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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2012 Sep 1.
Published in final edited form as: J Adolesc Health. 2011 Apr 22;49(3):278–286. doi: 10.1016/j.jadohealth.2010.12.012

Adverse adolescent relationship histories and young adult health: Cumulative effects of loneliness, low parental support, relationship instability, intimate partner violence and loss

Emma K Adam a,b,*, Laura Chyu a, Lindsay Hoyt a,b, Leah D Doane a,b, Johanne Boisjoly c, Greg Duncan d, Lindsay Chase-Lansdale a,b, Thomas W McDade a,e
PMCID: PMC3160601  NIHMSID: NIHMS260479  PMID: 21856520



To examine the associations between adverse interpersonal relationship histories experienced during adolescence and health in young adulthood in a large, nationally representative sample.


Using data from Waves I, II and III of the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health, multiple adverse relationship experiences are examined, including high loneliness, low perceived parental support, frequent transitions in romantic relationships (relationship instability), exposure to intimate partner violence, and loss by death of important relationship figures. These histories are assessed, both individually and in a relationship risk index, as predictors of self-reported general health and depressive symptoms at Wave III (ages 18 to 27), controlling for baseline (Wave I) health and for demographic and health behavior covariates.


Net of baseline health and covariates, each type of relationship risk (experienced between Wave I and Wave III) was related to either depression or general health at Wave III, with the strongest effects seen for exposure to intimate partner violence. In addition, a cumulative relationship risk index examining the extent to which youth experienced high levels of multiple relationship risk factors revealed that each additional adverse relationship experience increased the odds of reporting poor mental and general health at Wave III, with increases occurring in an additive manner.


Multiple types of adverse relationship experiences predicted increases in poor general health and depressive symptoms from adolescence to early adulthood. Consistent with a cumulative risk hypothesis, the more types of adverse relationship experiences a youth experienced, the worse their young adult health outcomes.


Humans are social beings; social relationships play a central role in our lives. From infancy onward, we depend on others to help meet basic needs of sustenance, shelter and protection, to provide instrumental and emotional support, to serve as sources of companionship, comfort and pleasure, and as partners in childbearing and childrearing. Developing and maintaining positive social relationships are among the most important developmental tasks of infancy, childhood and adolescence [1]. Not surprisingly, variations in social relationship experiences have been related to individual differences in emotional and physical health [24]. Social relationships are thought to affect health via multiple pathways, including: direct impacts on negative and positive affect; changes in perceptions of and responses to stressors; impacts on stress-sensitive biological systems; and changes in health behaviors [5, 6].

Much of the prior research on social relationships and health has focused on the positive side of social relationships – the stress-buffering and health-promoting role of strong social supports and integration within large social networks [3, 5]. Yet, theoretical models have also proposed direct negative effects of adverse social experiences on health [57]. Taking a “cumulative relationship risk” approach, we argue that cumulative exposure to multiple adverse relationship experiences may be particularly deleterious for health. We also argue that certain types of adverse relationship experiences are most likely to be related to poor health -- those that are directly threatening to the social or physical self [8]. Here, we focus on high perceived loneliness, low parental support, instability in romantic relationships, violence in intimate relationships, and loss by death of important relationship figures. Before elaborating our hypotheses, we briefly discuss existing research on each of these relationship risks and emotional and physical health.


Loneliness, or the perceived absence of supportive social relationships, has recently emerged as a key variable predicting health [9]. Loneliness has been linked to depression, nausea, headaches, and eating disturbances [9, 10], sleep disturbances [11], and poorer immune and cardiovascular functioning [9, 12]. In addition, loneliness has been found to activate biological stress processes [13] and contribute to poorer health practices [14], providing several mechanisms by which loneliness may influence emotional and physical health outcomes.

Low Parental Support

In addition to providing for basic material and physical needs, parents play a central role in regulating the affect, behavior and physiology of their children [4]. The presence of a sensitive caregiver can buffer physiological responses to stressful events [4, 15], while the absence of warm and sensitive parenting, and exposure to parental anger or conflict are associated with physiological dysregulation [16, 17]. In theoretical models of the family environment and health, such as the “Risky Families Model” [7], low levels of parental support are hypothesized to be a major causal contributor to emotional and physical health problems in adulthood.

