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Applied and Environmental Microbiology logoLink to Applied and Environmental Microbiology
. 2012 Apr;78(8):2613–2622. doi: 10.1128/AEM.07749-11

Quantification of Human Fecal Bifidobacterium Species by Use of Quantitative Real-Time PCR Analysis Targeting the groEL Gene

Jana Junick 1, Michael Blaut 1,
PMCID: PMC3318781  PMID: 22307308


Quantitative real-time PCR assays targeting the groEL gene for the specific enumeration of 12 human fecal Bifidobacterium species were developed. The housekeeping gene groEL (HSP60 in eukaryotes) was used as a discriminative marker for the differentiation of Bifidobacterium adolescentis, B. angulatum, B. animalis, B. bifidum, B. breve, B. catenulatum, B. dentium, B. gallicum, B. longum, B. pseudocatenulatum, B. pseudolongum, and B. thermophilum. The bifidobacterial chromosome contains a single copy of the groEL gene, allowing the determination of the cell number by quantification of the groEL copy number. Real-time PCR assays were validated by comparing fecal samples spiked with known numbers of a given Bifidobacterium species. Independent of the Bifidobacterium species tested, the proportion of groEL copies recovered from fecal samples spiked with 5 to 9 log10 cells/g feces was approximately 50%. The quantification limit was 5 to 6 log10 groEL copies/g feces. The interassay variability was less than 10%, and variability between different DNA extractions was less than 23%. The method developed was applied to fecal samples from healthy adults and full-term breast-fed infants. Bifidobacterial diversity in both adults and infants was low, with mostly ≤3 Bifidobacterium species and B. longum frequently detected. The predominant species in infant and adult fecal samples were B. breve and B. adolescentis, respectively. It was possible to distinguish B. catenulatum and B. pseudocatenulatum. We conclude that the groEL gene is a suitable molecular marker for the specific and accurate quantification of human fecal Bifidobacterium species by real-time PCR.


Microbial colonization of the initially sterile intestine starts with the exposure of the newborn to microbes from the mother and the environment. In this phase, Bifidobacterium species become predominant, representing 60 to 91% of fecal bacteria in breast-fed infants and 28 to 75% in formula-fed infants (17). At 2 years of age, when the complex gut microbiota is fully established, the proportion of fecal bifidobacteria decreases to 1 to 3% (41). Even lower levels or absence of bifidobacteria have been reported for the elderly (3, 15, 19, 38).

The establishment of the intestinal microbiota in early life is a critical phase that affects the maturation of the immune system. Numerous studies show that breast-fed infants have a lower incidence of gastrointestinal infections and atopic diseases than formula-fed infants (20, 46). It has been proposed that the health-promoting effect of breast milk is in part mediated by the intestinal microbiota, which is characterized by low diversity and a high proportion of bifidobacteria (11).

Common Bifidobacterium species of the human intestinal microbiota include Bifidobacterium adolescentis, B. angulatum, B. bifidum, B. breve, B. catenulatum, B. dentium, B. longum, and B. pseudocatenulatum (7). B. gallicum has rarely been detected (6, 7). Recently, B. pseudolongum and B. thermophilum were isolated from human adult and baby feces, respectively (44, 53). These species have previously been considered to be of animal origin (7). B. animalis subsp. lactis is commonly used as probiotic and thus may be detected in human feces.

Bifidobacteria are considered beneficial members of the gut microbiota. The assessment of their diversity and population size in the gastrointestinal tract is therefore important. However, only a few studies have enumerated bifidobacteria to the species level, and the majority of them used cultivation-based techniques (7). The latter are not only laborious but also hampered by partly fastidious growth conditions of bifidobacteria and by the lack of growth medium selectivity (2).

Since the advent of cultivation-independent methods, the 16S rRNA gene has been widely used as a valuable tool for bacterial identification (12). However, the resolution power of the 16S rRNA gene among closely related species is limited. Isolates displaying more than 97% 16S rRNA gene sequence identity are usually considered the same species. Since Bifidobacterium species reveal a relatively high 16S rRNA gene sequence identity (mean, 95% [31, 47]), more discriminative identification markers are needed.

Alternative target genes for the differentiation of Bifidobacterium species include housekeeping genes, such as atpD (49), dnaK (52), groEL (21, 27, 47, 50, 55), groES (50), recA (23, 51), tal (37), tuf (48, 51), and xfp (5, 47, 54). All these genes except groES were demonstrated to have similar or even higher discriminating power for bifidobacteria than the 16S rRNA gene. Unfortunately, only a limited number of sequences of these marker genes are available. The most sequences exist for the groEL gene. The Chaperonin Sequence Database (; 18) currently contains more than 13,000 entries for prokaryotes, eukaryotes, and archaea, 121 of which belong to 27 Bifidobacterium species. The groEL gene encodes the chaperonin GroEL (synonyms are Cpn60, GroL, Hsp60, and MopA), which plays an essential role in the handling of cellular stress. For example, it promotes refolding of misfolded polypeptides. Southern blot experiments and sequence analysis of whole genomes have revealed that there is just one groEL copy per genome in bifidobacteria (14, 42, 50, 56). This facilitates quantitative analyses of bifidobacteria.

Here, we report the quantification of Bifidobacterium species in human feces with quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR) using groEL as a discriminative marker. Ninety-seven partial (∼600-bp) or complete (∼1,600-bp) groEL sequences of 12 Bifidobacterium species (Table 1) were used to design species-specific primers. They were applied to SYBR green I chemistry-based qPCR for quantification of Bifidobacterium species. The targeted species include members of the human gut microbiota and B. animalis, some strains of which are used as probiotics.

Table 1.

