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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2012 Jan 1.
Published in final edited form as: Commun Comput Phys. 2012;11(1):179–214. doi: 10.4208/cicp.081009.130611a


PMCID: PMC3178275  NIHMSID: NIHMS268365  PMID: 21949541


We consider the design of an effective and reliable adaptive finite element method (AFEM) for the nonlinear Poisson-Boltzmann equation (PBE). We first examine the two-term regularization technique for the continuous problem recently proposed by Chen, Holst, and Xu based on the removal of the singular electrostatic potential inside biomolecules; this technique made possible the development of the first complete solution and approximation theory for the Poisson-Boltzmann equation, the first provably convergent discretization, and also allowed for the development of a provably convergent AFEM. However, in practical implementation, this two-term regularization exhibits numerical instability. Therefore, we examine a variation of this regularization technique which can be shown to be less susceptible to such instability. We establish a priori estimates and other basic results for the continuous regularized problem, as well as for Galerkin finite element approximations. We show that the new approach produces regularized continuous and discrete problems with the same mathematical advantages of the original regularization. We then design an AFEM scheme for the new regularized problem, and show that the resulting AFEM scheme is accurate and reliable, by proving a contraction result for the error. This result, which is one of the first results of this type for nonlinear elliptic problems, is based on using continuous and discrete a priori L estimates to establish quasi-orthogonality. To provide a high-quality geometric model as input to the AFEM algorithm, we also describe a class of feature-preserving adaptive mesh generation algorithms designed specifically for constructing meshes of biomolecular structures, based on the intrinsic local structure tensor of the molecular surface. All of the algorithms described in the article are implemented in the Finite Element Toolkit (FETK), developed and maintained at UCSD. The stability advantages of the new regularization scheme are demonstrated with FETK through comparisons with the original regularization approach for a model problem. The convergence and accuracy of the overall AFEM algorithm is also illustrated by numerical approximation of electrostatic solvation energy for an insulin protein.

Key words and phrases: Poisson-Boltzmann equation, semi-linear partial differential equations, super-critical nonlinearity, singularity, a priori L estimates, existence, uniqueness, well-posedness, Galerkin methods, discrete a priori L estimates, quasi-optimal a priori error estimates, adaptive finite methods, contraction, convergence, optimality, surface and volume mesh generation, mesh improvement and decimation

1. Introduction

The Poisson-Boltzmann Equation (PBE) has been widely used for modeling the electrostatic interactions of charged bodies in dielectric media, such as molecules, ions, and colloids, and thus is of importance in many areas of sciences and engineering, including biochemistry, biophysics, and medicine. The PBE provides a high fidelity mean-field description of the electrostatic interactions and ionic distribution of a solvated biomolecular system at the equilibrium state, and entails singularities of different orders at the position of the singular permanent charges and dielectric interface. The popularity of the PBE model is clearly evidenced by the success of software packages such as APBS, CHARMM, DelPhi, and UHBD. We summarize the mathematical PBE model in some detail in Section 2, referring to the classical texts [36, 48] for more physical discussions.

While tremendous advances have been made in fast numerical solution of the PBE over the last twenty years (cf. [35, 25, 26] for surveys of some of this work), mathematical results for the PBE (basic understanding of the solution theory of the PBE, as well as a basic understanding of approximation theory for PBE numerical methods) were fundamentally unsatisfying, due to the following questions about the PBE and its numerical solution which remained open until 2007:

  1. Is the PBE well-posed for the dimensionless potential ũ?

  2. What function space does the solution ũ lie in?

  3. Can one derive a priori (energy and/or pointwise) estimates for the solution ũ?

  4. Is there an efficient (low-complexity) and reliable (provably convergent under uniform mesh refinement) numerical method that produces an approximation uh to the ũ?

  5. Is there a provably convergent adaptive method for the PBE?

That these basic questions were open through 2007 is somewhat remarkable, given the popularity of this model. However, four key features of the PBE model, namely: (1) the undetermined electrostatic potential at the boundary of a given system; (2) the singular fixed charge distribution in biomolecules; (3) the discontinuous dielectric and Debye constants on the irregular dielectric interface (with a possible second interface representing an ion exclusion layer); and (4) strong nonlinearity in the case of a strong potential or heavily charged molecules, place the PBE into a class of semilinear partial differential equations that are fundamentally difficult to analyze, and difficult to solve numerically. In fact, numerical evidence suggested that the most popular algorithms used for the PBE were actually non-convergent under mesh refinement, which would put the reliability of scientific results based on numerical solution of the PBE in doubt.

To address this issue, in 2007 Chen, Holst, and Xu [11] used a two-scale decomposition as a mathematical technique to answer each of the open questions above about the PBE, building the first available solution theory and approximation theory for the PBE. (A basic existence and uniqueness result using variational arguments had appeared already in [23].) A splitting-type treatment of the singular charges was not new, and is a very natural physical idea first sketched out in [21] and then also explored numerically in [64]. This method decomposes the PBE into a Poisson equation with singular charge and uniform dielectric that determines a singular function us, and a regularized Poisson-Boltzmann equation (RPBE) that determines a smooth correction u, with the sum of the two giving the dimensionless potential: ũ = us + u. This natural splitting technique was exploited in [11] to show that: the regularized PBE is well-posed, as is also the full PBE; the solution ũ can be split into a singular function us (having a simple closed form expression) and a smooth remainder u which lies in a well-understood function space H1+α with α ≥ 0; the remainder function u is pointwise bounded almost everywhere; a standard finite element discretization that incorporates the singular function converges and does so at optimal rate in the limit of uniform mesh refinement; and finally, an implementable adaptive algorithm exists that can be proven mathematically to converge to the exact solution of the PBE.

While this two-scale decomposition made a number of basic mathematical results possible in [11], the resulting numerical algorithms (both based on uniform mesh refinement and adaptive mesh refinement) are subject to a hidden instability. This instability is in fact tied to the two-scale decomposition technique itself. (Example 2.1 in Section 2.2 gives a more complete description of this difficulty.) While this feature of the splitting has no impact on the mathematical or convergence results in [11], the practical impact is that algorithms based on this particular decomposition are not accurate enough to be competitive with other approaches. A slightly modified decomposition scheme was proposed by Chern et. al [14] (see also [20]) and was applied together with Cartesian grid-based interface methods to solve the PBE for simple structure geometries. The new splitting technique gives rise to a modified form of the regularized PBE with similar structure to the splitting scheme in [11], but appears to be more stable.

This article is focused on using a similar decomposition variant to remove the instability present in the formulation appearing in [11], as well as to improve the theoretical results and algorithm components of the adaptive finite element algorithm described in [11]. In particular, we adopt a variation of the regularization splitting scheme similar to [20, 14, 11], involving a 3-term expansion rather than a 2-term expansion. We establish several basic mathematical results for the 3-term splitting, analogous to those established in [11] for the original 2-term splitting. This includes a priori L estimates, existence and uniqueness, and discrete estimates for solutions, and basic error estimates a general class of Galerkin methods. We then focus specifically on finite element methods, and design an adaptive finite element method (AFEM) for solving the resulting regularized PBE. Due to recent progress in the convergence analysis of AFEM for linear and nonlinear equations [10, 27], we also substantially improve the AFEM convergence result in [11] to one which guarantees contraction rather than just convergence. We present numerical examples showing the accuracy, efficiency, and stability of this new scheme. To provide a high-quality geometric model as input to the AFEM algorithm, we will also describe a class of feature-preserving adaptive mesh generation algorithms designed specifically for constructing meshes of biomolecular structures, based on the intrinsic local structure tensor of the molecular surface.

While we focus on (adaptive) finite element methods in this article, the splitting framework we describe can be incorporated into finite difference, finite volume, spectral, wavelet, finite element, or boundary element methods for the PBE. While the finite element method has the advantage of exactly representing the molecular surface (when appropriate mesh generation algorithms are used; see Section 5), advances in finite difference and finite volume methods include interface discretization methods which substantially improve solution accuracy at the dielectric discontinuity surface [14, 63, 62, 20]; see also [54] for a similar approach using mortar elements. Boundary element methods for the (primarily linearized) PBE are also competitive, due to algorithm advances for molecular surface generation (see [59, 58] and Section 5), due to emergence of fast multipole codes for surface integrals [34, 32, 33], and due to new techniques for nonlinearity [8].

