MEDICAL SCIENCES Correction for “Irradiation induces bone injury by damaging bone marrow microenvironment for stem cells,” by Xu Cao, Xiangwei Wu, Deborah Frassica, Bing Yu, Lijuan Pang, Lingling Xian, Mei Wan, Weiqi Lei, Michael Armour, Erik Tryggestad, John Wong, Chun Yi Wen, William Weijia Lu, and Frank J. Frassica, which appeared in issue 4, January 25, 2011, of Proc Natl Acad Sci USA (108:1609–1614; first published January 10, 2011; 10.1073/pnas.1015350108).
The authors note that their conflict of interest statement was omitted during publication. The authors declare that John Wong has a research service contract with Gulmay Medical, Inc. in the transfer of the SARRP technology from Johns Hopkins to the company. The SARRP was used by Dr. Xu Cao to irradiate his study animals, and was only peripherally related to the subject matter of the manuscript. Additionally, the specific unit was constructed at Johns Hopkins with grant support from the National Cancer Institute (US), and not by Gulmay.