Small cell lung carcinoma (SCLC) is a neuroendocrine subtype of lung cancer that affects more than 200,000 people worldwide every year with a very high mortality rate. Here, we used a mouse genetics approach to characterize the cell of origin for SCLC; in this mouse model, tumors are initiated by the deletion of the Rb and p53 tumor suppressor genes in the lung epithelium of adult mice. We found that mouse SCLCs often arise in the lung epithelium, where neuroendocrine cells are located, and that the majority of early lesions were composed of proliferating neuroendocrine cells. In addition, mice in which Rb and p53 are deleted in a variety of non-neuroendocrine lung epithelial cells did not develop SCLC. These data indicate that SCLC likely arises from neuroendocrine cells in the lung.
Key words: Rb, p53, SCLC, cell of origin, cancer, lung, neuroendocrine
Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths in the world. In the United States, ∼160,000 patients die from lung cancer every year, more than the combined deaths from colon, breast, bladder and pancreas cancers. The vast majority (80–85%) of lung cancers are non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC); the remaining 15% of cases show properties of neuroendocrine cells, and most of these tumors are SCLC.1 Approximately 200,000 people die from SCLC every year worldwide. The overall 5-year survival rate for lung cancer is 15%;2 for SCLC alone, it is often much lower.3,4
The distinction between lung cancer subtypes is paramount, because treatment efficacy may differ significantly between these subtypes. However, this distinction is not always evident, as a significant numbers of lung cancers display mixed characteristics, with various number of cells expressing variable levels of neuroendocrine, alveolar and bronchiolar markers.5,6 These observations raise multiple questions, including the cell(s) of origin and the genetic factors that may influence lung cancer evolution. One way to address the question of the heterogeneity of human lug cancers that is invisible at the histopathological level is to perform expression profiling analysis to identify molecular similarities and differences between tumors.7 However, SCLCs are rarely surgically removed, hampering the molecular analysis of a large number of human samples.
Detecting lung cancer at earlier stages would allow for a better efficiency of available treatments, which raises the important point of understanding the early stages of lung cancer, including identifying the cell of origin of the different lung cancer subtypes. This goal is challenging to achieve in human patients, because lung cancers are often detected late and because of the complex genetic and environmental diversity of these patients.
Spontaneous lung tumors in mice are similar in their histopathology and molecular traits to human lung cancer.8 Mouse models for human lung cancers can thus serve as an in vivo system to investigate the mechanisms of lung tumorigenesis. Berns and colleagues have described a mouse model of SCLC9 based on the fact that tumor cells in more than 90% of human SCLCs are mutant for both the p53 and Rb tumor suppressor genes.10 In this model, adenoviral particles expressing the Cre recombinase (Ad-Cre) were injected into the trachea of Rblox/lox; p53lox/lox mice to delete both genes in a subset of lung epithelial cells. Nearly all of these Rb/p53 double mutant mice (and none of the single mutant mice) develop SCLCs; in addition, these tumors express markers of neuroendocrine cells and have the capacity to metastasize.9
The lung epithelium is hypothesized to contain several distinct stem cell and progenitor cell populations that maintain the numerous types of differentiated lung cell populations.11–14 Mucous, basal, ciliated, non-ciliated (Clara and serous) and neuroendocrine cells (NECs) line the conducting airways of the lung. Alveolar type II (AT2) and type I (AT1) epithelial cells line the alveolar space and secrete surfactants and perform gas exchange, respectively. A population of presumptive distal adult lung epithelial stem cells (BASCs, bronchioalveolar stem cells) was also recently identified at the bronchioalveolar duct junction (BADJ).15 Previous work shows that NSCLC may originate from BASCs.15 Different subtypes of lung cancer may arise from distinct lung cell populations (stem cells or differentiated cells), but it is also conceivable that different tumors may grow from the same cell of origin depending on the combination of genetic alterations and under the influence of the tumor microenvironment.16
The cell of origin of SCLC has not been formally identified, although, because SCLCs express neuroendocrine markers, they are commonly thought to arise from NECs or neuroendocrine progenitors (NEPs).17 Here, we sought to use a mouse genetics approach to further investigate the cellular mechanisms of cancer initiation in the lungs. Our experiments indicate that SCLC does not arise from loss of Rb/p53 in distal lung epithelial cells and support the hypothesis that cells in the neuroendocrine lineage give rise to SCLC.
