This paper strives to overcome a major problem encountered by a previous expansion methodology for discovering concepts highly likely to be missing a specific semantic type assignment in the UMLS. This methodology is the basis for an algorithm that presents the discovered concepts to a human auditor for review and possible correction. We analyzed the problem of the previous expansion methodology and discovered that it was due to an obstacle constituted by one or more concepts assigned the UMLS Semantic Network semantic type Classification. A new methodology was designed that bypasses such an obstacle without a combinatorial explosion in the number of concepts presented to the human auditor for review. The new expansion methodology with obstacle avoidance was tested with the semantic type Experimental Model of Disease and found over 500 concepts missed by the previous methodology that are in need of this semantic type assignment. Furthermore, other semantic types suffering from the same major problem were discovered, indicating that the methodology is of more general applicability. The algorithmic discovery of concepts that are likely missing a semantic type assignment is possible even in the face of obstacles, without an explosion in the number of processed concepts.
Keywords: UMLS, semantic type assignment, auditing, group auditing, neighborhood auditing, refined semantic type
1 Introduction
The Unified Medical Language System (ULMS) [3, 4, 15, 16] is a very large and complex terminological system for biomedicine. It consists of two layers, the Metathesaurus (META) [24, 25], which is a repository of concepts, and the Semantic Network (SN) [17, 18], which is a compact abstraction network consisting of a small number (133) of broad categories called semantic types (STs). The connection between the layers is implemented by assigning each concept one or more semantic types.
The assignments of STs to concepts play a major role in the integration of new terminologies into the UMLS. Due to the extensive size and complexity of the UMLS, errors are inevitable. Auditing is therefore essential to ensure the quality of the UMLS. The ST assignments were proven instrumental in auditing the UMLS for various errors [7, 11, 12, 13, 14]. ST assignment errors, including incorrect and missing ST assignments, were discovered [6, 8, 13, 14, 23]. Redundancy, circularity, omissions and other problems in hierarchical relationships were located [1, 2, 7, 20]. Classification errors were found [9, 10, 13]. Tools such as the Neighborhood Auditing Tool (NAT) [19] have been developed to facilitate auditing. For an extensive review of auditing of terminologies in general and the UMLS in particular, see [26].
In a study of uses of the UMLS [5], users expressed that incorrect and missing semantic type assignments are errors of greatest concern. Certain structural configurations indicate concepts with a high likelihood of incorrect ST assignments [6, 13, 14]. However, for the problem of exposing concepts with missing ST assignments there are no structural indicators.
The difficulty of exposing missing ST assignments was demonstrated by the findings of Chen et al. [8], where about thousand concepts of the UMLS that had been correctly assigned Neoplastic Process1(NP)2 were missing the assignment of the second ST Experimental Model of Disease (EMD). Those concepts were mainly experimental cancers in mice. They were integrated into the UMLS from the National Cancer Institute thesaurus (NCIt), where they are in the Experimental Organism Diagnoses (EOD) hierarchy. The NCIt maintains its own ST assignments. According to Mougin and Bodenreider [21], these assignments differ from the UMLS ST assignments for some concepts and were proven more accurate. However, the EMD assignments were missing for those approximately thousand concepts in the NCIt as well.
In previous research we corrected some EMD assignments, but did not detect the concepts missing EMD [12]. Furthermore, in 2004, our team audited the Experimental Organism Diagnoses hierarchy of the NCIt for missing relationships and still did not detect the missing ST assignments. The difficulty of detecting concepts with missing ST assignments stems from the lack of a suspicious configuration which indicates their absence, in contrast to the existence of structural indicators for detecting incorrect ST assignments. Without such an indicator, an auditor receives no guidance where to search for missing ST assignments. Searching in an arbitrarily selected part of the UMLS is likely to offer a low yield for an extensive effort.
In the work of Chen et al. [8] we presented a methodology for finding concepts with missing ST assignments. It is based on the assumption that a concept that is in the neighborhood of other concepts that are already assigned a specific ST, but does not have this assignment, very likely should have this ST assigned. Furthermore, this process was dynamic; once a concept had been assigned the additional ST, its neighbors were also reviewed [8]. For more details, see the Background Section.