Romantic Relationship Instability

Recent theory and research has pointed to relationship instability as a contributor to negative outcomes in adolescents. For example, frequent changes in parent figures have been related to emotional, behavioral and physical health problems [18, 19]. There has been less research on the effects of instability in adolescent romantic relationships on health, although studies have linked adolescent romantic break ups to increased depressive symptoms [20]. Whether romantic relationship instability predicts physical health outcomes has not to our knowledge been examined.

Intimate Partner Violence (IPV)

IPV is defined as physical, sexual, and perceived emotional abuse within a romantic relationship [21]. IPV has been associated with depression and post-traumatic stress disorder [22, 23], and a wide range of physical health conditions including: chronic pain, arthritis, severe headaches; gastrointestinal disorders; and cardiovascular problems [2426]. Some of these effects are mediated by the chronic stress and fear associated with IPV. Given that IPV threatens both the physical and the social self, we expect it to be a strong predictor of ill health.


A large body of evidence has linked the experience of loss or bereavement with emotional, behavioral, and physical health problems [2729]. Increased rates of major depression have been found among adolescents who were exposed to a friend's suicide [27] or the death of a parent [28]. Bereaved children also experience greater somatic symptoms such as gastrointestinal problems, stomachaches, and headaches [30]. Bereavement has been linked to short-term dysregulation of neuroendocrine and immune systems, but limited evidence exists on the long-term physical health consequences of childhood or adolescent bereavement [3133].

Cumulative Relationship Risk

While each of the relationship risks described above have been individually related to health in separate studies, we hypothesize that an accumulation of these risks will be particularly deleterious for mental and physical health. Rather than being singly determined, adverse outcomes are thought to be best predicted by the number of risk factors present [34, 35]. We will examine whether youth exposed to multiple relationship risks are at higher risk for negative emotional and health outcomes in young adulthood, controlling for baseline health and demographic and health behavior covariates.


Procedures and Participants

Our data come from the first three waves of the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health (Add Health), which measures adolescents' social, economic, psychological and physical well-being and contextual data on family, neighborhood, community, school, friendships and romantic relationships. Add Health is a nationally representative, probability-based longitudinal survey of adolescents in grades 7–12 in the United States in 1995 [36]. It used a multistage, stratified, school-based clustered sampling design with 80 schools selected with probability proportional to size [37].

Wave I (1994–1995) included 20,745 adolescents (aged 11–20) and their parents. All adolescents in grade 7 through 11 in Wave I (but not those in grade 12) were targeted about one year later for the Wave II interview (n=14,738). Wave III took place from 2000–2001 (ages 18–27, n=15,197), targeting all respondents from Wave I. Our final analytical sample (n=10,149) included respondents who participated in all three waves, were in grades 7–11 at Wave I, and had valid sampling weights. Approval was obtained from the Northwestern University Institutional Review Board to conduct secondary analyses of the Add Health data.


Health Outcomes

Our dependent variables were measures of self-reported general health and mental health (depressive symptoms) at Wave III. General health was assessed from the question, “In general, how is your health?” (response choices included excellent=1; very good=2; good=3; fair=4; poor=5). A depressive symptoms scale was created by taking the mean of the following items from the Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale [38]: felt blue; bothered by things that don't usually bother you; frequent crying; felt depressed, had trouble keeping mind on things; did not enjoy life; did not feel just as good as other people; felt disliked by people; felt sad; and felt too tired to do things (never/rarely; sometimes; a lot of the time; most/all of the time; α=0.79).

Adverse Interpersonal Relationship Experiences

Adverse relationship experiences were measured at Waves I and II, and in the case of the romantic relationship history and loss variables, retrospectively at Wave III.

