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Journal of Clinical Microbiology logoLink to Journal of Clinical Microbiology
. 2004 Jan;42(1):1–6. doi: 10.1128/JCM.42.1.1-6.2004

Reality of Developing a Community-Wide Antibiogram

Diane C Halstead 1,*, Noel Gomez 2, Yvette S McCarter 3
PMCID: PMC321737  PMID: 14715723

Antimicrobial surveillance may be defined as a systematic collection, analysis, and dissemination of data that may be used to identify resistance trends and assess the need for intervention (2). In 1988 the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention published guidelines for evaluation of surveillance systems for antimicrobial resistance (7), and an American Society for Microbiology task force (1) highlighted the importance of performing antimicrobial surveillance through local, national, and global networks. Unfortunately, the recommendations from this task force were not implemented, in part due to lack of funding (6). To this end, however, international as well as more than 21 national programs designed to capture susceptibility data for most clinically significant organisms (e.g., SENTRY and TSN) and 24 programs that focused on specific organisms (e.g., CARE and TRUST), were identified in 1999 through the World Health Organization Antimicrobial Resistance Information Bank (9). These programs may be government (e.g., ICARE and NNIS,), commercial (e.g., TSN), or industry (e.g., ARMp, MYSTIC, PROTEKT, SENTRY, and TRUST) supported. Additional data may be gleaned from postmarketing surveillance studies by pharmaceutical companies who monitor their new antimicrobial for resistance, e.g., MYSTIC (meropenem), SMART (quinupristin-dalfopristin), and ZAP (linezolid). Since testing methods may vary between laboratories and may potentially bias multilaboratory databases, some programs rely on a central laboratory to generate standardized susceptibility data. Quantitative (MIC) rather than qualitative (susceptible, intermediate, and resistant) data and the use of molecular methods, as employed in the MYSTIC and SENTRY programs, generally offer greater value in identifying resistance trends and providing a genetic basis for observed resistance, respectively.


Appropriately and continuously collected data can be used to develop yearly antibiograms, detect shifts in susceptibility, and serve as a basis for empirical therapy, formulary decisions, and changes in prescribing and infection control practices. Solid data may be used to develop strategies for intervention by a multidisciplinary task force (5). Although regional, national, and global data may provide a sense of the magnitude of resistance to a given drug, local and/or (preferably) institutional data are generally of greater value to clinicians when managing their patients (8, 12).

Clinical microbiologists have an opportunity to play a key role in their hospitals' surveillance programs and in their communities. Microbiologists must ensure that a standardized method of susceptibility testing is being used with a panel of antimicrobials appropriate for each body site and based on their hospital formulary. They must provide accurate, clear, concise, and timely reports for use in guiding therapy and infection control decisions within the hospital. Although the responsibility for preparation and distribution of annual antibiograms may rest with clinical pharmacists, infectious disease specialists, or perhaps infection control practitioners, microbiologists should, by virtue of the fact that the results are generated from the laboratory, be involved, if not directly responsible, for this task. The microbiologist is also encouraged to take a leadership role in the multidisciplinary approach of compiling local surveillance data and annual antibiogram development. This includes developing and maintaining a monitoring program, enhancing cooperation and communication among health care providers within the community, providing a means of benchmarking and reconciling techniques used among the community laboratories, assessing local patterns of susceptibility, identifying emerging resistance, and conveying these data to the appropriate individuals in order to affect policies in treatment and develop strategies for preventing resistance in their hospitals and communities.

Until recently, hospitals followed their own set of guidelines for abstracting and presenting data in the form of an antibiogram. Formal standardized guidelines to gather data and prepare antibiograms did not exist. In 2001, an NCCLS subcommittee published proposed guidelines for the medical community to use in analyzing and presenting cumulative antimicrobial susceptibility test data. This document (M39-A) (10) provides a standardized means of data extraction for all drugs tested, including primary, specialized (e.g., β-lactamase) results and data verified by using an expert system but excluding surveillance data and separate reflex testing results for more resistant organisms. The guidelines also outline how the data should be presented, i.e., reporting the percent susceptibility for the first isolate from a patient within an analysis period (generally 1 year), inclusive dates that the results were generated, population tested (e.g., inpatient, intensive care unit, or nursing home), specimen source, maximum number of isolates tested (with a minimum of 10 for each organism listed), and separate data for gram-negative, gram-positive, aerobic, and anaerobic organisms and listing drugs alphabetically or by class. Furthermore, the M39A document recommends avoiding selective reporting (cascading), where secondary agents are reported only if the isolate is resistant to the primary agent(s) of a specific drug class. Thus, all isolates stored should be analyzed for the cumulative antimicrobial susceptibility report. If only the isolates resistant to the primary agents were analyzed and reported, this would bias the secondary agents to higher levels of resistance.


