Gai and co-workers (Bunagan, M. R. (2006) J. Phys. Chem. B 110, 3759-3763) reported computational design studies suggesting that a D9E mutation would stabilize the Trp-cage. Experimental studies for this mutation were reported in 2008 (Hudaky, P. (2008) Biochemistry 47, 1007-1016); the authors suggested that [D9E]-TC5b presented a more compact, and melting resistant structure due to the “optimal distance between the two sides of the molecule”. Nonetheless, the authors reported essentially the same CD melting temperature, 38±0.3 °C, for TC5b and its [D9E] mutant. In this study, a more stable Trp-cage, DAYAQ WLKDG GPSSG RPPPS, was examined by NMR and CD with the following mutations: [D9E], [D9R,R16E], [R16Orn], [D9E,R16Orn], [R16K], and [D9E,R16K]. Of these, the [D9E]-mutant displayed the smallest acidification induced change in the apparent Tm. In analogy to the prior study, the CD melts of TC10b and its [D9E] mutant were, however, very similar; all of the other mutations were significantly fold destabilizing by all measures. A detailed analysis indicates that the original D9/R16 salt bridge is optimal with regard to fold cooperativity and fold stabilization. Evidence for salt-bridging is also provided for a swapped pair, the [D9R,R16E]-mutant. Model systems reveal that an ionized aspartate at the C-terminus of a helix significantly decreases intrinsic helicity, a requirement for Trp-cage fold stability. The CD evidence which was cited as supporting increased fold stability for the [D9E]-TC5b at higher temperatures appears to be a reflection of increased helix stability in both the folded and unfolded state rather than a more favorable salt bridge. The present study also provides evidence for other Trp-cage stabilizing roles of the R16 sidechain.
Keywords: Circular Dichroism, Chemical shift deviations, measuring fold stability, salt-bridge
The evaluation of the effects of Coulombic interactions on protein folding remains problematic. The introduction of favorable Coulombic interactions between the termini, has been shown to stabilize hairpins, but the net effect is quite small, at most a few kJ/mol (1-3). It has long been known (4-6) that hydrogen bonding between charged sites in proteins has a more favorable effect on folding than other H-bonding interactions. Acid-base titration studies and site mutations have uncovered 12 - 20 kJ/mol stabilizations associated with buried H-bonded salt bridges involving Asp/His (7), Asp/Arg (8), and Glu/Arg (9) sidechains. A buried Asp-α-carboxylate/Arg interaction in a crambin model (10) has been shown to be essential for efficient folding and the formation of the correct disulfide pairing and Asp/Arg, as well as Glu/Arg, salt-bridges at dimer interfaces are required for protein kinase activation (11). The case for solvent exposed Coulombic interactions (12) and salt bridges (13, 14) is less clear; smaller, but still significant effects on fold stability have been noted. As a result of desolvation issues, buried salt-bridges can be replaced by hydrophobic pairings, typically with an increase in fold stability (9). This would not apply for exposed salt bridges and other favorable Coulombic pairings on protein surfaces. Circa 4 kJ/mol stabilizations have been measured for favorable surface charge/charge interactions with an additional 4 kJ/mol of stabilization suggested in one case for a carboxylate/arginine H-bonding interaction (15). In the case of ubiquitin (16), 4 - 7 kJ/mol effects on fold stability can result from charge reversals on the surface. Favorable carboxylate/Lys interactions have been implicated in the stability of a 39-residue minimized fold motif (17). Charged sidechain interactions can even alter the potential energies of unfolded states; Cho and Raleigh (18) have reported a case of an 8 kJ/mol stability increase in a truncated protein as a result of removing a favorable Coulombic effect in the unfolded state. As a result, questions remain concerning the effects of charge-pairing and salt-bridging at surface sites in proteins.
The Trp-cage fold (19), at an 18 – 25 residue length (20, 21), is the smallest fold that can be viewed as a globular protein. It consists of an N-terminal α helix, a short 310 helix, a C-terminal poly-ProII helix, and a hydrophobic core with a buried Trp indole ring at its center. As a result of its small size, the Trp-cage became a target of molecular dynamics simulated folding (22, 23) as soon as the structure was announced; subsequent computational studies (24-39) have established it as a protein folding paradigm (40, 41). Trp-cage species have also proven useful for quantitating fold stability effects of sidechain interactions and mutations that influence intrinsic stability of secondary structure features (20, 21, 42). A solvent exposed Asp/Arg salt bridge (D9/R16) has been reported to provide 4.7±1.3 kJ/mol of fold stabilization in Trp-cage species (21). The formation of this Asp/Arg salt-bridge is viewed as an important driver in the folding simulations, typically as a fold facilitating interaction (23, 24); however, in some folding simulations it appears as a stabilizing feature in kinetic traps (27, 31, 32, 39).