Loneliness/Perceived Social Acceptance

Loneliness was measured on a 4 point scale reflecting how often respondents reported feeling lonely (never or rarely; sometimes; a lot of the time; most or all of the time), averaged across Waves I and II. Perceived social acceptance was measured by averaging responses, on a 5-point scale from strongly disagree to strongly agree, across Waves I and II to: “Do you feel socially accepted?” and “Do you feel loved and wanted?” Loneliness and acceptance measures were examined separately because they were only moderately correlated (r = −0.37).

Parental Support

A parental support scale was created by averaging responses (on a 5 point scale, with 5 indicating high support) to the following questions in Wave I and II: “how close do you feel with your mom/dad; how much does your mom/dad care about you; is your mom/dad warm and loving towards you; when you do something wrong, does your mom/dad talk with you to understand; are you satisfied with your communication with mom/dad; are you satisfied with your relationship with mom/dad”. Scales were created separately for mothers and fathers in each wave (mother: WI α=0.84, WII α=0.83; father: WI α=0.88, WII α=0.87) and then averaged across waves.

Romantic Relationship Instability

In Wave III, participants were asked to provide a list of romantic relationships experienced since 1995. Detailed relationship questions, including onset and offset dates, were asked for relationships that were sexual, rated by Add Health as important, or part of the Add Health couples sample. We calculated the number of romantic relationships transitions after the age of 16 that each respondent reported between Waves I and III. A dummy variable indicated those with “0” transitions because they had not yet initiated romantic relationships.

Intimate Partner Violence (IPV)

IVP is a binary measure of ever having experienced violent actions from an important romantic partner as reported in the Wave III detailed relationships section. Four questions on frequency of violent acts were asked of participants' two most important1 romantic relationships: (1) partner threatened, pushed or shoved, or thrown something at you; (2) partner slapped, hit, or kicked you; (3) partner insisted on or made you have sexual relations with him/her; and (4) had an injury, such as sprain, bruise, or cut, because of a fight with partner.


This binary variable indicates whether the participant experienced the loss of one or more of significant relationship figures between Waves I and III. This measure focused on the death of people who are most important in the life of the respondent: biological parents, residential parents, friends, and partners/spouses.

Cumulative Relationship Risk Index (CRRI)

We created a count variable that indicated how many relationship risks the participant had experienced. Being in the highest quartile of loneliness and/or the lowest quartile of accepted/loved added one to the count, as did being in the lowest quartile on the perceived parental support measure, the highest quartile for romantic relationship instability, ever having experienced IPV, or ever having experienced the loss of one or more close loved ones. Scores ranged from 0 to 5. From these, we created dummy variables reflecting having experienced 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4 or more relationship risks.

Demographic and Health Covariates

Basic demographic data were measured, including age, gender, race-ethnicity, parental marital status and education, participants' marital/relationship status, and race/ethnicity (Table 1). Parental education served as a proxy for socioeconomic status, due to high levels of missing data on income, and was created using the higher level of mother's or father's education. Pre-existing physical and mental conditions were measured at Wave I, including self-reported general health, asthma, heart problems, physical limitations, body mass index, depressive symptoms, low birth weight, and an index of nonspecific somatic symptoms (e.g. headaches, aches, pains, soreness). Health behaviors at Wave II, including frequency of physical exercise in the past week, whether the youth smoked cigarettes in the past month, frequency of fast food consumption in the past week, and whether the youth binge drank (had five drinks or more in row) in the past year, were included as covariates/potential mediators.

Table 1.

Weighted Descriptive Statistics for Poor Health, Depressive Symptoms, Relationship Risk Variables and Covariates.

Full Sample (N=10,828) Male (N=4,791) Female (N=5,358)

