Optical mapping has become an indispensible tool for studying cardiac electrical activity. However, due to the three-dimensional nature of the optical signal, the optical upstroke is significantly longer than the electrical upstroke. This raises the issue of how to accurately determine the activation time on the epicardial surface. The purpose of this study was to establish a link between the optical upstroke and exact surface activation time using computer simulations, with subsequent validation by a combination of microelectrode recordings and optical mapping experiments. To simulate wave propagation and associated optical signals, we used a hybrid electro-optical model. We found that the time of the surface electrical activation (tE) within the accuracy of our simulations coincided with the maximal slope of the optical upstroke (tF∗) for a broad range of optical attenuation lengths. This was not the case when the activation time was determined at 50% amplitude (tF50) of the optical upstroke. The validation experiments were conducted in isolated Langendorff-perfused rat hearts and coronary-perfused pig left ventricles stained with either di-4-ANEPPS or the near-infrared dye di-4-ANBDQBS. We found that tF∗ was a more accurate measure of tE than was tF50 in all experimental settings tested (P = 0.0002). Using tF∗ instead of tF50 produced the most significant improvement in measurements of the conduction anisotropy and the transmural conduction time in pig ventricles.
Optical mapping with the use of voltage-sensitive fluorescent dyes has become an indispensible tool for studying electrical activation (1). Its main advantage is that it allows for the simultaneous recording of action potentials at multiple sites. Although optical signals are proportional to the changes in the transmembrane voltage of the cardiac cell (2), in three-dimensional (3D) tissue, they represent a weighted sum of single-cell transmembrane potentials within a certain volume (3, 4). This volume is determined by the scattering and absorption of the excitation light and fluorescent signal, and can vary depending on the voltage-sensitive dye used, the thickness of the tissue, and other geometric factors and recording conditions (3, 5, 6). Due to spatial integration of the optical signal, optical upstrokes can be an order of magnitude longer than the electrical upstroke, reaching 5–15 ms in duration (3, 4).
The long duration of the optical upstroke raises the issue of how to select an appropriate activation time. The most common approach is to use a 50% upstroke amplitude (7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12); however, in some studies investigators used the maximal upstroke velocity by analogy to conventional electrophysiological mapping (7, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17). However, the validity and accuracy of either method has not been carefully evaluated. Our goal in this work was to establish a link between the optical upstroke and the electrical activation time on the surface (tE) during normal excitation. To that end, we combined computer modeling with live-tissue experiments.
In the computational part of the study, we simulated 3D electrical wave propagation in a slab of ventricular myocardium, from which we calculated optical action potentials using a hybrid modeling approach (18). We compared the optical action potentials with surface electrical action potentials throughout the epi- and endocardial surfaces. In the experimental portion of our study, we employed simultaneous optical mapping and intracellular microelectrode recordings from the surface myocardial layer. By moving the microelectrode over the surface, we were able to directly compare electrical and optical action potentials in multiple locations. We employed a widely used voltage-sensitive dye, di-4-ANEPPS, with blue-green excitation, and a near-infrared voltage-sensitive dye, di-4-ANBDQBS (19). Because near-infrared dyes provide a greater interrogation volume, optical recordings obtained with such dyes have an increased optical upstroke duration (20), which makes accurate selection of the activation time in experiments using such dyes particularly relevant.
Here, we demonstrate both experimentally and computationally that the time of the maximal slope of the optical upstroke (tF∗), with high accuracy, coincides with the surface electrical activation tE for a broad range of optical wavelengths. We show that for different experimental settings, tF∗ can be used as a more accurate measure of surface activation time than the commonly used time at 50% upstroke amplitude (tF50). This improvement was most significant in experiments performed to assess the anisotropy ratios of conduction velocity from epicardial recordings, and to assess transmural conduction times (CTs) using the long excitation wavelengths.
Materials and Methods
Heart preparation
Experiments were conducted in Langendorff-perfused Wistar rat hearts and isolated coronary-perfused pig left ventricular wall preparations. All of the animals were sacrificed in accordance with the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals (National Institutes of Health Publication No. 85-23, revised 1996) and the UK Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act 1986. Isolated ventricular preparations were used in the experiments performed to assess transmural CT. Exposure of the endo- and epicardial surfaces in such preparations simplifies simultaneous endo- and epicardial recordings, making them an ideal model for studies of transmural conduction (21). For measurements of epicardial conduction, we used horizontally positioned Langendorff-perfused rat hearts, which are easy to impale and provide better access for accurate positioning of microelectrodes.
