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CMAJ : Canadian Medical Association Journal logoLink to CMAJ : Canadian Medical Association Journal
. 2011 Apr 19;183(7):E391–E402. doi: 10.1503/cmaj.101860

Proportion of hospital readmissions deemed avoidable: a systematic review

Carl van Walraven 1,, Carol Bennett 1, Alison Jennings 1, Peter C Austin 1, Alan J Forster 1
PMCID: PMC3080556  PMID: 21444623



Readmissions to hospital are increasingly being used as an indicator of quality of care. However, this approach is valid only when we know what proportion of readmissions are avoidable. We conducted a systematic review of studies that measured the proportion of readmissions deemed avoidable. We examined how such readmissions were measured and estimated their prevalence.


We searched the MEDLINE and EMBASE databases to identify all studies published from 1966 to July 2010 that reviewed hospital readmissions and that specified how many were classified as avoidable.


Our search strategy identified 34 studies. Three of the studies used combinations of administrative diagnostic codes to determine whether readmissions were avoidable. Criteria used in the remaining studies were subjective. Most of the studies were conducted at single teaching hospitals, did not consider information from the community or treating physicians, and used only one reviewer to decide whether readmissions were avoidable. The median proportion of readmissions deemed avoidable was 27.1% but varied from 5% to 79%. Three study-level factors (teaching status of hospital, whether all diagnoses or only some were considered, and length of follow-up) were significantly associated with the proportion of admissions deemed to be avoidable and explained some, but not all, of the heterogeneity between the studies.


All but three of the studies used subjective criteria to determine whether readmissions were avoidable. Study methods had notable deficits and varied extensively, as did the proportion of readmissions deemed avoidable. The true proportion of hospital readmissions that are potentially avoidable remains unclear.

In most instances, unplanned readmissions to hospital indicate bad health outcomes for patients. Sometimes they are due to a medical error or the provision of suboptimal patient care. Other times, they are unavoidable because they are due to the development of new conditions or the deterioration of refractory, severe chronic conditions.

Hospital readmissions are frequently used to gauge patient care. Many organizations use them as a metric for institutional or regional quality of care.1 The widespread public reporting of hospital readmissions and their use in considerations for funding implicitly suggest a belief that readmissions indicate the quality of care provided by particular physicians and institutions.

The validity of hospital readmissions as an indicator of quality of care depends on the extent that readmissions are avoidable. As the proportion of readmissions deemed to be avoidable decreases, the effort and expense required to avoid one readmission will increase. This decrease in avoidable admissions will also dilute the relation between the overall readmission rate and quality of care. Therefore, it is important to know the proportion of hospital readmissions that are avoidable.

We conducted a systematic review of studies that measured the proportion of readmissions that were avoidable. We examined how such readmissions were measured and estimated their prevalence.


Literature search

We consulted a local information scientist to develop a search strategy to identify studies that measured the proportion of readmissions deemed avoidable (Appendix 1, available at We applied this strategy to search the MEDLINE and EMBASE databases for English-language papers published from 1966 to July 2010. Full-text versions of citations were retrieved for complete review if they specified that hospital readmissions were counted; and the title or abstract used any term(s) indicating that readmissions were classified as avoidable (or “preventable,” “needless” or “unnecessary”) or not.

We included studies if they included a population of hospital readmissions and if they counted the number of readmissions that they classified as avoidable. The references of all included studies were reviewed to identify other eligible analyses. In addition, we reviewed the links of all PubMed “related articles” of each included study.

Data abstraction

Data abstracted from each study included basic study information (publication year, journal); inclusion criteria for, and numbers of, index admissions and readmissions; follow-up period after index admission within which readmissions were considered; whether or not information from potential sources (e.g., index admission, clinic visits between index and readmission, readmission, interviews with treating physicians or nurses, interviews with patients or families) were used when determining avoidability of readmissions; and the criteria required for readmissions to be classified as avoidable.

