This pictorial essay illustrates the imaging appearances of a wide variety of metastases to the pancreas as seen on computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging and positron emission tomography/CT. Key clinical and radiologic features (lesion distribution, non-contrast imaging appearance, enhancement pattern and pattern of spread) that may aid differentiation of primary from solitary secondary pancreatic malignancies are discussed.
Keywords: Computed tomography, positron emission tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, abdominal radiology, pancreas
As in other organs, malignancies involving the pancreas can be broadly classified into primary and secondary tumors. Among the primary malignancies, pancreatic adenocarcinomas (PCa) are the most common, comprising more than 85% of cases. In contrast, neuroendocrine tumors (NET) that are derived from endocrine pancreas are much less common, comprising just over 1% of cases[1]. Secondary malignancies of the pancreas are divided based on the mode of spread: direct invasion by a primary malignancy arising from an adjacent organ, and hematogenous spread of metastases.
The learning objectives of this review were to identify the two main modes of tumor spread to the pancreas, list the common sources of hematogenous metastases to the pancreas, and compare the key imaging features that may differentiate solitary hematogenous metastases from primary malignancies of the pancreas.
Direct invasion of the pancreas
Extrapancreatic malignancies that directly invade the pancreas typically originate in the gastrointestinal tract. These include the stomach[2], duodenum[3],transverse colon[4], and gallbladder[5]. The location of the primary tumor influences the site of pancreatic invasion. For example, a tumor originating in the gallbladder spreads contiguously along the hepatoduodenal ligament to involve the pancreatic head (Fig. 1).
Direct invasion of tumor into the pancreas confers a worse prognosis[4] and the survival rates for patients with duodenal adenocarcinoma invading the pancreas have been shown to be significantly worse than in those without (16% versus 78%)[3]. Similar findings were reported in patients with gastric cancer; the presence of pancreatic invasion was associated with increased vascular, nodal and hepatic involvement[2]. Direct invasion of the pancreas is an important consideration in surgical planning, since en bloc resection is feasible in selected patients[2], and a multivariate analysis in a series of 29 patients showed improved overall survival after complete clearance with a negative resection margin[4]. Direct invasion of the pancreas is usually clearly evident on cross-sectional imaging, and is not discussed further in this article.
Hematogenous metastases to the pancreas
Patients with metastases to the pancreas are usually identified in one of three ways: during initial metastatic workup, routine surveillance after resection of the primary lesion, and symptoms secondary to the lesion[6]. Jaundice (25%) and abdominal pain (20%) were the most common presenting symptoms of metastases to the pancreas[7].
Hematogenous spread of metastases to the pancreas is uncommon, and the prevalence is low (20 of 1050) at 1.9–2%[8,9]. The most commonly reported primary tumors metastatic to the pancreas are lung, gastrointestinal tract, kidney, breast tumors and melanoma[10]. Gynecological malignancies, gastrointestinal stromal tumors, sarcomas, lymphoma and adrenal cortical carcinoma are rare (Figs. 2–4).
In general, the presence of hematogenous metastases to the pancreas implies disseminated disease and a poor prognosis with a reported median survival of 8.7 months[9]. There may be a significantly long latency period between initial diagnosis of the primary tumor and subsequent detection of pancreatic metastases. For example, in a series of patients with renal cell carcinoma (RCC)[11], most (88%) metastases were detected metachronously, with an average lag time of 9.2 years. RCC metastases have been reported up to 21 years after treatment of the primary tumor[12]. Long latency periods have also been reported for patients with breast cancer[6].
Surgical resection of pancreatic metastases is usually not indicated in disseminated disease, except in select patients where tumor burden is low and limited to the pancreas. However, when metastases to the pancreas in such select patients are successfully resected, the prognosis may be significantly improved.
Features of hematogenous metastases to the pancreas
Clinical findings
In the setting of a known pancreatic mass, the sensitivity and specificity of carbohydrate antigen (CA) 19-9 for PCa, although approximately 81% and 89% respectively, is still considered limited[13]. Clinical and laboratory findings such as Zollinger–Ellison syndrome (in gastrinoma) and recurrent episodes of hypoglycemia (in insulinoma) can be extremely helpful in the diagnosis of primary functioning pancreatic NET. A history of extrapancreatic malignancy can be crucial for the diagnosis of metastatic disease to the pancreas.