Rat hearts were harvested from male rats (200 g, n = 4). The aorta was cannulated and the hearts were perfused in Langendorff mode with a bicarbonate-buffered saline solution. Perfusion was maintained at a rate of 7 ml/min (20). The cannulated heart was placed into a special chamber and superfused with the same solution. Young pigs (20–25 kg, n = 7) were euthanized with sodium pentobarbital (35 mg/kg, i.v.) and the heart was quickly excised. The left ventricle (LV) was then isolated, and the left anterior descending artery was cannulated and perfused with cold cardioplegia. Subsequently, the LV was stretched on a plastic frame, placed vertically in a Perspex perfusion chamber, and perfused with bicarbonate-buffered saline solution at a rate of 20 ml/min. Perfusion and superfusion temperatures were continuously monitored and maintained at 36° ± 1°C.
The preparations were stimulated at a basic cycle length of 160 ms (rat) or 333 ms (pig) with a stimulus amplitude of 1.5 threshold. Rat hearts were stimulated with a bipolar epicardial electrode in the left ventricular mid-free wall. For measurements of transmural CT in pig preparations, we used both endo- and epicardial stimulation (up to four different locations on each surface in each experiment). The excitation-contraction uncoupler diacetyl monoxime (15 mM for rat, 10 mM for pig) was added to the Tyrode's solution to stop contractions. Once they were stabilized, the rat hearts were stained with a bolus injection of di-4-ANEPPS (5 μg/mL; Molecular Probes, Eugene, OR). The near-infrared voltage-sensitive dye di-4-ANBDQBS (40 μM) was used for the pig studies (19).
Optical mapping studies
For measurements of the epicardial conduction in rats, we used a 14-bit CCD video camera (Lil'Joe SciMeasure Analytical System, Decatur, GA) equipped with a Computar H1212FI lens (focal length 12 mm, 1:1.2 aperture ratio; CBC, Commack, NY). The dye di-4-ANEPPS was excited using a 530 nm LED illuminator (OptoLed; Cairn Research, Faversham, UK). Fluorescence was recorded at 700 ± 25 nm. The video images (80 × 80 pixels) were acquired from the LV with a resolution of 0.25 mm/pixel at a 1 kHz frame rate.
To measure the transmural CT, we used a two-camera system as described previously (22). The pig ventricles were placed between the cameras, which enabled us to obtain simultaneous synchronized recordings from the endo- and epicardial surfaces. di-4-ANBDQBS was excited with either a 530 nm (seven preparations, 39 recordings) or a 660 nm (three preparations, 21 recordings) LED illuminator (OptoLed), and recorded with a long-pass 715 nm filter. The video images (80 × 80 pixels) were acquired with a resolution of 0.4 mm/pixel at a 750 Hz frame rate.
Microelectrode studies
We fabricated microelectrodes for the isolated rat heart experiments from borosilicate glass capillaries (GC150F-7.5, Harvard Apparatus, Kent, UK) using a vertical pipette puller ( PIP5, Digitimer, Hertfordshire, UK). The microelectrodes were filled with 3 M KCl. Black food coloring (McCormick, Sparks, MD) was added to the filling solution to make the microelectrode tip visible in the optical recordings. The microelectrode resistance was consistently above 15 MΩ with the reference electrode located in the tissue bath 6–7 mm from the apex. Only electrical action potentials with an amplitude of ≥80 mV were recorded. Electrical signals were recorded in sync with optical signals at a sample rate of 10 kHz.
The inset in Fig. 1 A shows an optical image of a rat heart impaled with a microelectrode. Because of the enhanced contrast, the microelectrode tip (shown by the asterisk) can be readily identified. The accuracy of registration between the optical and electrical signals was 1 pixel (0.25 mm). In each heart, we first determined the direction of fast propagation by analyzing the optical signals. We then acquired four microelectrode recordings along (longitudinal) and across (transverse) this direction at distances ranging from 2 to 7 mm from the stimulating electrode.
Figure 1.