In spite of our success in algorithmically discovering many concepts missing EMD assignments, confirmed by human auditors [8], not all concepts in the Experimental Organism Diagnoses hierarchy of NCIt missing this assignment were discovered. There are hundreds of experimental diseases (mainly cancers of different kinds) in rats which should be assigned EMD and are currently assigned NP for cancers or Disease or Syndrome (DS) for non-cancer experimental diseases. Of course, once this fact has been exposed, one could screen this hierarchy and correct the ST assignments of these concepts but we would like a methodology for the detection of such cases. In this paper, we are presenting such a methodology for discovering missing ST assignments. When we analyzed what prevented our previous methodology from reaching the missed concepts, we found that an “obstacle” was separating the discovered concepts from those which were not discovered. In this paper, we present a methodology that bypasses such an obstacle and reaches the concepts behind it that are missing the correct ST assignments. The results of applying this methodology for EMD are reported. This methodology is applicable to other STs to discover more missing ST assignments.
2 Background
2.1 The Refined Semantic Network for the UMLS
In the UMLS, each concept is assigned at least one semantic type. The set of all concepts that are assigned the same ST is called its extent. However, the concepts in the extent of an ST are not necessarily assigned only that ST. For example, the concepts Arthritis, Experimental and Experimental Hepatoma are in the extent of EMD. However, Experimental Hepatoma is also assigned Neoplastic Process. Therefore, these two concepts do not share the same semantics (expressed by the ST assignment) even though they are both in the extent of EMD. Hence, the extent of EMD is not semantically uniform.
To achieve semantically uniform sets of concepts, each extent needs to be partitioned into subsets to reflect a refinement of this ST. We proposed the Refined Semantic Network for the UMLS, consisting of Refined Semantic Types (RSTs) for this purpose [11, 12], consisting of Refined Semantic Types (RSTs). Each RST is either a “Pure Semantic Type” or an “Intersection Semantic Type.” Each Pure Semantic Type corresponds to one ST from the SN and is assigned to concepts that were only assigned this one ST in the UMLS. All concepts with multiple ST assignments are removed from the extent of the Pure Semantic Type. An Intersection Semantic Type is a combination of two or more STs from the SN and its extent contains concepts assigned exactly such a combination of STs. Hence, in contrast to the extents of the original STs, the extent of each RST contains the concepts that are only assigned this RST and have the semantics expressed by it.
Our previous auditing methodology, reported by Chen et al., expands the extent of an ST by separately expanding each of its RSTs [8]. This expansion process identifies any neighboring concepts that have the same semantics as the concepts in the RST’s extent and inserts them into the extent. The semantic uniformity of RSTs’ extents makes human auditing of the concepts in those extents more effective and efficient.
2.2 Methodology for Expanding the Extent of a Semantic Type
In the work of Chen et al. [8], a two-part methodology was introduced for aiding an auditor in discovering missing ST assignments, by narrowing down the set of concepts presented to him. The auditing focused on a neighborhood surrounding the extent of an RST3TR (E(TR)) called an envelope (denoted as V(TR)), consisting of neighbors, i.e. parents and children of the concepts in the extent which are themselves not in the extent. All concepts in an envelope are audited by a human expert. If a concept with a missing ST assignment is identified then it is corrected and the neighbors of this concept are inserted into the next envelope.
Part 1 of the auditing methodology can be depicted as expanding outward from an extent in a series of concentric circles, as shown for EMDR (Figure 1). For example, Arthritis, Animal Model and diencephalic hyperactivity reside in V(EMDR). An auditor finds that Animal Model is lacking the assignment of EMDR. Thus, its parents, Animal Study, in vivo Model, Investigative Techniques and Study models and its children, Dorsal Skin Fold Window Chamber Model and Olfactory Learning, not already in E(EMDR) or V(EMDR), are included in the second-level envelope V2(EMDR) and await auditing after the processing of V(EMDR) has been completed. If any concepts in V2(EMDR) are later found to be missing the assignment of EMDR, then their parents and children not already in E(EMDR), V(EMDR), or V2(EMDR) will be entered into the third-level envelope V3(EMDR) that is processed after V2(EMDR). This process continues until the next envelope remains empty. Due to the auditing process, the concepts that in broken-line boxes in Figure 1 are assigned EMDR.
