Hnrpab disruption affects the differentiation of neural lineage cells in neurosphere cultures. Neurosphere cultures at the second passage were dissociated, plated on coverslips, and grown for 6 d under differentiation conditions, then fixed and immunostained with indicated markers for different neural lineages. For each image, the total number of cells was counted by DAPI staining, and the percentage of those cell that were positive for each marker was calculated. The data represent the average percentage per image field over all the fields imaged (at least 30 fields per marker). This represented a minimum of 1000 cells for all markers, 2000 for Doublecortin. Graphs of the three differences with a P-value of <0.011 are included to illustrate the results. (DCX) Doublecortin; (CNPase) 2′, 3′-cyclic nucleotide 3′-phosphodiesterase; (MBP) Myelin Basic Protein; (GFA) Glial Fibrillary Accessory Protein.