Optical activation patterns obtained using tF∗ versus tF50. (A) A tF∗ activation map of the LV after an epicardial stimulus (black arrow). The direction of fast propagation is indicated by a white dashed line. Isochrones (solid lines) are shown every millisecond. The inset on the left shows an optical image of the LV with an impaled microelectrode (M) and the bipolar stimulating electrode (S). (B) The corresponding tF50 activation map. (C–E) Optical and electrical traces acquired from the pixels indicated in panels A and B. Dashed lines and black circles indicate tE obtained from the electrical traces (maximal dVm/dt), and the solid and open circles represent tF50 (50% amplitude) and tF∗ (maximal dVF/dt), respectively, on the optical traces.
Processing optical and electrical action potentials
To reduce noise in all of the experiments, we ensemble-averaged the optical action potentials and subsequently filtered them with a Gaussian convolution filter as described previously (23). The number of ensemble-averaged action potentials was 15–20 in the rat experiments and 10 in the pig experiments. The widths of the conical filter kernels were set at 1.5 ms (time) and 1.5 mm (space). The electrical potentials were ensemble-averaged (n = 10) and subsequently filtered in time. For comparison of the optical and electrical upstrokes, the action potential maximum amplitudes were normalized to one.
We calculated tF∗ from the maximal slope of the optical upstroke using a central difference second-order scheme (24). The instant of electrical activation tE was derived from the maximal slope of the electrical upstroke, which has been established as the most accurate marker of electrical activation (25). We also calculated tF50 from 50% of the optical upstroke amplitude for comparison. Fig. 1, A and B, show representative optical activation maps obtained with tF∗ and tF50, respectively. Individual traces of electrical (black) and optical (red) upstrokes recorded from several locations on the heart surface are shown in Fig. 1, C–E. The black circle, open circle, and closed circle indicate points of tE, tF∗, and tF50, respectively. To aid comparison, tE is further indicated by a dashed line.
Computer modeling
We simulated electrical wave propagation in rat myocardium using the monodomain 3D cable model with a realistic description of ion currents (26). We modeled 10 mm × 10 mm × 2.5 mm slabs of ventricular myocardium with linear transmural myocardial fiber rotation (27) and a total rotation from epi- to endocardium of 120° (28). The diffusivity tensor (DE) was scaled to produce conduction velocities of 60 and 20 cm/s in the longitudinal and transverse directions, respectively. To simulate propagation in pig ventricular myocardium, we increased the thickness of the slab to 7.5 mm and used the Luo-Rudy ionic model (29); other parameters remained the same.
Propagation was induced by unipolar stimulation at the center of the epicardial surface, at a basic pacing rate of 6 Hz for rat and 2 Hz for pig. An explicit finite-difference scheme was used with an adaptive time step (0.01–0.005 ms) and a space step of 0.1 mm. Simulations were carried out on a parallel cluster consisting of 32 dual AMD Athlon MP2200+ processors running at 1.8 GHz. We used the MPI library and a domain slicing algorithm to parallelize the code (30).
We calculated the fluorescence signals by convolving the simulated 3D distribution of the transmembrane potential (Vm) with an optical weight function (W) at each time step (18). The function W is obtained as the product of the excitation fluence inside tissue (Φe) and the fluorescence point-spread function (Γ) (18, 31, 32). Φe describes the 3D photon density of the excitation light inside cardiac tissue, whereas Γ represents the 2D distribution of fluorescence on the surface of interest emitted by a unitary point source located at given coordinates inside the tissue. In this study, we used the diffusion equation with partial-flux boundary conditions to calculate Φe and Γ because it was previously shown to be sufficiently accurate in reproducing the effects of photon scattering on action potential upstrokes (31).
The computations were carried out at the wavelengths used in the experiments for both voltage-sensitive dyes. To simulate di-4-ANEPPS optical signals, we assumed attenuation lengths for excitation (δex) and emission (δem) to be 1.0 mm (at ∼530 nm) and 2.56 mm (at ∼660 nm), respectively (22). For di-4-ANBDQBS the attenuation lengths for both excitation wavelengths were set at 1.0 mm (at ∼530 nm) and 2.56 mm (at ∼660 nm), respectively, whereas we used an attenuation length of 3.3 mm (at 715 nm) for emission of this dye (22). We generated optical signals in the simulations at a 1 kHz sampling rate for direct comparison with the experiments. In the first set of simulations, however, we studied the effect of varying the excitation attenuation length δex from 0.2 to 1.0 mm in steps of 0.2 mm. We set the optical sampling rate to 10 kHz in these simulations so that we could investigate the theoretical limit on the accuracy of either activation time. All optical calculations were carried out on a dual-core Intel 6400 2.13 GHz desktop.
