NEUROSCIENCE, PSYCHOLOGICAL AND COGNITIVE SCIENCES Correction for “Modulation of value representation by social context in the primate orbitofrontal cortex,” by João C. B. Azzi, Angela Sirigu, and Jean-René Duhamel, which appeared in issue 6, February 7, 2012, of Proc Natl Acad Sci USA (109:2126–2131; first published January 23, 2012; 10.1073/pnas.1111715109).
The authors note that on page 2126, left column, lines 6–10 of the abstract, “Behaviorally, monkeys discriminated between cues signaling small and large rewards, and between cues signaling rewards to self only and reward to both self and another monkey, with a preference for the former over the latter in both instances,” should instead appear as “Behaviorally, monkeys discriminated between cues signaling large and small rewards, and between cues signaling rewards to self only and reward to both self and another monkey, with a preference for the former over the latter in both instances.”