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Journal of Experimental Botany logoLink to Journal of Experimental Botany
. 2012 Jan 25;63(7):2605–2617. doi: 10.1093/jxb/err451

Regulation of tomato fruit pericarp development by an interplay between CDKB and CDKA1 cell cycle genes

Anna Czerednik 1,2, Marco Busscher 3, Bram AM Bielen 1, Mieke Wolters-Arts 1, Ruud A de Maagd 3, Gerco C Angenent 3,4,*
PMCID: PMC3346228  PMID: 22282536


Growth of tomato fruits is determined by cell division and cell expansion, which are tightly controlled by factors that drive the core cell cycle. The cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs) and their interacting partners, the cyclins, play a key role in the progression of the cell cycle. In this study the role of CDKA1, CDKB1, and CDKB2 in fruit development was characterized by fruit-specific overexpression and down-regulation. CDKA1 is expressed in the pericarp throughout development, but is strongly up-regulated in the outer pericarp cell layers at the end of the growth period, when CDKB gene expression has ceased. Overexpression of the CDKB genes at later stages of development and the down-regulation of CDKA1 result in a very similar fruit phenotype, showing a reduction in the number of cell layers in the pericarp and alterations in the desiccation of the fruits. Expression studies revealed that CDKA1 is down-regulated by the expression of CDKB1/2 in CDKB1 and CDKB2 overexpression mutants, suggesting opposite roles for these types of CDK proteins in tomato pericarp development.

Keywords: Cell cycle genes, fruit development, mutants, tomato


Tomato fruit development starts with the reinitiation of ovary growth, induced by pollination and fertilization events (Picken, 1984; Gilaspy et al., 1998). During fruit development several phases can be recognized: initially the fruit diameter increases due to cell division activities, which rapidly amplify the number of cell layers in the pericarp, followed by a growth phase caused by cell expansion. The expansion phase is accompanied by endoreduplication; that is, a multiplication of the genome without mitosis, leading to an increase in DNA content per cell, which can reach up to 256C at the end of fruit growth (Bergervoet et al., 1996). Fruit growth stops at the mature green stage, when the fruit obtains its final size, which is both genetically and environmentally determined (Chevalier, 2007).

The tomato fruit is composed of different tissues: the pericarp (flesh), which is subdivided into the exocarp, mesocarp, and endocarp, the placenta, septum, and the locules filled with jelly and seeds (pulp) (Bertin, 2005; Mintz-Oron et al., 2008). The mesocarp, being the largest part of the pericarp, encompasses layers of large, highly vacuolated parenchymatous cells and contains vascular bundles. The outer layer of the pericarp, the exocarp, possesses several layers of collenchymatous cells that include mitotically active cells and enlarging cells, and a single layer of epidermal cells which are covered or in some cases encased in a waxy cuticle (Joubès et al., 2000; Lemaire-Chamley et al., 2005; Mintz-Oron et al., 2008).

Growth of the tomato fruit, like any other growing organ of the plant, is intimately associated with the cell cycle. The cell cycle is regulated with strong checkpoints at the Gap 1 (G1) to Synthesis (S) transition and at the Gap2 (G2) to Mitosis (M) transition (for a review, see Inzé and De Veylder, 2006; Francis, 2007). These checkpoints ensure that conditions are appropriate for cells to engage in another round of duplication of DNA in the S phase or for cells to enter the M phase. Both cell division and cell enlargement, the latter being tightly correlated with endoreduplication, are processes controlled by the cell cycle. Protein phosphorylation is a major mechanism for the control of cell cycle progression, and in particular the family of cyclin-dependent protein kinases (CDKs) plays a crucial role in cell division control (Inzé and De Veylder, 2006). They act as serine-threonine kinases in complexes together with the regulatory cyclin subunit (Van Leene et al., 2010). Five families of CDKs (A–F) are known in plants, of which CDKA and CDKB are the most prominent and numerous classes (Joubès et al., 2000; Dudits et al., 2007). CDKA genes are widely present in different organisms and form the largest class of CDK genes (Dudits et al., 2007). These proteins are characterized by the presence of the PSTAIRE motif, which is essential for cyclin binding (Joubès et al., 1999). CDKA genes control the progression from the G1 to the S phase and from the G2 to the M phase (Mironov et al., 1999). In contrast to the CDKA class proteins, CDKB proteins form a unique class of kinases in eukaryotes and are present in plant cells and budding yeast only (Čížková et al., 2008). The CDKB proteins can be further subdivided into two subgroups with different cyclin-binding motifs: PPTALRE for CDKB1 and PPTTLRE for CDKB2 (Joubès et al., 2000). While in Arabidopsis, tobacco, and alfalfa four members (CDKB1;1, CDKB1;2, CDKB2;1, and CDKB2;2) have been reported (Vandepoele et al., 2002; Fountain and Beck, 2003; Dudits et al., 2007), in tomato, only CDKB1;1 and CDKB2;1 were identified (Joubès et al., 2001; Chevalier, 2007). In tomato fruits, both CDKB genes are highly expressed up to 15 days after anthesis (DAA) and afterwards the expression ceases, suggesting that they play an important role in the cell cycle progression during the division phase (Joubès et al., 2001). The tomato CDKA1 gene is also expressed at later stages of development and transcripts remain present in the epidermis until the mature green stage (Joubès et al., 1999).