The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we give a brief derivation of the standard form of the PBE, and then examine the two-scale regularization in [11]. We then describe a second distinct regularization and illustrate why it is superior to the original approach as a framework for developing numerical methods. We then quickly assemble the cast of basic mathematical results needed for the second regularization, which do not immediately follow from the results established in [11] for the original regularization. In Section 3, we describe an adaptive finite element method based on residual-type a posteriori estimates, and summarize some basic results we need later for the development of a corresponding convergence theory. In Section 4, we develop the first AFEM contraction-type result for a class of semilinear problems that includes the PBE, substantially improving the AFEM convergence result given in [11]. We also include a discussion of our mesh generation toolchain in Section 5, which plays a key role in the success of the overall adaptive numerical method. Numerical experiments are conducted in Section 6, where stability of the regularization scheme and convergence of the adaptive algorithm are both explicitly demonstrated numerically, in agreement with the theoretical results established in the paper. We summarize our results in Section 7.

2. The Poisson-Boltzmann Equation (PBE)

The PBE can be derived in various ways based on the statistical description of a system of charged particles in electrolytes [36, 48]. A well-known derivation starts with the Poisson equation for the electrostatic potential φ = φ(x) induced by a charge distribution ρ = ρ(x):


where ε = ε(x) is a spatially varying dielectric constant and ε0 is the dielectric permittivity constant of a vacuum. The charge distribution ρ may consist of fixed charges ρf and mobile charges ρm. The fixed charge distribution ρf represents the partially charged atoms of the molecules immersed in the aqueous solution; the mobile charges ρm models the charged ions in the solution. With this perspective, the fixed charge distribution ρf is independent of the potential φ. The charge distribution ρm of mobile ions, however, depends on the potential φ following the Gouy-Chapman or Debye-Hückel theories, and can be modeled by a Boltzmann distribution. The two charge distributions then take the form

ρm=j=1Mcjqjeqjφ/kT,ρf=i=1Nqiδ(xi)xiΩm. (2.1)

Here for ρm, M is number of ion species, cj and qj are the bulk concentration and charge of the jth ion, k is the Boltzmann constant and T is the absolute temperature; and for ρf, there are N charges located at xi in the molecule region Ωm and carrying charge qi, where δ(xi) is the delta function centered at xi. This gives rise to the full or nonlinear PBE:

·(εφ)=4πε0(i=1Nqiδ(xi)+j=1Mcjqjeqjφ/kT). (2.2)

A number of variations of the PBE can be derived under appropriate assumptions. For example, for a symmetric 1:1 ionic solution (two ions species with same but opposite charge) with M = 2, bulk concentration cj = c and charge qj = (−1)jq for j = 1, 2, equation (2.2) reduces to:


We now introduce a dimensionless electrostatic potential ũ = /(kT), and the so-called Debye length lD=ε0kT8πcq2, and define the modified Debye-Huckel parameter to be κ = 1/lD. After scaling the singular charges we can write the final form of the Poisson-Boltzmann equation as:

·(εu)+κ2sinhu=f, (2.3)

where f=i=1Nziδ(xi), with zi = 4πqqi/(ε0kT).

As analyzed in [11], since the singular function f does not belong to H−1(Ω), equation (2.3) does not have a solution in H1, or at least the equation does not have a weak formulation involving the H1 as the test space. Consequently, standard numerical methods for elliptic equations are not guaranteed to produce numerical solutions which converge to the exact solution to the PBE in the limit of mesh refinement, and numerical evidence suggests that in fact standard methods fail to converge. We now discuss two regularization schemes for the PBE which have not only been the basis for the new solution and approximation theory results for the PBE appearing in [11], but also provide a robust framework for constructing provably convergent numerical algorithms.

2.1. A Natural Regularized Formulation

The first scheme is motivated by the physical interpretation of the solution to PBE and decomposes the solution into two components, based on the distinct solvent region Ωs and molecular region Ωm in the model. This spatial decomposition of the domain Ω, as well as the interface Γ between Ωs and Ωm, is depicted in Figure 1. The component of the solution, which will have singularities but will be representable in closed-form, is called the self-energy corresponding to the electrostatic potential. The second component, which will be much more well-behaved but will not have a closed-form representation, corresponds to the screening of the potential due to high dielectric and mobile ions in the solution region. This natural decomposition provides a regularization scheme was proposed and explored numerically in [21, 64]. In this scheme, the singular component us of the electrostatic potential is identified as the solution of the following Poisson equation, the solution of which can be readily assembled from the Green’s functions (cf. [46]):

·(εmus)=i=1Nziδ(xi),us:=i=1Nziεm1xxi. (2.4)

Figure 1.

Figure 1

Illustration of the solvent region Ωs, the molecular region Ωm, the interface Γ, and the two distinct dielectric constants εs and εm in the two regions.

Subtracting (2.4) from (2.3) gives the equation for the regular component u:

·(εu)+κ2sinh(u+us)=·((εεm)us). (2.5)

Since κ vanishes in Ωm and εεm is nonzero only in region Ωs, the right hand side term ∇ · ((εεm)∇us) belongs to H−1, and a standard H1-weak formulation of (2.5) is well-defined.

A variational argument can be used to show existence and uniqueness of a weak solution to (2.4) in H1 (see [11] for this argument, and also [23] for a similar argument in the case of an alternative regularization). A priori L estimates for the solution are established in [11], which are critical to the development of a priori error estimates for Galerkin (e.g. finite element, wavelet, and spectral) approximations of the regular component, and are also critical to the convergence results for both uniform and adaptive finite element methods developed in [11]. This two-scale decomposition framework is at the heart of the solution theory, approximation theory, and convergence results for adaptive finite element methods for the PBE developed in [11].

2.2. An Alternative Regularized Formulation

Since the singular component represents the Coulomb potential in the low dielectric environment, it is always much larger than the real potential in Ωs, where the dielectric constant is high and strong ion screening exists. As a result, the regular component is also much larger in magnitude than the full potential in Ωs, and the decomposition in Section 2.1 can produce an unstable numerical scheme. More precisely, relatively small error in the numerical solution of regular component could lead to large relative error in the full potential, as illustrated in the following example.

Example 2.1

Let Ωm be a unit ball with a unit positive charge at the origin. The dielectric constants are εm = 2 and εs = 80 inside and outside the ball, respectively. Let the modified ionic strength κ = 0. This so-called Born Ion problem admits an analytical solution for the full potential u(r)=1εmr+(1εs1εm) in Ωm and u(r)=1εsr in Ωs where r=x2+y2+z2. Since the singular component us(r)=1εmr, it follows that the regular component


We assume that the singular component is computed analytically. Suppose that the numerical solution of u(r) carries a relative error e = 3%|u(r)|, and assume that this is the only source of numerical error. This implies the relative error of the final full potential is impacted as


This suggests relative error of 3% in the numerical solution of u(r) will be amplified by 39 times in the relative error of the full potential ũ(r) when u(r) is added to the analytical solution us(r).