Although the original Trp-cage construct (TC5b, NLYIQ WLKDG GPSSG RPPPS) (19) is only marginally stable with a melting temperature, Tm, of 42 °C (ΔGU 280 = 9 kJ/mol), it continues to be the subject of both MD folding simulations (43-46) and experimental studies (41, 47-51) even though more stable constructs with Asp as the helix N-cap and l-Ala (20, 21, 52) and d-Ala (53) substitutions have been reported. Recent reports for TC5b have reported comparable Tm values: 43.7 ± 1.8 °C from a combined analysis of calorimetry and CD data (54) and 41 ± 2 °C from an analysis of CD melts over a range of urea denaturant concentrations (51). Recent computational estimates (55) of the thermodynamic stability of TC5b, Tm = 48 °C (55) are also approaching the experimental values rather than yielding fold stabilities far in excess of that observed. In 2006, Gai and co-workers (47) reported computational design studies suggesting that D9E and P12W mutations would stabilize the Trp-cage; their experimental studies confirmed the stabilizing effect of the P12W mutation on TC5b. A report (56) indicating that the D9E mutation was also stabilizing appeared in this journal in 2008. The primary evidence for this conclusion was the retention, in the [D9E] mutant of TC5b, of both more long-range NOEs and a more helical CD spectrum at higher temperatures. The authors suggested that [D9E]-TC5b presents a more compact, and melting resistant structure due to the “optimal distance between the two sides of the molecule”. Nonetheless, the authors reported essentially the same CD melting temperature, 38±0.3 °C, for TC5b and its [D9E] mutant at pH ~6.6, implying that the higher temperature NMR ensembles are based on constraints obtained for a circa 60:40 mixture of the folded and unfolded species. Also, the CD melt reported for the [D9E] mutant was more gradual, which is often equated with less cooperativity of folding. In our view, the question of Trp-cage salt bridge optimization needed re-examination; we opted for a mutational study of the TC10b Trp-cage (DAYAQ WLKDG GPSSG RPPPS, Tm, = 56 °C, ΔGU 280 = 12 kJ/mol)(20, 21). The studies reported herein indicate that the original D9/R16 salt bridge was indeed, already optimized with regard to folding cooperativity. The CD evidence which was cited as supporting increased fold stability for the D9E mutant of TC5b at higher temperatures appears to be a reflection of increased helix stability in both the folded and unfolded state rather than a more favorable salt bridge. The present study also provides evidence for other cage stabilizing roles of the R16 sidechain.
Peptide Synthesis and Purification
Linear peptides were synthesized on an Applied Biosystem 433A synthesizer employing standard Fmoc (9-fluorenyl methoxycarbonyl) solid-phase peptide synthesis methods and purified using RP-HPLC, using C18 and/or C8 stationery phases and a water(0.1% TFA)/acetonitrile(0.085% TFA) gradient as previously described (21). The resins used for the synthesis were Wang resins preloaded with the C-terminal amino acid. Peptides were cleaved from the resin using a 95:2.5:2.5 trifluoroacetic acid (TFA): triisopropylsilane: water mixture. The sequences of all peptides were confirmed by the molecular ions observed using Bruker Esquire ion-trap mass spectrometry.
NMR Spectroscopy
Samples for 2D NMR spectral studies consisted of ~1.5 mM peptide in 50 mM phosphate buffer at pH 7, 10% D2O, with DSS as an internal chemical shift reference. NMR experiments were collected at 500 or 750MHz on Bruker DRX and AV spectrometers. Full 1H spectral assignments were made by using a combination of 2D NOESY and TOCSY experiments. NMR structure ensembles were generated in the manner previously described (19, 21); the details appear in the Supporting Information. The HN and Hα chemical shifts deviations (CSDs) were calculated using the then current CSDb algorithm (2) and were found to be consistent with all other Trp-cage constructs: large characteristic CSDs include G11 Hα2 (3.5 - 3.7 ppm upfield) and P18 Hβ3 and Hα (~2.15 ppm and 2.3 ppm upfield, respectively). In NMR melts, plots of these large CSDs, as well as smaller but also diagnostic CSDs at L7Hα, P19Hδδ’, versus temperature are used to derive fold populations as previously presented (21, 53). Briefly, CSDs are derived from spectra recorded at 280 – 330K (in 10° increments). The CSDs observed for TC10b at 280K, are equated with χF = 0.994. Thus the value for an analog at any temperature corresponds to 0.994(CSDobs/CSDTC10b 280K). This assumes that folded state structuring shifts are not temperature dependent and are identical for all species adopting the Trp-cage folding motif. Whenever possible we employ the sum of the CSDs noted above for χF calculations. For some species the G11 Hα2 signal displays exchange broadening to the extent that the peak disappears from the 2D spectra; in such cases we use the sum over the available ring current shifts.
Recent studies (unreported to date) have revealed that very large ring current effects do decrease slightly on warming even when cF does not increase significantly. A 1% loss per 10 °C in the large ring current shifts has been observed for hyperstable species that are demonstrably 99% folded by CD throughout the 5 – 35 °C range. No correction for this effect was applied. Small differences in CSDs could result from quite subtle changes in Trp-cage fold geometry. The resulting errors in χF are on the order of ±0.02 throughout the range examined. These error are unacceptable for χF estimates greater than 0.92; as a result, we do not rely on ΔΔG values for comparisons including species with χF > 0.92 for our conclusions. The ΔGU and ΔΔG values are calculated based on the derived χF values as ΔGU = RT ln [χF / (1 − χF )]. In the case of TC10b the ΔGU value (ΔGU 298 = 5.56 ± 0.11 kJ/mol) has been validated by a full thermodynamic fit (21). At 300K the χF values derived from CSDs for the mutants examined are in the range where ΔG errors are equal to or less than 0.36 kJ/mol.
Circular Dichroism Spectroscopy
Stock solutions of approximately 200 μM peptide concentration were prepared using 20mM aqueous pH 7.0 phosphate buffer. Accurate concentrations were determined by UV spectroscopy assuming the standard molar absorptivities for the Trp and Tyr residues present. The samples were then diluted appropriately with buffer to obtain circa 30 μM peptide solutions. Spectra, and the corresponding buffer blanks, were recorded on a Jasco J720 spectropolarimeter using 0.10 cm pathlength cells over a UV range of 190-270 nm with 8-12 scans averaged for each spectrum and are reported in deg-cm2/dmol-residue units. Temperatures ranged from 5 to 90 °C in 5-10° increments. The final spectra for each temperature were obtained as differences between the sample and buffer blank, both set to zero at 260 nm, after employing the FFT filter in the Jasco spectra processing software.