This methodology might lead to the assignment of an RST to a concept that is quite far from the concepts in the original extent of this RST. The condition for a concept c to be assigned TR is that there exists a path of concepts connected by parent or child relationships from a concept s, originally assigned TR, all the way to the concept c, such that each intermediate concept on this path is also assigned TR. The expansion in a sequence of concentric envelopes implements the expansion process in a stepwise manner. Hence a “long distance” expansion is achieved via repeated local expansion steps.
The described process is efficient, since it does not expand in every direction for the longest possible distance. The stepwise expansion happens only for concepts where an ST assignment was made in the previous step. Hence, even if an expansion proceeds along a path of, say, ten concepts, the actual processing done is proportional only to the number of concepts, that were assigned the new RST and their parents and children, but not for all concepts within a distance of ten from the concept originally assigned the RST.
Part 2: As explained in Section 2.1, the extent of a semantic type T consists of disjoint subsets of concepts, such that there exists one subset for each RST generated from T. While reviewing the envelope of another RST of T, say, TR2, the auditor might realize that some of the concepts in the envelope of TR2 should be assigned TR instead. These concepts are inserted into the auxiliary extent of TR, denoted AUX(TR). Once Part 1 of the methodology on all other RSTs of T has been completed, the auditor processes the auxiliary extent AUX(TR). This set is processed in a manner analogous to E(TR). For instance, the concept Mouse Mammary Gland Disorder in V5(EMD⋂NP) is mis-assigned Disease or Syndrome. This concept should be assigned EMDR instead and is therefore inserted into AUX(EMDR). The consecutive envelopes of AUX(EMDR) are constructed in the same manner as in Part 1. Figure 2 illustrates the processing of AUX(EMDR). Only some concepts of AUX(EMDR), V(AUX(EMDR)), and V2(AUX(EMDR)) are shown.
3 Methods
3.1 A Major Problem with the Previous Expansion Methodology
Despite of the success of the expansion methodology of Chen et al. for EMD, it failed to discover all the concepts of the NCIt hierarchy “Experimental Organism Diagnoses,” which deal with experimental cancer diagnoses [8]. To understand the reason for this major problem, see Figure 3, showing a partial indented hierarchy, as shown by the NCIt browser [22] into which we have added UMLS ST assignments between {}. Due to their general nature, the concepts Experimental Organism Diagnosis, which is the root of this hierarchy, its child Rat Histopathology Diagnoses for Proliferative Changes, and its grandchild Rat Neoplams by Morphology are assigned Classification, which is defined as “A term or system of terms denoting an arrangement by class or category.” The latter concept is the parent of nine concepts, which are assigned NP and should be assigned EMD⋂NP. These three concepts, correctly assigned Classification, constitute an obstacle which stops the dynamic expansion process starting at Rous Sarcoma, assigned EMD⋂NP, from reaching these nine concepts Thus, the described expansion methodology cannot go beyond this obstacle, and as a result concepts are missed [8].
However, by modifying the expansion process to go from Rous Sarcoma beyond its parent Experimental Organism Diagnosis and the child and grandchild of the latter, Rat Histopathology Diagnoses for Proliferative Changes, and Rat Neoplams by Morphology, the process will reach the subhierarchy of hundreds of concepts rooted in Rat Neoplasm by Morphology, which are neoplasms in rats, and their ST assignments will be corrected to EMD⋂NP. Note that two of the children of Rat Neoplasm by Morphology, Rat Carcinoma and Rat Adenoma have further children (see Figure 3). The question is how the previous expansion process should be modified to bypass such an obstacle.
