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. 2010 Jul;16(7):1147–1150. doi: 10.3201/eid1607.091452

Geographic Differences in Genetic Locus Linkages for Borrelia burgdorferi

Bridgit Travinsky 1, Jonas Bunikis 1, Alan G Barbour 1,
PMCID: PMC3321895  PMID: 20587192


Borrelia burdorferi genotype in the northeastern United States is associated with Lyme borreliosis severity. Analysis of DNA sequences of the outer surface protein C gene and rrs-rrlA intergenic spacer from extracts of Ixodes spp. ticks in 3 US regions showed linkage disequilibrium between the 2 loci within a region but not consistently between regions.

Keywords: Lyme disease, Lyme borreliosis, Ixodes scapularis, Ixodes pacificus, Borrelia burgdorferi, genotype, ospC, bacteria, vector-borne infections, dispatch

Most bacterial pathogens comprise a variety of strains in various proportions. For Borrelia burgdorferi, an agent of Lyme borreliosis, strains differ in their reservoir host preferences (1), propensities to disseminate in humans (2,3), and prevalences in ticks by geographic area (4,5). Strain identification of B. burgdorferi now is predominantly based on DNA sequences of either of 2 genetic loci: 1) the plasmid-borne, highly polymorphic ospC gene, which encodes outer surface protein C (6,7), or 2) the intergenic spacer (IGS) between the rrs and rrlA rDNA, here called IGS1. Other loci for genotyping are the plasmid-borne ospA gene (7) and the rrfA-rrlB rDNA intergenic spacer, here called IGS2 (8). The apparent clonality of B. burgdorferi was justification for inferring strain identity from a single locus (9,10), but the extent of genomewide genetic exchange in this species may have been underestimated (6).

Given reports of an association between disease severity and B. burgdorferi genotype (2,3), prediction of a strain’s virulence potential from its genotype has clinical, diagnostic, and epidemiologic relevance. But is a single locus sufficient for this assessment?

The Study

To investigate this issue, we determined sequences of ospC and IGS1 loci, and in selected cases the ospA and IGS2 loci, in 1,522 DNA extracts from B. burgdorferi–infected Ixodes scapularis nymphs collected from the northeastern, mid-Atlantic, and north-central United States during the summers of 2004, 2005, 2006, and 2007, as described (4,11). We also included results from 214 infected I. pacificus nymphs collected in Mendocino County, California (5); 20 infected I. pacificus adults from Contra Costa County, California (J. Bunikis and A.G. Barbour, unpub. data); and 10 B. burgdorferi genomes (strains B31, ZS7, 156a, 64b, 72a, 118a, WI91-23, 94a, 29805, and CA-11.2a), for which sequences are publicly available ( Multilocus sequence typing (MLST), based on 8 chromosomal housekeeping genes, had been carried out for several strains represented in the extracts (Table) (4,12). The corresponding MLST types of the 10 genome sequences were assigned by reference to a B. burgdorferi MLST database ( (12). For this study, we also determined the MLST type of strain CA8.

The methods for 1) DNA extraction from ticks (11), 2) PCR amplification of ospC, ospA, and IGS1 (7), 3) amplification of IGS2 (8), and 4) amplification of 8 chromosomal loci for MLST (12) have been described. Sequences for both strands were determined from either PCR products or cloned fragments with custom primers (7). We followed the basic nomenclature of Wang et al. (13) until, after exhausting the alphabet, we assigned both a letter and, arbitrarily, the number 3 (e.g., C3) when a new nucleotide sequence differed by >8% from known ospC alleles. We distinguished ospC variants with <1% sequence difference by adding a lowercase letter, e.g., Da and Db. Except for ospC D3 and Oa, novel polymorphisms were confirmed in at least 1 other sample. To simplify IGS1 nomenclature, we numbered types sequentially, beginning with the original 9 types (7); ospA alleles (7) and IGS2 loci were likewise sequentially numbered. The Table A1 provides accession numbers for all sequences, as well as original and revised names for IGS1 sequences.