Example 2.1 indicates that unless the regular component is solved to high accuracy, the full potential could be of low quality, and numerical algorithms based on the decomposition may fail. A second decomposition scheme we now examine demonstrates more satisfactory numerical stability. Proposed in [14], this decomposition splits the potential into three parts in the molecular region only. The first component is the singular component us defined by (2.4). The second component uh is the harmonic extension of the trace of the singular component us on the molecular surface into the interior of the molecule; it is completely determined by the singular component us and the geometry of the molecular surface through the harmonic equation

Δuh=0inΩm,uh=usonΓ, (2.6)

where Γ is the interface between Ωm and Ωs. Then we set us+uh = 0 in Ωs. By definition of uh, this extension is continuous across the interface. So the complete decomposition reads

u=u+εεsεmεs(us+uh)={us+uh+uinΩmuinΩs. (2.7)

In this decomposition, the regular component u is defined as an interface problem

{·(εu)+κ2sinhu=0,inΩ[u]Γ=0,onΓ,[εunΓ]Γ=gΓ,onΓ,withgΓ:=εm(us+uh)nΓΓ,u=0,x, (2.8)

where nΓ is the unit out normal of the interface Γ, and [·] denotes the jump of enclosed quantity on the given interface as [v]Γ = limt→0 v(x + tnΓ) − v(xtnΓ). The second interface condition (2.8) arises from continuity of flux in (2.3). The singular component us is given by (2.4), whereas computing uh is trivial using finite element or boundary integral methods. Therefore, we assume us and uh are known in the following discussion, and are smooth on Γ. Since the singular component us is only applied in the interior of the molecule region, a discontinuity appears in the remaining component of the potential on the molecular surface. The harmonic component uh is introduced to compensate for this discontinuity using harmonic extension, so that the regular component as defined by equation (2.8) is continuous on the molecular surface.

Since no decomposition of the potential occurs in Ωs, error in numerical solutions of u are not amplified in the full potential. While mathematically equivalent to the decomposition in [11], this alternative three term-based splitting regularization is potentially numerically more favorable than the original decomposition. The implementations of this scheme using finite difference interface methods [14, 20] have proven that it can significantly improve the accuracy of the full potential. Mirroring the general plan taken in [11], we will use this alternative decomposition as the basis for an analysis of the regularized problem, for the development of an approximation theory, and for the development of a practical, provably convergent adaptive method.

A final difficultly in solving the regularized form of the PBE in (2.8) (and other forms of the PBE) is that the computational domain is all of space. It is standard to truncate space to a bounded Lipschitz domain Ω by posing some artificial (but highly accurate) boundary condition on Ω. For simplicity, one chooses Ω to be a ball or cube containing the molecule region. The solvent region is then defined as Ωs ∩ Ω, which will also be denoted by Ωs without the danger of confusion. There are various approaches to the choosing boundary condition on Ω; using the condition ũ = g is standard, where g can be obtained from a known analytical solution to some simplification of the linearized PBE, and can be chosen to be a smooth function on the boundary. Far from the molecule region, such analytical solutions provide a highly accurate boundary condition approximation for the PBE on the truncated domain. For other possible constructions of g, see [11, 7, 23] and the references cited therein. Finally, we end up with the regularized PBE (or RPBE) in a bounded domain Ω, which becomes the focus for the remainder of the paper:

{·(εu)+κ2sinh(u)=0,inΩ[u]Γ=0and[εunΓ]Γ=gΓ,onΓuΩ=g,onΩ. (2.9)

Our main goals for the remainder of the paper are to:

  1. Establish a priori L estimates for (2.9), leading to a standard argument for well-posedness of the continuous and discrete problems. Most other mathematical results in the article hinge critically on these a priori estimates.

  2. Develop a general approximation theory for (2.9) by establishing a priori error estimates for Galerkin methods, giving convergence of finite element and other methods;

  3. Develop a practical adaptive finite element method for (2.9) and prove that it is convergent;

  4. Develop practical mesh generation algorithms for the domains arising in (2.9) that meet the needs of our finite element methods.

We note that there are two distinct interface conditions in (2.9), which appears to give it an unusual formulation. However, the first interface condition [u] = 0 will be automatically satisfied by standard constructions of C0 finite element spaces. The second interface condition will be embedded into the weak form of equation (2.9) in a natural way, so that in fact both interface conditions are quite easily and naturally incorporated into finite element (as well as wavelet and spectral) discretizations. Although fairly complicated schemes arise when considering the regularization approach with finite difference and finite volume methods, the interface conditions can be enforced with these discretization as well (cf. [52, 39, 30, 29]).

2.3. A priori L-Estimates and Well-posedness

A priori L estimates for the solution u to the regularized PBE (2.9) are the critical component of the key mathematical results we need to have in place for the development of a reliable adaptive method, namely: (1) well-posedness of the continuous and discrete regularized problems; (2) a priori error estimates for Galerkin approximations; (3) a posteriori error estimates for Galerkin approximations; and (4) auxiliary results for establishing convergence (contraction) of AFEM. The regularized equation (2.9) governing u derived in Section 2.2 differs significantly from the decomposition used in [11], and as a consequence we now derive the a priori L estimates.

In what follows, we use standard notation for the Lp(G) spaces, 1 ≤ p ≤ ∞, with the norm ||·||p,G on any subset G ⊂ ℝd; we use standard notation for Sobolev norms ||u||k,p,G = ||u||Wk,p(G) where the natural setting here will be p = 2 and k = 0 or k = 1. For any functions vLp(G) and wLq(G) for p, q ≥ 1 with 1p+1q=1, we denote the pairing (v, w)G as (v, w)G:=∫G vwdx. If G = Ω then we also omit it from the norms (or pairing) to simplify the presentation.

To begin, define an affine subset of H1(Ω) as Hg1(Ω):={vH1(Ω):v=gonΩ}, and then define Xg:={vHg1(Ω):ev,evL(Ω)}, with Inline graphic denoting the case when g = 0. A weak formulation of equation (2.9) reads: Find uInline graphic such that

a(u,v)+(b(u),v)=gΓ,vΓ,vH01(Ω), (2.10)

where α(u, v) = (εu,v), (b(u), v) = (κ2 sinh(u), v) and 〈gΓ, vΓ = ∫Γ gΓvds. It is easy to verify that the bilinear form in (2.10) satisfies:

m||u||1,22a(u,u),a(u,v)M||u||1,2||v||1,2,u,vH01(Ω), (2.11)

where 0 < mM < ∞ are constants depending only on the maximal and minimal values of the dielectric and on the domain. The properties (2.11) imply the norm on H01(Ω) is equivalent to the energy norm ||·||:H01(Ω)R,

|||u|||2=a(u,u),m||u||1,22|||u|||2M||u||1,22. (2.12)

To establish a priori L estimates, we further split the solution u to (2.9) into solutions of two sub-problems. The first sub-problem is a linear elliptic interface problem; estimates on solutions to this problem are then utilized in the analyzing the second subproblem, which is a nonlinear elliptic problem without interface conditions. The second sub-problem is then analyzed using a cut-off function argument that exploits a weak formulation of the maximum principle. More precisely, let u = ul + un, where ulHg1(Ω) satisfies the linear elliptic equation

a(ul,v)=gΓ,vΓ,vH01(Ω), (2.13)

and unInline graphic satisfies the nonlinear elliptic equation:

a(un,v)+(b(ul+un),v)=0,vH01(Ω), (2.14)

where we note that the sum u = ul + un is then the desired solution to the RPBE (2.10). It is easy to see that the linear part ul is the solution to the interface problem:


while the nonlinear part un is the solution to the (homogeneous) semilinear equation


Existence and uniqueness of ul solving (2.13) follows by standard arguments; furthermore, if the interface Γ to be sufficiently smooth (e.g. Γ is C2), then ulL(Ω) follows immediately from known regularity results for linear interface problems (cf. [11, 4, 9, 12, 43]). This makes possible a priori L estimates for the nonlinear component, and subsequently the entire regularized solution. To this end, define

α=argmaxc(κ2sinh(c+supxΩsul)0),αn=min(α,0), (2.15)
β=argminc(κ2sinh(c+infxΩsul)0),βn=max(β,0). (2.16)

Lemma 2.2 (A Priori L Estimates)

Suppose that the solution ul to (2.13) satisfies ul ∈ L(Ω), and let un be any weak solution of (2.14). If αn, βn ∈ ℝ are as defined in (2.15)–(2.16), then

αnunβn,a.e.inΩ. (2.17)

The short proof is similar to that in [11, 46], which we include for completeness, due to its critical role in the results throughout the article. We first define


Since βn ≥ 0 and αn ≤ 0, it follows (cf. [46]) that φ̄, φ_H01(Ω), and can be used as pointwise non-negative (almost everywhere) test functions. For either φ = φ̄ or φ = φ, we have


Note φ̄ ≥ 0 in Ω and its support set is Inline graphic = {x ∈ Ω̄|un(x) ≥ βn}. On Inline graphic, we have


Similarly, −φ ≤ 0 in Ω with support Inline graphic = {x ∈ Ω̄|un(x) ≤ αn}. On Inline graphic, we have


Together this implies both


Using the Poincaré inequality we have finally 0 ≤ ||φ||1,2 ≲ ||∇φ||2 ≤ 0, giving φ = 0, for either φ = φ̄ or φ = −φ. Thus αnunβn in Ω.

