Olfactory sensory neurons expressing particular olfactory receptors project to specific reproducible locations within the bulb. The axonal guidance cues that organize this precise projection pattern are only beginning to be identified. To aid in their identification and characterization, we generated a transgenic zebrafish line, OR111-7:IRES:Gal4, in which a small subset of olfactory sensory neurons is labeled. Most sensory neurons expressing the OR111-7 transgene project to a specific location within the bulb, the central zone protoglomerulus, while a smaller number project to the lateral glomerulus 1 protoglomerulus. Inhibiting Netrin/DCC (deleted in colorectal cancer) signaling perturbs the ability of OR111-7-expressing axons to enter the olfactory bulb and alters their patterns of termination within the bulb. The Netrin receptor DCC is expressed in olfactory sensory neurons around the time that they elaborate their axons, netrin1a is expressed near the medial-most margin of the olfactory bulb, and netrin1b is expressed within the ventral region of the bulb. Loss of Netrin/DCC signaling components causes some OR111-7-expressing sensory axons to wander posteriorly after exiting the olfactory pit, away from netrin-expressing areas in the bulb. OR111-7-expressing axons that enter the bulb target the central zone less precisely than normal, spreading away from netrin-expressing regions. These pathfinding errors can be corrected by the reexpression of DCC within OR111-7 transgene-expressing neurons in DCC morphant embryos. These findings implicate Netrins as the only known attractants for olfactory sensory neurons, first drawing OR111-7-expressing axons into the bulb and then into the ventromedially positioned central zone protoglomerulus.
Olfactory sensory neurons in the olfactory epithelia of vertebrates stochastically choose to express a single specific receptor from a large repertoire of odorant receptors (ORs), thereby conferring a distinct molecular and functional identity upon each neuron. They project axons to the olfactory bulb where they synapse onto second order neurons. The axons of sensory neurons expressing the same OR converge into glomeruli that are located in reproducible locations within the olfactory bulb. This pattern of convergence into OR-specific glomeruli is essential for normal olfactory perception (Sakano, 2010). Understanding how sensory axons find their way to their appropriate glomeruli is a key step in understanding how the olfactory system is assembled during development and how it functions when mature.
A large body of evidence suggests that the olfactory receptors themselves contribute to glomerulus formation and placement in the mouse olfactory bulb (Mombaerts et al., 1996; Wang et al., 1998; Imai et al., 2006). In addition, several canonical axonal guidance cues and their receptors have also been shown to contribute to sensory axon targeting in the bulb (Renzi et al., 2000; Schwarting et al., 2000, 2004; Taniguchi et al., 2003; Cutforth et al., 2003; Miyasaka et al., 2005; Cho et al., 2007; Takeuchi et al., 2010). However, the precise sequence of cues that direct sensory axons to their targets has not yet been defined. The potential guidance roles of many candidate cues have not even been examined. In this study, we explored the role of Netrin/DCC (deleted in colorectal cancer) signaling in olfactory sensory axon guidance. Netrin1 was one of the first axonal guidance cues to be identified (Hedgecock et al., 1990; Ishii et al., 1992), was the founding member of a small family of guidance cues (Serafini et al., 1994), and depending upon the receptors expressed by a responding axon, can act as either an attractant or a repellent (Hong et al., 1999).
In this study we define a role for Netrins in the guidance of a small group of olfactory sensory neurons that project to two specific, identified locations in the olfactory bulb. We first generated lines of transgenic zebrafish in which the odorant receptor OR111-7 is expressed along with the transactivator Gal4. Gal4 expression in turn induced the expression of a fluorescent axonal tracer. The highly specific projection pattern of these labeled axons allowed us to analyze the effects of knocking down or misexpressing candidate guidance receptors and ligands.
Here we show that OR111-7 transgene-expressing neurons express the Netrin receptor DCC. Netrin1a is expressed medially while netrin1b is detected ventrally in the bulb. Loss of Netrin/DCC signaling induces ectopic projections of transgene-expressing axons both between the olfactory epithelium and the bulb and within the bulb itself. We show that Netrins act directly on olfactory sensory neurons. Our results are consistent with Netrins acting as attractants for a subset of olfactory sensory axons, drawing them both medially and ventrally. Thus, for the first time, Netrin/DCC signaling is shown to contribute to the initial targeting of olfactory sensory axons and to be required for the generation of a correct protoglomerular map in the olfactory bulb.
Materials and Methods
Transgenic zebrafish lines.
Tg(omp:lyn-RFP) and Tg(trpc2:gap-VENUS)-transgenic lines (hereby referred to as OMP:RFP and TRPC2:Venus, respectively) were obtained from the Yoshihara laboratory (Sato et al., 2005). The UAS:DCC-transgenic line was generated using the full-length DCC coding sequence with 7 of the first 27 base pairs mutated (ATGGGaTGtGTaACaGGcGAcATcCGC) so that it was resistant to the translation blocking morpholino we used in our experiments. This sequence was cloned into a Gateway middle clone, pME-dccm, and confirmed by full-length sequencing (Lim et al., 2011). The UAS:DCC transgenesis clone was built using the Tol2 kit (Kwan et al., 2007) and multisite Gateway (Invitrogen) recombination reactions. p5E-10xUAS, pME-dccm, and p3E-pA were recombined into pDestTol2CG2, which provided Tol2 transposon ends and a cmlc2:EGFP transgenesis marker. Injection of this DNA construct and generation of the stable transgenic line Tg(UAS:dccm; myl7:EGFP)zc79 was performed as described by Bonkowsky et al. (2008).
