CaMKII inhibition significantly decreases background activity and evoked neuronal responses to brush, pressure, and pinch stimulation at the near rostral level of contusive SCI. (A-D) show spike frequency histograms of neuronal activity to brush, pressure and pinch stimuli before (A) and 15 mins (B), 45 mins (C) and 75 mins (D) after KN-93 administration. (E) Mean activity (±SEM) expressed as a percentage activity of baseline (background, B.G.) and to brush, pressure and pinch for KN-92 (open bars) and KN-93 treated (filled bars) rats at 15 min post administration. KN-93 not only significantly attenuated background activity but also produced significant decreases in neuronal responding to brush, pressure and pinch (p < 0.001). KN-92 had no effect on neuronal activity.