Only a few mutants with altered CDKB expression have been described. These studies were primarily performed in Arabidopsis, rice, and Chenopodium rubrum (Fauntain and Beck, 2003; Lee et al., 2003; Boudolf et al., 2004a, b; Corellou et al., 2005; Andersen et al., 2008). Changes in the activity of the CDKB proteins have led to several meristematic defects (Porceddu et al., 2001; Andersen et al., 2008). Arabidopsis plants overexpressing a dominant negative CDKB1;1 version have cells with a higher 4C/2C ratio in various tissues due to a premature exit from the mitotic cycle and entry into the endoreduplication cycle (Boudolf et al., 2004b).

Analysis of Arabidopsis cdka;1 null mutants showed that CDKA;1 is required for both the sporophytic and the male gametophytic generations. As sporophytes, homozygous cdka;1 mutants were not viable and died as young embryos. During male gametophyte (pollen) development, the lack of CDKA;1 function caused a cell cycle arrest in the G2 phase prior to the last mitotic division (Iwakawa et al., 2006).

No information is available about the role of the tomato CDKA and CDKB genes in cell division and growth during tomato fruit development. Therefore, the expression of the CDKB genes was manipulated by overexpressing CDKB1 and CDKB2 under the control of a fruit-specific promoter. Furthermore, CDKA1 was down-regulated in a fruit-specific manner. Both types of transgenic fruits displayed changes in cell numbers and cell sizes in the pericarp and, surprisingly, severe defects in fruit cuticle development were observed. These analyses provide novel information about the role of these genes in fruit development and they suggest an antagonistic mechanism of control between the tomato CDKA1 and CDKB genes.

Materials and methods

Plant material

Tomato plants Solanum lycopersicum L., cv. M82, cv. Ida Gold, and the obtained transgenic lines were grown in a greenhouse under 16 h of light and 8 h of darkness. Supplementary lights (600 W high pressure sodium lights) turned on below 200 W m−2 and turned off above 300 W m−2. The temperature was kept above 20 °C during the light period and 17 °C during the dark period with the PRIVA Integro versie 724 system. Plants were watered daily and given fertilizer weekly.

Construction of binary vectors for transformation

To generate the fruit-specific CDKB1 and CDKB2 overexpression lines, the coding sequences of LeCDKB1;1 (accession no. AJ297916) and LeCDKB2;1 (accession no. AJ297917) were cloned into the pENTRtm/D-TOPO entry vector (Invitrogen). Both clones were recombined with a binary vector, pARC983, containing the TPRP promoter driving the expression of a Gateway cassette, in which a gene or open reading frame (ORF) of choice can be simply recombined in vitro.

To knock-down the expression of CDKA1, an artificial microRNA (amiRNA) approach was followed (Schwab et al., 2006). Precursor amiRNA molecules were designed that should produce mature amiRNAs, which are able to suppress the expression or activity of the target gene. The amiRNA vector (Schwab et al., 2006) was modified for down-regulation of target genes in the fruit by the pTPRP fruit-specific promoter.

Transformation of tomato

Transgenic tomato plants were generated by Agrobacteriun tumefaciens-mediated transformation, as described in de Jong et al. (2009).

Harvesting plant material

To avoid the differences in source–sink balance affected by fruit number and position (Bertin et al., 2001) five fruits were left at each truss; the additional pollinated flowers were removed. The first developing truss from each plant was removed.

For mRNA isolation, the second and third fruit from the second truss on the plant were collected. For each stage, fruits from two plants were collected.

RNA isolation, cDNA synthesis, and qRT-PCR data analysis

RNA was isolated with TRIzol Reagent (Invitrogen), using a standard protocol from Invitrogen (Chomczynski and Mackey, 1995; Photometric RNA measurements were done to equilibrate the RNA concentrations of different samples. Equal amounts of RNA were DNase treated (Invitrogen) and the absence of genomic DNA was checked by PCR using specific primers that amplify an intron fragment from the tomato actin gene TOM 51 U60481 only. RNA (0.4 μg) was reverse transcribed in a total volume of 10 μl using a cDNA synthesis kit (iScript™, Bio-Rad Laboratories, Hercules, CA, USA) following the manufacturer’s protocol. Real-time quantitative RT-PCR (qRT-PCR) primers were designed using a computer program (Beacon Designer Software, Premier Biosoft International, CA, USA). Primer pairs are depicted in Supplementary Table S2 at JXB online. qRT-PCRs were done using SYBR green mix (iQ-SYBR Green Supermix, Bio-Rad Laboratories). PCRs were performed in a 96-well thermocycler (Bio-Rad iCycler). A 5 μl aliquot of 20-fold diluted cDNA was used per sample. Technical and biological replicates were performed. As control genes Actin 2/7 and Le18S were used.

Relative mRNA levels were calculated following the methodology outlined by Bio-Rad based on Vandesompele et al. (2002) and corrected for PCR efficiencies. The average of two biological repeats and two technical repeats is depicted together with the standard error (SE).

Sudan IV assay

Sudan IV (MP Biomedicals, stock solution [0.1% (w/v) in isopropyl alcohol] was diluted 3:2 with distilled water, mixed well, and filtered through a syringe filter to remove precipitates. The stain was added to thin sections of fruit pericarp for 10 min, rinsed first with 50% isopropyl alcohol, then with distilled water. Slides were mounted in distilled water with a cover slip and observed immediately under a ×63 oil immersion objective HCXPL apo CS ×63/1.30 with a confocal laser scanning microscope (CLSM). Photographs were made with a Leica digital camera, and the software package ImageJ (Rasband, 1997–2008; was used to analyse the photographs and collect size parameters of a coloured cuticle. For the quantitative analyses, 10–15 different images per sample were used.

