In late 2010, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) Oncologic Drug Advisory Committee (ODAC) recommended against prostate cancer chemoprevention labelling for the 5-alpha reductase inhibitors (5ARIs). The ODAC met on December 1, 2010 to hear presentations from GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) and Dr. Ian Thompson (Merck) regarding dutasteride and finasteride.1 GSK was seeking a prostate cancer risk reduction label. Merck was not seeking a risk-reduction label, but rather a change in their product monograph. The FDA presented new, unpublished analyses of the data from the Prostate Cancer Prevention Trial (PCPT) and the REduction by DUtasteride of prostate Cancer Events (REDUCE) trial, as well as risk-benefit analyses unadjusted for detection-bias.2–4 The FDA asked the voting panel to consider whether the “real world” risk-benefit ratio was favourable for:
Finasteride in men >55 years old with a normal digital rectal examination (DRE) and prostate-specific antigen (PSA) <3 ng/mL
Dutasteride in men with an elevated PSA and a negative biopsy
In discussing the real world risks and benefits of these drugs, panel members expressed concern that some men would take the drug without adequate follow-up.
ODAC voted against recommending dutasteride for the prostate cancer risk reduction indication because, in the view of the ODAC members, the risk for an increase in high-grade tumours outweighed the benefits of prostate cancer risk reduction, given the potential for widespread use of this agent in the United States. The ODAC recommended against prostate cancer chemoprevention labelling for 5ARIs (Table 1).
Table 1.
Vote | Opposed | In favour | Abstain |
Dutasteride | 14 | 2 | 2 |
Finasteride | 17 | 0 | 1 |
On June 9, 2011, the FDA notified health care professionals that the Warnings and Precautions section of the labels for 5ARIs was revised to include new safety information about the increased risk of high-grade prostate cancer. This risk appears to be low, but health care professionals should be aware of this safety information, and weigh the known benefits against the potential risks when deciding to start or continue treatment with 5ARIs in the approved indication for benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH).
To review the FDA’s decision from a Canadian perspective, the Canadian Urological Association (CUA), with direction from Dr. Laurence Klotz, assembled a team of experts and a meeting was convened on November 20, 2011 in Toronto, Ontario. The objectives of the meeting were as follows:
To review the FDA’s decision regarding the use of 5ARIs in prostate cancer prevention, specifically with respect to the increase in high-grade cancer.
To develop a Canadian consensus statement based on expert opinion and review of the evidence, on the use of 5ARIs in prostate cancer prevention and BPH.3–9
The deliverables proposed by the consensus panel chair and the CUA Office of Education are as follows: (a) To prepare a Canadian statement on the use of 5ARIs in prostate cancer prevention, which reflects a broad consensus of academic and community practitioners, and primary care physicians with an interest in prostate cancer; (b) To publish this statement as a peer-reviewed article in CUAJ; and (c) To produce a patient brochure, which reflects this Canadian consensus.
Meeting participants were provided with all pertinent data, a description outlining the meeting objectives, expected outcomes and presentations and three position statements for voting (Appendices 1–4). After an introduction and review of the positions by Dr. Laurence Klotz, participants were asked to vote on the three positions prior to the initiation of discussion. After the initial vote, 7 presentations were made to the group:
A summary of the ODAC hearing and the FDA position: Laurence Klotz and David Penson
Personal take on the ODAC hearing as a participant: Howard Parnes
Pathology issues/Gleason scoring system: Linda Sugar
The CCO position on risk reduction of prostate cancer: Neil Fleshner
The modelling of cytoreduction and PSA effects: Eric Klein
The link between the FDA decision and the United States Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) screening decision: Laurence Klotz
Implications for use of 5ARIs in surveillance: Tony Finelli
Key findings
1. Preliminary vote
Attendees were given a ballot containing three positions (Appendix 1–4) and were asked to vote secretly.
