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. 2011 Aug 26;(125):59–106. doi: 10.3897/zookeys.125.1754
1 Scapus longer than pedicellus, somewhat longer than wide (Fig. 29); third antennal segment somewhat longer than fourth segment (Fig. 29); fore tarsus shorter than middle tarsus; face, frons and vertex transversely striate; hypopygium of female protruding apically; face of female black; C. Asia (Kazakhstan) Kollasmosoma marikovskii (Tobias, 1986)
Scapus (excluding radix) shorter than pedicellus, wider than long (Figs 11, 24, 34); third antennal segment distinctly shorter than fourth segment (Figs 11, 24, 34); fore tarsus 1.3–1.9 times as long as middle tarsus (Fig. 39); face, frons and vertex granulate; hypopygium of female (sub)truncate apically (Figs 14, 37); face of female pale yellowish or white, of male black (males only known of Kollasmosoma sentum) 2
2 Dorsal face of propodeum distinctly longer than metanotum, similar to posterior face (Fig. 26); inner spur of hind tibia of female enlarged and apically truncate (and outer spur acute; Fig. 25); basitarsus of middle leg about 1.5 times as long as second tarsal segment (Fig. 27); [temple about 0.7 times as wide as eye in lateral view (Fig. 61, l.c.)]; Mongolia Kollasmosoma cubiceps (Huddleston, 1976)
Dorsal face of propodeum about as long as metanotum or shorter (Figs 10, 37); inner spur of hind tibia of female normal and apically acute (Figs 13, 33); basitarsus of middle leg 2–3 times as long as second tarsal segment (Fig. 28); Mediterranean; Iberian Peninsula 3
3 Outer spur of hind tibia of female enlarged and apically obtuse (Fig. 33); fifth metasomal sternite of female without apical spine (Fig. 37); face moderately convex (Fig. 37); height of eye of female about 4.8 times width of temple in lateral view (Fig. 37); dorsal face of propodeum about as long as metanotum (Fig. 37); pedicellus of female less protruding and scapus much wider than long (Fig. 34); fore tarsus of female about 1.3 times as long as middle tarsus; East Mediterranean Kollasmosoma platamonense (Huddleston, 1976)
Outer spur of hind tibia of female normal and apically acute (Fig. 13); fifth metasomal sternite of female with an apical spine (Fig. 14); face strongly convex (Fig. 9); height of eye of female about 3.6 times width of temple in lateral view (Fig. 9), of male about 2.8 times; dorsal face of propodeum shorter than metanotum (Fig. 10); pedicellus (= second antennal segment) of female more protruding and scapus slightly wider than long (Fig. 11), but much shorter in male; fore tarsus of female about 1.9 times as long as middle tarsus (of male about 1.2 times); West Mediterranean (Iberian Peninsula) Kollasmosoma sentum van Achterberg & Gómez, sp. n.