The increasing prevalence of antimicrobial resistance is a concern shared by health care workers around the globe. Although numerous national and international surveillance programs have been introduced to determine trends and assess the magnitude of resistance, we are unaware of published surveillance initiatives to standardize microbiological practices within a community and develop a community-wide antibiogram (CWA).

One of the first steps in developing a CWA is to develop a microbiology network. Over the years we have developed a cooperative spirit within our microbiology community. In fact, the supervisors and directors of the hospital and public health microbiology laboratories meet as a group (Jacksonville Microbiology Users Group) on a regular basis to exchange information, establish a standard of care in the community, and highlight new findings. Likewise, microbiologists meet as a group (Jacksonville Area Microbiology Society) each month for approved continuing education programs and have developed an annual First Coast Infectious Disease/Clinical Microbiology Symposium ( where participants from Florida, Georgia, and other areas of the country gather to hear distinguished speakers discuss timely topics of interest and recommended standards. Previously, one of the authors (D.C.H.) had gathered antibiograms, which included 1995 to 2000 susceptibility data, from most of the hospitals in the Jacksonville area and had published a CWA for organisms associated with community-acquired pneumonia (4). The author subsequently approached the Director of Pharmacy and Clinical Coordinator for Adult Services at her hospital to explore the possibility of expanding the network and opening the lines of communication with pharmacists in the community. With their assistance, a multidisciplinary users group composed of microbiologists, clinical pharmacists, infectious disease specialists, and infection control practitioners from 10 hospitals serving the greater Jacksonville, Fla., area was formed to exchange susceptibility data and formulary decisions, compare laboratory practices, and develop a multicenter antibiogram. Potential participants were contacted via memorandum, electronic mail, and/or telephone. Our first meeting met with great enthusiasm. We were able to identify a sponsor who provided funding for a dinner meeting at a local restaurant. During this first meeting an in-service on antimicrobial resistance and methods of detection was provided. We gathered contact information for each of the participants and identified our expectations and goals for the group. The intention of the group was not to have closed meetings but rather to open the meeting to other individuals in our community with a strong interest in infectious diseases and control of antimicrobial resistance. Participating hospital laboratories completed a comprehensive survey to determine susceptibility methods used and how antibiograms were reported and to assess whether they followed the NCCLS M100-S12 (11) and M39-A (10) standards for performing susceptibility testing and antibiogram preparation, respectively. Consensus in our approach to performing and reporting susceptibility results was not a significant issue, since we had been meeting regularly prior to the formation of this multidisciplinary group, resulting in the use of similar and standardized procedures among the participating laboratories. A comprehensive nine-hospital antibiogram was developed based on 2001 susceptibility data for empirical therapy and as a basis to develop a strategy for preventing further community or regional resistance.

The results of the comprehensive survey are listed in Table 1. Additional survey questions pertained to monitoring resistance development in specific pathogens and the ability of participating institutions to break out antibiogram data by source, patient location, and/or length of hospitalization. In 9 of 10 hospitals, the microbiologist was responsible for antibiogram preparation. An automated system, i.e., Vitek or Micro-Scan, was used as the primary method for susceptibility testing in most participating hospitals. Cumulative data from each hospital were generated exclusively by using the laboratory information system and/or automated testing instrument. We did not attempt to separate inpatient and outpatient data, since other investigators have found that susceptibilities between the two groups were comparable (3). The M39 guidelines were followed with rare exceptions. Unfortunately, not all laboratory information systems within our community were programmed to exclude duplicate isolates from a given patient within a year. Data are presented from 13 genera, with a maximum of 31,774 isolates tested against 25 antimicrobial agents (Table 2). A CWA for each organism-drug combination was calculated by averaging the percent susceptibility results submitted by each hospital (18). To avoid artificially lowering or inflating the cumulative percent susceptibility on the CWA, we excluded data provided from our local pediatric hospital because certain key organisms, e.g., Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus pneumoniae, were historically more susceptible or resistant, respectively, then observed in the adult population. According to several reports (2, 9, 13, 14, 16, 17; J. F. Hindler, and L. R. Gibson, Abstr. 103rd Gen. Meet. Am. Soc. Microbiol., abstr C-066, 2003), including the NCCLS M39-A document (10), duplicate isolates should not be included when calculating percent susceptibility by using the criterion of time or antibiotic susceptibility (14). Because of concern that resistance reflected on the CWA might be artificially inflated due to inclusion of duplicate isolates, data from five of the hospitals contributing two-thirds of the CWA data and participating in the surveillance network (TSN) (15) were extracted by using TSN pre-M39 rule of eliminating duplicate results from the same patient within a 5-day period as well as by using the M39-A first-isolate rule (Table 3). A major difference in percent susceptibility between TSN and M39 extracted data was observed with Klebsiella and piperacillin (20%). Shannon et al. (16) also observed a major difference with Klebsiella and gentamicin, a reflection of acquired resistance during hospitalization and repeat isolates over time.