Bacterial strains used for testing the specificity of the developed primers by qPCR

Bifidobacterium strain(s)b qPCR results with primersa:
B_ado-f/B_ado-r B_ang-f/B_ang-r B_ani-f/B_ani-r B_bif-f/B_bif-r B_bre-f/B_bre-r B_cat-f/B_cat-r B_den-f/B_den-r B_gal-f/B_gal-r B_lon-f/B_lon-r B_pcat-f/B_pcat-r B_plon-f/B_plon-r B_the-f/B_the-r
B. adolescentisDSM 20083T, DSM 20086 +
B. angulatumATCC 27535T, DSM 20225 +
B. animalis DSM 20105 +
B. animalis subsp. animalis DSM 20104T +
B. animalis subsp. lactisDSM 10140T +
B. bifidumDSM 20456T, DSM 20215, DSM 20239 +
B. breveDSM 20213T, DSM 20091 c +
B. catenulatumATCC 27539T, DSM 20224 +
B. dentiumATCC 27534T, ATCC 27678, DSM 20084 +
B. gallicumDSM 20093T +
B. longum subsp. longumATCC 15707T +
B. longum subsp. suis DSM 20211T +
B. pseudocatenulatumATCC 27919T, DSM 20439 +
B. pseudolongum subsp. pseudolongumATCC 25526T, DSM 20094 +
B. pseudolongum subsp. globosum DSM 20092T +
B. thermophilumDSM 20210T, DSM 20209, DSM 20212 +

In addition to the bifidobacterial strains listed, negative qPCR results were obtained for the following bacterial strains: B. producta DSM 2950T, B. thetaiotaomicron DSM 2079T, B. vulgatus DSM 1447T, Clostridium histolyticum DSM 2158T, Escherichia coli DSM 30083T, Faecalbacterium prausnitzii DSM 17677, Lactobacillus acidophilus DSM 20079T, Lactobacillus gasseri DSM 20243T, Ruminococcus albus DSM 20455T, and Ruminococcus gauvreauii DSM 19829T. +, specific PCR product; −, no PCR product.


The underlined strains served as representative strains for the respective species and were used to generate qPCR standards.


In the case of B. breve DSM 20091, a nonspecific PCR product was observed.


Bacterial strains and culture conditions.

The strains listed in Table 1 were obtained from the German Collection of Microorganisms and Cell Cultures (DSMZ), Braunschweig, Germany, and the American Type Culture Collection (ATCC), Manassas, VA. All bacteria were cultured anaerobically under a gas phase of N2-CO2 (80:20 [vol/vol]) in 15-ml Hungate tubes containing 10 ml ST medium, except for Faecalibacterium prausnitzii, which was grown on YCFA GSC medium (NCIMB Ltd., Aberdeen, Scotland) (9). The cultures were incubated overnight at 37°C and grown to a density of 9 to 10 log10 cells/ml.

The purity of bacterial cultures was checked by Gram staining and plating on Columbia agar with 5% sheep blood (bioMérieux, Vienna, Austria). The identities of the Bifidobacterium strains underlined in Table 1 (used to generate qPCR standards) were confirmed at the species level by sequencing either the 16S rRNA gene or the groEL gene (Eurofins MWG Operon, Ebersberg, Germany).

Subjects and fecal samples.

Five healthy, full-term, exclusively breast-fed infants (4 males and 1 female) up to 3 months old with birth weights of 2,500 g to 4,500 g were included in the study. The infants had been born by caesarean section, except INF-4, who had been born by vaginal delivery. Infants undergoing antibiotic therapy during the first 14 days of life were excluded. Newborns were enrolled in a clinical study whose protocol was reviewed and approved by an independent ethics committee, and informed written consent was obtained from a legal representative(s). Fecal samples from infants were collected within 30 min after defecation and were kept in an anaerobic jar with a reduced atmosphere created by AnaeroGen (Oxoid, United Kingdom) at 4°C for up to 8 h until they were stored at −20°C. Ten healthy adults from our institute staff (5 males and 5 females), 20 to 40 years old, voluntarily provided fecal samples. They did not have any gastrointestinal disorders during sample collection and did not undergo antibiotic treatment in the 6 months prior to sampling. The fecal samples from the adults were stored at −20°C within 2 h after defecation.

Extraction of DNA from bacterial cultures.

Genomic DNA of Bifidobacterium strains was extracted from 1-ml overnight cultures with the DNeasy Blood and Tissue Kit (Qiagen, Hilden, Germany) following the manufacturer's instructions for Gram-positive bacteria. Since genomic DNA of B. longum subsp. longum ATCC 15707T was used as a standard for quantification of total bifidobacteria by qPCR, high yields of DNA were required and were obtained with the RTP Invitek Bacteria Mini Kit (Invitrogen, Darmstadt, Germany). The manufacturer's protocol for Gram-positive bacteria was followed with some modifications. After enzymatic cell lysis, an additional mechanical lysis was performed in a 2-ml tube containing 0.75 g of sterile zirconium/silica beads (0.1 mm in diameter; Roth, Karlsruhe, Germany) by running the Fastprep FP120 Instrument (Thermo Electron Corp., Waltham, MA) at speed level 4 for 8 min. Genomic DNA of non-Bifidobacterium strains was extracted with the RTP Invitek Bacteria Mini Kit (Invitrogen, Darmstadt, Germany) following the manufacturer's instructions.

Extraction of bacterial DNA from fecal samples.