3.2 Expansion Methodology with Obstacle Avoidance
In order for the expansion process to bypass an obstacle, we need to formulate it such that concepts that are assigned Classification do not interrupt the expansion, while leaving their semantic type assignments unchanged. In other words, the expansion process should bypass the obstacle, without affecting the ST assignments of the concepts of the obstacle. We call this process expansion methodology with obstacle avoidance (EM/OA). An obstacle may consist of one or several concepts assigned Classification.
As a solution, we introduce a secondary envelope SV(T) and an auxiliary envelope XV(T) for this purpose. The secondary envelope will contain concepts constituting an obstacle. Since an obstacle may consist of a path of several nodes, we will represent the number of its hierarchical levels (“the width of the obstacle”) using SV1(T), SV2(T), etc. parents and children of concepts in the secondary envelope that are not already in E(T), V(T) or XV(T) are inserted into one auxiliary envelope XV(T), without levels.
A parameter p defines how many SVi(T) are allowed. The value for p will be determined experimentally for different situations. For each concept in SVi(T), i≤p, its parents and children are inserted into the auxiliary envelope XV(T). We let the auditor review them for potential corrections. If such a parent or child should be corrected to the RST T, then it would be entered into the extent of T. If this concept is correctly assigned Classification, then it will be entered into SVi+1(T) unless i=p. By the definition of Classification, it is the only ST which has the potential to categorize a high level concept, not by its meaning but by its role, representing a group of concepts in the terminology that have a joint meaning.
By limiting p to a small number, we limit the number of concepts of XV that are audited. In practice, p will be chosen experimentally to be large enough to bypass obstacles but small enough to avoid large scale auditing. The best value for p might have to be determined by an iterative process.
Also, by constraining the obstacles to concepts assigned Classification, we further limit the auditing effort. If Classification assignments are incorrect the auditor will replace them and the corresponding concepts will cease to be obstacles. If a concept in XV(T) is neither found to be assigned Classification nor needs to be corrected to T, it is discarded from the auditing process. Once the auxiliary envelope XV(T) is empty, the auditing algorithm stops.
We will now use the example of EMD⋂NP to show how the EM/OA will reach Rat neoplasm concepts in the Experimental Organism Diagnosis hierarchy of NCIt. We illustrate how the methodology bypasses the obstacle of concepts assigned Classification and reaches the Rat experimental cancer disease concepts that were not reached by the methodology of Chen [8] (Figure 3).
As demonstrated in Figure 4, the concept Rous Sarcoma, assigned EMD⋂NP, is the starting point of the EM/OA, and we will use p=3 to limit the number of secondary envelopes.4 Its parent, Experimental Organism Diagnosis, correctly assigned Classification, is inserted into SV1(EMD⋂NP). Then the other children of this concept, Experimental Allergic Encephalomyelitis (EMD), Mouse Pathologic Diagnoses (DS) and Rat Histopathology Diagnosis for Proliferative Changes (Classification), are inserted into XV(EMD⋂NP). From those, the concept Rat Histopathology Diagnosis for Proliferative Changes is the only one inserted into SV2(EMD⋂NP), because it is assigned Classification. Figure 4 displays Rat Histopathology Diagnosis for Proliferative Changes after it was moved from XV(EMD⋂NP) to SV2(EMD⋂NP).
Next, the children of Rat Histopathology Diagnosis for Proliferative Changes (Figure 3) are inserted into XV(EMD⋂NP). From those children, three concepts in bold boxes in XV(EMD⋂NP) that are assigned NP, Rat Unclassifiable Benign Tumor, Rat Unclassifiable Malignant Tumor and Tissue Autolysed Diagnosis Not Possible are reassigned EMD⋂NP. None of those three concepts have children, so the downward expansion stops.