The following constructs were cloned into the mini-Tol2 vector (Balciunas et al., 2006) and injected into single-celled zebrafish embryos which were raised to adulthood (Fisher et al., 2006). Two or more independent founders were obtained for all transgenic lines made with the following constructs. (1) Tg(omp:GAL4), henceforth referred to as OMP:Gal4: The 2.1 kb olfactory marker protein (OMP) promoter, obtained from the Yoshihara laboratory (Sato et al., 2005), was cloned upstream from a Gal4 coding sequence. (2) Tg(orR111-7:IRES:GAL4), henceforth referred to as OR111-7: IRES:Gal4: We designed our transgenic approach based on studies that were pioneered in the mouse (Vassalli et al., 2002; Bozza et al., 2009). In our construct (depicted in Fig. 1), OR111-7 expression is regulated by its endogenous promoter and the E15-1 enhancer element which promotes odorant receptor expression (Nishizumi et al., 2007). The entire 4 kb of genomic sequence between the coding sequences of OR111-7 and its 5′ upstream gene, OR111-8, were included in the construct (111–5 5′). An IRES:Gal4 cassette was inserted after the OR111-7 coding sequence. This was followed by 1 kb of untranslated genomic sequence downstream from the OR111-7 coding sequence (OR111-7 3′). (3) Tg(UAS:gap43-CITRINE), hereafter referred to as UAS:gap43-Citrine: Fourteen tandem UAS sequences were used to drive the expression of a citrine fluorophore that was fused with the first 20 amino acids of the GAP43 protein to promote axon labeling.
DCC mutant.
A DCC mutant was isolated by an ENU-induced screen (Granato et al., 1996), and mutant embryos of either sex were identified using standard PCR genotyping (R. A. Jain and M. Granato, in preparation).
Three-day-old zebrafish larvae were fixed overnight in 4% paraformaldehyde in 0.1 m phosphate buffer. Larvae were treated with acetone for 20 min at −20°C to facilitate tissue permeabilization. Goat anti-GFP (1:100, Rockland Immunochemicals, catalog #600–101-215) and anti-goat IgG Alexa Fluor 488 (1:500; Invitrogen) were used to visualize GFP-positive neurons. Propidium iodide staining was performed using the protocol of Brend and Holley (2009) with the omission of the RNase treatment step. Larvae were mounted face down or ventral side down to visualize projections along the dorsoventral axis or anteroposterior axes respectively. Larvae were imaged using a 40× oil-immersion lens on an inverted Leica TSP2 confocal microscope. Sections of 1 μm thickness were taken through the entire olfactory bulb.
Whole-mount fluorescent in situ hybridization.
Antisense digoxigenin-labeled RNA probes for DCC, netrin1a, or netrin1b were generated using plasmids obtained from the Chien laboratory (Fricke and Chien, 2005; Suli et al., 2006). In situ hybridization was performed as described previously (Chalasani et al., 2007). In situ signals were amplified using a cyanine 5-coupled tyramide system (TSA Plus cyanine 5 System, PerkinElmer, product number NEL745001KT). In situ hybridization was followed by immunohistochemistry using goat anti-GFP (1:100, Rockland Immunochemicals, catalog #600-101-215) and anti-goat IgG Alexa Fluor 488 (1:500; Invitrogen) to visualize axons in the context of RNA expression. This was followed by propidium iodide staining (as above). Processed larvae were mounted in the frontal or ventral orientation and imaged using a 40× oil-immersion lens on an inverted confocal microscope. Images were captured every micrometer through the entire extent of the olfactory bulb.
Morpholino injections into zebrafish embryos.
Morpholinos (MOs) were obtained from Gene Tools. They were suspended in autoclaved water at a final stock concentration of 5 mm (∼41.5 ng/nl). Male and female transgenic adult zebrafish were mated together to generate embryos of either sex for morpholino injection. Morpholinos were injected into the embryo yolk immediately after fertilization at the one cell stage. Morpholino sequences were identical to those used by Suli et al. (2006). Either DCC MO1, DCC MO2, netrin1a MO, or netrin1b MO (9 ng/embryo) was injected along with 5 ng of p53 morpholino (Robu et al., 2007). The p53 MO was routinely added to reduce cell death occurring as a side effect of morpholino treatment. For experiments using subthreshold morpholino doses, we first injected 4 ng/embryo of either netrin1a or netrin1b morpholino along with 5 ng of p53 morpholino. A subset of the netrin morphants was immediately injected with 4 ng/embryo of DCC MO1 along with 5 ng of p53 MO. Using the same injection needle, we then injected previously uninjected embryos with DCC MO1 along with 5 ng of p53 MO.
Quantification of targeting errors.
Larvae were processed for immunohistochemistry and imaged using confocal microscopy as described previously. The number of larval olfactory bulbs with axonal projections to either individual protoglomeruli or non-protoglomerular regions (posterior, ventral, midline, lateral, or anterior) were counted. Fisher's exact test was used to determine whether the control group was statistically different from the experimental group. The graphs represent the percentage of larval olfactory bulbs with axonal projections to the specified locations.
Two general classes of olfactory sensory neurons project to specific defined neuropilar regions in the olfactory bulb
The zebrafish olfactory epithelium contains two well characterized sensory neuron populations that can be defined based on their position in the epithelium, their morphologies, and their molecular characteristics (Sato et al., 2005; Hamdani and Døving, 2007). Ciliated olfactory sensory neurons have long dendrites and are located deep within the olfactory epithelium. They express classical main olfactory bulb-type odorant receptors along with OMP (Celik et al., 2002; Sato et al., 2005). Microvillous olfactory sensory neurons have shorter dendrites and are located more superficially within the epithelium. These neurons express V2R-type vomeronasal receptors and also the transient receptor potential channel 2 (TRPC2). The axons of these two classes of OMP- and TRPC2-expressing neurons project to nonoverlapping regions of the olfactory bulb (Sato et al., 2005).
By 3 d postfertilization (3 dpf), OMP and TRPC2 projections have coalesced into distinct protoglomeruli (Fig. 1A–D; Sato et al., 2005). Protoglomeruli are specialized neuropilar regions comprised of olfactory sensory axons and the dendrites of olfactory bulb neurons (Li et al., 2005). Since they are the only acellular regions in the olfactory bulb, they can be demarcated using cellular dyes such as BODIPY that label cells within the bulb while leaving protoglomeruli unlabeled (Dynes and Ngai, 1998). Individual protoglomeruli identified in this manner are stereotyped and consistently recognizable between larvae. In this study, we have used the protoglomerular nomenclature proposed by Dynes and Ngai (1998).