Induction of small neuroendocrine lesions and SCLC following Ad-Cre infection in Rb/p53 and Rb/p53/p130 conditional mutant mice.
Deletion of Rb and p53 in the lung epithelium of Rblox/lox; p53loxlox mice results in the development of lung tumors 9–12 mo after intranasal instillation of adenoviral particle expressing the Cre recombinase (Ad-Cre); the additional loss of the Rb-related gene p130 enhances tumor initiation and progression.18Rb/p53 and Rb/p53/p130 mutant tumors are often localized in the main airways (Fig. 1A and B and data not shown), where neuroendocrine cells are also present (Fig. 1C). In addition, the analysis of mutant mice 3–6 mo after Cre-mediated deletion of the tumor suppressor genes showed the presence of small lesions that are likely to be the precursor lesions for SCLC, because they express neuroendocrine markers such as Calcitoningene related protein (CGRP) and Synaptophysin (SYP), and because they are comprised of proliferating cells positive for the Ki67 marker (Fig. 1D and data not shown). Furthermore, using Ad-GFP, we found that the adenovirus could infect both isolated neuroendocrine cells (NECs) as well as cells in neuroendocrine bodies (NEBs, composed of several NECs) (Fig. 1E). Overall, ∼40% of CGRP+ cells were GFP+ under these conditions, including CGRP+ cells present in bronchioles and terminal bronchioles (Fig. 1F). Notably, CGRP+ cells were not detected at the BADJ. When CGRP+ GFP+ cells were scored based on their presence as isolated NECs or in NEBs, the frequency of neuroendocrine cell infection was similar (Fig. 1G). Thus, nasal instillation of Ad-Cre in Rblox/lox;p53loxlox mice and Rblox/lox; p130loxlox;p53loxlox mice resulted in the efficient infection of neuroendocrine cells followed by the development of small lesions and fully developed tumors, both of which grew in areas of the lung where neuroendocrine cells are normally found.
These findings support a model in which SCLC arises from neuroendocrine cells, but did not exclude that other cell types may be at the origin of this cancer. Indeed, upon Ad-GFP infection, many epithelial cell types expressed GFP, including Clara cells, BASCs and AT2 cells (Fig. 2A and B and data not shown). Furthermore, some SCLC lesions grew at the distal ends of the bronchiolar epithelium, including at or close to BADJs (Fig. 2C and D and data not shown). Quantification of small neuroendocrine lesions by histology and by double immunostaining for CGRP+ and Ki67+ cells in Rb/p53 mutant mice showed a distribution across the different lung compartments, including close to BADJs (Fig. 2E). Similar observations were made in Rb/p53/p130 mutant mice (data not shown). In contrast, neuroendocrine cells marked by SYP or CGRP are nearly fully excluded from BADJs (Fig. 2F and data not shown). This observation suggested the possibility that the few neuroendocrine cells present at the BADJ are more likely to initiate SCLC because of the micro-environment, or because they represent different subpopulations of neuroendocrine cells. An alternative possibility is that neuroendocrine tumors originate from a non-neuroendocrine cell type in the terminal bronchioles and/or at the BADJ.
Rb/p53 mutant mice do not develop SCLC when Cre expression is driven by the CCSP promoter.
To further characterize the cell type(s) from which SCLC may arise, we sought to express the Cre recombinase in specific lung epithelial cell types in Rb/p53 conditional mutant mice. Because most of the SCLC lesions are found in bronchioles and terminal bronchioles, which are composed in majority of Clara cells, we crossed Rblox/lox;p53loxlox mice to Scgb1a1-Cre mice.19–21Scgb1a1 codes for the Clara cell-specific protein (CCSP, also known as CCA or CC10), which marks Clara cells throughout the distal bronchiolar epithelium as well as BASCs at the BADJ15,22 and Cre expression in the Scgb1a1-Cre strain, has been shown to be limited to the bronchiolar epithelium.19–21 To confirm these previous reports, we crossed Scgb1a1-Cre mice to Rosa26lox-stop-lox-LacZ (Rosa26R) reporter mice, where lacZ expression is induced after Cre-mediated recombination,23 and detected lacZ activity by X-gal staining in the bronchiolar epithelium but not in neuroendocrine cells, as expected (Fig. 3A). While crossing Scgb1a1-Cre mice to mice carrying an inducible oncogenic allele of K-Ras resulted in the efficient development of lung adenocarcinoma,21 we found that none of 12 Scgb1a1-Cre Rblox/lox;p53loxlox mice with constitutive expression of Cre in Clara cells examined between 31 and 47 weeks after birth developed tumors (Fig. 3B). Thus, lung cells expressing CCSP are not prone to initiate SCLC following the inactivation of Rb and p53.