Variable Mean or % SD High Riskab Mean or % SD High Risk Mean or % SD High Risk
Relationship Risk
 Perceived loneliness .425 .554 22.8% .350 .484 18.5% .500 .612 27.3%
 Perceived social acceptance 4.227 .549 19.6% 4.273 .516 17.3% 4.180 .580 22.0%
 Perceived parental support 4.322 .559 24.1% 4.388 .484 19.4% 4.256 .625 29.0%
 Romantic relationship instability (#transitions/year) .358 .429 29.5% .362 .429 30.0% .354 .429 29.1%
 Ever experienced intimate partner violence .317 .463 31.7% .283 .432 28.3% .350 .489 35.0%
 Ever experienced loss of a loved one .083 .275 8.3% .075 .254 7.5% .091 .296 9.1%
Outcome Variables WIII
 General health (higher score reflects worse health) 2.011 .886 1.928 .817 2.096 .907
 Average depressive symptoms .507 .449 .457 .396 .557 .497
Wave I Health and Demographic Controls
 Baseline general health 2.133 .889 2.036 .858 2.191 .934
 Baseline average depressive symptoms .568 .390 .519 .338 .617 .436
 Baseline Body Mass Index 22.228 4.497 22.407 4.368 22.042 4.625
 Baseline age 14.93 1.542 15.02 1.526 14.85 1.550
 Baseline symptom count 7.310 6.478 6.656 5.428 7.972 7.418
 Baseline physical limitations 2.3% .148 2.1% .138 2.5% .159
 Baseline asthma 2.3% .148 .2% .047 .5% .072
 Baseline cardiac abnormality .1% .034 .1% .029 .1% .039
  Non-Hispanic Black 15.1% .357 14.7% .341 15.6% .373
  Hispanic 11.9% .323 12.2% .316 11.6% .329
  Non-Hispanic Native American .8% .089 .9% .093 .6% .079
  Non-Hispanic Asian/Pacific Islander 3.7% .187 4.1% .191 3.2% .182
  Non-Hispanic White 67.7% .466 67.2% .453 68.2% .478
  Non-Hispanic other race .8% .089 .9% .091 .7% .086
 Baseline family structure
  Two biological parents 57.2% .493 57.4% .477 57.0% .509
  Two parents (1 biological) 16.5% .370 16.5% .359 16.4% .380
  Single mother 19.5% .395 18.7% .376 20.4% .414
  Single father 2.9% .168 3.5% .178 2.3% .156
  Other family structure 3.9% .192 3.8% .186 3.9% .199
 Baseline parent education
  Less than high school 13.7% .343 13.5% .330 14.0% .356
  High School or GED 30.0% .457 29.6% .441 30.4% .472
  Some College 20.40% .401 19.50% .382 21.30% .420
  College 22.9% .419 24.2% .414 21.6% .423
  More than college 11.0% .312 10.9% .301 11.2% .323
 Marital status
  Married 13.6% .341 9.8% .287 17.4% .390
  Remarried .3% .051 .1% .036 .4% .064
  Divorced 1.6% .123 1.3% .107 1.9% .139
  Cohabitating 15.4% .360 14.0% .335 16.8% .384
  Widowed .02% .014 0% .000 .04% .020
  Single 69.5% .495 75.0% .418 63.8% .493
Wave II Health Behavior Controls
 Frequency of physical exercise in last week 4.949 2.537 5.402 2.443 4.490 2.546
 Days ate at fast food restaurant in past week 2.145 1.759 2.239 1.728 2.049 1.781
 Smoked cigarettes in the past 30 days 32.5% .467 31.6% .449 33.3% .484
 Binge drank in the past year (5 or more drinks in a row) 27.9% .447 30.1% .443 25.7% .449

High risk cut points were: >=.5 for loneliness, <4 for social acceptance, <=4 for perceived parental support, and 1 (ever having experienced) for loneliness and loss.


High risk cut points do not result in exact quartiles for the continuous variables due to large numbers of participants falling at the quartile-dividing scores.

Analytic Plan

All continuous predictors were standardized prior to analyses. We first examined bivariate associations between health outcomes and relationship risk variables. We then used ordinary least squares (OLS) regression for the continuous depressive symptoms outcome, and ordered logistic regression for the five-level general health outcome, to examine whether each of the individual relationship risk variables contributed to health outcomes at Wave III, controlling for baseline health and demographic covariates. Next, we tested whether cumulative relationship risk was more predictive than the individual risk variables by adding the cumulative relationship risk dummy variables. For all models, we tested interactions between the relationship risk variables and gender, to examine whether effects were similar for males and females, and tested whether the relationship risk effects remained after including Wave II health behaviors. Item-level missing data were replaced with the mean of other items in a scale/measure. Missing scale-level continuous data were handled by replacement with the population mean and inclusion of missing data dummy variables [39]. For Wave I categorical health controls, missing values were assigned the modal value. Listwise deletion was used for missing data on outcome variables and for age, race, and other demographic variables. Analyses were weighted using Add Health longitudinal sampling weights, which adjust for complex sample design, selection, and non-response [40].