We have therefore shown that any solution uH1(Ω) to the regularized problem (2.10) must lie in the set


where α, β ∈ ℝ are


Since this ensures uL(Ω), which subsequently ensures euL2(Ω), we can replace the set Inline graphic with the following function space as the set to search for solutions to the RPBE:


Our weak formulation of the RPBE now reads:

FinduVsuchthata(u,v)+(b(u),v)=gΓ,vΓ,vH01(Ω). (2.18)

Note that in general V is not a subspace of H1(Ω) since it is not a linear space, due to the inhomogeneous boundary condition requirement. However, as remarked above, standard results for linear interface problems imply existence, uniqueness, and a priori L bounds for ul solving (2.13), leaving only the equation (2.14) for the remainder un. Therefore, (2.18) is mathematically equivalent to

FindunUsuchthata(un,v)+(b(un+ul),v)=0vH01(Ω), (2.19)



with u = αn and u+ = βn from Lemma 2.2. We now have a formulation (2.19) that involves looking for a solution in a well-defined subspace U of the (ordered) Banach space X=H01(Ω), and are now prepared to establish existence (and uniqueness) of the solution. The argument we use below differs significantly from that used in [11, 23] for the original regularization.

Theorem 2.3 (Existence and Uniqueness of Solutions to RPBE)

Let the solution ul to (2.13) satisfy ul ∈ L(Ω). Then there exists a unique weak solution un ∈ U to (2.19), and subsequently there exists a unique weak solution u ∈ V to the RPBE (2.18).


We follow the approach in [11, 23]. We begin by defining J: UH01(Ω)R¯:


It is straight-forward to show that if u is the solution of the optimization problem

J(u)=infvUJ(v)J(v),vU, (2.20)

then u is the solution of (2.19). We assemble some quick facts about H01(Ω),UH01(Ω), and J.

  • 1)

    H01(Ω) is a reflexive Banach space.

  • 2)

    U is nonempty, convex, and topologically closed as a subset of H01(Ω).

  • 3)

    J is convex on U: J(λu+(1− λ)v) ≤ J(u)+(1− λ)J(v), ∀u, vU, λ ∈ (0, 1).

By standard results in the calculus of variations (cf. [46]), we have existence of a solution to (2.20), and hence to (2.19) and (2.18), if we can establish two additional properties of J:

  • 4)

    J is lower semi-continuous on U: J(u) ≤ lim infj → ∞ J(uj), ∀ ujuU.

  • 5)

    J is coercive on U: J(u)C0||u||1,22C1, ∀uU.

That J is lower semi-continuous (and in fact, has the stronger property of weak lower semi-continuity), holds since J is both convex and Gateaux-differentiable on U (cf. [46] for this and similar results). That J is coercive follows from cosh x ≥ 0 and the Poincaré inequality


with C0 = (infx∈Ω ε(x)) · min{1/4, 1/(4ρ2)}, where ρ > 0 is the Poincaré constant. It remains to show u is unique. Assume there are two solutions u1 and u2. Subtracting (2.19) for each gives a(u1u2, v) + (b(u1 + ul) − b(u2 + ul), v) = 0 vH01(Ω). Now take v = u1u2; monotonicity of the nonlinearity defining b ensures that (b(u1 + ul) − b(u2 + ul), u1u2) ≥ 0, giving 0 ≥ a(u1u2, u1u2) ≥ 2C0||u1u2||1,2 ≥ 0, where C0 is as above. This can only hold if u1 = u2.

In summary, there exists a unique solution uVH1(Ω) to the RPBE problem (2.18), with compatible barriers u and u+L satisfying


Moreover, these pointwise bounds combined with a Taylor expansion give that for any u, wV and any vH01(Ω), the nonlinearity satisfies a Lipschitz condition:

(b(u)b(w),v)K||uw||2||v||2, (2.21)

where K = supχ∈ [u,u+]||κ2 cosh(χ)|| < ∞ is a constant depending only on the domain, the ionic strength of the solvent (embedded in the constant κ), and other physical parameters.

3. Finite Element Methods (FEM)

In this section, we consider (mainly adaptive) finite element methods for the regularized problem (2.9). For simplicity, we assume Ω be a bounded polygon domain, and we triangulate Ω with a shape regular conforming mesh Inline graphic. Here h = hmax represents the mesh size which is the maximum diameter of elements in Inline graphic. We further assume that


A1 the discrete interface Γh approximates the original interface Γ to the second order, i.e., d(Γ, Γh) ≤ ch2.

The mesh generator discussed in Section 5 provides a practical tool for generating meshes with this type of approximation quality for the interface. Given such a triangulation Inline graphic, we construct the linear finite element space


Since we may choose g to be a smooth function on Ω, the Trace Theorem (cf. [1, 46]) ensures there exists a fixed function uDH1(Ω) such that uD = g on Ω in the trace sense. Let HD1(Ω):=H01(Ω)+uD be the affine space with the specified boundary condition, and VD(Th):=V(Th)HD1(Ω) be the finite element affine space of H01(Ω). In particular, we denote V0(Th):=V(Th)H01(Ω). For simplicity, we assume the boundary condition g can be represented by uD exactly. In practical implementation, we will construct an interpolant of uD having sufficient approximation quality such that using the interpolant in place of uD will not impact the order of accuracy of the algorithm we build below for approximating the solution u to the regularized problem (2.9). A Galerkin finite element approximation of (2.10) takes the form: Find uhVD(Inline graphic) such that

a(uh,v)+(b(uh),v)=gΓ,v,vV0(Th). (3.1)

The primary concerns for this type of approximation technique are the following four mathematical questions regarding the Galerkin approximation uh:

  1. Does uh satisfy discrete a priori bounds in L and other norms, so that the nonlinearity can be controlled for error analysis?

  2. Does uh satisfy quasi-optimal priori error estimates, so that the finite element method will converge under uniform mesh refinement?

  3. Can one ensure AFEM (non-uniform mesh refinement) convergence limk→∞ uk = u, where uk is the Galerkin approximation of u at step k of AFEM?

  4. Can one produce uh at each step of the (uniform or adaptive) refinement algorithm using algorithms which have optimal (linear) or nearly optimal space and time complexity?

The first two questions were answered affirmatively in [11] for the first regularized formulation. We give only a brief outline below as to how the arguments for answering the first two questions can be modified to establish the analogous results for the second regularized formulation here. The third question was partially answered in [11] for the first regularization, but we give an improved, more complete answer to this question below and in Section 4, which is one of the main contributions of the paper. Regarding the fourth question, due to the discontinuities in the dielectric and the modified Debye-Huckel parameter, one must take care to solve the resulting nonlinear algebraic systems using robust inexact global Newton methods, combined with modern algebraic multilevel-based fast linear solvers in order to produce an overall numerical solution algorithm which is reliable and has low-complexity. We do not consider this question further here; see [26, 3, 2, 23] for a complete discussion in the specific case of the PBE.

3.1. Discrete L Estimates and Quasi-Optimal A Priori Error Estimates

For completeness, we quickly answer the first two questions by stating a result, giving only a very brief outline of how the result is established for the new regularization, based on modifying the analogous arguments in [11]. We then focus entirely on the new AFEM contraction results which require a more complete discussion. To state the theorem, the following assumption is needed.


A2 For any two adjacent nodes i and j, assume that


where eij is the edge associated with these nodes, φi and φj are the basis functions corresponding to nodes i, j respectively, and |τ| is the volume of τ ∈ Inline graphic.

