Figure 1. PCR amplification of the jhp0562-β-(1,3)galT(jhp0563) locus.
Panel A. Representative results of PCR screens for the presence of jhp0562 with primers flanking jhp0562- β-(1,3)galT. Strains harboring a copy of both jhp0562 and β-(1,3)galT produce a band of ~2.6 kb, while strains lacking jhp0562 amplify a band of ~1.5 kb. Whole genomic sequencing of strains J99 and 26695 indicate that strain J99 possesses both genes, whereas 26695 only possess β-(1,3)galT (37, 39). Panel B. jhp0562-specific PCR. Only H. pylori strains that contain a copy of jhp0562 yield a band in this assay.