Comprehensive survey results from 10 hospitals

Question No. (%) of respondents
No. of respondents completing questionnaire 10 (100)
Susceptibility testing methodology used
    Routine testing
        Microscan 3 (30)
        Pasco 1 (10)
        Vitek 6 (60)
    S. pneumoniae
        Etest and/or disk diffusion 9 (90)
        Pasco 1 (10)
Methodology used to generate antibiogram
    LIS 6 (60)
    Automated testing system (Vitek or Microscan) 1 (10)
    Both 3 (30)
Party responsible for preparing yearly hospital antibiogram
    Microbiologist 9 (90)
    Pharmacist 1 (10)
Antibiogram preparation
    Only the first isolate taken from patient included
        Yes 5 (50)
        No 5 (50)
    Each organism tested against same antimicrobials
        Yes 10 (100)
        No 0 (0)
    At least 10 isolates of a given genus and/or species reported
        Yes 10 (100)
        No 0 (0)
    System in place to alert staff of atypical results
        Yes 9 (90)
        No 1 (10)
    Antibiogram includes results of manual and automated testing
        Yes 10 (100)
        No 0 (0)


2002 Community-wide antibiogram

Organism(s) No. of isolates tested % Susceptible to:
Amikacin Gentamicin Tobramycin Cefazolin Cefepime Cefotaxime Ceftazidime Ceftriaxone Cefuroxime
Acinetobacter spp. 441 96 38 75 a 46 29 13
Citrobacter spp. 398 99 90 89 37 97 78 82 79 50
Enterobacter spp. 1,186 99 91 93 94 72 77 78 41
E. coli 9,599 100 94 96 88 99 99 97 98 92
Klebsiella spp. 2,777 100 95 95 74 88 97 96 96 83
Proteus mirabilis 2,185 98 74 82 86 99 99 99 99 96
Pseudomonas aeruginosa 1863 90 74 88 74 82
Serratia spp. 272 99 95 89 96 73 81 91
Stenotrophomonas maltophilia 217 56
Haemophilus influenzae 241
Enterococcus spp. 2,725
S. aureus 7,495 86 59
Coagulase-negative staphylococci 1880 70 26
S. pneumoniae 495 60

not tested or inappropriate for treatment.


Comparison of antibiogram data calculated by using the first patient isolate tested (M39) and patient isolates retested after 5 days (TSN)

Organism(s), method No. of isolates tested % Susceptible to:
Amikacin Gentamicin Tobramycin Cefazolin Cefepime Cefotaxime Ceftazidime Ceftriaxone Cefuroxime
Acinetobacter spp., M39 276 96 37 78 32 28 39 18
Acinetobacter spp., TSN 305 95 34 77 28 24 35 16
Citrobacter spp., M39 363 99 89 89 43 96 83 80 82 82
Citrobacter spp., TSN 378 99 87 89 42 96 86 80 82 79
Enterobacter spp., M39 770 98 91 91 3 94 79 76 76 53
Enterobacter spp., TSN 856 98 89 90 3 94 75 74 74 52
E. coli, M39 5,123 99 94 94 88 99 98 97 99 95
E. coli, TSN 5,223 99 93 94 87 99 98 97 99 95
Klebsiella spp., M39 417 100 98 99 89 100 100 97 100 92
Klebsiella spp., TSN 1,606 99 94 94 87 98 97 96 97 92
P. mirabilis, M39 1,371 97 73 79 90 96 99 96 99 100
P. mirabilis, TSN 1,442 97 77 78 89 96 99 96 99 100
P. aeruginosa, M39 1,699 91 70 86 78 81
P. aeruginosa, TSN 2,018 88 66 83 72 77
Serratia marcescens, M39 235 99 94 84 96 86 91 92
Serratia marcescens, TSN 253 98 93 84 96 84 89 91
S. maltophilia, M39 188 24
S. maltophilia, TSN 222 24
Enterococcus spp., M39 2,057
Enterococcus spp., TSN 2,147
S. aureus, M39 3,376 90 54
S. aureus, TSN 3,677 90 53
Coagulase-negative staphylococci, M39 165 64 26
Coagulase-negative staphylococci, TSN 965 63 24
S. pneumoniae, M39 277 49
S. pneumoniae, TSN 275 49