Scanning electron microscopy (SEM)

Slides of ripe fruit pericarp were fixed on a holder with a layer of carbon-rich conductive glue and frozen with boiling liquid nitrogen, freeze-dried, transferred in the high vacuum cryo-unit, thin sputtered with a thin layer of gold–palladium, and further inserted into the observation chamber with a rod. Microscopic observations of the tissue break-line were made with a JEOL 6335 scanning electron microscope using an acceleration voltage of 3 kV.

Histological analysis

Fruits were analysed at the breaker stage. Fruits were cut along the equator to remove seed and pulp. The parameters weight, diameter (height and width), and weight after removal of seed and pulp were recorded. For microscopy, a triangular wedge (base ∼5 mm, height ∼5 mm) was cut from the equatorial section, from each fruit in duplicate. Collected tissues were bleached in 0.4% hypochlorite for 90 min to clear cellular content and then were washed with distilled water. Tissues were fixed in fixative containing 10% formaldehyde, 5% acetic acid, and 52% ethanol, vacuum infiltrated for 15 min twice, and left overnight. Pericarp tissues were placed in 70% ethanol and stored for further processing. For the cell distribution studies pericarp samples were embedded in Technovit and thin sections (7–10 μm) were made and stained with toluidine blue. Digital images of sections were analysed using ImageJ (Rasband, 1997–2008, Areas <12.5 μm2 or >250 μm2 were excluded from the data, since they most probably represent intercellular spaces and cells that were disrupted. Mean cell size was calculated for each picture. Per plant line four pictures of different pericarp areas were averaged and are depicted with the SE.

Water loss measurements

Three fruits of each line were collected at the ripe stage, and were stored at room temperature for 50 d. Fruit weight was recorded every week, and water loss was calculated as a percentage of weight loss.

Measurements of fruit characteristics

Measurements of fruit firmness in Shore degrees was performed on ripe fruits (measurements in duplicate) using a fruit pressure tester (T.R. Companyhas, catalogue number 53210 Fruit pressure tester Fruit sizes and pericarp thickness were determined with the Tomato Analyzer software on images (Dujmovič et al., 2005; Brewer et al., 2006; Gonzalo et al., 2009).

Ploidy level analysis

Nuclei were prepared from the pericarp of ripe fruits. Two types of tissue were analysed: the bsubepidermal layer and mesocarp. Nuclei were isolated according to De Laat et al. (1987) but stained with a ‘high resolution DNA kit’ (Partec). The suspension was filtered through a 100 mm nylon mesh and the remaining sample was re-extracted with the same solution. The combined filtrates were analysed with a CA-II cell analyzer (Partec).


Expression of CDKB1 and CDKB2 genes

The level of CDKB1 and CDKB2 gene expression was analysed in the fruit pericarp of tomato variety M82 during various stages of fruit development from anthesis to the mature green stage. qRT-PCR expression analysis is shown in Fig. 1. CDKB1 and CDKB2 are both predominantly expressed in the pericarp during the early developmental stages, when mainly cell division takes place. Both genes have a very similar expression pattern: the expression peaks ∼3 DAA, decreases gradually during later stages, and is completely abolished at the mature green stage. These results obtained with fruit pericarp tissues are in agreement with the data reported by Joubès et al. (2001) for CDKB1 and CDKB2 expression in whole tomato fruits using semi-quantitative PCR.

Fig. 1.

Fig. 1.

Expression levels of CDKB1 and CDKB2 determined in the pericarp of wild-type tomato fruits. (A) Relative CDKB1 expression and (B) CDKB2 expression was determined by qRT-PCR. Samples were collected at various developmental stages from anthesis to mature green. Data are averages of two biological and two technical replications, and the standard error (SE) is indicated. M.G. = mature green stage

Fruit-specific overexpression of CDKB genes

To examine if and how CDKB1 and CDKB2 may affect the cell cycle and growth of the fruit during development, transgenic plants overexpressing these genes were analysed. Because the aim was to produce modifications in the fruit only, the upstream regulatory region of the fruit-specific gene TPRP (TM7) (Salts et al., 1991, 1992; Carmi et al., 2003; Fernandez et al., 2009) was used to drive the expression of CDKB1 and CDKB2 (see Supplementary Fig. S1 at JXB online). From 43 generated primary transgenics containing the pTPRP-CDKB1 overexpression construct and 20 plantlets with the pTPRP-CDKB2 vector, lines with the most up-regulated expression of CDKB1 and CDKB2 were selected. Four lines with CDKB1 overexpression and 10 lines with CDKB2 overexpression were identified showing a substantial increase in expression, in particular during later stages when the endogenous expression levels drop and the pTPRP promoter is still active. For more reliable analysis of the phenotype and expression levels, offspring plants (T1) of the primary transformants were examined. Siblings from lines #5 and #57 with CDKB1 overexpression and from lines #3 and #4 with CDKB2 overexpression were taken for further investigation and were compared with non-transgenic (segregating) siblings. The (over)expression was determined in the pericarp during fruit development. At later stages of development, the overexpression driven by the pTPRP promoter was >10-fold higher than in wild-type fruits, while during the early stages the transgene expression levels of the CDKB genes were hardly elevated (Fig. 2). Therefore, phenotypic alterations in the transgenic fruits at later developmental stages could be expected.