We abstracted the number of reviewers used (per readmission) and whether or not readmissions attributable to specific groups or factors were considered avoidable. We searched for these groups or factors in the methods section and in descriptions of avoidable readmissions in each study and classified them as treating physician (e.g., medical errors, omissions of care); nurse (e.g., inadequate dressings); patient (e.g., noncompliance with therapy); social (e.g., inability of family to care for patient in community); and system (e.g., home care unavailable).

Two of us (C.B. and A.J.) independently abstracted data from a random sample of 10 studies to compare agreement and implement abstraction criteria to harmonize abstraction. Subsequently, a single reviewer (C.B. or A.J.) abstracted data from all of the remaining studies. All abstractions were reviewed and confirmed by the lead author (C.v.W.).

Statistical analysis

Basic descriptive statistics for each study were calculated. To explore study heterogeneity, we created a meta-regression model that measured the association of study factors with the proportion of readmissions deemed avoidable. The three studies that used administrative data to identify avoidable readmissions were methodologically distinct from the others and did not define many of the variables required for the meta-regression. We therefore grouped these three studies together and included the remaining studies in the the meta-regression model. Study factors that were not defined were defaulted to null for our model.

Model building used 13 candidate binary variables (e.g., year study was published; use of administrative databases; number of reviewers involved; length of follow-up period; factors included, and sources of information used, in determining avoidability of readmissions; location and type of hospital; type of hospital service to which patients were admitted; and whether or not limited number of diagnoses included). In the models, studies were weighted by the inverse of the variance for the proportion of readmissions deemed avoidable. Ordinal and continuous variables were transformed into binary variables by their median values. This created a model that allowed us to group studies based on values of each independently significant covariate. We used forward selection methods to identify the study factors that had the strongest independent association with the proportion of readmissions deemed avoidable. We limited the regression model to three covariates (about 10 observations per covariate) to avoid overfitting.2 To determine goodness of fit, we calculated the Akaike information criterion value for all possible three-variable models.

Studies were grouped based on their values of the binary covariates included in the final meta-regression model. To calculate the overall proportion of readmissions deemed avoidable for studies in each group, we weighted studies by the inverse of their variance.3 Heterogeneity of results within each group was measured using the Cochran Q and the I2 statistics.3,4


Figure 1 presents the results of our search strategy. After screening 2163 citations, we reviewed the full-text articles of 204 studies. Thirty-four of the studies measured the proportion of hospital readmissions deemed avoidable.538

Figure 1:

Figure 1:

Selection of studies that measured the proportion of hospital readmissions deemed avoidable.

A summary of the studies’ characteristics appears in Table 1. The included studies were published between 1983 and 2009 (median year 2000). Most of the studies were conducted at single centres; almost two-thirds were conducted primarily in teaching hospitals. Patients were most commonly admitted to medical, surgical and geriatric services. Most of the studies included all readmissions regardless of the diagnosis; four (12.5%) restricted readmissions to particular diagnoses, including congestive heart failure,16,38 diabetes,16 obstructive lung disease16 and adverse drug reactions.34 Half of the studies limited readmissions to those that occurred within three months after discharge. Most of the studies were moderately sized, with a median of 151 readmissions (interquartile range [IQR] 75–313). Studies originated primarily from the United Kingdom5,810,1315,21,2426,31,3638 and the United States.7,11,12,1618,22,27,33

Table 1:

Summary of characteristics of 34 studies that measured the proportion of hospital readmissions deemed avoidable