The folded fraction (χF) was determined by defining the temperature-dependent CD signal of the unfolded and folded states and assuming a linear χF relationship for signals between the two lines. The CD spectrum of the unfolded state is expected, so long as the constructs contain a single Tyr and Trp residue, to be sequence independent and has been previously determined for several Trp-cage constructs in > 6.5M Gdm+Cl- (21, 57). For the present study, [R16K]-TC10b was examined under these denaturing conditions affording a coil value of [θ]222 = −560 − 25•T(°C); this addition brings the average Trp-cage coil baseline (n = 5) to [θ]222 = −750 − 27•T(°C). This baseline was employed for Figure 5 and for deriving the ΔG values in Table 2. The unfolded baseline for WT TC10b, [θ]222 = −900 − 29•T(°C) from the thermodynamic fit (21), was retained for Figure 1.
Figure 5.
CD melts as χU versus T plots: solid lines are for pH 7 data; dashed lines for pH 2.5. In order to show all of the mutants in a single figure, the data is shown as 3rd order polynomial fits. This polynomial fit provides an accurate location of the experimental points to guide the eye. A common unfolded baseline, [θ]222 = −750 − 27•T(°C), was employed for all mutants; the folded baselines are given in the Methods section. All raw data points, as well as sigmoidal curve fits for four species, appear in figures in the Supporting Information. The sigmoidal fits assume no helicity signal for the unfolded state and represent the expectations for melting with a strict two-state (folded/unfolded) equilibrium.
Table 2.
Peptide | “Salt Bridge” | ΔGU (kJ/mol) | TM CD | mutΔΔG (kJ/mol) | ΔΔG(pH) (kJ/mol) | ||||||
Σ CSDs | ΔGUCD | from (Fig. 5) | NMR | CD | NMR | CD | |||||
at 280K | at 300K | at 280K | at 300K | at 280K | at 300K | ||||||
TC10b | D----R | 11.5 | 5.28 | 5.86 | 56 | ||||||
pH 2.5 | 4.64 | 1.93 | 1.89 | 40 | (> 6 ) | 3.35 | 3.97 | ||||
D9E | E----R | 8.62 | 4.55 | 4.64 | 57 | (2.9) | 0.73 | 1.22 | |||
pH 2.5 | 4.04 | 0.22 | 1.71 | 41 | 4.58 | 4.33 | 2.93 | ||||
D9E R16K | E----K | 6.62 | 3.69 | 3.87 | 60 | (4.9) | 1.59 | 1.99 | |||
D9R R16E | R----E | 6.41 | 3.58 | 3.47 | 56 | (5.1) | 1.7 | 2.40 | |||
pH 2.5 | 2.32 | -0.22 | -0.23 | 25 | 4.1 | 3.80 | 3.7 | ||||
R16K | D----K | 5.62 | 2.27 | 3.51 | 54 | (5.9) | 3.0 | 2.35 | |||
D9E R16O | E----O | 5.25 | 2.85 | 3.22 | 52 | (6.25) | 2.43 | 2.64 | |||
R16Oc | D----O | 4.1±0.3 | 2.0±0.2 | 2.71 | 45 | (7.4) | 3.3 | 3.16 | |||
pH 2.5 | 2.6±0.3 | 0.6±0.2 | 1.12 | 38 | 1.5 | 1.4 | 1.59 |
mutΔΔG is the ΔΔGF associated with each mutation, +ve values indicate fold destabilization. ΔΔG(pH) is the effect of ionization. +ve values indicate fold stabilization on deprotonation.
Unless otherwise indicated, the ΔGU values are based on the Σ CSD measure for the following shifted sites: L7α, P18Hα/Hβ3 and P19Hδ2/δ3. With the exception of the D9R,R16E mutant, when G11Hα2 shifts are available including these larger structuring shifts in the sum does not change the ΔGU values (±0.3 kJ/mol).
Since G11Hα shifts were available throughout for this compound, an additional Σ CSD measure (the three largest structuring shifts -- G11Hα, P18Hα/Hβ3) was included for evaluating ΔGU. The average values are given.
Figure 1.
CD melts (raw ellipticity values versus T) of TC10b and its [D9E], [R16O], [R16K], [D9E,R16O], [D9E,R16K], and [D9R,R16E]-mutants; the points for TC10b are fitted to a 3rd order polynomial to provide a line to guide the eye. The unfolded and folded state baselines for TC10b are also shown on the plot ( - - - - ). The corresponding plots of pH 2.5 data appear in Figure S1 (Supporting Information).
In previous studies of Trp-cage species in this laboratory, folded baselines derived from the CD melts corresponded to a 0.30 – 0.34% loss of signal per °C: [θ]F = [θ]F,0°C − 0.0032•[θ]F,0°C •T(°C). This value has been confirmed for hyperstable Trp-cage mutants, Tm ≥ 83 °C (53) which display folded native state population is greater than 98% over the 5 – 35 °C temperature span. This was, in the absence of evidence to the contrary, assumed for the present constructs. Values of [θ]F,0°C were calculated using the same temperature dependent slope with the 100% folded values at 7 °C at both pH 7 and 2.5 derived as [θ]obs/ χF (NMR). The [θ]F,0°C values used to generate the melting curves in Fig. 5 were: TC10b (−18,350°, −16,700° at pH 2.5), [D9E] (−16,480°, −18,300° at pH 2.5), [D9E,R16K] (–14,700°), [D9R,R16E] (−15,200°, −13,650° at pH 2.5), [D9E, R16O] (−16,300°), [R16K] (−15,820°), and [R16O] (−15,600°, −12,700° at pH 2.5). With the exception of the [D9E] mutant, [θ]F,0°C, values were reduced by 9-18% at pH 2.5 versus 7.