Cre expression in lung epithelial cells driven by the SP-C promoter does not initiate SCLC in Rb/p53 mutant mice.
While we never observed any isolated neuroendocrine lesions only in alveoli (data not shown), the growth of lesions at BADJs raised the possibility that BASCs or alveolar cells close to the terminal bronchioles might initiate SCLC lesions growing toward the bronchiolar space. To test this possibility, we first generated an adenoviral vector in which the expression of the CreER recombinase is driven by a 3.7 kb fragment of the SFTPC promoter.24 SFTPC codes for human surfactant protein C (SP-C), which marks AT2 cells as well as BASCs.15,25 To verify the specificity of Cre expression in this Ad-SFTPC-CreER construct, we performed intranasal instillation of this virus in Rosa26LSL-YFP/+ reporter mice.26 We found YFP expression only in SP-C+ alveolar cells and only in the lungs of mice treated with Tam (Fig. 4A and data not shown). We next compared Ad-SFTPC-CreER to Ad-Cre (where Cre expression is driven by the broadly-expressed CMV promoter) in K-Ras+/LSL-G12D conditional mutant mice, which develop NSCLC after Cre-mediated recombination of a transcriptional stop cassette preventing the activation of oncogenic K-Ras.27 As expected, Ad-Cre-infected K-Ras+/LSL-G12D mice developed both bronchiolar hyperplasia and atypical alveolar hyperplasia (AAH) 6–8 weeks after infection (Fig. 4B, top). In contrast, Ad-SFTPC-CreER-infected K-Ras+/LSL-G12D mice treated with tamoxifen (Tam) to induce Cre activity only developed AAH (Fig. 4B, bottom), further suggesting that this virus allows CreER expression in SP-C-expressing cells and not in Clara cells. Based on these observations, we infected eight Rblox/lox;p53loxlox mice with Ad-SFTPC-CreER and treated these mice with Tam before aging them 9–13 mo. Similarly, five Rblox/lox; p130+/lox;p53loxlox mice and three Rblox/lox; p130lox/lox;p53loxlox mice were infected with Ad-SFTPC-CreER and injected with Tam to activate Cre; these triple mutant mice were aged 6 mo. None of these mice developed any neuroendocrine tumors; furthermore, no signs of hyperplastic neuroendocrine lesions were found in lung sections (Fig. 4C and data not shown). Five of these 16 mice developed single lung tumors that had clear histopathological characteristics of NSCLC (Fig. 4D and data not shown), including expression of SP-C and absence of expression of SYP by immunostaining (data not shown). These observations are consistent with the reported development of rare adenocarcinoma in Rb/p53 mice after administration of Ad-Cre, usually because of partial deletion of Rb.9
Because activation of Cre in Ad-SFTPC-CreER-infected mice is limited to a subset of alveolar cells, we next crossed Rblox/lox; p53loxlox mice to SFTPC-rtTA/(tetO)7-Cre double transgenic mice.28,29 By crossing these mice to Rosa26R reporter mice, we found that activation of Cre in this system was widespread in alveolar cells, as expected, but also in bronchiolar cells, including in the absence of doxycycline, as previously described in reference 29 (Fig. 5A). However, previous evidence indicates that neuroendocrine cells do not express this transgene or express it at very low levels and rarely.29,30 Even after aging for more than one year, none of the SFTPC-rtTA/(tetO)7-Cre Rblox/lox;p53loxlox mice with (n = 11) and without (n = 6) doxycycline developed SCLC (Fig. 5B). Immunostaining for CGRP and SYP only detected normal NE cells; no increased proliferation was noted in NECs or NEBs (data not shown). We did, however, detect adenocarcinoma development in one SFTPC-rtTA/(tetO)7-Cre Rblox/lox;p53loxlox mouse without doxycycline and three with doxycycline (Fig. 5B); two other mice had undefined extrapulmonary tumors (data not shown). These findings were consistent with the doxycycline-independent recombination we detected in the reporter mice. Together, these experiments indicate that SP-C-expressing cells do not efficiently initiate SCLC upon loss of Rb and p53.