Variable No. (%) of studies*
Study characteristics
Year of publication, median (IQR) 2000 (1993–2005)
No. of hospitals per study, median (range) 1 (1–234)
Conducted at single centre (n = 31) 26 (83.9)
Conducted primarily in teaching hospitals (n = 28) 18 (64.3)
Index admission used as unit of analysis§ 19 (55.9)
No. of index admissions, median (IQR) (n = 19)** 1289 (743–3050)
Follow-up period for readmission, mo, median (IQR) 2 (1–6)
No. of readmissions, median (IQR) 151 (75–313)
Type of patient
 Medical 25 (73.5)
 Surgical 13 (38.2)
 Geriatric 11 (32.4)
Assessment of avoidability (n = 31)††
Information used for assessment
 Index admission 25 (80.6)
 Clinical visits between index admission and readmission 10 (32.3)
 Readmission 27 (87.1)
 Interviews with physician or nurse†† 7 (22.6)
 Interviews with patient or family†† 9 (29.0)
Groups or factors included in assessment
 Physician 28 (90.3)
 Nurse 2 (6.5)
 Patient 7 (22.6)
 Social 16 (51.6)
 System 5 (16.1)
Minimum no. of reviewers, median (range) 1 (1–3)
One reviewer only 17 (54.8)
No. of readmissions deemed avoidable, median (IQR) 35 (17–70)
% of readmissions deemed avoidable, median (IQR) 27.1 (14.9–45.6)
% of index admissions followed by an avoidable 2.2 (1.5–7.0)
readmission, median (IQR) (n = 19)

Note: IQR = interquartile range.


Unless stated otherwise.

Number of included hospitals not stated in three studies.10,22,27

The teaching status of included hospitals was not stated in six studies.10,18,22,27,30,33


The unit of analysis was the readmission in the other 15 studies.


The denominator comprises the 19 studies in which the unit of analysis was the index admission.


Excludes data from the three studies based on administrative databases alone.18,27,33

Criteria used to identify avoidable readmissions

Criteria used to identify avoidable readmissions varied extensively between the studies (see Table 2, at the end of the article). Three studies18,27,33 used only administrative data in their analyses and classified readmissions based on combinations of diagnostic codes between the index admission and the readmission. For example, in the study by Goldfield and colleagues, all readmissions with a diagnostic code of diabetes for which the index admission had a diagnostic code of myocardial infarction were classified as avoidable.33

Table 2:

Characteristics of studies included in the meta-analysis (part 1 of 4)