We used propidium iodide instead of BODIPY to label cells (presented in the blue color channel) and were able to identify 12 protoglomeruli as unstained regions in the olfactory bulb surrounded by olfactory bulb cells (Fig. 1). Using OMP:RFP and TRPC2:Venus double-transgenic animals in combination with propidium iodide staining, we have identified the specific protoglomeruli that are targeted by either OMP- or TRPC2-expressing axons in 3-d-old olfactory bulbs (Fig. 1D; schematized in Fig. 1A–C). OMP-expressing neurons (green) project to the central zone (CZ), dorsal zone (DZ), and lateral glomerulus 3 (LG3). A few OMP-expressing axons also innervate the medial glomeruli 1–4 (MG1–4). TRPC2-expressing neurons (red) target the olfactory plexus, lateral glomeruli 1, 2, and 4 (LG1, LG2, LG4), and the ventral posterior glomerulus. This pattern of targeting is repeatable from fish to fish, demonstrating that the axons of specific subsets of olfactory neurons target particular protoglomeruli. Aside from the small OMP projection, the MG protoglomeruli are incompletely filled by axons labeled in the OMP and TRPC2 transgenics. It is possible that the MG protoglomeruli receive additional axonal input from other less well characterized classes of olfactory sensory neurons, perhaps the recently identified TAAR- and/or V1R-expressing neurons (Saraiva and Korsching, 2007; Hussain et al., 2009).
Construction of a transgenic line that expresses OR111-7 under the control of its flanking control sequences
The study of axonal targeting in the zebrafish system has been impeded by an inability to visualize the axonal projections of sensory neurons that express a single odorant receptor. Inspired by the transgenic approach pioneered in the mouse by Vassalli et al. (2002), we generated two independent transgenic zebrafish lines in which a specific odorant receptor, OR111-7, is expressed along with a reporter under the control of its flanking non-coding sequences. We expected that transgene-expressing sensory neurons would project axons to a single specific protoglomerulus. We chose to study OR111-7 because its expression is detected ∼30 h postfertilization (hpf) when some of the earliest axons are extending into the olfactory bulb (Barth et al., 1997). Our construct is schematized in Figure 1 (middle) and is composed of the following elements: (1) the E15-1 enhancer element identified by Nishizumi et al. (2007) that is near the OR111 gene family cluster and acts in cis- to promote odorant receptor expression, (2) 4 kb of genomic sequence upstream to the OR111-7 coding sequence (OR 5′), (3) The OR111-7 coding sequence, (4) an IRES sequence followed by a sequence encoding the transactivating factor Gal4-VP16, and (5) 1 kb of genomic sequence located just 3′ to the OR111-7 coding region. This construct links olfactory receptor expression to the simultaneous expression of the transactivating factor Gal4. Two independent transgenic lines were made with this construct and appear equivalent in their properties.
OR111-7:IRES:Gal4-transgenic fish were mated with fish containing a UAS driven Gap43-Citrine transgene. The fluorescent fusion protein is transported into axons and brightly labels axonal projections. The progeny that contain both transgenes have a small number of labeled cells that are restricted exclusively to the olfactory epithelium. As would be expected, fluorescently labeled cells are also labeled in situ with a probe for OR111-7 (data not shown). They elaborate axons that extend into the olfactory bulb. OR111-7 transgene-expressing neurons are first detected ∼26–27 hpf. Surprisingly, we observe that the number of labeled transgene-expressing neurons decreases with developmental age. At 3 dpf, an average of ∼27 neurons in each olfactory pit (n = 30 pits) express the OR111-7 transgene, but only 13 neurons in 7 dpf larvae (n = 14 pits), and 6 neurons in 9 dpf larvae (n = 4 pits) express the transgene. The decline in transgene-expressing neurons suggests that it may be inactivated over time. It is possible that regulatory elements required for continued stable expression of the odorant receptor are missing in our transgene construct. Alternatively, the expression of endogenous odorant receptors may suppress the expression of the transgenic odorant receptor through processes analogous to those that limit odorant receptor expression to a single allele in each sensory neuron (Shykind, 2005).
The axons of OR111-7 transgene-expressing olfactory sensory neurons project to the central zone protoglomerulus and sometimes to the LG1 protoglomerulus
At 3 dpf the majority of axons extending from transgene-expressing neurons converge within the bulb upon the central zone protoglomerulus (Fig. 1E–H). This is reminiscent of a previous study in which the OR111-7 coding sequence was replaced with a YFP reporter in a BAC-transgenic animal and the resulting YFP-labeled axons were shown to target a ventromedial area likely to be the central zone protoglomerulus (Sato et al., 2007). The central zone protoglomerulus is large and ventrally positioned with its longest axis oriented anterior-posteriorly. It is thought to be composed of approximately five smaller “sub”-protoglomeruli (Dynes and Ngai, 1998). At 3 dpf, OR111-7 transgene-expressing axons are not localized to any specific subcompartment within the central zone. Rather, axons are distributed and appear to terminate throughout the whole anterior to posterior extent of the protoglomerulus. In ∼60% of larvae, a small number of OR111-7 transgene-expressing axons project to LG1. This was surprising since LG1 is normally innervated exclusively by TRPC2- and V2R-type receptor-expressing axons (Fig. 1A–D). To examine whether OR111-7-expressing axons are ciliated olfactory sensory neurons, we crossed the OR111-7:Gal4; UAS:Citrine transgenics with OMP:RFP transgenics and examined fish with all three transgenes. The Citrine and mRFP fluorescent marker proteins are fused with membrane targeting regions of the GAP43 and lyn-tyrosine kinase respectively. As a result, these fluorescent reporter proteins are differentially distributed in neurons. Thus, while OR111-7-dependent Citrine expression colocalizes with OMP expression in axons, it is difficult to observe overlapping expression in the cell bodies. We found that all of the axons expressing both the OR111-7 and OMP transgenes project to the central zone, suggesting that these OR111-7-expressing cells are ciliated olfactory sensory neurons (Fig. 1I–L). A small number of sensory neurons expressing the OR111-7 transgene but not the OMP:RFP transgene project to LG1 (Fig. 1E,F,I,J,L; see Figs. 4A,D,G,J, 5A,E,M, 7A, 8A,E, 10A). These results show that the OR111-7 transgene is largely expressed in OMP-type neurons that project exclusively to the central zone. We speculate that the OR111-7-expressing neurons that extend to LG1 express TRPC2 and belong to the V2R type of olfactory sensory neurons.