Our computer simulations show that the time of the surface electrical activation (tE) coincides with the maximal slope of the optical upstroke (tF∗) for a broad range of optical attenuation lengths. This is a mere consequence of the fact that the optical signal contains significant contributions from areas that are remote from the recording site and undergoing different phases of excitation. These contributions average out, thus producing a slow component in the optical upstroke, but do not affect its fastest component, which is determined by excitation of the immediate neighborhood of the recording site.
Fig. 2A shows simulated optical (red) and electrical (black) action potentials in a slab of rat ventricular myocardium for three different values of δex (see Materials and Methods for more details). The larger the δex-value, the greater is the volume that contributes to the optical signal and the longer is the upstroke duration. Note that despite significant differences in the upstroke duration, for all three values of δex the maximal slopes of the electrical and optical upstrokes are reached practically simultaneously. This is not the case for tF50. As δex increases, so does the error tF50-tE, making tF50 a less and less accurate estimate of the local epicardial activation time.
Figure 2.
Effect of excitation penetration depth on optical upstroke morphology and tF50 and tF∗ in simulations in rat myocardium. (A) Optical and electrical upstrokes taken from a point 5 mm away from an epicardial pacing site in the transverse direction for gradually increasing penetration depth of the excitation light (0.2, 0.6, and 1.0 mm, respectively). (B) Absolute differences tF∗-tE (black) and tF50-tE (dashed) across the whole epicardial field of view in simulations for gradually increasing penetration depth of the excitation light (0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, and 1.0 mm, respectively).
The discrepancy between tF50 and tE has significant spatial variations. Fig. 3 shows computed error maps indicating the differences tF∗-tE (A) and tF50-tE (B) across the area surrounding the stimulating electrode. In this simulation, we assumed δex = 1.0 mm, which corresponds to a typical optical mapping experiment with green excitation light. The tF∗-tE map shows small errors over the whole field of view (pale blue to pale red) that never exceed 0.5 ms in absolute value, which is of the same order as the accuracy of the simulated sampling rate. In contrast, however, the tF50-tE map shows much larger errors ranging from −1.5 ms (dark blue shade at the top and bottom of the field of view) to >2 ms (red) in the vicinity of the stimulating electrode. In the longitudinal direction of propagation, the discrepancy between tF50 and tE is positive and gradually declines with the distance from the electrode. In the transverse direction, the error drops off rapidly and changes sign gradually, becoming more and more negative without any tendency to decline. This is further illustrated in panels C and D, where profiles of the differences tF∗-tE (black) and tF50-tE (red) are shown along the longitudinal and transverse directions, respectively (indicated by black dashed lines in panels A and B). This spatial pattern of error distribution is related to the changes in subsurface wavefront orientation as shown in panels E and F for the central longitudinal and transverse sections, respectively. The deviation of the average angle of the excitation front from the normal with respect to the surface results in highly asymmetrical, nonsigmoidal optical upstrokes (31, 33), thus increasing the difference between tF∗ and tF50, and consequently the error tF50-tE. This effect is most apparent in the transverse direction, where the most dramatic change in the intramural wavefront orientation at ∼1 mm from the pacing site coincides with the point where tF50-tE changes sign in panels B and D.
Figure 3.
Differences between the estimated and actual epicardial activation times at various spatial locations in the simulations in rat myocardium. (A) The difference between tE and tF∗. This difference is close to zero everywhere and lies within the range of −0.5 ms to 0.5 ms. (B) The difference between tE and tF50. The largest difference (>2 ms) is found around the pacing site. In directions perpendicular to the epicardial fiber orientation (black dashed line), the difference between tF50 and tE becomes progressively smaller, changes sign, and then rapidly decreases to −1.5 ms, whereas along the fibers the change in this difference is less pronounced. (C) Profiles of tF∗-tE and tF50-tE along the epicardial longitudinal direction in the simulations in rat myocardium (horizontal dashed line in panel A). (D) Profiles of tF∗-tE and tF50-tE along the epicardial transverse direction (vertical dashed line in panel A). (E) Transmural electrical isochronal map (1 ms interval) in the longitudinal direction. (F) Transmural electrical isochronal map (1 ms interval) in the transverse direction. The black boxes in panels A and B refer to data presented in Fig. 6.