There is one other report of Trp-cage CD baselines; Streicher and Makhatadze (2007) arrived at [θ]222N = [−18000 + 44 • (T, °C)]° and [θ]222U = [−4740 − 7.4 • (T, °C)]° for TC5b. The former corresponds to a 0.24%, rather than 0.32%, loss of signal per °C for the folded state. Even though the unfolded baseline of Streicher and Makhatadze is significantly different than our 7 M Gdm Cl baseline for TC5b (-661 – 29.6 •T), in no case would the use of this alternative unfolded baseline and the smaller [θ]222-gradient for the folded state change a reported Tm value by more than 2 °C.
An R16K mutation of the D9/R16 unit has already been reported (21) for TC10b, and D9N and R16Nva (norvaline, the des-guanidino analog of Arg) mutations were reported for the corresponding sequence with an N-terminal Asn. Additional data for the R16K mutant is included in this report. As anticipated, based on a fold stabilizing role for a D9/R16 salt bridge, the destabilization of TC10b (ΔTm = −17 °C) observed on protonation of the carboxylates (pH 2.5 versus pH 7) disappeared for the (D1N,R16Nva) double mutation. The R16K mutation was destabilizing, but the stability loss was less than the factor associated with the D9/R16 interaction, suggesting that the D/K charge/charge interaction does provide some fold stabilization. This, together with our concerns about the conclusions reported by Perczel and co-workers (56), prompted us to examine additional mutations of TC10b to probe the chain length dependence and directionality of this Coulombic effect. The [D9E], [R16Orn], [D9E,R16Orn], [D9E,R16K], and [D9R,R16E] mutants were prepared. The CD melts for the newly synthesized species at pH 7 are compared to the ‘wild-type’ in Figure 1.
It was immediately apparent that WT TC10b displayed the largest [θ]222-values and the sharpest unfolding transition in the CD melt. All of the mutants displayed smaller ellipticities at the low temperature limit but the [D9E] mutant had, in agreement with reported data for this mutation of TC5b, the largest negative ellipticities at the higher temperatures. All of the mutants displayed less cooperative melts and less evidence of approaching a 100% folded plateau at the low temperature. The three species that were also examined at pH 2.5 (Fig. S1, Supporting Information), displayed clear evidence of fold destabilization as a result of carboxylate protonation; of these, the [D9E] mutant displayed the smallest acidification-induced change in the apparent Tm. However, these changes cannot be assigned exclusively to disruption of the residue 9/16 sidechain interaction, vide infra. For an initial estimate of Tm values (Table 1), we assumed that the CD spectrum for the fully-folded Trp-cage state at the two pH values is not changed by these mutations. Since this assumption is not necessarily valid, we also examined chemical shift measures of folding.
Table 1.
NMR and CD Measures of Fold Stability for TC10b and its Mutants at 280K. The CD melting temperatures reported herein assume that the folded and unfolded baselines for TC10b (at each pH) apply for all of the mutants.
Peptide | Sequence | Σ CSD’s (+ 11α2) | ΔδG11 | TM CD (°C) vs 10b ref |
TC10b | DAYAQWLKDGGPSSGRPPPS | 6.534 (10.028) | 2.486 | 56 |
pH 2.5 | 5.80 (8.67 ) | 1.700 | 39 | |
D9E | DAYAQWLKEGGPSSGRPPPS | 6.436 (9.725) | 2.203 | 52 |
pH 2.5 | 5.61 | n. a. | 44 | |
D9E R16K | DAYAQWLKEGGPSSGKPPPS | 6.236 (9.399) | 2.067 | 47 |
D9R R16E | DAYAQWLKRGGPSSGEPPPS | 6.204 (9.059) | 1.648 | 47 |
pH 2.5 | 4.81 (7.33 ) | 1.623 | 17 | |
R16K | DAYAQWLKDGGPSSGKPPPS | 6.059 (9.128) | 1.976 | 46 |
D9E R16O | DAYAQWLKEGGPSSGOPPPS | 5.972 (9.038) | 1.989 | 46 |
R16O | DAYAQWLKDGGPSSGOPPPS | 5.732 (8.684) | 1.872 | 42 |
pH 2.5 | 5.13 (7.71 ) | 1.440 | 21 |
The Trp-cage fold displays consistent dramatic upfield shifts due to ring current effects. The sum of the L7α, P18α,β3 and P19δ2,δ3 CSDs has been established as a measure of the extent of cage formation (21); when available, the CSD of the upfield G11Hα is also included in this measure of the extent of folding. The diastereotopic chemical shift difference observed for the Gly11 CH2 (ΔδG11) is another useful diagnostic. In prior studies (1, 19, 21, 42), partial melting as well as all destabilizing mutations decreased ΔδG11, reflecting increases in the contribution of the unfolded state. However, changes in ΔδG11 could also reflect changes in geometry of the loop connecting the helix to the docked triproline unit or the fluxionality of the fold.
The entries in Table 1 appear in order of decreasing values for the chemical shift changes that are diagnostic of cage formation. This also corresponds to the ordering based on the apparent melting temperatures. The ranking based on ΔδG11 has one notable outlier, the [D9R,R16E] double mutant that reverses the directionality of the potential ‘salt bridge’, has the smallest ΔδG11 value at pH 7 and this value does not decrease on acidification, even though other measures of folding indicate decreased fold stability at pH 2.5. There is an acceptable correlation (R2 = 0.72) between the Σ CSDs measure of folding and the amplitude of the CD spectrum, as gauged by the –([θ]obv – [θ]U) values at 222 nm (Figure 2). The effects of acidification and partial melting are also included in Figure 2.
Figure 2.