Lesion distribution
In terms of the distribution of metastases within the pancreas, there is little difference: 35% occur in the head, 23% in the body and 35% in the tail[14]. Depiction of the sites of extrapancreatic disease, particularly when they are not typical for either PCa or NET, is an important key to the diagnosis (Fig. 5). More than 90% of patients with pathologically proven metastases to the pancreas may have extrapancreatic disease[15]. Multicentric disease within the pancreas also suggests metastatic disease[16] (Fig. 6). However, it should be noted that more than half of hematogenous metastases to the pancreas can occur singly (Fig. 7)[17]. Unlike PCa, most metastases tend to be well circumscribed although they may rarely present as diffusely infiltrative masses (Figs. 8 and 9).
Non-contrast imaging features
Relying on lesion attenuation (on CT) and signal intensity (on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)) on non-contrast imaging is not helpful because significant overlap between primary and metastatic lesions exists. On CT, most metastases are hypoattenuating to normal pancreatic parenchyma. On T1-weighted MRI, due to the presence of enzymes, the normal pancreas shows an inherently high signal[18], whereas tumor is generally low in signal. On T2-weighted and diffusion-weighted images, malignancies are generally of higher signal intensity compared with the pancreas (Figs. 3 and 10).
Contrast-enhanced imaging features
The enhancement pattern may be helpful in lesion characterization, particularly in hypervascular lesions, for which the list of differential diagnoses is smaller. Hypervascular lesions typically include NET (primary) (Fig. 11) and metastases (RCC, extrapancreatic NETs and medullary thyroid carcinomas) (Figs. 12 and 13). A commonly encountered feature among hypervascular metastases is that smaller tumors enhance homogenously and larger lesions show peripheral enhancement due to central necrosis, although this may not always be the case (Fig. 12).
Most other metastases are typically hypovascular. The late arterial capillary phase (also known as the pancreatic phase) provides maximal pancreatic parenchymal enhancement and is optimal for lesion detection[19]. Without other associated features, it is not possible to differentiate metastatic disease from primary pancreatic malignancy based on lesion enhancement pattern.
Pattern of spread
Perineural invasion is a prominent feature of PCa, occurs in approximately 70% of cases[20], and is thought to be related to the presence of neurotropic growth factors[21]. It typically manifests as soft tissue infiltration along the peripancreatic neural plexus, which runs in tandem with the smaller branches of the peripancreatic vessels, such as the gastroduodenal and inferior pancreaticoduodenal arteries (Fig. 14)[22]. In our experience, such perineural changes are unusual for metastatic disease to the pancreas. Instead, they tend to be well circumscribed (Figs. 2 and 7).
PCa tends to invade regional vessels, such as the superior mesenteric artery and vein, and primary NETs may demonstrate vascular invasion, with or without pancreatic ductal ingrowth. In contrast, metastatic lesions are not typically associated with such findings (Fig. 6).
Due to its ductal origin, biliary dilatation is a common feature of PCa. The exceptions to this are tumors located in the uncinate process, which do not cause biliary dilatation, thereby mimicking focal pancreatitis and other pancreatic neoplasms. In contrast, hematogenous metastases to the pancreas are not commonly associated with pancreatic main duct dilatation unless they are of relatively large size. Even in such cases, duct dilatation is often not as severe as with primary pancreatic cancer (Fig. 9).
Peripancreatic lymphadenopathy is uncommon in hematogenous metastases to the pancreas and is therefore regarded to be a sign of a primary malignancy[10].
A diverse range of metastases to the pancreas are known to occur from extrapancreatic primary malignancies. Through the use of illustrative examples, pertinent imaging findings are described, and some features that may differentiate them from primary malignancies of the pancreas are highlighted. With this knowledge, the radiologist can provide a more useful differential diagnosis.
This paper is available online at http://www.cancerimaging.org. In the event of a change in the URL address, please use the DOI provided to locate the paper.
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