To compare tF∗, tF50, and tE in experiments, we used isolated Langendorff-perfused rat heart preparations. We applied a point stimulation on the epicardial surface of the LV (see Materials and Methods) and performed multiple pairwise comparisons of optical and intracellular microelectrode recordings of the action potential. Fig. 1, A and B, show two representative optical activation maps obtained from the same rat heart using tF∗ and tF50, respectively. In both cases the typical pattern of anisotropic propagation can be observed, with rapid propagation along the epicardial fiber orientation (white dashed line) and slower propagation in other directions. However, differences between the two maps can be observed in the precise orientation of the wavefront in each point and in the total activation time of the LV (13.7 and 11.5 ms for tF∗ and tF50, respectively). Optical upstrokes (red) and the corresponding electrical upstrokes (black) are depicted in Fig. 1, C–E, for the three locations indicated in panels A and B. The optical activation times tF∗ and tF50 are indicated as red open and closed circles, respectively, whereas the electrical activation time is shown as a vertical dashed line and a black closed circle. In each case, we find that tF∗ is a closer match to tE than is tF50.
Fig. 4 shows the accuracy of tF∗ and tF50 for estimating tE in the rat experiments. Panel A depicts a scatter plot of tF∗ versus tE from 76 different locations (four hearts). Linear regression analysis shows a very high correlation (R = 0.98) with a slope of 0.98 and an intercept of 0.79. Panel B shows a similar plot of tF50 versus tE. In this case, we find a slightly smaller correlation (R = 0.95), a smaller slope of 0.84, and a larger intercept of 2.23. This linear regression analysis indicates that tF∗ is a better estimate of tE than is tF50. This observation is further supported by the data presented in panel C. Here, the absolute (left) and relative (right) differences between the two optical activation times and the electrical time are compared. The mean difference between tF∗ and tE is 0.7 ms (or 7.4%), whereas it is 1.2 ms (12.2%) between tF50 and tE. For both the absolute and relative differences we find, with a high level of statistical significance (P = 0.0002 and P < 0.0001, respectively), that tF∗ is a better match to tE than is tF50.
Figure 4.
Correspondence among tE, tF50, and tF∗ in the rat heart. (A) Plot of tF∗ versus tE in the rat heart. There is a strong linear correlation (R = 0.97) between these activation times. A slope close to one (0.98) and the low intercept (0.79) signify that the values of tF∗ accurately define tE. (B) Plot of tF50 versus tE in the rat heart. The lower linear correlation (R = 0.90) and slope (0.84), and the larger intercept (2.23) indicate a lower accuracy of this method in measuring activation time. (C) The absolute (|toptical-tE|, left) and relative (|toptical-tE|/tE, right) errors in estimating tE from optical activation times tF∗ versus tF50. In both cases, tF∗ is more accurate than tE with high statistical significance.
The close correspondence between tF∗ and tE, and the differences between tF∗ and tF50 observed in the experiments are even more pronounced in the computer simulations. We initiated an electrical wave from the center of the epicardial surface and allowed it to activate the entire ventricular wall. Subsequently, we computed the optical surface action potentials and compared them with the transmembrane potential at every point (n = 10,000) on the epicardial surface of the preparation. The results of these simulations are illustrated in Fig. 5, which has the same format as in Fig. 4 but shows simulated rather than experimental signals. A comparison of panels A and B shows that tF∗ is indeed a better estimate of tE than is tF50, particularly at small distances from the stimulation site (the activation time is <5 ms). The mean difference between tF∗ and tE is only 0.15 ms (i.e., tF∗≈ tE), which is about three times less than the difference between tE than tF50 (see panel C).
Figure 5.