Fig. 2.

Fig. 2.

Phenotypes of control and CDKB1- and CDKB2-overexpressing fruits. (A and C) A fruit of a non-transgenic sibling derived from a pTPRP-CDKB1 plant. (B and D) A fruit of a transgenic pTPRP-CDKB1 plant (line 5). (E and G) A fruit of a non-transgenic sibling derived from a pTPRP-CDKB2 plant. (F and H) A fruit of a transgenic pTPRP-CDKB2 plant (line 3). Bar=20 mm. (I) Relative expression of CDKB1 in the pericarp of wild-type and transgenic pTPRP-CDKB1 plants. (J) Relative expression of CDKB2 in the pericarp of wild-type and transgenic pTPRP-CDKB2 plants. Relative expression was determined by real-time qRT-PCR. Data are averages of two biological pools of samples from three independent fruits per plant at different days after anthesis (Daa) and the standard deviation (SD) is indicated.

Phenotypes of CDKB1/B2-overexpressing fruits

No alterations were observed in the vegetative growth of the CDKB-overexpressing plants. The transgenic fruits developed and ripened very similarly to wild-type fruits, and produced normal amounts of viable seeds. However, the transgenic fruits overexpressing either CDKB1 or CDKB2 were smaller than control fruits and had an irregular form (Fig. 2). Several parameters of the fruits were analysed, such as weight, diameter, pericarp thickness, and fruit firmness, and the results of these quantitative analyses are depicted in Supplementary Fig. S2 at JXB online. Both the weight and the pericarp thickness were significantly reduced in the transgenic fruits compared with non-transgenic control fruits. Furthermore, the fruit firmness was determined at the red ripe stage and a reduction of firmness was noticed of the fruits overexpressing CDKB2 and, to a lesser extent, but still significant, fruits overexpressing CDKB1.

CDKB overexpression affects the cellular structure of the fruit

To analyse the possible changes in cell division rate and cell growth in the pericarp of the CDKB1/CDKB2-overexpressing fruits, microscopic sections from fruits at the breaker stage were analysed. These analyses revealed that in both types of transgenics there are significant differences in cell sizes between transgenic overexpressors and non-transgenic plants, as is depicted in Fig. 3. The size of the cells in fruits overexpressing CDKB2 was more reduced than in fruits overexpressing CDKB1. Because mainly the mesocarp was used for the measurements, these data indicate that overexpression of CDKB1/B2, which is mainly manifested at later developmental stages (Fig. 2), leads to a reduction in cell expansion in the mesocarp.

Fig. 3.

Fig. 3.

Phenotypical changes in pericarp due to overexpression of CDKB1 and CDKB2. (A–C) Microscopic cross-section through a pericarp of a control fruit (A), through a pericarp of a CDKB1-overexpressing fruit (B), and through a pericarp of a CDKB2-overexpressing fruit (C). (D–F) Details of selected areas in A–C, respectively. Note that only 2–3 layers with small cells are present in the exocarp of CDKB1/2-overexpressing fruits directly followed by layers with large cells (E and F), while in a control fruit (D) cells in at least 10 layers gradually enlarge. Bar=1 mm in A–C; 0.2 mm in D–F. (H and I) Percentage of cells grouped into 10 different size categories. Cells in category 1 have an average size of up to 0.0004 mm2 and the maximum cell size in each subsequent category has doubled. The mesocarp region of control fruits (black bars) and two CDKB1-overexpressing fruits (T1 plant #47 from line 57 and T1 plant #49 from line 5) were analysed (a). The same analysis was done for CDKB2-overexpressing fruits (T1 plant #27 from line 4 and T1 plant #88 from line 3) (H). Standard errors are indicated for a minimum of four measurements from three different fruits for each bar. (I and J) Average number of cell layers in the pericarp of control fruits (w.t.) and CDKB1-overexpressing fruits from three different T1 plants (#49, #59, #47) derived from line 5 (I). The same analysis was done for CDKB2-overexpressing fruits from T1 plants #27 and #88 from line 4 and T1 plants #88 and #85 from line 3. Standard errors are indicated for 10 measurements from three different fruits for each bar. All fruits were harvested at the breaker stage.

Next, the number of cell layers was determined in the pericarp of the transgenic fruits, which marks the cell division activity in these fruits. In all four analysed CDKB1/CDKB2 overexpression lines, fewer cell layers were observed than in the pericarp of control fruits (Fig. 3), indicating a reduction in cell division rate. The reduction in cell layers was particularly apparent in the outer layers of the pericarp (exocarp), where mitotic activity is maintained till very late in the developing fruit. These results suggest that overexpression of CDKB1/B2 at later developmental stages mainly affects the cell division rate in the outer epidermal cell layers.

Because the pTPRP promoter already shows activity just before anthesis (see Supplementary Fig. S1 at JXB online) the number of cell layers in non-pollinated ovaries of transgenic and wild-type plants was checked. This analysis revealed that the observed reduction in cell layer numbers in the transgenic plants is clearly an effect that takes place after pollination (Fig. 3).