Position 1: The FDA Position (3 votes)
Position 2: The “Pro” Position (3 votes)
Position 3: The Middle Ground (6 votes)
Expert Presentations
a). David Penson: A summary of the ODAC hearing
Dr. Penson reviewed the ODAC decision and the data that were presented. His recommended use of 5ARIs moving forward is:
- Continue to use 5ARIs for BPH with the following proviso:
- – Explain possible increased risk of high-grade prostate cancer to patients and DOCUMENT in chart
- – Closely monitor PSA kinetics after starting therapy
- – Unclear if you need to send a letter to your patients currently on 5ARIs
- Only consider 5ARI use for chemoprevention for men at increased risk of prostate cancer who are motivated to pursue chemoprevention
- – Explain to patient that it is off-label use and highlight the possible risks of treatment and DOCUMENT in chart
- – Closely monitor PSA after starting therapy and contact patient if he misses follow-up PSA mean scores or appointments to reschedule
b). Howard Parnes: A personal take on the ODAC hearing as a participant
Dr. Parnes also provided a summary of the decision-making process by the ODAC panel. Of note:
- - ODAC met on 12/1/2010 to hear presentations by GSK and Merck regarding dutasteride and finasteride, respectively.
- GSK was seeking a risk-reduction label
- Merck was not seeking a risk-reduction label
- Merck stated that the post-hoc analyses addressing the observed increase in high-grade prostate cancer “did not rise to the level of a label.”
- ODAC took the position that mortality reduction is the goal of chemoprevention
- Burden of prostate cancer was not considered by ODAC
- No weight was given to the possible role of detection-bias
- The addition of the “real world” setting did not leave much choice for the panel to vote in favour of dutas-teride as widespread use has significant public health implications.
The crux of the controversy is whether the observed increase in high-grade cancer in the two trials was an artifact caused by several unavoidable biases associated with the use of 5ARIs, or represents a true increased risk. If the latter, it is unclear what the mechanism for the increase in high grade cancer is.
c). Linda Sugar: Pathology issues/Gleason scoring system
Dr. Sugar presented on pathology issues regarding modified Gleason score grading of needle biopsies.10 Of note:
- Even among expert genitourinary pathologists, there is interobserver variability in the reporting of the Gleason score.
The modified Gleason grading system has generally resulted in upgrading of the Gleason score, most frequently from 6 to 7 but also from 6 or 7 to 8.
- In the original Gleason grading system, malignant glands with a cribriform pattern were assigned Gleason grade 3. In the new grading system, most, if not all cribriform cancers are now designated Gleason grade 4. With this narrowing of the definition of Gleason grade 3 and expansion of Gleason grade 4, there are increased numbers of Gleason score 7 (3+4) and 8 (4+4) cancers. Another reason for the increase in Gleason 8 cancers has been the incorporation of a Gleason 5 tertiary pattern into the score (e.g., 3+5).10
- A result of this upgrading that has been an expansion of tumours that fall into the high-grade category (Gleason score 8–10).
- There is a need for longer term studies to assess the revised system and impact on long-term outcomes.
d). Neil Fleshner: The CCO position on risk reduction of prostate cancer
Dr. Fleshner reviewed a draft of the Cancer Care Ontario’s guidelines on risk reduction of prostate cancer with respect to 5ARIs.
e). Eric Klein: The modelling of cytoreduction and PSA effects
Dr. Klein presented his opinion that it is reasonable to use 5ARIs in patients at high risk for prostate cancer (tilting the cost benefit ratio towards the benefit side). He noted that it is important to focus discussion on identifying men at highest risk who are most likely to benefit. He defined high risk as: Elevated PSA (PSA above the population mean for men in their 40s), negative biopsy, family history and race. He indicated it is also important to refrain from implementing preventing therapy with 5ARIs in low-risk patients (i.e., with low PSA [<1.5 ng/mL] and no risk factors).
f). Laurence Klotz: The link between the FDA decision and the USPSTF screening decision
Dr. Klotz reviewed the USPSTF recommendation against PSA as a screening tool.11 The USPSTF determined that the risks of PSA screening outweigh the benefits due to over diagnosis and treatment of prostate cancer, particularly in men with low-grade disease who are unlikely to succumb to their disease. Noted by the consensus group:
The consensus conference delegates unanimously agreed that the use of PSA as a tool in case detection and as a follow-up tool for ongoing monitoring is where the emphasis should be. It was agreed that the mandate of this group was to develop Canadian recommendations on the use of 5ARIs, rather than question or debate the USPSTF recommendations.