Correspondence among tE, tF50, and tF∗ in the simulations in rat myocardium. (A) Plot of tF∗ versus tE showing a strong linear correlation (R = 0.99) between these activation times. A slope close to one (0.97) and the low intercept (0.39) signify that the values of tF∗ accurately define tE. (B) Plot of tF50 versus tE with a lower slope (0.91) and larger intercept (2.88) indicate a lower accuracy of this method in measuring activation time, consistent with our experimental observations. (C) The simulated absolute (|toptical-tE|, left) and relative (|toptical-tE|/tE, right) errors in estimating tE from optical activation times tF∗ versus tF50. As in the experiments, tF∗ is more accurate than tE with high statistical significance.
Fig. 6 provides a more detailed analysis of the differences in longitudinal versus transverse directions. Panel A shows the simulated relative differences with tE for both optical activation times and for longitudinal and transverse regions separately (indicated as black boxes in Fig. 3, A and B). We find that the difference between optical and electrical activation times is largest in the longitudinal direction for both optical activation times. However, this effect is more pronounced in the case of tF50, with relative differences of up to 33.7% in the longitudinal direction compared with only 13.2% using tF∗ (P < 0.0001). In our experiments, we chose four transverse and longitudinal microelectrode recording locations based on the optical activation maps, which allowed us to verify this observation. These results are presented in panel B. Here too we find that overall tF∗ yields smaller relative errors with respect to tE than does tF50. The mean relative error is larger in the longitudinal direction than in the transverse direction for both methods. The largest discrepancies with tE are found in the longitudinal recordings obtained using tF50 (11.1%).
Figure 6.
Accuracy of the optical activation time in longitudinal versus transverse directions, and in evaluating the conduction velocity anisotropy ratio. (A) The relative differences between the optical and electrical activation times in longitudinal and transverse directions (black boxes in Fig. 3, A and B) in simulations in rat myocardium. (B) The relative differences between the optical and electrical activation times in longitudinal and transverse directions in experiments. In both cases, the reduced accuracy in the longitudinal direction is more pronounced for tF50 than for tF∗. (C) Ratio of longitudinal (CVL) versus transverse (CVT) conduction velocity in the simulated rat myocardium for the different measures of activation time. Both optical methods underestimate the anisotropy ratio, with the largest deviation obtained with tF50. (D) Anisotropy ratio measured experimentally for four microelectrode locations along/across fibers in four hearts. No statistically significant difference was observed between tE and tF∗, whereas tF50 significantly underestimates the anisotropy ratio.
The errors in activation times and the preferential direction in which they occur are essential in experiments assessing the anisotropic ratio of conduction. Fig. 6 C shows the anisotropic ratio of conduction velocities calculated from the electrical epicardial activity and corresponding optical activation time in simulations. The mean conduction velocity in the transverse (CVT) and longitudinal (CVL) directions were calculated as the distance from the pacing site (5 mm in this case) divided by the local activation time. The ratio obtained from the electrical activation time is 2.26. This ratio appears slightly underestimated with tF∗ (2.05), but a larger discrepancy is observed with tF50 (1.84). We observed a similar behavior in the experiments. The anisotropy ratio obtained from the electrical recordings was 1.97 ± 0.13, whereas it was 1.79 ± 0.14 and 1.45 ± 0.13 when calculated using tF∗ and tF50, respectively (panel D). We found no statistically significant difference for this ratio between tE and tF∗, whereas the difference between tE and tF50 was statistically significant (P = 0.0259). This indicates that tF∗ provides a more accurate measure of the anisotropic ratio of conductance than does tF50.
Our analyses (both experimental and computational) show that the use of tF∗ rather than tF50 can also make a significant difference in measurements of transmural CT in thick ventricular wall preparations. We used coronary-perfused pig LV preparations paced at various locations on the epi- and endocardial surfaces, and monitored electrical activity from epi- and endocardial surfaces simultaneously. Transmural CT was defined as the difference of the earliest activation times, or time of breakthrough, on each surface. Experiments were performed for two excitation wavelengths (530 and 660 nm, respectively) of the near-infrared dye DI-4-ANBDQBS. In Table S1 of the Supporting Material we summarize our experimental results and compare them with those obtained by simulation. In general, we find that tF∗ provides larger CTs than tF50, irrespective of the wavelength used. These differences are statistically significant (P < 0.0001) for both excitation wavelengths. Interestingly, the relative difference in measured CT between tF∗ and tF50 is larger in the case of 660 nm excitation than for the 530 nm excitation (53.2 ± 19.0% vs. 14.4 ± 11.2%, respectively). When we changed the excitation wavelength from 530 to 660 nm, we found a small change in CT when measured with tF∗ (0.6 ms, P = 0.0496), whereas we observed a significant drop in CT when measured with tF50 (1.1 ms, P < 0.0001). The computational model reproduces these observations qualitatively. Furthermore, in the simulations we found that for both wavelengths tF∗ provided the most accurate measure of the true electrical CT (37.8 and 36.6 ms, respectively, vs. 39.0 ms), whereas tF50 could lead to significant discrepancies, especially when the 660 nm excitation wavelength was used (26.2 ms vs. 39.0 ms).