The correlation between Σ CSDs and −([θ]obv − [θ]U) values: solid symbols (● for pH 7, ▲ for pH 2.5 at 280K, open symbols for 300K data). Extrapolation of the best fit line to ([θ]obv − [θ]U) = 0 yields a Σ CSDs value of 1.6, suggesting some residual structuring is present in the unfolded state.
One anticipated effect of acidification on fold stability is constant in this series. Asp- has a larger N-capping constant than Asp0: Ncap = 12 versus 4.8 based on a recent recalibration (58) of the extended Lifson-Roig helix/coil (59) parameters. As a result, protonation of the N-terminal Asp destabilizes the N-terminal helix and thus the Trp-cage fold. This effect would be expected to be a constant context effect throughout the series examined herein. The ΔΔGF increment for N-terminal Asp protonation in model helices is circa +2 kJ/mol.
Since residue 9 is the C-terminus of this α helix, substitutions at D9 (and ionization state changes at this site) could also influence fold stability by affecting intrinsic helix stability. The effects of substitutions at the C-terminal helix site can be modeled in a peptide helix, Ac-KAAAAKAAAAKAAAAXGY-NH2, by varying the X site residue (X = R, A, N, E, and D). Asn was used as a surrogate for Asp0. The CSDs of the 13C=O units (60, 61) of the underlined alanine sites were used to monitor helicity changes, Figure 3.
Figure 3.
A sequence plot of the Ala 13C=O CSDs along the sequence of Ac-KAAAAKAAAAKAAAAXGY -NH2 (upper panel) and the desacetyl species (lower panel) at pH 7: in the central repeat a CSD of 3.5 ppm corresponds to 100% helicity. For the less stable desacetyl peptides, the relative helicities are in the same order with all values are decreased; however, the differences (in ΔΔG units) are exaggerated in the less stable desacetyl series of peptides.
The data in Figure 3 shows that an Asp→Glu mutation at the C-terminus of a peptide helix results in a significant increase in helicity at pH 7. This effect should apply to both the folded and unfolded state of Trp-cage sequences with this mutation. Helicity ΔΔGF values for the acetylated species, derived from the CSDs observed in the central repeat (60), were - X (ΔΔGF): R+ (−0.40), A (0.0 the reference), N (+0.20), E- (+0.97), and D- (+1.73 kJ/mol). These can serve as an estimate of the changes in Trp-cage stabilities that might be expected from D9 mutation effects on helix stability. On this basis, protonation of D9 (modeled as the D→N change at pH 7) is predicted to be significantly fold-destabilizing. The less stable desacetyl species presents fractional helicities similar to those observed for Trp-cage sequences truncated to prevent cage formation. In the desacetyl system, ΔΔGF (D→N) = 1.8 kJ/mol, essentially the same value as in the acetylated helices. A D9E mutation, is thus expected to be both fold stabilizing and to effect increased helicity in the unfolded state. Protonation effects for the [D9E]-mutants would be expected to be smaller since the charge is further away from the helix macrodipole when the sidechain is longer.
There have been a number of examples in which salt-bridge stabilization remains for residue swaps (for both D/R and E/R interactions, examples appear in protein kinase activation studies (11)). Such reports prompted us to examine a [D9R,R16E] mutation. This residue swap also serves as an additional probe of potential helix C-termination effects. In the present case, an Arg+ sidechain at the helix C-terminus should be helix stabilizing at all pH’s examined. Key CSD comparisons between TC10b and the current set of analogs appear in Figure 4. While the structuring chemical shifts at essentially all proton sites of the other TC10b mutants were uniformly concordant with those of the WT, indicating the formation of essentially the same fold geometry; the [D9R,R16E]-mutant presented a number of changes.
Figure 4.
Chemical shift deviations comparisons for TC10b and mutants with mutations at D9 and/or R16. All CSDs were measured at pH 7 and 280K. The P19Hδ entry is the sum of the CSDs for the two Hδ resonances.
Of particular note, the downfield shifts at P12Hβ3 and 16Hα indicate that these two protons are quite close to the indole ring plane independent of amino acid substitutions at residues 9 and 16: the geometry of the loop and 310 helix connecting the α helix to the tri-Pro unit appears to be the same. These positive CSDs appear to reflect the same order of fold stability as the negative ring currents shifts at G11Hα2, P18α,β3. The most notable changes associated with reversing the positions of the Glu and Arg units are: a further downfield shift for RHε, increased negative CSDs at W6Hα as well as P19 CδH2 and, as previously noted, a distinctly different CSD ratio for G11Hα2 and Hα3. While the change in G11-CH2 shifts could represent either a repositioning of the indole ring, or a change in backbone geometry in the G10-P12 loop region, these seemed to be ruled out by the typical P12Hβ3 and 16Hα CSDs. Since both of these species were greater than 93 % folded at 280K (vide infra), higher precision NOESY data was collected for the calculation of NMR structure ensembles. Representative member of the ensembles appear in Figure 6 (vide infra) with the complete constraints, the ensembles and statistics appearing in the Supporting Information.
Figure 6.
A comparison of the salt-bridge mutant structures to the prior TC10b NMR ensemble. Representative structures from each ensemble are shown in panel A with the residue 2 – 19 backbone and the heavy atoms of residues 3, 6, 12, 16, 18 and 19: TC10b (black), [D9E] (green) and [D9R,R16E] (red). Panel B shows an R9/E16 geometry that is frequently observed in the ensemble.
Do Salt Bridge Alterations Change the Trp-Cage Structure?