CDKB overexpression changed DNA content in pericarp of the fruit

Since cell size is usually related to the level of endoreduplication in the cells (Joubés and Chevalier, 2000; Cheniclet et al., 2005; Vlieghe et al., 2005), it is expected that fruits with overexpression of CDKB and reduced cell sizes also show a reduction in ploidy levels. Therefore, the DNA content in subepidermal and parenchymal regions of the pericarp was analysed and the results obtained are depicted in Fig. 4. In both the subepidermal and parenchymal part of the pericarp a reduction of endoreduplication was observed in the CDKB-overexpressing fruits compared with the wild type, with a more pronounced effect in the CDKB2 overexpressors.

Fig. 4.

Fig. 4.

Nuclear DNA content of pTPRP-CDKB1 and pTPRP-CDKB2 overexpressing fruits. The ploidy of transgenic plants was compared with that of the wild-type control in mesocarp (A) and subepidermal layers (B) of the pericarp. The horizontal axis indicates the genome copy number, and the vertical axis shows the percentage of nuclei counted. Error bars represent the SD.

CDKB1/B2-overexpressing fruits desiccate faster

Because a difference in fruit firmness was noticed (Supplementary Fig. S2 at JXB online), the post-harvest performance of the transgenic fruits was of interest. The desiccation of fruits of CDKB1- (line #5) and CDKB2- (line #4) overexpressing lines, which were harvested at the breaker stage and stored at room temperature for 50 days, was analysed. Fifty days after harvest the peel of control wild-type plants was still firm, while the peel of the transgenic fruits was shrivelled as shown in Fig. 5. The water loss was determined by measuring the weight of the fruits during the experiment. Fig. 5. shows that the desiccation rate in transgenic fruits is approximately twice that in control fruits.

Fig. 5.

Fig. 5.

Post-harvest phenotype and characteristics of CDKB-overexpressing fruits. (A–D) Phenotypes of fruits stored for 50 d post-harvest. Control fruits from non-transgenic siblings of CDKB1-overexpressing line 57 (A) and CDKB2-overexpressing line 4 (C). A transgenic fruit of a CDKB1-overexpressing line 57 is depicted in B and a CDKB2 transgenic fruit of line 4 in D. Bar=10 mm. (E) Percentage weight loss expressed as a percentage of original weight. Every 5 d post-harvest, the fruit weight was measured. Data are means of four fruits ±SD.

To examine if such a dramatic water loss was the result of alterations in cuticle structure or thickness, the cuticle microstructure was analysed by SEM and staining by Sudan IV followed by light microscopy (Buda et al., 2009; Isaacson et al., 2009). The results of these analyses are shown in Fig. 6 and reveal that the cuticle thickness of the transgenic mature fruits decreases ∼3-fold compared with that in control fruits. This difference may well account for the water loss in the transgenic fruits, which was observed after harvesting.

Fig. 6.

Fig. 6.

Characterization of the cuticle layer. The cuticle layer of ripe control (A and B) and transgenic fruits from a pTPRP-CDKB1 plant (C and D) and a pTPRP-CDKB2 plant (E and F) shown by cryo-scanning electron microscopy (cryo-SEM) (A, C, E) and Sudan IV cuticle staining of thin sections (B, D, F). The cuticule layer indicated by arrows in the SEM images is visible as a thick layer covering the surface of the epithelial cells. The cuticle layer is stained red with Sudan IV. Bar for cryo-SEMs (A, C, E)=10 μm. Bar in (B, D, F)=50 μm. (G) Cuticle thickness, measured with PlugIns based on images. Fruits from CDKB1-overexpressing lines 5 and 57 and from CDKB2-overexpressing lines 3 and 4 were taken. Data are means of 10–15 sections ±SD. The cuticle layer is significantly thinner in the transgenic fruits when compared with control fruits (w.t.) (Student t-test, P < 0.0001 for lines 4 and 3; and P < 0.0003 for lines 5 and 57).

Relationship between CDKB1/B2 and CDKA1 expression

Overexpression of CDKB1 or CDKB2 driven by the pTPRP promoter was most apparent at later stages of fruit development (Fig. 2), which explains why the CDKB1/B2-overexpressing fruits are mainly affected in expansion of the mesocarp cells and cell division in the exocarp, which continues in the exocarp until maturity. At this point it is not clear whether overexpression of a CDKB gene leads directly to these aberrations or that CDKB affects the expression of other CDK genes in the fruit. Although a relationship of the CDKB genes to other CDK genes has never been reported, the specific expression of CDKA1 in the exocarp at later stages of development is striking (Fig. 7).

Fig. 7.

Fig. 7.

Expression of CDKA1 in different genetic backgrounds. (A) Relative CDKA1 expression was determined in the pericarp of wild-type fruits by qRT-PCR. Samples were collected at various developmental stages from anthesis (class 1) to mature green (class 15). Data are averages of two biological and two technical replications, and the standard deviation (SD) is indicated. m.g. = mature green stage (B) Promoter activity of CDKA1 in developing fruits (from stages a–h) expressing pCDKA1:GUS. Thin sections (∼1 mm) of the fruits were stained for GUS activity for 3 h and cleared with ethanol. Bar=1 cm The box in (g) is enlarged in (i). Bar=0.1 mm. (C and D) Relative expression levels of CDKA1 determined by qRT-PCR in the pericarp samples of transgenic line 5 overexpressing CDKB1 (C) and line 88 overexpressing CDKB2 (D). Samples were collected at five different developmental stages, with stage 0 daa corresponding to class 1 and stage 25 daa corresponding to class 14 in A. Data are means of two biological samples containing material from three fruits each.