In order to identify resistance trends of greatest concern within our community, we compared data collected between 1995 and 2000 (4) with our current 2001 CWA data for oxacillin-resistant S. aureus and for penicillin-, cefotaxime-, ceftriaxone-, and macrolide-lincosamide-streptogramin B-susceptible S. pneumoniae (Table 4). We also compared CWA S. pneumoniae data with 2002 Trust 6 South Atlantic data to determine whether regional susceptibility results could be used to predict local patterns. Only 49% of our S. pneumoniae isolates were penicillin susceptible, compared to 62% in the region. This underscores the importance of determining local resistance patterns rather than relying on regional data. As seen in Table 4, ceftriaxone appeared to be more active than cefotaxime. Interestingly, this same pattern has been observed for several years in our local pediatric population (data not shown). A recent study of 1,000 clinical isolates of S. pneumoniae derived from medical laboratories distributed around the United States also investigated this observation. That study confirmed that differential MICs of ceftriaxone and cefotaxime in some isolates of S. pneumoniae were independent of the susceptibility test method. In addition, isolates which demonstrated differential MICs were frequently clonally related, although they comprised several clonal types. This phenomenon was noted particularly in southern U.S. states (Mark E. Jones [Focus Technologies Inc., Herndon, Va.], personal communication). A review of erythromycin and clindamycin susceptibility results from 1995 to 2001 revealed that erythromycin susceptibilities decreased from 80 to 52% over the 7-year period, whereas clindamycin susceptibilities remained relatively stable. This pattern of susceptibility would be compatible with a greater prevalence of mefA rather than ermB gene expression in our population. Although all hospitals screened Klebsiella and Escherichia coli isolates for the presence of extended-spectrum β-lactamases (ESBLs), we were unable to extract information regarding the incidence of ESBLs from our hospital databases. With ceftazidime-resistant Klebsiella used as an indicator of activity (11), 4% of our isolates appeared to be potential ESBL producers.


CWA resistance trends for S. aureus and S. pneumoniae, 1995 to 2001a

Yr % Susceptible
S. aureus, oxacillin S. pneumoniaeb
Penicillin Cefotaxime Ceftriaxone Erythromycin Clindamycin
1995 64 70 83 81 91 NAc
1996 58 63 80 85 82 NA
1997 58 62 79 83 70 NA
1998 54 57 78 91 69 NA
1999 51 57 75 92 64 86
2000 43 51 79 90 65 94
2001 59 49 75 93 52 85

Data for 1995 to 2000 are cumulative published (4) and unpublished data excluding pediatric isolates.


Cefotaxime and ceftriaxone results were calculated by using meningeal breakpoints (≤1, 2, and ≥4 μg/ml) prior to implementation of 2002 NCCLS breakpoint changes for nonmeningeal isolates (11).


NA, not available.


A multidisciplinary users group comprised of microbiologists, clinical pharmacists, infectious disease specialists, and infection control practitioners from 10 Jacksonville, Fla., area hospitals met on a quarterly basis to open lines of communication and share information. A portion of each meeting was used to discuss topics related to antimicrobial resistance, identify laboratory tools to identify resistance, and review standards in the M39 document (10). An initial goal identified by the group was to develop a CWA to be used by physicians in the community for empirical therapy (particularly those seeing patients at multiple hospitals in the Jacksonville area), to develop a strategy to decrease resistance, and to provide a model for other communities to implement. Since we already had cumulative data for 1995 to 2000 for organisms causing community-associated pneumonia, we were able to compare our current CWA with previously collected data.

In order to avoid interlaboratory variation when generating the CWA data collected from multiple hospitals, a survey of laboratory practices within the community was distributed to ensure that NCCLS standards were followed. Since not all participating laboratories were collecting susceptibility results from the first isolate for each patient as described in the M39 standard (10), we proceeded to analyze data from 5 of the 10 hospitals by using both the 5-day and M39 rules for each organism included in the CWA to avoid skewing the susceptibility results. With rare exceptions, there were no major differences observed for this population of organisms. Future goals include reviewing and developing empirical and standard treatment protocols, assessing the need for instituting infection control policies, determining and implementing interventions to improve antimicrobial resistance, and monitoring the impact of these interventions.