Theorem 3.1

If Assumption A2 holds and h is sufficiently small, the solution to (3.1) satisfies:


where C is independent of h. Moreover, the quasi-optimal a priori error estimate holds:


The proofs of both inequalities are similar to the proofs of the corresponding results in [11], with adjustment to handle the new stabilized splitting. The second result hinges critically on the Lipschitz property (2.21), which in turn relies on the first result together with the continuous L estimates established in Lemma 2.2.

3.2. Adaptive Finite Element Methods (AFEM)

Adaptive Finite Element Methods (AFEM) build approximation spaces adaptively; this is done in an effort to use nonlinear approximation so as to meet a target quality using spaces having (close to) minimal dimension. AFEM algorithms are based on an iteration of the form:


which attempts to equi-distribute error over simplices using subdivision driven by a posteriori error estimates. Given an initial triangulation Inline graphic, and a parameter θ ∈ (0, 1], our particular AFEM generates a sequence of nested conforming triangulations Inline graphic, h > 0, driven by some local error indicator η(uh, τ), which gives rise to a global error indicator η(uh, Inline graphic). Schematically, the adaptive algorithm consists of a loop of the following main steps:

  1. uh:= SOLVE(Inline graphic).

  2. {η(uh, τ)}τInline graphic:= ESTIMATE(uh, Inline graphic).

  3. Inline graphic:= MARK({η(uh, τ)}τInline graphic, Inline graphic, θ).

  4. Inline graphic:=REFINE(Inline graphic, Inline graphic, ℓ).

In practice, a stopping criteria is placed in Step (2) to terminate the loop.

We will handle each of the four steps as follows:

  1. SOLVE: We use standard inexact Newton + multilevel to produce UVD(Inline graphic) on triangulation Inline graphic (cf. [24]). To simplify the analysis here, we assume that the discrete solution U is calculated exactly (no round-off error). Given a triangulation Inline graphic, this defines the procedure:
  2. ESTIMATE: Given a triangulation Inline graphic and a function UVD(Inline graphic), we compute the elementwise residual error indicator:
  3. MARK: We use the standard “Dörfler marking”:

    • Given θ ∈ (0, 1], we construct a marked subset of elements
    such that:
    η(U,M)θη(U,T). (3.2)

    The residual-type error indicator η(U, Inline graphic) over sub-partition Inline graphicInline graphic will be defined precisely in Section 3.3,

  4. REFINE: We use standard non-degenerate bisection-to-conformity methods with known complexity bounds on conformity preservation (cf. [47]). In particular, given a triangulation Inline graphic, and marked subset Inline graphicInline graphic, and an integer ℓ ≥ 1, we produce

    a conforming refinement of Inline graphic with each simplex in Inline graphic refined at least ℓ times.

3.3. Residual A Posteriori Estimates

To make precise the residual-type indicator, we first introduce some standard notation for the relevant mathematical quantities, and then employ and establish some of its properties.

  • Inline graphic = Initial conforming simplex triangulation of Ω ⊂ ℝd.

  • Inline graphic = Conforming refinement of Inline graphic at the previous step of AFEM.

  • hτ = The diameter of simplex τInline graphic.

  • nF = The normal vector to face F of τInline graphic.

  • ωτ = ∪ {τ̃Inline graphic|ττ̃ ≠ ∅, where τInline graphic}.

  • ωF = ∪ {τ̃Inline graphic|Fτ̃ ≠ ∅, where F is a face of τInline graphic}.

We can now define the following error indicators:

η2(uh,τ):=hτ2||b(uh)||2,τ2+12FτhF||nF·[εuh]||2,F2+FτΓhhF||gΓ||2,F2, (3.3)
osc2(uh,τ):=hτ4||uh||2,τ2+FτΓhhF||gΓg¯Γ||2,F2, (3.4)

where Γ is the piecewise average on each face F ⊂ Γh. For any subset Inline graphicInline graphic, the cumulative indicators are defined as:


From these definitions follows the monotonicity properties:

η(v,T)η(v,T),vVD(T), (3.5)
osc(v,T)osc(v,T),vVD(T), (3.6)

for any refinement Inline graphic of Inline graphic. We have then the following global upper bound from [24, 50]; the lower-bound is also standard and can be found in e.g. [50].

Lemma 3.2 (Upper and lower bounds)

Let u and uh be the solutions to (2.10) and (3.1), respectively. If the mesh conditions in Assumptions A1 and A2 hold, then there exists constants C1 and C2, depending only on Inline graphic and the ellipticity constant, such that the following global upper and lower bounds hold:

|||uuh|||2C1η2(uh,Th), (3.7)
C2η2(uh,τ)|||uuh|||ωτ2+osc2(uh,ωτ), (3.8)

where |||v|||ωτ2=ωτεv2dx.


Similar to [11, Theorem 7.1], the proof follows the idea of [50] by noticing


where we have used Theorem 3.1. The remaining proof is the same as [11, Theorem 7.1]

Note for the convergence analysis here, we do not need the lower bound (3.8).

4. Convergence of AFEM

We now develop a convergence analysis of the AFEM iteration by showing contraction. We must establish two additional key auxiliary results first: an indicator reduction result, and a quasi-orthogonality result, which generalize two analogous results for the linear case in [10] to a class of nonlinear problems that includes the Poisson-Boltzmann equation.

4.1. An Indicator Reduction Lemma

Here we establish a nonlinear generalization of the indicator reduction result from [10, Corollary 4.4]. First we prove a local perturbation result for the nonlinear equation (cf. [10, Proposition 4.3]). We then establish an indicator reduction result.

Let us first introduce a type of nonlinear PDE-specific indicator:


For any subset Inline graphicInline graphic, let η(D, Inline graphic):= maxτInline graphic{η(D, τ)}. By the definition, it is obvious that η(D, Inline graphic) is monotone decreasing, i.e.,

η(D,T)η(D,T) (4.1)

for any refinement Inline graphic of Inline graphic.

We now establish (see also [27]) a nonlinear generalization of the local perturbation result appearing as in [10, Proposition 4.3]. This is the key result in generalizing the contraction results in [10, Proposition 4.3] to the semilinear case.

Lemma 4.1 (Nonlinear Local Perturbation)

Let Inline graphic be a conforming partition satisfies Assumptions A1 and A2. For all τ ∈ Inline graphic and for any pair of discrete functions v, w ∈ [u, u+] ∩ VD(Inline graphic), it holds that

η(v,τ)η(ω,τ)+Λ¯1η(D,τ)||vw||1,2,ωτ, (4.2)

where Λ̄1 > 0 depends only on the shape-regularity of Inline graphic, and the maximal values that b can obtain on the L-interval [u, u+].


By the definition (3.3) of η, we have


Notice that


On the other hand, we also have


Therefore, we get the desired estimate for η.

Based on Lemma 4.1, we have the following main estimator reduction (see also [27]), which generalizes the linear case appearing in [10, Corollary 4.4].

Lemma 4.2 (Nonlinear Estimator Reduction)

Let Inline graphic be a partition which satisfies the mesh conditions in Assumptions A1 and A2, and let the parameters θ ∈ (0, 1] and ℓ ≥ 1 be given. Let Inline graphic = MARK({η(v, τ)}τ∈Inline graphic, Inline graphic,θ), and let Inline graphic = REFINE(Inline graphic, Inline graphic, ℓ). If Λ1=(d+1)Λ¯12/ with Λ̄1 from Lemma 4.1 and λ = 1 − 2−(ℓ/d) > 0, then for all v ∈ [u, u+] ∩ VD(Inline graphic), v* ∈ [u, u+] ∩ VD(Inline graphic), and any δ > 0, it holds that


We follow the proof in [10, Corollary 4.4] closely. We first apply Lemma 4.1 with v and v* taken to be in VD(Inline graphic). This gives


after applying Young’s inequality with δ > 0. We now sum over the elements τ*Inline graphic, using the fact that for shape regular partitions there is a small finite number of elements in the overlaps of the patches ωτ*. This gives


where we have also used the equivalence (2.12).

Now let v ∈ [u, u+] ∩ VD(Inline graphic), a short argument from the proof of Corollary 4.4 in [10] gives

η2(v,T)η2(v,T\M)+2(/d)η2(v,M)=η2(v,T)λη2(v,M). (4.3)

Finally, the monotonicity properties η(D, Inline graphic) ≤ η (D, Inline graphic), combined with (4.3) yields the result.