For 741 Ixodes ticks from northeastern and north-central United States or from northern California, 1 ospC allele was identified and sequenced. In the remaining samples, we found a mixture of strains or evidence of >2 ospC and/or >2 IGS sequences (9). In 678 (91%) of the 741 samples with a single ospC, the allele could be matched with particular IGS1 (Table). We identified 9 unique ospC sequences: Fc, Ob, Ub, A3, B3, C3, D3, E3, and F3, all from the north-central United States. Alleles H3 and I3 of California were recently reported by Girard et al. (5). Of 32 codon-aligned ospC sequences, 6 pairs and 1 trio (Fa, Fb, and Fc) differed in sequence by <1% (Figure, panel A). Nine novel IGS1 sequences, numbered 24–31 and 33, were discovered in samples from which ospC alleles were determined.



A) Bayesian and maximum-likelihood phylogenetic inference of outer surface protein C (ospC) gene sequences and B) concatenated multilocus sequence typing (MLST) sequences of Borrelia burgdorferi. Sequences were aligned by codon. Labels at the tips refer to ospC alleles (A) or MLST (ST) and linked ospC alleles (B; Table). Consensus phylograms were the output of the MrBayes version 3.1.2 algorithm ( There were 500,000 generations with the first 1,000 discarded. Nodes with posterior probabilities of >0.5 are indicated by values above the branches. Below the branches are integer values for nodes with support of >500 of 1,000 bootstrap iterations of the maximum-likelihood method, as carried out with the PhyML 3.0 algorithm ( For both data sets and both algorithms, the models were general time reversible with empirical estimations of the proportions of invariant sites and gamma shape parameters. Scale bars indicate genetic distance. GenBank accession numbers for sequences are given in the Table A1.

When we confined analysis to samples from northeastern states, we confirmed linkage disequilibrium between ospC and IGS1 loci (7,10,14). However, when results from north-central states and California were included, a different picture emerged (Table, Figure, panel B). Most of the ospC alleles showed concordance with the chromosomal loci; monophyletic MLST showed either the same ospC allele or a minor variant of it. However, in several instances, the ospC alleles were linked to different IGS1 sequences, different ospA sequences, and/or different MLST with internal nodes in common. We observed this linkage for ospC alleles A, G, Hb, and N. In the case of ospC Hb, the shared internal node was deep.

We applied the Simpson index of diversity, as implemented by Hunter and Gaston (15), to the data in the Table to compare the discriminatory power (DP) of genotyping on the basis of a combination of ospC and IGS1 sequences with genotyping by 8-locus MLST (12). For double-locus typing, there were 43 types were found for 678 strains; DP value was 0.96. For MLST in this data set, 36 types were shown for 554 strains; DP was 0.95. In the study of Hoen et al. in which selection was made for geographic isolation, 37 types were distributed among 78 strains; DP was 0.97 (4).


Dependence on a single locus for typing may falsely identify different lineages as the same, especially when the samples come from different regions. Other loci may be as informative as ospC or IGS1, but the abundance of extant sequences for these loci justifies their continued use. Uncertainties about the linkage of ospC and IGS1 usually can be resolved by sequencing the ospA allele (Table). IGS2 provided little additional information in this study.

One interpretation of these findings is that lateral gene transfer of all or nearly all of an ospC gene has occurred between different genetic lineages. We previously had not detected recombination at the IGS1 locus on the chromosome (7), but there may be recombination at other chromosomal loci, as well as plasmid loci (6). Besides extending the understanding of the geographic structuring of the B. burgdorferi population, the results indicate that the ospC allele does not fully represent the complexity of B. burgdorferi lineages; thus, inferring phenotypes on the basis of this single locus should be made with caution.


We thank Robert S. Lane for providing strain CA8.

This research was supported by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Cooperative Agreement CI 00171-01 and National Institutes of Health grant AI065359.


Ms Travinsky is a senior research associate in the Department of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics, University of California, Irvine. Her research interests include the genetic diversity and phylogeography of Borrelia species.

Table A1. GenBank accession numbers of sequences of Borrelia burgdorferi in this study*.