Bacterial DNA was extracted from frozen fecal material using the QIAamp DNA stool kit (Qiagen, Hilden, Germany) with a modified protocol for cell lysis. After homogenization of 220 mg feces with 1.2 ml lysis buffer from the kit by vortexing for 2 min in a 2-ml tube containing 0.75 g of sterile zirconium/silica beads (0.1 mm in diameter; Roth, Karlsruhe, Germany), the final suspension was incubated at 95°C for 15 min with continuous shaking (1,400 min−1; Thermomixer 5436; Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany). The sample was allowed to cool on ice for 2 min. Cells were mechanically lysed by Fastprep treatment for 8 min and 15 s as described above. After cooling on ice for 2 min, coarse particles, cell debris, and the zirconium/silica beads were spun down by centrifugation (20,000 × g; 4°C; 1 min), and the supernatant was transferred to a 2-ml tube. The pellet was mixed with 350 μl lysis buffer from the kit, vortexed for 1 min, and incubated at 95°C for 5 min with continuous shaking as described above. After centrifugation at 20,000 × g and 4°C for 1 min, the supernatants were combined. DNA-damaging substances and PCR inhibitors present in the stool samples were removed by their adsorption to the InhibitEX matrix provided in the kit. The InhibitEX matrix was separated by centrifugation at 20,000 × g for 6 min, and the supernatant was collected and filled up to 1 ml with sterile phosphate-buffered saline (pH 7). DNA was purified with the QIAcube (Qiagen, Hilden, Germany) and eluted from the silica-based membrane with 200 μl ultrapure water.

groEL sequence analysis and design of species-specific primers.

groEL sequences belonging to target Bifidobacterium species (Table 2) and available in GenBank release 185.0 (4) were subjected to a multiple alignment with the program ClustalW2 version 2.1 (24) provided by the European Bioinformatics Institute ( A region of approximately 600 bp located at positions ∼250 to 840 of the complete groEL gene of ca. 1,600 bp was selected to identify discriminative target sites for the species-specific detection of bifidobacteria. Primer pairs for 12 Bifidobacterium species (Table 3) were manually designed on the basis of 97 partial and complete groEL sequences (Table 2).

Table 2.

groEL sequences used for the design of Bifidobacterium species-specific primers

Bifidobacterium species Strain GenBank accession no. Size (bp)
B. adolescentis JCM 1275T AF210319 1,749a
ATCC 15703T AP009256 1,617a
B. angulatum JCM 7096T AF240568 590b
B. animalis B83 AY166539 590b
D1 AY166540 590b
III-1 AY166541 590b
III-6 AY166542 590b
    subsp. animalis JCM 1190T AY004273 590b
ATCC 25527T AY488178 1,155b
TEEV 1/10 HQ851043 587b
TEEV 3/10 HQ851044 598b
TEEV 1/11 HQ851047 586b
TEEV 4/9 AG HQ851048 608b
    subsp. lactis HN019 ABOT01000006 1,614a
9952 AF286735 590b
DSM 10140T AY004282 1,614a
9950 AY004287 590b
JB-1 AY166543 590b
NCC 363 AY488176 1,155b
NCC 402 AY488177 1,155b
DSM 27674 AY488179 1,155b
DSM 10140T AY488180 1,155b
ATCC 27536 AY488181 1,155b
NCC 239 AY488182 1,155b
ATCC 27672 AY488183 1,155b
LMG 18906 AY586539 1,614a
AD011 CP001213 1,614a
Bl-04 ATCC SD5219 CP001515 1,614a
DSM 10140T CP001606 1,614a
BB-12 CP001853 1,614a
V9 CP001892 1,614a
CNCM I-2494 CP002915 1,614a
BLC1 CP003039 1,614a
B. bifidum JCM 1255T AY004280 590b
PRL2010 CP001840 1,626a
S17 CP002220 1,626a
B. breve DSM 20213T ACCG02000012 1626a
DSM 20213T AF240566 584b
B. catenulatum JCM 1194T AY004272 590b
JCM 7130 AY166565 590b
B. dentium ATCC 27679 AEEQ01000009 1,617a
JCVIHMP022 AEHJ01000021 1,617a
JCM 1195T AF240572 590b
B. gallicum DSM 20093T ABXB03000002 1,611a
JCM 8224T AF240575 592b
B. longum N10 FJ577573 552b
N103 FJ577576 552b
N81 FJ577625 552b
N86 FJ577629 552b
N88 FJ577630 564b
    subsp. infantis JCM 1210 AF240576 591b
JCM 1222T AF240577 591b
ATCC 15697T AP010889 1,626a
157F AP010890 1,626a
9901 AY004286 591b
bb52 AY004288 591b
6w-50 AY166564 590b
D6-9-6 AY166566 590b
D30-3-3 AY166567 590b
D30-3-10 AY166568 590b
D30-3-11 AY166569 590b
L2 AY166570 590b
    subsp. longum ATCC 15697T CP001095 1,626a
ATCC 55813 ACHI01000023 1,626a
NCC 2705 AE014295 1,626a
JCM 1217T AF240578 590b
L4 AY166571 590b
TJ AY166572 593b
JCM 7052 AY166573 590b
JCM 7053 AY166574 590b
ATCC 15707T AY835622 552b
DJO10A CP000605 1,626a
JDM 301 CP002010 1,626a
BBMN 68 CP002286 1,626a
KACC 91563 CP002794 1,626a
F8 FP929034 1,626a
R0175 HM009034 1,626a
    subsp. suis JCM 1269T AY013248 591b
JCM 7139 AY166575 590b
TEEV 4/9 HQ851041 590b
B. pseudocatenulatum DSM 20438T AY004274 589b
JCM 7040 AY166552 590b
T1-3-15 AY166553 590b
T2-3-4 AY166554 590b
Z2-3 AY166555 590b
B. pseudolongum subsp. globosum JCM 5820T AF286736 591b
1-23-3 AY166544 590b
1-25-3 AY166545 590b
02-2 AY166546 590b
7#-3-7 AY166547 590b
7#-10-11 AY166548 590b
09-25-2 AY166549 590b
Fb9 AY166550 590b
MU8 AY166551 590b
    subsp. pseudolongum JCM 1205T AF240573 591b
B. thermophilum JCM 1207T AF240567 591b
RBL67 DQ340558 590b

Complete coding sequence.


Partial coding sequence.

Table 3.