CDKA1 is expressed throughout fruit development, but is strongly up-regulated at the end of the growth phase (Fig. 7A). This high expression is predominantly caused by a very high expression in the exocarp, as was determined in plants expressing the β-glucoronidase (GUS) gene driven by a CDKA1 promoter fragment (Fig. 7B). All transgenic lines expressing the reporter show high GUS expression in the exocarp at later stages of development, while the expression in the rest of the pericarp was more diffuse. This pattern of CDKA1 promoter activity was confirmed with qRT-PCR expression analysis of dissected exocarp and mesocarp/endocarp tissues from different stages during fruit development (see Supplementary Fig. S3 at JXB online)

Based on this striking coincidence of the CDKB1/2 overexpression phenotype and the high expression of CDKA1 in the exocarp and the complementary expression patterns of CDKB1/2 and CDKA1 genes during fruit development (compare Figs 1A, B, and 7A, respectively), it was speculated that CDKA1 expression could be affected by the overexpression of the CDKB genes. To test this hypothesis the CDKA1 expression in the pericarp of control and CDKB1/2 overexpression lines was studied using qRT-PCR (Fig. 7C, D). This analysis revealed that CDKA1 expression is reduced in the CDKB1/2 overexpression lines compared with levels in control fruits. This reduction occurs only in later stages of fruit development when CDKA1 expression is up-regulated in wild-type fruits and becomes restricted to exocarp cells. During the early cell division phase, when CDKB1/2 overexpressor lines do not show a clear elevated expression above endogenous levels (Fig. 2), CDKA1 expression is not affected.

Down-regulation of CDKA1 phenocopies CDKB1/B2 overexpression

If overexpression of CDKB genes leads to a down-regulation of CDKA1, one might expect alterations in fruits similar to those in CDKB overexpression when the CDKA1 gene is down-regulated. To confirm this hypothesis, CDKA1 knock-down plants were generated using expression of an amiRNA (Schwab et al., 2006) and driven by the fruit-specific TPRP promoter. Out of eight transgenic lines tested, three lines show a significant down-regulation of CDKA1 to ∼20% of the wild-type transcript level in line #33 (see Supplementary Fig. S4 at JXB online). This reduction in CDKA1 expression was inherited in the T1 progeny of lines #33 and #39, and the observed phenotype is linked with the presence of the transgene in the segregating T1 progeny.

No aberrations were observed in other parts of the amiCDKA1 knock-down plants besides the fruit, demonstrating again the fruit specificity of the TPRP promoter. Fruits of these lines develop normal gel and seeds, but are smaller than wild-type control fruits (Fig. 8, see Supplementary Fig. S5). Also the thickness of the pericarp is reduced in these lines, similar to what was observed for the CDKB1/2 overexpression lines (see Supplementary Fig. S5).

Fig. 8.

Fig. 8.

Analysis of fruits from amiCDKA1 knock-down lines. (A) Fruit of a control plant. The cultivar is Ida Gold. (B) Representative image of an amiCDKA1 fruit (from line 33). (C and D) Microscopic cross-sections through a pericarp of a control fruit (C) and through a pericarp of an amiCDKA1 fruit (line 33) (D). (E and F) Details of the pericarp as shown in C and D, respectively. (G) Reduction of the number of cell layers in the pericarp of amiCDKA1 fruits (lines 33 and 38) compared with control fruits. Data are means of 3–4 independent sections from three fruits, and the standard deviation is indicated. Bar in A and B=10 mm; bar in C and D=1 mm; bar in E and F=0.2 mm.

To analyse possible changes in cell size or number in the pericarp of amiCDKA1 fruits, thin sections from fruits at the breaker stage were analysed. The pericarp of the amiCDKA1 fruits form fewer cell layers, while the cell sizes in the mesocarp had not significantly changed (Fig. 8). Detailed analysis of the exocarp of these fruits, as shown in Fig. 8E and F, reveals that only 2–4 layers with small cells are present in the exocarp of amiCDKA1 fruits directly followed by layers with large mesocarp-like cells, while in the ∼10 outer layers of the pericarp from a control fruit the cells gradually enlarge from the outer to the inner layers. This suggests that primarily the exocarp is affected, leading to a small reduction in the number of cell layers in the whole pericarp, although it cannot totally explain the more drastic reduction in pericarp thickness (see Supplementary Fig. S5 at JXB online).

In a similar way as was determined for CDKB-overexpressing fruits, the ploidy levels of subepidermal and parenchymal cells from amiCDKA1 fruits were measured. However, in this case a significant difference in ploidy level between control and transgenic fruits could not be detected.

Next, the cuticle thickness was analysed by staining with Sudan IV at the breaker stage, and a decrease of ∼2-fold compared with control fruits was observed (Fig. 9). The reduction in cuticle thickness may lead to an increase in desiccation of the fruit after harvesting. Therefore, the phenotype and characteristics of fruits stored for 50 d after harvest were investigated. The fruits from the amiCDKA1 knock-down lines showed a shrivelled appearance (Fig. 9D) and loss of 30% more weight than the control fruits. The cuticle phenotype and post-harvest performance of these amiCDKA1 knock-down fruits are strongly reminiscent of the characteristics observed for the CDKB1/2 overexpressors.