In the experiments, we also found that the precise location of earliest activation on the epi- and endocardial surface depended on whether tF∗ or tF50 was used. Fig. 7 A shows the epicardial activation map obtained with tF∗ in an experiment in which the stimulus was applied on the endocardial surface. The corresponding tF50 activation map is shown in panel B. The breakthrough locations are shown using an open square for tF∗ and a solid square for tF50. A shift of several millimeters between the two locations can be observed. The distance between these breakthrough locations across all experiments is shown in the last column of Table S1, and is on average ∼1.5 mm irrespective of the excitation wavelength used.
Figure 7.
Epicardial activation maps after endocardial stimulation in a pig LV wedge preparation. (A) tF∗ activation map. (B) tF50 activation map. The earliest breakthrough locations are indicated for tF∗ (open square) and tF50 (solid square).
We have demonstrated both experimentally in Langendorff-perfused rat hearts and computationally that the time of the maximal slope of the optical upstroke (tF∗), within 1 ms, coincides with the surface electrical activation time (tE). In all of the experimental scenarios tested, tF∗ was a more accurate measure of tE than the commonly used time at 50% upstroke amplitude (tF50). Using tF∗ instead of tF50 improves the accuracy of anisotropy ratio and transmural CT measurements.
Although the conventional measure of activation time at 50% amplitude (tF50) is much easier to use than tF∗, particularly when the optical signal is weak and noisy, there are multiple situations in which it is imperative to use the more accurate measure of tF∗. One such example is measurements of transverse propagation velocity and anisotropy of conduction velocity. Indeed, to obtain an accurate measure of the anisotropic ratio, the measurements should be taken in proximity to the stimulation site. Otherwise, the results can be greatly distorted due to the acceleration of propagation in the transverse direction (33) caused by intramural fiber rotation. Yet, according to our analysis, tF50 is the least accurate in measurements of the anisotropic ratio of conduction. Although the absolute errors in activation times are not large (see Figure 4, Figure 5), the relative errors can be as high as 30% in the longitudinal direction, whereas they are smaller but highly variable in the transverse direction (Fig. 6). This can greatly influence the estimated anisotropy of conduction velocity. Here, we have shown both experimentally and computationally that it can result in a significant underestimation of the anisotropy ratio when tF50 is used (Fig. 6). It is not unlikely that unresolved discrepancies between different optical measurements of electrical conduction in transgenic connexin43-deficient mice are caused in part by the use of tF50 as a measure of local CT (8, 34, 35).
Another experimental scenario in which it can be essential to use tF∗ instead of tF50 involves measurement of the transmural CT. Our computations show that the use of tF50 can lead to underestimation of the transmural CT when the epi- or endocardium is paced, and the greatest error occurs when 660 nm excitation light is used (see Table S1). This error is due to the contributions of the deeper myocardial layers to the optical signal. For example, near an epicardial stimulation site, due to the depth contribution, we can see an increase in the optical signal well after the wavefront moves away from the surface. This results in an optical upstroke that reaches 50% depolarization long after the surface has been activated. On the opposite endocardial surface, however, we start to see an increase in the optical signal long before the wavefront reaches the surface (24, 31, 36, 37). Because the transmural CT represents the delay of activation on the endocardium with respect to the epicardium, the activation times determined at 50% depolarization (tF50) will therefore underestimate the transmural CT. This error is even more pronounced in the case of 660 nm excitation when the fluorescent signal is collected from a significantly larger depth than in the case of green excitation (20). Our experimental findings are in close agreement with these observations, with a significantly smaller transmural CT obtained when measured with tF50 compared with tF∗ (P < 0.0001). Although no microelectrode recordings were performed in the pig experiments, we found little difference in transmural CT when measured with tF∗ at the two different excitation wavelengths, whereas there was a significant drop in CT obtained at 530 versus 660 nm excitation with tF50. This further confirms that tF∗ is more reliable than tF50 for measuring transmural CT. We also observed a significant shift in the sites of earliest activation on both surfaces (Fig. 7). This shift could potentially be explained by nonuniformities in transmural conduction and fibrous structure (38) that were not taken into consideration in our model. Importantly, however, our study shows that tF∗ is more accurate for estimating CT than is tF50.