Several models could explain the neuroendocrine features of SCLC. First, SCLC may arise from mature cells in the neuroendocrine lineage. This is the model supported by our data, since small proliferative lesions arose where neuroendocrine cells are located in the lung epithelium of Rblox/lox;p53loxlox mice after Ad-Cre. This model is also strongly supported by recent evidence from the Berns group using cell type-restricted adenoviral vectors expressing the Cre recombinase.31 In this model, differentiated neuroendocrine cells may re-enter the cell cycle upon loss of the RB and p53 cell cycle inhibitors without losing all their differentiation characteristics. Notably, we have found that mouse tumors passaged several times in allografts using immunodeficient recipient mice tend to lose the expression of CGRP and Synaptophysin (data not shown), supporting a model of slow dedifferentiation with tumor progression. This model is reminiscent of some cases of hepatocellular carcinoma that may arise from mature hepatocytes32 or retinoblastoma that may arise upon dedifferentiation of post-mitotic retinal cells.33,34
An alternative model is that SCLC arises from progenitor cells in the neuroendocrine lineage, cells that may express low levels of differentiation markers and that have an increased natural ability to divide. Loss of RB and p53 in these cells may simply promote proliferation without strongly affecting the differentiation status of the mutant cells. This model highlighting a role for RB and p53 in stem/progenitor cell populations is compatible with other mouse models of human cancers associated with loss of RB and p53 function, including in the blood compartment, in bones, in the retina and in the mammary epithelium.35–39 However, the identity of potential neuroendocrine cell progenitors in adult lung tissue has not yet been established.
A third possibility is that a subset of SCLCs arises from nonneuroendocrine cells that acquire neuroendocrine characteristics during tumorigenesis. Loss of RB function is associated with the development of neuroendocrine tumors in mice, including pituitary, thyroid and adrenal gland tumors.40–42 Evidence suggests that RB inactivation during lung development promotes the expansion of neuroendocrine cells.30 Therefore, it is possible that loss of RB function in non-neuroendocrine lung epithelial cells “reprograms” these cells toward a neuroendocrine fate. In particular, microarrays analysis has suggested that mouse SCLC tumor cells may express SP-C (reviewed in ref. 18). However, our data in mice in which SP-C-expressing and CCSP-expressing cells did not form SCLC indicated that Clara cells, BASCs and AT2 cells, which represent the major non-neuroendocrine cell types in the distal lungs, are unlikely to be the cell lineages of origin in SCLC. Furthermore, the localization of basal cells and other secretory cells in the proximal lung makes it unlikely that SCLC, which is predominant in the distal lung, arises from these lineages. Thus, our data strongly suggest that non-neuroendocrine lung cells are not a frequent cell of origin for SCLC. These data are different from recent data published by the Berns group,31 where SCLC tumors arise from SP-C-expressing cells; in this study, the use of Ad-Cre (and not Ad-CreER) made the adenoviral strategy more efficient (compare Fig. 4A here and Fig. 1 in Sutherland et al.), which likely explains the difference observed.
One explanation for why we also did not observe SCLC in SFTPC-rtTA/(tetO)7-Cre Rblox/lox;p53loxlox mice could be that constitutive deletion of Rb/p53 affects lung cells differently than acute deletion in adult mice, or that the SFTPC-rtTA transgene does not drive Cre expression in a cell type that might serve as a presumptive common progenitor for alveolar cells and neuroendocrine cells.43,44 Yet, the initiation of SCLC from progenitor cells, including progenitors with the ability (normal or induced by loss of Rb/p53) to form cells expressing markers in distinct lung epithelial lineages would help to explain the heterogeneity of lung tumors in certain patients.6,45,46
SCLC is a deadly cancer for which limited therapeutic options currently exist. Our data, together with others' published work,31 support a model in which SCLC arises from the neuroendocrine lineage upon loss of Rb and p53 expression, whereas NSCLC originates from distal lung epithelia after distinct genetic events. Future work to gain a better understanding of the early events during SCLC initiation and development may identify novel ways to detect this type of cancer early, thereby improving the odds that patients will survive their cancer.
Material and Methods
Mice and genotyping.