Fig. 9.

Fig. 9.

Cuticle phenotype and characteristics of amiCDKA1 fruits. (A) Section of a wild-type pericarp stained with Sudan IV. Bar=50 μm. (B) Section of a wild-type pericarp stained with Sudan IV. The cuticle layer covering the surface of the fruit is stained red. Bar=50 μm. (C) Wild-type fruit (Ida Gold) 2 weeks after harvesting. Bar=1 cm. (D) Representative amiCDKA1 (line 33) fruit 2 weeks after harvesting. Bar=1 cm. (E) Cuticle thickness, measured with PlugIns based on images. Data are means of n=10–15, and the standard deviation is indicated. The cuticle thickness of transgenic fruits is significantly reduced compared with the wild-type (Student t-test, P < 0.0001).


Both cell division and cell expansion determine the growth of organs. These processes are precisely controlled by the cell cycle machinery in which the core cell cycle proteins cyclins and CDKs play a central role. A number of different cyclin and CDK types exist, and members of these types form distinct dimer combinations that are active in the different phases of the cell cycle. From tomato (S. lycopersicum) two CDKA genes (CDKA1 and CDKA2) and two CDKB genes (CDKB1 and CDKB2) have been identified (Joubès et al., 1999, 2001). Here the functional characterization of CDKA1 and the two B-types, CDKB1 and CDKB2, using overexpression and knock-down approaches with a fruit-specific promoter is reported. Both CDKB1 and CDKB2 are important for cell cycle transitions during the cell division phase, when they show the highest expression. In all experiments, the two B-type CDKs behaved very similarly and they also showed a comparable expression pattern during fruit development, suggesting that they are interchangeable. CDKA1 is clearly distinct with respect to both its role in fruit development and its expression pattern.

The TPRP promoter that has been used for the manipulation of CDK gene expression is active throughout fruit development and in all tissues of the fruit (Salts et al., 1991; Fernandez et al., 2009; Supplementary Fig. S1 at JXB online). The highest expression was reported for the earlier stages, and this was confirmed by the TPRP–reporter analysis. Surprisingly, overexpression of CDKB1/2 in the pTPRP-CDKB transgenic lines was predominantly observed at the later stages of development when the endogenous CDKB expression declines. Apparently, the overexpression of these CDK genes is dependent on relatively low endogenous expression levels by unknown mechanisms.

Exocarp of transgenic fruits is predominantly affected

To date only a limited number of mutants with altered CDK functions have been characterized, and these are primarily Arabidopsis mutants (Dewitte et al., 2003; Boudolf et al., 2004a, b; Qi and John, 2007; Imai et al., 2009). In the present study, overexpression of CDKB genes resulted in smaller fruits with a reduced number of cell layers in the pericarp, which was particularly apparent in the exocarp. The average size of the cells was also slightly reduced. This phenotype is not easy to explain, particularly when taking into account that overall CDKB levels are only affected at later stages of fruit development. A reduction in cell size could be explained by an extension of the mitotic phase and a delay in entering the endoreduplication phase. This will specifically affect the expansion of the mesocarp cells that undergo a rapid expansion during the later phase of tomato fruit growth. More probably, the overexpression of these B-type CDK genes disturbs the delicate balance between the CDK and cyclin proteins, hampering proper cell cycle progression, and hence results in smaller cells and fewer cell layers in the pericarp. Also overexpression of Arabidopsis CDKB2 in the shoot apical meristem resulted in a reduction in cell division as was also observed for CDKB2 loss-of-function lines, probably due to similar effects on hormone pathways (Andersen et al., 2008).

CDKA1 is up-regulated in the exocarp at later developmental stages. Down-regulation of CDKA1 expression was apparent only at the later stages, which explains why aberrations in the amiCDKA1 lines were only observed in the exocarp. When mesocarp cells enter the cell expansion phase, the exocarp cells maintain mitotic activity and remain dividing up to the mature green stage, generating additional cell layers for fruit growth (Lemaire-Chamley et al., 2005). In the exocarp of both the CDKB overexpression lines as well as in CDKA1 knock-down lines this mitotic activity seems to be reduced, which resulted in fewer cell layers in the exocarp.

This reduction in cell numbers in the exocarp of mature green fruits most probably affects the cuticle layer. The exocarp of tomato fruits contains the epidermis and additional layers of outer pericarp cells that synthesize and secrete metabolites to the extracellular matrix, forming the waxy cuticle layer (Mintz-Oron et al., 2008; Isaacson et al., 2009). The cuticular layer plays a pivotal role in limiting transpirational water loss of the fruits. Tomato mutants affected in the biosynthesis of the cuticle layer show the same post-harvest phenotype as reported here for the CDK transgenic lines (Vogg et al., 2004; Isaacson et al., 2009). Not only the cuticle thickness, but also the wax composition contributes to the permeability properties of the peel (Vogg et al., 2004).

It is not clear yet whether the observed aberrations in the cuticle layer directly result from a reduction in cell division in the exocarp or that the CDK family members are also involved in functions other than the cell cycle (Corellou et al., 2005; Andersen et al., 2008). Overexpression of CDKB2 in Arabidopsis led to an increase in the expression of genes coding for enzymes involved in the jasmonate synthesis pathway. Also the cytokinin signalling pathway was affected in transgenic Arabidopsis lines overexpressing or down-regulating CDKB2 (Andersen et al., 2008). These examples suggest an interaction between hormone synthesis or signalling, and CDKB2 function.