Since the predominant projection of OR111-7 transgene-expressing neurons is to the central zone, these transgenic fish are a valuable tool for testing the roles of candidate guidance cues in targeting axons to a consistent and identifiable location in the developing olfactory bulb. In this study we assessed the contribution of Netrin/DCC signaling in properly targeting axons to the central zone.
DCC is expressed in OMP- and OR111-7 transgene-expressing olfactory sensory neurons
OMP:Gal4-expressing olfactory sensory axons (green, Fig. 2A,C) have entered the primordial olfactory bulb in 24 hpf embryos. At this time, there are on average of 24 labeled olfactory sensory neurons in each olfactory pit and ∼75% of them express DCC mRNA (red, arrowheads in Fig. 2C; N = 241 neurons from 8 olfactory pits). A high level of DCC expression is also detected in olfactory bulb cells (Fig. 2A, arrow). The axons of OR111-7 transgene-expressing neurons (green, Fig. 2B,D) enter the bulb by 27 hpf. At this age, there are on average 8 labeled olfactory sensory neurons in each olfactory pit and ∼87% of them express DCC mRNA (red, arrowheads in Fig. 2D; N = 87 neurons from 11 olfactory pits). At 53 hpf, when axons have already reached the presumptive central zone, there are on average 23 Citrine-labeled OR111-7 transgene-expressing neurons and ∼35% of them express DCC mRNA (data not shown, N = 232 neurons from 10 olfactory pits). These results indicate that the Netrin receptor DCC is expressed in OMP-expressing sensory neurons and in most OR111-7 transgene-expressing neurons early as their axons are growing into the olfactory bulb.
Netrin1a is expressed at the telencephalic midline and netrin1b is expressed ventrally in the olfactory bulb
Netrin1a and netrin1b expression patterns were examined at 27 hpf when olfactory axons are extending into the bulb, and at 53 hpf when they have navigated into the central zone (Fig. 2). Netrin mRNA expression was visualized along the dorsoventral axis (in frontal views) and along the anteroposterior axis (in ventral views). At 27 and 53 hpf, netrin1a mRNA (red) is expressed in a dense strip of cells near the margin of the bulb at the telencephalic midline (Fig. 2E,G, arrow) all along the anteroposterior axis (Fig. 2I, arrow; data not shown). At 27 and 53 hpf, netrin1b mRNA (red) is present more ventrally in close proximity to where olfactory sensory axons enter the bulb (green, arrows in Fig. 2F,H,J). These findings suggest that these two secreted Netrins are expressed at a time and in a place where they could influence the trajectories of olfactory sensory axons.
Sensory neurons expressing OMP, but not TRPC2, display pathfinding errors in DCC morphants
A majority of OMP:Gal4; UAS:Citrine neurons express the DCC receptor by 24 hpf as axons extend into the olfactory bulb. Fluorescent TRPC2:Venus neurons are first detected ∼42 h postfertilization, when axons have already entered the olfactory bulb. DCC mRNA is not detected in TRPC2 neurons at this age (data not shown). However, it is possible that DCC is expressed earlier than 42 hpf in immature neurons that will express TRPC2 later. To examine whether DCC is required for proper axonal pathfinding, we used a translation blocking morpholino, DCC MO1, previously characterized by Suli et al. (2006) to reduce DCC levels specifically in OMP- or TRPC2-expressing neurons. Embryos obtained by mating transgenic OMP:Gal4 zebrafish with UAS:Citrine transgenics or TRPC2:Venus transgenics with wild-type animals were injected with DCC MO1 at the single-cell stage. Fluorescent larvae were fixed at 3 d postfertilization and processed for immunohistochemistry and propidium iodide staining. Uninjected controls were compared with morpholino-injected larvae (morphants) in frontal views to examine axonal projections along the dorsoventral axis and in ventral views to observe axons along the anteroposterior axis. Importantly, all protoglomeruli were easily discernable in 3-d-old DCC morphants and had their characteristic morphologies in their expected locations. Thus, the DCC morpholino did not have a observable effect upon protoglomerular development. Since it was impossible to quantify the number of individual axons making a particular targeting error (severity of the phenotype), instead we quantified the number of olfactory bulbs in which a specific axonal guidance error was observed (penetrance of the phenotype). This is done by assigning a score, 0 for absence and 1 for the presence of a particular phenotype. We then counted the total number of bulbs with a given phenotype and express this as a percentage (Fig. 3C,F,I,L). Reducing DCC levels in OMP-expressing neurons causes their axons to inappropriately target the lateral glomeruli LG1 and LG2 (Fig. 3A–C). In addition, in ∼70% of DCC morphants, OMP-expressing axons ectopically project posteriorly, away from the bulb, instead of entering it (Fig. 3D–F). In contrast, TRPC2-expressing neurons have no detectable axon guidance errors upon DCC knockdown (Fig. 3G–L). These data show that DCC-mediated signaling is specifically required for the pathfinding of axons of OMP but not TRPC2-expressing olfactory neurons.