Study No. of hospitals (no. teaching) Patient age, yr Hospital services Diagnoses considered in avoidability assessment Time frame, mo Sources of information for avoidability assessment* Factors included in determining avoidability Minimum no. of reviewers per readmission Criteria for avoidable readmissions
Graham5 1 (0) NR NR NR 12 graphic file with name 183e391f3.jpg graphic file with name 183e391f11.jpg 1 Inadequate medical management, social problems or inadequate rehabilitation
Popplewell6 1 (1) All M All 2 graphic file with name 183e391f3.jpg graphic file with name 183e391f12.jpg 1 Readmission avoidable with better management of index admission
MacDowell7 1 (1) NR M, S All (non-psychiatric) 3 graphic file with name 183e391f4.jpg graphic file with name 183e391f12.jpg 3 Unplanned, not a complication of chronic disease that caused index admission and not due to new disease
McInness8 1 (0) > 65 G All (non-surgical) 3 graphic file with name 183e391f4.jpg graphic file with name 183e391f11.jpg 1 Included groups from study by Graham5: inadequate medical management, social problems or inadequate rehabilitation
Williams9 1 (0) > 65 All NR 1 graphic file with name 183e391f5.jpg graphic file with name 183e391f13.jpg 1 Readmission avoidable with better preparation and timing of discharge, help for carer, communication with GP, nursing and social supports, and management of medications
Clarke10 NR (NR) NR M, S, G NR 1 graphic file with name 183e391f4.jpg graphic file with name 183e391f14.jpg 3 Recurrence or continuation of admission diagnosis; recognized avoidable complication; or readmission for social or psychological reason within control of hospital services
Vinson11 1 (1) > 70 NR CHF 3 graphic file with name 183e391f6.jpg graphic file with name 183e391f15.jpg 1 Avoidability based on degree that potentially remediable factors (noncompliance with diet/medications; inadequate discharge planning; inadequate follow-up by GP or home care; active family involvement) contributed to readmission
Frankl12 1 (1) NR M NR 1 graphic file with name 183e391f4.jpg graphic file with name 183e391f4.jpg 3 NR
Kelly13 1 (1) NR NR NR 12 graphic file with name 183e391f7.jpg graphic file with name 183e391f11.jpg 2 Readmission avoidable with better treatment, rehabilitation or discharge planning
Gautam14 1 (0) NR G NR 1 graphic file with name 183e391f8.jpg graphic file with name 183e391f16.jpg 3 At least two of three (GP, consultant and audit team) deemed readmission avoidable
Haines-Wood15 1 (0) “Elderly” R NR 6 graphic file with name 183e391f9.jpg graphic file with name 183e391f11.jpg 1 Recurrence or continuation of admission diagnosis; recognized avoidable complication; or readmission for social reason within control of hospital services
Oddone16 9 (6) NR M DM, CHF, COPD 6 graphic file with name 183e391f10.jpg graphic file with name 183e391f17.jpg 2 At least two of three reviewers rated readmission avoidable
McKay17 1 (1) NR NR NR 1 graphic file with name 183e391f10.jpg graphic file with name 183e391f19.jpg 1 NR
Experton18 6 (NR) > 65 All All 3 Administrative database study. Readmission considered possibly avoidable if adverse utilization-related factors present, including potentially premature discharge from index admission, or suboptimal care after discharge (inadequate physician follow-up care, inpatient rehabilitation, skilled nursing, home care services or other outpatient care); quantitative criteria given for each factor
Kwok19 1 (1) ≥ 70 M NR 6 graphic file with name 183e391f18.jpg graphic file with name 183e391f14.jpg 1 Noncompliance with medication or diet; unresolved medical problems; adverse effects of medications; social or psychological problems
Miles20 1 (1) NR All NR 1 graphic file with name 183e391f4.jpg graphic file with name 183e391f12.jpg 1 Poor or inappropriate clinical care (i.e., ≥ 4 on 6-point scale), and preventability rated at least “more likely than not” (i.e., ≥ 4/6)
Levy21 1 (1) NR M NR 1 graphic file with name 183e391f10.jpg graphic file with name 183e391f11.jpg 1 Consultant reviewed medical notes and judged whether readmission was potentially avoidable
Madigan22 NR (NR) NR NR CHF 3 graphic file with name 183e391f20.jpg graphic file with name 183e391f21.jpg 1 Avoidability based solely on opinion of treating home care nurse
Halfon23 1 (1) All (no newborns) All (no ophthalmology or psychiatry) NR 12 graphic file with name 183e391f4.jpg graphic file with name 183e391f12.jpg 1 Premature discharge (clinical instability in last 2 days, last laboratory result was abnormal or other); missing or erroneous diagnosis or therapy; other inadequate discharge; or reviewers deemed readmission to be complication of medical care rather than natural history of disease
Munshi24 1 (1) > 65 M NR 1 graphic file with name 183e391f4.jpg graphic file with name 183e391f11.jpg 3 Medical or social problem identified at index admission but not completely addressed; or complication of treatment
Sutton25 3 (3) All S All 1 graphic file with name 183e391f4.jpg graphic file with name 183e391f11.jpg 2 NR
Courtney26 1 (1) NR S NR 1 graphic file with name 183e391f4.jpg graphic file with name 183e391f12.jpg 1 NR
Friedman27 NR (NR) NR All All 6 Administrative database study
Jimenez-Puente28 1 (0) NR NR NR 6 graphic file with name 183e391f4.jpg graphic file with name 183e391f12.jpg 2 Complication of surgical procedure; procedure not performed during index admission; surgery not achieving proposed objective; no diagnosis during index admission or other potentially avoidable cause (nosocomial infection, suboptimal medical treatment, unstable condition at discharge, inadequate use of drugs [wrong dosage, interaction], complication of diagnostic test, nonadherence because of inadequate information)
Maurer29 1 (1) NR M NR 3 graphic file with name 183e391f4.jpg graphic file with name 183e391f14.jpg 1 Recurrence or continuation of index disorder; avoidable complication; or readmission for social or psychological reason within control of hospital services
Halfon (2006)30 12 (NR) NR NR NR 1 graphic file with name 183e391f21.jpg graphic file with name 183e391f12.jpg 1 Premature discharge; wrong diagnosis or treatment; foreseeable but preventable complications of care
Kirk31 1 (0) All M All 1 graphic file with name 183e391f17.jpg graphic file with name 183e391f16.jpg 1 Clinician reviewed medical record and interviewed patient to gauge readiness for discharge and appropriateness of readmission
Balla32 1 (1) NR M NR 1 graphic file with name 183e391f6.jpg graphic file with name 183e391f12.jpg 2 Quality of care deemed poor because of incorrect action (erroneous drug, dose or both; diagnostic error; unnecessary test, procedure or drug) or inaction (early discharge; inadequate work-up; disregard of significant test result; failure to treat problem or monitor drug levels)
Goldfield33 234 (NR) NR No obstetrics, neonates No cancer, trauma, burns or cystic fibrosis 0.5 Administrative database study
Ruiz34 1 (1) NR NR NR 2 graphic file with name 183e391f18.jpg graphic file with name 183e391f12.jpg 3 Any adverse drug event
Stanley35 1 (0) NR NR NR 7 graphic file with name 183e391f4.jpg graphic file with name 183e391f21.jpg 1 Any correctable factors that might have prevented the readmission
Witherington36 1 (1) NR NR NR 1 graphic file with name 183e391f4.jpg graphic file with name 183e391f12.jpg 2 At least 2 of 3 reviewers felt readmission was related to adverse drug event from: new drug; withdrawal due to discontinuation of drug for no reason; medication that patient was supposed to stop; or condition untreated during previous admission
Phelan37 1 (1) NR NR NR 12 graphic file with name 183e391f10.jpg graphic file with name 183e391f4.jpg 2 Deterioration of condition requiring readmission took more than 24 h and could have been managed on outpatient basis (no arrhythmia or ischemia)
Shalchi38 1 (0) NR NR NR 0.5 graphic file with name 183e391f10.jpg graphic file with name 183e391f16.jpg 3 At least 2 of 3 reviewers felt readmission was avoidable with better management of index admission

