Indian Journal of Psychiatry, October-December, 2011; Vol 53; Issue 4
Title: Prospective study of duration of untreated psychosis and outcome of nevertreated patients with schizophrenia in India
The sentences pertaining to laparoscopic surgeries should be read as follows wherever applicable
“Source of Support: Nil”
Should read as
“Source of Support: This research was funded by the Re-entry grant awarded to Dr. Jagadisha Thirthalli by the Fogarty International Centre-International Clinical, Operational and Health Services Research Training Award (FIC-ICOHRTA)”
The sentences pertaining to laparoscopic surgeries should be read as follows wherever applicable
“In Acknowledgment: Drs. R Shankar and B M Veena”
Should read as
“Drs. Shankar and Veena”
The error is regretted
- Editor, IJPsy