Table 2.
Amino acid and nucleotides sequences of the ankyrin-repeat microgenes
Repeat position |
1 5 10 15 20 25 30 |
A | D × X G × T P L H L A A × X G H L E I E V L L L K × G A D V N A X |
B | D × X G × T P L H X A A × X G H L E I V R L L L E H G A D V N A R |
C | gac xxx xxx ggt xxx acc ccg ctg cac xxx gct gcg xxx xxx ggt cat ctg gaa atc gtt cgt ctc ctg ctg gaa cac ggc gca gac gta aac gcg cgt |
D* | vdk vdk vdk ctg kck kck |
dmy dmy dmy tgg tac var | |
raa van van tac cgy aac | |
tgg rtc var sgy | |
yay | |
ntg | |
E | ------------Va --------→ ←----Vb----→ ←----------- Vc ------------→ ←----------------------- C1 ---------------------→ ←-Va------- |
--C3- > ←-------- Vb rev ------→ ←--------------- C2 ------------→ ←---------------- C3 ---------------------- |
(A), Amino-acid sequence of the previously described ankyrin-repeat module [23].
(B), Amino-acid sequence of the ankyrin-repeat used in the present study.
(C), Nucleotide sequence of the ankyrin microgenes.
(D), Set of partially randomized codons used at each variegated position is indicated. (*), the full sequence of the set of oligonucleotides will be communicated upon request.
(E), Position of the different types of oligonucleotides used to synthetized the ankyrins microgenes along the nucleotide sequence.