Model of RF3 function on the ribosome, with boxed step indicating the structure defined in Zhou et al. (2011) and Jin et al. (2011). Steps are outlined as follows: (1) binding of class I release factor (RF1/2) to stop codon programmed ribosomes and catalysis of peptide release; (2) RF3 binding to the ribosome—it is unclear at this stage whether RF3 binds in its GTP- or GDP-bound state; additionally, the ribosome may be in a nonratcheted or ratcheted state (rotation lightly indicated); (3) RF1/2 dissociating from the ribosome; (4) RF3:GDPNP:ribosome complex characterized in Zhou et al. (2011) and Jin et al. (2011); ratcheted state of ribosome is indicated; (5) departure of RF3:GDP from the ribosome following GTP hydrolysis.