Three other children, in bold, rounded corner boxes, are assigned Classification, Rat Neoplasms by Location, Rat Neoplasms by Morphology and Rat Proliferative Change by Location. Figure 4 shows the status before they are inserted into SV3(EMD⋂NP). In Figure 5, where the three Classification-assigned concepts, shown as rounded corner boxes, appear in SV3(EMD⋂NP), the continuation of applying the EM/OA algorithm is demonstrated. When these concepts are processed, their children are inserted into XV(EMD⋂NP). When, in turn the children of one of them, Rat Neoplasms by Morphology are audited, they are reassigned EMD⋂NP. The continuation of the expansion process from two of these concepts Rat Adenoma and Rat Carcinoma which have children (as seen in Figure 3) is straightforward, since no more obstacles are encountered.
4 Results
4.1 Expansion of E(EMD⋂NP) with Obstacle Avoidance
Table 1 describes the expansion of E(EMD⋂NP). Rows 1 to 12 are taken from Chen et al., Table 3 [8]. Stages 1-3 summarize the obstacle avoidance process. The rows below them describe the concepts audited after obstacle avoidance, using the same methodology as before [8].
Table 1.
Envelope | # Cpt in envelope | # Added to E(EMD ⋂ NP) | Error Rate (%) | E(EMD ⋂ NP) |
V | 33 | 9 | 27 | 42 |
V2 | 44 | 26 | 59 | 68 |
V3 | 79 | 78 | 99 | 146 |
V4 | 212 | 201 | 95 | 347 |
V5 | 214 | 204 | 95 | 551 |
V6 | 137 | 135 | 99 | 686 |
V7 | 145 | 119 | 83 | 805 |
V8 | 97 | 92 | 95 | 897 |
V9 | 32 | 32 | 97 | 929 |
V10 | 17 | 17 | 100 | 946 |
V11 | 2 | 2 | 100 | 948 |
V12 | – | – | – | 948 |
Stages 1-3 | 20 | 12 | 60 | 960 |
V13 | 20 | 19 | 95 | 979 |
V14 | 5 | 5 | 100 | 984 |
V15 | 20 | 19 | 95 | 1003 |
V16 | 14 | 13 | 93 | 1016 |
V17 | 62 | 62 | 100 | 1078 |
V18 | 5 | 5 | 100 | 1083 |
V19 | – | – | – | 1083 |
Total: | 146 | 135 | 92 | 1083 |
Table 3.
Envelope | #Concepts in envelope |
#Concepts Added to E(EMD⋂NP) |
Error Rate (%) |
E(EMD⋂NP)| |
V1 | 232 | 222 | 96 | 1315 |
V2 | 82 | 82 | 100 | 1397 |
V3 | – | – | – | 1397 |
Total: | 314 | 304 | 97 | 1397 |
4.2 Expansion of E(EMD) with Obstacle Avoidance
A similar auditing process happens for the mouse non-cancer experimental diagnosis concepts, where DS is replaced by EMD. These concepts were previously not reassigned EMD due to an obstacle. This process is initiated by the concept Experimental Allergic Encephalomyelitis, the child of Experimental Organism Diagnosis, assigned EMD, following the auditing methodology (Part 1 and 2), with the 165 concepts in E(EMD).
During the obstacle avoidance process, concepts with missing EMD assignments were identified both in XV(EMD) and V(EMD) at Stage 3. In Table 2, there are two additional columns for the number of concepts added to SV(EMD) and XV(EMD) at each auditing stage. The Error Rate = (#Concepts added to E(EMD)) / (#Concepts in XV(EMD) + #Concepts in V(EMD)). Stages 1 to 3 show the obstacle avoidance process. V1 and V2 describe the auditing after obstacle avoidance, following the methodology of [8].
Table 2.