Descriptive statistics

On average, participants rated their health to be very good and had relatively low levels of depressive symptoms (Table 1). Despite experiencing relatively low levels of risk on each variable (see means/proportions in Table 1), less than a third of respondents (29%) scored zero on our risk index. A slightly larger proportion, (34%) experienced one relationship risk, 24% encountered two risks, 10% encountered three risks, and only 3% were in the four or more risk category. As illustrated in Table 1, females were exposed, on average, to a slightly larger number of relationship risks than males (1.34 vs. 1.10 risks, respectively, t= −9.13, p <.001). Chi-squared tests of independence showed that females were significantly more likely to fall in the high risk category for all the relationship risk variables except romantic relationship instability.

Correlations among relationship risk variables and health outcomes

Poor health and depressive symptoms were significantly positively correlated (Table 2). In addition, poor health was significantly positively correlated with loneliness, intimate partner violence, and loss and negatively correlated with feeling accepted or loved and perceived parental support. Depressive symptoms were significantly positively correlated with loneliness, romantic relationship violence and loss, and negatively correlated with feeling accepted or loved, and perceived parental support.

Table 2.

Intercorrelation Table of Poor Health, Depressive Symptoms and Relationship Risk Main Independent Variables (N=10010).

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1. General healtha 1
2. Depressive symptoms .260*** 1
3. Loneliness .139*** .265*** 1
4. Social acceptance −.181*** −.210*** −.361*** 1
5. Parental support −.144*** −.182*** −.293*** .491*** 1
6. Romantic relationship instability .017 −.029 −.032* .016 −.007 1
7. Ever experienced relationship violence .106*** .160*** .068*** −.073*** −.120*** .135*** 1
8. Ever experienced loss .033* .037** .038** −.026 −.031* −.015 .012 1








Intercorrelations used Bonferonni adjusted significance levels.


Higher scores indicate worse health

Multivariate associations between relationship risks and health outcomes

Table 3 shows results from multivariate models examining the effect of each relationship risk variable on general health and depressive symptoms while controlling for the other relationship risk variables, baseline health and demographic covariates. Each of the relationship risk predictors made a unique contribution to predicting at least one of the two health outcomes (all p <.05, except loss, p<.10).

Table 3.

Ordered Logit predicting poor health and OLS Regressions predicting depressive symptoms at Wave III from cumulative relationship risk independent variables and controls.

