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Annals of The Royal College of Surgeons of England logoLink to Annals of The Royal College of Surgeons of England
. 2010 May 28;92(6):477–482. doi: 10.1308/003588410X12664192075936

Systematic review of blunt abdominal trauma as a cause of acute appendicitis

Zaher Toumi 1, Anthony Chan 2, Matthew B Hadfield 1, Neil R Hulton 1
PMCID: PMC3182788  PMID: 20513274



Acute appendicitis commonly presents as an acute abdomen. Cases of acute appendicitis caused by blunt abdominal trauma are rare. We present a systematic review of appendicitis following blunt abdominal trauma. The aim of this review was to collate and report the clinical presentations and experience of such cases.


A literature review was performed using PubMed, Embase and Medline and the keywords ‘appendicitis’, ‘abdominal’ and ‘trauma’.


The initial search returned 381 papers, of which 17 articles were included. We found 28 cases of acute appendicitis secondary to blunt abdominal trauma reported in the literature between 1991 and 2009. Mechanisms of injury included road-traffic accidents, falls, assaults and accidents. Presenting symptoms invariably included abdominal pain, but also nausea, vomiting and anorexia. Only 12 patients had computed tomography scans and 10 patients had ultrasonography. All reported treatment was surgical and positive for appendicitis.


Although rare, the diagnosis of acute appendicitis must be considered following direct abdominal trauma especially if the patient complains of abdominal right lower quadrant pain, nausea and anorexia. Haemodynamically stable patients who present shortly after blunt abdominal trauma with right lower quadrant pain and tenderness should undergo urgent imaging with a plan to proceed to appendicectomy if the imaging suggested an inflammatory process within the right iliac fossa.

Keywords: Trauma, Appendicitis

Appendicitis is a very common surgical condition. Approximately 7% of people in Western countries have appendicitis at some time during their lives. Obstruction of the proximal lumen of the appendix has long been considered to be the major cause of acute appendicitis. In many cases, the cause of obstruction is unknown. The evidence from temporal and geographical clustering of cases suggests primary infectious aetiology.1 Trauma has been known to be a rare cause of appendicitis for a long time.2 However, several current textbooks omit trauma as a cause of appendicitis. Cases of acute appendicitis caused by blunt abdominal trauma are rare, but have been reported sporadically in the literature. The aim of this systematic review was to collate and report the clinical presentations and experience of such cases. The systematic review was initiated after we were presented with a case of acute appendicitis following blunt trauma which we present briefly first.

Case history

An 11-year-old boy presented with right iliac fossa (RIF) pain after direct trauma to the right lower quadrant of his abdomen. While lying on a trampoline, his brother landed with his elbow on the patient's abdominal right lower quadrant after a high jump. His abdominal pain started immediately. Apart from the pain; he had nausea, vomiting and anorexia. Symptoms persisted until his admission 3 days later. He was previously fit and well and he did not have similar symptoms prior to the traumatic incident. The patient was pyrexial, tachycardic but normotensive. His abdomen was soft but tender in the right lower quadrant and right flank. A chest X-ray showed no free intraperi-toneal gas, urinalysis showed only a trace of blood and haematological and biochemical investigations showed raised inflammatory markers. A computed tomography (CT) scan was performed which showed appendicitis with an adjacent collection (Fig. 1). Subsequently, an appen-dicectomy was performed. The retrocaecal appendix was grossly inflamed and necrotic. Histology confirmed acute suppurative appendicitis with serositis. The patient was discharged on postoperative day 4 after making a full recovery.

Figure 1.

Figure 1

Computed tomography image of right iliac fossa collection (arrowed) as seen in our case.

Subjects and Materials

A computerised search of all the English literature cited in the PubMed, Embase and Medline databases from 1991 to 2009 was performed using the search words ‘appendicitis’ and either ‘abdominal’ or ‘trauma’ with no logic operators which returned 381 papers. Of these, non-relevant papers, reviews and non-English articles were excluded. Twenty-eight case reports (including our case) from 17 papers were included in this review, and data (including patient characteristics, investigations, treatment and outcome) were extracted from each report.