4.2. Quasi-Orthogonality for Nonlinear Problems

Following [27], we now establish a quasi-orthogonality result that represents the last technical result needed to generalize the convergence framework from [10] to the nonlinear case.

Lemma 4.3 (Quasi-orthogonality)

Let u be the exact solution to equation (2.10), and uh be the solution to (3.1) on a partition Inline graphic which satisfies the conditions in Assumptions A1 and A2. Assume that there exist a σh > 0 with σh → 0 as h → 0 such that

||uuh||2σh||uuh||2, (4.4)

Then there exists a constant C* > 0, such that for sufficiently small h, we have

|||uuh|||2Λh|||uuH|||2|||uhuH|||2, (4.5)

where Λh = (1 − C*σhK)−1 > 0 with K = supχ∈[u,u+] ||κ2 cosh(χ)||.


We compute the energy norm:


By the definition of u and uh, we have


In particular, this holds for vh = uhuH. By this relation, we obtain


Therefore, by Young’s inequality and the assumption (4.4) we have


for δ > 0 to be chosen later, and m the coercivity constant. For σh sufficient small, we have


Define now the constant C=C(ε)/m and take δ=K/(C(ε)mσh). We assume σh is sufficiently small so that δC(ε)σh2=CσhK<1. This gives (4.5) with Λh = (1 − C*σhK)−1.

We note (4.4) can be established by “Nitsche trick” under regularity assumptions (cf. [37]).

4.3. The Main Convergence Result for AFEM

To establish this result, we will follow [27] and use a combination of the frameworks in [10, 38] rather than from [11]. This is because these frameworks are the first to handle dependence of the oscillation on the discrete solution itself. The quasi-orthogonality result is explicit in [38], but somewhat hidden in [11]. The framework in [10] uses only orthogonality rather than quasi-orthogonality, but has a number of improvements over [38] and [11] in several respects, including a one-pass algorithm using only the residual indicator.

The previous sections focused on establishing some supporting results involving a nesting of three spaces XHXhX, where these were abstract spaces in some cases, or specific finite element subspaces of H1. In what follows, we now consider the asymptotic sequence of finite element spaces produced by the AFEM algorithm, and will use the results of the previous sections with the subscript h in uh and other quantities replaced by an integer k representing the current subspace generated at step k of AFEM. To simplify the presentation further, we also denote


where D represents the set of problem coefficients and nonlinearity. We also denote Vk:= VD(Inline graphic) for simplicity. The supporting results we need have been established in §4.1 and §4.2.

Theorem 4.4 (Contraction)

Let {Inline graphic, Vk, uk}k≥0 be the sequence of finite element meshes, spaces, and solutions, respectively, produced by AFEM(θ,ℓ) with marking parameter θ ∈ (0, 1] and bisection level ℓ ≥ 1. Let Inline graphic satisfy the conditions in Assumptions A1 and A2, and h0 be sufficiently fine so that Lemma 4.3 holds for {Inline graphic, Vk, uk}k≥0. Then, there exist constants γ > 0 and α ∈ (0, 1), depending only on θ, ℓ, and the shape-regularity of the initial triangulation Inline graphic, such that


We combine the frameworks in [10, 38] using the quasi-orthogonality result in Lemma 4.3 rather than the approach in [11] for nonlinearities. Our notation follows closely [10]. The proof requires the following tools:

  1. Dörfler marking property given in equation (3.2).

  2. The global upper-bound in Lemma 3.2.

  3. Estimator reduction Lemma 4.2.

  4. Quasi-orthogonality Lemma 4.3.

In addition, some results above used indicator monotonicity properties (3.5)–(3.6) and monotonicity of data ηk(D). Starting with the quasi-orthogonality result in Lemma 4.3 we have


which gives


Employing now Lemma 4.2 for some δ > 0 to be specified later we have


where λ ∈ (0, 1) as defined in Lemma 4.2. Take now δ > 0 sufficiently small so that we can ensure γ < 1 by setting:

0<γ=γ(δ)=δ(1+δ)Λ1η02(D)<1. (4.6)

Using (4.6) in the last term leads to


We now use the marking strategy in equation (3.2) to give

ek+12+γηk+12Λk+1ek2+(1+δ)γηk2(1+δ)λγθ2ηk2. (4.7)

To allow for simultaneous reduction of the error and indicator, we follow [10] and split the last term into two parts using an arbitrary β ∈ (0, 1):


We now the first and third terms using the upper bound from Lemma 3.7 and the expression for γ in (4.6), and combine the second and fourth terms as well, giving:


This can be written in the form




By Lemma 4.3, we have Λk+1 = (1 − C* σk+1K)−1 with σk+1:= σhk+1, so that


By the assumptions in Lemma 4.3, we can take the initial mesh so that σk+1 ≥ 0 is as small as we desire, or that Λk+1 is as close to one as we desire. Therefore, we can simultaneously pick σk+1 > 0 and δ > 0 sufficiently small so that α12<1. Either this choice of δ > 0 ensures α22<1 as well, or we further reduce δ so that:


This completes the proof.

5. Feature-Preserving Mesh Generation for Biomolecules

Mesh generation from a molecule is one of the important components in finite element modeling of a biomolecular system. There are two primary ways of constructing molecular surfaces: one is based on the ‘hard sphere’ model [41] and the other is based on the level set of a ‘soft’ Gaussian function [22]. In the first model, a molecule is treated as a collection of ‘hard’ spheres with different radii, from which three types of surfaces can be extracted: van der Waals surface, solvent accessible surface, and solvent excluded surface [15, 22, 28, 41]. The molecular surface can be represented analytically by a list of seamless spherical patches [15, 49] and triangular meshes can be generated using such tools as MSMS [42]. In contrast, the ‘soft’ model treats each atom as a Gaussian-like smoothly decaying scalar function in ℝ3 [6, 17, 22]. The molecular surfaces are then approximated by appropriate level sets (or iso-surfaces) of the total of the Gaussian functions [6, 17]. Because of its generality, robustness, and capability of producing smooth surfaces, we will utilize the ‘soft’ model (or level set method) in our molecular mesh generation.

We now briefly outline the algorithms of constructing triangular and tetrahedral meshes from a molecule that is given by a list of centers and radii for atoms (e.g., PQR files [16] or PDB files with radii defined by users [5]). More details can be found in our earlier work [58]. Figure 2 shows the pipeline of our mesh generation toolchain. Note that our tool can also take as input an arbitrary 3D scalar volume or a triangulated surface mesh that has very low quality.

Figure 2.

Figure 2

Illustration of our mesh generation toolchain. The inputs can be a list of atoms (with centers and radii), a 3D scalar volume, or a user-defined surface mesh. The latter two can be thought of as subroutines of the first one.

5.1. Molecular Surface Generation

In our mesh generation toolchain, a molecular surface mesh is defined by a level set of the Gaussian kernel function computed from a list of atoms (represented by centers ci and radii ri) in a molecule as follows [6, 22, 60]:

F(x)=i=1NeBi(||xci||2ri21), (5.1)

where the negative parameter Bi is called the blobbyness that controls the spread of characteristic function of each atom. The blobbyness is treated in our work as a constant parameter (denoted by B0) for all atoms. Our experiments on a number of molecules show that the blobbyness at −0.5 produces a good approximation for molecular simulations.

Given the volumetric function F(x), the surface (triangular) mesh is constructed using the marching cube method [31]. Figure 3(A) shows an example of the isosurface extracted using this method. From this example, we can see that: (a) the isosurfacing technique can extract very smooth surfaces, but (b) many triangles are extremely “sharp”, which can cause poor approximation quality in finite element analysis. In addition, meshes generated by isosurfacing techniques are often too dense. Therefore, improving mesh quality yet keeping the number of mesh elements small are two important issues that we will address in this section.

Figure 3.