The group agreed that the main benefit of 5ARIs for prevention was in populations who have PSA testing for early detection of prostate cancer. 5ARIs primarily reduce the risk of diagnosis of low-grade disease, which is largely screen detected. If widespread PSA testing is attenuated as a result of the USPSTF recommendation, this will reduce the benefit and role of 5ARIs for prevention.
g). Tony Finelli: Implications for use of 5 ARIs in surveillance
Dr. Finelli presented preliminary data looking at men taking 5ARIs under active surveillance (at Princess Margaret Hospital). It was noted that fewer men required radical intervention while on 5ARIs and 5ARIs prevented pathologic progression of cancer.
Consensus discussion
The primary goal of the meeting was to discuss various positions regarding the place for 5ARIs in Canada in light of the December 2010 recommendations from ODAC. The following captures the key discussion points and areas of agreement from the meeting. This will serve as a preliminary table of contents for development of a position statement.
In the Canadian context, the panel believes that there is value in preventing low-grade cancers and decreasing the burden of prostate cancer.
The FDA statement in perspective: The panel agrees that patients on 5ARIs require ongoing follow up, including periodic PSA screening and informed interpretation of the result. Asymptomatic low-risk men are not candidates for chemoprevention therapy with 5ARIs.
Rise in PSA while on 5ARIs should trigger further review for evaluation.
This is a class effect of 5ARIs.
Risk/benefit discussion and monitoring is needed in all patients on 5ARIs.
Indication for 5ARIs: 5ARIs are indicated for the treatment of symptomatic BPH in men with enlarged prostates. Some of the following suggested uses for 5ARIs are off label, but may still be appropriate in selected patients.
Recommendations for the use of 5ARIs
For patients in these groups, treatment with 5ARIs should be accompanied by:
- Informing the patient of risks and benefits of treatment
- Monitoring and follow up. Men on 5ARIs should have a PSA after 6 months of therapy, and at least annually afterwards. A sustained rise in PSA should result in consideration of a biopsy.
Use of 5ARIs in BPH – Consensus attained
5ARIs can be safely (or replace with benefit/risk statement) used for the treatment of lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS)/BPH in men with an enlarged prostate with appropriate monitoring (DRE/PSA).
1. Patients who have had a negative prostate biopsy and elevated PSA and are at increased likelihood for prostate cancer diagnosis – Consensus attained
These patients may be offered 5ARIs with the goal of reducing their chance of a future diagnosis of prostate cancer. Patients should be informed that this approach will reduce their likelihood of being diagnosed with low-grade cancer, and a slight increased risk of high-grade cancer cannot be excluded.
2. In selected patients who have not had a prostate biopsy but have high concern or risk for a future diagnosis of prostate cancer, 5ARIs may be considered – Consensus attained
Role of 5ARIs in patients on active surveillance – Consensus attained
Although investigational, there are data to support the role of 5ARIs in maintenance of active surveillance patients with prostate cancer.
After a minimum of 6 months on 5ARIs, men adhering to therapy should see a decline in PSA
Refer to CUA position on screening
Rationale of clinical situations and why 5ARIs are appropriate
Current Controversies: Given the dramatic increase in prostate cancer diagnosis, and the concerns about overdiagnosis expressed by the USPSTF, how significant is family history for identifying men at increased risk for prostate cancer? Should death or metastasis from prostate cancer in family members replace diagnosis of prostate cancer as a significant risk factor?
In men on a 5ARI, what PSA kinetics triggers should be used to determine the need for a biopsy?