Perczel and co-workers (56) reported that a [D9E] mutation in the marginally stable TC5b Trp-cage results in a “more compact and more thermoresistant” structure and presented NMR structure ensembles for TC5b and its [D9E] mutant at both 282 and 300K. Even in the NMR ensembles generated based on the lower temperature NOE data, TC5b and [D9E]-TC5b did not display backbone overlap over the residue 10 – 19 span. The NMR ensembles generated for the mutant were based on a much larger number of NOE distance restraints (324 of which 210 were inter-residue). Although the key CSDs associated with ring current effects were very similar, there were some differences noted for the NOEs; e.g. Hudáky et al. reported that the [D9E] mutant lacked NOE connectivities between the Y3 sidechain and P19 sites. These through-space interactions were, however, observed for the D9E mutant of TC10b; in fact, they were observed for all of the new analogs prepared in this study. In the present study, the number of long-range NOE constraints (residue i to i + n sites, n > 3) employed in the NMR structure elucidations were: 40 and 55 for the [D9E] and [D9R,R16E]-mutants, respectively.
Ring current calculations on structures generated during MD runs (62) starting from the our published TC5b structure have revealed that residue 3 – 19 backbone RMSDs within 0.9Å of the starting structure are required to rationalize the ring-current CSDs observed for Trp-cage species (21). The observation that all of the mutants examined in this study reproduce (Fig. 4) the key CSDs of the Trp-cage, including the upfield shifts at 12β3 and 16α, thus implies structures within a 1Å backbone RMSD of the standard Trp-cage conformation. In Barua et al. (21) we also indicated, without presenting the details, that as few as 52 medium- and long-range constraints are sufficient to generate an ensemble within a 0.63±0.17Å backbone RMSD of our published TC5b structure. In the Supporting Information, we demonstrate that a limited set of NOEs also serve to generate TC10b structures that predict all of the ring current shifts. Although high precision NOESYs for a structure elucidation were not obtained for all of the new analogs, a survey of the NOESY data collected during the course of spectral assignment revealed that all of the new species in this report displayed a common set of 77 NOEs (of which 35 provided long-range constraints as defined above); this set of NOEs provides an NMR ensemble with an intra-ensemble 0.82±0.33Å residue 3-19 backbone RMSD, and within 0.90±0.39Å of a typical member of the published TC10b ensemble generated with the full set (186) of NOE constraints (of which 32 were long-range). Including one additional NOE constraint, between methylene hydrogens of residues 9 and 14, which was present for TC10b and its [D9E] and [D9R,R16E] mutants, greatly improved convergence (intra-ensemble RMSD 0.58±0.19Å, nearly comparable to the value obtained with the full set of TC10b constraints, 0.41±0.14Å) and provides full agreement with the literature structure of TC10b. As a result, we conclude that ‘salt bridge’ mutations of TC10b do not alter the cage conformation in an appreciable way. NOESY-based structure elucidations were also viewed as inappropriate for mutants and conditions in which the cage is less than 75% folded: under such conditions the accuracy of medium- and long-range distance constraints derived from exchange-averaged NOE intensities will be compromised and some of the short range constraints predominantly reflect the coil state. This combination often results in either larger deviation between the distance constraints and distances in the structure ensemble or false convergence to a compromise structure. NMR structures were derived for the [D9R,R16E]- and [D9E]-mutants, among the most folded mutants examined, in an attempt to determine how these sidechains and P19 orient relative to the indole ring (vide infra).
All of the TC10b mutants examined in the present study displayed additional TOCSY and NOESY peaks due to species with cis Xaa-Pro linkages that are not in rapid equilibrium with the all-trans species that folds to the Trp-cage conformation (Fig. S2 of Supporting Information); these increase in intensity on warming and acidification. Minor isomer peaks were totally absent in the spectra recorded for TC10b. This observation stands as irrefutable evidence that the Trp-cage fold is significantly destabilized for all of the mutations examined.
Based on exchange broadening effects, cage folding dynamics appear to be similar to other constructs with comparable Tm values. The highly shifted G11Hα2 signal typically broadens into the base plane by 300 or 310K and, in the case of the D9E mutant, is absent at pH 2.5 even at 280K. The two exceptions to these generalities were the D9R,R16E and R16O mutants, which provided 2D spectra with G11α2/α3 cross-peaks at all temperatures even at pH 2.5. This was particularly surprising for the R16O, the least stable of the mutants, and may indicate faster folding dynamics with this short sidechain at the residue 16 site.
Rationalizing the Melting Behavior of [D9E] and other mutated Trp-cages
As in the case of TC5b, a [D9E] mutation of the more stable TC10b fold showed little change in the CD melting temperature. If we use the steepness of the melt (measured, for example, as Δ[θ]222/ΔT near the melt midpoint) as a measure of cooperativity, [D9E]-TC10b and the other mutants appear to display some loss of melting cooperativity (Fig.1). This measure, however, could be inaccurate if the 100% folded [θ]222-values for the different analogs differ significantly. As a result, we opted to convert the CD melts to χU versus T plots by estimating the 100% folded [θ]222-values at 280K for each species as [θ]obs / χF, with the χF value derived from NMR fold measures, as 0.994• (ΣCSDobs / ΣCSDTC10b): amide exchange protection indicates that TC10b is 99.4% folded under these conditions. The resulting melts appear in Figure 5.
The differences in apparent cooperativity are significantly reduced after this calibration, but some distinction remains. TC10b and its [D9E] mutant have quite similar melts at both pH’s examined. Using ΔχU/ΔT in the near linear portion of the plots, as the measure of cooperativity, the [D9E] and [D9R,R16E] mutants melt somewhat less cooperatively than TC10b and the other mutants display distinctly less cooperative melting. All of the salt bridge mutants appear to retain more negative [θ]222 values at the higher temperatures than would be expected based on the extent of folding at the low temperature limit or their respective Tm values; these deviations are larger for the species with a D9E or D9R mutation. This is apparent in attempts to fit the CD melting curves to the sigmoidal curve form expected for a two-state equilibrium (see Supporting Information).