In summary, development of a multidisciplinary users group has the following advantages: (i) it provides a forum for active communication and updates among healthcare workers, (ii) it fosters intrahospital and interhospital cooperation, (iii) it offers a mechanism to benchmark laboratory and pharmacy practices, (iv) it provides a vehicle to collect data from all participating hospitals for the development of a CWA that can be distributed to the medical community, (v) it allows participating hospitals to post their internal antibiograms as well as the CWA on their hospital intranets, (vi) it enables hospitals to compare their antibiogram data with the CWA data to assess the need for developing targeted surveillance programs, (vii) it provides the opportunity to develop intervention strategies for decreasing antimicrobial resistance in the community, (viii) it requires no financial outlay to support activities of the multidisciplinary group, and (ix) it avoids any commercial or industrial influences that might bias data.

Establishment of local surveillance systems is advocated for improving appropriate antimicrobial use and containing antimicrobial resistance. To ensure that reliable data are presented to the community, institution of a standardized, consistent, and straightforward mechanism to generate, collect, and collate data at the local level is required. The M39 standard for collection, collation, and analysis of data should be followed. In order to ensure appropriate interpretation of the CWA, limitations of data collection should be identified and reflected in the data presentation. The information generated from a local forum should facilitate decision-making, interventions, and follow-up monitoring on a community-wide level.

Table 2a.

% Susceptible to:
Linco- samide clinda- mycin Macro- lide erythro- mycin Beta-lactams
Glyco- peptide vanco- mycin
Ampicillin Ampicillin sulbactam Pipera- cillin Piperacillin- tazobactam Cipro- floxacin Levo- floxacin Aztre- onam Imi- penem Nitro- furantoin Tetra- cycline Trimethoprim- sulfamethoxazole Cefo- taxime Ceftri- axone Oxa- cillin Peni- cillin
59 29 44 36 99 70 59
62 63 83 84 85 72 100 93 81 78
28 78 76 92 89 57 100 40 83 88
58 63 66 94 92 92 75 100 98 74 82
71 80 94 95 96 73 99 65 92 90
78 85 84 95 68 59 92 99 60
85 90 66 59 85
81 83 94 94 81 87 27 96
27 35 32 94
73 52 48 98 32 92 90
54 49 98 95 97 62 41 59 10 100
41 30 97 86 56 60 27 25 6 100
98 85 57 75 93 85 52 49 100

Table 3a.

% Susceptible to:
Lincos- amide clinda- mycin Macro- lide erythro- mycin Beta-lactams
Glyco- peptide vanco- mycin
Ampi- cillin Ampicillin- sulbactam Pipera- cillin Piperacillin- tazobactam Cipro- floxa- cin Levo- floxa- cin Aztreo- nam Imi- penem Nitro- furantoin Tetra- cycline Tri- metho- prim- sulfa- methoxazole Cefo- taxime Ceftri- axone Oxacil- lin Peni- cillin
60 33 45 36 36 96 44
59 30 41 34 33 95 40
66 48 90 83 85 83 100 88 79
66 47 90 83 85 83 100 88 79
43 75 80 90 89 81 100 42 89
40 72 77 89 88 78 100 41 88
56 59 61 97 93 92 92 100 96 82
56 59 60 97 92 91 92 100 96 82
74 89 92 96 95 100 58 92
81 69 94 95 95 91 100 57 89
73 84 84 100 66 61 88 100 59
72 83 83 100 65 59 89 100 58
85 90 67 58 60 86
83 87 65 54 54 81
78 82 91 92 88 100 95
77 82 91 92 88 100 94
22 15 30 78 95
22 15 28 76 95
89 47 55 99 0 93 92
88 47 54 99 0 93 91
53 56 100 96 98 55 35 46 8 100
53 55 100 96 98 54 34 45 7 100
40 40 99 88 56 53 27 25 7 100
39 39 99 88 56 51 26 24 6 100
99 58 83 55 61 80 89 54 48 100
99 55 81 55 61 81 88 52 49 100


We thank all of the participants, including John Cawley (Mayo Clinic/St. Luke's Hospital), Jaime Delgadillo (Orange Park Medical Center), Betsy Jones (Baptist Medical Center Beaches), Elida Morgan (Naval Air Station Jacksonville), Timothy Sellen (Memorial Hospital Jacksonville), Jeff Sievert (St. Vincent's Medical Center), and Alexander Vandevelde (University of Florida Jacksonville), for their cooperation and input in developing a CWA. We also thank Ronald Master for helpful discussion regarding application of the M39 standards to cumulative susceptibility data, Wesston Boatwright for thoughtful review of the manuscript, and Douglass Kepner for help in extracting TSN data for inclusion in this paper.


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