Effect of ASP-440 on PK-, CA-1-, and VEGF-induced RVP. Nondiabetic rats were given 5-μL intravitreal injections of ASP-440 (20 μmol/L) and vehicle in the contralateral eye. After 10 min, a second 5-μL intravitreal injection of either CA-1 (200 ng/eye), PK (50 ng/eye), or VEGF (0.2 ng/eye) was given in both eyes. After an additional 10 min, a bolus of fluorescein dye was infused into the jugular vein. At 30 min after dye infusion, leakage of fluorescein was measured in the vitreal compartment by VFP. CA-1 and VEGF increased RVP by 3.1- and 4-fold, respectively, compared with vehicle control (τP < 0.001). Pretreatment with ASP-440 decreased CA-1–induced RVP by 75% (*P < 0.001) but had no effect on VEGF-induced RVP. PK increased RVP by 126% compared with vehicle control (σP < 0.05), and pretreatment with ASP-440 blocked this effect by 73% (**P < 0.001). a.u., arbitrary unit.