Between 1991 and 2009, we found 28 cases of acute appendicitis caused by blunt abdominal trauma reported in the literature (Table 1). The age of patients ranged from 4–60 years (median, 11.5 years), and only three patients were female (10.7%). Mechanisms of injury ranged from road-traffic accidents (11 cases, two being pedestrians, one passenger and two due to seatbelt injuries, one bike-related and five unspecified), to falls (eight cases), assaults (five cases) and other accidents (three cases related to objects falling on the abdomen). One case presented following a colonoscopy. Presenting symptoms invariably included abdominal pain (17 with diffuse abdominal pain, only nine complained of localised RIF pain). Patients also experienced nausea (nine cases), vomiting (six cases) and anorexia (three cases). Patients presented 0.25–168 h (median, 12 h) after the traumatic event (Table 2). The mean temperature of patients was 37.9 ± 0.91°C. The mean white cell count was 13.7 ± 5.0 × 103/mm3. Only 12 patients had computed tomography (CT) scans and 10 patients had ultrasound scans (Table 2).

Table 1.

Summary of cases: patient characteristics, mechanism of injury and presenting symptoms

Reference Age Sex Mechanism of injury Time of presentation (h) Presenting symptoms

Diffuse abdominal pain RIF abdominal pain Fever Nausea Vomiting Anorexia Other
Amir (2009)3 10 M Fall 2 Groin pain x x x x x x
Bangs (1991)4 20 M RTA (motorcyclist) - Admitted to ITU with closed head injury and decerebrate posturing
Ciftci (1996)5 8 M RTA (pedestrian) 2 x x x x x
Ciftci (1996)5 5 F Fall 6 x x x x x
Ciftci (1996)5 13 F Accident (ball) 12 x x x x x x
Ciftci (1996)5 14 M RTA 4 x x x x
Ciftci (1996)5 7 M Assault 12 x x x x x x
Derr (2009)6 41 M Fall - Epigastric x x x x
Etensel (2005)7 5 M RTA 4 x x x x x x
Etensel (2005)7 8 M RTA 1 x x x x x
Etensel (2005)7 14 M RTA 1 x x x x x x
Etensel (2005)7 9 M Fall 1 x x x x x Confusion
Etensel (2005)7 13 M RTA (pedestrian) 0.25 x x x x x x
Hagger (2002)8 60 M Fall 72 x x x x x Right inguinal mass
Hennington (1991)9 46 M Accident 48 x x x
Hennington (1991)9 12 M Fall 12 x x x
Houry (2001)10 5 M Fall 1 x x x x x
Karavokyros (2004)11 21 M Assault ‘Several hours’ x x
Musemeche (1995)12 4 M RTA (passenger) ‘Within hours’
Osterhoudt (2000)13 9 M RTA ‘Few hours’ x x x x x x
Ramesh (2002)14 11 M Accident (bike) 48 x x x Diarrhoea
Ramsook (2001)15 12 M Assault 18 x x x x x
Serour (1996)16 11 M Assault 18 x x x
Serour (1996)16 8 M Fall 3 x x x x
Serour (1996)16 7 M Assault 168 x x x x
Stephenson (1995)17 32 F RTA, seat belt 120 ‘Signs of acute appendicitis’
Takagi (2000)18 45 M RTA, seat belt 24 x x x x x x
Volchok (2006)19 60 M Colonoscopy 60 x x x x
This study 11 M Accident (trampoline-related) 72 x

RTA, road traffic accident.

Table 2.

Investigations during admission

Author Computed tomography Ultrasonography
Amir Free fluid and distended appendix Atonic bowel loops, retrovesicular mass
Bangs Initially showed no visceral injury Not done
Ciftci Not done Not done
Ciftci Not done Not done
Ciftci Not done Not done
Ciftci Not done Dilated loops (minimal intraperitoneal fluid)
Ciftci Not done Dilated loops (minimal intraperitoneal fluid)
Derr Not done Non-compressible app + ‘target’ appearance
Etensel Not done Large abdo fluid, hepatic lacerations
Etensel Not done Large hepatic laceration, free fluid and retroperitoneal haematoma
Etensel Not done Retroperitoneal haematoma
Etensel Free air Free air
Etensel Splenic laceration, free fluid (large volume), pneumomediastinum, left hemidiaphragm and left ureteropelvic junction and urinoma Not done
Hagger Dilated loops of small bowel, incarceration of oedematous bowel in a right inguinal hernia, and oedematous changes in the right perirenal tissues Not done
Hennington Not done Not done
Hennington Not done Not done
Houry Pelvic free fluid, inflammation in the appendix and right colon Not done
Karavokyros Not done Free peritoneal fluid around liver
Musemeche Multiple contused and lacerated spleen, liver contusions and moderate oedema around pancreas Not done
Osterhoudt Normal CT Not done
Ramesh Not done Bilateral iliac fossa fluid collection
Ramsook Thick walled loop of bowel (RLQ), free pelvic fluid Not done
Serour RIF haziness, calc faecolith, prerectal fluid Not done
Serour Not done Not done
Serour RLQ Abscess Not done
Stephenson Not done Not done
Takagi Not done Not done
Volchoh Retrocaecal appendix with appendicolith, wall thickening and peri-appendiceal inflammation Not done
This study Appendicitis with adjacent collection Not done