Figure 3

Illustration of the surface generation and post-processing. (A) A 3D volume is first generated using the Gaussian blurring approach (equation (5.1)) from the molecule (PDB: 1CID). Shown here is part of the surface triangulation by the marching cube method. (B) The surface mesh after two iterations of mesh quality improvements. (C) After coarsening, the mesh size becomes about seven times smaller than the original one. The mesh is also smoothed by the normal-based technique.

5.2. Surface Mesh Improvement and Decimation

Surface mesh post-processing includes quality improvement and mesh coarsening (decimation). The mesh quality can be improved by a combination of three major techniques: inserting or deleting vertices, swapping edges or faces, and moving the vertices without changing the mesh topology [19]. The last one is the main strategy we use to improve the mesh quality in our toolchain. For a surface mesh, however, moving the vertices may change the shape of the surface. Therefore, when we move the vertices, important features (e.g., sharp boundaries, concavities, holes, etc.) on the original surface should be preserved as much as possible. To characterize the important features on the surface mesh, we compute so-called local structure tensor [18, 53, 57] as follows:

T(v)=i=1M(nx(i)nx(i)nx(i)ny(i)nx(i)nz(i)ny(i)nx(i)ny(i)ny(i)ny(i)nz(i)nz(i)nx(i)nz(i)ny(i)nz(i)nz(i)), (5.2)

where ( nx(i),ny(i),nz(i)) is the normal vector of the ith neighbor of a vertex v and M′ is the total number of neighbors. The normal vector of a vertex is defined by the weighted average of the normals of all its incident triangles. The local structure tensor basically captures the principal axes of a set of vectors in space. Let the eigenvalues of T(v) be λ1, λ2, λ3 and λ1λ2λ3. Then the local structure tensor can capture the following features: (a) Spheres and saddles: λ1λ2λ3 > 0; (b) Ridges and valleys: λ1λ2λ3 ≈ 0; (c) Planes: λ1λ2λ3 ≈ 0.

The quality of a mesh can be improved by maximizing the minimal angles. The angle-based method developed by Zhou and coauthors [61] utilizes this idea by moving a vertex (denoted by x) towards the bisectors of the angles formed by adjacent vertices on the surrounding polygon. This method works quite well for 2D planar meshes and has been extended in [55] for improving quadrilateral mesh quality as well. However, vertices on a surface mesh can move with three degrees of freedom. If only the angle criterion is considered, the surface mesh may become bumpy and some molecular features may disappear. In other words, while the mesh quality is being improved, the geometric features on a surface mesh should be preserved as much as possible. To this end, we take advantage of the local structure tensor by mapping the new position generated by the angle-based method to each of the eigenvectors of the tensor calculated at the original position x and scaling the mapped vectors with the corresponding eigenvalues. Let e1, e2, e3 denote the eigenvectors and λ1, λ2, λ3 be the corresponding eigenvalues of the local structure tensor valued at x. The modified vertex is calculated as follows:

x^=x+k=1311+λk((x¯x)·ek)ek. (5.3)

The use of eigenvalues as a weighted term in the above equation is essential to preserve the features (with high curvatures) and to keep the improved surface mesh as close as possible to the original mesh by encouraging the vertices to move along the eigen-direction with small eigenvalues (or in other words, with low curvatures). Figure 3(B) shows the surface mesh after quality improvement, compared to the original mesh as shown in Figure 3(A). Before quality improvement, the minimal and maximal angles are 0.02° and 179.10° respectively. These angles become 14.11° and 135.65° after the improvement (two iterations).

The surface meshes extracted by isocontouring techniques (e.g., the marching cube method) often contain a large number of elements and are nearly uniform everywhere. To reduce the computational cost, adaptive meshes are usually preferred where fine meshes only occur in regions of interest. The idea of mesh coarsening in our pipeline is straightforward – delete a node and its associated edges, and then re-triangulate the surrounding polygon. The local structure tensor is again used as a way to quantify the features. Let x denote the node being considered for deletion and the neighboring nodes be vi, i = 1, ···, M, where M is the total number of the neighbors. The maximal length of the incident edges at x is denoted by L(x)=maxi=1M{d(x,vi)} where d(·, ·) is the Euclidean distance. Apparently L(x) indicates the sparseness of the mesh at x. Let λ1(x), λ2(x), λ3(x) be the eigenvalues of the local structure tensor calculated at x, satisfying λ1(x) ≥ λ2(x) ≥ λ3(x). Then the node x is deleted if and only if the following condition holds:

L(x)α(λ2(x)λ1(x))β<T0, (5.4)

where α and β are chosen to balance between the sparseness and the curvature of the mesh. In our experiments, they both are set as 1.0 by default. The threshold T0 is user-defined and also dependent on the values of α and β. When α and β are fixed, larger T0 will cause more nodes to be deleted. For the example in Figure 3(C), the coarsened mesh consists of 8, 846 nodes and 17, 688 triangles, about seven times smaller than the mesh as shown in Figure 3(B).

Mesh coarsening can greatly reduce the mesh size to a user-specified order. However, the nodes on the “holes” are often not co-planar; hence the re-triangulation of the “holes” often results in a bumpy surface mesh. The bumpiness can be reduced or removed by smoothing the surface meshes. We employ the idea of anisotropic vector diffusion [40, 56] and apply it to the normal vectors of the surface mesh being considered. This normal-based approach turns out to preserve sharp features and prevent volume shrinkages [13] better than the traditional vertex-based approach. Figure 3(C) shows the result after the mesh coarsening and normal-based mesh smoothing.

5.3. Tetrahedral Mesh Generation

Once the surface triangulation is generated with good quality, Tetgen [44, 45] can produce tetrahedral meshes with user-controlled quality. Besides the triangulated surface, our toolchain will have three other outputs for a given molecule: the interior tetrahedral mesh, the exterior tetrahedral mesh, and both meshes together. For the interior tetrahedral mesh, we force all atoms to be on the mesh nodes. The exterior tetrahedral mesh is generated between the surface mesh and a bounding sphere whose radius is set as about 40 times larger than the size of the molecule being considered. Figure 4 demonstrates an example of mesh generation on the mouse Acetyl-cholinesterase (mAChE) monomer.

Figure 4.

Figure 4

Illustration of biomolecular mesh generation. (A) The PDB structure of the mouse Acetylcholinesterase (mAChE) monomer. (B) The surface mesh generated by our approach. The active site is highlighted in yellow. (C) A closer look at the mesh near the active site. (D) The tetrahedral mesh between the molecular surface and the bounding sphere (not shown).

6. Numerical Examples

Two numerical examples with increasingly complexity of molecular surface are presented to show the stability of the decomposition scheme and the convergence of the adaptive algorithm. In both examples, the Laplace equation for harmonic component is solved with finite element method. The gradient of the harmonic component is then computed and supplied for calculating the interface conditions of the regularized Poisson-Boltzmann equation. It is also possible to directly compute the harmonic component and its gradient from the solution representation for the Poisson equation of the harmonic component via surface integrals on the molecular surface.

Example 1

The first numerical example is devoted to the comparison of two decomposition schemes discussed in the subsection 2. We use the model problem in Example 2.1 because it admits an analytical solution for comparison. The computational domain is chosen to be a sphere with radius r = 5Å. Figure 5 plots the computed regular potential component and the full potential from the first decomposition scheme as well as their relative errors with respect to the analytical solutions, respectively. Chart B shows that the finite element solution of this regular component has an relative error below 3% over the entire domain. Because of the large magnitude of this regular potential, the absolute error is considerably large, see Chart A and in particular Chart C, where the analytical singular component is added to get the full potential. The amplification of the relative error as analyzed in section 2 is seen from a comparison of Chart B and Chart D. This confirms that the first decomposition scheme is numerically unstable.

Figure 5.

Figure 5

Solution of the Poisson-Boltzmann equation via the first decomposition scheme. (A): Computed regular component ur of the electrostatic potential (blue) versus the analytical solution (red). (B): Relative error in percentage of computed regular component ur of electrostatic potential. (C): Computed full electrostatic electrostatic potential (blue) versus the analytical solution (red). (D): Relative error in percentage of the computed full electrostatic potential.