OR111-7 transgene-expressing sensory neurons misproject into dorsal protoglomeruli in DCC morphants and in a DCC mutant
OR111-7-expressing neurons are a subset of OMP-expressing neurons that express the DCC receptor and primarily target a single protoglomerulus. This allowed us to investigate in detail the contribution of DCC signaling toward axonal targeting within the zebrafish olfactory bulb. We first examined whether reducing DCC expression affects the protoglomerular targeting of OR111-7 transgene-expressing axons. Two separate approaches were used to decrease DCC levels in vivo. First, OR111-7:IRES:Gal4 and UAS:Citrine transgenic fish were crossed together. The resulting embryos were injected with one of two different translation blocking morpholinos, DCC MO1 or DCC MO2, both of which were previously characterized by Suli et al. (2006). OR111-7:IRES:Gal4; UAS:Citrine double-transgenic larvae with fluorescent olfactory sensory neurons were identified and processed for immunohistochemistry and propidium iodide staining. Axonal projections of uninjected controls were compared with larvae that were injected with morpholinos (morphants). There was no difference in the number of OR111-7-expressing neurons in controls (an average of 27 ± 1 neurons per olfactory pit, n = 30 pits) and DCC morphants (an average of 26 ± 2 neurons per olfactory pit, n = 21 pits) suggesting that there was no nonspecific cell death due to morpholino injections. Second, we examined the projections of OR111-7-transgenic axons in larvae with a hypomorphic DCC allele that has a missense mutation in the DCC coding sequence (Granato et al., 1996; Jain and Granato, in preparation). Adult OR111-7:Gal4; UAS:Citrine double transgenics that carried a single DCC mutant allele were generated. Mating these transgenics with their siblings generated fluorescent progeny of which 25% were also homozygous mutant for DCC. Genomic DNA was extracted from the tails of 3-d-old fluorescent larvae to test for the presence of the DCC mutant allele while their heads were processed for immunohistochemistry. Axonal projections in individual mutant larvae were compared with siblings that carried wild-type DCC alleles. In general, the axonal guidance phenotypes observed in morphant and mutant fish are similar but stronger in morphants. The guidance phenotypes we observed are quantified in Figure 6A–C. We quantified the number of olfactory bulbs in which a particular axonal guidance error is detected (penetrance of the phenotype) because of the difficulty in quantifying the number of individual axons making a particular targeting error (severity of the phenotype). As explained earlier, this is done by assigning a score, 0 for absence and 1 for the presence of a particular phenotype. The total number of bulbs with a given phenotype are then counted and expressed as a percentage. The data are schematized in Figure 4M,N. Green axons indicate normal projections while red axons represent targeting errors. The thickness of the red line corresponds to the penetrance of the phenotype, and not its severity. In both DCC morphants and DCC mutant larvae, axons of OR111-7 transgene-expressing axons misproject into the DZ and MG protoglomeruli (Fig. 4A–F,G–L,M,N; quantified in Fig. 6A–C). These errors were incompletely penetrant, but consistent in all three experimental conditions. Projections to dorsal protoglomeruli are rare in control larvae. Additionally, DCC MO1 or MO2 morphants also show increased axonal misprojections into the lateral glomeruli LG2 and LG3 (see Fig. 6A,B). Since we observed similar misprojections using two different morpholinos to DCC and confirmed dorsal misprojections in the DCC mutant, we are confident that these errors are not caused by off target effects of the morpholinos or undefined genetic variation in the mutant fish.
OR111-7 transgene-expressing sensory neurons misproject into dorsal protoglomeruli in netrin1b morphants
We next tested whether decreasing levels of the likely ligands of the DCC receptor, netrin1a or netrin1b, phenocopy the targeting errors induced in DCC knockdown fish. Netrin1a or netrin1b were targeted with morpholinos previously characterized by Suli et al. (2006). Knockdown of netrin1b alone induces axonal misprojections of OR111-7 transgene-expressing neurons into both the DZ protoglomerulus (Fig. 5A,C,E,G,Q,S; quantified in Fig. 6E), and the MG protoglomerulus (Fig. 5I,K,M,O,Q,S; quantified in Fig. 6E). This observation recapitulates the finding that mistargeting to these more dorsal protoglomeruli is greatly enhanced when DCC expression is reduced. To further examine the interaction between netrin1b and DCC, we injected “subthreshold” doses of netrin1b and DCC morpholinos (Fig. 6G). Subthreshold knockdown of either netrin1b or DCC does not induce significant misprojections to the DZ or MG protoglomeruli. However, subthreshold doses of both netrin1b and DCC morpholinos together recapitulates the dorsal misprojections observed upon severely knocking down either netrin1b or DCC alone. In contrast, knockdown of netrin1a did not induce any significant axonal mistargeting of OR111-7 transgene-expressing neurons to any protoglomeruli (Fig. 5A,B,E,F,I,J,M,N,Q,R; quantified in Fig. 6D). Knockdown of both netrin1a and netrin1b induced the same protoglomerular mistargeting as netrin1b knockdown alone (Fig. 5A,D,E,H,I,L,M,P,Q,T; quantified in Fig. 6F). We presume that the netrin1a morpholino is at least partially effective since its knockdown causes other guidance errors (see Fig. 9D; Fig. 8A,B,E,F,I,J,M,N). These data suggest that netrin1b works together with DCC to help target the axons of OR111-7 transgene-expressing axons ventrally.
