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. 2011 Nov 24;343:d7400. doi: 10.1136/bmj.d7400

Table 1.

 Characteristics of healthy women with low risk pregnancies by their planned place of birth at start of care in labour. Values are numbers (percentages) of women unless stated otherwise

Obstetric unit (n=19 706) Home (n=16 840) Freestanding midwifery unit (n=11 282) Alongside midwifery unit (n=16 710)
Maternal age (years):
 Mean (SD) 28.2 (6.0) 31.1 (5.2) 28.8 (5.8) 28.3 (5.7)
 <20 1506 (7.7) 218 (1.3) 677 (6.0) 1069 (6.4)
 20–24 4251 (21.6) 1706 (10.2) 2132 (18.9) 3489 (20.9)
 25–29 5701 (29.0) 4346 (25.9) 3267 (29.0) 5001 (30.0)
 30–34 5063 (25.7) 5848 (34.8) 3248 (28.8) 4582 (27.5)
 35–39 2640 (13.4) 4017 (23.9) 1690 (15.0) 2232 (13.4)
 ≥40 520 (2.6) 671 (4.0) 254 (2.3) 299 (1.8)
 Missing 25 34 14 38
Ethnic group:
 White 16 068 (81.7) 15 937 (94.8) 10 329 (91.6) 13 485 (80.9)
 Indian 477 (2.4) 67 (0.4) 87 (0.8) 509 (3.1)
 Pakistani 636 (3.2) 41 (0.2) 164 (1.5) 545 (3.3)
 Bangladeshi 297 (1.5) 14 (0.1) 147 (1.3) 130 (0.8)
 Black Caribbean 265 (1.3) 127 (0.8) 48 (0.4) 198 (1.2)
 Black African 670 (3.4) 112 (0.7) 94 (0.8) 520 (3.1)
 Mixed 328 (1.7) 280 (1.7) 124 (1.1) 293 (1.8)
 Other 938 (4.8) 241 (1.4) 284 (2.5) 993 (6.0)
 Missing 27 21 5 37
Understanding of English:
 Fluent 18 044 (92.3) 16 724 (99.5) 10 927 (97.1) 15 196 (91.3)
 Some 1130 (5.8) 75 (0.4) 273 (2.4) 1176 (7.1)
 None 380 (1.9) 15 (0.1) 55 (0.5) 274 (1.6)
 Missing 152 26 27 64
Marital or partner status:
 Married or living with partner 17 097 (88.2) 16 056 (96.0) 10 444 (93.6) 15 014 (91.2)
 Single or unsupported by partner 2289 (11.8) 673 (4.0) 718 (6.4) 1453 (8.8)
 Missing 320 111 120 243
Body mass index in pregnancy:
 Mean (SD) 24.4 (4.0) 24.0 (3.7) 24.1 (3.7) 24.0 (3.8)
 Not recorded in maternity notes 3566 (18.1) 3268 (19.5) 1861 (16.5) 2927 (17.6)
 <18.5 570 (2.9) 321 (1.9) 234 (2.1) 438 (2.6)
 18.5–24.9 8856 (45.1) 8155 (48.7) 5605 (49.8) 8218 (49.4)
 25.0–29.9 4731 (24.1) 3776 (22.5) 2653 (23.6) 3789 (22.8)
 30.0–35.0 1928 (9.8) 1226 (7.3) 912 (8.1) 1272 (7.6)
 Missing 55 94 17 66
Deprivation score (quintile)*:
 1st (least deprived) 3157 (16.1) 3688 (22.1) 2496 (22.2) 2535 (15.2)
 2nd 3618 (18.5) 3483 (20.8) 2582 (22.9) 2648 (15.9)
 3rd 3698 (18.9) 3650 (21.8) 2304 (20.5) 3245 (19.5)
 4th 4084 (20.9) 3336 (19.9) 2080 (18.5) 3852 (23.1)
 5th (most deprived) 5023 (25.7) 2565 (15.3) 1789 (15.9) 4382 (26.3)
 Missing 126 118 31 48
Previous pregnancies (≥24 weeks):
 0 10 626 (54.0) 4568 (27.2) 5187 (46.0) 8350 (50.1)
 1 5757 (29.3) 6528 (38.8) 3913 (34.7) 5621 (33.7)
 2 2028 (10.3) 3663 (21.8) 1513 (13.4) 1933 (11.6)
 ≥3 1264 (6.4) 2065 (12.3) 652 (5.8) 769 (4.6)
 Missing 31 16 17 37
Gestation (completed weeks):
 Mean (SD) 39.8 (1.1) 39.8 (1.0) 39.8 (1.0) 39.7 (1.0)
 37 717 (3.6) 378 (2.3) 315 (2.8) 474 (2.8)
 38 1969 (10.0) 1568 (9.3) 978 (8.7) 1565 (9.4)
 39 4557 (23.2) 4089 (24.3) 2669 (23.7) 4132 (24.8)
 40 6976 (35.5) 6596 (39.3) 4364 (38.8) 6492 (39.0)
 41 4908 (25.0) 3866 (23.0) 2821 (25.1) 3797 (22.8)
 ≥42 523 (2.7) 302 (1.8) 108 (1.0) 195 (1.2)
 Missing† 56 41 27 55
Complicating conditions identified at start of care in labour:
 Prolonged rupture of membranes (>18 hours) 1462 (7.4) 395 (2.4) 231 (2.1) 383 (2.3)
 Meconium stained liquor 1254 (6.4) 242 (1.5) 140 (1.2) 233 (1.4)
 Proteinuria (≥1+) 347 (1.8) 80 (0.5) 110 (1.0) 370 (2.2)
 Hypertension 502 (2.6) 92 (0.6) 78 (0.7) 113 (0.7)
 Abnormal vaginal bleeding 274 (1.4) 41 (0.2) 22 (0.2) 37 (0.2)
 Non-cephalic presentation 108 (0.6) 37 (0.2) 25 (0.2) 29 (0.2)
 Abnormal fetal heart rate 393 (2.0) 68 (0.4) 52 (0.5) 65 (0.4)
 Other complications 54 (0.3) 14 (0.1) 17 (0.2) 17 (0.1)
 Complications per woman:
  0 15 794 (80.5) 15 757 (94.6) 10 643 (94.5) 15 512 (93.1)
  1 3345 (17.0) 847 (5.1) 572 (5.1) 1078 (6.5)
  ≥2 490 (2.5) 51 (0.3) 50 (0.4) 78 (0.5)
  Missing 77 185 17 42

*Measured with index of multiple deprivation.

†If the recorded “estimated date of delivery” gave a gestational age of ≤31+6 weeks, the birth weight was compared with growth reference centiles,17 and if the birth weight was >95th centile for the recorded gestational age and >5th centile for a gestation of 37+0 weeks, the birth was assumed to be term but the gestation was recoded as missing. A gestation of >44+0 weeks was considered implausible and also recorded as missing.