell thickness of tshell = 1.4 μm. (Note that our previous model used a shell thickness of 0.4 μm (10).) Neglecting the fact that the BWMs lie in quadrants, and noting that the average radius of untreated wild-type L4 larvae is R = 18 μm (10), we can estimate an effective elastic modulus for the C. elegans outer shell as (10)

kS=1.37Ξtshell5/2R3/2. (3)

Thus, the average stiffness for untreated N2 animals of ks = 0.60 N/m yields an average effective modulus of ∼10 MPa.

Two recent studies have also derived effective bulk elastic moduli of C. elegans that differ significantly in their values. By analyzing C. elegans swimming in fluids of varying viscosity and modeling the nematode as an inextensible, hollow, cylindrical shell with negligible internal pressure, Sznitman et al. (9,12) estimated a value of ∼4 kPa. Fang-Yen et al. (40) performed micropipette body bending studies and leveraged similar theory to estimate an effective modulus of ∼13 MPa. We note that both of these studies interrogated mainly the longitudinal stiffness, while our current and prior work (10) has measured transverse stiffness.

Despite the convenience of assuming an isotropic, homogeneous outer shell and estimating an effective bulk elastic modulus, Ξ, such material models oversimplify both the geometry and variable mechanical properties of nematode tissues. Especially given our finding that BWM tone directly modulates body mechanics, more complex models isolating the contributions of each of the three tissue types (cuticle, muscles, and hypodermis) are needed. Several barriers to deriving such models include accurate thickness measurements, knowledge of the anisotropic properties of each layer, and understanding both the nature of interlayer connections and how these parameters vary between wild-type and mutant animals.

We find that changes in length and stiffness are correlated and that the cuticle changes morphology to adjust to changes in length. The fact that the body returns to its nominal length after muscle hypercontraction suggests that the cuticle is longitudinally elastic, but also highlights the interplay between the BWMs and the cuticle. In the longitudinal direction, the furrows may allow the cuticle to strain relatively easily, while the muscles act as actuators to shorten the cuticle locally. This strain is likely counterbalanced by cuticle elasticity. The structure of the adult cuticle suggests that it is anisotropic because it is composed of four layers, one of which contains crossed fibers oriented at 60–70° relative to the long axis of the worm (46). Prior work in a parasitic nematode, Ascaris lumbricoides, suggests that for this orientation, C. elegans may decrease its volume by getting shorter and slightly wider (47). This prediction is confirmed by our past hyperosmotic shock experiments (10). The fibrous layer may also provide significant mechanical anisotropy because the cuticle would be expected to be significantly stronger in the circumferential direction if we assume that the fibers predominantly bear loads along their long axes.

The intimate interplay between BWM tone and cuticle morphology ensure that our measurements of body stiffness are sampling the mechanics of the combined changes of all of the components of the outer shell and any changes in internal hydrostatic pressure. Thus, we expect to observe an effective average change of the mechanics of all of these components. Our findings suggest that the mechanics of both the muscles and the cuticle are important, with some contribution from the internal hydrostatic pressure likely based on prior findings (10). Because changes in body length and cuticle morphology are typically only modulated by muscle tone, these results suggest a foundational role for the BWMs in setting and regulating the mechanics of C. elegans. Future work leveraging methods to disrupt the fibrous organelles and detach the BWMs from the cuticle in healthy L4 or adult animals would provide a powerful means to begin to dissect the contributions and properties of the BWMs separately from the cuticle and hypodermis.


The body wall muscles of the nematode C. elegans play a critical role in both locomotion and mechanosensation, propelling the worm forward and backward, setting the amplitude and frequency employed for an efficient swimming or crawling gait, and contributing to the outer shell of the body plan which is responsible for filtering applied mechanical stimuli. Our direct measurements of body length and stiffness revealed that contraction of the BWMs decreases animal length and increases body stiffness, while relaxation triggers animal lengthening and decreases body stiffness. These findings indicate that the BWMs play an important role in modulating C. elegans body mechanics and have important implications for future studies of both locomotion and mechanosensation in C. elegans and other nematodes. Future investigations of the mechanical behavior of individual components in the outer shell of this tiny animal will help us unravel the interesting mechanical properties of this structure.


We thank J. Cueva, J. C. Doll, and V. Vásquez for discussion; H. X. Leong for help with all-trans retinal preparation; and A. Gottschalk for ZX396 animals.

This work was supported by a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship (to B.C.P.), a National Science Foundation CAREER Award (No. ECS-0449400 to B.L.P), and National Institutes of Health grants (No. RO1EB006745 to B.L.P. and M.B.G., and No. RO1NS047715 to M.B.G.). Piezoresistive cantilevers fabricated in part at the Stanford Nanofabrication Facility (a member of the National Nanotechnology Infrastructure Network) supported by the National Science Foundation under grant No. ECS-9731293, its lab members, and the industrial members of the Stanford Center for Integrated Systems. The Caenorhabditis Genetics Center is supported by a contract from the National Institutes of Health National Center for Research Resources.


Sung-Jin Park's present address is the Disease Biophysics Group, School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA.

Chloé Powell's present address is Biomedical Engineering Program, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI.

Contributor Information

Miriam B. Goodman, Email:

Beth L. Pruitt, Email:

Supporting Material

Document S1. A figure
mmc1.pdf (103.7KB, pdf)


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