Bifidobacterium species-specific primers based on the groEL genea

Target species Primerb Sequence (5′ to 3′)c Primer concn (nM) Annealing temp (°C) Amplicon
Size (bp) Melting temp (°C)
B. adolescentis B_ado-f CTCCGCCGCTGATCCGGAAGTCG 300 75 268 88.0
B. angulatum B_ang-f CTGTCCTCCCAGCAGGACGTGGTC 300 80 97 85.5
B. animalis B_ani-f CACCAATGCGGAAGACCAG 250 64 184 87.5
B. bifidum B_bif-f CTCCGCAGCCGACCCCGAGGTT 300 64 233 88.5
B. breve B_bre-f GCTCGTCGTTGCCGCCAAGGACGTT 300 72 272 88.0
B. catenulatum B_cat-f GGCTATCGTCAAGGAGCTCA 300 64 188 87.0
B. dentium B_den-f GGCCCAGTCTTTGGTGCATGAAGGCC 300 75 364 89.5
B. gallicum B_gal-f AGCTCGTCAAGTCCGCCAAGC 300 68 188 87.5
B. longum B_lon-f CGGCGTYGTGACCGTTGAAGAC 250 70 259 88.0
B. pseudocatenulatum B_pcat-f AGCCATCGTCAAGGAGCTTATCGCAG 250 68 325 87.5
B. pseudolongum B_plon-f CRATYGTCAAGGAACTYGTGGCCT 300 66 312 89.0
B. thermophilum B_the-f ACTGGTCGCTTCCGCCAAGGATG 300 66 326 88.0

The target sites are located at positions ∼250 to 840 of the corresponding nucleotide sequence.


f, Forward primer; r, reverse primer.


IUPAC ambiguity codes: M (A or C), K (G or T), R (A or G), Y (C or T).

Quantitative real-time PCR. (i) Standards.

For quantification of the investigated Bifidobacterium species, represented by the strains underlined in Table 1, PCR products containing the target sequence were used as qPCR standards. Therefore, part of the genomic groEL gene was amplified with primers binding to a sequence at least 17 bp up- and downstream of the species-specific primer-binding sites to prevent their degradation during storage. The 50-μl PCR mixture consisted of 1× TopTaq PCR buffer (Qiagen, Hilden, Germany), 200 μM (250 μM for B. pseudocatenulatum) of each deoxynucleoside triphosphate (dNTP) (Invitek, Berlin, Germany), 200 nM each forward and reverse primer (Table 4), 1.25 U of TopTaq DNA polymerase (Qiagen, Hilden, Germany), and 1 μl genomic DNA (30 to 110 ng) of one of the representative strains (Table 1). The reactions were performed in a thermal cycler (Thermo Hybaid MultiBlock System, Ulm, Germany) under the conditions given in Table 4. The amplification products were purified with the High Pure PCR Product Purification Kit (Roche, Mannheim, Germany) following the manufacturer's instructions. The concentration of the amplified DNA (concentrationamplicon [g/liter]) was determined spectrophotometrically at 260 nm (NanoDrop; Peqlab, Erlangen, Germany). The number of PCR products (or partial groEL gene copies) per volume was calculated as follows: (i) concentrationamplicon (g/liter)/molecular massamplicon (g/mol) = concentrationamplicon (mol/liter); (ii) concentrationamplicon (mol/liter) × NA = concentrationamplicon (molecules/liter), where NA is the Avogadro constant (6.022 × 1023 molecules/mol). The molecular massamplicon values are listed in Table 4.

Table 4.

Primers used to generate PCR products containing Bifidobacterium species-specific primer-binding sites (qPCR standards)a

Target species Primerb Sequence (5′ to 3′) PCR conditions Amplicon
Size (bp) Molecular mass (g/mol)c
B. adolescentis B_ado-std-f GATCAGATCGCTGCCACCGCAAC 94°C, 3 min; 30 times (94°C, 30 s; 69°C, 30 s; 72°C, 30 s); 72°C, 10 min 320 197,799.00
B. angulatum B_ang-std-f AGTGCTCGAAGACCCGTACATCCT 94°C, 3 min; 30 times (94°C, 30 s; 65°C, 30 s; 72°C, 30 s); 72°C, 10 min 164 101,387.60
B. animalis B_ani-std-f GTCACCGTCGAAGACAACAACC 94°C, 3 min; 30 times (94°C, 30 s, 65°C, 30 s; 72°C, 30 s); 72°C, 10 min 299 184,812.60
B. bifidum B_bif-std-f CAAGGACGTGGAGACCAAG 94°C, 3 min; 30 times (94°C, 30 s; 65°C, 30 s; 72°C, 30 s); 72°C, 10 min 391 241,687.40
B. breve B_bre-std-f CCACCGAGGTCATCGTC 94°C, 3 min; 30 times (94°C, 20 s; 58°C, 20 s; 72°C, 20 s); 72°C, 10 min 322 199,032.80
B. catenulatum B_cat-std-f GTCGTGGTATCGAGAAG 94°C, 3 min; 30 times (94°C, 30 s; 47°C, 30 s; 72°C, 30 s); 72°C, 10 min 244 150,819.60
B. dentium B_den-std-f CCACTACCGCAACTGTGCTG 94°C, 3 min; 30 times (94°C, 50 s; 62°C, 50 s; 72°C, 50 s); 72°C, 10 min 400 247,244.00
B. gallicum B_gal-std-f TGAGAAGGCTTCCGACG 94°C, 3 min; 30 times (94°C, 30 s; 57°C, 30 s; 72°C, 30 s); 72°C, 10 min 242 149,590.80
B. longum B_lon-std-f CTGAGGCTCTGGACAAGGTCG 94°C, 3 min; 30 times (94°C, 30 s; 66°C, 30 s; 72°C, 30 s); 72°C, 10 min 323 199,651.20
B. pseudocatenulatum B_pcat-std-f CGTCGTGGTATCGAGAAGGCTTCCG 94°C, 3 min; 30 times (94°C, 50 s; 64°C, 50 s; 72°C, 50 s); 72°C, 10 min 434 268,244.60
B. pseudolongum B_plon-std-f CCTCAAGAACGTTGTGGC 94°C, 3 min; 30 times (94°C, 30 s; 49°C, 30 s; 72°C, 30 s); 72°C, 10 min 420 259,607.00
B. thermophilum B_the-std-f GAAGGCCTGAAGAACGTGGTCG 94°C, 3 min; 30 times (94°C, 40 s; 65°C, 40 s; 72°C, 40 s); 72°C, 10 min 449 277,522.60

The target sites are located at least 17 bp up- and downstream of the Bifidobacterium species-specific primer-binding sites to prevent their degradation during storage.


f, forward primer; r, reverse primer.