Netrin/DCC signaling contributes to the entry of olfactory sensory axons into the olfactory bulb
In addition to mistargeting of protoglomeruli by the axons of OR111-7 transgene-expressing neurons in DCC and netrin1b knockdown larvae, we also observed errors in transgene-labeled axon trajectories between the olfactory epithelium and the bulb. Normally, olfactory axons exit the epithelium together in a tight bundle and traverse the short distance between the epithelium and the bulb by the most direct route. In contrast, in a majority of DCC MO1- or DCC MO2-treated larvae, the axons of at least some OR111-7 transgene-expressing neurons project posteriorly and away from the olfactory bulb (Fig. 7B; see Fig. 9A,B, posterior category). Even in these animals, however, the majority of labeled sensory axons enter the bulb normally where they make the targeting errors described above. The same posterior misprojections between the olfactory epithelium and the bulb are observed at a much lower but still statistically significant rate in DCC mutant fish (Fig. 7C; see Fig. 9C, posterior category). Additional non-protoglomerular misprojections are detected in DCC knockdown fish including small numbers of axons extending along the lateral-most margin of the bulb (Figs. 4N, 7E,F,H; see Fig. 9A–C, lateral category). Notably, the protoglomerular and non-protoglomerular errors quantified in Figures 6 and 9 are spread out throughout the whole population of analyzed olfactory bulbs. There is no apparent correlation between separate phenotypes, suggesting that they do not cluster together in any pattern that we could detect. Overall, the axons of a larger number of OR111-7 transgene-expressing neurons end in a variety of locations outside protoglomeruli in DCC knockdown as compared with normal larvae.
Very similar results are obtained in larvae injected with netrin1a or netrin1b morpholinos, or both morpholinos together. Frequently the axons of OR111-7 transgene-expressing neurons were observed to turn posteriorly away from the bulb after exiting the olfactory epithelium (Figs. 8A–D,M–P, 9D–F, posterior category). While the penetrance of posterior misprojections is greater in netrin1a morphants (59%, Fig. 9D) compared with netrin1b morphants (30%, Fig. 9E), the severity of posterior misprojections is greater in netrin1b morphants and the phenotype ranges from that shown in Figure 8C to the one in 8G. Netrin1a or Netrin1b knockdown is also observed to induce ectopic anterior trajectories of transgene-labeled axons (Figs. 8E–G,M–O, 9D,E, anterior category). Treatment of embryos with netrin1a or with both netrin1a and netrin1b morpholinos together induce ventral misprojections of transgene-labeled axons (Figs. 5Q,R,T, 8I,J,L, 9D,F, ventral category). The netrin1a and netrin1b morpholinos together induce an even higher rate of ectopic ventral, lateral, and anterior misprojections than either morpholino alone (Figs. 8D,H,L,P, 9D–F). The parallel findings that both DCC and netrin knockdown induce similar misguidance effects supports a role for Netrin/DCC signaling in the axonal pathfinding of OR111-7 transgene-expressing sensory neurons. To examine the genetic interactions between DCC and the netrins in greater detail, we injected the individual morpholinos at subthreshold doses. Subthreshold knockdown of either netrin1a or DCC individually does not induce posterior, lateral, or anterior misprojections (Fig. 9G). However, embryos injected with subthreshold doses of both netrin1a and DCC morpholinos display increased posterior, lateral, and anterior targeting errors. Similarly, subthreshold knockdown of netrin1b or DCC does not cause posterior misprojections, but embryos in which both netrin1b and DCC are reduced at subthreshold levels exhibit increased posterior misprojections (data not shown). These data show that netrins acting via the DCC receptor guide axons into and within the larval zebrafish olfactory bulb.
Expression of DCC in OR111-7-expressing neurons corrects mistargeting induced by DCC knockdown
DCC is expressed in the olfactory epithelium, including most of the OR111-7 transgene-expressing subpopulation, and also in the olfactory bulb. In principle, netrin or DCC knockdown could affect sensory axon pathfinding either through a direct action on sensory axons themselves, or indirectly by influencing the development of netrin-sensitive cells within the bulb. To determine whether the axonal pathfinding defects we observed upon DCC knockdown were cell-autonomous to the OR111-7 transgene-expressing sensory neurons, we sought to increase DCC levels within this subpopulation in DCC morphants using a UAS:DCC-transgenic line (Lim et al., 2011). The UAS-driven DCC gene was modified so that it cannot be knocked down by the translation blocking DCC morpholino that we used in this study (See Materials and Methods). The UAS:DCC-transgenic construct contains a cardiac myosin light chain2 (cmlc2) promoter driving expression of mCherry. Thus, the presence of the UAS:DCC transgene was detected by selective red fluorescence in cardiac cells. OR111-7:IRES:Gal4;UAS:Citrine double transgenics were crossed to the UAS:DCC transgenic and injected with DCC MO1.
This generated two sets of larvae with fluorescently labeled olfactory sensory neurons: a set that overexpressed DCC in OR111-7 transgene- and Citrine-expressing neurons and a set that did not express DCC. Within each set, larvae were further subdivided into those injected with DCC morpholino at the single-cell stage or those that were not. Altogether there were a total of four sets of larvae: uninjected or morpholino-injected larvae that either overexpressed just Citrine or DCC and Citrine together. Expression of Citrine or DCC was confined exclusively to OR111-7 transgene-expressing neurons. We compared the axonal trajectories of uninjected fish that did not express the DCC transgene (Fig. 10A,E,I,M, white bars in Q,R), fish injected with a DCC morpholino that did not express the DCC transgene (Fig. 10B,F,J,N, blue bars in Q,R), uninjected fish that expressed the DCC transgene (Fig. 10C,G,K,O, green bars in Q,R), and fish injected with a DCC morpholino that expressed the DCC transgene (Fig. 10D,H,L,P, red bars in Q,R). As expected, knocking down DCC levels induced posterior misprojections (Fig. 10A,B, blue Post bar in Q), and also dorsal misprojections to the DZ and MG protoglomeruli (Fig. 10I,J,M,N, blue DZ and MG bars in R). These morpholino-induced errors were partially corrected to a significant degree in larvae that overexpressed DCC only in the OR111-7 transgene-expressing neurons (Fig. 10D,H,L,P, red Post bar in Q, red DZ and MG bars in R). Overexpression of DCC in the OR111-7-expressing neurons of non-morpholino-treated fish had no significant effect on these particular errors. But interestingly, overexpression of DCC in OR111-7-expressing neurons did increase the chance that their axons would misproject ventrally and to the midline (Fig. 10G,O, green Vent and Mid bars in Q). These results are consistent with a requirement for DCC in the subset of olfactory sensory neurons that express the OR111-7 transgene for correct targeting of the central zone protoglomerulus. They also suggest that the overexpression of DCC in the same cells can drive their axons closer to the midline and ventral margin of the olfactory bulb where netrins are expressed, further supporting the idea that Netrins act as attractants for these axons.