General Healtha (N=9850) Depressive Symptoms (N=9798)
Odds Ratio t p β t p
Relationship Risk
 Loneliness 1.046 1.25 .215 .062 3.46 .001
 Social acceptance .883 −3.94 .000 −.058 −4.04 .000
 Parental support .913 −2.94 .004 −.052 −3.80 .000
 Romantic relationship instability 1.062 2.21 .029 −.007 −.55 .585
 Ever experienced relationship violence 1.382 6.09 .000 .261 9.27 .000
 Ever experienced loss 1.194 1.71 .089 .069 1.52 .131
Wave I Health and Demographic Controls
 Self-rated health (very good)
  Excellent .481 −11.31 .000 −.036 −1.18 .240
  Good 1.683 8.13 .000 .018 .55 .586
  Fair 3.159 10.34 .000 .059 .97 .332
  Poor 8.589 3.53 .001 −.059 −.33 .745
 Depressive symptoms 1.044 1.26 .210 .190 9.25 .000
 Physical limitation 1.105 .64 .526 −.086 −1.00 .317
 Symptom count 1.010 2.04 .044 .010 3.91 .000
 Baseline cardiac abnormality 1.900 .91 .362 .176 .48 .629
 Baseline asthma 4.780 3.10 .002 .154 .82 .451
 Body mass indexb (2nd quartile)
  BMI 1st quartile 1.118 1.74 .084 .068 1.99 .049
  BMI 3rd quartile 1.145 1.83 .070 .069 2.02 .045
  BMI 4th quartile 1.691 6.72 .000 .068 1.92 .058
 Gender (male = 1) .837 −3.02 .003 −.194 −7.84 .000
 Parental educationb (high school)
  Less than high school 1.013 .12 .901 .062 1.69 .094
  Some college .995 −.07 .946 .030 .84 .403
  College .917 −1.08 .281 .027 .78 .437
  More than college .765 −2.77 .007 −.061 −1.56 .121
 Race/ethnicity (White)
  Black .932 −.91 .364 .064 1.43 .155
  Native American .737 −1.50 .135 −.107 −.79 .433
  Asian 1.378 2.39 .018 .131 2.01 .047
  Hispanic .962 −.54 .591 .104 2.36 .020
  Other .985 −.05 .958 .096 .94 .348
Wave II Health Behavior Controls
 Physical exercise .986 −1.2 .231 .009 1.87 .064
 Current smoking 1.182 2.77 .006 .031 1.08 .281
 Fast food consumption .997 −.18 .856 −.011 −1.61 .110
 Binge drinking 1.031 .53 .600 −.006 −.20 .842
Constantc -- -- -- −.173 −1.16 .250
Cut 1d −.819 −2.86 .005 -- -- --
Cut 2 1.222 4.32 .000 -- -- --
Cut 3 3.432 12.12 .000 -- -- --
Cut 4 6.056 16.62 .000 -- -- --

Note: Also controlling for age, WI family structure (two parents, both biological; two parents, one biological; single mother, single father, other); WIII marital status (married, remaried, divorced, widowed, cohabitating); WIII single parenthood, and WIII number of births.


Higher scores indicate worse health


Missing data were coded as a separate category


Intercept for OLS regression predicting depressive symptoms


Estimated cut points for ordered regression model for general health

General Health

Loneliness was not significantly associated with self-reported general health, but a one standard deviation (SD) increase in feeling accepted/loved was associated with a 12% reduction in the odds of reporting worse health. A one SD increase in perceived parental support was associated with a 9% reduction in the odds of reporting poorer health. For each additional romantic relationship transition after age 16, there was a 6% increase in odds of reporting poorer health. Experiencing intimate partner violence was associated with a 38% increase in odds of reporting poorer health. Having lost a loved one was associated with 19% greater odds of reporting poorer health, but was only marginally significant (p < .09).

Depressive Symptoms

A one SD increase in loneliness was associated with a 0.062 SD increase, and a one SD increase in feeling accepted/loved was associated with a 0.058 SD decrease in depressive symptoms. A one SD increase in perceived parental support was associated with .05 SD lower depressive symptoms. Ever having experienced intimate partner violence was associated with a 0.26 SD increase in depressive symptoms.

Cumulative relationship risk index

In the final two models we examined the potential cumulative effects of experiencing multiple relationship risks on general health and depressive symptoms (Table 4). Compared to no relationship risks, the odds ratios predicting poorer health increased linearly for each added relationship risk: one relationship risk, OR = 1.31; two relationship risks, OR = 1.67; three relationship risks, OR = 1.90; four or more relationship risks, OR = 2.20 (all p < .001). Participants in the highest group had more than twice the odds of reporting poorer health than those in the no risk group (p <.001; Figure 1). We also observed an increasing linear trend in effect sizes across the cumulative relationship risk groups when predicting depressive symptoms (Figure 1). Compared to youth with no relationships risks, youth with one relationship risk had a .07 SD increase in depressive symptoms, and youth with two, three and four or more relationship risks had depressive symptom increases of .28 SD, .42 SD and .44 SD, respectively (all p < .001).

Table 4.

Ordered Logit predicting poor health and OLS Regressions predicting depressive symptoms at Wave III from cumulative relationship risk index variables and controls.