Refers to the double-stranded amplicon.

The identities of the generated qPCR standards were confirmed by sequencing (Eurofins MWG Operon, Ebersberg, Germany). For the quantification of total bifidobacteria, genomic DNA from B. longum subsp. longum ATCC 15707T was used as the qPCR standard. After extracting genomic DNA, its concentration was determined spectrophotometrically as described above. Assuming a mean genome size for Bifidobacterium of 2.25 Mb (GenBank [4]), the average mass of a single Bifidobacterium genome would be 2.47 fg: [2.25 Mb × average molecular massbase pair (660 g/mol)]/NA = 2.47 fg/molecule. The number of bifidobacterial genomes per volume was calculated as follows: concentrationgenomic DNA (g/liter)/(2.47 fg/molecule) = concentrationgenomic DNA (molecules/liter). The standards were stored in 10 mM Tris-HCl (pH 8) at −20°C and subjected to 10-fold serial dilutions in ultrapure water prior to each measurement.

(ii) Conditions.

qPCR based on the fluorescent dye SYBR green I was performed with 7500 Fast Real-Time PCR Systems using the 7500 software v2.0.5 (Life Technologies, Darmstadt, Germany). Reactions were measured in triplicate. Each reaction mixture of 25 μl contained 1× QuantiFast SYBR green PCR Master Mix (HotStarTaq Plus DNA polymerase, QuantiFast SYBR green PCR buffer, dNTP mixture, and the ROX passive reference dye; Qiagen, Hilden, Germany), 250 to 300 nM each forward and reverse primer (Table 3), and 1 μl template DNA. Bifidobacterium species were quantified with the following temperature program (Table 3): 95°C for 5 min, 40 cycles at 94°C for 15 s, 64 to 80°C for 15 s, 72°C for 15 s, and 83°C for 15 s. The fluorescence of SYBR green I was measured after each amplification cycle and during the last step at 83°C to get rid of nonspecific fluorescence signals caused by primer dimers or nonspecific minor products (36). Total bifidobacteria were quantified using the 16S rRNA gene-targeting primer pair g-Bifid-F (5′-CTC CTG GAA ACG GGT GG-3′)/g-Bifid-R (5′-GGT GTT CTT CCC GAT ATC TAC A-3′) with the corresponding temperature program as described elsewhere (29). Postamplification melting-curve analysis was performed by slowly increasing the temperature from 68°C to 95°C (increments of 1%, holding for 10 s), while fluorescence was measured continuously. Thus, the specific PCR product was verified based on the specific melting temperature (Table 3) and distinguished from possible nonspecific products. Background fluorescence was calculated during the initial stage of the qPCR corresponding to cycles 3 to 10. The threshold was set within the exponential phase of the amplification plot at 0.01 (single Bifidobacterium species) or 0.05 (total bifidobacteria) relative fluorescence. Threshold cycles (CT) (the PCR cycle numbers at which the fluorescence exceeds the threshold above the calculated background) of less than 11 and more than 33 were excluded from the analysis. The number of groEL copies or bifidobacterial genomes in a fecal sample was calculated using a standard curve, which was generated by plotting the CT values obtained for 10-fold serial dilutions of the qPCR standards as a linear function of the base 10 logarithm of known concentrations. All primers used in this study were commercially synthesized by Eurofins MWG Operon (Ebersberg, Germany).

Spiking experiments.

Fresh fecal samples were collected from two healthy human adults initially tested for the absence of the investigated Bifidobacterium species by the developed qPCR assays. Aliquots of 220 mg fecal material were spiked with 10-fold serial dilutions of known amounts of the representative strain of each Bifidobacterium species (Table 1) ranging from 4 to 9 log10 cells. The concentration of bacterial cells was estimated microscopically by using the Thoma-Zeiss counting chamber (chamber depth, 0.01 mm; small square, 0.0025 mm2). Microscopic counts were determined at least in duplicate. Bacterial DNA from spiked feces was extracted as described above.


Data analysis of the comparison of cell numbers determined with qPCR assays and the Thoma-Zeiss counting chamber was done with GraphPad Prism version 5.0 (San Diego, CA). Significance was tested by one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) with Bonferroni's posttests. A P value of <0.05 was considered significant.


Specificities of primer pairs.

The properties and specificity of the primer pair for each Bifidobacterium species were checked in silico with OligoAnalyzer 3.1, provided by Integrated DNA Technologies (35), and the Basic Local Alignment Tool (1), provided by the National Center for Biotechnology Information ( Each primer pair perfectly matched the groEL sequence of the targeted Bifidobacterium species but had several mismatches with those of the nontargeted Bifidobacterium species investigated in the study (Table 1). In the case of B. thermophilum, the designed primer pairs also matched the groEL of B. thermacidophilum, which, however, is not found in the human intestinal tract (7) and was therefore disregarded. The specificity of each primer pair was experimentally tested by performing qPCR on genomic DNA extracted from 28 Bifidobacterium strains and 10 non-Bifidobacterium strains representing dominant intestinal bacterial species (Table 1). At the appropriate annealing temperature and the chosen primer concentrations, the primer pairs were specific for their respective target species and yielded an amplicon of the expected size (data not shown). Application of the primer pairs to nontargeted bacterial species tested in this study never led to an amplification product. This conclusion was supported by the following observations: CT values obtained for nontarget organisms were close to the CT values of the no-template control, and there was no peak at the melting temperature of the specific amplicon as determined by postamplification melting-curve analysis. However, application of primer pair B_bif-f/B_bif-r to genomic DNA of B. breve DSM 20091 led to a PCR product that, based on the melting-curve analysis, could clearly be identified as nonspecific.