Vertebrate olfactory sensory neurons choose to express a single odorant receptor from a large genomic repertoire. This choice of odorant receptor determines the odorant specificity of the neuron. The axons of neurons that express a particular odorant receptor reproducibly target selected glomeruli in the olfactory bulb. Odorants evoke a characteristic activation pattern of one or more specific glomeruli, revealing an underlying coding mechanism for odorants in the primary olfactory circuit (Friedrich and Korsching, 1997, 1998; Rubin and Katz., 1999; Belluscio and Katz., 2001). The formation of an accurate map of olfactory sensory axons into reproducibly located glomeruli in the bulb requires that sensory neurons expressing particular receptors be guided to specific locations in the bulb. However, they do not converge into glomeruli immediately, but first form protoglomerular condensations from which individual glomeruli segregate over time.
Protoglomeruli have been observed not only in zebrafish (Li et al., 2005), but also in insects and rodents (Oland et al., 1990; Treloar et al., 1999; Conzelmann et al., 2001). There are 12 distinct, identifiable protoglomeruli in the 3-d-old zebrafish olfactory bulb (Dynes and Ngai, 1998). They are innervated by at least two classes of olfactory sensory neurons in the olfactory epithelium: ciliated neurons expressing classical ORs along with OMP, and microvillous neurons expressing V2R-type vomeronasal receptors along with TRPC2. Selective expression of fluorophores directed by OMP or TRPC2 promoters in transgenic animals showed that OMP and TRPC2 axons target distinct protoglomeruli in the bulb (Sato et al., 2005). Our work extends these findings by defining the particular protoglomeruli innervated by these two general classes of sensory axons. The OMP-expressing class of sensory axons terminate in the central zone, dorsal zone, lateral protoglomerulus 3, and a very few axons in MG1–4 protoglomeruli. TRPC2-expressing axons terminate in the olfactory plexus, lateral protoglomeruli 1, 2 and 4; and the ventroposterior protoglomerulus. Our work further suggests that there is at least one additional class of sensory neurons that express neither OMP nor TRPC2. Since the medial protoglomeruli are only very sparsely innervated by either of these two classes, it is attractive to hypothesize that they are innervated by olfactory sensory neurons expressing the recently discovered TAAR and/or V1R class of receptors (Saraiva and Korsching, 2007; Hussain et al., 2009).
Our results reveal that the Netrin receptor DCC is required cell autonomously within a small subpopulation of sensory neurons for their axons to correctly target the central zone protoglomerulus. Reducing the expression or activity of DCC, Netrin1a or Netrin1b interferes with the ability of axons from the OR111-7 transgene-expressing subpopulation of neurons to enter the olfactory bulb and to converge upon the central zone protoglomerulus. These findings are consistent with an attractive function for Netrin1a expressed at the midline and Netrin1b expressed ventrally where sensory axons enter the bulb. Reducing DCC or Netrin1b levels induces the axons of transgene-expressing neurons that enter the bulb to mistarget dorsal protoglomeruli. These data suggest that Netrin1b expressed in the ventral portion of the bulb helps draw these axons into the central zone protoglomerulus and prevents them from wandering into more dorsal protoglomeruli. Altogether, we propose that a combination of midline Netrin1a and ventral Netrin1b signaling helps to guide a specific population of axons into the bulb and to terminate within the central zone protoglomerulus.
Netrin/DCC signaling has been shown to mediate attractive effects in a wide variety of axons in invertebrates (Hedgecock et al., 1990; Kolodziej et al., 1996; Mitchell et al., 1996), in vertebrate central commissures (Kennedy et al., 1994; Serafini et al., 1996; Fazeli et al., 1997), and in noncommissural projections in vertebrates including corticofugal and thalamocortical axons (Métin et al., 1997; Braisted et al., 2000). DCC has been detected on rat olfactory axons that are extending toward the telencephalon and Netrin1 is present along their trajectory, suggesting that Netrin/DCC signaling could potentially play a role in early olfactory map formation in rodents (Astic et al., 2002). Netrins can bind and act through other alternative receptors. Unc-5, in combination with DCC or on its own, mediates a repulsive response to netrins (Hong et al., 1999). In principle, a repellent reaction to netrin expressed at the midline in zebrafish could help guide axons that terminate in more lateral protoglomeruli. There are three known Unc5 genes in zebrafish: Unc5a, Unc5b, and Unc5c. We did not detect any of their mRNAs by in situ hybridization in the developing olfactory epithelium. Unc5a and Unc5c mRNA were, however, detected in the developing olfactory bulb along with DCC mRNA. It is therefore unlikely that Unc5 mediated repellent responses to netrins guide olfactory sensory axons within the bulb, but it remains a possibility that repellent netrin signaling contributes to the protoglomerular targeting of mitral cell dendrites. Neogenin is a DCC-like receptor that also binds Netrin1, albeit an order of magnitude less potently than its other ligand, repulsive guidance molecule RGM (Rajagopalan et al., 2004). We found that neogenin1 mRNA is detected in 27 hpf OMP- and OR111-7-expressing neurons by in situ hybridization. It is possible that Neogenin1 acts in concert with DCC to attract olfactory sensory axons to Netrin1-expressing areas. Neogenin1 morphants have defects in neural tube formation and neuronal differentiation, thus impeding the analysis of its role in olfactory axonal guidance (Mawdsley et al., 2004). The requirement for Neogenin1 in axonal targeting could be tested in future studies by expressing a dominant-negative Neogenin1 receptor in subpopulations of olfactory sensory neurons.