Conditional mutant Rb mice47 and conditional mutant p53 mice48 were bred to generate double conditional mutant mice for infection with adenoviral particles (see below). In some cases, Rb/p53/p130 triple conditional mutant mice were used, because loss of p130 accelerates tumorigenesis in the context of loss of Rb and p53.18 The same Rb and p53 conditional mutant mice were crossed to to SFTPC-rtTA/(tetO)7-Cre double transgenic mice.28,29 The same conditional allele of p53 and a different conditional allele of Rb48 were bred together and crossed to Scgb1a1-Cre mice.19–21 The two reporter mouse strains used, Rosa26R and Rosa26LSL-YFP/+, have been extensively described in reference 23 and 26. Doxycycline was administered in the drinking water at 1 mg/ml for one month as previously described in references 28 and 29. Tamoxifen (Tam) resuspended in corn oil was injected intraperitoneally daily for five consecutive days at a dose of 2 mg per mouse.49 All mouse experiments were approved by the Children's Hospital Boston Animal Care and Use Committee at Harvard Medical School and by the Administrative Part on Laboratory Animal Care at Stanford, both accredited by the Association for Assessment and Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care, and were performed in accordance with relevant institutional and national guidelines and regulations.
Genomic DNA was prepared using lysis buffer containing Proteinase K (Sigma Aldrich). The primer information and the protocol for genotyping and detecting deletions of Rb and p53 genes were described.18
Adenovirus cloning, preparation and infection.
Ad-Cre and Ad-GFP vectors were purchased from the Vector Development Laboratory (Baylor College of Medicine) and used as described before in reference 18. Details of the cloning strategy for the Ad-SFTPC-CreER vector will be provided upon request. In brief, a CreER cDNA50 was cloned downstream of a 3.7 kb promoter fragment24 and transferred into an adenoviral vector backbone (pAd/PL-DEST™ Gateway® Vector Kit, Invitrogen) before amplification. Viral infections were performed as described in reference 51.
Immunostaining and X-gal staining.
Mouse lungs were inflated and fixed with 4% paraformaldehyde in phosphate-buffered saline (PFA/PBS) overnight, then processed for paraffin embedding. Five µm sections were used for immunostaining following rehydration and antigen-retrieval in Trilogy Pretreatment Solution (Cell Marque). The sections were incubated with primary antibodies overnight and then with fluorescent secondary for an hour (1:200, Invitrogen) before mounting in an anti-fade reagent containing DAPI for nuclear counter-staining (Vectashield). Biotin-conjugated secondary antibodies (1:200, Vector Laboratories) were detected via a biotin-peroxidase complex with diaminobenzidine substrate (Vectastain ABC, Vector Laboratories).52 Sections were stained with Hematoxylin and Eosin (H&E) or counterstained in Nuclear Fast Red. The primary antibodies were as follows: Ki67 (1:100, BD Biosciences), Pro-surfactant protein C (proSP-C) (1:100, Dr. Jeff Whitsett, University of Cincinnati), Clara cell secretory protein (CCSP) (1:1,000, Santa Cruz Biotechnology), GFP (1:200, Molecular Probes), Calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) (1:1,000, Sigma) and Synaptophysin (SYP) (1:100, Neomarkers). For X-gal staining, lungs were inflated with 4% PFA for 10 min, washed in PBS with 0.02% NP-40 and incubated in X-gal staining solution overnight. Stained lungs were washed in PBS/0.02% NP-40 and post-fixed in 4% PFA/PBS.
We are grateful to Dr. Jeff Whitsett for the SFTPC-rtTA/(tetO)7-Cre mouse lines and the proSP-C antibodies and to Dr. Deming Gou for the gift of the SP-C promoter plasmid. We also thank Dr. Anton Berns for the generous gift of the Rb and p53 conditional mutant mice. We thank the American Lung Association (K.P., J.S.), the Parker B. Francis Fellowship Program (K.P.), the Damon Runyon Cancer Research Foundation (J.S.), the American Cancer Society (Research scholar awards RSG-10-071-TBG for J.S. and RSG-08-082-01-MGO for C.F.K.), the National Institute of Health (C.F.K. RO1 HL090136 and U01 HL100402), the Harvard Stem Cell Institute (D.M.R., C.F.K.), United Against Lung Cancer (K.K.W.) and the American Lung Association (K.K.W.) NCI CA140594 (KKW).
small cell lung carcinoma
- Rb
- Ad
bronchioalveolar stem cells
bronchioalveolar duct junction
- AT2 cells
alveolar type 2 cells
neuroendocrine progenitor
neuroendocrine cell
neuroendocrine body
calcitonin-gene related protein
clara cell specific protein
- SP-C
surfactant protein C
atypical alveolar hyperplasia
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