Bifidobacterium species qPCR assays.

For all Bifidobacterium species represented by the strains underlined in Table 1, 10-fold serial dilutions of qPCR standards (PCR products containing the respective partial groEL sequence) were used to generate a standard curve. The standard curves for all Bifidobacterium species were highly linear (R2 > 0.99), at least in the range of 10 to 100,000 groEL copies per PCR, corresponding to 6 to 10 log10 groEL copies/g feces, except for B. angulatum and B. pseudolongum, for which linearity started at 100 groEL copies per PCR. The PCR efficiency (E) was calculated by the slope of the standard curve as follows: E = 10(−1/slope) − 1 (e.g., E = 1, or 100%). For B. adolescentis, B. animalis, B. bifidum, B. breve, B. catenulatum, B. dentium, B. gallicum, and B. pseudocatenulatum, E was at least 90%. For B. angulatum, B. longum, B. pseudolongum, and B. thermophilum, E was somewhat lower but at least 85%.


The reproducibility of the qPCR assays was determined for DNA extracts from three adult fecal samples spiked with different cell numbers of the representative strain of each Bifidobacterium species (Table 1) in two replicate runs. The resulting coefficients of variation (CV) based on the groEL copy number were less than 10%, indicating that the developed qPCR assays are precise. The reproducibility between different DNA extracts was determined by extracting DNA three times from adult or infant fecal samples and quantifying B. breve, B. longum, and total bifidobacteria. The CV based on groEL copies varied less than 23%, demonstrating that the DNA extraction method was highly reproducible.

Quantification limit.

To determine the lowest groEL copy number in feces detectable with the developed qPCR assays (quantification limit), adult fecal samples were spiked with the representative strain of each of the Bifidobacterium species under study. The quantification limit in feces was 1 to 10 groEL copies per PCR, corresponding to 5 to 6 log10 groEL copies/g feces (Table 5).

Table 5.

Quantification of Bifidobacterium species in feces of human adults and infants

Bifidobacterium species Log10groEL copies/g feces in samplea:
Adults (n = 10)
Infants (n = 5)
AD-1 AD-2 AD-3 AD-4 AD-5 AD-6 AD-7 AD-8 AD-9 AD-10 INF-1 (wk 1) INF-2 (wk 1) INF-3 (wk 6) INF-4 (mo 3) INF-5
wk 6 mo 3
B. adolescentis 9.7 9.7 9.9 9.8 8.9 9.3 9.3
B. angulatum
B. animalis 7.0
B. bifidum 8.2 8.6 9.1 8.6 9.7
B. breve 6.2 10.4 10.1 8.3
B. catenulatum 8.1 8.1
B. dentium 6.4 6.7 7.1 8.8
B. gallicum
B. longum 7.2 9.1 8.9 9.2 9.3 6.6 9.1 9.0 6.4 10.1 10.0
B. pseudocatenulatum 9.3 8.9 8.7
B. pseudolongum 8.0
B. thermophilum
Sum of species 9.8 9.9 9.3 10.0 10.0 9.3 8.9 9.6 9.3 9.1 6.6 10.5 10.4 10.1
Total bifidobacteriab (log10 bifidobacterial genomes/g feces) 10.3 10.0 10.1 10.5 10.7 10.0 9.5 10.3 9.8 9.8 7.6 11.1 11.0 8.1 11.1

Infants were around 1 week (wk 1), 6 weeks (wk 6), and 3 months (mo 3) old; adults were 20 to 40 years old. −, not quantified (the quantification limits were 5 log10 groEL copies/g feces for B. adolescentis, B. breve, B. catenulatum, B. dentium, B. longum, B. pseudocatenulatum, and B. thermophilum and 6 log10 groEL copies/g feces for B. angulatum, B. animalis, B. bifidum, B. gallicum, and B. pseudolongum).


The total number of bifidobacteria was determined with the 16S rRNA gene-targeting primer pair g-Bifid-F/R by Matsuki et al. (29). The quantification limit was reported to be 6 log10 cells/g feces.

Comparison of cell numbers determined with qPCR assays and the Thoma-Zeiss counting chamber.

Fecal samples were spiked with cells of six Bifidobacterium species (B. adolescentis, B. angulatum, B. animalis, B. breve, B. pseudolongum, and B. thermophilum). The number of groEL genes measured by the developed qPCR assays was compared with the number of bifidobacteria added to the fecal sample and determined with the Thoma-Zeiss counting chamber prior to spiking. Independent of the Bifidobacterium species, the proportion of groEL copies recovered from fecal samples spiked with 5 to 9 log10 cells/g was 45 to 48% (Fig. 1A and B). These results indicated that the cell numbers of a given Bifidobacterium species present in a fecal sample and determined with the developed qPCR assays were comparable to those obtained by microscopy, suggesting sufficiently effective cell lysis. The recovery of groEL copies was considered in all calculations.

Fig 1.

Fig 1

Comparison of cell numbers determined with qPCR assays and the Thoma-Zeiss counting chamber using human adult feces spiked with Bifidobacterium species cells. (A) Spiking was performed with 6 log10 (▲), 7 log10 (●), and 8 log10 (■) cells of six Bifidobacterium species. (B) Spiking was performed with 5 log10 (n = 3), 6 log10 (n = 6), 7 log10 (n = 6), 8 log10 (n = 6), and 9 log10 (n = 5) cells of B. adolescentis (⊙), B. angulatum (⊡), B. animalis (Inline graphic), B. breve (♢), B. pseudolongum (▽), and B. thermophilum (○). The values are means. Significance was estimated by one-way ANOVA with Bonferroni's posttests. Differences of means were not significant. GroEL copy recovery was 48% ± 6% (A) and 45% ± 6% (B) (means ± SD).

Presence of PCR inhibitors.