Several other traditional guidance cues have been implicated in organizing the mouse glomerular map. The repulsive cues Slit1 and Slit3 are present in the ventral olfactory bulb in mice while OSNs in the epithelium express the Slit receptor, Robo2. In both Robo2 mutant mice and slit1 mutant mice, a subset of OSNs that normally targets the dorsal region of the bulb misprojects ventrally and forms ectopic glomeruli (Cho et al., 2007). Some olfactory glomeruli in Robo2 mutant zebrafish are either absent or ectopically located. This phenotype has been ascribed to global protoglomerular disruption in Robo2 mutant larvae (Miyasaka et al., 2005). In developing Xenopus spinal axons, the activated Robo receptor has been reported to bind DCC and silence the attractive effect of Netrin1 (Stein and Tessier-Lavigne, 2001). Inhibition of Slit/Robo signaling in chick and mouse motor neurons induces axonal grown toward Netrin1 (Bai et al., 2011). We wondered whether the guidance of OR111-7 transgene-expressing axons depends upon Robo receptor signaling, either directly or through modulation of Netrin/DCC signaling. We have examined the trajectories of OR111-7 transgene-expressing axons in zebrafish embryos with a null mutation in robo2 and find no consistent errors (data not shown). However, our results to date cannot exclude the possibility that the targeting of other olfactory sensory axons is affected by the loss of Robo2-mediated signaling.
The repulsive ligand Sema3F is expressed in the dorsal bulb of mice and repels axons that express its receptor, Neuropilin2, thus confining these axons to the ventral bulb. Knocking down either Sema3F or Neuropilin2 in olfactory sensory neurons mistargets ventrally projecting axons to the dorsal olfactory bulb (Takeuchi et al., 2010). Sema3a is expressed in mice by ensheathing cells in the nerve layer of the ventral olfactory bulb while some olfactory sensory neurons express its receptor, Neuropilin1a. Neuropilin1a-positive axons extend to the lateral region of the anterior olfactory bulb and medial region of the posterior bulb, avoiding Sema3A-expressing regions. In Sema3A deficient mice, many Neuropilin1a-positive glomeruli are ectopically positioned in the anteromedial and ventral bulb (Schwarting et al., 2000, 2004; Taniguchi et al., 2003). The repulsive guidance mediated by Neuropilin-1 receptor signaling in olfactory sensory axons seems to be conserved to some degree across vertebrate species. Chick olfactory sensory neurons expressing a dominant-negative Neuropilin1 enter the brain prematurely and overshoot Semaphorin-expressing regions in the bulb to project into the forebrain (Renzi et al., 2000). Finally, deleting ephrinA3 and ephrinA5 together in mice shifts glomeruli of SR1 or P2 odorant receptor-expressing olfactory sensory neurons posteriorly, while overexpression of EphrinA5 specifically in P2 neurons shifts its glomerulus anteriorly (Cutforth et al., 2003). These studies have uncovered a crucial role for axonal repellents in olfactory map formation. Our study, however, is the first to demonstrate the requirement for attractive cues, specifically netrins, in proper targeting of olfactory sensory axons.
Although studies in the mouse have identified several cues that contribute to olfactory axon guidance, the complexity and inaccessibility of its developing olfactory system has limited most observations to postnatal animals in which the glomeruli are almost fully differentiated. Thus the developmental contribution of these signaling molecules to initial targeting is not always clear, and the processes that drive the segregation of axons into glomeruli may confound the analysis of some axonal guidance mutants. By comparison, the zebrafish is an excellent vertebrate system in which to study the initial targeting of olfactory sensory axons in the olfactory bulb. The system is relatively simple, with ∼150 ORs compared with >1000 in mice (Alioto and Ngai, 2005). Development is rapid, with initial axon targeting occurring within the first 3 d of fertilization (Whitlock and Westerfield, 1998; Wilson et al., 1990; Sato et al., 2005). The embryo is small and transparent, making it possible to observe sensory axon pathfinding even in a living animal (Dynes and Ngai, 1998). Most importantly, sensory axons entering the bulb first terminate in distinct individually identifiable neuropilar protoglomeruli.
Our results highlight the advantages of a relatively simple vertebrate olfactory system for studying the initial targeting of olfactory sensory axons to defined protoglomeruli in the olfactory bulb. In this study, we identified for the first time in any model system, an important role for Netrin/DCC signaling in the correct initial targeting of axons from the olfactory epithelium to the bulb and within the bulb itself. To deduce the overall molecular logic underlying protoglomerular targeting, it will be necessary to generate additional transgenic lines that label axons that target protoglomeruli other than the central zone. Using the OR111-7-transgenic line and additional lines as they become available, it will be possible to assess the specific contributions of almost any candidate guidance cue to the mapping of specific olfactory sensory neurons to their targets in the olfactory bulb.
This work was funded by NIH Grants RO1-DA025407 awarded to J.A.R., 5F32NS065637 to R.A.J., and RO1-HD37975 to M.G. We dedicate this paper to our colleague and friend Chi-Bin Chien. We thank Minghong Ma and Steven Scherer for helpful suggestions. Thanks to Yoshihiro Yoshihara for the OMP:lyn-RFP- and TRPC2:Gap-Venus-transgenic zebrafish lines and the pzOMP2.1-Venus plasmid. We also thank the Raper laboratory for fruitful discussions and Alison Dell for making the schematics in Figure 1. Thanks to Amy H. Lim and Chi-Bin Chien for the pME-dccm clone and Chi-Bin Chien for netrin1a, netrin1b, and DCC in situ plasmids. The UAS:DCC rescue transgenic line was generated in the Chien laboratory and was supported by NIH Grants K12 5HD001410 and K08 DA024753, and a Primary Children's Medical Center Foundation Grant to J.L.B.
The authors declare no competing financial interests.
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