Figure 3. DA and 5-HT overflow in the nucleus accumbens shell after TCP and nicotine treatment.
Animals received two daily injections of (±)TCP (3 mg/kg, i.p.), (+)- or (−)TCP (1.5 mg/kg, i.p.) or saline. On the third day, after 60 min of basal overflow, all animals received a third identical injection, except a subset of the (±)TCP-treated group received saline (20-hr (±)TCP) (A–D). Subsequently, animals received either i.v. saline or nicotine at t=180. Time course data is presented for DA (A & C) and 5-HT (B & D) for the 240 min collection period. Black bars over the individual time-points represent data presented in E–H. Mean (+ SEM) overflow difference from baseline (t=80 – t=60, black bars in A–D) scores are shown for DA (E) and 5-HT (G). Both DA and 5-HT overflow was significantly increased by (±) and (−)TCP, but only DA overflow was increased by (+)TCP (*p<0.05, **p<0.01 t=80 vs. t=60; n=4–11/group). Mean (+SEM) overflow difference from baseline (t=200 – t=180) following i.v. nicotine (30 μg/kg × 2 inj, i.v.) is shown for DA (F) and 5-HT (H). Nicotine significantly elevated DA levels in the (±)- and (+)TCP-pretreated group, with similar trends for 5-HT overflow, although the results did not pass Bonferroni correction for multiple comparisons (*p<0.05, **p<0.01 t=200 vs. t=180; n=2–7/group). For 5-HT, the groups that have n=2 are the saline (i.p.) pretreated animals given saline (i.v) and the saline (i.p.) pretreated animals given nicotine (i.v.). Mean (+SEM) overflow difference from baseline (t=200 – t=180) following i.v. saline are not shown.