To verify that PCR inhibitors present in feces had been completely removed during DNA extraction, B. longum was quantified with the developed qPCR assay using DNA obtained from four fecal samples (INF-4, INF-5 month 3, AD-5, and AD-6) at dilutions of 0 to −3 log10. Since the cell numbers (groEL copies/g feces) calculated for a given sample were nearly the same for all four dilutions (10.09 ± 0.03 in INF-4, 9.86 ± 0.12 in INF-5 month 3, 9.17 ± 0.02 in AD-5, and 9.28 ± 0.05 in AD-6 [mean ± standard deviation {SD} log10; n = 4]), it was concluded that PCR inhibitors had been completely removed.

Quantification of Bifidobacterium species in fecal samples.

The designed and validated primers were subsequently applied to fecal samples from five healthy, full-term, breast-fed infants and 10 healthy adults (Table 5). Fecal samples from breast-fed infants contained no more than three Bifidobacterium species. B. breve was not detected in adult feces but was found in 4/6 infant samples at up to 10.4 log10 groEL copies/g feces. B. bifidum and B. longum were present at high concentrations (9.7 log10 groEL copies/g feces in INF-3 and 10.1 log10 groEL copies/g feces in INF-4, respectively). B. adolescentis, which is a typical Bifidobacterium species of the adult fecal microbiota, was not detected in infant feces. Most of the adult fecal samples contained between one and three Bifidobacterium species (one species, 2/10; two species, 2/10; three species, 4/10; five species, 1/10; and six species, 1/10). B. adolescentis and B. longum were frequently found in adults (7/10 and 8/10, respectively). Their concentrations were relatively high, with 8.9 to 9.9 log10 groEL copies/g feces for all but two subjects (AD-1 and AD-7), who harbored B. longum at much lower concentrations (7.2 log10 and 6.6 log10 groEL copies/g, respectively). B. pseudocatenulatum, even though detected in just 3/10 samples, also displayed high counts of 8.7 to 9.3 log10 groEL copies/g feces. In adult feces, the concentration of B. bifidum, a predominant Bifidobacterium species in the feces of infants, was in the range of 8.2 to 9.1 log10 groEL copies/g feces. B. catenulatum and B. pseudolongum were found rarely (2/10 and 1/10, respectively) at 8.0 to 8.1 log10 groEL copies/g feces. The lowest numbers, ranging from 6.4 to 7.1 log10 groEL copies/g feces, were measured for B. dentium and B. animalis. The latter was detected only once (AD-2). In adults, total bifidobacteria varied between 9.5 and 10.7 log10 bifidobacterial genomes/g feces. In contrast, 1-week-old infants harbored relatively low levels of total bifidobacteria (7.6 log10 bifidobacterial genomes/g feces in INF-2) or even none (INF-1). However, bifidobacteria were detected in higher numbers in 3-month-old infants than in adults (11.0 log10 bifidobacterial genomes/g feces in INF-4 and 11.1 log10 bifidobacterial genomes/g feces in INF-5). The sum of groEL copies of all targeted Bifidobacterium species was slightly lower than the number obtained with the genus-specific primer pair g-Bifid-F/R targeting the 16S rRNA gene (0.1 to 1.0 log10). The only exception was the sample collected from donor INF-5 at 6 weeks of age, in which none of the investigated Bifidobacterium species could be detected but the concentration of total bifidobacteria was 8.1 log10 bifidobacterial genomes/g feces. B. angulatum, B. gallicum, and B. thermophilum were not detected in any fecal sample from adults or infants.


The groEL gene is a powerful phylogenetic marker.

The phylogenetic tree based on fragments of the groEL gene (538 bp, located at positions ∼250 to 840 of the corresponding nucleotide sequence) or larger (∼1,200-bp) or even complete (∼1,600-bp) groEL sequences of Bifidobacterium species (27, 47, 50) was similar to the one based on 16S rRNA gene sequences (31). However, the genetic distances of the groEL sequences were greater than those of the 16S rRNA gene sequences (21, 55). The partial groEL sequence (∼550 bp) identity among different Bifidobacterium species was 80 to 96%, providing considerable discriminative power at the interspecies level (55). The analysis of larger (∼1,200-bp) and complete (∼1,600-bp) groEL sequences even allowed the differentiation of B. animalis and B. longum at the subspecies level (27, 50). The ubiquitous GroEL-encoding gene nevertheless reveals a high degree of sequence conservation, in agreement with the central cellular function of the encoded chaperonin. All in all, the groEL gene fulfills several prerequisites to serve as a reliable alternative phylogenetic marker for Bifidobacterium species.

Advantages of the groEL gene compared to the 16S rRNA gene.

Although the 16S rRNA gene, with a mean sequence identity of 95% (31, 47), allows the discrimination of most Bifidobacterium species, its discriminative power among closely related species is limited. Thus, it is not possible to distinguish B. catenulatum and B. pseudocatenulatum, which share 99.5% sequence identity in their 16S rRNA genes (31, 47). These species have therefore been detected together (16, 29, 33). As demonstrated here, B. catenulatum and B. pseudocatenulatum could easily be distinguished because the two organisms share only 91 to 93% sequence identity in the groEL sequence of ∼550 bp (21, 55). Owing to more than 96% 16S rRNA gene sequence identity, it has not been possible to determine the evolutionary distance between strains belonging to B. breve and B. longum (25). This also applies to B. adolescentis/B. dentium, B. breve/B. pseudolongum, B. catenulatum/B. dentium, and B. longum/B. pseudolongum (25). In contrast, the selected region of the groEL gene used in this study revealed a considerably higher resolution power between these species than the 16S rRNA gene (21, 47, 55).