Note: CHF = chronic heart failure, COPD = chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, DM = diabetes mellitus, G = geriatric, GP = general practitioner, M = medical, NR = not reported, R = rehabilitation, S = surgical.


Each box uses the scheme at the right and represents a source of information used in the avoidability assessment: A = index admission, B = clinic visits between index admission and readmission, C = readmission, D = interviews with physician, E = interviews with patient/family.

Each box uses the scheme at the right and represents a factor included when determining avoidability: A = physician, B = nurse or other allied health professional, C = patient, D = social, E = system.


Criteria used in the rest of the studies fell into one of four general groups. Four studies did not specify the criteria used to classify readmissions, stating that reviewers judged which readmissions were avoidable.12,17,25,26 Eleven studies described criteria that were subjective, citing few or no qualifiers or guides for reviewers.6,13,14,16,21,22,24,31,35,37,38 Three studies used criteria that focused exclusively on adverse drug reactions.20,34,36 Miles and Lowe used methods similar to those in studies of adverse events, with a defined six-point scale to determine whether readmissions were avoidable.20

In the fourth group, 13 studies used criteria with several qualifiers provided to define “avoidable,” often providing categories for avoidable readmissions.5,711,15,19,23,2830,32 Several studies within this category were notable: Graham and Livesley classified readmissions into one of five groups,5 and their methods were the most commonly replicated in other studies; MacDowell and colleagues used an algorithmic method to identify avoidable readmissions;7 and Halfon and coauthors provided detailed and specific criteria to determine avoidability stratified by phases of patient care.23

Perhaps with the exception of criteria dealing exclusively with adverse drug events, criteria used to identify avoidable readmissions were subjective and left reviewers much room to make decisions regarding whether or not readmissions were avoidable.