Interaction between CDKA1 and CDKB genes

Cell cycle progression requires tightly controlled expression and activity of the core cell cycle genes and a continuous cross-talk between the proteins involved. Despite its importance, knowledge of how the activities of CDK genes are interconnected and how they control each others’ activity is limited (Verkest et al., 2005a).

Strikingly, the expression pattern of CDKA1 is largely complementary to that of CDKB1/CDKB2 during fruit development, being highly up-regulated at the later stages and low at the earlier stages when the expression of CDKB1/2 is high. The analysis of CDKA1 expression in the CDKB1/CDKB2 overexpression lines revealed that the up-regulation of CDKA1 at later stages is absent in the transgenic lines, suggesting that these CDKB genes negatively regulate CDKA1 expression. Since these kinase proteins are not known to be transcriptional regulators, this negative regulation should act through an as yet unknown transcriptional intermediate. Possibly, phosphorylation of transcription factors by the CDKs may effect the expression of other CDK genes. Candidates for such intermediate transcription factors are E2F and its cognate interaction partner DP, whose activity is controlled via the phosphorylation of the retinoblastoma-related (RBR) protein by CDKs (CDKA and CDKB proteins) and D- and A-type cyclins during the G1/S transition (Boniotti and Gutierrez, 2001). Besides the regulation of the E2F/DP transcription factor complex, RBR also interacts with histone-modifying proteins and other transcription factors in animals and most probably in plants as well (for a review, see Gruissem, 2007).

One level of inter-CDK regulation might be at the transcriptional level; a second mode of action could be at the level of CDK–cyclin protein interaction. Different CDK proteins may compete for the same cyclin in the formation of a CDK–cyclin complex (Boruc et al., 2010; Van Leene et al., 2010). Consequently, overexpression of one CDK protein will affect the activity of another competing CDK type, which will disturb the progression in the cell cycle. In tomato, interactions between CDK and cyclins have been studied by yeast two-hybrid assays (Joubès et al., 2001) and they reveal that cyclin A2 interacts with both CDKA1 and CDKB2. Overexpression of CDKB2 might thus result in a reduction of CDKA1–cyclin A2 complexes, causing an arrest in the G1–S transition.

Another way of interdependency among the CDK proteins is through regulators that inhibit or activate CDK function. Among them are the Kip-related proteins (KRPs), which are related to the class of mammalian Kip/Cip CDK inhibitors and were first identified in Arabidopsis (De Veylder et al., 2001; Vandepoele et al., 2002; Verkest et al., 2005a, b). A model in which CDKB1;1 controls the level of CDKA1 activity in proliferating cells through the phosphorylation of KRPs has been proposed (Verkest et al., 2005a, b; Bisbis et al., 2006). When CDKB1 levels in the cell are high, it phosphorylates and destoys KRPs, which are the inhibitors of CDKA1/cyclin proliferating activity.

Which mode of interdependency is active in the tomato fruit is not resolved, but the present expression studies and functional studies show that the CDK B-type genes affect expression and activity of the CDKA1 gene. The phenotype obtained in the CDKB1/2 overexpression lines mimics the phenotype of the CDKA1 knock-down lines, which can be explained by a reduction of CDKA1 in the exocarp due to overexpression of CDKB1/2 at later stages of fruit growth. High activity of CDKA1 in the exocarp is required to maintain mitotic activity in these outer cell layers throughout fruit growth.

In conclusion, it has been shown that B-type CDK genes and CDKA1 have partly complementary spatial and temporal expression patterns and they might affect each other’s activity in a complex antagonistic manner in the tomato fruit pericarp. Manipulating the expression of these CDK genes affects cell division and cell expansion, probably by disturbing the delicate balance between these factors that is required for proper cell cycle regulation. It was demonstrated that CDKA1, which is highly expressed in the exocarp at the later stages of fruit development, is required to maintain cell division activity in the exocarp. Most probably this cell division is required for the formation of the peel and the cuticle layer that prevents desiccation of the fruit. How the CDKA1 gene regulates CDKB genes and how this delicate balance is controlled remain to be further investigated.

Supplementary data

Supplementary data are available at JXB on line.

Figure S1. Expression of the uidA (GUS) reporter gene in tomato fruits transformed with the pTPRP:GUS vector.

Figure S2. Post-harvest characteristics of the fruits with CDKB1 and CDKB2 overexpression.

Figure S3. Relative expression of CDKA1 in pericarp tissues of wild-type tomato M82 cultivar in different developmental stages.

Figure S4. Down-regulation of CDKA1 in pTPRP:ami-CDKA1 transgenic lines.

Figure S5. Characteristics of pTPRP-amiCDKA1 lines.

Table S1. Sequences of the primers used for RT-PCR.

Supplementary Data


The authors thank Liesbeth Peerson and Geert-Jan Janssen from Radboud University Nijmegen for help with microscopy and scanning micrographs, Gregory Buda from the Rose Lab at Cornell University for the protocol and suggestions on the Sudan assay, and Gianfranco Diretto from the ENEA Casaccia Research Center in Rome for suggestions on the measurements of tomato firmness. We thank Lisette Nitsch for cloning the TPRP promoter This work was supported by the Dutch Technological Foundation STW, grant NBP6705.


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