General Healtha (N=9850) Depressive Symptoms (N=9798)
Odds Ratio t p β t p
Relationship Risk (no relationship risk)
 One relationship risk 1.309 4.07 .000 .068 2.17 .032
 Two relationship risks 1.673 6.78 .000 .281 7.79 .000
 Three relationship risks 1.895 6.76 .000 .416 8.34 .000
 Four or more relationship risks 2.197 4.83 .000 .437 4.47 .000
Wave I Health and Demographic Controls
 Self-rated health (very good)
  Excellent .469 −11.77 .000 −.049 −1.60 .112
  Good .170 8.11 .000 .023 .70 .485
  Fair 3.192 10.63 .000 .069 1.17 .244
  Poor 9.578 3.65 .001 .009 .05 .963
 Depressive symptoms 1.080 2.66 .009 .221 11.86 .000
 Physical limitation 1.079 .50 .621 −.095 −1.08 .282
 Symptom count 1.009 1.96 .052 .010 3.88 .000
 Baseline cardiac abnormality 2.096 1.04 .299 .188 .50 .165
 Baseline asthma 4.998 3.23 .002 .187 .98 .328
 Body mass indexb (2nd quartile)
  BMI 1st quartile 1.112 1.68 .095 .062 1.79 .076
  BMI 3rd quartile 1.127 1.73 .085 .059 1.76 .080
  BMI 4th quartile 1.673 6.63 .000 .066 1.87 .063
 Gender (male = 1) .833 −3.06 .003 −198 −7.99 .000
 Parental educationb (high school)
  Less than high school 1.022 .22 .828 .069 1.92 .057
  Some college .998 −.03 .975 .028 .80 .423
  College .927 −.93 .352 .029 .83 .410
  More than college .764 −2.76 .007 −.070 −1.79 .076
 Race/ethnicity (White)
  Black .908 −1.24 .217 .070 1.59 .114
  Native American .747 −1.47 .144 −.092 −.68 .498
  Asian 1.406 2.49 .014 .141 2.15 .034
  Hispanic .961 −.55 .581 .113 2.57 .011
  Other .985 −.05 .959 .112 1.09 .277
Wave II Health Behavior Controls
 Physical exercise .982 −1.51 .132 .007 1.52 .130
 Current smoking 1.194 2.93 .004 .039 1.40 .164
 Fast food consumption .997 −.24 .813 −.011 −1.53 .129
 Binge drinking 1.032 .55 .584 −.009 −.32 .749
Constantc -- -- -- −.204 −1.33 .187
Cut 1d −.666 −2.29 .024 -- -- --
Cut 2 1.369 4.76 .000 -- -- --
Cut 3 3.573 12.46 .000 -- -- --
Cut 4 6.194 16.79 .000 -- -- --

Note: Also controlling for age, WI family structure (two parents, both biological; two parents, one biological; single mother, single father, other); WIII marital status (married, remaried, divorced, widowed, cohabitating); WIII single parenthood, and WIII number of births.


Higher scores indicate worse health


Missing data were coded as a separate category


Intercept for OLS regression predicting depressive symptoms


Estimated cut points for ordered regression model for general health

Figure 1.

Figure 1

Associations between level of cumulative relationship risk exposure and (a) self-reported general health and (b) self-reported depressive symptoms in young adulthood, controlling for baseline health and demographic and health behavior covariates.

In addition to baseline health and demographic covariates, all the models included Wave II health behavior measures (exercise, smoking, diet, and binge drinking). Although smoking was a significant predictor of general health, the relationship risk coefficients were not substantially reduced by the addition of the health behavior variables, suggesting that the impact of relationship risks on changes in health from Wave I to Wave III are not accounted for by variations in these particular health behaviors.

In a final set of models (not shown), we added interactions between the relationship risk variables and gender. Although there were significant main effects of gender, with males reporting better general health and lower depressive symptoms (Tables 3 and 4), there were only two significant interactions between gender and relationship risk exposure in predicting these outcomes. Parental support had a lower impact on the general health of males, while loneliness had a significantly stronger impact on males' depressive symptoms. Thus, although males were exposed to fewer relationship risks than females, the risks they did encounter generally related to health in similar ways.