Our study was motivated in part by a previous work by Knisley and Neuman (2), who reported that the maximal slope of the optical upstroke recorded and the maximal negative slope of the unipolar surface electrogram recorded at the same location from the epicardial surface of the rabbit heart are separated in time by ∼1 ms. Is there a link between the timings of the maximal upstrokes of the optical action potential and the surface electrogram? Do they both represent the local activation time? At the time of their study, the answers to these questions were far from clear. The surface electrogram and the optical action potential have completely different shapes and a different physical nature. The surface electrogram represents a sum of extracellular potentials that are determined by the extracellular currents and tissue resistivity, whereas the optical action potential represents the sum of transmembrane potentials over a volume determined by the optical properties of the tissue.
Our numerical study shows that this link between the maximal slope of the optical action potential and the time of local electrical activation is not coincidental. In the absence of experimental noise, the predicted difference between tF∗ and tE is as small as a fraction of a millisecond. The explanation for this effect may be found in computational studies that explored factors that affect the shape of the optical upstroke (24, 31, 36, 37). These studies showed that the contribution of the subsurface myocardium to the surface optical signal is largest at the tissue surface (31), which explains why the instant of the maximal slope of the optical upstroke best represents the time of electrical activation on the imaged surface.
We have demonstrated experimentally that tF∗ corresponds to the surface activation time tE in rat Langendorff-perfused heart preparations. The rest of the evidence comes from our computer modeling studies. However, the comparison of optical action potentials with surface electrograms in rabbit epicardium reported in the literature (2), and the fact that our computational analysis uses generic hybrid models, should provide confidence that the relation is robust and should hold independently of the particular animal model or experimental setting used.
The optical sampling rate and commonly applied filtering techniques of the optical signal can potentially distort the optical upstroke and reduce the accuracy of measured activation times, especially tF∗. However, a recent experimental study (23) showed that as a result of optical blurring, cardiac optical signals do not contain significant high-frequency temporal (>100 Hz) or spatial (<3 mm) components. The absence of such high-frequency components allows for aggressive filters to be applied without significant effects on the optical action potential (23). Therefore, the high sampling rate (1 kHz) and relatively mild temporal and spatial filters with conical kernels (1.5 ms and 1.5 mm wide, respectively) we applied in our study have no detrimental effect on the optical upstroke.
We have not investigated the accuracy of measuring surface activation times optically during arrhythmias such as ventricular fibrillation (VF). During VF, reduced signal/noise ratios could prevent one from accurately determining tF∗. However, it is important to note that due to the rapidly changing amplitude and baseline fluorescence level observed during VF (22), the determination of the 50% amplitude level and tF50 becomes arbitrary. However, the limitations associated with determining tF∗ for weak signals are not fundamental, and it is likely that they can be overcome in the future with improved optical mapping technologies. As illustrated here, the knowledge gained from our study can be applied now and used to obtain accurate measurements of key electrophysiological parameters such as anisotropy of conduction, transmural conduction, and location of epicardial breakthrough after intramural pacing.
We thank Dr. Bryan Caldwell for his help in producing the difference maps; Dr. Alexander Burashnikov, Dr. Serge Sicouri, Robert Goodrow, Jr., and Kathy Sullivan at the Masonic Medical Research Laboratory for advice on how to fabricate microelectrodes; Bruce Searles for a careful reading of the manuscript; and Joe Dixie for technical support.
This study was supported by grants from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (RO1HL07163505 and RO1HL07176205A2 to R.M.S. and A.M.P.), the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EP/F065574/1 to R.D.W. and O.B.), and a Predoctoral Fellowship from the American Heart Association (to B.G.M.).
Editor: Randall L. Rasmusson.
A table is available at http://www.biophysj.org/biophysj/supplemental/S0006-3495(11)01258-6.
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