Stage | #Concepts in SV (EMD) |
#Concepts in XV (EMD) |
#Concepts in envelope |
#Concepts Added to E(EMD) |
Error Rate (%) |
E(EMD) |
Stage 1 | 1 | 4 | – | – | – | 165 |
Stage 2 | 1 | 10 | – | 1 | 10 | 166 |
Stage 3 | 3 | 21 | 43 | 52 | 81 | 218 |
V1 | – | – | 74 | 62 | 84 | 280 |
V2 | – | – | – | – | – | 280 |
Total: | – | 35 | 117 | 115 | 76 | 280 |
4.3 Restarting the Expansion of E(EMD⋂NP) Due to Audit of E(EMD)
As shown in Table 1, at the end of the expansion process, there were 1083 concepts in the extent of E(EMD⋂NP). In the process of expanding E(EMD), ten concepts, e.g. Mouse Neoplasm, were added to E(EMD⋂NP) (Figure 3), resulting in 1093 concepts in E(EMD⋂NP). These ten concepts serve as starting points of a second round of expansion of E(EMD⋂NP), according to Part 2 of our methodology [8]. Table 3 shows the results of expanding these ten concepts, resulting in an extent E(EMD⋂NP) of 1397 concepts. The list of concepts requiring changes in their ST assignments were submitted to the NLM and NCI.
5 Discussion
This paper overcomes a major problem encountered in the process of expanding the extent of an RST T [8] during auditing. That process used the envelope of this extent as a subset of concepts of high likelihood to require the T assignment. The expansion process may be blocked by an obstacle consisting of concepts assigned Classification. In this paper, we present a methodology for bypassing such an obstacle, so that the T assignment is propagated behind the obstacle, without changing the ST assignment of concepts in the obstacle itself. For this, we used a parameter p, which controls how many levels of concepts in the obstacle may be bypassed.
Classification is an unusual ST that does not represent the semantics of a concept, as other STs do, but the role of a concept to classify its descendants. This makes it possible to have a subhierarchy of META concepts, being rooted in a generic concept describing them, by assigning the semantic type Classification to the generic concept. Furthermore, its children and sometimes even grandchildren may also be generic concepts, describing smaller subsets of this META subhierarchy. All these generic concepts may legitimately be assigned Classification. This observation allows singling out Classification as the source of obstacles to expanding the assignment of an ST from one branch of a UMLS concept hierarchy to another branch, and is the basis for the assumption that the number of levels with such concepts is typically small. In Figure 1, the concept Rat Neoplasm by Morphology, assigned Classification, has a parent and grandparents assigned Classification, but no children assigned Classification. To bypass such an obstacle of three levels, a parameter p=3 is needed.
By using a small p, we limit the scope of the human auditing effort, since the larger p is, the more concepts need to be reviewed by the auditors. We compared the impact of two values of p for the example of Section 3.2. For p=2 and p=3, the numbers of concepts entering SV were 2 and 6, respectively, causing their respective 13 and 32 neighbors to enter XV, of which 3 and 12 concepts, were reassigned EMD⋂NP. This small example illustrates the growth in the number of audited concepts with the increase of the p value. No advantage of using p=4 exists, since no additional descendants are assigned Classification. However, with p=2, the process did not succeed in bypassing the obstacle. Hence, we searched experimentally for the lowest p value for which the obstacle is bypassed.
Interestingly, it is also possible to bypass this obstacle with p=2, by two consecutive passes. In the first phase, the three concepts (in bold boxes in Figure 4) are assigned EMD⋂NP. Although those concepts have no children, one of them can be used as a starting point for the second pass of the obstacle avoidance process, which bypasses the obstacle to reach all NP-assigned children of Rat Neoplasm by Morphology assigned Classification. This enables the expansion of the EMD⋂NP assignment from those children similar to what was shown Section 2.2.
The total number of concepts added or reassigned EMD according to Tables 1–3 is 554. The ten children of Rat Proliferative Change by Location in Figure 3 were reassigned EMD in Table 2. Alternatively, they may be reassigned EMD while bypassing the obstacle. In such a case they would be the basis for expansion according to Part 2 of the methodology [8], corresponding to the results in Section 4.3.