Conclusions and next steps
It was recommended that an introductory editorial from the CUA discussing differences in Canadian and U.S. healthcare delivery may help put a CUAJ article in context (specifically use and benefits of PSA). A second vote was not taken, because the original three positions put forward were modified and no longer applicable in their original format. It was agreed that a summary of the key meeting discussion points would be distributed to the group for further review and discussion.
Appendix 1.
The effect of 5ARIs in the prevention of prostate cancer has been studied in two pivotal trials, PCPT and REDUCE. PCPT compared finasteride 5 mg/day to placebo in normal men over 55 with PSA <3.0. REDUCE studied men with an elevated PSA and a prior negative biopsy, considered at higher risk for prostate cancer than the PCPT population, who were randomized between dutasteride 0.5 mg/day versus placebo. In both studies, the endpoint was a prostate biopsy, performed at 7 years in PCPT and at 2 and 4 years in REDUCE. In both studies, patients were offered a ‘for cause’ biopsy if they developed a further rise in PSA or prostate nodule. These studies showed the following findings:
5ARIs: 5-alpha reductase inhibitors; PCPT: Prostate Cancer Prevention Trial; REDUCE: REduction by DUtasteride of prostate Cancer Events; PSA: prostate-specific antigen.
Appendix 2.
Given the uncertainty about the increased risk of high-grade cancer, 5ARIs should not be employed for prevention. Since the risk of high-grade cancer is low, these drugs can still be used in patients for the treatment of BPH/LUTS. However, patients on these drugs should be informed about the risk of high-grade cancer. |
PCPT: Prostate Cancer Prevention Trial; REDUCE: REduction by DUtasteride of prostate Cancer Events; RR: relative risk; BPH: benign prostatic hyperplasia; LUTS: lower urinary tract symptoms; 5ARIs: 5-alpha reductase inhibitors.
Appendix 3.
5ARIs: 5-alpha reductase inhibitors; PSA: prostate-specific antigen; FDA: Food and Drug Administration; TRUS: transrectal ultrasound; REDUCE: REduction by DUtasteride of prostate Cancer Events; PCPT: Prostate Cancer Prevention Trial; RR: relative risk; BPH: benign prostatic hyperplasia.
Appendix 4.
The effect of 5ARIs in the prevention of prostate cancer has been studied in two pivotal trials, PCPT and REDUCE. PCPT compared finasteride 5 mg/day to placebo in normal men > age 55 with PSA < 3.0. REDUCE studied men with an elevated PSA and a prior negative biopsy, considered at higher risk for prostate cancer than the PCPT population, who were randomized between dutasteride 0.5 mg/day vs placebo. In both studies, the end point was a prostate biopsy, performed at 7 years in PCPT and at 2 and 4 years in REDUCE. In both studies, patients were offered a ‘for cause’ biopsy if they developed a further rise in PSA or prostate nodule. These studies showed the following findings:
While it is not possible to exclude with certainty the possibility that a small increased risk of highgrade cancer exists associated with 5ARI use, the preponderance of evidence suggests that most or all of the increased high-grade cancers seen in the two trials are related to ascertainment bias. Patients at high risk for prostate cancer thus benefit from the risk reduction associated with 5ARI treatment. Such patients should be counselled as to the risks and benefits of 5ARI treatment, including both the substantial reduction in the risk of diagnosis, and the slight increased risk of high-grade cancer. Such patients include those with a strong family history, racial predisposition, and persistently elevated PSA. The use of 5ARIs for men with BPH/LUTS should not be significantly influenced by this concern. Men who are not at increased risk for prostate cancer and have no BPH/LUTS but are concerned about reducing prostate cancer risk should be offered dietary and lifestyle modification (discontinue smoking, exercise, obesity avoidance, and dietary modification) rather than 5ARIs. |
5ARIs: 5-alpha reductase inhibitors; PSA: prostate-specific antigen; REDUCE: REduction by DUtasteride of prostate Cancer Events; PCPT: Prostate Cancer Prevention Trial; RR: relative risk; BPH: benign prostatic hyperplasia; LUTS: lower urinary tract symptoms.
Competing interests: None declared.
This paper has been peer-reviewed.
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