All reported treatment was surgical (Table 3). Many cases were treated with an appendicectomy (16, including two laparoscopic cases) and the remaining with exploratory laparotomy. All cases were positive for appendicitis, either by examination of the gross specimen, by histological analysis or both. There was no mortality reported in any of the cases. The mean hospital stay was 11.0 days.

Table 3.

Summary of treatment for appendicitis, histology results and outcome

Author Treatment Gross histology Histology Outcome
Amir Inflamed appendix (+ fibrin) Appendicitis Recovered
Bangs Laparotomy
Ciftci Appendicectomy Perforated appendix Appendicitis 6.4 ± 1.5 days hospital stay
Ciftci Appendicectomy Acute appendicitis Appendicitis
Ciftci Appendicectomy Acute appendicitis Appendicitis
Ciftci Appendicectomy Perforated appendix Appendicitis
Ciftci Appendicectomy Acute appendicitis Appendicitis
Derr Laparoscopic appendicectomy No perforation Recovered
Etensel Laparotomy Hep lacerations + appendicitis Confirmed appendicitis 15-day stay
Etensel Laparotomy Hyperaemic, oedematous, thickened Confirmed appendicitis 19-day stay
Etensel Laparotomy Hyperaemic, inflamed Confirmed appendicitis 15-day stay
Etensel Laparotomy Hyperaemic, oedematous, inflamed Confirmed appendicitis 10-day stay
Etensel Laparotomy Hyperaemic, oedematous, thickened Confirmed appendicitis 21-day stay
Hagger Gangrenous appendix inside hernia Full recovery by 6 weeks
Hennington Midline celiotomy Gangrenous appendix 3-day stay
Hennington Appendicectomy Acute suppurative appendicitis 2-day stay
Houry Exploratory laparotomy Acutely inflamed, perforated 7-day stay
Karavokyros Antibiotics, then laparotomy Inflamed appendix Confirmed appendicitis, lymph node enlarged 7-day stay
Musemeche Appendicectomy Acute appendicitis with perforation 19-day stay
Osterhoudt Appendicectomy Gangrenous appendix Gangrenous appendix Full recovery
Ramesh Laparotomy Perforated appendix Suppurative appendicitis 5-day stay
Ramsook Appendicectomy/lavage Acutely inflamed, retrocaecal Inflammation, full thickness perforation
Serour Laparotomy Gangrenous appendix Confirmed, with peri-appendicitis
Serour Appendicectomy Phlegmonous appendix Confirmed, with peri-appendicitis
Serour Appendicectomy/drainage Acute, gangrenous, perforated
Stephenson Appendicectomy Acutely inflamed appendix Full recovery
Takagi Appendicectomy Acutely inflamed appendix Phlegmonous appendix + peri-appendicitis Uncomplicated
Volchok Laparoscopic appendicectomy Grossly inflamed appendix + fecalith 1-day stay
This study Appendicectomy Retrocaecal, inflamed and necrotic appendix Acute suppurative appendicitis with serositis 4-day stay


Acute appendicitis following blunt abdominal trauma has been reported sporadically over the past century. The most famous case is perhaps that of the Hungarian escapologist and stunt performer, Harry Houdini, who died in 1926 aged 52 years following a ruptured appendix after being punched several times (with permission) in the abdomen by student Gordon Whitehead. The reported incidence of acute appendicitis following trauma remains low. In 1938, Fowler2 reported only 48 cases out of 13,496 cases of appendicitis (0.3%) with a history of trauma. Ciftci et al.5 reported only five cases of appendicitis out of 554 patients (0.9%) following blunt abdominal trauma.