Initially, phylogenetic analysis of bifidobacteria based on the groEL gene was constrained because the number of available groEL sequences was limited to 73 (21, 55). With increasing interest in the gene as a powerful phylogenetic marker and as a result of the sequencing of bifidobacterial genomes, the database of groEL sequences has continuously grown (18). Although groEL sequences are available for almost all 36 described Bifidobacterium species (, the majority of these sequences are incomplete; they consist of an approximately 600-bp region located at positions ∼250 to 840 of the gene. For some Bifidobacterium species, only one or two sequences are available (e.g., B. angulatum and B. catenulatum, respectively).

Quantification of Bifidobacterium species in fecal samples.

The colonization of the gastrointestinal tract starts at birth and is characterized by different microbial successions. Within the first days of life, facultative anaerobes, such as coliforms and enterococci, dominate the microbiota. They create a reduced environment, enabling the establishment of strict anaerobes, including bifidobacteria, by days 4 to 7 (26).

In our study, at 1 week after birth, Bifidobacterium species were absent or present at low concentrations. In contrast, at 3 months of age, bifidobacteria had advanced to become one of the dominant population groups in the infant gut. Differences in the patterns and sizes of bifidobacterial populations as reported here have been observed previously (19, 30, 38). Our study revealed low Bifidobacterium diversity and the presence of three or less than three species in a given sample from infants or adults (8/10). This result is similar to a previous study with higher numbers of subjects (30).

High cell counts of B. bifidum, B. breve, and B. longum (including B. longum subsp. infantis) were frequently found in feces from breast-fed infants, suggesting that these three species play a crucial role in gut colonization (16, 30, 39). In accordance with previous studies (15, 37, 38), B. longum was the most common species in human adult feces, followed by B. adolescentis, B. bifidum, and B. pseudocatenulatum. A high incidence of B. longum, B. adolescentis, B. bifidum, and members of the B. catenulatum group was observed in Japanese adults (29, 30). Although we were able to distinguish B. catenulatum and B. pseudocatenulatum in our study, the prevalence of both species together was considerably lower than that reported for these Japanese subjects (40% versus 89% [29] and 92% [30], respectively).

As an inhabitant of the oral cavity (7) B. dentium may pass into the intestine, where it is infrequently detected at low cell numbers (29, 30, 39). In contrast to Matsuki et al. (29, 30), who occasionally detected B. breve, the species was mostly below the quantification limit in the adult samples we analyzed. The donor of sample AD-2 was not aware of having consumed a probiotic food prior to the collection of the sample. However, B. animalis subsp. lactis may be present in normal yogurts that are not explicitly labeled as containing bifidobacteria (3).

None of the few fecal samples tested in our study contained B. angulatum, B. gallicum, or B. thermophilum, all of which have rarely been detected. B. angulatum was occasionally found in infant and adult feces (29, 30), in the latter at relatively low concentrations (∼6.6 log10 cells/g feces [29] and 7.5 to 8.3 log10 CFU/g [3]). B. gallicum was mostly absent (15, 30, 33), except for a baby delivered by caesarean section (6). B. thermophilum, first isolated from baby feces (53), was recently detected in the feces of a breast-fed infant at 6.7 log10 cells/g feces (28). Since B. pseudolongum has so far been associated with animals, it has rarely been investigated in humans. However, in agreement with our study, it was recently found in adults, but not in infants (44).

The numbers of Bifidobacterium species that we detected in adults and infants are essentially in agreement with previous findings (30). Matsuki et al. (30) mostly observed between one and four species in adults (29% harbored three and 31% harbored four species) and up to three species in infants (33% harbored one and 22% harbored three species). However, Matsuki et al. (30) were not able to further discriminate between members of the B. catenulatum group.

The total counts of bifidobacterial genomes determined with the genus-specific primers g-Bifid-F/R targeting the 16S rRNA gene were slightly higher than those resulting from the sum of groEL copies detected with the species-specific primers. It is well known that bifidobacteria possess two to five rrn loci (8, 10, 40). Differences in the 16S rRNA gene copy numbers are adequately considered when the qPCR standard curve uses genomic DNA from a bacterium that represents the predominant species in the sample (34). Taking this into account, B. longum subsp. longum ATCC 15707T, with four 16S rRNA gene copies (13), was used as a standard for quantification of total fecal bifidobacteria in adults and infants. However, Candela et al. (10) have demonstrated that the rrn copies do not differ only at species level. Even different strains of B. adolescentis may harbor between two and five copies (10, 40). The genome size of bifidobacterial species varies between 1.92 and 2.83 Mb (GenBank; corresponding to 2.11 to 3.11 fg/cell). Assuming a mean genome size of 2.25 Mb (2.47 fg/cell) would result in overestimation of the cell number if the predominant Bifidobacterium strain in the sample has a genome size smaller than 2.25 Mb and/or a number of 16S rRNA gene copies higher than four. This would apply to B. adolescentis ATCC 15703T (GenBank accession no. AP009256), B. bifidum PRL2010, and B. bifidum S17 (43, 56). These problems can be avoided by targeting a single-copy gene, such as groEL. However, a multiple alignment of all complete groEL sequences listed in Table 2 did not reveal consensus regions of sufficient length to design genus-specific primers. Quantification limits of qPCR with species-specific primers that target the single-copy groEL gene are comparable with the one targeting the multicopy 16S rRNA gene (Table 5), indicating that the qPCR assays developed in this study are highly sensitive.

During this study, two novel Bifidobacterium species were isolated from human feces, namely, B. stercoris (22) and B. kashiwanohense (32), for which at least partial groEL sequences are available. It is interesting that recent microbiomic analysis suggested the presence of previously undescribed Bifidobacterium species, which, however, have not been identified so far (45).


This study describes the use of the groEL gene as a target for the identification and quantification of human fecal Bifidobacterium species by qPCR. The method developed allows the distinction between closely related Bifidobacterium species, enabling monitoring of the bifidobacterial population in response to age, antibiotic treatment, pro- and prebiotic intake, or disease.


This study has been part of a cooperation project with Nestec S.A., Nestlé Nutrition, Vevey, Switzerland.

We thank all adults who provided fecal samples.


Published ahead of print 3 February 2012


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