Fig. 4.
Polarimetry traces from HPLC- purified CRP and impure fractions. Raw data from just fractions 4–6, 8, and 13 (4–6 being pooled) are shown in panel (a) for clarity, and derivatives of all data are in panel (b), best-fitted to a 76.2 °C HTT that fitted pure peptide data. The fraction of signal that could be accounted for by the 76.2 °C HTT was calculated and detailed in Table 3b. This is lower than that assigned to the HTT if the data was all handled independently (Table 4). For panel (a), the scale can be converted to rotation in deg cm2 dmol−1 by multiplying by 132. The bar in panel (b) is 10−3 deg cm−1 K−1 or 0.13 deg cm2 dmol−1 K−1.