We noted large variations between studies in the application of criteria (Table 1). Of the 31 studies that indicated the number of reviewers involved in determining the avoidability of each readmission, most (17, 54.8%) used only one reviewer; the maximum number was three reviewers per readmission (7 studies, 22.6%). Studies varied in the sources of information used to determine avoidability. Most included information abstracted from the medical record of the index admission (25 studies, 80.6%) or the readmission (27 studies, 87.1%). Information from clinic notes between the index admission and readmission were used in about one-third of the studies. Information from interviews with treating physicians and patients was used in less than one-third of the studies. Finally, studies varied on whether or not readmissions attributable to specific groups or factors were considered avoidable. The most common factors included actions or omissions on the part of treating physicians or hospitals (28 studies, 90.3%). All of the other factors, including those attributable to the patient (7 studies, 22.6%) and social issues (16 studies, 51.6%), were much less commonly considered when determining the avoidability of readmissions.

Proportion of readmissions deemed avoidable

The proportion of readmissions deemed avoidable varied extensively between the studies (Tables 1 and 3). The median unweighted proportion was 27.1%, although the range was 5.0%–78.9% (Figure 2, Table 3). In the 19 studies that used the index admission as the unit of analysis, avoidable readmissions were noted in a median of 2.2% of discharges (IQR 1.5%–7.0%).

Table 3:

Results of studies included in the meta-analysis

Study No. of index admissions* No. of readmissions (% of index admissions) No. (%) of readmissions deemed avoidable % of index admissions followed by an avoidable readmission*
Graham5 153 73 (47.7)
Popplewell6 978 73 (7.5) 13 (17.8) 1.3
MacDowell7 78 4 (5.1)
McInness8 153 46 (30.1)
Williams9 133 78 (58.6)
Clarke10 74 21 (28.4)
Vinson11 140 66 (47.1) 35 (53.0) 25.0
Frankl12 2 626 318 (12.1) 28 (8.8) 1.1
Kelly13 211 33 (15.6)
Gautam14 713 109 (15.3) 16 (14.7) 2.2
Haines-Wood15 84 45 (53.6) 4 (8.9) 4.8
Oddone16 1 262 811 (64.3) 277 (34.2) 21.9
McKay17 3 705 289 (7.8) 61 (21.1) 1.6
Experton18 190 48 (25.3) 37 (77.1) 19.5
Kwok19 1 204 455 (37.8) 35 (7.7) 2.9
Miles20 437 24 (5.5)
Levy21 2 484 262 (10.5) 13 (5.0) 0.5
Madigan22 114 31 (27.2) 8 (25.8) 7.0
Halfon23 3 474 1 115 (32.1) 59 (5.3) 1.7
Munshi24 3 706 179 (4.8) 70 (39.1) 1.9
Sutton25 297 58 (19.5)
Courtney26 1 914 52 (2.7) 11 (21.2) 0.6
Friedman27 345 651 122 015 (35.3) 67 108 (55.0) 19.4
Jimenez-Puente28 363 69 (19.0)
Maurer29 773 151 (19.5) 10 (6.6) 1.3
Halfon30 494 390 (78.9)
Kirk31 1 289 77 (6.0) 22 (28.6) 1.7
Balla32 1 913 271 (14.2) 90 (33.2) 4.7
Goldfield33 3 501 142 409 759 (11.7) 242 991 (59.3) 6.9
Ruiz34 81 28 (34.6)
Stanley35 141 85 (60.3)
Witherington36 108 25 (23.1)
Phelan37 39 15 (38.5)
Shalchi38 63 45 (71.4)

Studies for which no value is shown are those that considered readmission as the unit of analysis.