By the rules of the UMLS, an assignment of an ST A to a concept, which is also assigned a descendant of A, is redundant and forbidden. In recent years, the NLM has eliminated such redundant semantic type assignments from META. According to Dr. S. Srinivasan5 from the NLM, the NLM is using a program to test each new UMLS release for redundant semantic type assignments. If any are found, they are eliminated. When our expansion methodology is applied, it avoids redundant semantic type assignments. Thus, the IS-A relationships in the Semantic Network do not have the negative effect of creating redundant ST assignments in our methodology. For example, our methodology would not assign both Neoplastic Process and its parent Disease or Syndrome to the same concept. This paper focused on EMD. More research is needed to explore other parts of the UMLS where this methodology is applicable. For example, consider Organic Carcinogen assigned Classification, whose parent, Carcinogens, is assigned Hazardous or Poisonous Substance (HPS). Organic Carcinogen has 29 children, seven of which are assigned Classification. Many other children are assigned HPS and Organic Chemical (OC). Two are assigned only OC. A similar picture appears for the children of the seven children assigned Classification. But a few of their children are again assigned Classification. We found an obstacle consisting of a chain of four concepts, namely Organic Carcinogen, Organo Nitrogen Carcinogen, Nitro Compound Carcinogen, and Nitroarene Carcinogen. The latter has five children assigned HPS⋂OC. There are several such chains of length three. Two children of Organic Carcinogen assigned just OC, Acetaldehyde and Vinyl Carbamate, should also be assigned HPS as their grandparent, by their definition. This provides an example where the obstacle avoidance methodology would have spread HPS⋂OC from the proper children of Organic Carcinogen to those two children missing HPS, bypassing the obstacle consisting of Organic Carcinogen only.
Another example is OC-assigned Naphthalene, used to manufacture moth balls. It follows a hierarchical chain of three ancestors assigned Classification. Naphthalene should be assigned HPS as its siblings, bypassing its Classification-assigned ancestors. These examples show STs other than EMD needing expansion, where concepts assigned Classification constitute an obstacle that our methodology bypasses. Further investigation of the 1664 concepts in the extent of Classification is likely to expose more potential ST targets for our expansion methodology.
It is not clear how to estimate how many concepts are blocked from receiving the correct ST assignments due to the obstacle concepts that are assigned Classification. For example, it is even difficult to estimate how many descendants of Carcinogens are missing an assignment of HPS, as illustrated in the examples above. There are 6054 descendant concepts of the concept Carcinogens, of which only 426 are assigned HPS and 26 are assigned Classification. Some concepts in the META subhierarchy of Carcinogens, like those representing chemicals, drugs or kinds of food are (correctly) not assigned HPS. Many such concepts are found, e.g., among the descendants of Carcinogenic Mixture, assigned Classification, which is a child of Carcinogens. For example, Carcinogenic Mixture has children Alcoholic Beverages assigned Food and Coal Tar assigned OC and Pharmacologic Substance, each having many descendants.
However, it seems that many concepts in the META subhierarchy of Carcinogens are missing the HPS assignment. (We note that not all child-of relationships in the META are IS-A relationships; there are several other options.) To find out whether this is the case, one has to first apply the expansion methodology of [8] for the HPS ST. This methodology will require manual review by a domain expert. Only then will it be possible to see how many concepts, which do not have an assignment Pharmacologic Substance, or Clinical Drug, or Food, are still without the HPS assignment and potentially are missing it.
Using the list of 26 concepts assigned Classification, which are broad categories such as Organic Carcinogen and Carcinogenic Hydrocarbon, one can then apply the current methodology to overcome obstacles constituted by these 26 Classification-assigned concepts. It is difficult to estimate the number of concepts for which the HPS assignment will be added as a result of such a process, which would require substantial time of a domain expert. However, it seems that such a process will correct the ST assignments of a significant portion of the META subhierarchy of Carcinogens. We note again that the effort of domain experts required is limited to concepts that are corrected, and their neighbors. Hence, the yield of domain expert work, using our methodology, measured as the ratio of erroneous concepts to reviewed concepts, is expected to be high, as, for example, it was reported for the semantic type EMD.