Strain name ospC allele ospC accession no. Former IGS1† name Revised IGS1 name IGS1 accession no. ospA allele ospA accession no. IGS2‡ name IGS2 accession no.
B31 A AE000792 1A 1 AE000783 1 AE000790 1 GQ463603
CA4 A EU377746 1A-684 10 EU377801 23 GQ443123
CA6 A EU377748 1A-684 10 EU377803
2206617 A AE000792 1A-684/672 11 GQ478289 22 GQ443122
64b Ba CP001422 3A 3 ABKA02000001 3 CP001421
B373 Ba EU377779 3B 3 EU377795
51405UT Ba EU375825 6A 6 EU375815 14 GQ443114
ZS7 Bb NC_011724 3D 16 NC_011728 28 CP001199
JD1 Ca DQ437462 5G 24 DQ437478
BL515 Ca EU377774 5G 24 EU377790
OC4 Da AF029863 5A 5 AY275201
516113 Da AY275217 5A 5 AY275201 5 GQ433636 4 GQ463606
424404 Db GQ478283 5A 5 AY275201 18 GQ443118 7 GQ463609
CA-11.2a Db CP001484 5A-239 19 ABJY02000007 27 CP001473
N40 E AY275221 9A 9 AY275211 9 M57248
B348 E AF467875 9C 9 AF467863
990503 Fa AY275225 4C 17 GQ130198
B156 Fa EU377776 4C 17 EU377792
MI407 Fb EF537433 4D 18 EF537367
1469205 Fc GQ478285 4D 18 EF537367 13 GQ443113 6 GQ463608
MR616 G EU377771 6B 26 EU377787
72a G CP001375 6B 26 ABGJ02000006 9 CP001370
1468503 G AY275223 5C 22 GQ130201 21 GQ443121
B509 Ha EU377781 2D 12 EU377797
156a Hb CP001271 2D 12 ABCV02000001 2 CP001257
519014UT Hb EU375831 2D 12 EU375823
519512 Hb GQ478286 2D 12 EU375823
CA92-0953 Hb EU377751 2D-713 13 EU377806
B500 Ia AF467878 7A 7 AF467866
B331 Ia AF467874 7A 7 AF467862 7 GQ443107
1472505 Ia AY275219 7A 7 AY275205 10 GQ443110
WI91-23 Ia CP001446 7A 7 ABJW02000006 11 CP001447
CA92-1096 Ib EU377752 7A 7 EU377807
CA337 Ib EU377752 7A 7 EU377807 30 GU815347
118a J CP001535 5B 20 ABGI02000001 8 CP001542
297 K AY275214 2B 2 AY275192 2 X85442 2 GQ463604
501604 K AY275214 2A 2 AY275191
149901 K AY275214 2E 14 GQ120104 31 GU815348
47703UT L EU375832 2E 14 GQ120104
29805 M CP001550 6A 6 ABJX02000028 2 CP001554 3 GQ463605
CA92-1337 M EU377753 6A 6 EU377808
MR661 N EU377775 4A 4 EU377791 4 GQ433635
500203 N AY275216 4A 4 AY275199
MI418 N EF537430 5E 23 EF537363
51108 N AY275216 5E 23 GQ130203
501427 Oa FJ997281 6C 27 AY275204
2207807 Ob FJ997282 6A 6 ABJX02000028
23509 T AY275222 8C 28 AY275209
1476702 T AY275222 8C-808 29 GQ478288 20 GQ443120
94a Ua CP001493 8A 8 ABGK02000002 8 CP001500
B485 Ua EU377769 8A 8 EU377785
48802 Ua AY275220 8A 8 ABGK02000002 16 GQ443116
2207116 Ua EU377769 8A 8 EU377785 12 GQ443112 10 GQ463612
426905 Ub GQ478287 8E 30 GQ130197 8 GQ443108 9 GQ463611
2206613 A3 EF592541 2E 14 GQ120104 19 GQ443119
2250201 B3 EF592542 5E 23 GQ130203 17 GQ443117
50202 C3 EF592543 4C 17 GQ130198 15 GQ443115 5 GQ463607
2150902 D3 EF592544 New 31 GQ478290
2127701 E3 EF592545 5B 20 GQ130200 8 GQ463610
HRT25 E3 EF592545 5A-725 21 EU886975 24 GQ443124
LMR28 E3 EF592545 5A 5 AY275201 25 GQ443125
1456802 F3 EF592547 5A 5 AY275201
CA8 H3 FJ932733 5A8 25 EU886974 26 GQ247743
CA11 I3 FJ932734 4C 17 GQ130198
CA12 I3 FJ932734 4C 17 GQ130198

*Boldface indicates new accession number from this study.
†IGS1, rrs-rrlA intergenic spacer region.
‡IGS2, rrf-rrlB intergenic spacer.