Figure 2:

Figure 2:

Proportion of hospital readmissions deemed avoidable. Studies are grouped based on the value of study factors with the strongest association with this outcome (Table 4). Error bars = 95% confidence intervals.

Many study-level factors were reported to be associated with the proportion of readmissions deemed avoidable (Table 4). In the univariable analysis, studies that used administrative data had notably higher proportions of avoidable readmissions than studies that used other criteria. Proportions of readmissions deemed avoidable were significantly higher in studies in which patients were from medical services than in studies without such patients or in which patient type was not specified. Studies reporting the lowest proportions of avoidable readmissions included those conducted primarily in teaching hospitals and those that only included avoidable readmissions due to physician factors. Surprisingly, studies that involved more than one reviewer per case had higher proportions of avoidable readmissions than those involving one reviewer.

Table 4:

Association between study-level factors and proportion of readmissions deemed avoidable in binomial regression models*

Study-level factor Weighted overall proportion of readmissions deemed avoidable
In studies with factor In studies without factor p value In studies with factor In studies without factor p value
Used administrative databases 59.0 11.7 < 0.001

Included patients on medical wards 59.0 20.0 < 0.001

Included surgical patients 9.3 18.0 < 0.001

Included geriatric patients 9.3 18.0 < 0.001

> 1 reviewer 24.6 9.3 < 0.001

Limited to specific diagnoses 34.2 10.0 < 0.001 74.0 23.1 < 0.001

Only readmissions because of physician factors considered avoidable 9.5 17.9 < 0.001

Publication year ≥ 2000 10.5 14.1 < 0.001

Follow-up period for readmissions of up to 1 yr after discharge 9.0 20.9 < 0.001 36.8 59.4 < 0.001

> 2 sources of information used to determine avoidability of readmissions 24.6 9.6 < 0.001

Mostly teaching hospitals in study 8.7 53.4 < 0.001 20.8 76.4 < 0.001

Study from United States 25.5 9.9 < 0.001

Study from United Kingdom or Ireland 15.6 11.4 < 0.001

This table summarizes the results of univariable and multivariable binomial regression models that measured the association of study-level factors with the proportion of readmissions deemed avoidable. With the exception of the first factor (administrative database study), all analyses excluded the three studies that used administrative databases alone.18,27,33

Compared with studies that excluded such patients or that did not specify patient type.

Compared with studies that had a follow-up period of up to 2.5 months after discharge.

In the multivariable analysis, the three study-level factors associated with significantly high proportions of avoidable readmissions (and therefore retained in the model) were limiting of readmissions to those with specific diagnoses, a follow-up period of up to one year after the index admission and having teaching hospitals make up the majority of hospitals in the study (Table 4). This model had the lowest Akaike Information Criterion goodness-of-fit value (658) of all possible three-variable models in our study.

The three factors in our multivariable model explained some of the heterogeneity in the study results. In Figure 2, we grouped studies based on their values for the three binary covariates that made it into the final model (Table 4). Within each group, we calculated the weighted proportion of avoidable readmissions for the group, the Cochran Q value and the I2 value. In three combinations of study-level factors, heterogeneity was resolved (Figure 2), but only one of these groups (with the three factors of mostly teaching hospitals, specific diagnoses and readmissions within one year after discharge) contained more than one study. That significant heterogeneity persists after clustering studies based on the most important study-level factors indicates the extensive amount of heterogeneity in these studies.


Readmissions to hospital are increasingly being used as a quality-of-care measure. They can indicate quality of care, however, only if an important proportion of them are deemed avoidable. In our systematic review, we identified 34 studies that measured the proportion of readmissions deemed avoidable. Subjective criteria and variable methods were used in every study. The proportions of readmissions deemed avoidable varied widely between the studies. This variability makes it difficult to state with any certainty how often readmissions are preventable. Nevertheless, the median proportion of readmissions deemed avoidable (27.1%) is certainly lower than the 76% reported in 2007 by the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission to the US Congress.39 Although the variation seen in these studies could reflect true differences in quality of patient care, it also reflects the subjectivity of the outcome itself as well as differences in study characteristics, including patient and hospital types included; factors considered in determining avoidability of readmissions; sources of information used to judge avoidable status; and the minimum number of reviewers per case.