Due to the unusual nature of Classification, there is inconsistency regarding its use. For example, the concept Mouse Pathologic Diagnoses and two of its children, are assigned DS (the third is assigned NP) (Figure 3). We note that corresponding concepts for Rats are assigned Classification. Furthermore, in the NCI thesaurus, which has its own independent ST assignment, those concepts are assigned Classification. On the other hand, Carcinogens, assigned HPS, is a broad category. Like its 26 descendants that are assigned Classification, it should have been assigned Classification to maintain the consistency of semantic type assignments.
In this research we did not try to correct Classification assignments, but limited ourselves to demonstrating the effectiveness of the obstacle avoidance methodology. Further research into the extent of Classification is likely to expose erroneous as well as missing Classification assignments.
The only other ST that would potentially constitute an obstacle for our expansion process, is Conceptual Entity (CE), a child of Entity. The definition of this ST is “A broad type for the grouping of abstract entities or concepts.” As for Classification, the emphasis is on grouping, but the difference is that the grouping is for “abstract entities or concepts.” This ST seems to be misused in the UMLS, probably due to confusion about its nature. The UMLS User Note (UN) for this ST says “Few concepts will be assigned to this broad type.” Nevertheless as many as 609 concepts are assigned this ST. For comparison, there are only 19, 45, and 115 concepts assigned the broad STs, Entity, Physical Object, and Event. In unpublished research of our group, 11 concepts, out of a randomly selected sample of 50 concepts with CE assignments, were judged to need a more specific ST, namely a descendant of CE, rather than CE. Six more concepts of the sample should have been assigned other STs, which are not descendants of CE.
The confusion concerning the two STs Classification and CE is easily illustrated in the META subhierarchy rooted at Anatomical term, assigned CE. Its parent Non-physical anatomical entity is assigned Classification and so is its child General anatomical entity. The other three children, Embryological term, Histological term, and Radiological term, are assigned CE. The last of these children is a leaf (has no children) in spite of the purpose of CE to model groupings of concepts. Three of the siblings of Anatomical term are also assigned CE. The child General anatomical entity has many children and descendants. About 20 of the children are assigned Classification and most of those have no children at all, in spite of the intention that Classification should model a group. There does not seem to be a clear distinction between the concepts in this META subhierarchy assigned CE and those assigned Classification. These assignments seem to be used interchangeably. Hence, a concept that is assigned CE may also serve as an obstacle for the expansion methodology of [8].
6 Conclusion
We have presented the solution to a major problem encountered by a previous algorithm [8] for finding concepts likely to be lacking a semantic type assignment. It was recognized that the problem was caused by (chains of) concepts assigned the “unusual” semantic type Classification, which interrupted the expansion process of the previous algorithm [8]. On the other hand, “uncontrolled” expansion of the algorithm would have led to an undesirable explosion of the number of concepts requiring human auditing.
Thus we presented and justified the design of a new expansion methodology with obstacle avoidance (EM/OA) and showed that this methodology successfully discovered over 500 concepts lacking the assignment of the semantic type Experimental Model of Disease. We also demonstrated other semantic types besides EMD for which the EM/OA can be successfully applied. As the lack of semantic types is often indicative of other errors [7, 13, 14], the importance of this algorithm goes beyond identifying missing ST assignments.
This work was partially supported by the NLM under grant R-01-LM008445-01A2 and by the Department of Health and Human Services grants 3R01LM008445-03S1 and 3R01LM008445-03S2.
Semantic types are written in bold, while concept names are in italics.
The following abbreviations are used in the paper: CL (Classification), DS (Disease or Syndrome), EM/OA (Expansion methodology with obstacle avoidance), EMD (Experimental Model of Disease), EOD (Experimental Organism Diagnoses), HPS (Hazardous or Poisonous Substance), NAT (Neighborhood Auditing Tool), NCIt (National Cancer Institute thesaurus), NP (Neoplastic Process), OC (Organic Chemical), RST (Refined Semantic Type), SN (Semantic Network), ST (Semantic Type), SV (Secondary enVelope), UMLS (Unified Medical Language System), and XV (auXiliary envelope).
TR is the Refined (in this case “pure”) semantic type of the semantic type T.
personal communication
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