Table. Linkages between ospC alleles and other loci in Borrelia burgdorferi strains*.

ospC IGS1 Geographic region* Representative cultured isolate or tick sample† IGS1-ospC associations‡ ospA IGS2 MLST§
A 1 1, 2 B31 45/52 1 1 1
A 11 2 2206617 4/4 22 1 55
A 10 3 CA4, CA6 14/18 23 1 2
Ba 3 1 64b, B373 39/41 3 1 7,58,59
Ba 6 2 51405UT 7/9 14 1 30
Bb 16 4 ZS7 28 20
C 24 1 JD1, BL515 10/10 8 5 11
Da 5 1 516113 13/14 5 4 38
Db 5 2 424404 13/15 18 7 51
Db 19 3 CA11.2A 16/16 27 4 70
E 9 1, 2 N40, B348 17/19 9 1 19
Fa 17 1, 2, 3 B156 61/64 3 4 8
Fb 18 2 MI407 14/19 8 6
Fc 18 2 1469205 7/8 13 6 56
G 26 1 72a, MR616 10/11 9 4 14
G 22 2, 3 1468503 9/10 21 4 48,49
Ha/Hb 12 1 B509/156a 13/13 2 2 4
Hb 12 2 519014UT 56/65 11 2 32
Hb 13 3 CA92-0953 20/20 23 2 6
Ia 7 1 B500, B331 12/16 7 4 15,16
Ia 7 2 WI91-23 5/5 11 4 71
Ib 7 3 CA92-1096 30 4 17
J 20 1, 2 118a 3/5 8 4 34
K 2 1 297 67/68 2 2 3
K 14 2 149901 7/10 31 2
L 14 2 47703UT 23/25 8 2 29
M 6 1 29805 4/4 2 3 12
M 6 2, 3 CA92-1337 16/16 17 3 13
N 4 1 MR661, 500203 41/41 4 10 9,36
N 23 2 51108 8/10 2 1 43
Oa 27 1 501427 1/1 54
Ob 6 2 2207807 6/7 2
T 28 1 23509 16/16 8 4 37
T 29 2 1476702 10/11 20 4 46
Ua 8 1 94a, B485 19/19 8 4 18
Ua 8 2 48802 4/4 16 4 47
Ua 17 2 2207116 4/4 12 10
Ub 30 2 426905 3/3 8 9
A3 14 2 2206613 6/6 19 2
B3 23 1, 2 2250201 3/3 17 1 57
C3 17 2 50202 6/9 15 5
D3 31 2 2150902 1/1
E3 20 2 2127701 4/4 8 8 52
E3 21 3 HRT25 12/12 24
E3 5 3 LMR28 12/12 25
F3 5 2 1456802 8/12 8 4
H3 25 3 CA8 37/40 26 4 (72)
I3 17 3 CA11, CA12 5/5 27 4

*Regions: 1, northeastern United States; 2, north-central United States; 3, northern California; 4, western Europe; osp, outer surface protein; IGS, intergenic spacer; MLST, multilocus sequence typing; –, MLST not determined.
†Tick samples (4) are indicated by italics; strains with genome sequences are indicated in boldface.
‡Number of tick extracts with the listed IGS1 locus (numerator)/number of extracts with the listed ospC allele (denominator).
§MLST from (4,12) or this study (in parentheses).


Suggested citation for this article: Travinsky T, Bunikis J, Barbour AG. Geographic differences in genetic locus linkages for Borrelia burgdorferi. Emerg Infect Dis [serial on the Internet]. 2010 Jul [date cited].


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