There has been much debate as to whether acute appendicitis following trauma is coincidental or causal. For genuine cases, Fowler2 stated the following conditions must be met:

  1. No history of previous attacks of appendicitis.

  2. The cause of the trauma and mechanism of injury must create a force which is capable of reaching the appendix.

  3. The effects of the trauma must be experienced immediately, and merges into that of acute appendicitis.

  4. True traumatic lesions of the appendix must be operatively demonstrated.

  5. There must be a superimposed acute inflammation of the appendix.

We found 28 cases in the literature (Table 1), with different mechanisms of trauma. Our case is the first case of trampoline-related appendicitis.

The presentation of appendicitis secondary to trauma is generally similar to non-traumatic appendicitis. The difficulty lies with the unfamiliarity of clinicians with the possibility of appendicitis and the extensive differential diagnosis of abdominal pain after blunt abdominal trauma. Due to rarity of the diagnosis, further investigations might be required in stable patients. These investigations are essentially required to confirm the diagnosis of appendicitis, rule out other diagnoses and aid in planning the management of such patients. The rarity of the diagnosis and the long list of differential diagnoses made us reluctant to operate on our patient without CT confirmation of the diagnosis.

From our review, routine haematological and biochemical investigations are not very useful. Even if inflammatory markers are raised, that would not confirm the diagnosis. DPL was reported only once to have been used to diagnose a post traumatic abdominal inflammatory process which led to laparotomy and diagnosis of appendicitis.4

The diagnosis is likely to require imaging for confirmation. Ultrasonography in the diagnosis of appendicitis following blunt trauma has been shown to be useful as a diagnostic tool if done by experts.6 Some authors advocate a trauma eFAST scan (extended focused assessment with sonography in trauma) to include the appendix.6 CT scanning has proven useful in many of the cases presented here. CT was normal in one case on admission.4

The pathological process of the development of acute appendicitis has been attributed to different mechanisms. The first proposed mechanism is increased intra-abdominal pressure in direct injury.2 Pressure within the appendix may be increased by any force which decreases intra-abdominal space.2 This force must be suddenly exerted.2 The second explanation is that blunt trauma might have a direct effect on the appendix with subsequent appendiceal oedema, inflammation, and/or hyperplasia of intrinsic lymphoid tissues, all of which could result in obstruction of the appendiceal lumen.7 The third mechanism is explained by a combination of appendiceal faecolith and caecal trauma. In the presence of faecolith, a direct blow or crushing injury delivered over the caecum may cause a true traumatic lesion or forcible expulsion of gas and faecal contents into the organ. That increases luminal pressure. Minute fissures in the mucosa or lacerations may occur permitting invasion of bacteria into the submucous coat. This leads to complete obstruction, inadequate drainage, defective circulation and (subsequently) gangrene (as in our case) and spontaneous perforation.2 The fourth explanation states that stretching of the appendiceal orifice is the cause of appendicitis. The caecum, as the widest part of the colon, is most susceptible to distension with increases in intracolonic pressure. This leads to stretching of the appendiceal orifice. Subsequent acute inflammation in response to this stretching trauma may have led to the development of an obstructive appendicitis.20 Indirect trauma might also cause appendicitis. This is either caused by increased intra-abdominal pressure7 or irritation caused by muscle contractions. Power contractions of the iliopsoas might irritate the appendix causing adhesions, bands, angulations, kinks or obstructions.2 Some authors attribute appendicitis secondary to direct and indirect trauma to hypoperfusion with subsequent mucosal oedema and appendicitis.


Although rare, the diagnosis of acute appendicitis must be considered following direct abdominal trauma especially if the patient complained of abdominal right lower quadrant (RLQ) pain, nausea and anorexia. Appendicitis can be reasonably attributed to trauma if the presentation was early after the traumatic event and the patient has not suffered from suggestive symptoms prior to trauma. Attributing appendicitis to trauma might be more difficult in other cases. Haemodynamically stable patients who present shortly after blunt abdominal trauma with RLQ pain and tenderness should undergo immediate imaging with a plan to proceed to appendicectomy if the imaging suggested an inflammatory process within the RIF.


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