The CD minimum at 222 nm observed for Trp-cage species is predominantly due to the coupled n→π* transition of amides in the α helix. Tyr and Trp sidechain chromophores also contribute; the larger –[θ]222 values (21,900° vs 18,350° for TC10b) Trp-cage species with d-Ala’s replacing G10 and G15 (53) likely reflects the further restriction of χ values for the aromatic residues in this more stable Trp-cage species. Nonetheless, it appears prudent to also consider the implications of viewing the χF values from Figure 5 as helicity rather than global folding measures. If there is residual helicity in the unfolded state, this would be reflected by a failure to display complete CD melting. Peptide helices generally display less cooperative CD melting ‘curves’ than helical proteins, with a more gradual, nearly linear, loss in fractional helicity on warming. Based on the data presented for model helices (Fig. 3), which indicate that aspartate is the least favorable helix C-terminus, any of the substitutions at this site should enhance helicity, particularly in the unfolded state. Residual –[θ]222 values at the higher temperatures could reflect the CD contribution of helical species lacking the full cage structure. Since we view the NMR measures as the more accurate measures of cage fold populations, the remaining discussion will rely largely on NMR studies.
Trp-cage NMR Structure Comparisons: D9/R16 versus E9/R16 and R9/E16, Effects of the Glu/Arg swap
The NOESY data sets for [D9E]- and [D9R,R16E]-TC10b provided a sufficiently rich web of NOE constraints to define their Trp-cage residue 3 – 19 backbone conformations to within intra-residue RMSDs less than 0.3 Å (further details appear in the Supporting Information). As a result, a representative structure close to each mean can be used to represent these structures. These representative structures are superimposed on the TC10b structure in Figure 6. The [D9E]-mutant structure lies within the TC10b ensemble and, like the TC10b structure, places the R16 sidechain wrapping around the backside of the Trp indole ring. This function, providing burial of the Trp residue, cannot be filled by the shorter E16 sidechain. This would be expected to be a fold stabilizing effect of R16 that is unrelated to salt-bridge effects. Pi-cation effects, an alternative source of stabilization associated with R16, appear highly unlikely since a favorable Arg/Trp π-cation effect would require placing the planar guanidinium unit (as a π-cation) over the electron-rich face of the indole ring: the TC10b and [D9E]-TC10b structures place the guanidino-group of Arg in the electron-poor nodal plane rather than π-cloud of the indole.
The TC10b and [D9E]-TC10b structures do not provide evidence of an H-bonded D9/R16 salt bridge. This could reflect the lack of definable sidechain/sidechain NOEs; but in the case of [D9E]-TC10b, the addition of distance constraints that would enforce a tighter salt-bridge interaction introduces greater violations for NOE-based distance constraints. We have previously reported (21) that TC10b structures can be generated with an H-bonded salt bridge.
In the case of the [D9R,R16E]-mutant, there appear to be some structural differences: 1) even though the 3-19 backbone RMSD is more converged (0.17±0.09Å) in the NMR ensemble, it lies outside of the limits for the TC10b ensemble (<RMSD> = 0.63Å versus the TC10b representative), 2) a significant cluster of structures display a tighter salt-bridge geometry (see panel B in Fig. 6), and 3) P19 and the indole ring are in closer contact. The displacement of P19 unit closer the indole ring is consistent with the observation of slightly larger upfield ring current shifts for 19Hδδ’ and also alters the G11Hα2,3 ring current prediction toward the ΔδG11 observed for the [D9R,R16E] analog. The [D9R,R16E] analog ensemble also provides an explanation for the downfield shift of R9Hε (Fig. 4). This proton appears nearly in the deshielding, nodal plane of the indole ring. An H-bond to the E16 carboxylate (Fig. 6 panel B) would also result in deshielding.
Efforts to Evaluate the ΔGU Contributions of Alternate ‘Salt Bridge’ Pairings to Cage Formation
For salt bridged systems there are two potential sources of ΔΔG information, changes in fold population associated with each mutation, (mΔΔGU), and the effect of acidification, ΔΔGU(pH). However, there are complicating factors in the analysis of each of these ΔΔG’s in the present case. Acidification alters a number of features that could affect structure stability. As previously noted, the effects of protonation of the helix-N-capping Asp (and the C-terminal Ser-CO2-) are constant throughout the series, but the effects of protonating the Glu or Asp at the C-terminus of the α helix are not. Protonation of Asp1 decreases the Trp-cage fold population by its effect on the intrinsic helicity of the N-terminal helix. The effect could be greater for CD measures of folding since removal of the N-cap would increase terminal fraying and decrease [θ]222 to a greater extent than it would decrease the cage fold population. As support for this view, we note that, with the exception of the [D9E] mutant, extrapolated [θ]F,0°C, values were reduced by 9-18% at pH 2.5 versus 7. A decrease in [θ]222 upon acidification is also observed (data not shown) for a hyperstable Trp-cage (53) which is >97% folded at both 7 to 2.5.