This study provides evidence that multiple types of adverse relationship experiences, encountered during the adolescent years, are associated with worse self-reported mental and general health in adulthood, controlling for baseline health status, demographic covariates, and health behaviors. Results varied by outcome of interest: whereas relationship transitions and loss were related to general health but not depressive symptoms, loneliness predicted depression but not general health. The remaining variables (low acceptance, low perceived parental support, and IPV) significantly predicted both outcomes. The effect sizes for most of the relationship risk variables were small, except for IPV, which had the largest effect sizes for both outcomes. It is perhaps not surprising that IPV, which carries the dual threat of social and physical harm, would show the largest effects [24]. Although there were main effects of gender on our health outcomes, there was little evidence that associations between relationship risks and health outcomes were moderated by gender.

Our cumulative risk results underscore the more substantial health impacts of experiencing multiple adverse relationship experiences. A relatively linear increase in poor health was observed, with each additional risk predicting an incremental worsening of outcomes for both general health and depression. While statistically significant, the average effect size for the impact of just one relationship risk on health was small, particularly for depression. By two, three and four relationship risks, however, effect sizes reached a clinically relevant level. At four risks, the odds of moving to one step worse health status (e.g. from very good to good, or from good to fair) between Wave I and Wave III more than doubled, and the increase in depressive symptoms approached half a standard deviation (e.g. the equivalent of moving from experiencing 2–3 symptoms sometimes to experiencing at least six symptoms sometimes).

Although we favor the interpretation that relationship risks contribute causally to later poor health, an alternative explanation could be that individuals with poor health are more likely to encounter relationship risks, or that a third variable contributes to relationship risks and poor health. However, by using prospective longitudinal data, controlling for confounds, and using a change model controlling for baseline levels of our health outcomes, we strongly reduce the likelihood that stable individual differences, genetic factors, or preexisting health conditions account for our results.

In terms of potential mechanisms, the health behaviors that we examined (exercise, smoking, diet, binge drinking) did not play a large role in explaining the impact of relationship risks of our health outcomes. Another hypothesis to be tested in future research is the possibility that adverse relationship experiences result in activation of biological stress systems, which in turn have negative health implications [7]. Our “relationship risks” include the presence of actively adverse relationship experiences (e.g. exposure to violence), as well as the perceived absence of necessary positive relationship experiences (e.g. loneliness, low parental support); both types of experience have been linked to stress physiology in past research [7,13].


This study has some limitations, the largest of which is reliance on self-report data for measuring both relationship risks and health outcomes. Nonetheless, it is the first study to examine multiple adverse relationship experiences simultaneously, allowing a test of their cumulative/joint impact on health. Most large scale studies of social relationships and health have focused on positive features of social relationships, such as social support and social network size, and the stress buffering properties of social relationships, despite considerable research and theory [5][6] suggesting that negative social experiences may play an equally important role. Future analyses and theoretical models need to consider how multiple positive and negative features of our social relationships jointly determine health trajectories. Next steps should also include direct measurements, in longitudinal studies, of the biological stress pathways by which adverse social experiences may affect health.


This research was supported by R01-HD053731 from the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development and by Faculty Fellow awards from the Institute for Policy Research, Northwestern University, to Emma K. Adam and Thomas W. McDade. The contents of this article are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development. This research uses data from Add Health, a program project directed by Kathleen Mullan Harris and designed by J. Richard Udry, Peter S. Bearman, and Kathleen Mullan Harris at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and funded by grant P01-HD31921 from the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, with cooperative funding from 23 other federal agencies and foundations. Special acknowledgment is due Ronald R. Rindfuss and Barbara Entwisle for assistance in the original design. Information on how to obtain the Add Health data files is available on the Add Health website ( No direct support was received from grant P01-HD31921 for this analysis.


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The criteria used by Add Health to determine the two most important relationships included marriage and cohabitation status, relationship length, presence of children or pregnancy, and whether the relationship was current (see Add Health documentation).


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