Although subjectivity will always exist when determining whether readmissions are avoidable, steps can be taken to minimize resulting error. First, parameters required for reviewing readmissions — such as which factors responsible for a readmission (e.g., physician, nurse, patient) are classified as avoidable — need to be clarified. Second, the use of multiple reviewers is essential when dealing with subjective outcomes such as avoidable readmissions. Because the accuracy of reviews is never perfect, the use of multiple reviewers helps ensure that patient classifications are as accurate as possible. Finally, latent class models can be used to analyze multiple reviews and generate the probability that each patient truly had an avoidable readmission.4042 We believe that such models may be useful to classify avoidable readmissions more reliably.


Our study has limitations. First, although we used a clear and sensible search strategy that identified a large number of studies, we may have missed relevant publications. In addition, we limited studies to those published in English. However, given the large number of studies included in our review, it is unlikely that our overall conclusions would change meaningfully if any missed studies were included.

Second, we used transparent meta-regression modelling to identify the most important sources of heterogeneity between studies. Although we limited this model to three covariates to avoid overfitting of the model, significant heterogeneity remained. This finding is not unexpected given the extensive amount of heterogeneity between the studies (Figure 2). In addition, the model’s outcome (proportion of readmissions deemed avoidable) will have notable error in it because of the subjectivity involved in the classification of readmissions as avoidable or not. This error will not be captured by the study-level factors in our regression model.

Third, we combined studies from different health care systems. Although some factors contributing to the proportion of avoidable readmissions are likely universal (e.g., incorrect diagnosis), other factors influencing readmission rates that are unique to particular health care systems (e.g., health insurance coverage) will not be captured in our model.

Finally, we were unable to summarize disease-specific proportions of avoidable readmissions, because they were rarely reported in studies that included a broad assortment of diseases. Future studies would need to address this issue to identify possible diseases that could be targeted for interventions to decrease the risk of avoidable readmissions.


Our study showed that the proportion of hospital readmissions deemed avoidable has yet to be reliably determined. Furthermore, we found a lack of consensus regarding the methods necessary to judge whether readmissions are avoidable. Given the large variation in the proportion of avoidable readmissions between studies using primary data, “avoidability” cannot accurately be inferred based on diagnostic codes for the index admission and the readmission. Instead, it needs to be determined through a peer-review process in which readmissions are classified as avoidable or not based on expert opinion.

Criteria used in future studies need to focus on determining whether the readmission was preceded by an adverse event (i.e., a bad medical outcome due to medical care rather than the natural history of disease or bad luck); whether the adverse event could have been prevented; and whether the readmission would have occurred even without the adverse event or whether other factors were involved. In addition, future studies need to include a large number of readmissions in a broad spectrum of patients from multiple teaching and community hospitals; multiple sources of patient information between index admission and readmission on which decisions regarding avoidabililty are based; an explicit statement about which groups or factors contributing to readmissions are considered avoidable; at least three reviewers per readmission to judge avoidability; and the use of structural modelling methods such as the latent class model to measure the probability that patients truly had an avoidable readmission based on the judgments of reviewers.

Supplementary Material

[Online Appendix]
101860_index.html (1KB, html)

See related commentary by Goldfield at


Competing interests: None declared.

This article has been peer reviewed.

Contributors: All of the authors made substantial contributions to the conception and design of the study and the acquisition, analysis and interpretation of the data. Carl van Walraven, Peter Austin and Alan Forster drafted the article; all of the authors revised the manuscript critically for important intellectual content and approved the final version submitted for publication. Carl van Walraven had full access to all of the data in the study; he takes responsibility for the integrity of the data and the accuracy of the data analysis.

Funding: This study was supported by the Department of Medicine, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ont.


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