For species with an Asp at residue 9, the C-terminus of the helix, the helix destabilization associated with D1 protonation should be largely offset by the opposing helix stability effects associated with C-terminal Coulombic effect on the helix: the ΔΔGhelix factors for N- and C-terminal Asp, versus alanine, measured in our laboratory are: N-terminal Asp (−3.7 ± 0.3 at pH 7, −2.0 ± 0.2 kJ/mol at pH 2.5), and for a C-terminal Asp (+2.0 ± 0.3 at pH 7, +0.5 ± 0.3 at pH 2.5) (58). If these values apply to the Trp-cage, protonation at both D1 and D9 would be fold disfavoring by only 0.2 kJ/mol due to intrinsic helicity changes; a larger effect (~1.7 kJ/mol) would be expected for any mutated sequence with Glu or Arg at residue 9. By this analysis, significant fold destabilization upon acidification for TC10b and any mutant retaining D9 implies that the Coulombic interaction between D9 and the residue-16 sidechain function is stabilizing. Table 2 collects ΔGU measures derived from chemical shifts and compares these with the values from the CD data. The Table includes the mΔΔGU values for each mutation and ΔΔGU(pH) values for those mutants examined at both pHs. The ΔG values are reported at both 280 and 300K; the values at 300K are viewed as more accurate, since these represent comparisons under conditions for which χF is bracketed in the 0.46 – 0.88 range for the mutants, where the uncertainty in the 100% and 0% folded baselines (and potential differences in CSD values associated with the mutations) will have less effect on the calculations. The agreement in ΔΔG measures derived from NMR and CD data is quite good; the same ranking of relative stabilities for the mutants results. Since variable levels of helicity in the unfolded state and the residual helicity of cis-Xxx-Pro conformers that can not form the Trp-cage also contribute to the CD, the analysis of ring current shift measures of cage population will be emphasized.
The ΔΔGU(pH) measures at 300K will be considered first. With 0.2 and 1.7 kJ corrections for intrinsic helicity contributions for species with and without D9, respectively, the fold stabilizing contribution of the favorable Coulombic interactions between the residue 9 and 16 sidechains range from 1.2 – 3.8 kJ/mol, with the following ranking: D9/R16 > E9/R16 > R9/E16 > E9/O16. It is, however, difficult to judge when (if at all) this interaction shifts from being only an attractive Coulombic effect to an H-bonded salt bridge. At 280K, all of the D9/R16, E9/R16 and R9/E16 effects are significantly larger; with the ‘native salt-bridge’ contribution exceeding 5 kJ/mol.
Turning to the mΔΔGU effects of a D9E mutation upon TC10b, this mutation is destabilizing by about 1 kJ/mol at 300K, and a significantly larger (≥ 3 kJ), but less well determined amount at lower temperatures. However, when R16 is replaced by either Lys or Orn, a D9E mutation has a fold-stabilizing effect (0.7 – 1.4 kJ/mol, whether the measurements are made at 280 or 300K by either CD or NMR). Since all prior mutations (N1D, L2A, I4A and K8A) that stabilize the N-terminal helix have resulted in comparable increases in the cage fold population (20, 21), stabilization of the Trp-cage fold by a D9E mutation would be expected in the absence of a salt-bridge; reflecting the enhancement of the intrinsic helix formation propensity. Reflecting the salt bridge, the fold destabilizing effects of R16K and R16O mutations are significantly greater for D9 species (~3 kJ/mol) than E9 species (0.8 – 1.7 kJ). Specific cage-stabilizing interactions, other than salt-bridging, associated with R16 are suggested by the observation that all analogs with a substitution at Arg16 are significantly destabilized: ≥2 kJ/mol at 300K (> 5 kJ at 280K). The NMR structure ensemble suggests that this reflects burial of the indole ring by the (CH2CH2) unit of R16.
The NMR and CD studies reported herein for salt-bridge mutants of TC10b do not support the contention (56) that an E9/R16 salt-bridge provides superior stabilization of the Trp-cage than the D9/R16 unit that had been used in all prior cage constructs. Cage-stabilizing effects, if any, of [D9E] substitutions are due to contributions from an intrinsic helicity increase not improvements in salt-bridging. The helix disfavoring effect (~2 kJ/mol) of an Asp- at the C-terminus of a helix has been recognized previously (63, 64) but the present study represents the first quantitation of the effect (Fig. 3) and a demonstration that it has consequences in protein folding thermodynamics.
We view the absence of NMR peaks for cis-Xaa-Pro isomers, which are observed for all of the salt bridge mutants, for WT TC10b and the enhancement of folding cooperativity as the most compelling evidence for the greater fold stability of this species and salt bridge optimization with the D9/R16 unit. The ΔΔG data in Table 2 also provides evidence: 1) at 300K, Lys and Orn substitutions at R16 are less destabilizing (0.8-1.7 kJ) for E9 species than D9 species (3 – 3.2 kJ), 2) the greater ΔGU for the D9E mutant at pH 2.5 as measured by CD rather than NMR (which follows only the cage measures) suggests contributions from unfolded states which retain helicity (which would include the cis-Xaa-Pro species), and 3) the fold stabilizing effects of D9E when R16 is absent. The last of these, together with the demonstration of the destabilizing effect of the ionized sidechain of D9 in model helices, suggest that it should be possible to design Trp-cage constructs that are significantly more stable under acidic conditions. Efforts in this direction are in progress.
The Trp-cage continues to provide insights into the features that stabilize both miniprotein constructs and natural proteins. The well-defined fold, and reproducible chemical shift diagnostics of the Trp-cage allow access to and the interpretation of quite small (1-2 kJ/mol) stability changes. We expect that these features will continue to be a hallmark of Trp-cage studies and applications.
Supplementary Material
the standard one-and three-letter symbols for amino acids are employed
trifluoroacetic acid
chemical shift deviation
The authors acknowledge the NIH for financial support (GM059658) of this work.
SUPPORTING INFORMATION AVAILABLE Supporting information available includes six supporting figures including the raw CD data, thermodynamic fits, additional CD melts under acidic conditions, and the NMR evidence for trans-Xaa-Pro isomers of [D9E]-TC10b. Details of NMR ensemble generation methods including Tables of NMR structure statistics and NOE distance constraints, complete 1H resonance assignments for [D9E]-TC10b and [D9R,R16E]-TC10b are also included. This material is available free of charge via the internet at http://pubs.acs.org.
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