Heat shock protein (Hsp)47 is a collagen-binding stress protein localized in the endoplasmic reticulum and is thought to have chaperone-like functions that are specific to procollagen biosynthesis. In previous papers, we reported that the expression of Hsp47 is closely correlated with that of various types of collagen in various cell lines and also in the progression of experimental liver fibrosis. In the present study, the expression of Hsp47 was examined during the development of mouse embryos by immunostaining with an anti-Hsp47 antiserum. The spatio-temporal correlation of the expression of Hsp47 with those of types I and II collagen was also examined using specific antisera. Hsp47 expression during embryogenesis was observed mainly in mesoderm and in tissues that are derived from mesoderm, such as connective tissue, cartilage, bone, notochord and somites. Hsp47 was also detected in tissues derived from the neural crest mesenchyme. In the central nervous system, Hsp47 was detected in some restricted regions where cells proliferate, such as the ventral area of the neural tube and choroid plexus. Immunostaining for types I and II collagen revealed the spatial and temporal correlations of the expression of these proteins with that of Hsp47. These results suggest the biological importance of Hsp47 as a collagen-specific molecular chaperone in the mouse developmental program.
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