The numerical solutions via the second decomposition scheme demonstrate the desirable numerical stability, as shown in Figure 6. The regular potential ur in Chart A is solved with the same mesh for Figure 5, and shows a very good agreement with the analytical solution. The relative error is well below 1.5% over the entire domain, and is well below 0.1% in the interior of the molecule. Compared to Figure 5, it is seen that the magnitude of the regular component of the stable decomposition is much smaller. Because the harmonic and regular components are both solved numerically, it is worthwhile to examine the summation of these two numerical solutions and compare the total with the exact solution; this is plotted in Chat B. The discontinuity indicates that the decomposition is only applied inside the biomolecule, and that the harmonic component is much larger than the regular component. This further suggests that the overall relative numerical error inside the biomolecule will be larger than that in the solvent region. Interesting enough, most intermolecular electrostatic interactions are occurred through the solvent, and thus the stable decomposition can still provide the electrostatic potential of high fidelity for describing these interactions. We then refine this mesh globally by bisecting all the edges; the relative error is reduced 0.5% in most of the domain except in the vicinity of the dielectric interface where the error does not show a noticeable decrease, see Chart D. This is because the middle point of an edge on the interface maybe not located on the interface and therefore violates the assumption on the discretization of the molecular surface, thus the approximations to the interface and to the interface conditions are not improved with this globally refinement. To satisfy this assumption we apply this global refinement first and then move the middles points of all the interface edges back to the interface. This new refinement approach successfully scales down the numerical error near the interface, see Chart E.

Figure 6.

Figure 6

Solution of the Poisson-Boltzmann equation via the second decomposition scheme. (A): Computed regular component ur of the electrostatic potential (blue) versus the analytical solution (red). (B): Computed regular component ur plus the harmonic component uh of the electrostatic potential (blue) versus the analytical solution (red). (C): Relative error in percentage of the computed regular component of the electrostatic potential on an initial mesh. (D): Relative error in percentage of the computed regular component of the electrostatic potential; globally refined mesh. (E): Relative error in percentage of the computed regular component of the electrostatic potential; mesh locally refined on molecular surface and the boundary.

Both two decomposition schemes give rise to an elliptic interface problem, whose solution is of C0 only and can be appreciated from Chart A of Figures 5 and 6.

Example 2

This second numerical experiment is conducted on an insulin protein [51] (PDB ID: 1RWE). This protein has two polypeptide chains, one has 21 amino acid residues and the other has 30 residues, and has 1578 atoms in total. Because there is no analytical solution available for accuracy assessment we solve the Poisson-Boltzmann equation on four progressively refined meshes and use the solution on the finest mesh as the reference to measure the accuracy of other three solutions. In Table 1 we show the computed electrostatic solvation energy (ΔGele) and the corresponding relative error in the solution (eΔGele) for each solution. This energy is defined as

Table 1.

The electrostatic solvation energy ΔGele and the corresponding relative error eΔGele for progressively refined meshes, confirming convergence of the discretization technique based on the new regularization.

level of mesh # of tetrahedra # of nodes # of nodes on Γ ΔGele eΔGele
1 280928 45119 7681 −1476.9 0.0757
2 340410 54685 10257 −1403.6 0.0224
3 474011 76036 14982 −1380.3 0.0054
4 626221 100393 19816 −1372.9 -

where ρsol is the electrostatic potential of the solvated molecule while ρvac is the potential for the molecule in vacuum, where the dielectric constant is assumed to the same as the interior of the molecule. It turns out that ρvac is essentially the singular component inside molecule, and thus the solvation energy can be directly computed as


Assume that the solution on the finest mesh is convergent, we computed the relation error in the solution energy for three coarser meshes. The diminishing of this relative error confirms the convergence of the numerical method for computing electrostatics of realistic biomolecules.

7. Summary

In this article, we considered the design of an effective and reliable adaptive finite element method (AFEM) for the nonlinear Poisson-Boltzmann equation (PBE). In Section 2, we began with a very brief derivation of the standard form of the Poisson-Boltzmann equation. We examined the two-scale regularization technique described in [11], and briefly reviewed the solution theory (a priori estimates and other basic results) developed in [11] based on this regularization. We then described a second distinct regularization and explained why it is superior to the original approach as a framework for developing numerical methods. We then quickly assembled the cast of basic mathematical results needed for the second regularization. In Section 3, we described in detail an adaptive finite element method based on residual-type a posteriori estimates, and summarized some basic results we needed later for the development of a corresponding convergence theory. We presented this new convergence analysis in Section 4, giving the first AFEM contraction-type result for a class of semilinear problems that includes the Poisson-Boltzmann equation.

We gave a detailed discussion of our mesh generation toolchain in Section 5, including algorithms designed specifically for Poisson-Boltzmann applications. These algorithms produce a high-quality, high-resolution geometric model (surface and volume meshes) satisfying the assumptions needed for our AFEM algorithm. These algorithms are feature-preserving and adaptive, designed specifically for constructing meshes of biomolecular structures, based on the intrinsic local structure tensor of the molecular surface. Numerical experiments were given in Section 6; all of the AFEM and meshing algorithms described in the article were implemented in the Finite Element Toolkit (FETK), developed and maintained at UCSD. The stability advantages of the new regularization scheme were demonstrated with FETK through comparisons with the original regularization approach for a model problem. Convergence and accuracy of the AFEM algorithm was also illustrated numerically by approximating the solvation energy for a protein, in agreement with theoretical results established earlier in the paper.

In this article, we have examined an alternative regularization which must be used in place of the original regularization proposed in [11], due to an inherent instability built into the original regularization. We showed that an analogous solution and approximation theory framework can be put into in place for the new regularization, providing a firm foundation for the development of a large class of numerical methods for the Poisson-Boltzmann equation, including methods based on finite difference, finite volume, spectral, wavelet and finite element methods. Each of these methods can be shown to be convergent for the regularized problem, since it was shown in this article to allow for a standard H1 weak formulation with standard solution and test spaces. Our primary focus in this article then became the development of an AFEM scheme for the new regularized problem, based on residual-type a posteriori error indicators, a fairly standard and easy to implement marking strategy (Dörfler marking), and well-understood simplex bisection algorithms. We showed that the resulting AFEM scheme is reliable, by proving a contraction result for the error, which established convergence of the AFEM algorithm to the solution of the continuous problem. The AFEM contraction result, which is one of the first results of this type for nonlinear elliptic problems, follows from the global upper boundedness of the estimator, its reduction, and from a quasi-orthogonality result that relies on the a priori L estimates we derived. This new AFEM convergence framework is distinct from the analysis of nonlinear PBE with the previous regularization approach from [11], is more general, and can be applied to other semi-linear elliptic equations [27]. The contraction result creates the possibility of establishing optimality of the AFEM algorithm in both computational and storage complexity.

We note that for computational chemists and physicists who rely on numerical solution of the Poisson-Boltzmann equation, discretizations based on the stable splitting as described in the current paper are the only reliable numerical techniques under mesh refinement for the Poisson-Boltzmann equation that we are aware of (both provably convergent and stable to roundoff error). While one must take care with evaluation of the singular function us, since this generally involves pairwise interactions between charges and mesh points, the alternative to using these types of splitting discretizations is to lose reliability in the quality of the numerical solution. While we focused on (adaptive) finite element methods in this article, we emphasize that the splitting framework can be easily incorporated into one’s favored (finite difference, finite volume, spectral, wavelet, or finite element) numerical method that is currently being employed for the PBE.

Figure 7.

Figure 7

Left: The electrostatic potential mapped on the molecular surface of the insulin protein. Right: The surface mesh of insulin protein in the finite element model.


We would like to thank the reviewer for comments that improved the content and readability of the paper. The first author was supported in part by NSF Awards 0715146, 0821816, 0915220, and 0822283 (CTBP), NIH Award P41RR08605-16 (NBCR), DOD/DTRA Award HDTRA-09-1-0036, CTBP, NBCR, NSF, and NIH. The second author was supported in part by NIH, NSF, HHMI, CTBP, and NBCR. The third, fourth, and fifth authors were supported in part by NSF Award 0715146, CTBP, NBCR, and HHMI.

Contributor Information



ZEYUN YU, Email:




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